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Chapter 20

Blood Relation
Introduction Now consider another example,
Ex. 2: Nandini is the only daughter of Madan’s sister
Problems of this type involve analysis of certain blood Sangita’s br other . How is Nandini related to
relations and then inferring on the basis of the given Madan?
informations. Some examples of such questions are given 1) Daughter 2) Niece
below that will better illustrate our point: 3) Cousin 4) Niece or Daughter
Ex. 1: Pointing to a man in a photograph, a woman said, 5) None of these
‘His brot her ’s f at her is t he only son of my Soln.: Nandini = the only daughter of Madan’s sister
grandfather.’ How is the woman related to the Sangita’s brother
man in the photograph? = the only daughter of Madan/Madan’s
1) Mother 2) Aunt 3) Sister brother
4) Daughter 5) Grandmother = Madan’s daughter/niece
Soln.: For such type of questions, it is best to ‘back- Hence (4) is the correct answer.
track’, ie start with the last information and Ex. 3: M is brother of K. T is sister of M. J is brother of
proceed backward for example, if it is given that T. H is father of J. How is K related to H?
he is the son of the mother of my grandfather’s 1) Niece 2) Son 3) Brother
daught er , then we pr oceed wit h the last 4) Sister 5) Data Inadequate
infor mat ion: ‘gr andf at her ’s daught er ’. Soln.: To solve such types of questions, we need to draw
Grandfather’s daughter means aunt (sister of a family tree diagram. We have already discussed,
father). Now, ‘mother of my grandfather’s daughter’ in det ail in ear lier chapters, ( “Puzzle” and
becomes ‘mother of my aunt’. Mother of my aunt “Coded Relationship”) about “What is family
is my grandmother. Hence, he is the son of the tree?” and “How to draw the family tree for the
mother of my grandfather’s daughter become ‘son given relationship-string?”. Let us draw family
of my grandmother’ which is either father or tree on the basis of the information given in the
uncle. above question, we have,
Now, solve the given example, H(+)
His brother’s father is only son of my grandfather |
 His brother’s father is my father (since only (+)J — T(–) — M(+) — K (?)
son of my grandfather = my father). Now, his Obviously, sex of K is not known. Therefore, K
brother’s father is my father is either son or daughter of H. Hence option (5),
 His brother is my brother ie ‘Data inadequate’ is the correct answer.
 He is my brother.
Hence, woman is the sister of the man in the
photograph. Hence (3) is the correct answer.

1. Pointing to a man in a photograph, Leesha said, ‘his photograph 2.” How is Mr ‘X’ related to the person in
mother’s only daughter is my mother’. How is Leesha photograph 2?
related to that man? 1) Grandson 2) Granddaughter
1) Nephew 2) Sister 3) Wife 3) Greatgrandson 4) Either 1 or 2
4) Niece 5) Granddaugher 5) None of these
2. Pointing to a photograph of a man, Neha said, “He 4. A man pointing to a photograph says, “The man is
has no, sisters or daughters, but his mother is the my nephew’s maternal grandfather.” How is the
only daughter of my mother.” How is the man in the person in the photograph related to his brother who
photograph related to Neha’s mother? has no other sibling?
1) Brother-in-Law 2) Grandson 1) Brother-in-law 2) Father
3) Nephew 4) Can’t be determined 3) Father-in-law 4) Can’t say
5) None of these 5) None of these
3. Mr ‘X’ shows three photographs to Mr Y. Pointing 5. Pointing to a man in the photograph, another man
towards phot ograph 1, he says, “The person in says: “He is the father of the husband of the only
photograph 1 is my uncle, who says ‘uncle’ to the daughter of my grandfather’s only son.” How is the
per son in photogr aph 2, and t he per son in man in the photograph related to the man (who
phot ogr aph 3 is called ‘uncle’ by t he person in speaks)?
524 Verbal Reasoning (Commonsense Reasoning)

