Voestalpine Permit Amendment Request 2019
Voestalpine Permit Amendment Request 2019
Voestalpine Permit Amendment Request 2019
APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY DECISION. voestalpine Texas LLC, 2800 Kay Bailey Hutchison Road, Portland, TX
78374-7400, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for an amendment to State Air
Quality Permit 108113, modification to Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Air Quality Permit PSDTX1344M2,
and modification to Greenhouse Gas (GHG) PSD Air Quality Permit GHGPSDTX43 for emissions of GHGs, which would
authorize modification to the Direct Reduced Iron Hot Briquetting Facility located at 2800 Kay Bailey Hutchison Road,
Portland, San Patricio County, Texas 78374. The existing facility will emit the following air contaminants: carbon
monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen sulfide, hazardous air pollutants, organic compounds, particulate matter including
particulate matter with diameters of 10 microns or less and 2.5 microns or less, lead, sulfur dioxide, ammonia, carbon
dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.
The De Minimis Modeling results indicated that predicted emission of, PM2.5 (increment), and PM10 (increment) are less
than the respective de minimis concentration and no further analysis was required.
This application was submitted to the TCEQ on May 30, 2019. The executive director has determined that the emissions
of air contaminants from the existing facility which are subject to PSD review will not violate any state or federal air quality
regulations and will not have any significant adverse impact on soils, vegetation, or visibility. All air contaminants have
been evaluated, and “best available control technology” will be used for the control of these contaminants.
The executive director has completed the technical review of the application and prepared a draft permit which, if
approved, would establish the conditions under which the facility must operate. The permit application, executive
director’s preliminary decision, draft permit, and the executive director’s preliminary determination summary and executive
director’s air quality analysis, will be available for viewing and copying at the TCEQ central office, the TCEQ Corpus
Christi regional office, and the Bell/Whittington Library located at 2400 Memorial Parkway, Portland, TX, beginning the first
day of publication of this notice. The facility’s compliance file, if any exists, is available for public review at the TCEQ
Corpus Christi Regional Office, NRC Bldg. Suite 1200, 6300 Ocean Drive, Unit 5839, Corpus Christi, Texas.
INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE. These documents are accessible through the Commission’s Web site at
www.tceq.texas.gov/goto/cid: the executive director’s preliminary decision which includes the draft permit, the executive
director’s preliminary determination summary, air quality analysis, and, once available, the executive director’s response
to comments and the final decision on this application. Access the Commissioners’ Integrated Database (CID) using the
above link and enter the permit number for this application. The public location mentioned above provides public access
to the internet. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility's general location is provided as a public courtesy and
not part of the application or notice. For exact location, refer to application.
PUBLIC COMMENT/PUBLIC MEETING. You may submit additional public comments about this application. The
purpose of a public meeting is to provide the opportunity to submit comment or to ask questions about the application.
The TCEQ will hold a public meeting if the executive director determines that there is a significant degree of public interest
in the application, if requested by an interested person, or if requested by a local legislator. A public meeting is not a
contested case hearing. You may submit additional written public comments within 30 days of the date of
newspaper publication of this notice in the manner set forth in the AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION
paragraph below.
After the deadline for public comment, the executive director will consider the comments and prepare a response to all
relevant and material or significant public comment. The response to comments, along with the executive director’s
decision on the application, will be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments or is on a mailing list for
this application. The mailing will also provide instructions for requesting a contested case hearing or
reconsideration of the executive director’s decision.
OPPORTUNITY FOR A CONTESTED CASE HEARING. You may request a contested case hearing regarding the
portions of the application for State Air Quality Permit Number 108113 and for PSD Air Quality Permit Number
PSDTX1344M2. There is no opportunity to request a contested case hearing regarding the portion of the
application for GHG PSD Air Quality Permit Number GHGPSDTX43. A contested case hearing is a legal
proceeding similar to a civil trial in a state district court. A person who may be affected by emissions of air
contaminants, other than GHGs, from the facility is entitled to request a hearing. A contested case hearing
request must include the following: (1) your name (or for a group or association, an official representative),
mailing address, daytime phone number; (2) applicant’s name and permit number; (3) the statement “I/we request
a contested case hearing;” (4) a specific description of how you would be adversely affected by the application
and air emissions from the facility in a way not common to the general public; (5) the location and distance of
your property relative to the facility; (6) a description of how you use the property which may be impacted by the
facility; and (7) a list of all disputed issues of fact that you submit during the comment period. If the request is
made by a group or association, one or more members who have standing to request a hearing must be
identified by name and physical address. The interests the group or association seeks to protect must also be
identified. You may also submit your proposed adjustments to the application/permit which would satisfy your
concerns. Requests for a contested case hearing must be submitted in writing within 30 days following this
notice to the Office of the Chief Clerk, at the address provided in the information section below.
