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Class - Vi Lesson Plan Chapter 1 - Food-Where Does It Come From?

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Unit Chapter –2: Food: Where does it come from?

Total: 5 PERIODS (Approx. 35 min each)
Students were able to recall various types of foods
for the course
1. Written test
Assessment of
2. Lab activity
3. Group Discussion
4. HW notebook
Students will be able to

 List the food variety and ingredients

 Identify the sources of food material
 Name edible part of plant
 The categorization of animals into herbivores, carnivores and

Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand

 The importance of food variety
 Ingredients required to make a dish
 The sources of food material
 Edible part of plants
 Animal products as food
 The categorization of animals into herbivores, carnivores and
 ingredients

SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES- Students would be able to

 Explain the need of food variety collaboratively

 List the ingredients to make a dish
 To analyze critically various plants to find the edible part
 Built character amongst themselves by discussing /communicating
the categorization of animals into herbivores, carnivores and

Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-

(The teacher Brain Storming-The class would start with a discussion on what is food and
can use the variety of food items. They would be asked about variety of food and its
mentioned significance in our life.
wherever Active learning –
applicable, Differentiation- The students in a group of 10 will be presenting a skit on
and can use the importance of food and food variety (Character, Citizenship,
any other too.) communication)
Think-pair -share- Students will read the topic again after teacher’s
explanation, think for a minute and then discuss in pair about the eating
habits of different animals and make a table under the heading herbivore,
carnivore and omnivore.

Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT questions to be

discussed in the classroom.

Techniques to be used:
Daily Practice Problem
Peer Assessment
Lab Activities

Resources Text Book

NCERT text book for Science
Reference Book
NCERT Exemplar
Self Study, Independent Practice: Students would do the questions in their H.W
Home Work, notebooks from NCERT book
HW notebooks to be marked as per the given plan:
Assessment Parameters: The total marks for the activity is 5 marks
On time submission………………………………1 mark
Presentation/ Neatness……………………………1 mark
Content……….………………………………......3 marks

Assessments 4 UNIT TESTS (25, 25, 25, 25)……………………….100 Marks


By administering pen paper test we assess creativity and critical
thinking. 80 Marks
Subject Enrichment 10 Marks
With the help of subject enrichment activities we assess communication
collaboration, character building and citizenship.
Note Book Submission 10 Marks
Addressing Due to various social backgrounds and multiple intelligences, the classroom
Classroom might be a diverse arena. The following techniques can be used for various
Diversity groups:

For gifted students:

 Encouragement for referring other resources
 Presenting them with high order thinking questions

For weak students:

 Buddy help to be provided
 Provide grade-up classes

For differently abled students:

 Ignore spelling mistakes
 Call parents at regular intervals
 Provide grade-up classes

Marks The weightage would be given by CBSE

The following questions will be asked to the students-
Q.1. Why is it essential to have food variety?
Q.2. Define the term Ingredients.
Q.3. Define the term Carnivores
Q.4. Name two animals which are omnivores.
Q.5. Why should we not eat unknown plants?

DAY 1 – Food variety

35 min
This topic requires basic knowledge of food variety in different states
for the course
Assessment of
qualifying Facilitator asks the students oral questions related to the topic
Students will be able to understand the importance of food variety and its
importance in our life
Learning  KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand
Outcomes  Food variety
 Importance of food variety
 SKILLS- Students would be able to
 Collaboratively make a chart on food variety

Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-

Methodology The facilitator initiates a conversation with the learner by asking them
(The teacher about food and take examples of different food variety The facilitator will
can use the relate different kinds of food items to different regions. Further it will be
mentioned discussed about the importance of food variety. The facilitator will list
techniques, down 5-6 food items on the board and ask students to match with different
wherever regions..
applicable, and
can use any The students will be making chart of different food items and the related
other too.) region. - Critical thinking and Creativity

Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT questions to be

discussed in the classroom.

Techniques to be used:
Daily Practice Problem
Peer Assessment
Student -teacher interaction / loud reading, collaborative learning,

Resources Text Book

NCERT text book for Science
Reference Book
NCERT Exemplar
Self Study, Independent Practice: Students would do the questions in their H.W
Home Work, notebooks from NCERT book

Assessments Assessment will be done on the basis of the charts made.

Closure Recap by concept map
Marks The weightage would be given by CBSE

Unit DAY 2- Ingredients

35 min
The topic requires basic knowledge of ingredients
for the course
Assessment of
qualifying Facilitator will ask questions from previous day’s content
Objective Students will be able to understand the ingredients required for a dish.
KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand
About ingredients required for a dish
SKILLS- Students would be able to
Creatively make a chart of different dishes and ingredients required.
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Brain Storming-The class would start with a discussion on what the
(The teacher students have already learnt in the previous classes and hence what is it
can use the that they would learn now. They would also be told the significance of the
mentioned topic that they would be studying.
techniques, Think-pair -share- Students will read the topic again after teacher’s
wherever explanation, think for a minute and then discuss in pair about the
applicable, and ingredients required to make a dish.
can use any The facilitator will list down 5-6 food items on the board and ask students
other too.) to list the ingredients required
(Critical thinking, collaborative learning, communication)

Techniques to be used:
Daily Practice Problem
Student -teacher interaction,
silent/ loud reading

Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT questions to

be discussed in the classroom.

Resources Text Book

NCERT text book for Science
Reference Book
NCERT Exemplar
Self Study, Independent Practice: Students would do the questions in their H.W
Home Work, notebooks from NCERT book.

Assessments Assessment will be done on the basis of the chart made.

Closure Summarization with the help of students
Marks The weightage would be given by CBSE

Unit DAY 3: Plant and animal food product

35 min
The topic requires basic knowledge of plant and animal product
for the course
Assessment of
Facilitator will ask the students about different kinds of plant and animal
food products
Students will be able to know about different kinds of plant and animal
food products
Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand about-
Outcomes Plant and animal food products
SKILLS- Students would be able to
Built character amongst themselves by discussing /communicating the
equal contribution of plants and animal in maintaining life.
Critically categorize different kinds of plant and animal food product
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
(The teacher The students will be shown pictures of various kinds of plant products and
can use the animal products
mentioned ACTIVITY: Diagram of a plant and its parts, food items from animals
techniques, (Creative and Critical thinking)
applicable, and Techniques to be use
can use any Student -teacher interaction,
other too.) silent/ loud reading, collaborative learning,

Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT questions to

be discussed in the classroom.

Resources Text Book

NCERT text book for Science
Reference Book
NCERT Exemplar
Self Study, Independent Practice: Students would do the questions in their H.W
Home Work, notebooks from NCERT book
Assessments Assessment will be done on the basis of the plant diagram and food items
from animals
Closure Summarization by the teacher with the help of students
Marks The weightage would be given by CBSE

DAY 4: Edible parts of a plant and sprouting of seeds

Class 35 min
Pre-requisite The topic requires basic knowledge of sprouting of seeds.
for the course
Assessment of Facilitator will ask the students about different parts of a plant which are
qualifying edible.
Objective Students will be able to know about different edible parts of plant and the
process of sprouting

Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand

Outcomes  Sprouting of seeds
 Different edible parts of a plant
 Unknown plants should not be eaten
 Honey is obtained from nectar
SKILLS- Students would be able to
Built character amongst themselves by discussing /communicating about
the edible parts of a plant
Critically analyze the sprouting of seeds
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
(The teacher Questioning- Multiple level question- Teacher will prepare a list of
can use the question about the sprouting of seeds, edible parts of a plant and ask these
mentioned questions during discussions. (Critical thinking, Communication)
techniques, Think-pair -share- Students will read the topic again after teacher’s
wherever explanation, think for a minute and then discuss in pair why unknown
applicable, and plants should not be eaten and how honey is formed.
can use any
other too.) ACTIVITY:- Students will be asked to make sprouts of moong dal and
discuss its nutritional value
(Creative and Critical thinking)

Techniques to be used:
Daily Practice Problem
Student -teacher interaction,
silent/ loud reading, collaborative learning,

Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT questions to

be discussed in the classroom.

Resources Text Book

NCERT text book for Science
Reference Book
NCERT Exemplar
Self Study, Independent Practice: Students would do the questions in their H.W
Home Work, notebooks from NCERT book
Assessments Assessment will be done on the basis of the activity done.
Closure Summarization by the teacher with the help of students
Marks The weightage would be given by CBSE

DAY 5: Plant and animal food product

Class 35 min
Pre-requisite The topic requires basic knowledge of plant and animal products
for the course
Assessment of Facilitator will ask the students about different kinds of plant and animal
qualifying food products
Objective Students will be able about different kinds of plant and animal food
Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will know
Outcomes Plant n animal food products
SKILLS- Students would be able to
Built character amongst themselves by discussing /communicating the
equal contribution of plants and animal in maintaining life.
Critically categorize different kinds of plant and animal food product
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
(The teacher The students will be shown pictures of various kinds of edible plant parts
can use the and animal products
mentioned ACTIVITY: - diagram of a plant and its parts
techniques, (Creative and Critical thinking)
applicable, and Techniques to be used:
can use any Student -teacher interaction,
other too.) silent/ loud reading, collaborative learning,

Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT questions to be

discussed in the classroom.

Resources Text Book

NCERT text book for Science
Reference Book
NCERT Exemplar
Self Study, Independent Practice: Students would do the questions in their H.W
Home Work, notebooks from NCERT book
Assessments Assessment will be done on the basis of the plant diagram made.
Closure Summarization by the teacher with the help of students
Marks The weightage would be given by CBSE

DAY 6: Eating habits of animals

Class 35 min
Pre-requisite The topic requires basic knowledge of eating habits of animals.
for the course
Assessment of Facilitator will ask the students about different kind of plant and animal
qualifying food product
Objective Students will be able to know about the eating habits of animals and
categorizing them into herbivores, carnivores and omnivores
Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand
Outcomes  about the eating habits of animals
 their categorization into herbivores, carnivores and omnivores
SKILLS- Students would be able to
Built character amongst themselves by discussing /communicating the
eating habits of animals
Critically categorize different kinds of animals into herbivores, carnivores
and omnivores
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
(The teacher Think-Pair-Share: The students will be shown pictures of various animals
can use the and will be asked to categorize them into herbivores, carnivores and
mentioned omnivores Students will reflect for a minute after the pictures are shown
techniques, and then they will share in pair
applicable, and (Critical thinking, collaborative, communication)
can use any
other too.) Techniques to be used:
Student -teacher interaction,

Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT questions to be

discussed in the classroom.

Resources Text Book

NCERT text book for Science
Reference Book
NCERT Exemplar
Self -Study, Independent Practice: Students would do the questions in their H.W
Home Work, notebooks from NCERT book
Assessments Assessment will be done on the basis of categorization of animals
Closure Summarization by the teacher with the help of students
Marks The weightage would be given by CBSE

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