Media Reactions 2020: Where Great Ads Thrive
Media Reactions 2020: Where Great Ads Thrive
Media Reactions 2020: Where Great Ads Thrive
These are challenging times for media companies as they seek to retain engaged audiences and
maintain advertising revenues during a major global recession. How different media owners build a
trustworthy reputation and how they respond to issues such as fake news and political unrest has never
been more under the spotlight. This creates new complexity for advertisers and agencies who are trying
to ’do the right thing’ with their media choices, but don’t want their campaigns to get swept up in
unintended media storms.
Media Reactions will help both media and advertiser brands to navigate a way through these choppy
waters, by providing a longer-term perspective on what people expect from advertising environments,
particularly content-led and social media.
This complimentary report provides an overview of the best channels and brands, along with
explanations of their success. It explores three divides in media equity, which the industry needs to
address. Firstly, there are major gaps in channel and brand performance online and offline. Secondly,
there are significant mismatches between consumers’ and marketers’ views. And thirdly, it’s clear
that not all media brands are able to convert equity in their platform to equity in their advertising
Many congratulations to the media channels and media brands which feature at the top of the
rankings. They clearly demonstrate the value of appropriate advertising formats and premium media
environments. In the appendix you’ll find more information on the methodology and details on how you
can buy the data and reports.
Media brands
Different challenges — How can I differentiate my ad environment?
Advertisers and agencies need to ensure they place — How to balance UX with monetisation?
ads in trusted environments, and that they are
aligned with their brand aspirations and campaign
messaging. Media brands need to differentiate
from their competition, not just based on the
target audience using their platform, but also on
the strength of their brand and the quality of their
advertising experience. They must balance their users’
desire for a relatively uninterrupted experience with
a need to commercialise via advertising revenue. Industry bodies
Industry bodies need to understand how their
— What strengths should we promote?
channels are perceived to ensure that educational
efforts, industry initiatives and best practice builds on
— What weaknesses should we address?
strengths and address weaknesses.
Providing a premium quality media environment Analysis from Kantar’s COVID-19 Barometer
is not just about the transparency of supply indicates that consumer choice is influenced by
chains, managing brand safety and fraud increasing societal and ethical concerns that
reduction efforts. More subjective and politicised the pandemic has precipitated. Advertisers and
decisions about freedom of speech can agency partners are now taking surrounding
impact attitudes to media brands, and the content into account, and holding data owners
advertising that appears in those platforms. and publishers to a higher degree of scrutiny
The marketing industry and future investment than ever before. As part of this study, we
decisions are shaped significantly by opinions asked marketers what influences how they
about which channels and media brands are allocate media budgets. The top two factors are
most trustworthy, and which environments are ’channels appropriate for campaign objectives’
innovating to deliver greater acceptance. and ’channels where consumers are most
receptive’ - topics we explore in this study. These
Consumer trust of a medium is an increasingly two factors were rated more important than
important consideration for advertisers, as is other considerations such as media costs, sales
how well it fits with their own corporate values. response and ROI.
‘It comes back in the end to respect ‘We need our advertising to appear
for the consumer. in a trusted medium: it’s delivering
our message and must be delivered
If you don’t respect them and you effectively.
create annoying advertisement
experience, that’s bad for the If we appear in a medium that’s not
consumer, bad for advertisers, and trusted by it’s audience, consumers
bad for the industry in general’ aren’t going to trust our message’
The online-offline divide
Offline channels dominate the overall from fashion and beauty brands
ranking. In an incredibly tough year because they complement and sit
that people are so positive about But online ad formats suffer because
cinema ads. They top the list in part they are generally considered too
because of their strengths (‘fun and intrusive, with high ad saturation.
entertaining’ and ’good quality’), Moreover, they are perceived to use
Sponsored events but also because they avoid many of more excessive targeting techniques
the pitfalls of other ad formats (‘too than offline media, making viewers
intrusive’, ‘dull’, ‘excessive ad volume’ wary.
or ‘excessive ad targeting’). We also
know from effectiveness studies that Respondent-level correlation analysis
Magazine ads while cinema as a channel is typically has helped us understand that
low reach, it is also high impact. overall channel attitudes are
most damaged by intrusiveness.
Sponsored events have the lowest Thus, it is critical that marketers first
ad saturation and are considered understand which ad formats are
the least intrusive channel. People considered most intrusive so that
Digital OOH ads clearly appreciate brands supporting creative can be tailored to blend better
things they are passionate about, in these particular contexts. Excessive
whether that’s branded stadium LED frequency is then a secondary problem
advertising boards in a sports arena, which compounds intrusion.
or sponsoring the main stage at a
Newspaper ads music festival. Kantar’s Dimension 2020 study
found that 71% of consumers criticise
Print’s relative strengths are trust excessive frequency, so the online
and relevance, combined with low industry collectively needs to address
intrusion. Readers of style magazines these flaws to deliver better value to
are likely to be positive about ads advertisers.