A contested case hearing will only be granted based on disputed issues of fact or mixed questions of fact and law that are
relevant and material to the Commission’s decisions on the application. The Commission may only grant a request for a
contested case hearing on issues the requestor submitted in their timely comments that were not subsequently withdrawn.
Issues that are not submitted in public comments may not be considered during a hearing.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ACTION. The executive director may issue final approval of the application for the portion of
the application for GHG PSD Air Quality Permit GHGPSDTX43. If a timely contested case hearing request is not received
or if all timely contested case hearing requests are withdrawn regarding State Air Quality Permit Number 108113 and for
PSD Air Quality Permit Number PSDTX1344M2, the executive director may issue final approval of the application. The
response to comments, along with the executive director’s decision on the application will be mailed to everyone who
submitted public comments or is on a mailing list for this application and will be posted electronically to the CID. If any
timely hearing requests are received and not withdrawn, the executive director will not issue final approval of the State Air
Quality Permit Number 108113 and for PSD Air Quality Permit Number PSDTX1344M2 and will forward the application
and requests to the Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled commission meeting.
MAILING LIST. You may ask to be placed on a mailing list to obtain additional information on this application by sending
a request to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below.
AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION. Public comments and requests must be submitted either electronically at
www14.tceq.texas.gov/epic/eComment/, or in writing to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Office of the
Chief Clerk, MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. Please be aware that any contact information you
provide, including your name, phone number, email address and physical address will become part of the agency’s public
record. For more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the Public Education
Program toll free at 1-800-687-4040. Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040.
Further information may also be obtained from voestalpine Texas, LLC, at the address stated above or by calling Ms. Gail
Ridgeway, Environmental Manager at (361) 704-9000.
Emission Limitations
Fuel Specifications
AF Executive Director of the Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality (TCEQ).
Fuel for the hot flare pilot (Emission Point No. [EPN] 38) shall be pipeline-quality natural gas;
B. Fuel for the main reformer burners and the process gas system shall be pipeline-quality
natural gas and top gas;
C. Fuel for the reformer auxiliary burners shall be pipeline-quality natural gas;
D. Fuel for the Fines Recycling Plant (FRP) Dryer burner shall be pipeline-quality sweet natural
gas; and (DRAFT)
E. Fuel used in the emergency generator (EPN 34) and the fire pump (EPN 35) is limited to
diesel containing no more than 15 ppm by weight sulfur.
Federal Applicability
Opacity/Visible Emission Limitations
period. (DRAFT)
A. As represented, iron ore throughput shall not exceed 500 tons per hour (tph) and 3,197,250
tons per year (tpy) in any rolling 12-month period. (03/18)
B. Hot briquette iron (HBI) production shall be limited to 360 tph and 2,205,000 tpy.
C. Loading of the Briquette Curing Bin (EPN-DP-2) shall be limited to 28 tph and 245,280 tpy.
D. Plant wide natural gas usage shall not exceed 26,698 million standard cubic feet (MMscf) per
year. (08/15)
10. Loading and unloading of the Solid Binder Bin (EPN BVF-1) at the Fines Recycling Plant, shall be
limited to 4 hours per day, not to exceed 1,460 hours per year. (DRAFT)
burners and shall not exceed the following
emission limits: (DRAFT)
transfer points.
performed as recommended by the manufacturer
and as necessary so the equipment efficiency can
be adequately maintained.
may be required.
28. The operations/processes listed in the table below operate per the criteria of the referenced Permit
by Rule (PBR) and are incorporated by reference only. The list is not meant to be an exhaustive
list. (DRAFT)
and operated in accordance with the following
A. The flare shall have a minimum destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) for methane, CO,
and VOC of 98%. (DRAFT)
The flare systems shall be designed such that the combined assist natural gas and waste
stream to each flare meets the 40 CFR § 60.18 specifications for minimum heating value and
maximum tip velocity under normal, upset, and maintenance flow conditions.
The heating value and velocity requirements shall be satisfied during operations authorized
by this permit. Flare testing per 40 CFR § 60.18(f) may be requested by the regional office
having jurisdiction to demonstrate compliance with these requirements.
C. The flare shall be operated with a flame present at all times and/or have a constant pilot
flame. The pilot flame shall be continuously monitored by a thermocouple or an infrared
monitor. The time, date, and duration of any loss of pilot flame shall be recorded. Infrared
monitors shall be accurate and shall be calibrated at a frequency in accordance with, the
manufacturer’s specifications.
D. The flare shall be operated with no visible emissions except periods not to exceed a total of
five minutes during any two consecutive hours. This shall be ensured by the use of air assist
to the flare.
E. The permit holder shall install a continuous flow monitor and composition analyzer that
provide a record of the vent stream flow and composition (total VOC or Btu content) to the
flare. The flow monitor sensor and analyzer sample points shall be installed in the vent
stream as near as possible to the flare inlet such that the total vent stream to the flare is
measured and analyzed. Readings shall be taken at least once every 15 minutes and the
average hourly values of the flow and composition shall be recorded each hour.
