Desulfurization Processes: J. NR - Llewn
Desulfurization Processes: J. NR - Llewn
Desulfurization Processes: J. NR - Llewn
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which is also highly toxic and corrosive. H 2S and other ·sulfur corq:ounds So many sweetening processes are in use today that it would be impoSsible to
I~ can also cause catalyst poisoning in refinery processes.
C0 2 has no heating value and its removill may be required in some .in-
stances merely to inqrease the energy conte:J.t ,of the gas per unit vel ~me.
describe them allln·detail here. S<;~me widely used processes will be·briefly
mentioned, and some important ones among these will bepresentecBn·a lit-
tle more detail.
~ C01 remqval may also be required because it forms a complex, C02 · C0 2, 'I ~ '
I which is quite corrosive in the presence of water. For gas being sent to
ogenic plants, removal of C0 2 may qe necessary to prevent solidification of
the COt. Both· the acid gases, H 2S and· C0 2, promote hydrate formation,
cry- Criteria for Proeess Selection··
There are many variables .in·gas tr~ting, which makes the .precise defini-
I and t.~e presence of C0 2 may not be desired for this reason also. However, if
none of these situations are encountered, there is no need to remove C0 2."
Removal Pro,;sses
tion of the area of application of a given proCess very difficult. Among sev-
eral factors, the following are· the most significant that" need be oonsidered:
1. The types and concentrations of impurities in the gas, and the degree
of removal desired. . ·.. . , · .. , . ·
---------------- 2. Selectivity of acid gas· rerr.oval requhed, if any.
3. Temperature and pressure at which the sour gas is available, and at
The processes 'that have b~n developed to accomplish gas )?llrification which the sweet ga.ds to .be delivered.
vary hom a simple once-through wash operati.:::; ~o complex multiple step 4. Volume of the. gas to be processed, and itS hydrocarbOn composition.
recycle systems.:J11 many c<tSes, the procesti com~·luities arise from the need 5. C0 2 to H 2S ratio in·the gas. · · ·
for recovery. in one fol'IIl· or another, of the impu~ity {H 2S) being remo.ved or 6. Economics of the process.
recovery of the -materials (process chemicals) employed to remcve it. 7. The desirability ofstilfur reeove'ry due to environmental problems, or
Llke dehydration-p,, desulfurization processeS are primarily of twq economics.
' types: adsorption on a solid (dry process), and absorption into a liquid (wet.
Process). There are a ~ew processes -t hat use other method<, such as the.cellu-
Besides C0 2 and H;>, some gases may contain other ~ derivatives
such as mercapta:ns and carbonyl sulfide. The presence.of such ~pUrities
10$e acetate membranes. that rely upon the different diffusion rates "for hy-
drQ;Carbon and H2S, and liquid fractionation techPiqu~ that exploit th:: rel-
rna y eliminate some the sweetening processes~. The con~tration5 of. acid
components are importa11t to consider. Some. processes effectively remqve
ative volatility difference.-.Application of these !at ter types of processes has
large amounts of acid gas, but not to low enough le¥~, Others remove to
been quite limited.
ultra-low values, but cannot handle large amounts of acid cOmponents in
Both.the adsorption and absorption processes may be of the physical (no
the incoming stream economically.
c;iliemical reactions'involved) or chemical· type. These processes may also be
Selectivity of a process implies thedegree .of removal of one acid gas com- ·
clilssified into the.following categqries: . ·
. . ponent relative to another. Some processes remove both Hz$ and CO,, while
1. Non-regenerative, such as Chemsweet process (Manning, 1979), NCA others are designed to sel.ectivcly remove only H 2S; Generally, it is important
process (Sun, 1980), and the Slurrisweet process (Oil & Gcs /., 1981). to consider the selectivity of a process for H 2S -versus C02 to ensure desired
The materials used in treating the gas are not recoyered in these ):rO- e.'<tent of removal of these comp<iiients. For this reason; C0 2 to Hz$ ratio in
cesses. the gas is also an important parameter.
2. Regenerative processes with recovery as H 2S. .The:>e include the physi- Operating conditions ~feet the performance of several sweetening pro-
cal absoqition processes (water wash, Selexol, F1uor solvent, etc.), the cesses. Also, different processes discharge·the sweetened gas stream at differ-
amine processes {MEA, DEA, DCA, etc.), ho~ carbonate processes ent pressure and temperature levels relative to the. conditions of the. miiom - ..._;
(Benfield, CatacAI:b), Alkazid processes, molecular sieves, etc. ing stream. Thus, the inlet and outlet conditio!)$ desired itre signi L.•n•· ·
· 3. Regenerative processes with J'e(.'OVe.r y as sulfur. The Holmes- variables to consider. It may be·ecOiiomlc·in·some-cases to -alter Inn,'"·
Stretford process; a,nd the Giamma,rco-Vetrocoke process fall in this . ditions to suit the process, and·outx1ow conditions to meet ·pif'<'l in··
category. · 'Wif.h growing enVironmental concern:; regarcllng sulfur ments.
