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2017-Traveling Wave Solution of Driven Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation

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Traveling wave solution of driven nonlinear Schrödinger equation

M. Akbari-Moghanjoughi

Citation: Physics of Plasmas 24, 092117 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.4999783

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Published by the American Institute of Physics
PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 24, 092117 (2017)

€ dinger equation
Traveling wave solution of driven nonlinear Schro
M. Akbari-Moghanjoughi
Faculty of Sciences, Department of Physics, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, 51745-406 Tabriz, Iran

(Received 10 August 2017; accepted 11 September 2017; published online 28 September 2017)
The traveling solitary and cnoidal wave solutions of the one dimensional driven nonlinear
Schr€odinger equation with a generalized form of nonlinearity are presented in this paper. We
examine the modulation of nonlinear solitary excitations in two known weakly nonlinear
models of classic oscillators, namely, the Helmholtz and Duffing oscillators and envelope
structure formations for different oscillator and driver parameters. It is shown that two distinct
regimes of subcritical andpffiffiffiffiffiffiffisupercritical
ffi modulations
ffi may occur for nonlinear excitations with
propagation speeds v < 4F0 and v > 4F0 , respectively, in which F0 is the driver force strength.
The envelope soliton and cnoidal waves in these regimes are observed to be fundamentally
different. The effect of pseudoenergy on the structure of the modulated envelope excitations is
studied in detail for both sub- and supercritical modulation types. The current model for traveling
envelope excitations may be easily extended to pseudopotentials with full nonlinearity relevant to
more realistic gases, fluids, and plasmas. Published by AIP Publishing.

I. INTRODUCTION chaos.32–35 It has also an akin relation to other fundamental

branches of science like deterministic chaos,36,37 fractal
The study of nonlinear excitations is an important part
dimensionality, and pattern formation.38,39
of investigation of dynamical systems such as fluids and
One of the other closely related models to KdV is the
plasmas. The inherent nonlinearity in collective phenom-
nonlinear Schr€odinger equation (NLSE) which in many
ena1–3 is responsible for many fundamental unique proper-
branches of science is used to describe different phenomena.
ties such as various types of nonlinear excitations, radiation,
Like its most celebrated counterpart KdV, one dimensional
instabilities, parametric resonances, and many others. The
NLSE can also be solved by the inverse scattering method.
study of nonlinear collective phenomena started with the dis-
covery of solitons by British engineer John Scott Russell in The exact integrability of the one dimensional NLSE has
1844 (Ref. 4) and the development of the mathematical been shown for the first time by Zakharov and Shabat.40,41
Koeteweg de Vries (KdV) nonlinear wave model by French Some of the important applications of NLSE are in ion
mathematician and physicist Boussinesq5 which was solved acoustic wave modulations,42–45 fiber optic,46 Bose-Einstein
in 1895 by two Dutch mathematicians named Korteweg and condensate, oceanic science, and many others.47–60 There
de Vries.6 Recently, analytical solutions for the general have been extended NLSE models such as damped and
variable-coefficient KdV equation have been obtained by driven NLSE (DNLSE) which describe the nonlinear wave
Hong and Jung.7 Among many other members of KdV such modulation in the presence of dissipative and external or
as KdV Burgers or modified KdV model, only the standard parametric forces.61–70 The driven DNLSE has many applica-
KdV model has been shown to be exactly integrable. tions in plasma science. It describes the evolution of circularly
Zabusky and Kruskal used the inverse scattering technique8 polarized Alfven waves of finite amplitude propagating paral-
to drive a multisoliton solution of the KdV model from lel and near parallel to an unperturbed uniform magnetic
which they discovered a remarkable property of solitary field.71–73 Sanchez-Arriaga et al. have studied the damping
excitations. They discovered that these excitations unlike models in truncated derivative NLSE.74 Vladomirov and Yu
other linear waves can collide and leave the collision scene have studied the coupling of Langmuir and nonlinear finite
almost without a trace in their shape9 except a small phase- amplitude collision dominated ion acoustic waves using
shift in their trajectories. The theory of solitons plays a fun- damped NLSE.75 The resonant absorption of electromagnetic
damental role in many branches of modern science and con- waves near the critical density in inhomogeneous plasma has
stitutes one of the major cornerstones of nonlinear science. been studied using DNLSE by Pietsch et al.76 In this paper,
There have been myriads of recent literatures concerning the we present an exact traveling wave solution77 to DNLSE and
importance and application of nonlinear excitations in the use it to study different envelope soliton and cnoidal struc-
plasma field.10–17 Since the discovery of solitons, many tech- tures. Damping of the nonlinear excitations can play a domi-
niques have been developed to study both small and large nant role in driven NLSE models in plasmas since collisions
amplitude nonlinear excitations in fluids and plasmas.18–25 and Landau damping effects may well affect the propagation
Nonlinearity also plays a central role in many phenomena of plasma waves in high density and short wavelength
such as harmonic generation,26–28 ponderomotive regimes. However, in our case, we would like to postpone the
force,29,30,59 nonlinear resonance,31 period doubling, and inclusion of the damping effect for a future work.