The monitors shall be calibrated on an annual basis to meet the following accuracy
specifications: the flow monitor shall be ±5.0%, temperature monitor shall be ±2.0% at
absolute temperature, and pressure monitor shall be ±5.0 mm Hg;
If VOC are monitored, calibration of the analyzer shall follow the procedures and
requirements of Section 10.0 of 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 9,
as amended through October 17, 2000 (65 FR 61744), except that the multi-point calibration
procedure in Section 10.1 of Performance Specification 9 shall be performed at least once
every calendar quarter instead of once every month, and the mid-level calibration check
procedure in Section 10.2 of Performance Specification 9 shall be performed at least once
every calendar week instead of once every 24 hours. The calibration gases used for
Special Conditions
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calibration procedures shall be in accordance with Section 7.1 of Performance Specification
9. Net heating value of the gas combusted in the flare shall be calculated according to the
equation given in 40 CFR §60.18(f)(3) as amended through October 17, 2000 (65 FR 61744).
If a calorimeter is used, the calorimeter shall be calibrated, installed, operated, and
maintained, in accordance with manufacturer recommendations, to continuously measure
and record the net heating value of the gas sent to the flare, in British thermal units/standard
cubic foot of the gas.
The monitors and analyzers shall operate as required by this section at least 95% of the time
when the flare is operational, averaged over a rolling 12-month period. Flared gas net
heating value and actual exit velocity determined in accordance with 40 CFR §60.18(f)(4)
shall be recorded at least once every 15 minutes.
If a VOC monitor is used, hourly mass emission rates shall be determined and recorded
using the above readings and the emission factors used in the permit application PI-1 dated
February 4, 2013.
Cooling Tower
A. Cooling water shall be sampled once a week for concentrations of total dissolved solids
(TDS). 3% of the dissolved solids in the cooling water drift are considered to be emitted as
PM10 and 3% of the dissolved solids are considered to be emitted as PM2.5. The analysis
method for TDS shall be EPA Method 160.1, ASTM D5907, and SM 2540 C [SM - 19th
edition of Standard Methods for Examination of Water].
Cooling water shall either be sampled once a day for conductivity and analyzed using ASTM
D1125-95A and SM 2510B [SA – 19th edition of Standard Methods for Examination of Water]
or shall be continuously monitored for conductivity. Use of an alternative sampling method
shall be approved by the TCEQ Regional Director prior to its implementation. Quality-
assured (or valid) data must be generated when the cooling tower is operating except during
the performance of a daily zero check. Loss of valid data due to periods of monitor
breakdown, out-of-control operation (producing inaccurate data), repair, maintenance, or
calibration may be exempted provided the total data loss period does not exceed 5 percent of
the time (in hours) that the cooling tower operated over the previous rolling 12 month period.
The measurements missed shall be estimated using engineering judgment and the methods
used recorded.
The TDS and conductivity data shall result from sampling or monitoring the cooling tower
return stream (i.e., water stream routed to the tower for cooling), and represent the water
being cooled in the tower. Water samples should be capped upon collection and transferred
to a laboratory area for analysis.
B. The permit holder may reduce the frequency of TDS sampling required by paragraph B of
this condition by establishing a valid correlation between TDS and conductivity for the cooling
tower as follows:
(1) The sampling and analysis required by paragraph B of this condition (i.e., frequency of
sampling for TDS and conductivity) shall be conducted as specified until a valid
correlation is established between TDS and conductivity.
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(2) For a minimum period of six months, the cooling water shall be sampled at least
weekly for analysis of TDS and conductivity. The data from the TDS and conductivity
measurements shall be plotted, with a total range of two standard deviations (plus and
minus one standard deviation) applied to the resulting plot. A report including the data
analysis results and the correlation established between TDS concentrations and
conductivity shall be maintained on site.
(3) Following completion of the report, the cooling water may either be sampled daily or
monitored continuously for conductivity, and the result converted to TDS with the use
of the established correlation.
(4) The correlation shall be re-validated annually with the analysis of a single cooling water
sample for TDS and conductivity. The measured TDS value shall be compared to the
correlation TDS value (i.e., the TDS value derived from the measured conductivity and
the established correlation). If the measured TDS value is not within plus or minus one
standard deviation of the correlation TDS value, a new correlation shall be developed
according to paragraph B. of this condition.
C. Cooling tower PM emissions shall be determined using the cooling tower water circulation
rate, cooling tower design drift, and the measured or estimated TDS.
AF 31. Primary in-plant roads and parking areas shall be
paved with a cohesive hard surface and cleaned
as necessary using sweeping and enforced
reduced speed limits to maintain compliance with
all applicable TCEQ rules.
Initial Determination of Compliance
A. Air contaminants from EPN 8 to be sampled and analyzed include (but are not limited to) CO
and NH3.