emission, e-,~:;~ prx':'sses have acqufred a prominent role in desulfur- Some processes are economic for large gas volumes, whit.· ,,, 1
lzation opern.t·ons. economiC advant::arr·.:t. ,,..J.. .....- ' - · , ~
U8 . Ccu ·Ptodumlon Engineering
• Desuljuri%0tion ProctlUQ · 2.59
~Jl:o.~l)uld also be .considered, .~nee some processe:; are adve~y a!- latter process gives an improved performanCe., ·generating a hig)ter remoVal
~,:by; tb.O presence of heavier fractions, while others.may strip the gas of efficiency. as well as better regeneration. , . ·
·.lome o£ itl h~bon constituents. · . This process offers .advantages of simplicity, and •bsolute ielectivity,
. .'lhs ~ilityp£ recovering ~r as elemental sulfur reduces the choice which impli~ less gas shrinkage bee.ause COil is retained in the gas. It ·IS rela-
· ~ly..Jrocesses with sulfur recovery l!ave becofne very important in . gvely inexpensive. There are several disadvantages, such as difficult and e:(.
.A:merlca. ai1,d will become so worl9wide in the. nea.r future.dqe to Cl!viron- pensive regeneration, excessive pressure. losses through the bed, inabiJity·to
. · ~· p!'Pblems caused by sulfur limissions. Sulfur is a useful by-product. remove large amounts of-sulfur, and sulfur disposal .problems, since it does·
... 1:··,; gener:&lly In _go(;d demand. by the fertilizer and chernicah industry. There- not produce sulfur in a saleable form. Detiils about this process are· avail-
fore.. in:, sulfur recoyery may be attractive: from an .epo- able from various sources Taylor (1956), Kohl and Riesenfeld (19&5),
nomfc '$iindpoint also. ,- · · ·· · and:Dud.:worth and Geddes {1965). ·
Molecular Sieves
.Solid Bed Sweetening ProCesse.s
Synthetically manufactured forms of crystalline sodium-calciU:XU alumino
These pr~ are based upon ,PhysiC<!~ or <:h~cal aosorption of acid silicates, molecul~.r sieves are porous In structure and have a ve.ry.large sur-;S·.on a solid surface. Although not as .widely · us~ as the liquid absorp- face area. The pores, formed by the removal ot water of crystallization, are
,. . tion pi'CI<:eSSe.S,. they offer advantages such l!.S simplicity, high selectivity (only · uniform throughout the material. .Seveiai grades o£ molec.Ular sieveS are
H 2S is generally removed), and a process efficiency ,almost independent of · available,. with el1,ch grade corresponding to a very narrow· range.of pore
,. ·sizes. · · ·
p~. These·processes are best applied to_gases with moderate concentra-
tions of II1S, and where0 C0 2 is to be retained in the gas~ , ,.Molecular sieves remove components throu&h .a combination of ·~-~siev;
. .
. ,ing" and physical adsorption process. Beckulo o£ their pore siZes, narrow
The Iron Sponge ProcesS ...~ey discriminate among the adsorbates on the basis of their mo~ sizes.
<· ;rhe sieves possess highly localized palar charges on their ~ that 1101: as
~ur .gas is passed thr~ugh a bed of wood chips that have been impregna· · sites for polar materials. Therefo~ polar rit poladz:ab1e -oom~
ted. With ~ special hydrated form of ferric oxide that .has a l:igh affini'Y f0r even in low concentrations, m adsorbed on thoaeve
IIIIfaQe. They·
H 2S. Th•! che.mical 'react:lon is ·as follows: · Ue..higftly selective in the removal cfH1S ind othor bompouDds &om ll1l:fur
1fatural gas, and offer a continuously hi&h a'Diorption e£acleucy. Tbay :r. ·
:ffidve water also (a polar compound) .and thlj' oiler ·a mll&lll of dmWtaDeous
FezOJ + 3HzS ~ F~S 3 + .3H10 ·...lfe'hydration and desulfurization. High water content·,. . ., howewr,:·miy
tfeqilire upstream dehydration (Rushton and Ha)'l, 19!11) •.
