My Seminar Report
My Seminar Report
My Seminar Report
submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Technology in
(Session 2020-2021)
Submitted By:
Pratiksha Chaudhary
I would like to express my gratitude to Miss Diksha Goyal, assistant professor, Department of
Computer Science & Engineering for her generous guidance and support. Further, I express my
sincere gratitude to assistant professor Miss Palak Jain for giving me such a wonderful
opportunity to expand my knowledge and giving me guidelines to present a seminar report. Last
but not the least, I am thankful to all my friends who directly or indirectly helped me to
complete this seminar report.
Pratiksha Chaudhary
I hereby declare that the seminar titled “Smart mirror” has been presented by me and is not
reproduced as it is from any other source. It has been submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for award of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering,
College of Technology and Engineering, a constituent of Maharana Pratap University of
Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur.
Place: Udaipur
List of figures ii
Abstract 1
1. Introduction
1.1. Introduction 2
1.2. Aim of seminar 2
2. Types & features of smart mirror
2.1. Introduction 3
2.2. Types of smart mirror
2.2.1. Fit mirror 3
2.2.2. Wize mirror 3
2.2.3. Magic mirror 4
2.3. Commercial intelligent mirror
2.3.1. Phillips mirror TV and MyHeart 5
2.3.2. Cybertecture smart mirror
2.3.3. Toshiba smart mirror 6
2.3.4. Microsoft smart mirror 7
2.3.5. HiMirror 8
2.4. Necessary features 8
2.5. Additional features 9
3. Technologies used in smart mirror
3.1. Introdution 10
3.2. Gesture control 10
3.3. Voice control & temperature systems 12
3.4. High definition display 12
3.5. Humidty sensor 13
3.6. Facial recognition 13
3.7. MCU 13
3.8. Home automation and Ambient intelligence 14
4. Working of smart mirror
4.1. Introduction 15
4.2. Working of smart mirror 15
5. Applications, advantages and disadvantages
5.1. Applications of smart mirror 19
5.2. Advantages 20
5.3. Disadvantages 21
6. Conclusion and future work
6.1. Conclusion 22
6.2. Future work 23
1. List of Leap Motion Gestures and UI Action 11
1. Semeoticons intelligent mirror 4
2. Magic mirror 5
3. Phillip’s MyHeart concept 6
4. Microsoft smart mirror HUD 7
5. Voltage and temperature graph 12
6. User using the smart mirror 14
7. Design 17
8. Foreground GUI State Diagram 18
9. Full screen smart mirror 22
Every morning our day begins by watching ourselves at least once in mirror before leaving our
homes. We interact with it psychologically to find out how we look and how our attire is. Smart
Mirror or Magic Mirror is one of the applications of Raspberry Pie. A computer screen
embedded in mirror looks very futuristic. The Raspberry Pie stays at back scenes and controls
the data displayed on mirror. While looking at mirror you can look at various notifications from
social sites as well news, weather forecast and more things. Such mirrors can be programmed to
work as AI and control home appliances by voice input or touch screen. The Raspberry Pie is
connected to monitor via HDMI as well as it also has inbuilt Wi-Fi and Bluetooth interfaces so
we can just swipe music and videos to mirror.
1.1 Introduction
A smart mirror is a two-way mirror with an electronic display behind the glass. Basically, the
mirror looks like normal mirror but when someone stand in front of it the scene changes. The
mirror provides a functional, user friendly and interactive UI to its user for accessing their
social sites, messengers, etc. It has widgets for displaying the current whether conditions, Time,
Events, Latest news headlines The Smart Mirror would help in developing smart houses with
embedded artificial intelligence, as well as finding its applications in industries. Switching
home appliances becomes easy with mirror. Virtual dressing, a smart way of having trials with
your fashion sense make things quite easy in malls. Having such intellectual mirror will only
surge the beauty of home. The raspberry pi is programmed using python and connects to a
monitor with inbuilt speaker so as to provide an onscreen interface and voice assistance as well.
