Myasthenic Crisis Complicated With Myxedema Positi
Myasthenic Crisis Complicated With Myxedema Positi
Myasthenic Crisis Complicated With Myxedema Positi
Intern Med Advance Publication
We herein report the case of myasthenic crisis occurring in a 51-year-old man. He had experienced ptosis,
increased body weight with edema, and fatigue with dyspnea. He presented at our emergency department
with disturbed consciousness. He was originally diagnosed with myxedema coma, and he required artificial
respiration. Because his weakness persisted and he was positive for anti-acetylcholine receptor antibodies and
anti-muscle-specific tyrosine kinase antibodies, we diagnosed myasthenic crisis after various examinations.
His clinical response to treatment was good and he was discharged in an ambulatory status 3 months after
admission. This case demonstrates that myasthenic crisis may occur in association with myxedema.
Key words: myasthenia gravis, myxedema coma, myasthenic crisis, anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody, anti-
muscle-specific tyrosine kinase antibody
Department of Neurology, Obihiro Kosei General Hospital, Japan and 2 First Department of Medicine, Obihiro Kosei General Hospital, Japan
Received: April 1, 2017; Accepted: May 16, 2017; Advance Publication by J-STAGE: November 1, 2017
Correspondence to Dr. Kazuhiro Horiuchi, [email protected]
Intern Med Advance Publication DOI: 10.2169/internalmedicine.9291-17
Figure. The patient’s clinical course. Myasthenia gravis (MG) symptoms (weakness) were resolved
by plasma exchange, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg), methylprednisolone (mPSL), prednisolone
(PSL), pyridostigmine, and tacrolimus. The quantitative myasthenia gravis (QMG) severity score
improved from 22 to 6. His hypothyroidism gradually improved, body weight declined, and blood
pressure stabilized due to the administration of levothyroxine.
5). Initial laboratory studies showed the following: white ever, withdrawal from the respirator was impossible even 2
blood cell count, 6,800/mm3; hemoglobin level, 13.5 g/dL; weeks after admission because of general weakness. He was
platelet count, 166×103; C-reactive protein value, 0.07 mg/ referred to the Neurology Department.
dL; aspartate aminotransferase, 47 international units (IU)/L; The Tensilon test was positive, indicating MG, and a neu-
alanine aminotransferase, 33 IU/L; blood urea nitrogen, 17.0 rophysiological examination with repetitive nerve stimulation
mg/dL; creatinine, 0.87 mg/dL; sodium, 143 mEq/L; potas- of the left accessory nerve was also positive. His anti-
sium, 4.2 mEq/L; and chloride, 96 mEq/L. His free T3 was acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibody level was 80 nmol/L
1.05 pg/mL (normal range, 1.71-3.71 pg/mL) and free T4 (normal range, <0.2 nmol/L) and his anti-muscle-specific ty-
was under 0.4 ng/dL (normal range, 0.7-1.48 ng/dL). The rosine kinase (MuSK) antibody level was 0.15 nmol/L (nor-
level of thyroid-stimulating hormone was elevated to 81.97 mal range, <0.02 nmol/L); both were positive. Thoracic
μU/L (normal range, 0.35-4.94 μU/L), and the levels of an- computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imag-
tithyroid peroxidase and anti-thyroglobulin antibodies ex- ing (MRI) showed residual thymic tissue in the anterior me-
ceeded 4,000 IU/mL (normal range, <27.9 IU/mL) and 600 diastinum. We diagnosed myasthenic crisis, with a Myasthe-
IU/mL (normal range, <15.9 IU/mL), respectively. Arterial nia Gravis Foundation of America clinical classification of V
blood gas testing, conducted while the patient was breathing and a quantitative MG (QMG) severity score of 22. He was
oxygen at 1 L/min via a nasal cannula, revealed a pH of started on treatment with pyridostigmine (180 mg/day), oral
7.32, partial pressure of CO2 86.8 mmHg, partial pressure of prednisolone (10 mg, alternate days), plasma exchange (5%
O2 53.3 mmHg, and HCO3- of 43.7 mmol/L. He was diag- albumin, 40 mL/kg), and tacrolimus (3 mg/day). Plasma ex-
nosed as having CO2 narcosis due to myxedema coma aris- change was stopped after three procedures because of bleed-
ing from Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Treatment with levothy- ing from the insertion site of the catheter. After the plasma
roxine and corticosteroids was initiated. He required artifi- exchanges, we treated him with methylprednisolone pulse
cial respiration. therapy (1 g/day) for 3 days and intravenous immunoglobu-
The patient’s clinical course is outlined in Figure. We lin (IVIg; 0.4 mg/kg/day) for 5 days. After treatment, the
stopped corticosteroids because his adrenal function was patient showed a good clinical response, with a gradual im-
normal. By regulating the respirator and gradually increasing provement in his ptosis, general fatigue, and weakness, and
the levothyroxine, he regained a clear consciousness. How- 10 days after this treatment, we were able to take him off
Intern Med Advance Publication DOI: 10.2169/internalmedicine.9291-17
the ventilator. Three months after admission, he was able to tive in some patients, and the response to oral pyridostig-
walk without assistance and was discharged from our hospi- mine can be even more unsatisfactory, ranging from some
tal. His QMG severity score improved from 22 to 6. Be- mild benefit to overt intolerance. The course of the disease
cause he was positive for anti-AChR antibodies, we consid- is often characterized by periodic exacerbation phases that
ered performing thymectomy; however, this was not per- require hospitalization and even assisted ventilation; plasma
formed as the patient refused the procedure. exchange can result in a marked improvement in these
cases (7). In general, MuSK antibody is measured when
Discussion AChR antibody is negative. However, in this case wherein
bulbar palsy and respiratory failure occurred rapidly, we
MG is frequently accompanied by autoimmune thyroid considered MuSK antibody positive MG. If MuSk antibody
diseases. In one study, these were diagnosed in 26.8% of was positive, then plasma exchange was more desirable than
343 consecutive MG patients, including 4.4% with Graves’ immunoadsorption in the treatment of myasthenic cri-
disease, 9.0% with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and 13.4% only sis (8, 9). Additionally, if only AchR antibody was positive,
with antithyroid antibodies (2). In a Japanese study, 11.9% then immunoadsorption was considered to be indicated.
