Ict Generation
Ict Generation
Ict Generation
The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory, and were
often enormous, taking up entire rooms. They were very expensive to operate and in addition to
using a great deal of electricity, generated a lot of heat, which was often the cause of
First generation computers relied on machine language, the lowest-level programming language
understood by computers, to perform operations, and they could only solve one problem at a
time. Input was based on punched cards and paper tape, and output was displayed on printouts.
The UNIVAC and ENIAC computers are examples of first-generation computing devices. The
UNIVAC was the first commercial computer delivered to a business client, the U.S. Census
Bureau in 1951.
The first computers of this generation were developed for the atomic energy industry.
Instead of punched cards and printouts, users interacted with third generation computers through
keyboards and monitors and interfaced with an operating system, which allowed the device to
run many different applications at one time with a central program that monitored the memory.
Computers for the first time became accessible to a mass audience because they were smaller
and cheaper than their predecessors.
In 1981 IBM introduced its first computer for the home user, and in 1984 Apple introduced the
Macintosh. Microprocessors also moved out of the realm of desktop computers and into many
areas of life as more and more everyday products began to use microprocessors.
As these small computers became more powerful, they could be linked together to form
networks, which eventually led to the development of the Internet. Fourth generation computers
also saw the development of GUIs, the mouse and handheld devices.
A spreadsheet is a table of values arranged in rows and columns. Each value can have a
predefined relationship to the other values. If you change one value, therefore, you may need to
change other values as well.
Spreadsheet Applications
Spreadsheet applications (sometimes referred to simply as spreadsheets) are computer programs
that let you create and manipulate spreadsheets electronically. In a spreadsheet application, each
value sits in a cell. You can define what type of data is in each cell and how different cells
depend on one another. The relationships between cells are called formulas, and the names of the
cells are called labels.
Entering Data
Once you have defined the cells and the formulas for linking them together, you can enter your
data. You can then modify selected values to see how all the other values change accordingly.
This enables you to study various what-if scenarios
Characteristics of spreadsheet applications
'Features' explained in the previous page are the fundamental things that make a spreadsheet a
'Characteristics' are the fine details of a particular spreadsheet package that make life easier for
- Can sort data: good for making it easier to find individual data
- Can protect certain cells from change: Handy to make the model more robust
- User interface forms: Excellent to load input values into the model
- Import / Export support: Easy to load input values in one go and save output values
- Searching and filtering: Very good when looking for specific data in the model
- Lookup tables: Used extensively in modeling to store values
- Pivot tables: Very powerful tool to summarized a huge amount of data into one table
- Pivot charts: Very powerful way of seeing the effect of running 'what if' questions
- Replication: Easy to create a list of values by simply dragging down in a certain way
- Graphing: Pie-charts, Bar charts etc each good for presenting data in a different way
You can expect any spreadsheet software package to include the 'Features' but it is the
characteristics of each package that helps you choose which one to use / buy.
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program included in the Microsoft Office suite of applications.
Spreadsheets present tables of values arranged in rows and columns that can be manipulated
mathematically using both basic and complex arithmetic operations and functions.
Excel XP
Page 2
Many items you see on the Excel XP screen are standard in most other Microsoft software
programs like Word, PowerPoint, and previous versions of Excel, while some elements are
specific to Excel XP.
Also called a spreadsheet, the workbook is a unique file created by Excel XP.
Title bar
The title bar displays both the name of the application and the name of the spreadsheet.
Menu bar
The menu bar displays all of the menus available for use in Excel XP. The contents of any menu
can be displayed by left-clicking the menu name.
Some commands in the menus have pictures or icons associated with them. These pictures may
also appear as shortcuts in the toolbar.
Column headings
Each Excel spreadsheet contains 256 columns. Each column is named by a letter or combination
of letters.
Row headings
Name box
Formula bar
The formula bar is plays information entered—or being entered as you type—in the current or
active cell. The contents of a cell can also be edited in the formula bar.
A cell is an intersection of a column and row. Each cell has a unique cell address. In the picture
above, the cell address of the selected cell is B3. The heavy border around the selected cell is
called the cell pointer.
Navigation buttons allow you to move to another worksheet in an Excel workbook. They are
used to display the first, previous, next, and last worksheets in the workbook.
Sheet tabs separate a workbook into specific worksheets. A workbook defaults to three
worksheets. A workbook must contain at least one worksheet.