1070-664X/2017/24(9)/092117/8/$30.00 24, 092117-1 Published by AIP Publishing.

092117-2 M. Akbari-Moghanjoughi Phys. Plasmas 24, 092117 (2017)

II. MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF PARAMETRIC DRIVEN The parameters n0 and E0 are free parameters of the pseudo-
NLSE potential coordinate. In the limit F0 ¼ 0, one obtains the
The parametric driven NLSE (DNLSE) is given by the solution for the un-driven case.83
following model equation:61–65
@ @2 SPEED
i þ 2 þ f ½jWðx;tÞj Wðx;tÞ  Fðx;tÞW ðx;tÞ ¼ 0; (1)
@t @x By changing the variable v2 =4  F0 ¼ c2 =4 < 0, we
arrive at the subcritical propagation speed solution as
in which W is the complex conjugate of W and F(x, t) is the
generalized driving term. We are interested in the traveling
wave solutions to (1). By using the change of variable
n ¼ x  vt, where v is the propagation speed, one arrives at WðnÞ ¼ /ðnÞ exp in F0  c2 =4 ;
the following equation with generalized nonlinearity and c2
force field: Vð/Þ ¼ f ð/Þ  /d/: (8)
( )
@2 @ The left ptraveling
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiwave solution is then Wðn0 Þ ¼ /ðn0 Þ
 iv þ f ½jWðnÞj WðnÞ  FðnÞW ðnÞ ¼ 0: (2) 0 2 0
@n2 @n pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi F0  c =4Þ with n ¼ x þ vt. It is noted that for
c > 4F0 we have decaying solutions instead of traveling

wave ones. Technically speaking, since v ¼ 4F  c 2 , the
A large number of situations such as laser-matter interactions pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 0
involve a driving term which varies as F ¼ F0 exp ðianÞ. solution for c > 4F0 will be periodic in time and decaying
Using the latter assumption, we consider solution of the form in space quite similar to the solitary profile known as
WðnÞ ¼ /ðnÞ exp ðian=2Þ in which /ðnÞ is a real function of Kuznetsov-Ma breather.84 Note also that with the assumption
a real variable. Plugging the ansatz into (2) leads us to the v2 =4  F0 < 0, the propagation pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi speed is always less than a
following autonomous equation: critical value v < vcr ¼ 4F0 .
  The nonlinearity of the form f ð/Þ ¼ d/p with p ¼
4/00 ðnÞ  4iðv  aÞ/0 ðnÞ  4F0  2va þ a2  4f ð/Þ /ðnÞ ¼ 0: f1; 2g is considered for weakly nonlinear systems corre-
(3) sponding to KdV and modified KdV model in (4). The case
of p ¼ 1 leads to Vð/Þ ¼ c2 /2 =8 þ d/3 =3 which is the
The imaginary term can be eliminated by setting a ¼ v pseudopotential corresponding to the Helmholtz oscillator.
which then gives rise to the following ordinary second-order Also, the case p ¼ 2 with Vð/Þ ¼ c2 /2 =8 þ d/4 =4 corre-
differential equation for /ðnÞ sponds to the well-known Duffing oscillator. The autono-
  mous Eq. (3) may be considered as a complex linear system
00 v2
/ ðnÞ þ  F0 þ f ð/Þ /ðnÞ ¼ 0: (4) written in the form z0 ¼ Az þ Bz . The latter may also be
4 cast in the form of the generalized evolution equation as
Note that now f ð/Þ is the real function of a real argument. follows:
The solution is then found to be WðnÞ ¼ /ðnÞ exp ðivn=2Þ in " # " #" # " #" #
which /ðnÞ is obtained by solving (4) as follows. The same Z0 0 1 Z 0 0 Z
¼ þ ;
procedure for n0 ¼ x þ vt leads to the solution Wðn0 Þ ¼ /ðn0 Þ Y0 f ðXÞ iv Y F0 exp ðianÞ 0 Y 
expðivn0 =2Þ in which the characteristic equation has the (9)
same structure as (4)
  where Z ¼ WðnÞ, with WðnÞ ¼ /ðnÞ exp ðianÞ; X ¼ jZj
00 0 v2 ¼ /ðnÞ and the prime and asterisk denote the derivative with
/ ðn Þ þ  F0 þ f ð/Þ /ðn0 Þ ¼ 0: (5)
4 respect to n and the complex conjugate, respectively.
The solution (7) for p ¼ 1 is of Jacobi elliptic function
These two solutions denote the right and left traveling wave
solutions. In order to solve for /ðnÞ, one can multiply (4) by
"rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi #
d/=dn and integrate once with respect to n to give
2 dð/3  /1 Þ ð/3  /2 Þ
/ðnÞ ¼ /2 þ ð/3  /2 Þcn n; ; (10)