of MG patients had Graves’ disease or Hashimoto’s thy- Therefore, both antibodies were measured. The coexistence
roiditis (1). In recent years, there has been no reported case of anti-AChR and MuSK antibodies has been reported in
of myasthenic crisis complicated with myxedema. However, only a few cases (10). These patients were anti-AChR
the risk of myasthenic crisis and the results of treatment did antibody-positive at disease onset but became anti-MuSK
not differ between the patients with and without autoim- antibody-positive after thymectomy (11-13). D-penicillamine
mune thyroid diseases (2, 3). can induce both anti-AChR- and MuSK antibody-positive
In the present case, hypothyroidism and MG together re- MG, a rare phenomenon which is reversible after the dis-
sulted in the onset of myxedema coma and myasthenic cri- continuation of the treatment (14). In the present case, the
sis. Hypothyroidism was asymptomatic for approximately 5 effect of the edrophonium injection was remarkable, and the
years; however, he was aware of the increase in his body patient had no problem with the tolerance of oral pyridostig-
weight by 20 kg in 3 months along with edema. mine; however, respiratory failure rapidly appeared due to
There were reports of hypercapnia, severe hypothermia, respiratory muscle fatigue, which was consistent with the
and cardiac involvement with the development of multiorgan characteristics of anti-MuSK antibody-positive MG.
dysfunction in patients with myxoedema coma that men- The patient showed no thymoma on CT and MRI. In gen-
tioned hypoxaemia in 80% and hypercapnia in 54% of the eral, late onset MG without thymoma is not indicated for
patients. One way to explain the respiratory failure observed thymectomy. However, a randomized trial by Wolfe et al.
in this case could be the decreased sensitivity of the central states that thymectomy improved the clinical outcomes over
nervous system to hypoxia and hypercapnia (4, 5). a 3-year period in 18- 65 years old patients with nonthymo-
On admission, we were not able to diagnose the patient matous AChR antibody positive MG (15). In anti-MuSK
with myasthenic crisis. We considered severe hypothyroid- antibody-positive patients, the thymus was normal for their
ism had likely induced consciousness disturbance with CO2 age or was atrophied, and no benefit from thymectomy was
narcosis and ptosis with edema. observed (7). In cases with the coexistence of anti-AChR
In myasthenic crisis, respiratory muscle fatigue deterio- and anti-MuSK antibodies, it is not clear whether or not to
rates, leading to respiratory failure and CO2 narcosis (6). Al- perform a thymectomy (13). In the present case, we consid-
though myxedema coma and myasthenic crisis both cause ered thymectomy after careful consideration of the exacerba-
consciousness disturbance with CO2 narcosis (5, 6), we tions of the patient’s symptoms. However, the patient re-
thought that the patient’s prominent edema (myxedema) fused, and thymectomy was therefore not performed.
with weight gain due to untreated hypothyroidism had
caused respiratory muscle fatigue with MG, finally resulting Conclusion
in myasthenic crisis.
Because MG is often associated with hypothyroidism, cli- In summary, we herein reported a case of a myasthenic
nicians should perform examinations and diagnose it imme- crisis complicated with myxedema. MG is frequently ac-
diately when myxedema coma and myasthenic crisis is con- companied by autoimmune thyroid diseases, and clinicians
sidered to be possible based on the medical history and should remain aware of the possibility of cases of
physical findings. In addition, treatment for both hypothy- myxedema coma with CO2 narcosis due to myasthenic cri-
roidism and MG should be provided promptly. sis.
The anti-MuSK antibody is present in 10%-70% of all
MG patients without anti-AChR antibodies and this MG The authors state that they have no Conflict of Interest (COI).
subtype is clinically more severe than others, with the in-
volvement of facial, bulbar, and upper body muscles, and Acknowledgement
sometimes with muscle atrophy (7). The effect of an edro- We would like to thank the staff of the medical unit for their
phonium injection (the Tensilon test) is equivocal or nega- valuable help in the management of this patient.
Intern Med Advance Publication DOI: 10.2169/internalmedicine.9291-17
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