MBA (Travel & Tourism) 1st Year Sylabus 2020-21 - 28th Sept
MBA (Travel & Tourism) 1st Year Sylabus 2020-21 - 28th Sept
MBA (Travel & Tourism) 1st Year Sylabus 2020-21 - 28th Sept
( Travel & Tourism)
First Year
(Effective from the Session: 2020-21)
MBA (Travel & Tourism) CURRICULUM [Effective from the Session: 2020-21] Page 1
MBA (TRAVEL & TOURISM ) 1st Year Course Structure in accordance with AICTE Model
Curriculum Effective w.e.f. Academic Session 2020-21
TOTAL 1200 26
MBA – II Semester
1 KMTT201 4 0 0 30 20 0 50 100 0 150 3
2 4 0 0 30 20 0 50 100 0 150 3
3 4 0 0 30 20 0 50 100 0 150 3
4 3 1 0 30 20 0 50 100 0 150 3
5 KMTT205 TOURISM MARKETING 3 1 0 30 20 0 50 100 0 150 3
TOTAL 1200 26
L/T/P – Lecture/Tutorial/Practical, CT/TA/PS- Class Test/Teachers Assessment/Practical Session, TE/PE- Term End/ Practical End
MBA (Travel & Tourism) CURRICULUM [Effective from the Session: 2020-21] Page 2
Course Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 40
Course Objectives:
UNIT I (8 Lectures)
Fundamentals of Management: Management practices from past to present, Different levels of
management, Managerial skills and Managerial Functions , Case Studies
Planning- Objective of planning, Planning process, Types of planning, Types of plans, Management by
Objective, Decision-making- types, process & techniques,. Case Studies
UNIT-II (8 Lectures)
Organising & Staffing- Types of organization, Organization structure and decentralization of authority,
Meaning of staffing, Recruitment, selection & placement, Training & development..
Directing & Controlling- Principle of directing, Essence of coordination, Different control techniques,
Management by exception. Case Studies
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Course Outcomes Bloom’s taxonomy
Suggested Readings
1. Koontz Harold &Weihrich Heinz – Essentials of management (Tata McGraw Hill, 5th Edition,2008)
2. L. M. Prasad- Principles and Practices of Management, Sulatn Chand & Sons, 7th edition, 2007.
3. Stephen P. Robbins, ―Organizational Behaviour‖, 12th Edition, Prentice Hall
4. Dr. Premvir Kapoor, Principles and Practices of Management, Khanna Publishing House, Delhi
5. Robbins & Coulter - Management (Prentice Hall of India, 9th Edition)
6. Principles of Management, George R. Terry & S.G. Franklin, AITBS, Delhi.
7. N M Khandelwal- Indian Ethos & Values for Management- Himalyan Publishing
8. Fred Luthans, ―Organizational Behaviour‖, 12th Edition, McGraw Hill International Edition
9. Aswathappa K, ―Organizational Behaviour (Text, Cases and Games)‖, Himalaya Publication
10. UdaiPareek, ―Organizational Behavior‖, Oxford University Press
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Course Objective:
UNIT –I (6 Hours)
Basic Concepts and principles: Definition, Nature and Scope of Economics-Micro Economics and Macro
Economics, Managerial Economics and its relevance in business decisions. Fundamental Principles of
Managerial Economics - Incremental Principle, Marginal Principle, Opportunity Cost Principle,
Discounting Principle, Concept of Time Perspective, Equi-Marginal Principle, Utility Analysis, Cardinal
Utility and Ordinal Utility. Case Studies
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Course Outcomes:
Course Outcomes Bloom’s taxonomy
CO1: Students will be able to remember the concepts of micro
economics and also able to understand the various micro economic • Knowledge ( K 2)
principles to make effective economic decisions under conditions of risk • Remembering ( k1)
and uncertainty.
CO2: The students would be able to understand the law of demand & • Knowledge ( K 2)
supply & their elasticities , evaluate & analyse these concepts and apply • Applying ( K 4)
them in various changing situations in industry . Students would be able
• Synthesizing ( K6)
to apply various techniques to forecast demand for better utilization of
resources. • Evaluating ( K7)
• Comprehending (K 3)
CO3: The students would be able to understand the production concept
and how the production output changes with the change in inputs and • Applying ( K 4)
able to analyse the effect of cost to business and their relation to • Analyzing ( K 5)
analyze the volatility in the business world • Evaluating ( K7)
CO4: The students would be able to understand & evaluate the different • Applying ( K 4)
market structure and their different equilibriums for industry as well as
• Analyzing ( K 5)
for consumers for the survival in the industry by the application of
various pricing strategic • Synthesizing ( K6)
Suggested Readings
1. Managerial Economics ,D.N.Dwivedi,Vikas Publication, 7th Ed
2. Managerial Economics, GEETIKA, McGraw-Hill Education 2nd Ed.
3. Managerial Economics: Concepts and Applications (SIE), THOMAS& MAURICE, McGraw-Hill
Education, 9th Ed
4. Managerial Economics, H.L Ahuja, S.Chand, 8th Ed
5. Managerial Economics – Theory and Applications, Dr.D.M.Mithani, Himalaya Publications, 7th Ed.
6. Sociology & Economics for Engineers, Dr. Premvir Kapoor, Khanna Publishing House
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Course Objectives:
Meaning and Scope of Accounting: Evolution and Users of Accounting, Basic Accounting terminologies,
Principles of Accounting, Accounting Concepts & Conventions, Accounting Equation, Deprecation
UNIT II (6Hrs)
Mechanics of Accounting: Accounting Standards and IFRS: International Accounting Principles and
Standards; Matching of Indian Accounting Standards with International Accounting Standards, Double
entry system of Accounting, journalizing of transactions; Ledger posting and Trial Balance.
Presentation of Financial Statement: Preparation of final accounts (Profit & Loss Account and Balance
Sheet) according to companies act 2013 (vertical format), Excel Application to make Balance sheet, Case
studies and Workshops, Preparation of Cash Flow Statement and its analysis.
Analysis of financial statement: Ratio Analysis- Solvency ratios, Profitability ratios, activity ratios,
liquidity ratios, Market capitalization ratios; leverage Ratio, Detailed Analysis using excel application.
UNIT V (6 Hrs)
Financial Statement Analysis and Recent Types of Accounting: Common Size Statement; Comparative
Balance Sheet and Trend Analysis of manufacturing, Service & banking organizations, Case Study and
Workshops in analysing Balance sheet. Human Resource Accounting, Forensic Accounting, Accounting
for corporate social responsibility.
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Course Outcome:
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Suggested Readings
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Credit-3 Contact Hours-36
Course Objective and Outcome:
This paper will provide a clear understanding of the fundamentals of Tourism and its allied activities and also
will give an overview of tourism industry and various organizations.
UNIT I (6 hours)
Development of Tourism Through Ages: Early and Medieval Period of Travel- Modes of Transports and
Accommodation, Renaissance and its Effects on Tourism, Birth of Mass Tourism, Development of Modern
Transport, Communication and Accommodation Systems, Origin and Concept of Travel Intermediary
Business, Old and New Age Tourism
UNIT II (7 hours)
Tourism and Its Theories: Meaning and Definitions, Characteristics of Tourism, Need for Measurement of
Tourism, Interdisciplinary Approaches, Types & Forms of Tourism, Different Tourism Systems- Leiper’s
Geospatial Model, Mill-Morrison, Mathieson & Wall, Butler’s Tourism Area Life Cycle (TALC) -
Doxey’sIrridex Index – Demonstration Effect – Crompton’s Push and Pull Theory, Stanley Plog’sAllo-centric
and Psycho-centric Model of Destination Preferences
UNIT IV (7 hours)
Tourism Industry & Its Linkages: Meaning and Nature of Tourism Industry, Input and Output of Tourism
Industry, Tourism Industry Network- Direct, Indirect and Support Services, Basic Components of Tourism -
Transport- Accommodation- Facilities & Amenities, , Horizontal and Vertical Integration in Tourism Business,
Tourism Business during Liberalisation & Globalisation, Positive & Negative Impacts of Tourism.
UNIT V (8 hours)
Tourism Organizations: Roles and Functions of United Nations World Tourism Organization (WTO), Pacific
Asia Travel Association(PATA), World Tourism &Travel Council (WTTC) - International Hotel Association
(IHA), Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India, India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC), Federation of
Hotel and Restaurants Associations of India (FHRAI).
1. Swain, S.K. & Mishra, J.M.(2012). Tourism Principles & Practices, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
2. Bhatia A.K. (2002), International Tourism Management, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi.
1. Goeldner, C.R. & Brent Ritchie, J.R. (2006). Tourism, Principles, Practices, Philosophies. John Wiley and
Sons, New Jersey.
2. Michael M. Coltman. (1989). Introduction to Travel and Tourism- An International Approach. Van
Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
3. Roday. S, Biwal. A & Joshi. V. (2009). Tourism Operations and Management, Oxford University Press,
New Delhi. MBA (Travel & Tourism) CURRICULUM [Effective from the Session: 2020-21] Page 11
Unit 1- Innovation & Creativity: Meaning of Innovation and creativity. Difference between innovation and
creativity, and its role in Industry and organizations, dynamics of creative thinking, Process of Design
Thinking , implementing the process in driving innovation, Case Study
Unit 2- An exercise in design thinking & implementing design thinking through a workshop & exercise case
studies in design thinking, design thinking process. Case Study
Unit 3- Design Thinking in Various Sectors (Health sector, Finance, Education, Infrastructure) Design thinking
case studies in retail, design thinking case studies in banking, design thinking case studies in management
Course Outcome Bloom’s Taxonomy
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Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:
Suggested Readings:
1. Bovee&Thill – Business Communication Essentials A Skill – Based Approach to Vital Business
English. Pearson.
2. Kulbhushan Kumar & R.S. Salaria, Effective Communication Skills, Khanna Publishing House, Delhi
3. Bisen&Priya – Business Communication (New Age International Publication)
4. Kalkar, Suryavanshi, Sengupta-Business Communication(Orient Blackswan)
5. Varinder Bhatia, Business Communications, Khanna Publishing House
6. Business Communication: Skill, Concepts And Applications – P D Chaturvedi, MukeshChaturvedi
Pearson Education.
7. AshaKaul, Business Communication, Prentice Hall of India.
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Course Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 40
Course Objectives
1. To provide knowledge about the functioning of computers and its uses for managers
2. To provide hands on learning on Internet and its applications
3. To provide hands on learning on Word processing software
4. To provide hands on learning of applications on Spreadsheet software
5. To provide hands on learning on Presentation software
MBA (Travel & Tourism) CURRICULUM [Effective from the Session: 2020-21] Page 15
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:
S. No. Course Outcome Bloom’s Taxonomy
1 CO1. Gain in depth knowledge about the functioning Knowledge (K2)
of computers and its uses for managers
1. Nasib Singh Gill – Handbook of Computer Fundamentals, Khanna Publishing House, Delhi
2. Shrivastava-Fundamental of Computer& Information Systems (Wiley Dreamtech)
3. Leon A and Leon M - Introduction to Computers ( Vikas, 1st Edition).
4. ITL ESL – Introduction to Information Technology (Pearson, 2nd Edition).
6. Introduction to Computers, Norton P. (TATA McGraw Hill)
7. Leon - Fundamentals of Information Technology, (Vikas)
8. Satish Jain-BPB's Computer Course Windows 10 with MS Office 2016 (BPB)
9. Linda Foulkes- Learn Microsoft Office 2019: A comprehensive guide to getting started with Word,
PowerPoint, Excel, Access, and Outlook (Packt Publishing Limited)
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Course Credit -2
Course Objective-
1. To develop an innovative idea for product or services in form of a project report.
2.To understand importance and relevance of innovative idea, its feasibilities and detail descriptions.
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Semester II
Unit I: (8 hours)
Computerized reservation system- CRS (Computerized Reservation Systems), terms specification, basic
principles and structure of reservation systems in air transport. Basic hardware & software requirements for
CRS installation; GDS (global distribution systems), functioning of GDS and Characteristics of particular
(Amadeus/ Galelio/ Sabre) systems in the tourism market in the light of their supply and market share.
Practical Sessions.
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Course Objectives: In this course the students will learn the basic concepts and frameworks of Human
Resource Management (HRM) and understand the role that HRM has to play in effective business
administration. It will provide an insight as to how to use Human Resource as a tool to implement strategies.
UNIT I: (7 Hours)
Essentials of HRM: Functions of HRM, HRM vs.HRD, Strategic HRM: Meaning and Roles in Strategy
formulation and implementation, Barriers to strategic HRM, Linking HR strategy with business strategy,
Roles of HR Manager, roles of HR in merger and acquisitions, Technology & HR and changing roles of HR
due to technology, HRM linkage with TQM & productivity. Case Studies
UNIT II: (8 Hours)
Human Resource Planning and Employee Hiring : Meaning of job Analysis, job design, Human Resource
Planning, methods demand forecasting for manpower planning, factors influencing HRP, Employee hiring-
methods of Recruitment, Employee selection, process of employee selection, recent trends in recruitment.
Case Studies
UNIT III: (8 Hours)
Employee Training & Development: Meaning importance of Training, types and methods and types of
training, career planning, promotion, transfer, demotion and separation, Performance Appraisal: Meaning and
types of appraisal, Job Evaluation: Meaning and methods of job evaluation. Case Studies
UNIT IV: (9 Hours)
Compensation Management and Employee Relations: Introduction to compensation management, Components
and structure of employee compensation, Factors affecting employee compensation, Employee incentive
schemes, and recent trends in compensations management, Meaning of employee relation and industrial
relations. Case Studies
UNIT V: (8 Hours)
Employee Safety/ Health and International Human Resource Management: Needs and leagal provision of
employee health, measures to promote employee health , purpose of employee safety, accidents: causes &
prevention, effective safety management ,& legal provisos. basic principles governing International Human
Resource Case Studies
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S. No. Course Outcome Bloom’s Taxonomy
CO1. Synthesize the role of human resources
management as it supports the success of the
1 organization including the effective K6 Synthesizing
development of human capital as an agent for
organizational change.
CO2. Demonstrate knowledge of laws that
impact behaviour in relationships between
2 employers and employees that ultimately K2 Knowledge
impact the goals and strategies of the
CO3. Understand the role of employee benefits
and compensation as a critical component of
3 K3 Comprehending
employee performance, productivity and
organizational effectiveness.
CO4.Show evidence of the ability to analyze,
manage and problem solve to deal with the
4 K5Analysing
challenges and complexities of the practice of
collective bargaining.
CO5. Demonstrate knowledge of practical
application of training and employee K2 Knowledge
development as it impacts organizational K4 Applying
strategy and competitive advantage.
Suggested Readings
1. V.S.P.Rao, Human Resource Management (Text and Cases) Himalaya Publications, Thirteenth
2. Durai Praveen, Human Resource Management Pearson Publication, 2nd Edition.
3. Gary Dessler and BijuVarkkeyHuman Resource Management, Person Publication, 2013, 14th
4. SeemaSanghi, Human Resource Management, VikasPubllications, 2014, 5th Edition.
5. K. Aswathappa, Human Resource Management, McGraw Hill Education, 2013, 7th Edition.
MBA (Travel & Tourism) CURRICULUM [Effective from the Session: 2020-21] Page 21
Unit 1 (8 Sessions)
Research: – Definition, Meaning, Importance types and Qualities of Research; Research applications in
functional areas of Business, Emerging trends in Business research.
Research & the Scientific Method: Characteristics of scientific method. Steps in Research Process Concept of
Scientific Enquiry: – Formulation of Research Problem – Management Question – research Question –
Investigation Question
Research Proposal – Elements of a Research Proposal, Drafting a Research Proposal, evaluating a research
Unit 2 (8 Sessions)
Research design: Concept, Features of a good research design, Use of a good research design; Qualitative and
Quantitative research approaches, Comparison – Pros and Cons of both approaches.
Exploratory Research Design: Concept, Types: Qualitative techniques – Projective Techniques, Depth
Interview, Experience Survey, Focus Groups, Observation.
Descriptive Research Designs: Concept, types and uses. Concept of Cross-sectional and Longitudinal
Experimental Design: Concept of Cause, Causal relationships, Concept of Independent & Dependent
variables, concomitant variable, extraneous variable, Treatment, Control group.
Unit 3 (6 Sessions)
Scaling & measurement techniques: Concept of Measurement: Need of Measurement; Problems in
measurement in management research – Validity and Reliability. Levels of measurement – Nominal, Ordinal,
Interval, Ratio. Attitude Scaling Techniques: Concept of Scale – Rating Scales viz. Likert Scales, Semantic
Differential Scales, Constant Sum Scales, Graphic Rating Scales – Ranking Scales – Paired comparison &
Forced Ranking – Concept and Application.
Unit 4 (6 Sessions)
Sampling:Basic Concepts: Defining the Universe, Concepts of Statistical Population, Sample,
Characteristics of a good sample. Sampling Frame (practical approach for determining the sample frame
expected), Sampling errors, Non Sampling errors, Methods to reduce the errors, Sample Size constraints, Non
Probability Sample: Simple Random Sample, Systematic Sample, Stratified Random Sample, Area
Sampling & Cluster Sampling.
Non Probability Sample: Judgment Sampling, Convenience Sampling, Purposive Sampling, Quota
Sampling & Snowballing Sampling methods. Determining size of the sample – Practical considerations in sampling
and sample size, sample size determination.
Unit 5 (8 Sessions)
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Data Analysis: Editing, Coding, Tabular representation of data, frequency tables, Construction of
frequency distributions, Graphical Representation of Data: Appropriate Usage of Bar charts, Pie charts,
Hypothesis: Qualities of a good Hypothesis –Framing Null Hypothesis & Alternative Hypothesis. Concept
of Hypothesis Testing – Logic & Importance. Analysis of Variance: One way and two way Classifications.
Mechanism of Report Writing- Report Preparation: Types, Report Structure: preliminary section, main
report, interpretation of results, suggestions and recommendations, limitations of the study, Report
Course Outcomes Blooms Taxanomy
CO1. Knowledge of concept / fundamentals for different • Knowledge ( K 2)
types of research.
CO2. Applying relevant research techniques. • Remembering ( K1)
• Applying ( K 4)
CO3. Understanding relevant scaling & measurement • Comprehending (K 3)
techniques and should use appropriate sampling • Applying ( K 4)
CO4.Synthesizing different techniques of coding, editing, • Analyzing ( K 5)
tabulation and analysis in doing research. • Synthesizing ( K6)
CO5.Evaluating statistical analysis which includes • Evaluating ( K7)
ANOVA technique and prepare research report.
Suggested Readings
1. Research Methodology, Deepak Chawla, NeenaSondhi, Vikas Publication
2. Business Research Methods, Naval Bajpai, Pearson Education
3. Research Methodology, C R Kothari, New Age International.
4. Business Research Methods by Donald Cooper & Pamela Schindler, TMGH, 9th Edition.
5. Business Research Methods by Alan Bryman & Emma Bell, Oxford University Press, 2ndEdition.
6. Business Research Methods by T N Srivastava & Shailaja Rao, TMH Publication, 2ndEdition.
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Course Objectives: This course is intended to introduce the basic theory, concepts and practical
applications in corporate finance and to enable students to analyse various corporate decisions. The
course objectives are outlined below:
1) To understand the fundamentals, various models and agency problems of Corporate Finance.
2) To acquire knowledge about various techniques used for analysing various long-term projects.
3) To have an understanding about various capital structure techniques and selecting best source of
4) To have an understanding of various dividend models and its applicability.
5) To acquaint students about corporate valuation in mergers and acquisitions.
UNIT I (6 Hrs)
Introduction to Finance & Corporate Finance: Corporate Finance & its scope, Corporate Governance
and Agency Problem, Corporate valuation Models: Asset Based Valuation Model, Earning based
Valuation Model, Cash flow-based Model, CAPM Model, APT, EVA Analysis, Introduction to start-up
finance, Financial Decisions, Time Value of Money.
Investment and Financing Decision: Concept of Opportunity Cost, Cost of Debenture, Preference and
Equity capital, Composite Cost of Capital, Cash Flows as Profit and components of Cash Flows,
Capital Budgeting Decisions, Calculation of NPV and IRR, Excel Application in Analysing Projects.
Financial Decision: Capital Structure, Relevance and Irrelevancy theory, Leverage analysis – financial,
operating and combined leverage along with its implications, EBIT EPS Analysis, Point of
Dividend Relevance: Factors affecting Dividend Policy, Forms of Dividends, Types of Dividend
Policies, Dividend Models: Walter and Gordon Model, Miller- Modigliani (MM) Hypothesis.
UNIT V (4 Hrs)
Mergers and Acquisition: Introduction, Exchange Ratio, Synergy Benefits, Post Merger EPS, Post
Merger Price of share, Required rate of return of merged company, De-Merger.
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Course Outcome: After successful completion of this course students will be able:
Suggested Readings
1) Khan and Jain - Financial Management (Tata McGraw Hill, 7th Ed.)
2) Pandey I M - Financial Management (Vikas, 11th Ed.)
3) William HakkaBettnerCarcello- Financial and Management Accounting (TMH-16th Ed.)
4) Sheebakapil-Fundamental of financial management (Wiley,2015)
5) Prasanna Chandra - Fundamentals of Financial Management (TMH, 9th Ed.)
6) Bark DemazoThampy- Financial Management (Pearson,2nd Ed.)
7) R P Rustagi - Financial Management (Galgotia, 2000, 2nd revised ed.)
8) Damodaran, A., Applied Corporate Finance, 3rd Edition, Wiley, 2012
9) Ravi.M Kishore – Financial Management (Taxman, 7th Ed)
10) Fundamentals to Financial Management, Brigham & Houston, 14/e, Cengage Learning
11) Van Horne - Financial Management and Policy (Prentice hall, 2003, 12th Ed.)
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Course Objective: The main objective of the course is to give basic idea about the theories of hospitality
marketing and its application in tourism and allied tourism industries.
Unit-1: (6 hours)
Introduction to Marketing: Core Concept of Marketing, Need, Want and Demand, Product, Value,
Satisfaction, Quality, Exchange and Transaction, Market and Marketing, Marketing philosophies-Service
Characteristics of Tourism- The Service Marketing Triangle
Unit-II: (6 hours)
Analysis and Selection of Market: Measuring and forecasting tourism Demand-Fore casting Methods-Market
Segmentation and Positioning-Marketing Mix, P’s of marketing Mix-Four C’s in Marketing Mix, Additional 3
P’s in Service marketing-Process, Physical Evidence, People
Unit-III: (8 hours)
Developing Marketing environment: Consumer Buying Behavior-Competitive Differentiation and Marketing
Strategies-New Product Development-Customer Satisfaction and Related External Marketing- Incentive and
Relationship Marketing-Issues Pertaining to Relationship Marketing-Strategies and Relevance for Current
Trends in Market Place
Unit-IV: (8 hours)
Planning Marketing Program: Product and product strategies-Product line-Product MixBranding and
Packaging-Pricing Considerations-Approaches and Strategies-Distribution Channels and Strategies-
Advertising and Sales Promotion-Public Relation: Major activities of Public Relation Departments-Press
Relations-Product Publicity-Lobbying-Counseling-The Public Relation Process - Major Tools of Public
Unit-V: (8 hours)
Introduction to Digital Marketing: The new digital world - trends that are driving shifts from traditional
marketing practices to digital marketing practices, the modern digital consumer and new consumer’s digital
journey. Acquiring & Engaging Users through Digital Channels: Understanding the relationship between
content and branding and its impact on sales, search marketing, mobile marketing, video marketing, and social-
media marketing. Online campaign management; using marketing analytic tools to segment, target and
position; overview of search engine optimization (SEO).
1. Assael H., Consumer Behavior and Marketing Action (2nd edn. 1985) kent, Boston.
2. Cravens-Marketing Management
3. Crough, Marketing Research for Managers.
4. Kotler, Philip and Armstrong Philip, Principle of Marketing, 1999, Prentice-Hall India, 1999
5. Patel, S.G., Modern Market Research, Himalaya Publishing.
6. Philip Kotler, JohnBowen-Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism
7. Philip Kotler-Marketing Management Analysis, Planning and Control
8. Ramswamy V S, Namakumari- Marketing Management
9. S M Jha-Tourism Marketing
10. Singh Raghubir, Marketing and Consumer Behaviour.
11. Sinha, P.C : Tourism marketing
MBA (Travel & Tourism) CURRICULUM [Effective from the Session: 2020-21] Page 26
12. Vearne, Morrisson Alison: Hospitality marketing
13. Ahuja; Digital Marketing, Oxford University Press India (November, 2015).
14. Eric Greenberg, and Kates, Alexander; Strategic Digital Marketing: Top Digital Experts Share the
Formula for Tangible Returns on Your Marketing Investment; McGraw-Hill Professional (October,
15. David Whiteley; E-Commerce: Strategy, Technologies and Applications, Mcgraw Hill Education.
MBA (Travel & Tourism) CURRICULUM [Effective from the Session: 2020-21] Page 27
Credit-3 Max. Hours : 36
Course objective
This course acquaints the student with the scope and complexity of the hospitality and tourism industry by
exploring the national and global relationships.
UNIT I (8 hours)
Evolution of Hospitality Services: Meaning & Nature of Hospitality Features of Hospitality Services, Structure
of Accommodation Industry, Operation of Accommodation Units, Hospitality Industry Network, Determinants
of Hospitality, Network Demand & Supply for Accommodation in India. Types of Accommodation:
Conventional, Supplementary and Customised Accommodation, Non-Commercial & Commercial
Establishments, Hospitality Business Scenario
UNIT II (6 hours)
Functions of Front Office Management: Organization Structure, Functions, Attributes and Skills of Manager &
Executives, Reservation & Cancellation Procedures, Handling Individual and Groups, Solving Guests’
Problems, Automation/ CRS in Front Office, Travel Desk
UNIT IV (8 hours)
Food and Beverage Services: Organization Structure, Departments - Food Production - Organization, Kitchen,
Buffets, Beverages Operation, Functions, Outlets of F&B, Types of Meal Plans, Types of Restaurant-Menu,
Room Service, Catering Services-Food Service for the Airlines, Banquette, Corporate, MICE, Retail Food
Market, Business/Industrial Food Service, Healthcare Food Service, Cruise ship, Railways
UNIT V (6 hours)
Administration and Finance: Finance & Accounts, Sales and Marketing, Administration, Revenue
Management, Yield Management, Personnel Management, Training & Development, Safety Management,
Management of Distribution Channel
1. Negi. J (2008). Professional Hotel Management. Sultan Chand & Company, New Delhi.
2. Raghubalan, G. &Ragubalan S. (2009). Hotel Housekeeping Operations and Management, OUP, New
1. Tewari, J.R. (2009). Hotel Front Office Operations and Management, OUP, Publication New Delhi.
2. Gray and Ligouri (2000), Hotel and Motel Management and Operations, PHI, New Delhi.
3. Andrews, S.(2009). Hotel Front Office Training Manual, Tata McGraw Hill, Mumbai.
4. Foskett, J.C.D. &Gillespie,C. (2002). Food and Beverage Management, Pearson Education, England.
5. Andrews, S. (2008).Front Office Management and Operation. TATA McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
6. Bardi, J. A. (2010). Hotel Front Office Management. John Wiley & Sons,New Jersey.
7. Burt, D.N, Dobler, D.W. &Starling, S.L (2007).World-Class Supply Management. TATA McGraw Hill,
8. Walker, J.R.(2007).Introduction to Hospitality
MBA (Travel & Tourism) CURRICULUM [Effective
Management, fromEducation.
Pearson the Session:
Delhi. Page 28
UNIT – I (8 hours)
Natural Resources: Wildlife Sanctuaries, National Parks and Natural Reserves in India (Jim Corbett Tiger
Reserve, Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary, Valley of Flowers, Kanha, Kaziranga, Sasan Gir, Dachigam,
Ranthambhore and Keoladeo Ghana) Hill Stations: Study of Hill Station attractions and their environs with
case studies of Mussoorie, Nainital, Munnar and Ooty. Beaches and Islands: Beaches in Goa, Kerala, Orissa.
Andaman Nicobar & Lakshwadip islands.
UNIT – IV (8 hours)
Fairs and Festivals: Kumbha, Pushkar, Sonepur, Dadari, Tarnetar, Chhatha, Pongal/Makar-Sankranti,
Baishakhi, Meenakshi Kalyanam, Holi, Gangaur, Onam, Durga Puja, Ramalila, Diwali, Kartik Purnima (Dev
Deepawali, Guru Parb), Dashahara (Kullu), Rathyatra, Nag Nathaiya (Varanasi), Bhrawafat, Id-ul-Fitr, Easter,
Christmas, Carnival (Goa), Burhawa Mangal (Varanasi), Ganga Mahotsava, Taj Mahotsava, Khajuraho
Mahotsava and Desert Festival.
UNIT – V (4 hours)
Indian Classical Dances and other form of dance & Music, Painting in different period and region, Indian
Handicrafts and Handlooms; Important Rural Tourism villages of India. Fair and festivals, Handicrafts and
textiles.Modern Theatre and Cinema. Indian Language and literature.
MBA (Travel & Tourism) CURRICULUM [Effective from the Session: 2020-21] Page 29
Suggested Readings:
1. Gupta, SP, Lal, K, Bhattacharya, M. Cultural Tourism in India (DK Print 2002)
2. Dixit, M and Sheela, C. Tourism Products (New Royal Book, 2001)
3. Oki Morihiro, Fairs and Festivals, World Friendship Association, Tokyo, 1988.
4. Mitra, Devla, Buddhist Architecture, Calcutta.
5. Michell, George, Monuments of India, Vol. 1. London.
6. Davies, Philip, Monuments of India, Vol. II., London.
7. Brown Percy, Indian Architecture ( Buddhist and Hindu),Bombay.
8. Brown Percy, Indian Architecture (Islamic period), Bombay.
9. Hawkins. R.E., Encyclopedia of Indian Natural History.
10. Vatsayana, Kapila, Indian Classical Dance, New Delhi.
11. Swami, Prayaganand, History of Indian Music.
12. Jain, Jyotindra & Arti, Aggrawala : National Handicrafts and Handlooms Museum.
13. Mode. H. & Chandra.S. : Indian Folk Art, Bombay.
14. Mehta. R. J. : Handicrafts & Industrial Arts of India, New York.
15. Grewal, Bikram ( ed ) : Indian Wildlife.
16. Indian Art and Culture , Mc Graw Hill Education Bisht, R S (2002),
MBA (Travel & Tourism) CURRICULUM [Effective from the Session: 2020-21] Page 30
UNIT – I (8 hours)
Introduction to Travel Trade: Historical Background of Travel Trade, Significance of Travel Agency Business,
Meaning of Travel Agency- Types of Travel Agent- Full-Service Agency, Commercial Agency, Implant
Agency, Group / Incentive Agency, Types of Tour Operator- Inbound, Outbound, Domestic, Ground and
Specialized.. Differentiation between Travel Agency and Tour Operation business. Travel Agency and Tour
Operators: Linkages and arrangements with hotels, airlines and transport agencies and other segments of
tourism sector.
UNIT – II (8 hours)
Approval of Travel Agents and Tour Operators: Operation of Travel Agency Business, Skills and
Competencies for Running Travel Agency Business, Managerial Decisions, Travel Agency Business between
Wholesale and Retail Agents, Future of Travel Wholesaling & Retailing; Approval by Department of Tourism,
Government of India. IATA rules and regulations for approval of a travel agency, Approval by Airlines and
UNIT–III (8 hours)
Functions of a Travel Agent: Understanding the functions of a travel agency - travel information and
counselling to the tourists, Itinerary preparation, reservation, ticketing, preparation and marketing of Tour
packages, handling business/corporate clients including conference and conventions. Sources of income:
Commission, Service Charges. Travel Terminology: Current and popular travel trade abbreviations and other
terms used in preparing itineraries.
UNIT–IV (6 hours)
Functions of a Tour Operator: Market research and tour package formulation, assembling, processing and
disseminating information on destinations, Liasoning with principles, preparation of Itineraries, tour operation
and post tour Management. Sources of income for tour operator.
UNIT–V (6 hours)
Public and Private sector in Travel Agency Business and Tour Operation Business: Organisational Structure
and various Departments of a Travel Agency. Case study of ITDC. Case study of SITA, Cox & Kings, TCI and
Thomas Cook. The Indian Travel Agents and Tour Operators – an overview. National Trade Associations:
MBA (Travel & Tourism) CURRICULUM [Effective from the Session: 2020-21] Page 31
Suggested Reading:
1. Holloway, J.C. (2012), The Business of Tourism, Prentice Hall, London,
2. Syratt Gwenda, (1995). Manual of Travel Agency Practice, Butterworth Heinmann, London
3. Stevens Laurence, (1990). Guide to Starting and Operating Successful Travel Agency, Delmar Publishers
Inc., New York.
4. Chand, M. (2009), Travel Agency Management: An Introductory Text.Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., New
5. Seth, P. N., (1992), Successful Tourism Management Vol. 1 & 2, Sterling Publications, Delhi
6. Foster, Douglas (1983), Travel and Tourism Management, McMillan, London.
7.Swain, S.K. & Mishra, J.M.(2012). Tourism: Principles & Practices. Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
8. Roday S, Biwal A & Joshi. V. (2009), Tourism Operations and Management, Oxford University Press, New
MBA (Travel & Tourism) CURRICULUM [Effective from the Session: 2020-21] Page 32
Lab work 20 Hours
Course Objective
1. To develop pivot table and understand the validating & auditing techniques
2. To understand different charting techniques in MS Excel
3. To understand different formatting techniques in MS Excel
Pivot Table: Developing Pivot Table, Analyzing data using goal seek and solver, Scenarios Create
named scenarios. Show, edit, delete scenarios, Creating a scenario summary report. Validating and
Auditing: Set, edit validation criteria for data entry in a cell range like: whole number, decimal, list,
date, time, Trace precedent, dependent cells. Identify cells with missing dependents. Creating
applications in Spreadsheet and Macros.
Creating and formatting Charts: Understanding chart types, column chart, bar chart, line chart, pie
chart, XY Scatter chart , Area chart, surface chart, bubble chart. Create a combined chart like: column
and line, column and area. Change the chart type for a defined data series, Add, delete a data series in a
chart, Re-position chart title, legend, data labels. Change scale of value axis: minimum, maximum
number to display, major interval. Change display units on value axis without changing data source:
hundreds, thousands, millions. Format columns, bars, pie slices, plot area, chart area to display an
Excel Data Analysis: Modeling and Simulation , Hector Guerrero (Springer )
S. No. Course Outcome Bloom’s Taxonomy
1 CO1. To gain knowledge of pivot table and understand Knowledge (K2)
the validating & auditing techniques
2 CO2. Learn to use different charting techniques in MS Applying (K4)
Excel Synthesizing ( K6)
3 CO3. Learn to use different formatting techniques in Applying (K4)
MS Excel Knowledge (K2)
MBA (Travel & Tourism) CURRICULUM [Effective from the Session: 2020-21] Page 33
Course Credit: 2
Seminar by students
Objective –
1. To identify the issues challenge of the industry
2. To able to prepare report on the application of emerging technologies in the selected industry
In second semester, the students are required to take one industry as per his/her interest for analysis and
preparing a project report. Preference should be given on the application of emerging technologies in
the selected industry. It may consists of Fintech, Block chain, Financial Services, Data Science, Social
Entrepreneurship or any other suitable area of interest. The report will be prepared individually. The
report will be evaluated by one external examiner appointed by university.
S. No. Course Outcome Bloom’s Taxonomy
1 CO1. To gain knowledge of issues challenge of the Knowledge (K2)
2 CO2. Learn to prepare report on the application of Applying (K4)
emerging technologies in the selected industry Synthesizing ( K6)
MBA (Travel & Tourism) CURRICULUM [Effective from the Session: 2020-21] Page 34