Music Education
Music Education
Music Education
DOI 10.1007/s10643-008-0277-9
228 Early Childhood Educ J (2008) 36:227–232
2004). Gardner (1993) noted that the musical intelligence is multiculturalism in the classroom. It is important to talk
the first intelligence to emerge in young learners. Many with children about the music they listen to and sing, so
young children appear to be naturally inclined to hum or to they are aware that different cultural groups listen to and
sing a tune so it is beneficial to build upon their musical sing various kinds of music. Through culturally diverse
interests and enhance their literacy development simulta- music, children learn about other people’s lives (Kendall
neously. Woodall and Zeimbroski (n.d.) agreed that music 1996). Simply stated, music is important to life, as it can
plays an important role in language and literacy develop- bring people together (Cornett 2003).
ment. Strong social bonds are encouraged through music
and songs beginning in pre-school, and toddlers can begin
to experiment with grammatical rules and various rhyming Activities that Support Music and Literacy
patterns in songs. A child’s initial introduction to patterned in the Classroom
text often occurs first in songs, chants, and rhymes which
are repeated throughout childhood. When songs, chants, Many different strategies can be used to add a musical
and rhymes are utilized, concepts about print become more component to stories and a narrative dimension to songs
meaningful and conventions of print are learned in context. and musical selections (Niland 2007). Language lessons
As noted by Schoepp (2001), much of the literature addressing grammar, reading fluency, and writing, among
discussing the value of using songs in English as a second other literacy skills, can be enhanced through the medium
language (ESL) classrooms is not empirically based; of music.
however, after identifying reasons teachers and researchers
provided for using music with ELLs, patterns emerge Songs for Teaching Language Skills
which suggest teachers’ motives are theoretically groun-
ded. These patterns include affective, cognitive, and Songs may be used for the presentation and/or practice
linguistic reasons. The affective filter is one hypothesis phase of language lessons. They can be used to teach a
developed by Steven Krashen (1982) who explained that variety of language skills, such as sentence patterns,
for optimal learning to occur, the affective filter must be vocabulary, pronunciation, rhythm, and parts of speech.
weak. A weak filter means that a positive attitude toward Prosodic features of the language—stress, rhythm, and
learning is present. Because of the casual learning envi- intonation—can be presented through songs as well. For
ronment used when singing, songs are one method for young children, the best songs, whether familiar or unfa-
achieving a weak affective filter and promoting language miliar, should have an international nature, such as Old
learning. Cognitively, songs present opportunities for MacDonald had a Farm. The traditional song, BINGO, can
developing automaticity—knowing what to say and pro- be used for teaching individual letter sounds or spelling
ducing language without pauses—in the language process. words. Motions can be added to the songs to make them
The repetitive nature of many children’s songs could also more meaningful and enjoyable for the children (Ohman-
be of value to non-English speakers as they hear words and Rodrigeuz 2004; Saricoban and Metin 2000).
phrases repeated. Many songs, like folk songs, follow a Songs can be used to practice and reinforce consonant
repeated verse form with rhyme and have other discourse sounds. Songs for pronunciation include Mary Had a Little
features that make them easy to follow (Saricoban and Lamb to practice on the /l/ sound or Row, Row, Row, Your
Metin 2000). Most of the language young ELLs will Boat to practice the /r/ sound. Songs can also be used to
encounter is informal so linguistically using songs can help students compare how words may not look the same
prepare students for the genuine language they will but are still homophonic. For example, the lyrics to
encounter. Since music supports students’ literacy devel- Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star can help students see how
opment, Peregoy and Boyle (2008) encouraged teachers to words may rhyme, i.e., are and star, or high and sky
‘‘Sing a song a day! Songs bring levity, laughter, and (Brown 2006). Songs that can be used for teaching gram-
beauty into your classroom’’ (p. 127). mar can be found at the Songs for Teaching website
Music can be naturally integrated throughout all cur- and include
ricular areas to develop and to extend vocabulary and the following:
comprehension skills. Music can also improve listening
and oral language skill development, improve attention and • Compound Words; Hands Up for Letter Sounds!;
