MPCL007 (1) 1
MPCL007 (1) 1
MPCL007 (1) 1
(MPCL 007)
Dear Learner,
The present guidelines are for the online conduction of practical in MA Psychology Ist Year.
These guidelines will be implemented for those learners who will be writing their Term End
Examination in June 2020 (MAPC Ist Year).
You must have received the Practical Handbook (MPCL 007) by now; if not then you may
access the softcopy from
007.pdf. It is important to read the Handbook carefully to develop an overview about
psychological testing and experiments. Since lab work is not possible in the present pandemic
crisis (COVID), the Discipline of Psychology has outlined different activities/tests to be
completed as part of online conduction of practical. The activities/test have been given in a
simple and self-explanatory manner, though they may be completed under the guidance of
academic counsellor.
Test: You will be administering the test on self, family member, or an acquaintance.
A thorough understanding of the test, test history, any theory/framework that it is
based upon, as well as the construct that it is assessing should be known to you. The
psychological test has to be conducted under the guidance of academic counsellor. In
the present situation, you need to inform your academic counsellor about the tests that
you will be administering.
Activity: In this format, an article link or a video link related to activity will be
provided to you which will be followed by the instructions to complete the task. Do
not copy content verbatim from any offline or online resources.Write the content in
your own words.
There will be two online sessions, each of two hours duration where the academic
counselor will explain the tests/activities mentioned below. Attendance to the online
sessions is mandatory.
You need to prepare a document (report) of approximately 15-20 pages that will
include all the activities which will be evaluated by the academic counsellor.
The evaluation methodology and details of Term End Examination (Viva-voce) is
also mentioned in the guidelines for your reference.
Please read the activities/ tests as outlined for the course.
Visit the link below, read the study material and answer the questions:
o Difference between Social Learning Theory and Social Cognitive Theory
o Applications of Social Learning Theory
o Based on the theory and its application, do you think violence is contagious?
Visit the above link from Howard Gardner’s blog, (Dated 1st September, 2020),where Robert
J. Sternberg has written on ‘COVID-19 has truly taught us what intelligence is…’ and about
the ability to adapt to the environment.
Read the different theories of intelligence as well as the Sternberg’s article and write your
interpretation about what true intelligence is.
3. Interview an older adult (interview can be done telephonically or in a face-to-face mode, as the
situation permits)
As an interviewer, you may ask any other relevant question appropriate for the situation.
Record the interview (with permission), and thematically analyze the interview responses.
4. Locus of Control
Rotter (1966) defined locus of control as a ‘personality trait referring to a person’s stable
beliefs about personal efficacy’. Internal locus of control refers to the tendency to perceive
the life outcomes as a result of one’s action and to be under one’s control. External locus of
control refers to the tendence to perceive life outcomes because of chance factors or
powerful others. Since then, psychologists have added various dimensions to it and many
scales have been constructed.
Visit the link below and follow the steps as given to complete the self-administered scale on
locus of control. It is for personal use only. The test can be administered first on self and
then on one of the family members/ acquaintance/friends/neighbor/colleagues. Self-
administration is for your practice and to get acquainted with the test. While administering on
self, you need to read the instructions carefully as mentioned in the test. When you administer
the test on someone else, remember first to establish rapport and communicate that the
responses will be kept confidential. Instruction will be given to the participant as mentioned
in the test. The scores will be interpreted as per the norms indicated against the test.
Once the test is completed, you need to prepare a report based on the test administration. The
report needs to be typed in word document. The test administered needs to be enclosed in the
document. Follow the format for report preparation as has been mentioned in the Handbook.
You may adapt to the present context wherever it is required, but overall refer to the format in
the handbook (sequence to be followed).
5. Cattell’s 16 P.F
The above link is related to the Personality test based on Raymond B. Cattell’s personality
theory. It is for personal use only. The test will be administered first on self and then on one
of the family members/ acquaintance/friends/neighbor/colleagues. Self-administration is for
your practice and to get acquainted with the test. While administering on self, you need to
read the instructions carefully as mentioned in the test. When you administer the test on
someone else, remember first to establish rapport and communicate that the responses will be
kept confidential. Instruction will be given to the participant as mentioned in the test. The
scores will be interpreted as per the norms indicated against the test.
Once the test is completed, you need to prepare a report based on the test administration. The
report needs to be typed in word document. The test administered needs to be enclosed in the
document. Follow the format for report preparation as has been mentioned in the Handbook.
You may adapt to the present context wherever it is required, but overall refer to the format in
the handbook (sequence to be followed).
Watch the above link on the ‘halo effect’ experiment conducted by Nisbett and Wilson
In the light of the above video, answer the following:
Evaluation: The evaluation of the practical course will involve both internal as well as
external evaluation that carries 100 marks (refer table below). The internal evaluation by the
academic counsellor will be of 50 marks (based on the practical report, organized way of
presenting the content, and overall understanding of the learner as reflected in the report).
The External evaluation will further consist of 50 marks and will be based on the viva-voce
conducted by the External Examiner as a Term End Examination.
Evaluation: The evaluation of the practical course will involve both internal as well as
external evaluation that carries 100 marks (refer table below). The internal evaluation by the
academic counsellor will be of 50 marks (based on the practical report, organized way of
presenting the content, and overall understanding of the learner as reflected in the report).
The External evaluation will further consist of 50 marks and will be based on the viva-voce
conducted by the External Examiner as a Term End Examination.