Page 3
A workbook automatically shows in the workspace when you open Microsoft Excel XP. Each
workbook contains three worksheets. A worksheet is a grid of cells consisting of 65,536 rows by
256 columns. Spreadsheet information—text, numbers, or mathematical formulas—is entered
into different cells.
Column headings are referenced by alphabetic characters in the gray boxes that run across the
Excel screen, beginning with column A and ending with column IV.
Rows are referenced by numbers that appear on the left and then run down the Excel screen. The
first row is named row 1, while the last row is named 65536.
Important terms
Page 4
The cell
An Excel worksheet is made up of columns and rows. Where these columns and rows intersect,
they form little boxes called cells. The active cell—or the cell that can be acted upon—reveals a
dark border. All other cells reveal a light gray border. Each cell has a name. Its name is
comprised of two parts: the column letter and the row number.
In the following picture, the cell C3—formed by the intersection of column C and row 3—
contains the dark border. It is the active cell.
Important terms
Each cell has a unique cell address composed of a cell's column and row.
The active cell is the cell that receives the data or command you give it.
A darkened border, called the cell pointer, identifies it.
Page 5
To activate any cell, point to a cell with the mouse and click.
To move the pointer one cell to the left, right, up, or down, use the keyboard arrow keys.
The vertical scroll bar located along the right edge of the screen is used to move up or down the
spreadsheet. The horizontal scroll bar located at the bottom of the screen is used to move left or
right across the spreadsheet.
The PageUp and PageDown keys on the keyboard are used to move the cursor up or down one
screen at a time. Other keys that move the active cell are Home, which moves to the first column
on the current row, and Ctrl+Home, which moves the cursor to the top-left corner of the
spreadsheet, or cell A1.
As mentioned, each workbook defaults to three worksheets. These worksheets are represented by
tabs—named Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3—that appear at the bottom of the Excel window.
Page 6
Display the contents of every menu in the menu bar, and note the icons associated with specific
menu choices. Try to find the pictures or shortcuts on the Standard toolbar.
Click each of the three worksheet tabs—Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3—to become familiar moving
from sheet to sheet in the workbook.
Use the Page Up (PgUp) and Page Down (PgDn) keys to get used to scrolling in a worksheet.
Use the horizontal and vertical scrollbars to practice scrolling up, down, left, and right in the
Spreadsheets are helpful for compiling and tracking important business data.
Worksheets, also referred to as spreadsheets, are used in businesses to track and record
information such as employee work hours, product sales, customer information and business
accounting. Many different types of spreadsheet software are available, but a small business can
often benefit from the use of a simple spreadsheet program. You can tailor your worksheet to suit
the needs of your business, usually using just four primary types of data.
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Text on a worksheet can represent bits of information or be used to name a column or row. The
use of text on your business worksheet provides clarity in the worksheet's purpose so anyone else
in the business can look at the spreadsheet and understand the information represented there.
Different types of text used on a worksheet can range from names of people to product names to
customer addresses. Some spreadsheet programs allow the user to enter up to 32,000 characters
in a text cell, but for the purpose of efficiency it's probably better to be concise.
Values, or numbers, are used in many different ways on a business worksheet. You can use
whole-number values to represent how many of a certain product you have in your stock or how
much of something you've sold. Decimal number values are commonly used to enter employees'
hourly wages or percentages. The use of values on a worksheet is helpful in business accounting,
as well as simple tracking of such things as sales and revenue.
Formulas are vital to many accounting worksheets, as well as payroll. The use of formulas in
your business worksheet allows you to add, subtract, multiply or divide information in one cell
by the values in another cell. More complicated formulas that use algebraic expressions and
other mathematical equations can also be used if that's what's best for your worksheet. The
purpose of a formula in your worksheet is to help you combine data from one or more other
category in your worksheet in the manner designed by the formula.
.What is a computer?
Computer network:
A grouping of computers and peripherals connected together by
telecommunications links to enable a group of users to share and exchange
The physical equipment required to create, use, manipulate and store electronic
The computerized instructions that operate a computer manipulate the data and
execute particular functions or tasks.
•storage device
Storage device: The place where a computer puts data.
•input devices: the devices that allow data and instructions to enter a
computer (such as a keyboard, mouse, scanner)
Input: Any resource required for the functioning of a process, in the course of
which it will be transformed into one or more outputs.