B. Air contaminants from EPN 29 to be sampled and analyzed include (but are not limited to)
PM, PM10, PM2.5, NOx, CO, and VOCs.
C. Sampling shall be accomplished within 60 days of achieving maximum production but not
later than 180 days after initial startup.
Sampling Requirements
B. Any variations from these procedures must be approved by the Executive Director of the
TCEQ or his designated representative prior to sampling.
If the plant is unable to operate at the maximum represented production/throughput rates during
testing, then additional stack testing shall be required when the production rate exceeds the
previous stack test production rate by +10 percent unless otherwise determined, in writing, by the
TCEQ Executive Director.
with jurisdiction. Additional time to comply with the
applicable federal requirements requires EPA
approval, and requests shall be submitted to the
AF TCEQ Regional Office with jurisdiction.
One copy to the TCEQ Office of Air, Air Permits Division in Austin.
One copy to each appropriate local air pollution control program with jurisdiction.
Recordkeeping Requirements
A. A daily record of operating hours, amount of iron ore processed, and hot briquetted iron
produced in tons per 24-hour period. From this data, average hourly throughput and
production shall be calculated; (03/18)
B. A record of annual iron ore throughput and hot briquetted iron production in tons on a rolling
12-month basis; (03/18)
Annual natural gas usage for the facility (MMscf), on a rolling 12-month basis;
Records of the inspection, maintenance, malfunction, and repair of abatement equipment.
Inspections of capture systems and abatement devices shall be recorded as they occur;
E. Records required by NSPS Subpart IIII and MACT Subpart ZZZZ;
F. Quarterly observations for visible emissions and/or opacity determinations as required by
Special Conditions Nos. 6 and 7;
G. A daily record of loading and unloading hours for the Solid Binder Bin at the Fines Recycling
Plant; (DRAFT)
H. Records required by SC 29 to include (1) time, date, and duration of loss of flare pilot flame,
(2) hourly values of flow and composition of the vent stream, and (3) hourly VOC mass
emission rate if a VOC monitor is used;
I. Records required by SC 30 to include TDS and conductivity sampling;
J. Daily observations for visible emissions required by SC 35; and
K. Records shall be kept in sufficient detail to allow emission rates of Hazardous Air Pollutants
(HAPS) to be accurately determined from all emission points having the potential to emit
HAPS. Using this recorded data, a report shall be produced for the emission of HAPs (in tons
per year) over the previous 12 consecutive month. The required records shall be kept with
examples of the method of data reduction including units, conversion factors, assumptions,
and the basis of the assumptions.
holder receives and maintains quarterly records of
the vendor’s analysis, and the data is of sufficient
quality to yield further analysis as required above.
of the following month. Such production data shall
include subtotals by type of HBI produced,
including all on-spec and off-spec material that
AF passes through the shaft furnace.
A. The reformer furnace shall have fuel metering for natural gas (auxiliary fuel) and top gas.
The permit holder shall measure and record the fuel flow rates using an operation non-
resettable elapsed flow meter or by recording the flow rate date in an electronic format with
individual flow measurements being taken no less frequently than once every 15 minutes.
Electronic data may be reduced to hourly averages for recordkeeping.
B. The permit holder shall install, operate, and maintain an O2 analyzer in the furnace flue gas at
a location downstream of the radiant sections of the furnace.
C. The oxygen analyzer shall:
(1) be zeroed and spanned daily and corrective action taken when the 24-hour span drift
exceeds two times the amounts specified in the Performance Specification No. 3, 40
CFR Part 60, Appendix B. Zero and span is not required on weekends and plant
holidays if instrument technicians are not normally scheduled on those days.
(2) be quality-assured at least semiannually using cylinder gas audits (CGAs) in
accordance with 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix F, Procedure 1, § 5.1.2, with the following
exception: a relative accuracy test audit is not required once every four quarter (i.e.,
two successive semiannual CGAs may be conducted). An equivalent quality-
assurance method approved by the EPA may also be used.
Successive semiannual audits shall occur no closer than four months. Necessary
corrective action shall be taken for all CGA exceedances of ± 15 percent accuracy and
any continuous emissions monitoring system downtime in excess of 5 percent of
incinerator operating time. These occurrences and corrective actions shall be reported
to the TCEQ, Region 14 office on a quarterly basis. Supplemental stack concentration
measurements may be required at the discretion of the regional office.
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Permit Numbers 108113, PSDTX1344M1 and GHGPSDTX43
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D. The fuel gas meters, and oxygen analyzer shall have a minimum 95% on-stream time or
greater when the reformer is being fired. Missing data shall be supplied using good
engineering practices and documenting methods used.
E. The reformer furnace shall not exceed the one-hour maximum firing rate of 1,591 mm/Btu/hr.
This one-hour maximum firing rates shall be determined daily.
F. Natural gas to the reformer fuel supply and as raw material to the reformer shall be recorded
daily and summed monthly.