The te.mpe+ature must be kept at less 120~·F. According to Kohl and ., , Fails and Harris (1960) conducted ieveral.pllotStudies onllavas·and other
I\ieserueld .(1985), temperatures above.l20°'f and miut;ral or acid conclitiQns · a.dsorbents. They found that the adsorptive capacity of molecUlar ·
l~d· to th.e loss of .the water of crystallization of the ferric oxide. The b~d H2S decreases with increasing temp~ature, and increases with iDcreaSing
then becom;,s very diliicult to regenerate. Iron oxide is .reger,erated by pass- . H2S/C0 2 ratio . Increasing contact tlme·is favorable to H 1S removal up to il
ing 'o xygen/air over the bed: ppirit, beyond ;.vhich there is no effect An.optiinum pressure;of'about 450
psi.a was identified by Fails and Harris, though the effect of .. pressure w&S
1/'.' 2Fe-.z5a + 302 ~ 2F~03 + 6S ~Pund to be quite small.
_Jhe.. process flow scheme, shown in Figure 6-1, is similar .to the ·iron
The pr:o<= operates ii\ a b;~.tch-type. reaction-regeneration cycle. Regen- ~p,onge process. The bed Is regenerated by passing a portion of the sweetened'
er11-tion of the bed, however, is quite difficult and incurs ..exc-=ive mainte- · ·;;~: preheated to about 400-600°F or more, for about 1.5 hours to heat.the
nance and operating costs. Also, sulfur eventually covers most()[ the surf;lCe ,As the temperature of the bed Increases, it the adsorbe9 Hz$
of the ferric-oxide particles ·and further regeneration becomes impossible. A ·the regeneration gas stream. The sour effluent regeneration gas is flaied
continuous regeneration process has also be;en. developed; where small According to Rushton and Hays (1961), about 1-2% of the gas treated is
amounts of oxygen or air are added along with the sour gas at the inlet. This lost in this regeneration process.
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Dcitilfurizatlon ·Proeesse$ 261
··.200 t:;a• Production Engineering
This process is effective for high pressure gas, with high acid gas content
Agure·,S-1.•· Flowsheet for a·molecular·sleve desulfurization process. (After Fails and high H 2S to C0 2 ratio. According to Miiddox (1982), a waterw.ash op-
and Hams, ~ 9.60;. courtesy <>f 011 & Gas Journal.) eration followed by an amine process is 12 to 15% lower in capital invest-
ment, and about 50% lower in operating expenses as cempared to a 5ingle
:B,esid~ :regeneration iasses, gas is..also lost by the adSorption of hydrocar- amine unit for an equivalent sweetening job. For gases with a high HtS to
bon components by the
sie~e .•Unsat:Urated hydrocarbon components such ~s . C0 2 ratio, the savings can be as much as .4 0% in in.vestment;. and 00 to 70%
olefuis.and aromatic$ tend to be str011gly adsorbed (Conviser, 1965). Molec- in operating costs.
ular:sieves 'are also prone .to poisoning by several chemicals such as glycols In the water wash sweetening'process, sour ga.S is sent upward through a
an<l requhe thoipugh gas cleanirig metb.ods prior to the adsorption step. The contactor, countercurrent to the water (see Figure 6-2). The partially sweet•
p~ re<i.~ a cyclic operation, since ~tis batch-type, \vith a cycle time ened gas from the top of the tower is sent to further treatment ~ts (typi-
~Jhe order.of ..2 hours . .Initial qapital_iiivestments are high, and regenera- cally, an amine unit)·. The rich watef'solution froin the
bottom of the tower
tion reqwres ·a lot of heat. For gR$ st::reams containing C0 2 , carbonyl sulfide is sent to an intermediate pressure flash tank for recovery of dissolved hydrc).
JD+Y form as shown in .the followiD.g nwersible reaction: carbons. A power recovery turbine is provid~ for rep~g the water
· HiS + COt .•;; COS +H 0 2
before sending it to a low pressure .f lash tank where all of the acid, gas is
removed, and the lean water.obtained is recycled. ·
Molecular si.eves tend to catalyze this reaction. The problem has been stud- · Froning et al. (1964) presented calculation procedures for estimating the
ied extensively, and new 'molecular sieves have be•m developed to ;etard the performance of a water wash and provide data required for such calC'Ila-
COSfoiiiPltion. ' tions. Their results show that H~ is about three times more soluble in water
than C0 2 , thereby showing that the selectivity of the process is quite good.
- .
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.. · C.U Productli:>n..Eng!neering Desuljurl:c<J«on ~ 183
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:264 ..Cas-Prodtu;tlon- Engineering
important properties for these _six alkanol-amines. Among these, MEA and·
DEA proceSses-are the mo::t widely used. _ 25% by weight of water is used;-This process removes both C<:
MEA has the -highe$t reactivity, and therefore the highest acid gas re- : _ ~des dehydrating, the gas. · At high ·temperatures,.·the· .o:rlXtW
moVal capacity, and the low«;rt molecular weight among the amines." There- . very volatile :tnd difficult to:·handle, Alsil;'-the .glycol-~ 00
fore, it offers_the highest removal capacity on a unit weight or unit volume . <foes not dehydrate as well aS an Uidepen~t glycol unit. ..
basiS, which implies_lowenolutiorr circulation rates in a sweetening plant. The reactions for the ethanolarnines, MEA; DEA, and TEA·m
MEA is chemi¢ally st11ble (minimal solution degradation). The reactimi. ~ate ·. {Batt et al.-,. 1980, Rahman, i982}:· · ·· · · ·
. ' '. !.. . . . . . . ..Q ~ · ..
