Report For Internship in Clinical and Counselling Psychology
Report For Internship in Clinical and Counselling Psychology
Report For Internship in Clinical and Counselling Psychology
About the organization
Positive Insight an MSME registered (ISO 9001:2015) startup. We are one of
the foremost stages presenting numerous psychological services through the
different age groups and gender in Delhi- NCR. We support our clients and
find them the right offline & online therapy and training programs as per their
requirements. We have a team of capable experts in the various fields of
psychology who work together to meet the changing demands and provide our
clients with best possible learning opportunities. We also believe in linking you
to trusted and qualified Clinical Psychologist online and offline to ensure that
you can take care of your psychological wellbeing as well as those around you.
The 90 hours session was taken by –
Session will be taken by:
*Ms. Kamna Yadav* She did her M. Phil in Clinical Psychology from IHBAS,
Delhi. Currently, pursuing her PhD in Clinical Psychology from University of
Delhi. She has worked with Center of Child & Adolescence, Department of
Social Work, University of Delhi, ePsyclinic (providing online sessions), has
been associated with HCR Institute: Psychiatric & De-addiction Center.
Currently, she has been associated as Clinical Psychologist with Untangle &
You're Wonderful Project (YWP). She has experience of 7 years in the field
working across age groups & various conditions.
Ms. Spriha Mukherjee* She is an Applied psychologist and art therapist. She is
also the founder of Cafe of Art Therapy
*Ms. Shruthi Garg*, she is a Theatre Artist and a Drama and Movement
Therapist trained from world’s one of the topmost drama schools, CSSD,
London. She has experience of working in both the UK and India. Currently,
she is working with ‘The Color of Grey Cells.
This was my first internship of clinical and counselling psychology; The whole
experience was very refreshing and knowledgeable it helped me grow more
insight about the field of psychology. In this internship I gained a lot of
experience about the practical as well as the theoretical part of the topic. I
learned many new things like MSE, principle of history taking, ethics and
barrier of being a psychologist, roles of an effective counselor, different
psychological assessment, and techniques. It taught me the skills a person
required to become a psychologist or an effective counselor. They taught ethics
of counselling and psychology in very detailed, they also taught us about the
barriers and the important role to be conscious of multiple roles as a
psychologist we should keep in mind the importance of maintaining distance
with our patients. We also learned many psychotherapies which are helpful in
dealing with patients, with broad variety of mental illnesses. Psychotherapy
helps build self-esteem, reduce anxiety deal with depression and improve our
overall mental health.
The best part of session was the role plays and the numerous case study we did
as a part of internship and watched many videos related to the topic