Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person
Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person
Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person
Introduction to
the Philosophy of
the Human Person
Quarter 1 – Module 1:
The Meaning and Process of
Introduction to
the Philosophy of
the Human Person
Quarter 1 – Module 1:
The Meaning and Process of
Lesson The Meaning,
1 Characteristics and
Branches of Philosophy
At the end of this lesson you are expected to:
What’s In
1. What is knowledge?
2. How do we know?
3. What is good?
4. What is freedom?
5. What is beauty?
6. Does God exist?
7. Can we prove the existence of God?
8. What is good life?
9. What is man? Who is man?
What’s New
A. Definition:
According to Abella (2016), the word Philosophy comes from the two Greek words
philos (love) and Sophia (Wisdom), (Abella 2016). Thus, Philosophy is the love of
wisdom. This is the most common and simplest definition of Philosophy. He further
defined Philosophy as a science of thinking that deals with the study of processes
governing thoughts and conduct. He also added that Philosophy is the study that
uses the human reason to investigate the ultimate causes, reasons, and principles
which governs all things.
B. Characteristics:
- Just as there are many ways at looking at things, like, experiences, situations,
problems, Philosophy can also be seen and treated in different ways.
Philosophy can be seen as a framework, as an examination of knowledge and
as a discipline. (Abella 2016)
Let us ponder:
Based on the characteristics of philosophy, would it be
possible for any person to engage in philosophical
discussion? Why or Why not?
(Abella 2016)
A. According to Garcia, (2016), the following are the branches of
o a branch of philosophy that deals with the
nature of thinking and reasoning using
empirical support and information which are
reliable, valid and objective.
o it is the science of correct thinking.
o a branch of Philosophy that concerns with the definition of knowledge and
related concepts such as the sources and criteria of knowledge.
o it comes from the Greek word “ethos” which means character.
o it is the science of correct doing.
o it is the study of what is right and what is wrong in human behavior in the
pursuit of beauty and goodness of life.
o it comes from the Greek words “meta” which means beyond and “physikon”
which means nature.
o it is branch of philosophy which is concerned with the nature of ultimate
o it is derived from the Greek word “aesthetikos” which means one who is
perceptive of things through his sensations, feelings and intuitions.
o it is concerned with the essence of perception of beauty and ugliness.
Political Philosophy
o it refers to a body of knowledge that looks up on the society, politics and the
people that makes it whole.
o it is believed that society is inseparable to politics.
General Questions in Philosophy
According to Garcia, et al, (2016), Philosophy is concerned with the deepest and
widest questions in life. The following are examples of questions in the different
branches of philosophy as mentioned by him.
D. Philosophy of Religion
• Does God exist?
• Can we prove the existence of God?
• What reasons are there to believe in God?
What I Have Learned
1. The word Philosophy comes from two Geek words philos (love) and Sophia
2. Philosophy is the study that uses human reason to investigate the ultimate
causes, reasons and principles which governs all things.
3. Philosophy is a distinct area of knowledge with its own goals, concerns and
ways of doing things.
4. Philosophy is divided into several branches namely: Aesthetics, Logic,
Epistemology, Ethics, Metaphysics and Political Philosophy.
5. Philosophy can be seen as a framework, as an examination of knowledge and
as a discipline.
6. Philosophy is concerned with the deepest and widest questions in life.