CPU’s are not all equal. Some process data faster than others. A computer
contains a system clock that emits pulses to establish the timing of all
systems operations. The system clock operates at a speed quite different from
a clock that keeps track of the time of the day. The system clock determines
the speed at which the computer can execute an instruction, and therefore
limits the number of instructions the computer can complete within a specific
amount of time. The time to complete an instruction execution cycle is
measured in megahertz (MHz) or millions of cycles per second.
Although some instructions require multiple cycles to complete, the
processor speed should be thought of in terms of the number of instructions
the processor can execute in one second. Today, microprocessor speeds
exceed 300 MHz if all other specifications are identical, then higher ratings
means faster processing.
When determining what type of computer you are using or considering
what type of computer to acquire, it is important to know that these terms –
286, 386, 486, Pentium
– refer to the type of processor in the computer. Newer computers will come
Pentium microprocessors (or the equivalent from other manufacturers); older
ones with microprocessors from the x86 family
The faster the processor in a computer, the more quickly the computer will perform
The most common type of memory that most users are familiar with is ‘main
memory’ or ‘RAM’ (random-access memory).
The word ‘main’ is used to distinguish it from external mass storage devices
such as the hard drive or disk drives. Note that the term ‘mass storage’ refers
to various techniques and devices for storing large amounts of data; mass
storage is distinct from memory because it retains data even when the
computer is turned off. Thus mass storage is sometimes referred to as
‘auxiliary storage’. Following are definitions of common storage devices:
Storage: The area within a computer system where data can be left on a longer
term basis while it is not needed for processing.
Diskette. A small, removable, flexible Mylar plastic disk covered with a thin
layer of a magnet sable substance, onto which digital data can be recorded and
stored. Also known as a floppy disk.
Hard drive: The storage area within the computer itself, where megabytes of
space are available to store bits of information. Also known as a hard disk.
Optical disk: A storage device that uses reflecting surfaces and laser
technology to read and write data on a disk. Also known as a laser disk.
Magnetic tape: A continuous plastic strip covered with magnetic oxide; the
tape is divided into parallel tracks onto which data may be recorded by selectively
magnetizing parts of the surface, or spots, in each of the tracks. The data can then
be stored and reused.
Programming language:
An artificial set of rules, vocabulary and syntax used to instruct the computer to
execute certain tasks.
Please note: most people who use computers today do not need to worry
about programming, machine, or assembly languages. This is because the
software being used today is written in a highly user-friendly manner and in
a way that does not require knowledge of the computer languages which
were used to create and use it.
User friendly: Computer software or hardware that is simple to set up, run and
Everything you type, input, output, send, retrieve, draw and so on is, in the
end, converted to the computer’s native language: binary.
Binary number system: A numerical system wherein each digit stands for a power
of two. The binary system uses only two symbols, 0 and 1, to represent values.
1 x 100 = 100
0 x 10 = 0
103 = 103
1 x 64 = 64
1 x 32 = 32
0 x 16 = 0
1100111 = 103
The values in a binary system -- the 0s and 1s -- are called ‘binary digits’ or
A digit within the binary number system. A bit is the smallest unit of information
held in a computer?
The computer’s electronic circuits have only two states, on or off, and
therefore can only understand 0s and 1s, which may represent such
opposites as on or off, yes or no, or up or down. This is why all computers
use the binary system. In order to make the bits useful, they are combined
into ‘bytes’ of information.
Byte: A combination of bits that represent one character. A byte is usually
composed of 8 bits.
•The arithmetic and logic unit is the portion of the CPU where arithmetic
and logical operations take place.
•The control unit is the part of the CPU that supervises the general
operations of the computer.
•The registers are devices that hold data inside the computer’s memory long
enough to execute a particular function, such as indexing, calculating,
sorting or otherwise manipulating data. They are the CPU’s own internal
Data travels from one part of the computer to another through a kind of
path known as a bus.
Bus: The channel or path that lets the parts of a compute communicates with
each other
. Similar to a school bus for school children, a computer data bus picks up a
load of data from one of the components on the main computer board and
then transfers the data to another component on the main computer board.
The main circuit board of a microcomputer is also known as the
motherboard. The motherboard is the principal board that has connectors
for attaching devices to the bus. Typically, it contains the CPU, memory and
basic controllers for the system. The data bus is really a series of electrical
circuits that connect the various electrical elements on the main board.
The data are input into the computer and processed in the CPU. They travel
along the bus to be stored in the computer’s memory. The amount of
memory available is described in bytes of information, referring to the
combination of bits representing characters. The higher the number of bytes
the more memory the computer has.