1) Grandfather 2) Uncle 1) Sister-in-law 2) Mother-in-law

3) Brother-in-law 4) Father 3) Mother 4) Cousin
5) None of these 5) Data inadequate
6. Pointing to a boy, Purnima says, “He is the only son 16. Pointing to a photograph, Y says, “He is the only
of the sister of my brother.” How is the boy related to brother of the only daughter of my sister’s maternal
Purnima? grandmother.” Pointing to another photograph, X
1) Can’t be determined 2) Son says, “he is the only brother of the only daughter of
3) Nephew 4) Brother my sister’s maternal grandmother.” If among the two
5) None of these photographs, one was either of Mr X or Mr Y, and
7. Pointing to Priti, father of Rishu says, “She is the the photograph, towards which Y was pointing, was
daughter of the daughter of the wife of the only son not of Mr X, then how is Y related to Mr X?
of the grandfather of my sister.” How is Sushama 1) grandfather 2) paternal uncle
related to Priti if Sushama is the sister of Rishu’s 3) maternal uncle 4) Can’t say
father? 5) None of these
1) Can’t say 2) Mother 3) Aunt 17. Pointing to a woman in a photograph, a man says,
4) Niece 5) None of these “She is the mother-in-law of the sister-in-law of the
8. Pointing to a woman in a photograph, a man says, only sister of my son.” How is the woman related to
“She is the mother-in-law of the husband of the only the man?
granddaughter of my own mother-in-law”. How is 1) sister 2) sister-in-law
the woman related to the man? 3) mother 4) wife
1) daughter 2) wife 3) sister-in-law 5) Can’t say
4) Niece 5) daughter-in-law 18. Pointing to a man, Radhika said, “His sister is my
9. Introducing a man, a woman says, “His wife is the daughter’s brother’s mother.” How is the man related
only daughter of my father.” How is the man related to Radhika?
to the woman? 1) Brother 2) Father 3) Uncle
1) Brother 2) Father-in-law 4) Grandfather 5) Cousin
3) Maternal uncle 4) Paternal uncle 19. Pointing to a photograph, Shanti said, “She is the
5) None of these mother of my brother’s uncle’s son.” How is Shanti
10. Pointing towards a girl, a teacher said, “She is the related to the person in the photograph?
only daughter of the only son of the wife of the father- 1) aunt 2) niece 3) mother
in-law of my wife”. How is the girl related with the 4) daughter 5) None of these
teacher? 20. Pointing to a person in a photograph, a lady said,
1) Daughter 2) Niece “Her sister is the daughter of my father ’s son’s
3) Sister 4) Daughter-in-law mother.” How is the person related to the lady?
5) None of these 1) Aunt 2) Cousin 3) Sister
11. Two persons were quarrelling over their relationship 4) Mother 5) Can’t be determined
with a man in a photo. One was saying that the man 21. Pointing to a man in the photograph Sheela said
was his grandfather, and another was also saying “His father’s only daughter is sister of my father”.
the same. But they were not brothers. What was the How is sheela related to that man?
relationship between them? 1) Wife 2) Sister 3) Niece
1) Brother and sister 2) One of them was lying 4) Daughter 5) Either Niece or Daughter
3) Cousins 4) Data inadequate 22. Pointing to a lady in the photograph, Rajesh said,
5) None of these “she is my grandfather’s only sons’ mother.” How is
12. Pointing to Kedar, Veena said, “His mother’s brother the women related to Rajesh?
is the father of my son Nitin.” How is Kedar related 1) Daughter 2) Sister 3) Mother
to Veena? 4) Grandmother 5) Aunt
1) Niece 2) Aunt 3) Nephew 23. Pointing to a photograph, a woman says, “This man’s
4) Sister-in-law 5) None of these son’s sister is my mother”. How is the woman related
13. Pointing to a photograph, a man said to a woman, to the man in the photograph?
“She is one of the sisters of the son of the only son 1) Daughter 2) Mother
of your grandfather.” If the woman in the photograph 3) Granddaughter 4) Mother-in-law
is the sister of the son of the man’s father-in-law, 5) None of these
then how is the man related to the woman (with 24. A man pointing to a lady says, “Her brother is the
whom the man was talking)? father of my only son’s sister”. How is that lady
1) Husband 2) Brother 3) Brother-in-law related to the man?
4) Either 1) or 3) 5) None of these 1) Daughter 2) Sister
14. Pointing towards a photograph, Raju said, “His sister 3) Granddaughter 4) Niece
is the mother of Vinay, the son of my brother.” How 5) None of these
is Raju is related to Vinay? Raju is the father of Alok. 25. Pointing towards a person in a photograph, Anita
1) Brother 2) Uncle said, “He is the only son of the father of my sister’s
3) Nephew 4) Brother-in-law brother.” How is that person related to Anita?
5) None of these 1) Father 2) Cousin
15. A man, pointing to a photograph, says, “The lady in 3) Maternal Uncle 4) Brother
t he phot ograph is my nephew’s mat ernal 5) None of these
grandmother.” How is the lady in the photograph 26. Pointing to a woman in a photograph a man says:
related to the man’s sister who has no other sister? “She is the only daughter of the only daughter of my
Blood Relation 525

brother-in-law’s father.” How is the woman related 1) daughter 2) wife

to the man? 3) daughter-in-law 4) sister-in-law
1) wife 2) mother 3) daughter 5) None of these
4) niece 5) Can’t say 38. Pointing to a woman in a photograph a man says:
27. Pointing to a woman in a photograph a man says: “She is the grandmother of the son of my daughter-
‘She is the mother of my son’s only daughter.’ How is in-law’s mother-in-law.” How is the woman related
the woman related to the man in the photograph? to the man?
1) daughter 2) wife 1) mother 2) mother-in-law
3) mother 4) daughter-in-law 3) sister 4) wife
5) Can’t say 5) sister-in-law
28. Pointing to a man in a photograph a woman says: He 39. Pointing to a woman in the photograph a man says.
is the father of the only grandson of my father-in- “This woman is the wife of the father of my brother-
law. How is the man related to the woman? in-law.” How is the woman related to the man?
1) Husband 2) Brother 3) Son 1) mother 2) mother-in-law
4) Nephew 5) Brother-in-law 3) sister 4) sister-in-law
29. Pointing to a man in a photograph a woman says. 5) daughter
“He is the only son of the only daughter-in-law of my 40. Pointing to a woman a man says, “She is the sister-
only son’s father”. How is the man related to the in-law of the only daughter of my mother-in-law’s
woman? husband”. How is the woman related to the man?
1) Son 2) Father 3) Son-in-law 1) daughter 2) mother
4) Grandson 5) Can’t say 3) sister-in-law 4) daughter-in-law
30. Pointing to a woman in a photograph a man says, 5) sister
“She is the only daughter of my father’s only daughter- 41. Pointing to a man in the photograph a woman says:
in-law.” How is the woman related to the man? “He is the son of my sister’s mother’s husband.” How
1) wife 2) daughter is the man related to the woman?
3) daughter-in-law 4) sister 1) Brother 2) Father
5) sister-in-law 3) Uncle 4) Brother-in-law
31. Pointing to a man in a photograph a woman says: 5) Father-in-law
“He is the father of my only daughter-in-law’s father- 42. Pointing to a man in the photograph a woman says:
in-law”. What is the man to the woman? “He is the father of my daughter-in-law’s brother-in-
1) Father 2) Brother law.” How is the man related to the woman?
3) Husband 4) Brother-in-law 1) husband 2) brother
5) Father-in-law 3) brother-in-law 4) father
32. Pointing to a woman in a photograph a man says: 5) father-in-law
“She is the only daughter of my wife’s mother-in- 43. Pointing to a woman in a photograph, a man says,
law”. How is the woman related to the man? “She is the mother of my daughter-in-law’s husband’s
1) Daughter 2) Wife only sister.” How is the woman related to the man?
3) Sister 4) Sister-in-law 1) wife 2) mother 3) sister
5) Mother-in-law 4) daughter 5) sister-in-law
33. Pointing to a woman in a photograph a man says: 44. Pointing to a woman in a photograph a man says,
“She is the only daughter of my father’s mother-in- “She is the mother of the father of my wife’s only
law”. How is the woman related to the man? son.” How is the woman related to the man in the
1) daughter 2) mother question?
3) daughter-in-law 4) mother-in-law 1) mother 2) wife
5) None of these 3) daughter-in-law 4) mother-in-law
34. Pointing to a photograph a woman says: “He is the 5) Can’t say
brother of the daughter of my mother-in-law’s only 45. Pointing to a man in a photograph, a woman says,
son”. How is the man related to the woman? “He is the only son of the only daughter-in-law of my
1) Son 2) Brother only son’s father.” How is the man related to the
3) Brother-in-law 4) Nephew woman?
5) Can’t be exactly determined 1) Son 2) Father 3) Son-in-law
35. Pointing to a photograph a woman says: “He is the 4) Grandson 5) Can’t say
son of the wife of my husband’s father”. How is the 46. Pointing to a man, a woman says: “He is the brother-
man related to the woman? in-law of t he only son-in-law of my mot her’s
1) son 2) son-in-law husband.” How is the man related to the woman?
3) brother-in-law 4) brother 1) brother 2) husband 3) brother-in-law
5) None of these 4) son 5) son-in-law
36. Pointing to a man in a photograph a woman says: 47. Pointing to a person a man said; “This man is the
“He is the f ather -in-law of the wife of t he only son of my brother-in-law’s father’s only daughter.”
grandson of my own father-in-law”. How is the man How is the man related to the speaker?
related to the woman? 1) Son 2) Father
1) son 2) husband 3) cousin 3) Brother 4) Brother-in-law
4) nephew 5) son-in-law 5) None of these
37. Pointing to a woman in a photograph, a man says 48. Showing a photograph Rajeev told Shweta. “His
“She is the mother-in-law of the wife of the father of mother is the only daughter of your father.” How
my only son”. How is the woman related to the man? was Shweta related to the man in the photograph?
526 Verbal Reasoning (Commonsense Reasoning)

1) Aunt 2) Mother 3) Wife 58. Pointing to a person Rohit said ‘He is the younger of
4) Daughter 5) None of these the two brothers of the daughter of my father’s wife’.
49. Pointing to a photograph, a man said, “She is the How is the person related to Rohit?
daughter of my grandfather’s only son.” How is the 1) nephew 2) son 3) uncle
woman related to the man? 4) brother 5) father
1) Mother 2) Daughter] 59. Pointing to a woman, Anil said, ‘She is the daughter
3) Sister 4) Sister-in-law of my grandfather’s only son’s wife.’ How is Anil
5) None of these related to that girl?
50. Pointing to a woman, a man says: “She is the mother 1) Brother 2) cousin 3) Father
of my son-in-law’s brother’s only sister-in-law.” How 4) Uncle 5) Husband
is the woman related to the man? 60. Pointing to a boy in a photograph, Akhil says, “He is
1) mother 2) wife 3) sister the son of my mother’s only son.” How is Akhil related
4) mother-in-law 5) sister-in-law to that boy?
51. Pointing to a lady a man said, her mother’s husband’s 1) Uncle 2) Brother 3) Father
sister in my aunt. How is the lady related to the 4) Cousin 5) None of these
man? 61. Pointing to a boy, Meena says, “He is the son of my
1) Mother 2) Sister 3) Aunt grandfather’s only son.” How is the boy’s mother
4) Daughter 5) Granddaughter related to Meena?
52. Pointing to Rekha, Anuj said, “She is the daughter 1) Mother 2) Aunt
of my grandfather’s son.” How is Rekha related to 3) Sister 4) Data inadequate
Anuj? 5) None of these
1) Aunt 2) Sister 3) Niece 62. Pointing to Kedar, Veena said, ‘His mother’s brother
4) Mother 5) Sister-in-law is the father of my son Nitin.’ How is Kedar related
53. Pointing to a lady in the photograph, Dev Anand to Veena?
said, “This woman is my sister’s father’s son-in-law’s 1) Niece 2) Aunt
wife”. How is Dev Anand related to the woman? 3) Nephew 4) Sister-in-law
1) Mother 2) Sister 5) None of these
3) Can’t be determined 4) Wife 63. Pointing to a boy, Namrata says, “He is the son of my
5) None of these grandfather’s only child.” How is the boy related to
54. Pointing to a photograph Monica said, “He is the Namrata?
brother of the son of my grandfather’s only daughter. 1) Brother 2) Cousin
“How is the man related to Monica? 3) Uncle 4) Data inadequate
1) brother 2) cousin 3) nephew 5) None of these
4) Can’t say 5) None of these 64. Pointing to a girl, Abhishek said, “She is daughter of
55. Pointing to a joker, Madhu says, “He is the son of my the only child of my father.” How is Abhishek’s wife
father’s brother’s only sister-in-law.” How is the joker related to that girl?
related to Madhu? 1) Daughter 2) Mother 3) Aunt
1) Son 2) Brother 3) Cousin 4) Sister 5) None of these
4) Uncle 5) None of these 65. Pointing to a woman, Nirmal said, “She is the daughter
56. Pointing to a photograph Arun said, “She is the mother of my wife’s grandfather’s only child.” How is the
of my brother’s son’s wife’s daughter”. How is Arun woman related to Nirmal?
related to the lady? 1) Wife 2) Sister-in-law
1) cousin 2) aunt 3) Sister 4) Data inadequate
3) daughter-in-law 4) uncle 5) None of these
5) None of these 66. Pointing to a girl, Arun said, “She is the only daughter
57. Pointing to a man, Rohit recalled, ‘He is the son of of my grandfather’s son.” How is the girl related to
the mother of the father of my daughter.’ How is Arun?
Rohit related to the man? 1) Daughter 2) Sister
1) cousin 2) brother 3) nephew 3) Cousin Sister 4) Data inadequate
4) uncle 5) son 5) None of these

1. L is mother-in-law of K, who is mother-in-law of R. 3. Pankaj is the brother of Rekha. Rekha is the wife of
How is the husband of R related to X, who is the Rahul. Rahul is the brother of Suman. What is the
father of P? It is also given that K is the daughter-in- relation of Suman to Pankaj?
law of X and P has no brothers or sisters. 1) Sister 2) Sister-in-law
1) Grandson 2) Grandfather 3) Son 3) Brother 4) Brother-in-law
4) Can’t say 5) None of these 5) No specific relation
2 . If Raju is the son of the wife of the son of the father 4. X’s mother is the mother-in-law of the father of Z. Z
of Amrendra’s father, how is Raju related to Amrendra, is the brother of Y while X is the father of M. How is
if Raju’s grandfather has no granddaughter? X related to Z?
1) Brother 2) Cousin 1) Paternal uncle 2) Maternal uncle
3) Either 1 or 2 4) Can’t say 3) Cousin 4) Grandfather
5) None of these
K KUNDAN 5) Brother-in-law
Blood Relation 527

5. Binod’s son is the son-in-law of Achyut’s father. Rani 1) father-in-law 2) mother-in-law

is Achyut’s only sister. Binod has only one grandson 3) son-in-law 4) daughter-in-law
Pramod. How is Pramod related to Rani? 5) brother-in-law
1) Father 2) Uncle 12. Kalyani is mother-in-law of Veena who is Sister-in-
3) Son 4) Brother law of Ashok. Dheeraj is father of Sudeep, the only
5) Nephews brother of Ashok. How is Kalyani related to Ashok?
6. If A is a brother of B, C is the sister of A, D is the 1) Mother-in-law 2) Aunt
brother of E, E is the daughter of B, F is the father of 3) Wife 4) Cousin
C, who is the uncle of D? 5) None of these
1) A 2) C 13. D is brother of K. M is sister of K. T is father of R,
3) B 4) None of these who is brother of M. F is mother of K. At least how
5) Can’t be determined many sons does T and F have?
7. If P is brother of Q and R is sister of Q, then how is 1) Two 2) Three
Q related to P? 3) Four 4) Data inadequate
1) Uncle 2) Father 5) None of these
3) Brother 4) Sister 14. M is sister of D. R is brother of D. F is father of M
5) Can’t be determined and T is mother of R. How is D related to T?
8. A said to B that B’s mother was the mother-in-law of 1) Brother 2) Son
A’s mother. How is A’s mother related to B’s mother? 3) Daughter 4) Data inadequate
1) Daughter-in-law 2) Mother-in-law 5) None of these
3) Sister 4) Aunt 15. K is brother of T. M is mother of K. W is brother of M.
5) Sister-in-law How is W related to T?
9. While going to his office P meets a man Q who is 1) Maternal uncle
related to P, because P has R, a son, who is married 2) Paternal uncle
to T. T is the daughter of Q. T has daughter A. How 3) Grandfather
is P related to A? 4) Data inadequate
1) Grandfather 2) Grandmother 5) None of these
3) Uncle 4) Father-in-law 16. M is sister of K. D is brother of K. F is mother of M.
5) None of these How is K related to F?
10. Ramesh says that “Rekha is the sister-in-law of the 1) Son 2) Daughter
only daughter of my mother-in-law’s husband.” How 3) Son or Daughter 4) Data inadequate
is Rekha related to Ramesh? 5) None of these
1) Sister-in-law 2) Mother 17. D is brother of B. M is brother of B. K is father of M.
3) Daughter-in-law 4) Sister T is wife of K. How is B related to T?
5) Daughter 1) Son 2) Daughter
11. A is the brother of B. C is married to D. If C is the 3) Son or Daughter 4) Data inadequate
nephew of B, how is A related to D? 5) None of these

Answers and explanations


1. 4; Leesha’s mother - man’s sister, ie, Leesha is man’s 7. 1;

2 . 2; Man’s mother is the only daughter of Neha’s X’s grandfather
mother . Ther ef or e, Neha’s mot her is t he Maternal grandmother  Father of X
grandmother of man. Hence man is the grandson of Priti
of Neha’s mother.
3. 5; Mr X is the grandson of the brother of the person
in photograph 2. Mother of Priti Rishu’s father (say X)
4. 3; The man in the photograph is the father-in-law
of the man’s brother. Priti Rishu
5. 5; Only daughter of one’s grandfather’s only son 
One’s sister. Now father of the husband of one’s Now, if Sushma is the only sister of X then she
sister means father-in-law of one’s sister. Hence is the mother of Priti, otherwise aunt.
‘None of these’ is correct choice. 8. 3; The only granddaughter of the man’s own mother-
6. 1; If Purnima is the only daughter of her father then in-law means the daughter of the man’s brother-in-
the boy is her son. But, here we do not know the law.
number of sisters Purnima has. Now, the daughter’s husband’s mother-in-law
means wife of the man’s brother-in-law. Hence,
K KUNDAN the woman is man’s sister-in-law.
528 Verbal Reasoning (Commonsense Reasoning)

9. 5; The only daughter of the woman’s father is the 24. 2; “Her brother is the father of my only son’s sister
woman her self . Ther ef or e, t he man is the (= daughter)”
husband of the woman.  “Her brother is the father of my daughter (=
10. 1; The wife of the father-in-law of the person’s wife himself)”
 the mother of the person.  “Her brother is himself”
Now, the only son of the person’s mother is the  the lady in picture is her sister
person himself. 25. 4; He is the only son of the father of my sister’s
Hence, the girl is the person’s only daughter. brother (= brother)
11. 4; Here, how many sons and daughters the man in  He is the only son of the father of my brother
the photo has is not clear. Therefore we can’t (= father)
reach a definite conclusion.  He is the only son of my father (= brother)
12. 3; His mother’s brother is the father of my son 26. 3; Daughter of daughter of brother-in-law’s father =
= His mother’s brother is my husband daughter of daughter of father-in-law = daughter
= His mother is my husband’s sister of wife = daughter.
= He is the son of my husband’s sister 27. 4; mother of son’s daughter = son’s wife = daughter-
= He is my husband’s nephew in-law
13. 4; “The son of the only son of woman’s grandfather” 28. 1; Grandson of my father-in-law = my son
 the brother of the woman. Hence the woman  his father = my husband.
in the photograph is the woman’s sister or the 29. 4; my only son’s father = my husband.
woman herself with whom the man is talking. daughter-in-law of husband = daughter-in-law.
Again “the sister of the son of man’s father-in- only son of daughter-in-law = grandson.
law”  either wife or sister-in-law of the man. 30. 2; Father’s daughter-in-law = wife
Still we are uncertain that who is the wife of the daughter of wife = daughter
man but it is certain that the man is either 31. 5; daughter-in-law’s father-in-law = husband
husband or brother-in-law of the woman. husband’s father = father-in-law
14. 2; From the last part it is clear that Raju is male 32. 3; wife’s mother-in-law = mother
and Vinay is his nephew, ie Raju is uncle of daughter of mother = sister
Vinay. 33. 2; father’s mother-in-law = grandmother
15. 5; No specific relation. Because, my nephew implies daughter of grandmother = mother
either my sister’s son or my brother’s son. 34. 1; Mother-in-law’s only son = husband.
16. 3; Each was pointing towards photographs of his/ Daughter of husband = daughter.
her maternal uncle. Among the two photographs, Brother of daughter = son.