Interactive Mirror for Smart Home Chidambaram Sethukkarasi et al. (2016) created an smart
mirror that identifies users based on facial recognition, recognizes emotions, records health
parameters and gives clothing advice. Their paper does not go in-depth on any of its subjects,
but rather try to unite the ideas under the concept of an intelligent mirror. They use Viola &
Jones for face detection and eigen faces features for recognition. No results on the performance
speed of neither detection or recognition was reported, but as shown in this thesis the speed of
detecting faces with either haar- cascades, lbp-cascades or HOG classifiers can be greatly
reduced by doing background substitution, as smaller image regions are faster to search.
Considering this paper is from 2016 it is a bit strange they opted for using eigenfaces.
to gather information from the user without requiring any explicit input from them
FrancoChiarugi et al. (2013) also aims to customize the feedback given to each individual based
on an acquired user profile for each individual. They concluded that the research project was a
success and that creating a device for health self-monitoring and self- assessment is a reality.
Prototypes of the Wize Mirror were evaluated in the fall of 2016 and the researchers aim to
bring the product to the market in the future.
guide to building the hardware was also posted in Michael’s blog. It was one of the first, if not
the first popular project of its kind.
Figure 2: MagicMirror
2.3.5 HiMirror
Again at the 2017 CES convention there were multiple smart mirrors on display. A company
called New Kinpo Group launched their take on the smart mirror called HiMirror. This smart
mirror has a camera to specifically monitor your skin health. The mirror will scan your skin and
give you metric to tell you what to improve. The mirror uses facial recognition to log a user’s
skin firmness, texture, clarity, brightness and health on a day to day basis. Unlike many of the
previous smart mirrors this product hit the market in october 2016 at a price of $189. While
considerably cheaper than previous smart mirror entries, its features are very specific and does
not offer much besides skin health monitoring.
2.4 Necessary Features
The “necessary” features were requirements that are imperative to the project’s design and
objectives. They were designed and implemented before any additional features were worked
on. The necessary features range from hardware requirements to interactive elements and to
software elements. These necessary features are listed below.
• The smart mirror is designed to use a 32” diagonal display, positioned vertically, which will
be mounted behind a one-way mirror allowing only elements lit on the screen to be seen by the
• The smart mirror is interacted by the user using an infrared/camera controller called “Leap
Motion”. This controller allows for touch-free multi-gesture recognition within an 8 cubic feet
area above the controller.
• The smart mirror has a temperature and humidity monitoring system that will relay data to the
user as well as a failsafe system to keep the electronics protected from water damage. The ideal
operating range is 60 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit and between 20 to 80 percent humidity.
• The smart mirror contains speakers that allow for application notification sounds and music
• The smart mirror user interface has a set of 7 standard applications that provide important
information to the user including weather, Twitter, news, to-do list, calendar schedule, music,
and clock.
• The smart mirror has an auto-on and auto-off system via use of a webcam mounted in the
housing. The mirror will turn on when it recognizes that there is a user standing in front of the
mirror. The mirror will turn-off after 2-minutes of no user present
• The smart mirror has voice control through a voice recognition system developed into the user
interface. The voice control allows for interaction with the music, to-do list, and twitter
applications. The voice control is activated through a gesture provided by the user.
• The smart mirror would make use of the digital zoom built into the webcam to provide more
facial detail to the user on the display. This would be equivalent to a 10x zoom that could be
used for putting on makeup or any other facial detail oriented task.
• The smart mirror would contain an outfit collection of the user’s favorite clothing
combinations. The user would take a photo of themselves in the outfit via the webcam and it
would be stored in a sudo-database. This sudo-database would then be accessible to the user to
identify what he/she wants to wear. Images could be displayed on one side of the screen to
allow for direct comparisons to whatever the user is currently wearing.
The Leap Motion is similar in that it uses two infrared cameras that pick up the infrared
reflections that the three infrared LEDs output onto the user.
the one the smart mirror project chose to go with is the Leap Motion controller. It came at a low
price with high accuracy and a touch-less interface. It does have a higher risk of misreading the
user, but programmed with simple gestures, they rarely occur. The Leap Motion fulfills the
objectives mentioned earlier in this document and keeps the mirror clear of any fingerprint
Gesture Action
This changes all 3 apps on the left-side
Left Swipe (Left of screen center) of
the screen from normal mode to
mode. This is performed with one hand.