G. The permit holder shall on a monthly basis, determine the total CO2 and CO2e emissions from
EPN 29 based on flue gas composition and the actual measured flows through EPN 29.
H. The permit holder shall calculate, on a monthly basis, the amount of CH4 and N2O emitted
from combustion of natural gas in tons/yr using CH4 and N2O emission factors from AP-42,
Chapter 1 Section 4, Table 1.4-2, converted to short tons. This emission rate includes the
reformer and the seal gas system and will be apportioned according to the total auxiliary fuel
emissions excluding the seal gas system emissions (SC 58.B).
Seal Gas System: Charge Hopper (EPN 17), Bottom Seal Gas Vent (EPN 8) and Briquetting Wet
Scrubber (EPN 9)
AF 58. The Seal Gas System shall be designed and
operated in accordance with the following
A. Reformer flue gas bleed-off to be used as seal gas shall be measured using an operation non-
resettable elapsed flow meter or by recording the flow rate data in an electronic format with
individual flow measurements being taken no less frequently than once every 15 minutes.
Electronic data may be reduced to hourly averages for recordkeeping purposes and monthly
averages for emission calculations purposes.
B. The permit holder shall use flow and pressure or other comparable engineering methods to
apportion the actual flow of seal gas through each of the 3 EPNs identified in this special
C. The permit holder shall calibrate and perform preventative maintenance checks of the flue
gas flow meter, pressure, and other, if any, necessary meters and document at the minimum
frequency established per the manufacturer’s recommendations, or at the interval specified
D. The permit holder shall calculate the CO2e emissions on a 12- month rolling basis, based on
the procedures and Global Warming Potentials (GWP) contained in Greenhouse Gas
Regulations, 40 CFR Part 98, Subpart A, Table A-1, as published on November 29, 2013 (74
FR 71948). The record shall be updated by the last day of the following month.
Emergency Engines (EPNs 34 and 35)
AF 60. The Fire Water Pump (EPN 35) and Emergency
Generator (EPN 34) shall be operated in
accordance with the following requirements:
A. The Fire Water Pump and Emergency Generator are each limited to 100 hours of non-
emergency operation per year. The emergency firewater pump engine shall not exceed 240
horsepower and the emergency generator shall have a power output not to exceed 2,500
kW. Compliance with the 100-hour, non-emergency operational requirement is determined
on a 12-month rolling basis.
B. The Fire Water Pump and Emergency Generator shall meet all applicable requirements in 40
CFR Part 60 IIII, Standards of Performance for Stationary Compression Ignition Internal
Combustion Engines.
C. The permit holder shall install and maintain an operational non-resettable elapsed time meter
for the Fire Water Pump and Emergency Generator.
D. The permit holder shall maintain a file of all records, data measurements, reports and
documents related to the operation of the Fire Water Pumps and Emergency Generator,
including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) all records or reports pertaining to maintenance performed;
(2) all records relating to performance tests and monitoring of the emergency generator
and fire pump equipment;
(3) records of each diesel fuel oil delivery, documents from the fuel supplier certifying
compliance with the fuel sulfur content limit specified in SC 2.E;
(4) fuel heat input values and hours of operation required in SC 60.A; and all other
information required by this permit recorded in a permanent form suitable for
inspection; and,
(5) The file must be retained for not less than five years following the date of such
measurements, maintenance, reports, and/or records.
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E. Compliance with the Annual Emission Limit shall be demonstrated on a 12-month total,
rolling monthly, calculated in accordance with 40 CFR §98.33(a)(1)(ii).
A. The program elements and methods shall be documented in the form of written procedures
to be followed.
B. Physical inspections shall be performed weekly, sitewide.
C. Any component found to be leaking using the 28PI LDAR program (or other means) shall be
repaired within 15 days. Records must be kept of the component found to be leaking, the
apparent cause of the leak (if discernable), the date the component was discovered leaking
and the date the repairs were effective. Records shall be kept for 5 years.
Records of the weekly inspection results shall be maintained on site for 5 years.
Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
A. Records required in SC 48-61 D, including data collected, maintenance activities performed
(where required), and calculation methods used to make the various demonstrations of
compliance called for by the Special Conditions;
B. Daily record of DRI and HBI process operating hours and hot briquetted iron produced
hour of the day;
(including off spec DRI/HBI) in tons per 24-hour period. Records shall include operating
status (normal operations, startup, shutdown, malfunction, maintenance, idle, etc.) for each
A. The permit holder shall notify the TCEQ, by mail, within 48 hours following the discovery of
any failure of air pollution control equipment, process equipment, or of a process to operate
in a normal manner, which results in an increase in GHG emissions above the allowable
emission limits stated in the MAERT.