2 ð  6 ð/ 3  / 1 Þ
1 @/ v2
þ Vð/Þ ¼ E0 ; Vð/Þ ¼ f ð/Þ þ  F0 /d/;
2 @n 4 where /1  /2  /3 are three roots of the Helmholtz poten-
(6) tial Uð/Þ ¼ E0  Vð/Þ given as

in which Vð/Þ is the corresponding pseudopotential with E0 1 c2 c4 T

being the total pseudoenergy80–82 of the motion. The solution /1 ¼  þ ;
8 d dT d
/ðnÞ is given as pffiffiffi  pffiffiffi
c2 17i 3 c4 16i 3 T
ð /2;3 ¼ þ þ ; (11)
d/ 8d 16dT 16d
n  n0 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi : (7)
2½E0  Vð/Þ where
092117-3 M. Akbari-Moghanjoughi Phys. Plasmas 24, 092117 (2017)

pffiffiffiqffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi The traveling cnoidal wave solution is then calculated as
T¼ 16 6 c6 d2 E0 þ 384d 4 E20  768d2 E0  c6 : follows:78,79,82
(12) ð/3  /2 Þcn2 ½hn; m
/ðnÞ ¼ /2 þ   ; (20)
The cases /1 ¼ /2 and /2 ’ /3 correspond, respectively, to 1 þ ð/3  /2 Þ=ð/4  /2 Þ sn2 ½hn; m
the soliton and sinusoidal wave limits. On the other hand, for
where the parameters are given below
p ¼ 2, the solution is given as
ð/4  /3 Þcn2 ½hn; m jdj ð/  /2 Þð/4  /1 Þ
/ðnÞ ¼ /3 þ   ; (13) h¼ ð/3  /1 Þð/4  /2 Þ; m ¼ 3 :
1 þ ð/4  /3 Þ=ð/3  /1 Þ sn2 ½hn; m 8 ð/4  /2 Þð/3  /1 Þ
d ð/ 4  / 3 Þð/ 2  / 1 Þ
8 3 ð/ 4  / 2 Þð/ 3  / 1 Þ
(14) Let us consider the parametrically driven NLSE (1) with
a general driving field F(x, t). We may seek the more general
The four roots of the Duffing potential /1  /2  /3  /4 traveling wave solution assuming n ¼ x  vt and Fðx; tÞ
are given as follows: ¼ F0 ðnÞ exp ½2iSðnÞ. Here, we assumed a variable force field
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi amplitude as F0 ðnÞ. It can be shown that (1) in the reduced
1 c2 c4 þ 64dE0 coordinate n admits a more general solution of the form
/1;2 ¼  6 ;
2 d d WðnÞ ¼ RðnÞ exp ½iSðnÞ, where RðnÞ and SðnÞ are real func-
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi tions. We then find
1 c2 c4 þ 64dE0   
/3;4 ¼ 7 : (15)
2 d d R00 ðnÞ  iR0 ðnÞ v  2S0 ðnÞ þ RðnÞ f ðRÞ  F0 ðnÞ
þ v  S0 ðnÞ S0 ðnÞ þ iS00 ðnÞg ¼ 0: (22)
IV. MODULATION AT SUPERCRITICAL PROPAGATION Separating the real and imaginary parts and setting both to
SPEED zero lead to
For the case of v > 4F0 by assuming v2 =4  F0
¼ c2 =4 > 0, we find the supercritical propagation speed R00 ðnÞ þ f ðRÞRðnÞ  F0 ðnÞRðnÞ þ vRðnÞS0 ðnÞ
solution as follows:  RðnÞS0 ðnÞ2 ¼ 0; (23a)
RðnÞS00 ðnÞ  vR0 ðnÞ þ 2R0 ðnÞS0 ðnÞ ¼ 0: (23b)
WðnÞ ¼ /ðnÞ exp in F0 þ c2 =4 ;
By solving Eq. (23b), one can find
Vð/Þ ¼ f ð/Þ þ /d/: (16)
4 R0 ðnÞ S00 ðnÞ
¼ (24)
In this case, the Helmholtz oscillator potential E0  Vð/Þ RðnÞ v  2S0 ðnÞ
with Vð/Þ ¼ c2 /2 =8 þ d/3 =3 has the following roots:

from which by direct integration we find
1 c2 c4 T ð
/1 ¼  þ þ ; vRðnÞ2  A vn A dn
8 d dT d
p ffiffi
ffi  pffiffiffi S0 ðnÞ ¼ ; SðnÞ ¼  þ B; (25)
c2 17i 3 c4 16i 3 T 2RðnÞ2 2 2 RðnÞ2
/2;3 ¼  þ þ ; (17)
8d 16dT 16d in which A and B are real arbitrary constants. Now, using
where the coefficient T is given as follows: (25) in (23a), we arrive at the following characteristic equa-

1=3 tion for RðnÞ as
pffiffiffiqffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2
6 2
T ¼ c þ 16 6 c d E0 þ 384d E0  768d E0 4 2 : (18) v2 RðnÞ A
R00 ðnÞ þ f ðRÞRðnÞ  F0 ðnÞRðnÞ þ  ¼ 0: (26)
4 4RðnÞ3
However, the solution is still given by (10). On the other
hand, for the Duffing oscillator with f ð/Þ ¼ d/2 , we have The generalized right-traveling solution to DNLSE with var-
the following roots: iable driving amplitude is
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (" #)
1 c2 c4 þ 64dE0 vn A dn
/1;2 ¼   7 ; WðnÞ ¼ RðnÞ exp i  þB ; (27)
2 d d 2 2 RðnÞ2
1 c2 c4 þ 64dE0 in which RðnÞ is obtained by solving (26). The other solution
/3;4 ¼  6 : (19)
2 d d for n0 ¼ x þ vt (left-traveling wave solution) is
092117-4 M. Akbari-Moghanjoughi Phys. Plasmas 24, 092117 (2017)

(" ð #)
0 0 vn0 A0 dn0 0
separation of which as before leads to
Wðn Þ ¼ Rðn Þ exp i  þB : (28)
2 2 Rðn0 Þ2
v2 R A
R00 ðnÞ  FðRÞ ¼ F0 ðnÞ; FðRÞ ¼ f ðRÞR  þ 3 : (32)
4 4R
It is obvious that evaluation of the generalized solutions requires
a numerical work and is left for a separate work. It should also The similarities of the relation R00 ðnÞ  FðRÞ ¼ F0 ðnÞ to the
be noted that the nonlinear dependence of the frequency of the model equations of Refs. 28, 31, and 35 are remarkable in
carrier wave to n leads to the nonlinear chirping effect which is which F(R) and F0 ðnÞ denote the internal and external pseu-
only present in generalized solutions (27) and (28). doforces, respectively.
For the externally driven NLSE, on the other hand, we
can write61
@ @2 Figure 1 shows the parametric modulation of subcritical
i þ 2 þ f ½jWðx; tÞj Wðx; tÞ  F0 expðiXtÞ ¼ 0: (29) pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

@t @x solitary waves (v < 4F0 ) for different parameters of the
Helmholtz oscillator. Figure 1(a) shows the sinusoidally
Considering the traveling wave solution (n ¼ x  vt), we are
modulated compressive solitary wave so-called the compres-
interested in solution of the following more general exter-
sive envelope soliton. It is observed in Fig. 1(b) that the
nally driven NLSE
decrease in the parameter c leads to the decrease/increase in
( ) the amplitude/width of the envelope soliton and also increase
@2 @
 iv þ f ½jWðnÞj WðnÞ  F0 ðnÞ exp½2iSðnÞ ¼ 0: of oscillations inside the solitary envelop. It is also remarked
@n2 @n from Fig. 1(c) that the increase in the nonlinearity parameter
(30) d leads to the decrease in the amplitude of the envelope soli-
ton, which almost does not affect its spread. Moreover, Fig.
Again, assuming a general solution of polar form WðnÞ 1(4) shows that the change in the sign of the parameter d
¼ RðnÞ exp½iSðnÞ, we arrive at the following relation: leads to mirror reflection of the interior sinusoidal oscilla-
  tion. Note that the positive and negative values of the nonlin-
R00 ðnÞ þ f ðRÞRðnÞ  F0 ðnÞ  iR0 ðnÞ v  2S0 ðnÞ
   earity parameter d correspond to self-focusing and
þ RðnÞ v  S0 ðnÞ S0 ðnÞ þ iS00 ðnÞ ¼ 0; (31) defocusing NLSE solutions, respectively.