This changes all 3 apps on the left-side
Right Swipe (Left of screen center) of
the screen from minimized mode to
mode. This is performed with one hand.
This changes all 3 apps on the right-side
Left Swipe (Right of screen center) of
the screen from minimized mode to
mode. This is performed with one hand.
This changes all 3 apps on the right-side
Right Swipe (Right of screen center) of
the screen from normal mode to
mode. This is performed with one hand.
This closes the app currently in
Swipe Up expanded
mode. This gesture can be performed
anywhere with one hand.
This allows for individual
Point and Hold interaction
between the individual apps. Use of this
gesture on an application in normal
will change it to expanded mode.
Clockwise Circle This forces a manual data update, or
refresh, for any application using data
a third-party web server. For example,
weather app.
This activates the voice recognition
Counter-Clockwise Circle mode,
where the mirror will begin listening for
voice command from the user.
3.3 Voice Control andTemperature Systems
Nowadays voice control is a very popular and useful technology that allows the user to
perform certain functions by converting words and phrases into electric signals. Building
entire speech recognition system is very time consuming and hence we integrated analready
existing speech recognition system into our design. There were a few excellent voice
recognition systems that we considered for our design such as Google Voice, AT&T Speech
API, Nuance Voice Control SDK, and CMU Sphinx toolkit. The most important factors
determined the speech system to go with was ease of integration, cost, and accuracy.
Temperature Systems:-
Figure 5: describes the relationship between the output voltage and temperature
Change of state devices change in color and/or appearance based on the temperature. Its
advantages include low price, wide range of temperature values and a fast way of measuring.
Infrared sensors use radiation to measure temperature. Its advantages include the ability to
measure temperature where it is difficult to use contact temperature sensor and long
operating life. Its disadvantages are inaccuracy, high cost, and that it could be affected by
other infrared radiation
must be very bright. So the television we chose in turn must be very bright when the picture
is shown and also while it is still on it must be very dark when needed. This made the mirror
reflect the image when needed and also show the applications when needed as well.
3.7 MCU
The microcontroller was going to be used for one main application in the smart mirror. It was
planned to be used to take the data from the humidity and temperature sensor and also have
control signals for the temperature regulation system that communicate with the PC. There
were many different microcontrollers that can be used to complete these tasks so the most
efficient one was going to be used.The first specification to compare was the clock speed. In
a MCU, the clock speed affects how well the processor is at handling higher loads of data. As
stated earlier, the MCU must handle two things. First is taking data from the humidity and
temperature sensor. This required an onboard analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to convert
the voltage levels outputted by the sensors to a digital bit.
don't have access to any smart home devices. However, it would be very easy to write an
application to turn on and off the lights using voice commands or gestures on the mirror or
even an application to change the temperature of the room
Ambient Intelligence (AmI) creates electronic environments that are sensitive and responsive
to the presence of people.. Devices work in harmony to support people in carrying out their
everyday life activities and tasks in easy, natural way in ambientintelligence. People use
information and intelligence which is hidden in the network connecting these devices.
4.2.2 Display
behind the two-way mirror sits a monitor screen/TV/tablet. This is used to display any
information modules for your smart mirror. The display can be the same size as the mirror, it
can be smaller than the mirror. Throughout this site you’ll see different sized displays used in
smart mirrors
4.2.3 Computer
something has to run the content you see on your smart mirror. A small computer device
such as a Raspberry Pi is more than enough to power a smart mirror. The type of computer
device you need depends on what you what to do with smart mirror.
4.2.4 Microphones
One mode of interaction with the smart mirror is through microphones. Two microphones
were used to power the voice recognition capabilities of the device.This system called
SMART MIRROR is proposed to integrate different devices.
In 2014 Toshiba developed a TV on this very concept which includes touch functionalities
This concept has been materialized by quite a few people around the world but until now a
casting stick and a TV has been used for the display, the concept of mirroring one screen
another onto another wireless on a wifi network.
The objective is to provide a natural interface in the home environment for accessing various
services such as location based weather, time, calendar etc. It includes downloading the
Raspbian operating system based on Debian and extracting the image on SD card, inserting
the card in the RPI SD slot and then performing the required steps.
