Fiche Technique Lub Universal + en

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Multi purpose industrial and automotive bearing grease

Advantages :
- Very good water resistance
- Excellent protection against wear and corrosion
- Good mechanical stability even at high speed
- Wide temperature range

Characteristics Method Unit
Temperature range -25 °C / +130 °C
Colour Blond
Texture Smooth
Density ISO 2811 g/cm3 0,89
Worked penetration 60 strokes ISO 2137 10-1 mm 284
NLGI Grade ISO 6743 2
Thickener type Li-Ca
Base oil type Mineral
Base oil viscosity at 40°C ISO 3104 cSt 100
Base oil viscosity at 100°C ISO 3104 cSt 9
Dropping point ISO 2176 °C > 175
*): Speed factor: Speed in rotations / min X Average diameter of the bearing in mm

Typical applications: Large variety of applications

- Agricultural equipment
- Washing machines
- Materials handling equipment
- General machinery
- Low power electric motors
- Automobile wheel bearings
- Small tools …

Edition : 26.10.10

The data in this product information is based on our general experience and knowledge at the time of printing. It constitutes neither an assurance
of product properties nor does it release the user from the obligation of performing preliminary tests with the selected product.

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