Personal and Professional Attributes of Teachers

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The Teaching Profession

LESSON 2 The Professional Teachers are Competent and Global

Teachers play a crucial role in nation building. Through quality teachers, the Philippines can
develop holistic learners who are stepped in values, equipped with 21 st century skills and able
to propel the country to development and progress. The Philippine Professional Standards for
Teachers defines teacher quality in the Philippines. The standards describe the expectations of
Teachers’ increasing levels of knowledge, practice and professional engagements (DepEd,

Pre - Activity

Directions: Observe the image of a teacher in different situations. What professional attribute
is portrayed by the teacher in image A? in image B? What professional attitude is manifested
by the teacher in image C? in image D?


a. _____________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________


c. _____________________________________________________________________
d. _____________________________________________________________________

(For the key to correction, refer to the Google drive)

Module for Bachelor in Elementary and Secondary Education Students

[email protected]
The Teaching Profession

Activity 2.1

Teachers are the backbone of the society. They are regarded as architects of future generations
and are expected to possess state-of-the-art knowledge, skills, values and competences that
would make them effective teachers for the 21st century learners. As teachers they must possess
certain personal qualities and attitudes in order to succeed in their profession.

Task Read: “Socially Responsible Teachers: Active Members of Social Institutions.”

Bilbao, Purita P. et al. (2015). The Teaching Profession pp. 17 – 25 or
“Teaching as your Vocation, Mission and Profession.” Lim, L., Caubic, R.,
Casihan, L. The Teaching Profession (2014). pp. 48-53.

Exercise # 1
Directions: Compare teaching as a vocation/mission/profession to something by
completing the statement:

Exercise # 2
Directions: Answer the following questions:

1. What attributes are expected of a professional teacher in facilitating learning?


Module for Bachelor in Elementary and Secondary Education Students

[email protected]
The Teaching Profession

2. Are good teachers born or made? Justify your position.


3. Which is more important to you as a teacher – your personal attributes or professional

attributes? Your competence or your commitment? Support your answer.

4. Does it make a difference if teaching is simply regarded as profession, not a vocation

and a mission?

(For the key to correction, refer to the Google drive)

Module for Bachelor in Elementary and Secondary Education Students

[email protected]
The Teaching Profession

Module for Bachelor in Elementary and Secondary Education Students

[email protected]

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