memory, and enhance abstract thinking (Hill-Clarke and Popcorn Words; and Work Out to the Letter Sounds,
Robinson 2003). Additionally, music can enhance students’ by Jack Hartmann
creativity and cultural awareness. Taking a multicultural • Idioms; and Let’s Compare by Ron Brown
approach to music necessitates a commitment to careful • The Pronoun Song; Question Words Rap; To Be; To
selection of materials, keeping in mind the overall goal of Have; To Make Do; and The Vowel Rap, by Etienne
Early Childhood Educ J (2008) 36:227–232 229
• A Good Best Friend; The ‘‘What’’ Song; The ‘‘When’’ Developing Reading Fluency through Children’s
Song; and The ‘‘Who’’ Song, by Cathy Bollinger Song-Based Literature
Songs used for teaching conversational English and
Paired or partner reading, echo reading, choral reading, and
English vocabulary are also given at the above website and
phrasing are four instructional strategies often used to
include, among others:
improve reading fluency (Bursuk and Damer 2007; Per-
• Colors; Everything Has A Shape; Put Your Hands Up egoy and Boyle 2008). These strategies can be
in the Air; Turn Around; and What Are You Wearing? implemented effectively with song-based literature. Paired
by Hap Palmer or partner reading is when a more fluent reader reads first,
• Funny Face; Hello; I’m Hungry; and Sit Down, Stand and the partner repeats the text. Then, roles are reversed so
Up, by Alain Le Lait that each student has a chance to be the lead reader (Bursuk
• Colors All Around; The Months of the Year; and Please and Damer 2007).
Say Cheese, by Jack Hartman Echo reading is when one person reads one sentence of
text aloud with appropriate intonation and phrasing. The
Using songs in children’s native languages can be ben-
second student imitates this oral reading model, and the
eficial to the ELLs and English speaking students. The
echoing interaction continues until the student can imitate
Songs for Teaching website also includes songs in lan-
more than one sentence at a time (Bursuk and Damer
guages such as French, German, and Spanish. Several of
the songs can be found in more than one language. During
Choral reading best supports ELLs when the reading
a presentation on teaching ELLs in an elementary class-
material selected is age-appropriate and at a slightly higher
room, a graduate student shared the Spanish version of the
level than what students are able to read independently.
familiar song Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes (Cabeza,
Teachers read the selections to the students several times
Hombros, Piernas, Pies). The other students in the gradu-
while showing the words to the story or poem. The students
ate class all learned the words quickly and remembered
can practice through repeated readings (Peregoy and Boyle
them easily. When asked how they learned and remem-
bered the words so quickly, one very musically talented
Phrasing is another instructional technique which pro-
person replied, ‘‘Easy, put anything to music and I can
motes fluency for ELL students. With this technique, either
remember it.’’
the teacher or student draws scallops or line segments
under phrases that should be read together. Many literature
selections are also accompanied with a CD which enables
Teaching New Songs
children to view pictures, see text, and hear lyrics. A lovely
example is John Denver’s (2003), Sunshine on My Shoul-
Many of the song books may be familiar to children.
ders. This particular storybook lends itself to the phrasing
However, the need to teach new songs will often be nec-
technique. The phrasing technique can also be used
essary with ELLs. It is important to note that direct
with many of the free songs located at the Music for
instruction is necessary when teachers actually teach new
Little People website
songs. As outlined by Isenberg and Jalongo (2009 in press,
the following steps for teaching songs may benefit teachers
Using song-based literature is motivational and actively
and students.
engages students in the reading process. By using popular
1. Play the song in the background for several days so it musical lyrics, the techniques of paired or partner reading,
is familiar when it is introduced to the children. echo reading, choral reading, and phrasing can be imple-
2. Teach children the chorus first while you sing the mented easily within daily classroom instruction. A myriad
verses. of popular songs are printed in the format of colorful and
3. Sing along with a recording and have children join in inviting trade books. Song picture books also support
when they feel most comfortable. emergent literacy by building on familiarity and enjoy-
4. Use lined poster paper to create a song chart. ment, providing repetition, expanding vocabulary and
5. Create a rebus song sheet to help children remember teaching story structures, promoting critical thinking, and
the verses of songs. fostering creative expression (Jalongo and Ribblett 1997).
