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Report For Internship in Clinical and Counselling Psychology

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About the organization
Positive Insight an MSME registered (ISO 9001:2015) startup. We are one of
the foremost stages presenting numerous psychological services through the
different age groups and gender in Delhi- NCR.  We support our clients and
find them the right offline & online therapy and training programs as per their
requirements. We have a team of capable experts in the various fields of
psychology who work together to meet the changing demands and provide our
clients with best possible learning opportunities. We also believe in linking you
to trusted and qualified Clinical Psychologist online and offline to ensure that
you can take care of your psychological wellbeing as well as those around you. 
The 90 hours session was taken by –
Session will be taken by:
*Ms. Kamna Yadav* She did her M. Phil in Clinical Psychology from IHBAS,
Delhi. Currently, pursuing her PhD in Clinical Psychology from University of
Delhi. She has worked with Center of Child & Adolescence, Department of
Social Work, University of Delhi, ePsyclinic (providing online sessions), has
been associated with HCR Institute: Psychiatric & De-addiction Center.
Currently, she has been associated as Clinical Psychologist with Untangle &
You're Wonderful Project (YWP). She has experience of 7 years in the field
working across age groups & various conditions.
Ms. Spriha Mukherjee* She is an Applied psychologist and art therapist. She is
also the founder of Cafe of Art Therapy
*Ms. Shruthi Garg*, she is a Theatre Artist and a Drama and Movement
Therapist trained from world’s one of the topmost drama schools, CSSD,
London. She has experience of working in both the UK and India. Currently,
she is working with ‘The Color of Grey Cells.

Description of the task undertaken

During the first week of the internship, we talked about the organization and the
introduction to clinical and counselling psychology, discuss about the role of
mental health professionals and scope of psychology in future. they taught us
about how to build a good rapport with our client and what all questions are
required that we should ask our client in the first session in this they covered the
principle of case history taking, paraphrasing etc. Then talked about mental
health hygiene and its importance. Also did roleplay with fellow mates to learn
about the importance of rapport formation between the client and the
– continuation of the previous class we talked about the skills which are
required to become a good psychologist-good listening skills, empathy, seeing
the body language of the client, passing details about the client, asking the
routine of the client, asking about the client’s interest. learning about the
importance of language in a clinical session.
We discussed about mental status examination of adults and children
1) General appearance behavior
a) Appearance, physique, hair, clothing, neglect, b) Facial expression c)
Movement: overactive, restless, inactive, involuntary movement d) Posture:
sitting position, shoulder, and hand position e) social behavior: disinhibited,
sweating, clenched fist, raised voice.
continuation of mental status examination, we learned about psychomotor
activity: eye movement, blink, body movement/posture/hand movement. Then
we learned about speech: quantity, pressure, rate, tone, tempo, volume of
speech, reaction time of the client, abnormalities in the speech of the client and
watched a video related to Mental status examination
we talked about neurotic and psychotic disorders and then covered
schizophrenia spectrum disorder it included delusions, hallucinations, and
negative symptoms of the disorder: alogia, flight of ideas etc. then did
continuation of MSE in which we covered mood and affect, thoughts
We covered the rest part of MSE i.e., attention and concentration, orientation,
memory, general knowledge, judgement, and insight and in the remaining time
we saw a video related to schizophrenia disorder then an assignment was given
in which we must write the mental status examination of the client presented in
the video.
During the second week of the internship, we started discussing about the basics
of counselling, general overview of counselling and theories of counselling
which included behaviorism, cognitive, humanistic, and psychodynamic
theories. we discussed about the role of counselor as a professional, done a
roleplay session on the same and characteristics of effective counsellor and
learned about the issues faced by the beginner, ethical issues in counselling
practice and different stages of counselling.
The next day we discussed about the different stages of counselling, skills and
techniques acquired to become an effective counselor and integration and
application with the help of case study and started discussing about
psychological assessment, first completed assessment protocol for intelligence:
Bhatia battery performance test and verbal adult intelligence test
We discussed about the assessment used for psychosis (schizophrenia and
BPAD): positive and negative syndrome scales, brief psychiatric scale.
On weekend a special class with Ms. Spriha Mukherji was held on the topic
ART therapy.
We continued with the uses of assessment psychosis: young mania rating scale
and internal state scale. And started discussing about assessment protocol for
cognitive and neurological status: trail making test, bender visual -motor gestalt
test and post graduate institute – battery of brain dysfunction.
The next day we discussed about the screening protocol of personality disorders
in psychiatric setting: five factor model rating form, standard assessment of
personality abbreviated scale, inventory of interpersonal problems- personality
disorder and discussed assessment protocol of anxiety and depression: state and
trait anxiety inventory, yale brown obsessive compulsive rating scale and
Hamilton depression rating scale.
We also covered projective techniques: thematic apperception test and
Rorschach ink blot test
During the third week of the internship, we had a special class with Ms. shruti
Joshi on the topic drama therapy it was very interesting and relaxing class
We covered psychotherapies across disorder the therapies which we learned
were cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, acceptance
commitment therapy and exposure response prevention. complete overview of
everything discussed more about the therapies and talked about the ethics in
detail. The last session was quite relaxing and therapeutic where we were able
to release all the negative tension from different part of our body
During the internship we did many assignments and watched many videos
related to the topic. We also did roleplays with our fellow mates for the better
understanding of practicality of the field and covered almost every theoretical
part of the subject.

This was my first internship of clinical and counselling psychology; The whole
experience was very refreshing and knowledgeable it helped me grow more
insight about the field of psychology. In this internship I gained a lot of
experience about the practical as well as the theoretical part of the topic. I
learned many new things like MSE, principle of history taking, ethics and
barrier of being a psychologist, roles of an effective counselor, different
psychological assessment, and techniques. It taught me the skills a person
required to become a psychologist or an effective counselor. They taught ethics
of counselling and psychology in very detailed, they also taught us about the
barriers and the important role to be conscious of multiple roles as a
psychologist we should keep in mind the importance of maintaining distance
with our patients. We also learned many psychotherapies which are helpful in
dealing with patients, with broad variety of mental illnesses. Psychotherapy
helps build self-esteem, reduce anxiety deal with depression and improve our
overall mental health.
The best part of session was the role plays and the numerous case study we did
as a part of internship and watched many videos related to the topic

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