Podcasts are more popular because the ad
Streaming TV ads environment is less cluttered, and streaming
TV content is considered better quality. All
these formats avoid the negative associations
of other more intrusive online formats.
Social media story ads are considered
Consumers are astute at assessing frequency levels. Many of them believe TV and radio ads are too
repetitive, and this is also borne out in media effectiveness data. Kantar’s CrossMedia effectiveness
studies typically measure TV and radio campaign frequency levels of 15, which are very close to the
ceiling beyond which we see dramatic falls in effectiveness. Actual frequency levels are much lower for
online video and social media, and well below our effectiveness ceiling, yet some consumers feel these
ads are also too repetitive. Again, context is important.
Media Reactions 2020
Global ad equity ranking - media brands In stark contrast to the channel rankings, ad equity is generally higher
for the global digital media brands than for local media brands with an
offline heritage. It seems that the ’general failings’ of online ads are less
of an issue for most of the premium digital environments included in our
study. But it may also be that users of specific digital media brands are
more forgiving of ads on ’their’ digital platforms of choice, than ads in
the TV channels they choose to watch.
measured* in more than four markets, TikTok
tops our inaugural ranking. The excitement
and passion for the innovative content on
this platform clearly extends to the creative
advertising that is also starting to appear.
ad equity and effectiveness), so there is a clear incentive for advertisers
to be early adopters in this space. In fact, the top three brands are all
’younger’ digital brands, founded in the past decade.
Media Reactions 2020 *See appendix for list of media brand coverage by country
Advertising attitudes of TikTok vs brand average
Although TikTok is still a relatively small brand, users find ads on the platform to be fun, entertaining
and innovative, and they are far less likely to think that the platform contains too much advertising.
The gamified media formats (not just ads, but also Hashtag Challenges) are likely helping to drive these
positive opinions. This currently makes the platform an appealing advertising environment. Of course,
the challenge for TikTok will be to maintain these perceptions as they ramp up monetisation.
The consumer and marketer divide preference Consumers Marketers
While cinema, events and print are
the most popular ad formats among
consumers, marketers prefer TV and
digital formats. Clearly, each group is
arriving at this evaluation from a different
perspective, with marketers keen to Cinema ads Online video ads
deliver impactful ads, whereas consumers
generally prefer an uninterrupted viewing
experience. However, it seems that
marketers struggle to disentangle their
knowledge about media - e.g. declining Sponsored events TV ads
print circulations - from their attitudes
towards them. Just because print
audiences are shrinking doesn’t mean
these ads have stopped working.
When we isolate stakeholder segments, we Magazine ads Social media news feed ads
see that marketers trust similar channels
to consumers (both trust TV ads, TV
sponsorship and radio ads), but marketers
trust online video much more and they
trust print far less. Digital OOH ads Streaming TV ads
Consumers and marketers are more of mind for marketers, TV and online
aligned in their opinions about the video are still considered innovative by
most trusted digital media brands consumers.
(Google, YouTube and Instagram) and
the most innovative brands (TikTok, Ultimately, managing this format
Instagram and YouTube). - brand divide requires marketers
to consistently re-evaluate their
But sitting on opposite sides of the own assumptions. While they may
screen does mean marketers and be comfortable or familiar working
audiences have differing views on with particular media partners, they
what formats are innovative. Both should frequently assess whether
find social media stories, digital OOH those platforms remain relevant for
and influencers innovative. While their target audience.
podcasts and streaming TV are top
Media Reactions 2020
The impact of the pandemic
* Sixty-nine percent of Kantar’s
clients said their Q2 2020
performance had been impacted
negatively - 15% very negatively
Anticipated in 2021
Online Ads in Ads in Online Branded TV ads Ads in TV ads TV program Radio ads Digital Newspaper Magazine Billboard/ Events Cinema
video ads social social display ads content while podcasts sponsorship billboard/ ads ads outdoor sponsored ads
media media shared streaming outdoor ads by brand
stories news feeds by online via smart ads
influencers TV
say that they expect
to ‘be more innovative
and more willing to try
something new’.
The brand and ad equity divide
revisiting a media environment if they
find it relevant, useful, and better than
other media.
to which brands are Meaningful
(affinity and meeting needs) and
Different (unique or setting trends). In
this study we applied these measures
among users of each brand.
As we saw with ad equity, users are
generally more positive about online
media brands than they are about
offline brands.
Media Reactions 2020
Country variations in brand equity ranking We see a lot of variation in brand equity
across markets. While Google tops the
list globally, Netflix tops the brand equity
ranking in four of the five countries
where it was included. Clearly there is a
huge passion for the content available
via the Netflix platform, but it is likely no
coincidence that this is a channel that does
not carry advertising.