Data can be stored so that it is readable again only using the software with
which it was created, or it can be stored in other formats, so that it may be
transferred or used by other software programs. There is a standard
character code used to store data so that it may be used by other software
programs; this code is called ASCII or American Standard Code for
Information Interchange. The ASCII code assigns a specific pattern of bits to
each character, as described above. Another code that may be found,
especially in IBM-brand mainframe computers, is EBCDIC, or Extended
Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. The important point to remember
about these codes is that their main value is to store information so that it is
readable by other computers. By using ASCII or EBCDIC, it is possible for
people to retrieve and use someone else’s data using a different type of
hardware or software. The main disadvantage of using ASCII or EBCDIC is
that the formatting or other special
The term memory is usually used as shorthand for ‘physical memory’, which
refers to the actual chips capable of holding data. Some computers also use
‘virtual memory’, which expands physical memory onto a hard drive.
The main type of memory and the most familiar to users is random access
memory (RAM). RAM is the same as main memory. A computer can both
write data into
The contents of RAM are necessary for the computer to process data.
The results of the processing are kept temporarily in RAM until they are
needed again or until they are saved onto the hard disk or other storage
•ROM (read only memory): unlike RAM, ROM is non-volatile and only
permits the user to read data.
Once the PROM has been used, you cannot wipe it clean and use it to store
something else.
Physical storage refers to how data are actually kept on the storage disk. The
most commonly used medium for storage is magnetic storage. With
magnetic storage the computer stores data on disks and tape by
magnetizing selected particles of an oxide-based surface coating. The
particles retain their magnetic orientation until that orientation is changed.
Thus magnetic disks and tapes are modifiable storage media.
The two most popular types of magnetic storage media are hard disks and
Magnetic tape provides a third type of magnetic storage, and optical disk is a
new storage medium. Following is a discussion of each; the definitions
included earlier are repeated.
Hard drive or hard disk storage provides faster access to files than a diskette.
Hard drive: The storage area within the computer itself, where megabytes of
space are available to store bits of information. Also known as a hard disk.
A hard disk platter is a flat, rigid disk made of aluminum or glass and coated
with a magnetic oxide. A hard disk consists of one or more platters and their
read-write heads. A read-write head is the device that reads the data from
the disk platter into the computer. It also records (or ‘writes’) data onto the
platters. Hard disk platters in microcomputers are typically 3½ inches (about
10 centimeters) in diameter: the same size as the circular Mylar disk in a
diskette. However, the storage capacity of a hard disk far exceeds that of a
floppy disk. Also, the access time of a hard disk is significantly faster than a
diskette. Unlike diskettes, which begin to rotate when one requests data,
hard disks are continually in motion, so there is no delay as the disk spins up
to speed. Like diskettes, hard disks provide random access to files by
positioning the read-write head over the sector that contains the requested
data. Diskette.
A small, removable, flexible Mylar plastic disk covered with a thin layer of a
magnet sable substance, onto which digital data can be recorded and stored. Also
known as a floppy disk.
Diskettes get another name – floppy disk – from the thin Mylar disk. If one
cuts open the disk casing (not recommended because the disk will be
ruined) one would see that the Mylar disk inside is thin and “floppy”.
Diskettes are also called floppies.
Diskettes are generally used for transporting or shipping data files or for
making duplicate copies of data files for back-up purposes. The storage
capacity of a diskette varies but is considerably smaller than that of a hard
Since the 1960s, magnetic tape has been a popular form of mainframe
computer storage.
Magnetic tape: A continuous plastic strip covered with magnetic oxide; the tape is
divided into parallel tracks onto which data may be recorded by selectively
Magnetizing parts of the surface, or spots, in each of the tracks. The data can then
be stored and reused.
When IBM introduced its first microcomputer in 1981, the legacy of tape
storage continued in the form of a cassette tape drive, similar to those used
for audio recording and playback. Using tape as a primary storage device,
however, instead of a hard disk is slow and inconvenient because tape
requires sequential access rather than random access.
Sequential access means that data is stored and read as a sequence of bytes
along the length of the tape. To find a file stored on a microcomputer tape
storage device, one has to advance the tape to the appropriate location of
the file, and then wait for the computer to slowly read each byte until it
finds the beginning of the file. Like an audio cassette, for example, a user
must go through the tape in sequence to find the part he or she wants.