B. Within 10 days of the restoration of normal operations after any failure described in SC 67 A
(above), the permit holder shall provide a written supplement to the initial notification that
includes a description of the malfunctioning equipment or abnormal operation, the date of the
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Permit Numbers 108113, PSDTX1344M1 and GHGPSDTX43
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initial malfunction, the period of time over which emissions were increased due to the failure,
the cause of the failure, the estimated resultant emissions in excess of those allowed in the
MAERT, and the methods utilized to mitigate emissions and restore normal operations.
C. Compliance with this malfunction notification provision shall not excuse or otherwise
constitute a defense to any violation of this permit or any law or regulation such malfunction
may cause.
C. All incidents of process gas leaks past any seal gas leg, including the date, time, duration,
and cause of each event.
D. All instances where the required minimum data collection by monitoring systems was not
met, and the methods used to supply missing data, including relevant example calculations.
AF 69. Records retention and format.
All required records must be maintained for at least 5 years following the date of such
measurements, maintenance activity, or report unless otherwise noted in a specific condition
of this permit.
B. Data may be kept in any suitable format, including electronic, provided they are promptly
available upon request to the TCEQ or any air pollution control program personnel with
jurisdiction. Where calculation methods are used to determine any record, example equations
and methods must be retained along with the relevant records.
C. Records of any stack tests or performance tests shall be retained for the life of the permit.
D. The permit holder shall maintain records and submit a written report of all excess emissions
or malfunction events (identified in SC 67, above) to the TCEQ semiannually, except when:
more frequent reporting is specifically required by an applicable subpart; or the Administrator
or authorized representative, on a case by-case basis, determines that more frequent
reporting is necessary to accurately assess the compliance status of the source. The report is
due on the 30th day following the end of each semi-annual period and shall include the
(1) Time intervals, data and magnitude of the excess emissions, the nature and cause (if
known), corrective actions taken, and preventive measures adopted;
(2) Applicable time and date of each period during which the monitoring equipment was
inoperative (monitoring down-time);
(3) A statement in the report of a negative declaration; that is; a statement when no excess
emissions occurred or when the monitoring equipment has not been inoperative,
repaired or adjusted; and
(4) Any failure to conduct any required source testing, monitoring, or other compliance
Excess emissions shall be defined as any period in which the facility emission exceeds a
maximum emission limit or fails to meet a minimum control requirement or work practice
standard set forth in this permit.
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Excess emissions indicated by GHG emission source certification testing or compliance
monitoring shall be considered violations of the applicable emission limit for the purpose of
this permit.
Performance Testing Requirements
71. Within 60 days after achieving the maximum
production rate at which the affected facility will be
operated, but not later than 180 days after initial
startup of the facility, performance tests(s) shall be
AF conducted and a written report of the performance
testing results furnished to the TCEQ. Additional
sampling may be required by the TCEQ.
A. The permit holder shall submit a performance test protocol to the TCEQ no later than 30 days
prior to the test to allow review of the test plan and to arrange for an observer to be present
at the test. The performance test shall be conducted in accordance with the submitted
protocol, and any changes required by the TCEQ.
B. Performance tests shall be conducted under such conditions to ensure representative
performance of the affected facility. The permit holder shall make available to the TCEQ such
records as may be necessary to determine the conditions of the performance test.
C. The owner or operator shall provide the TCEQ at least 30 days prior notice of any
performance test, except as specified under other Subparts, to afford the TCEQ the
opportunity to have an observer present and/or to attend a pre-test meeting. If there is a
delay in the original test date, the permit holder shall provide at least 7 days prior notice of
the rescheduled date of the performance test.
D. The permit holder shall provide, or cause to be provided, performance testing facilities as
(1) Sampling ports adequate for test methods applicable to this facility,
(2) Safe sampling platform(s),
(3) Safe access to sampling platform(s), and
(4) Utilities for sampling and testing equipment.
E. Unless otherwise specified in this permit, each performance test shall consist of three
separate runs using the applicable test method. Each run shall be conducted under the
conditions specified in the applicable test method. For purposes of determining compliance
with an applicable test method, the arithmetic mean of the results of the three runs shall
F. The permit holder shall determine if a compliance strategy is required as follows:
Special Conditions
Permit Numbers 108113, PSDTX1344M1 and GHGPSDTX43
Page 21
(1) Multiply the CO2 hourly average emission rate determined during the initial
performance test while operating under maximum operating test conditions by 8,760
hours; If the calculated CO2 emission total does not exceed the tons per year (TPY)
specified the MAERT, no compliance strategy needs to be developed. If the calculated
CO2 emission total exceeds the tons per year (TPY) specified in the MAERT, the
facility shall;
(a) Document the exceedance in the test report; and
(b) Explain within the report how the facility will assure compliance with the CO2
emission limit listed in the MAERT.
G. Emissions testing, as outlined above, shall be performed every three years, or more
frequently if identified above, to verify continued performance with the permitted emission
Emission Sources - Maximum Allowable Emission Rates
This table lists the maximum allowable emission rates and all sources of air contaminants on the applicant’s property
covered by this permit. The emission rates shown are those derived from information submitted as part of the application
for permit and are the maximum rates allowed for these facilities, sources, and related activities. Any proposed increase
in emission rates may require an application for a modification of the facilities covered by this permit.