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1. Modulation of subcritical v <

4F0 solitary propagations in the
Helmholtz oscillator and the effects of
parameters c and d on the structure of
compressive envelope solitons.
092117-5 M. Akbari-Moghanjoughi Phys. Plasmas 24, 092117 (2017)

FIG. 2. Effect of the ppseudoenergy

value on subcritical v < 4F0 modula-
tion of nonlinear periodic waves in the
Helmholtz oscillator and the structure
formation of the envelope cnoidal

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3. Formation of subcritical v <

4F0 modulation of nonlinear peri-
odic waves in the Duffing oscillator
and the effects of driving amplitude
and pseudoenergy value on the struc-
ture of subcritical compressive enve-
lope cnoidal waves.
092117-6 M. Akbari-Moghanjoughi Phys. Plasmas 24, 092117 (2017)

Figure 2 shows the parametric modulation of subcritical packets. Figures 4(c) and 4(d) reveal that the decrease in the
nonlinear periodic wave propagation of the Helmholtz oscil- pseudoenergy towards E0 ¼ 0 leads to a sinusoidal envelope
lator for different values of the pseudoenergy values. Figure instead of cnoidal for nonzero pseudoenergy.
2(a) shows that the periodic NLSE solution is composed of Figure 5 shows the modulation of supercritical periodic
modulation of sinusoidal oscillations inside cnoidal wave wave propagations in the Duffing oscillator. Figure 5(a)
envelops. Figures 2(b)–2(d) show the effect of pseudoenergy shows that the supercritical modulation of periodic waves in
on compressive envelope cnoidal waves. It is observed that the Duffing oscillator differs slightly from that in the
for E0 ’ Vmin , where Vmin is the minimum value of the Helmholtz oscillator in Fig. 4. It is also observed that with
Helmholtz oscillator potential, the oscillation amplitude of the increase in the pseudoenergy value, quite similar to the
cnoidal envelopes decreases substantially and the modulated case of the Helmholtz oscillator, the density of envelop cnoi-
wave becomes purely harmonic. dal nodes increases. The latter however has no effect on the
Figure 3 shows the parametric modulation of subcritical frequency of the interior sinusoidal wave.
nonlinear periodic wave propagation of the Duffing oscillator
for different values of the pseudoenergy and driving amplitude. VII. CONCLUSION
Figure 3(a) shows a similar modulation pattern to that for the
Helmholtz oscillator for negative values of the pseudo energy. In this paper, we solved the driven nonlinear
On the other hand, Fig. 3(b) shows that the increase in the driv- Schr€odinger equation (DNLSE) with the generalized form of
ing field F0 leads to the increase in the frequency of oscilla- nonlinearity and conventional periodic parametric forcing.
tions. However, for positive values of the pseudoenergy, there We have also examined the formation of solitary and cnoidal
appear distinct nodes in oscillation, the density of which envelope excitations and the effect of various potential
increases further as the pseudoenergy value is increased. parameters on nonlinear wave modulations in two well-
Figure known oscillator models, namely, the Helmholtz and
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4 shows the modulation of supercritical
(v > 4F0 ) solitary and periodic wave propagations in the Duffing. Two distinct types
ffi of modulations ofpffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

Helmholtz oscillator. Figure 4(a) corresponds to a gray-type waves with sub- v < 4F0 and supercritical v > 4F0 prop-
rarefactive soliton modulation. Furthermore, Fig. 4(b) corre- agation speeds were distinguished and studied in detail. It
sponds to the rarefactive nonlinear periodic modulation con- was found that the subcritical and supercritical modulations
sisting of periodically arranged repeating small and big wave are fundamentally different in structure. In fact, the envelope

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi4. Formation of supercritical v >

4F0 modulation of nonlinear solitary
and periodic waves in the Helmholtz
oscillator and the effects of pseudoe-
nergy value of the structure on rarefac-
tive envelope soliton and cnoidal
092117-7 M. Akbari-Moghanjoughi Phys. Plasmas 24, 092117 (2017)

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi5. Formation of supercritical v >

4F0 modulation of nonlinear peri-
odic waves in the Duffing oscillator
and the effects of the pseudoenergy
value of the structure on envelope
cnoidal waves.

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