Back up: To copy a computer file or collection of files to a second medium, usually
on a diskette or magnetic tape, so that the data are safe in case the original file is
damaged or lost. Backups are usually copied to storage devices that can be
removed from the computer and kept separately from the original.
A tape backup is a copy of the data from a hard disk, stored on magnetic
tape and used to recover lost data. A tape backup is relatively inexpensive
and can rescue an organization from the overwhelming task of trying to
reconstruct lost data.
The most popular types of tape drives for microcomputers also use tape
cartridges, but there are several tape specifications and cartridge sizes. A
tape cartridge is a removable magnetic tape module similar to a sound or
video cassette tape. Quarter inch tape, called QIC, is a tape cartridge that
contains ¼ inch (approximately ½
Centimeter) wide tape. Depending on tape length, QIC tape capacities range
from 340 MB to 2 gigabytes. Digital audio tape, called DAT, was originally an
audio recording format, but is now also used for data storage. The 4mm
wide DAT tape format storage capacity ranges from 2 gigabytes to 12
Optical disk: A storage device that uses reflecting surfaces and laser technology to
read and write data on a disk. Also known as a laser disk.
With optical storage, data is burned into the storage medium using beams of
laser light. The burns form patterns of small pits in the disk surface to
represent data. The pits on optical media are permanent, so the data cannot
be changed. Optical media are very durable, but they do not provide the
flexibility of magnetic media for changing the data once they are stored
1. In your own words, explain what a computer is.
2. Describe four different types of computers.
3. Briefly explain how a computer works.
4. What is hardware?
5. What is software?
6. What is the central processing unit of a computer? Why is it so important
to the operation of the computer?
7. Describe at least four different applications, or uses, of computers.
8. What is a binary number system?
9. What is a bit?
10. What is a byte?
11. What is the meaning of computer ‘memory’?
12. What is RAM?
13. What is a storage device?
14. What is a diskette?
15. What is a hard drive?
16. What is a database?
17. What are the key differences between a diskette and a hard drive?
18. What is magnetic tape and how is it different from a hard drive?
19. Explain the concept of backing up files
20. What is an optical disk?
21. What is documentation and why is it so important?
22. How can viruses damage computers?
This lesson examines three computer environments: mainframe computing,
networks (such as Intranets), and the Internet. It introduces key concepts
related to how mainframes, networks and the Internet work.
Please remember, this lesson is not intended to provide a comprehensive
explanation of the technical details of mainframe computing, networks and
the Internet.
Information is provided in order to introduce you to key concepts and provide
an overview of these computing environments.
Mainframe computing developed at a time when computational power was an
expensive and scarce resource. In order to use the expensive computer
technologies efficiently, organizations had to share their resources. Many of
computerized applications, such as invoicing, purchasing, payroll, accounting
and so on, involved
If the original reasons for the mainframe computing model were cost and
scarcity of resources, the current reasons for sharing computer power are
•security: the protection of data from outside or unauthorized access
•integrity: the guarantee that the data is not corrupted and that repeatability is
achievable using the same applications and data
•system availability: centralized facilities can be operated by teams in shifts
24 hours a day, maximizing the investment in IT equipment and allowing
large data processing activities to be carried out efficiently
•data sharing: data input or created in one part of the organisation becomes
available to other parts
•applications: many modern applications, such as personnel management
systems, require access to a shared pool of resources.
Today, mainframe computing is no longer an expensive resource; sharing is
still a cost-effective means of providing computational power. Recent studies
have shown that on a per-user basis, mainframe computing provides the least
expensive form of computing.
In all of these applications, the common denominator is the work process and
the rules for undertaking the process. Everyone is undertaking a part of the
whole work process and everyone must complete his or her work in
accordance with the procedures required to make sure the job is done
satisfactorily and the data are complete and consistent.
For example, if ten people are responsible for managing government payroll,
each will have a separate responsibility. They will all have access to the same
database through the mainframe computer, and each person must complete
his or her task adequately before the ‘job’ can be considered complete.
The automation of a given work process, such as processing government
payroll information, is often viewed as an information system.
Information system: The combination of information, technology, processes and
people brought together to support a given business objective.
The mainframe is the data and application repository for most organizations.
It is also the hub for most online business activities. It is believed that
mainframes still house
90 per cent of the data major organizations rely on to conduct their business.
