CONDITONAL DEED of SALE Template (With Rent-To-own) Formatted
CONDITONAL DEED of SALE Template (With Rent-To-own) Formatted
CONDITONAL DEED of SALE Template (With Rent-To-own) Formatted
That this Conditional Deed of Sale (with rent-to-own agreement), executed by and
W I T N E S S E T H:
1. THAT the FIRST PARTY is the registered owner of a parcel of land identified as
_______________________ located at ______________________ measuring
____________________ ( ) square meters and covered by Transfer Certificate
of Title No. _________________________of the Register of Deeds of
____________________; together with 1 unit of residential house constructed
3. That the SECOND PARTY shall be responsible for the payment of Real Property
taxes, Capital Gains Tax, Documentary Stamp Tax, and other taxes due to
Government Offices;
5. THAT this agreement shall be in effect for a period of ____ years to be commenced
on _________________ up to ____________________; and the house and lot shall
become the property of the SECOND PARTY by way of absolute ownership upon
full payment of the aforementioned consideration;
6. THAT any violation or non-compliance with the terms and conditions of this
agreement shall be result in rescission or cancellation thereof, and/or the imposition
of ___ % penalty/surcharge for every month of delay or delinquency; and/or the
SECOND PARTY may locate a Third party who can continue the subject agreement;
however the SECOND PARTY shall not be entitled to any refund except those
expressly allowed by law;
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereby set their hands on the
___day of _______________, 2014 at Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines.
Known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing CONDITONAL DEED OF
SALE (WITH RENT-TO-OWN AGREEMENT), and they acknowledge the same as their free
act and deed.
This instrument consists of two (2) pages upon which this acknowledgement is written.
WITNESSMY HAND AND SEAL on this _________ day of ___________________, 2014 at
Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines.