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Bahasa Inggris Teknik 1

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Mata Ujian : Bahasa Inggris Teknik 1

Prodi/Semester : D3 Teknik Elektro / Semester 4 Reguler & Ekstensi
Hari,Tanggal : Rabu, 4 Agustus 2021
Dosen Pengampu : Yanu Rarasati Indraningtyas, M.Pd
Sifat Ujian : Open Book
1. Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan soal ujian.
2. Kerjakan dengan menggunakan ballpoint pada lembar jawab yang telah disediakan.
3. Tidak diperkenankan : pinjam alat hitung, pinjam ATK, pinjam buku, bertanya dan
4. Tidak diperkenankan browsing internet via HP dan alat elektronik lainnya.
5. Pengawas berhak mengeluarkan peserta ujian jika yang bersangkutan melanggar.
SOAL : Kerjakan dengan teliti dan mandiri !

1. The effect of heat and temperature is the change in the state of substances. It also
addapted in the electric heating systems in home. Describe how electric heating
system works related ti the effect of heat and temperatures above!
2. Explain the picture below according to the discussion of “precision and tolerance”!

Shaft Ø 88 mm ± 0.05

3. In the technical engineering term, there are several vocabularies below.

Please find the synonym of each word of phrases!
a) Exactness
b) Differ
c) Deviation between maximum and minimum
d) An unacceptable deviation
e) Large deviation allowed
4. Find the error in the sentences below and then make them into the correct one!
a) Viruses (A) are extremely (B) tiny parasites that are able (C) to reproduce only
within the cells of theirs (D) hosts.
b) The carbon atoms (A) of the diamond are so strongly (B) bonded that a diamond
can only be scrathed (C) with other (D) diamond.
c) It is possible to get (A) a sunburn on a cloudy (B) day because eighty percent of
the ultraviolet rays from the Sun would (C) penetrate cloud cover (D).
d) More then 600 milion (A) individual bacteria (B) lives (C) on the skin of humans

Validasi Soal : Ketua Prodi

Soal ini telah disetujui dan divalidasi sesuai dengan
kurikulum program studi dan silabi yang berlaku.
Fahmy Ferdian D, MT

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