Despite claims that mainframe technology is dying out, sales of mainframe
hardware and software remain steady. The term ‘mainframe’ has always had
the image of being something large in size. Yet, however big the early ‘room-
filling’ mainframes were, today’s modern versions are no bigger than the size
of a household refrigerator. The level of mainframe sophistication has grown
over the more than thirty years of its evolution; organizations still recognize
its advantages in terms of performance, reliability and security.
A network computing environment is one in which an organization has linked
together personal computers that have been connected into a network.
A workstation normally has all of the usual resources found in the personal
computing environment (hard drive, software, data and printer). However,
users of workstations will also have access to network resources, which
typically include application software, storage space for data files, and
printers other than those on the local workstation. On a network, the network
server typically provides the applications software and storage space for data
Network server: A computer that is connected to the network and that ‘serves’ or
distributes resources to network users.
Networks use different kinds of servers to carry out specialized functions. For
example, a file server is a computer and storage device dedicated to storing
File server: A computer that serves or distributes application programs and data
files to workstations within a computer network. The hard drive of the file server is
shared by the workstations on the network.
Any user on the network can store files on the server. Other types of servers
include a print server to manage one or more printers and a database server to
process database queries.
Most network users will need to understand file servers because this is where
they will store their files on the network.
A typical local area network uses a powerful PC as a file server. However, a
minicomputer or mainframe computer can also be a file server. File servers
fall into three categories dedicated, non-dedicated and application servers.
A dedicated file server is devoted only to the task of delivering programs and
data files to workstations. A dedicated file server does not process data or run
programs for the workstations. Instead, programs run using the memory and
processor of the workstation.
In some cases, a network computer performs a dual role as both file server
and workstation. When a non-dedicated file server is used, the computer
workstation functions like a normal workstation, but other workstations can
access programs and data files from the hard disk of the user’s computer
An application server is a computer that runs applications software and runs
the results of processing to workstations as requested. An application server
makes it possible to use the processing power of both the server and the
workstation. Use of an application server splits processing between the
workstation client and the network server. The method is also referred to as
client/server architecture.
Some networks include a host computer, usually a minicomputer or
mainframe attached with terminals. A terminal has a keyboard and screen but
does not have a local storage device and does no processing on its own.
When a terminal is connected to a host computer, all processing takes place
on the host.
The software on a local area network typically includes many of the same
applications one might use in a personal computing environment, such as
word processing, spreadsheet, and database management and so on. As the
use of networks increase, however, organizations have begun to demand
software that facilitates the flow and sharing of documents. This software
includes groupware and workflow software.
The Internet evolved over the past thirty years from a fledging experiment
with four computers into a vast information network that connects millions of
microcomputers, minicomputers and mainframe computers. As of 1998, the
Internet had more than 100 million users worldwide, and that number is
growing rapidly. The Internet is decentralized by design and, remarkably, this
anarchy by design works well.
Internet: A collection of local, regional and national computer networks that are
linked together to exchange data and distribute processing tasks.
There are a variety of ways to access the Internet, the most common being
through an
Internet Service Provider (ISP). An ISP is a company that charges an ongoing
fee for providing Internet access to businesses, organizations and individuals.
The ISP provides the user with the necessary communications software (such
as e-mail) and user account. The user supplies a modem that connects the
computer to the user’s phone line. The user’s computer dials the ISP
computer and establishes a connection over the phone line. Once connected
the ISP routes data between the user’s computer and the Internet. Most ISPs
offer dial-up Internet connections and electronic mail access, along with
additional services. Some ISPs offer direct access to the Internet without the
use of proprietary software.
The World Wide Web opened the Internet to millions of people interested in
finding information. There are over one million Web sites around the world
and the number is growing very quickly. The World Wide Web consists of
documents called Web pages that contain information on a particular topic. A
Web page might also contain one or more links that point to other Web
A reference to another document in an environment like the World Wide Web, that
users can go to directly by clicking on the on-screen reference with the computer’s
Links make it easy to follow a thread of related information, even if the pages
are stored on computers located in different countries. Every Web page is
stored as an HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) document.
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML):One of the main standards that
controls how the World Wide Web works; it is an SGML document type definition
that determines how Web pages are formatted and displayed and thus enables
information to be exchanged on the World Wide Web.
Web browser: A software application that enables a user to locate and viewpages
on a Web site. Also known as a browser.
To request a Web page the user either types in the URL (Uniform Resource
Locator) address or uses a ‘mouse’ to click on a Web page link.