one was either of Mr X or Mr Y. It is given that 35. 5; Husband’s father = father-in-law
the photograph, towards which Y was pointing, wife of father-in-law = mother-in-law
is not of Mr X. Obviously, t he photogr aph, son of mother-in-law = husband.
towards which X was pointing is of Mr Y. Hence, 36. 2; “Only grandson of my father-in-law” = “husband”.
Mr Y is maternal uncle of Mr X. “Wife of my son” = “my daughter-in-law”.
17. 4; Sister of son = daughter. “Fat her-in-law of my daught er -in-law” =
Sister-in-law of daughter = daughter-in-law. “husband”.
Mother-in-law of daughter-in-law = wife. 37. 5; She is the mother.
18. 1; Man’s sister = Radhika’s daughter’s brother’s 38. 1; daughter-in-law’s mother-in-law = wife. Son of
mother = Radhika’s son’s mother = Radhika wife = son. Grandmother of son = mother.
 Man = Radhika’s brother 39. 2; Father of my brother-in-law = My father-in-law.
19. 2; The per son (she) = mot her of Shant i’s (my) Wife of my father-in-law = My mother-in-law.
brother’s uncle’s son = mother of Shanti’s uncle’s 40. 5; My mother-in-law’s husband = My father-in-law.
son Only daughter of my father-in-law = Wife.
= Shanti’s uncle’s wife (Since mother of son = Sister-in-law of wife = Sister.
wife) 41. 1; mother’s husband = father,
= Shanti’s aunt sister’s mother’s husband = sister’s father = father,
 Shanti = the person’s niece. son of father = brother.
2 0 . 3; My father’s son’s mother = My mother 42. 1; Daughter-in-law’s brother-in-law = son.
Daughter of my mother = My sister Father of son = husband.
Now, the problem boils down to: Her sister = my 43. 1; Husband’s only sister = sister in law,
sister daughter-in-law’s sister in law = daughter,
So she is either the lady’s sister or the lady mother of daughter = wife
herself. 44. 1; My wife’s only son = my son.
21. 5; The man in the picture can be her father or uncle, Father of my son = myself.
so she is either niece or daughter of the man. Mother of myself = my mother.
2 2 . 4; Rajesh said “she is my grandfather’s only son’s 45. 4; my only son’s father = my husband.
mother” daughter-in-law of husband = daughter-in-law.
 “she is my father’s mother” only son of daughter-in-law = grandson.
 “she is my grandmother” 46. 1; Mother’s husband = father.
23. 3; Woman says, “This man’s sister is my mother” Only son-in-law of father = husband
 “This man’s daughter is my mother” Brother-in-law of husband = brother.
 Man is grandfather (from mother’s side) 47. 1; Father’s only daughter = only sister.
So, woman is granddaughter Brother-in-law’s only sister = wife
K KUNDAN Son of wife = son.
Blood Relation 529