6. Teach the song one phrase at a time. Then, combine Song picture books can be especially useful for ELLs
the phrases. because they demonstrate the link between the kinesthetic,
7. Teach the actions to an action song first, then teach the pictorial representations of the concepts of the songs, and
words (or vice versa). (Isenberg and Jalongo 2009 in print (Isenberg and Jalongo 2009, in press). Table 1 iden-
press, pp. 240–241). tifies and provides brief summaries of examples of
230 Early Childhood Educ J (2008) 36:227–232
Beaumont (2005) I ain’t gonna paint no more! A wildly artistic baby paints itself to the tune of a popular old Dust Bowl ballad
Carle (1993) Today is Monday Story teaches the days of the week, along with various foods
Cabrera (2005) If you’re happy and you know it A variety of zoo animals encourage children to express their happiness through voice
and movement
Canyon (2003) John Denver’s sunshine on my Heartwarming story about sunshine, emotions, and friendships
Garriel (2004) I know a shy fellow who Delightful, sequential story about a musician who swallows musical instruments
swallowed a cello
Katz (2004) I’m still here in the bathtub brand Follow-up edition to the original, Take Me Out of the Bathtub and Other Silly Dilly
new silly dilly songs Songs, provide even more fun-filled reading and singing opportunities
Katz (2001) Take me out of the bathtub and Funny poems sung to familiar tunes are provided in this comedic, poetic book
other silly dilly songs
Lansky (2003) Mary had a little jam and other By adding modern terminology to old-fashioned nursery rhymes, this story is very
silly rhymes appealing to young learners
Provenson, & A peaceable kingdom: the Shaker Echoing the familiar Alphabet Song, this charming song book identifies strange and
Provenson, abecedarius unusual animal names, i.e., angleworm, ocelot, and xanthos
Schwartz (1999) Old MacDonald The vowels, a/e/i/o/u, and onomatopoeia are strongly reinforced with this timeless tale
Taback (1997) There was an old lady who Comedic, sequential story of an old lady who swallows animals found on a farm
swallowed a fly
Westcott (1989) Skip to my lou As children read and sing this song, fun-filled dancing is bound to occur
children’s song-based literature selections that can be used book which is sung to the familiar tune of The Alphabet
in diverse early childhood classrooms to support ELLs. Song, written by Charles Bradlee in 1835. This particular
book lists unusual and strange animal names such as
Improving Students’ Writing Skills with Song angleworm, ocelot, and xanthos. A teacher may find it
advantageous to show the printed song text and to sing it
Teachers can use music to improve children’s writing skills simultaneously as a motivating activity prior to reading
in many ways. First, students can write new words for old Chrysanthemum, by Henkes (1992). This particular book
songs (Isenberg and Jalongo 2009, in press; Hildebrant stimulates discussion about the importance of being kind to
1998). The popular song written and recorded by Roland others, regardless of one’s name. While reading and
LaPrise (1950) entitled, the Hokey Pokey, has been enjoyed studying content information about dinosaurs, teachers
by many active children for decades. However, children may want to include Westphall’s (2004) ABCosaurus. This
may find Dennis Westphall’s (2004) version, the Hokey particular song lists all of the dinosaurs’ names in alpha-
Pokeysaurus, equally, if not more, entertaining. Comparing betical order, and could serve as a model for creating
and contrasting newer song versions with older ones serve alphabet books about other studied subjects, too. Students
as excellent writing models and motivators for novice may also enjoy writing songs with a partner or in small
writers. Listening to song parodies is an excellent way to groups, as they read and write in multiple content areas.
demonstrate how others have taken older songs and have Songs can be used and written to help students learn and
made them originals. After teacher modeling, students will reinforce content information.
be prepared to write and to sing their unique song parodies. An additional method in which to promote writing
Making literature connections with songs is another way through music is for children to create song illustrations
to improve students’ writing skills. After using trade books, that visually represent their aesthetic interpretations of the
teachers often provide writing time for students to inde- song. After students listen to a song, they can draw or paint
pendently respond in personal journals. Affording a pictorial representation of what that song meant to them
numerous writing opportunities for ELLs are very impor- or an illustration that answers statements such as, This tune
tant, and the daily inclusion of personal response journals makes me feel ….. or Now, I can see… (Hill-Clarke and
can be very advantageous to developing writers (Tompkins Robinson 2003). Either independently or with classmates,
2009). A Peaceable Kingdom: The Shaker Abecedarius, students can also compose stories that are inspired through
written and illustrated by Alice Provenson and Martin song. The language experience approach (LEA) can be
Provenson (1978), is a charming alphabet song parody implemented effectively to model this writing process and
Early Childhood Educ J (2008) 36:227–232 231
to build upon the shared musical experience (Tompkins Exposing Children to Multiple Musical Genres
2009). There are four basic steps to an LEA: provide an
experience; talk about the experience; record the dictation; Exposing children to different kinds of music is beneficial.