After the http://, the next segment of the address is the server name. The
server is the computer and software that make the data available. A Web
server, for instance, is a computer that uses Web server software to transmit
Web pages over the Internet.
Most Web servers have domain names prefixed with WWW. By entering the
Web server name, one accesses the site’s home page.
Home page: The main page of a Website. Typically, the home page serves as
an index or table of contents to other documents stored at the site (that is, the
Website: A location on the World Wide Web.
A home page is similar to the title page and table of contents in a book. It
identifies the site and contains links to other pages at the site. The following
is an example of a home page belonging to the ICA, viewed using a particular
type of browser software called Microsoft Explorer
1. What is a computing environment?
2. What is a mainframe environment?
3. Explain the concept of an information system.
4. What is a personal computing environment?
5. What is a network computing environment?
6. Why might a network computing environment be a valuable way for
someone to work within an organization?
7.What four things does a network allow an employee to do?
8.What is a local area network?
9.What is a wide area network?
10.What is a network server?
11. What is an Intranet?
12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a computer network?
13. What is the Internet?
14. What is an Internet Service Provider?
15. What is the World Wide Web?
16. What is a URL?
An application software includes programs that user’s access to carry out
work. This lesson examines two applications that may be of particular use to
the student: databases and electronic mail (‘e-mail’). It introduces key
concepts related to how databases and e-mail work.
Databases are a collection of information stored on one or several computers.
Databases were originally developed using mainframe computers but are now
common on personal computers and in networked environments.
Relational database:
A database that spreads information across different tables while maintaining links
between them.
A relational database stores facts in tables called relations. The only
requirement is that the information must be capable of being laid out in rows
and columns (similar to a list of names, addresses and phone numbers). An
example from a university might help to illustrate the concept. In a very
simplified view of a university database, each facet of the university’s
administration would be represented by a table containing information within
the remit of a single department. The admissions office, for instance, keeps
track of students by ID number, name and major field of study. The personnel
office keeps records of the department, rank, names, and social identity
numbers of the teaching staff, and so on. The following figure shows
examples of relational tables.
A relational database stores information across different tables and connects them
with links in the computer.
Menu: A collection of onscreen choices given to the user to help him or her
interact with a computer system.
Database menus are similar to those used in most software. They are typically
arranged as a hierarchy so that after the user makes a choice at the first level
of the menu, a second series of choices appears.
Keyword searching permits access to databases through the use of keywords.
One query language is called SQL (structured query language). The use of
query language is based on knowledge of the command word and the
grammar or syntax that will let one construct valid query sentences. For
example, the SQL command word for finding records is SELECT.
WHERE is used to specify that only certain rows of the table are displayed.
For example, SELECT employee ID no from employee statistics table
WHERE position = ‘Manager’.
In more sophisticated systems, queries can also be formulated in a natural
language such as Standard English, French, or Japanese. In order to use the
natural language, the user is not required to learn a query language. Queries
can be straightforward such as: ‘What records of World War Two are
available in the archival institution’? This form of searching is still under
development although examples of its use are spreading rapidly.
Users can ask questions of the database using a variety of query languages, which
formulate questions so that the computer can perform operations and provide
Communicating via e-mail is rapidly becoming as important as telephone and
fax communication and forms an important component of any office
automation system.
Electronic mail (e-mail):
A way of sending messages between people anywhere within an organization or in
the world using a computer that can communicate with another computer through a
computer network.
The message or document can be viewed on a computer screen and printed out.
E-mail is handled by a variety of software programs such as Microsoft
Express, Eudora, elm, pine and so on. The message originator creates a
message file in the e-mail software editor. When complete, the message is
posted to a message transport system that assumes the responsibility for
delivering that message to its recipient(s) ‘mailbox’.
To receive and read the message, the recipient runs a software program that
retrieves incoming messages, allowing the messages to be filed, listed,
forwarded or replied to.
Generally a single user-interface program is used to send and receive
messages both locally and worldwide. Users do not need to have the same e-
mail software program as the person they are corresponding with. The e-mail
itself may consist of simply a message or may carry with it attachments
containing files created in a variety of software applications, for example
word processed documents or spreadsheets.
A local area network (LAN) protocol that supports data transfer.
1. What is a database?
2. What is a data field?
3. What is a database record?
4. Explain the value of storing information in a database.
5. What is a relational database?
6. What is the concept of query language?
7. What is electronic mail?
8. Briefly explain how electronic mail works