Tata Adv Other
Tata Adv Other
Tata Adv Other
1. Please refer to the advertisement for opening of registration for TATA Housing projects Pan
India, uploaded on AWHO website on 30 August 2019 and advertisement for TATA Housing
Bengaluru projects uploaded on AWHO website 22 Nov 2019.
2. As part of the Facilitation scheme, registration for TATA Housing projects Pan India at an
exclusive discount has been opened for Army personnel (Serving / Retired), their Widows and
parents of un-married battle/ fatal casualties personnel who are in receipt of family pension) from
31 Aug 2019 to 26 Feb 2020.
3. The Management of AWHO (in consultation with TATA Realty) has now decided that the
registration for the TATA Housing projects Pan India be also opened to the following eligible
categories as under:-
(b) Air Force, Navy & Coast Guard pers wef 19 Dec 2019.
4. List of projects being offered to Assam Rifles, GREF, Air Force, Navy & Coast Guard pers is
as under:-
5. The details of ready to move-in projects with configuration, current price, offer price, cost
with 1% facilitation charges, details of other charges and details of contact persons of the
concerned projects are given in Appendix (click here for details).
6. Application Procedure.
(a) Application form can be collected in person from HQ AWHO on payment of Rs 500/- or
send demand draft of Rs 560/- (Rs 500/- cost of application form and Rs 60/- as postal
charges) through regd post/NEFT in favour of MD, AWHO payable at New Delhi. Form can
also be downloaded from AWHO website www.awhosena.in in which case applicants will
have to remit Rs 560/- for subsequent dispatch of AWHO Facilitation Master Brochure.
(b) Desirous applicants are required to submit application form duly filled along with
Commitment money of Rs 2,24,000/- (Rupees two lakhs twenty four thousand only) by
demand draft/ banker’s cheque/ RTGS/ NEFT in favour of “AWHO FACILITATION SCHEME”.
The details for online remittance to be followed up with an email for transaction details are as
Account No - 91222160000307
7. Facilitation and Establishment Charges. All successful allottees will have to pay
facilitation and establishment charges. The facilitation charges would include the fees paid to the
professional consultant for executing the facilitation process and AWHO establishment charges.
The overall charge will be 1% of the cost of DU plus applicable GST, to be recovered from
the commitment money/ registration amount deposited with AWHO which is non refundable after
signing of Builder-Buyer Agreement. Balance amount, if any, will be remitted to the builder
towards cost of DU or shortfall, if any, will be recovered from the registrants before allotment of
(a) Applicants seniority will be based on date of DD/NEFT/RTGS. If more than one
applicant applies with the same date of DD/RTGS/NEFT, in that case, seniority will be
decided through a computerised draw for seniority.
(b) On submitting the application form, applicants are required to send an e-mail
containing the info regarding date of demand draft, amount, details of type of DU and
name of project in which he/she has applied for. If e mail is not received at HQ AWHO
within 07 days from the date of submitting the Application Form, the seniority of the
applicant will not be protected. E Mail ID is [email protected].
(c) The details of the registrant will be forwarded to TATA Homes to confirm availability of
desired type of Flat, project wise and as per seniority of the applicant. On receipt of
confirmation from TATA Homes, registrant will be given a letter for signing of Builder-Buyer
Agreement with TATA directly only after realizing 1% cost of DU plus GST for facilitation &
establishment charges. On receipt of allotment letter from AWHO, Builder-Buyer Agreement
between allottee and TATAs must be signed within 45 days from the date of issue of
allotment letter.
9. Payment Schedule. The Developer shall disclose the number of installments to be paid by the
Registrant, the type of flat, parking arrangements, common amenities within the said Projects as well as
the payment schedule towards the purchase consideration of the units apart from any other charges,
taxes, levies, EDC, IDC, maintenance charges, club membership charges, etc., payable by the
Registrants, before taking over the possession of the units.
(a) Withdrawal before Issue of Allotment Letter. In the event of withdrawal before issue
of allotment letter, handling charges for a sum of Rs 4,000/- will be recovered from the
deposits of registrants and balance amount will be credited in the registrants account
directly through RTGS/NEFT. In case desired type of DU is not available with TATAs and
registrant does not wish to change his choice of DU and subsequently wishes to withdraw
from the scheme, in such case handling charges for a sum of Rs 4,000/- will also be
recovered from his deposits.
(b) Withdrawal after Issue of Allotment Letter. In the event of withdrawal after issue of
Allotment letter (ie intimation regarding availability of desired type of DU) but before signing
builder-buyer agreement, the following deductions will be made from the commitment
money and balance will be credited in the registrants account directly through RTGS:-
11. Disposal of Property. As TATA Housing has offered the dwelling units for Army personnel
at an exclusive discounted rate, allottees of TATA Housing projects will not be permitted to sell
their allotted dwelling units for a period of Two years from the date of taking possession of the
dwelling units.
Important Notes:-
(a) The price offered is discounted as compared to the market price. These are exclusive
(b) The price is average and indicative as it shall vary as per the actual floor rise and
view premium for the unit selected.
(c) Charges payable at time of possession shall be over and above the price of the flat.
These charges are indicated in the second sheet named “Other Charges”.
(d) All Govt taxes shall be over and above the pricing indicated and will be charged as per
the current rates.
(f) The number of DUs being offered by TATAs may vary and the exact numbers
available can only be ascertained on the site.
(g) Please also fill online application form for TATA Housing facilitation scheme
available on AWHO website giving your complete details including Demand draft, choice
of station, choice of type DU etc.
(h) Prospective buyers are requested to visit the respective TATA Housing project
before applying for a dwelling unit in the same project.
(j) The quantum of additional charges shall differ as per typology, floor and view of the
selected apartment.
(k) The number of DUs being offered by TATAs may vary and the exact numbers
available can only be ascertained on the site.
(l) Please also fill online application form for TATA Housing facilitation scheme
available on AWHO website giving your complete details including Demand draft, choice
of station, choice of type DU etc.