Design of Machine Elements - Ii: Course Code:13ME1126 L TPC 4 1 0 3
Design of Machine Elements - Ii: Course Code:13ME1126 L TPC 4 1 0 3
Design of Machine Elements - Ii: Course Code:13ME1126 L TPC 4 1 0 3
Course Code:13ME1126 L T P C
4 1 0 3
Pre requisites:
Engineering Mechanics, Mechanics of Solids, Material Science,
Kinematics of Machines, Dynamics of Machinery and Design of
Machine Elements-I
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Explain basic concepts, application and design of threaded
fasteners and devices
CO 2 Design shafts, keys, couplings and welded joints for static and
fluctuating loads
CO 3 Explain the theory and design sliding and rolling contact
bearings for static and dynamic loads
CO 4 Explain the theory and design springs, chain and rope drives
CO 5 Design spur and helical gears.
UNIT-I (12 Lectures)
Introduction, threaded forms, terminology, standards, threaded fastener
types, materials, bolt tightening, initial tension, thread locking, bolt
design for static loads, axial and eccentric and fatigue loads.
Introduction, comparison of types of power screw threads, differential
and compound power screws, derivations for torque for lifting,
lowering, self locking conditions , efficiency, effect of collar friction,
design of power screws, applications, screw jack, C- clamp.