PM2.5 0.02 0.09
PM2.5 0.48 2.12
Oxide Tower Transfer
Fabric Filter Stack
CO 1.83 8.03
CO 76.33 334.31
VOC 7.69 33.67
CO 1500.00 6570.00
CO 622.27 104.37
Pb <0.01 <0.01
CO 0.92 4.02
VOC 0.09 0.40
PM2.5 - 0.03
NOx 32.09 1.60
CO 3.80 0.19
Fire Pump
CO 1.31 5.73
PM2.5 <0.01 0.02
(1) Emission point identification - either specific equipment designation or emission point number from plot plan.
(2) Specific point source name. For fugitive sources, use area name or fugitive source name.
(3) VOC - volatile organic compounds as defined in Title 30 Texas Administrative Code § 101.1
- total oxides of nitrogen
- sulfur dioxide
- total particulate matter, suspended in the atmosphere, including PM10 and PM2.5, as represented
PM10 - total particulate matter equal to or less than 10 microns in diameter, including PM2.5, as
PM2.5 - particulate matter equal to or less than 2.5 microns in diameter
CO - carbon monoxide
NH3 - ammonia
H2S - hydrogen sulfide
n-Hexane - n-Hexane
Pb - lead
HAP - hazardous air pollutant as listed in § 112(b) of the Federal Clean Air Act or Title 40 Code of
Federal Regulations Part 63, Subpart C
(4) Compliance with annual emission limits (tons per year) is based on a 12-month rolling period.
(5) Emission rate is an estimate and is enforceable through compliance with the applicable special condition(s) and
permit application representations.
(6) Planned startup and shutdown emissions are included. Maintenance activities are not authorized by this permit and
will need separate authorization unless the activity can meet the conditions of 30 TAC 116.119.
(7) Particulate matter emissions are from bentonite.
(8) Particulate matter emissions are from iron oxide.
This table lists the maximum allowable emission rates of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as defined in Title 30 Texas
Administrative Code § 101.1, for all sources of GHG air contaminants on the applicant’s property that are authorized by
this permit. The emission rates shown are those derived from information submitted as part of the application for permit
and are the maximum rates allowed for these facilities, sources, and related activities. Any proposed increase in emission
rates may require an application for a modification of the facilities authorized by this permit.
N2O (5) 0.31
AF CO2e 57,686.71
N2O (5) <0.01
CO2e 197.23
35 Fire Pump CO2 (5) 12.83
AF CH4 (5) <0.01
N2O (5) <0.01
CO2e 12.88
FUGGHG Methane Containing Piping CO2 (5) --
CH4 (5) 4.01
CO2e 100.33
(1) Emission point identification - either specific equipment designation or emission point number from plot plan.
(2) Specific point source name. For fugitive sources, use area name or fugitive source name.
(3) CO2 - carbon dioxide
N2O - nitrous oxide
CH4 - methane
HFCs - hydrofluorocarbons
PFCs - perfluorocarbons
SF6 - sulfur hexafluoride
CO2e - carbon dioxide equivalents based on the following Global Warming Potentials (1/2015):
CO2 (1), N2O (298), CH4(25), SF6 (22,800), HFC (various), PFC (various)
(4) Compliance with annual emission limits (tons per year) is based on a 12-month rolling period. These rates include
emissions from maintenance, startup, and shutdown.
(5) Emission rate is given for informational purposes only and does not constitute enforceable limit.
I. Applicant
Voestalpine Texas LLC
2800 Kay Bailey Hutchison Rd
Portland, TX 78374-7400
voestalpine Texas, LLC, submitted an amendment request for their state issued NSR and PSD
permit to reflect as-built conditions at their facility and increase permitted emission rates to be
consistent with those found during source testing. In addition, the applicant has requested to
incorporate their EPA issued GHG PSD Permit and numerous, existing Permit by Rule (PBR)
authorizations. Greenhouse emissions are authorized under GHG Permit No. GHGPSDTX43.
Planned startup and shutdown emissions were previously authorized under the NSR and PSD
permit. The applicant has represented emissions from routine maintenance are authorized under
PBR No. 106.263 or claimed under 30 Texas Administrative Code § 116.119, De Minimis
Facilities or Sources.
IV. Emissions
VOC 36.19
NOx 404.56
SO2 34.92
CO 7132.90
PM 177.94
PM10 102.99
PM2.5 75.02
H2S 0.11
NH3 58.58
n-hexane 1.80
Pb <0.01
HAPs 2.05
Preliminary Determination Summary
Permit Numbers: 108113, PSDTX1344M2, and GHGPSDTX43
Page 2
CO2 1,827,463.79
CH4 71.44
N2O 9.73
CO2 Equivalents
V. Federal Applicability
The following chart illustrates the annual project emissions for each pollutant and whether this
pollutant triggers PSD or Nonattainment (NA) review.