'o£ H 2S with MEA is greatei than tl\at:o£ C0 2 • The process, however, is con- · l. Formation of a bisulfide of the ethanolamine on reactj.on "11
~dered to be alnui~tJlim-sei.ective in it:; .-emoval capacity for-HiS and C0 2,
beca~e ·ev~n¢eSlower ~cting C02 is rapidly and _almost completely re- RNH1 + H 1S ~ RNH.S + heat
movect. toi
MEA is' able 11!mo_ve acid gases to pipeline specifications, and
even beyond. . · ' ·_ . _ _
2. For MEA and DEA, with C0.2, the carbamate.salt of the eth1
MEA. however, suffers £rom relatively high solution losses primarily due · is formed. TEA does not have_ #Us
reac:tion witl:_l C0 2• . .
totWo reasons: it has ~a: relatjvely high vapor pressure that causes gr~ater
vaporlzation"losses, and it reads: irreversibly with carbonyl sulfide and car- 2RNH2 + COz ~ RNHCOt + ;RNHt + heat
bon disulfide. High: vaporlzati;,n losses put a lill1itation on the operating:
temperatUres, which inust be ~ept low,- whereas the reactions leading to 3. In aqueous solution, with C0 2 ~ th~ c~rbonate salt of the etha
bulldup·_of solids necessitate ett~c;ient filtration schemes. --' -·; is formed. This is a slower reaction ..- . ·
D~ is .quite similar to MEA; 'except it is not as reactive, so H 2S remov:U
to p_lpeline ~c.ations ~ay .cause problems in some. cases; its reacti'?~. RNH2 + H20 + C02, ~ RNiiJHC0 3 + heat
with ..carbonyLsul&.d.e,ai_iq ·~l>ox; disulfide are slower andle?d to different
products; so filttlltion probl~s are less; and its vapor pressure is lower, · General Process F1ow Scheme ·
therefore vaporizatiop.lo~ an: ~ess. Thus, DEA can be advant:tgeous to use .
in stime cases, , · _ · _ .. · · _ .
·. MEA is usually preferred over DEA because it enables a ,smalleJ
· TEA has,been ilhO.o~t'totally replaced by MEA and DEA, primarily-be-'' tion rl!-te of the solution, although it has a higher vapor piessure
cause it h~ Je:iSer,:,eactiVit)r and px:')blems are encountered in sweetening ~he.:, creased ·chances of greater chemical losses.
ga5 to pipeline_sPecifications. D.GA has found application in recent years. It ·_ ' · The plant is very much like an absorption dehydration system. 1
has the same reactivity as DEA, and a i-~asonably lo·w vapor pressure. DIPA·l · differences are (Curry, 1981}:
is alSo able ,to trea:t
gas to.pipem;e spedfications, and is used in the Sulfinc{ •.
process by Shell, im&the.ADIP proCess. MDEA ha~ received renewed atten~ 1. The .contactor contains.m~y mo~e tray sections, up to 20 0
· · tion because it has a fairly good selectivity for H 2S, so C0 2 can be retained in 2. A side-stream reclaimer is provided in· an MEA system.
the gas; and it offers ·sQmc energy ,s2.vfilg in the regeneration step. MDEA, 3: _More elaborate filtr~tion and heat exchange equip~ent is re
however, may not be cominercially competitive with other amine processes . 4. Operating temperatures arc different. ·
(Maddox, 1982} .. 5. The reflux requirements are
The problems encountered are also. quite sirrl.ilar, though in a m
. Solution Concentrations and Re2ctipns
form . Some such problems are eor:rosion1 foaming, solution losses,
For MEA, an appx:oxirnately 15% ·concentration (by weight) solution iS~ solution filtering. There are·otherproblems relatiil,g to "the high v
genm-ally used. -DEA' f:$. llSed -i n 20-30% or more Cl)ncentration. DIPA and of MEA. Solution loading, that is, the amount or level of liqu
·MDEA are· typically .used in 30-50'% _concentration in aqueous solution, the contactor, Is critical. The exothenntc reactions in the contacto
while DCA Is-used in thc.40-70o/• by weight concentration range. with the low boiling point of MEA make s~hition loading a diffl
.. Some ·plants use a mi:dure of a glycol" and an amine for simultaneous de- !em. The presence of stilfur'intellsifi!lS the--corroSion problemS,by I n
hydration and desulfurlzation. Generally, · a solution containing 10 to 30% stress corrosion.