• Displays all the necessary information which is useful for the user.
• Location based weather, time; calendar etc can be accessed with ease.
Figure 7 : Design of smart mirror
• Preparing the monitor: The monitor is unmounted and the necessary taping is done.
• Preparing the Cabinet: The wooden cabinet is prepared which holds the mechanism
inside it.
• Mounting: The mirror and the monitor are then mounted on this wooden cabinet.
• Configuring Sound
• Configuring Voice
Figure 8: Foreground GUI State Diagram
1. Automotive, consumer & household, medical & healthcare, and advertising & retail.
2. In addition, there are numerous opportunities available in automotive sector using advanced
electronic technologies such as Wi-Fi connectivity, integrated sensor systems to further improve
road safety.
3. The main features the Smart Mirror would have would be showing basic weather and time
information. We would also be able to play music in some way and see pictures through
4. It is also used to add alarms, reminders or notes in a similar way we stick post it notes on a
fridge using voice commands or gestures on the mirror or even an application to change the
temperature of the room.
5. It has gained a lot of popularity predicting that in the future most everyday objects will be
connected to each other and will be able to interact in smart ways.
6. The Smart Mirror will eventually become one of the connected objects in our households and
if we think about it being able to communicate with other objects the possibilities become
7. Home automation has been around for a long time and it is all about turning the house into an
intelligent unit with the goal of increasing comfort and efficiency at home. Some of the typical
applications are automatic lights, intelligent thermostats, alarms.
5.2. Advantages
1. Attractive Light Box: Ordinary light box is simply a board. Magic mirror motion display light
box is not just a board for propaganda. Images are dynamic and, it is also a mirror. Almost all
people are attracted by mirror. When mirrors suddenly convert to images, it draws more
2. Adjustable Images Switching Time: Display duration between sequential display images is
adjusted according to requirement. It could be shortened or lengthened. For example, if the
image is full of information, duration between images is lengthened to allow more time for
3. Fast& Easy Images Replacement: It takes just few minutes to replace images. It is fast and
easy. Time consuming between this device and other devices is very less.
4. Very Low Power Consumption: Digital electronic rectifier controls energy saving light source.
It consumes very low power.
6. User-friendly: It will be one of the first Smart Mirrors you can interact with and also one of
the first smart mirrors to let you install apps as per our choice.
7. Voice input: It also includes the voice recognition feature in MirrorOS uses an online API
made by Google. The API is not officially supported and it has a 50 query a day limit, but it is
the best one available. To use the API, you need to make an HTTP POST request to the API’s
URL with a mono FLAC audio file with a 16000 bitrate.
5.3 Disadvantages
There are very few limitations:
1. The limitation is that the app ecosystem is currently very small, the glass could be more
reflective but it can be easily changed swipe gestures are sometimes unreliable.
2. The hardware and software more decoupled because current the sensors and microphones are
tied to the software and it can be difficult to make the OS work with different hardware
6.1 Conclusion
The main strengths of this project are that this is a new kind of smart device that people don’t see
every day and it looks very spectacular. The platform has a very simple API that makes it very
easy for developers to make apps
The smart mirror idea was created to give instant access to information in a convenient and time-
saving environment, the bathroom. All other aspects of the mirror’s design developed from these
ideas and inspirations.
This paper presented a smart mirror system that has integrated several impressive features with a
user-friendly architecture. A reliable and easy to use design was implemented following a
service-oriented approach. In today’s world of interconnected devices, security cannot be
Considering this, this system was equipped with a strong authentication framework to ensure end
to end security of the whole system. This feature sets this project aside from other similar works.
The future offers endless possibilities for advancement of the prototype. The most notable is the
possibility for the user to take the smart mirror display around the entire home. This can be
achieved by connecting the smart mirror to a smart projector that is able to project the smart
mirror display on various surfaces (walls, table tops etc.) around the home.With an added camera
and a microphone, the user would be able access the full features of the smart mirror from other
parts of the home without compromising security.
Smart Mirror can be great example of how AI can be integrated into home appliances to make
our life easier, efficient and more enjoyable.
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