48. 2; Only daughter of your (Shweta’s) father  Shweta Daughter of my mother  my sister.
herself. Thus Shweta is the mother of the man Brother of my sister  myself or my brother
in the photograph. 59. 1; Anil’s gr andf ather ’s only son’s wife = Anil’s
49. 3; Grandfather’s only son  father  sister. mother, Anil’s mother’s daughter is his sister.
50. 2; A’s brother’s only sister-in-law = A’s wife. Therefore Anil is the girl’s brother.
 Son-in-law’s brother’s only sister-in-law 60. 3; Photograph is the son of Akhil’s mother’s only
= son-in-law’s wife = daughter. son.
 mother of daughter = wife. or, Photograph is the son of Akhil.
51. 2; Lady’s mother’s husband = lady’s father, lady’s or, Akhil is the father of the boy.
father’s sister = lady’s aunt. As is given, lady’s 61. 1; One’s grandfather’s only son  one’s father. And
aunt is man’s aunt, therefore, lady is man’s sister. the son of one’s father  One’s brother or oneself.
52. 2; Anuj’s grandfathers only son = Anuj’s father Hence, the mother of the boy is Meena’s mother.
Now, Anuj’s father’s daughter = Anuj’s sister = 62. 3;
Rekha. Veena
53. 2; Sister’s father means father ** *
Father’s son-in-law’s wife means sister ( ) — (  )  (  )
Hence Dev Anand’s sister. | |
54. 4; Her gr andf ather’s only daughter may be her Kedar () Nitin
mother or aunt. Hence, Kedar is Veena’s nephew.
55. 2; Brother’s only sister-in-law = Wife 63. 1; Son of Namrata’s grandfather’s only child is
Father’s wife = Mother Namrata’s brother
Son of mother = Brother 64. 2; Girl is daughter of the only child of Abhishek’s
56. 5; The lady in question is Arun’s brother’s daughter- father or, Girl is daughter of Abhishek
in-law. Thus Arun is father-in-law’s brother of Hence girl is daughter of Abhisek’s wife.
the lady. 65. 1; W oman = daught er o f Nir mal's wif e's
57. 2; Rohit’s daughter’s father  Rohit. grandfather's only child
Mother of Rohit’s daughter’s father  Rohit’s = daughter of Nirmal's wife's father
mother. = Nirmal's wife
Son other than Rohit of Rohit’s mother  Rohit’s 66. 4; Girl = the only daughter of Arun's grandfather's
brother son
58. 4; My father’s wife  my mother = the only daughter of Arun's father or uncle
= Arun's sister or cousin

1. 1; X (+) L (-) F (+)
| |
P (+)  K (-) (–) C — A(+) — B
| |
H  R (-) D — E (–)
Hence, H is the grandson of X.  A is uncle of D
2 . 3; Father of the father of Amrendra  Grandfather 7. 5; Q can be either brother or sister of P, but since
of Amrendra. Now, t he wif e of t he son of sex of Q is not known, the exact relationship
Amrendra’s grandfather is either aunt or mother can’t be determined.
of Amrendra. Hence, Raju, who is the son of the 8. 1; If B’s mother is mother-in-law of A’s mother, so,
lady, is either brother or cousin. A’s mother is daughter-in-law of B’s mother.
3. 5; Pankaj (+) — Rekha (-)  Rahul (+) — Suman 9. 1;
Hence, Suman is brother of Pankaj’s brother-in-
law. Hence no direct relation can be determined. P Q
4. 2; Mother-in-law of father Son   Daughter
= (Maternal) grandmother. RT
Since X is son of Z’s maternal grandmother, X \ A / Daughter
must be Z’s maternal uncle. Note that X is a male
because he is a father. Thus P is the grandfather of A.
5. 3; It is clear from the diagram below 10. 4; Mother-in-law’s husband  Father-in-law. Father-
in-law’s only daughter  wife. Wife’s sister-in-
law  sister.
11. 1; A — B
C  D
(+) (–)
6. 1; If we represent the information diagrammatically
it becomes

530 Verbal Reasoning (Commonsense Reasoning)

12. 5; 15. 1;

16. 3;
13. 1;
T (+) F (-)

D(+) K M(-) R(+) 17. 3;

K T (- )
Thus, D and R certainly are sons. (+)
14. 4;
D(+) – B – M (+)

D is either son or daughter of T.


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