and read the text (p. 131). This particular instructional This can be done in a variety of ways, i.e., taking field trips
approach is very effective for ELLs, as students’ vocabu- to concerts, operas, or ballets, or inviting musical guests
lary and comprehension skills are supported by the and experts to visit the classroom and perform. Again, the
classroom teacher and/or peers through sharing common, language experience approach could be utilized to reflect
learning experiences (Peregoy and Boyle 2008). In addition upon and evaluate the music-related experiences. Hill-
to drawing, painting, and writing songs, creativity can be Clarke and Robinson (2003) suggested a Let’s Dance to
fostered through the construction of musical instruments. that Tune day. Children listen to and research various
genres of music and assign groups to create dance routines
that represent interpretations of the music. Palmer (2001)
Creating Musical Instruments added the idea of teaching students ways to say ‘‘hello’’ in
different languages through song. Songs promote a sense of
An interesting way for children to enjoy music is to make unity, especially with a diverse group of children (Peregoy
it. After exploring a variety of instruments from other and Boyle 2008).
countries, such as Tibetan bells, gongs, gourds, bongo Encouraging students to share songs in their native
drums, kalimbas (African thumb pianos), castanets, and language is beneficial in establishing a classroom com-
conch shells (Kirmani 2007) and reading books about other munity. When using songs, Peregoy and Boyle (2008)
cultures, children can create their own instruments using recommended providing cues such as pictures, pantomime,
the instruments from other cultures as models (Kendall or gestures and posting the lyrics accompanied by pictures
1996). Children may want to create their own instruments or rebus symbols to convey meaning. They also suggested
or the teacher can have directions for making various allowing students to share songs in their native languages
instruments for the students to read and to follow. Moti- by bringing recordings or singing the songs in class.
vation and creative thinking can evolve when students are
given opportunities to create instruments. Children can
compare and contrast sounds and generate innovative pat- Conclusion
terns and rhythms (Kirmani 2007).
Often, teachers establish music play centers with mate- Integrating music into children’s everyday activities pro-
rials which empower children to imaginatively design motes literacy development, particularly with ELLs. Music
musical devices (Kemple et al. 2004). These materials can is a way for children to experience rich language in a
include, but are not limited to, paper plates, small pebbles, pleasing way (Woodall & Ziembroski, n.d). Whether
coffee cans, paper towel rolls, and streamers. Music play children listen to the ‘‘music’’ of the rain, popular chil-
centers also lend themselves to assisting children with their dren’s songs, or make their own musical compositions,
oral communication skills, as they explain what sounds the important skills, such as reading, writing, listening, and
instruments make, explain the steps to making the instru- speaking are developed. In an early childhood classroom, a
ments, and compare and contrast their instruments with musically, literacy-rich environment will generate interest,
others. When students use different materials, different encourage creativity, and set the stage for a positive
sounds will transpire. Teachers should encourage students learning environment. Plato once said, ‘‘Music is a moral
to see the potential for any materials to become musical law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight
instruments (Hildebrant 1998; Moore 2000, Palmer 2001). to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to
Examples of easily constructed crafts include balloon ma- everything’’ (Wordsworth Dictionary of Musical Quota-
racas and drums (Ohman-Rodrigeuz 2004). To make tions 1991, p.45).
balloon maracas, students fill balloons with different
materials such as rice, beans, pasta, or feathers, inflate
them, and shake them. Students can listen and discuss the References
differences in the sounds. Drums can be easily constructed
using different sizes of cans and stretched balloons for the Brown, J.L. (2006). Rhymes, stories and songs in the ESL classroom.
tops. Because music can be created, performed, and shared The Internet TESL Journal. 12(4).
Bursuk, W. D., & Damer, M. (2007). Reading instruction for students
with raw materials, instruments can be accessible to all
who are at risk or have disabilities. Boston: Pearson.
children, thereby fostering creative and aesthetic growth Cornett, C. E. (2003). Creating meaning through literature and the
opportunities to all young learners (Rivkin 2006). arts (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.
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