Many of the social media and streaming video brands are considered fun,
but they differentiate themselves via their secondary personality attributes.
YouTube is fun and creative. Snapchat is fun and playful, and Hulu in the US
is fun and desirable. Some brands like TikTok have a consistent personality
across countries (always playful and fun). Others can see more variation,
for example Twitter is considered more rebellious in France, and more
innocent in Germany. Similarly, Facebook is deemed more fun in Brazil, and
more assertive in Germany.
Amazon, along with Google and many of the news brands and TV
broadcasters share more ‘serious’ personalities (in control, straightforward,
assertive). But there can still be significant differences between TV
broadcasters. In the UK, ITV is friendly and straightforward, whereas
Channel 4 is rebellious and different. Understanding these nuances is
important for brands wishing to maximise halo effects.
1. The divides Offline media channels are generally favoured due to more trust and the
between online perception that they are better quality. Consumers prefer the less intrusive
and offline channels experiences of cinema, sponsored events, and print ads.
and brands
However, low receptivity towards online advertising doesn’t translate to all
online media brands. TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat top our inaugural
global ad equity ranking. Digital brands generally have higher ad equity
because they are more fun, entertaining and innovative.
2. The divide Marketers prefer more intrusive formats such as online video, TV, social
between consumers media news feeds, stories and VOD. They are most favourable towards
and marketers YouTube and Google.
3. The divide Many media brands are well loved, but brand equity does not always
between brand translate to analogous perceptions about the ads on the platform. Excessive
and ad equity monetisation on platforms with high usage can ultimately reduce ad equity.
1. Tailor your Reduce frequency in channels and media brand environments where 1. Take inspiration Be mindful of the trade-off between relevance and privacy. Concerns about
advertising consumers think there’s already too much repetitive advertising. Make sure from best-in-class excessive targeting and intrusiveness are large factors in lower overall
approach based you entertain and are relevant in more intrusive environments, whilst not media channels and receptivity. Online publishers need to collectively improve their industry
on consumer using excessive targeting approaches. Lobby your major media partners to brands reputation for intrusion. Offline channels could learn from the engagement
expectations address the weaknesses that undermine their ad equity, and ultimately your generated by fun new online approaches.
chances of advertising success.
2. Keep pace with The world has changed. Consumer media habits have changed, and your 2. Appeal to both Innovate your advertising formats regularly to satisfy marketer needs, while
changing consumer media spend needs to move with it. This won’t just be a short-term blip. Now the consumer and keeping consumers entertained and paying attention. Instagram balances
habits and is the time to speed up innovation rather than to be cautious, and to focus the marketer these needs well. TikTok has captured the hearts of consumers, but still
expectations more than ever on effectiveness (doing the right things and doing them needs to convince marketers. Beware of salami-slicing receptivity by steadily
cost-efficiently). Engage in social issues, be authentic, have a point of view increasing ad saturation. You’ll only find out you’re running too many ads
and reflect this in your media partner selection. when it’s too late and your users have moved elsewhere.
3. Invest in media There’s no ‘perfect personality’ for media brands, other than the ones which 3. Assess whether For some brands, ad equity is undermined by ad saturation, while others are
environments that best fit your intended positioning. Make sure your ads are enhanced by the your ad equity considered intrusive or boring. Work to address weaknesses while promoting
reflect your brand places they appear. Social media and streaming media brands generally makes the most strengths. Understand your brand character and the type of ‘halo’ effect you
aspirations have a playful and fun style, whereas Google, Amazon and news sites are of your brand can provide to advertisers.
more serious in tone. Social stories, online games, video streaming and
digital OOH are seen as innovative. Select complementary channels.
We’ve been talking to consumers and marketers for many years about their media Media Reactions complements
experiences and perceptions. This year we’ve combined the consumer and marketer Kantar’s comprehensive portfolio
studies to give a complete view of the current media landscape and how to navigate it. of media measurement and
Beyond the publicly available materials, global and country data files and reports are effectiveness solutions, including
available to purchase with much more detail. approaches which enable the
testing of ads in different media
Consumer survey contexts and channels.
We conducted a 15-minute online survey amongst 16-65-year olds, 500 interviews in
each of in Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, UK and 1,000 in the US.
Visit our website or contact your
Marketer survey local Kantar representative for
733 senior marketers (Advertisers, Agencies and Media Companies) answered a further information.
15-minute online survey.
Ads in video streaming websites or apps Daily Mail RedeTV Youku Le Figaro Focus Daily Mail CW Network
Media Reactions 2020 *These media channels and media brands are also included in the global marketers survey
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unique and rounded understanding of how people think, feel and act; globally and locally in over 90
markets. By combining the deep expertise of our people, our data resources and benchmarks, our
innovative analytics and technology, we help our clients understand people and inspire growth.