PM 96.17 25 No Yes
H2S 0.11 10 No No
San Patricio County is in attainment or unclassified for all criteria pollutants. The facility is an
unnamed major source. The proposed project constitutes a major modification at an existing
major source for PSD because the total projected increases of CO and particulates were greater
than their corresponding significance levels; therefore, PSD review was applicable for non-GHG
NSR regulated pollutants. As shown in the table below, because the project increases of CO2e
are less more than 75,000 tpy, PSD review was not triggered for GHG emissions.
Direct contact coolers provide much of the gas cooling in the DRI plant. The gases being cooled
are under pressure, so a portion of the CO, C02, NH3, and H2S are absorbed into the cooling water.
Due to the direct contact of process water with CO and process gases, some gas constituents are
dissolved in process water in the top of the top of the gas scrubber that is at an elevated process
gas pressure.
In order to reduce the fugitive emissions at the clarifier and to reduce scaling in process water
ducts, a forced degassing unit will be installed. The process water degasser will use pressurized
air to strip the process water of the dissolved gases prior to the clarifier. During this degassing
process, CO, C02, NH3, and H2S are released. However, the flow and concentration of these
compounds are irregular since entry to and from the pressurized DRI process is episodic in
This section performs a detailed, step-by-step BACT analysis for control of NH3 and H2S
emissions from the process water degasser at the voestalpine facility. There are no changes to
CO emissions for this source with this amendment, so there is no change needed in the CO
BACT analysis.
Emissions of NH3 from the process water degassers are 2.92 lb/hr and 12.79 tpy and emissions
of H2S from the process water degassers are 0.02 lb/hr and 0.11 tpy. voestalpine proposes BACT
for NH3 and H2S as good design methods and good operating practices for the process water
TCEQ has not published a Tier I BACT NH3 and H2S for routine or maintenance, startup, and
shutdown (MSS) emissions from a DRI process water degasser. voestalpine has reviewed the
TCEQ's current BACT guidelines for process vents and found that the minimum acceptable
control is a flare, any oxidizer, adsorber, absorber/scrubber, etc., and appropriate control device
efficiency will be required. Therefore, voestalpine conducted a detailed search in the USEPA's
RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse (RBLC) database. No established BACT was found for NH3
and H2S emissions from water degassers in the RBLC. Therefore, to demonstrate BACT, a Tier Il
analysis was considered.
While there was no established BACT for NH3 and H2S, a review of previously accepted BACT
emission reduction levels for CO emissions from sources in other process/industry types found
that the generally accepted emissions reduction level regardless of industry type could vary.
Therefore, to evaluate BACT, a Tier Ill analysis was considered.
The following list of control technologies represent technologies that could be used for the control
of NH3 and H2S emissions from process water streams.
1. Flare
2. Good Design Methods and Good Operating Practices
Flaring is a direct combustion control process that is used for the destruction of combustible
gases, normally VOCs and H2S. Typically, flares are used to control emissions from intermittent
sources or emergency relief vents; however, flares are receiving increasing use on continuous
operating sources. Flares are capable of achieving high levels of VOC and H2S destruction if
proper attention is paid to combustion process control.
Good design methods and good operating practices can be used to reduce emissions of NH3 and
H2S in the process water degassers. By employing good operating practices, NH3 and H2S
emissions may be greatly reduced.
1. Flare -98%
2. Good Design Methods and Good Operating Practices — 50%
Direct combustion of the NH3 and H2S in a flare or similar could be a viable technology; however,
the concentration of NH3 and H2S are only 0.005% (50 ppm) and 0.00005% (0.5 ppm) of the
exhaust stream, while water vapor is 26.8% of the exhaust stream, with the remainder being
primarily air. Because of the low contaminant concentrations in the exhaust gas, and the low
heating value of that gas, a significant amount of fuel gas would need to be added to ensure
complete combustion and overcome the water content of the exhaust gas. Secondarily
combustion of ammonia would result in a commensurate increase in NOX emissions, which has
its own environmental impact as a precursor to ground-level ozone formation. Because of the
secondary environmental impact and the significant cost and emissions associated with all the
additional fuel gas required to combust the trace amounts of NH3 and H2S in the exhaust, the
flare is not considered a practical option for controlling emissions from the process water
Good design methods and the use of good operating practices (including pH control and other
water treatment) can be relatively effective at reducing NH3 and H2S emissions generated from
the process water degassers.
Step 5 - Selection of BACT
BACT for NH3 and H2S from the process water degassers is proposed as good design methods
and the use of good operating practices.
TCEQ Tier I BACT for PM emissions from cooling towers is identified as a drift rate of 0.0005%,
and the installed cooling tower meets this BACT limit. As such, voestalpine is requesting no
change to the currently established BACT in its existing permit.
CO is present in seal gas that is emitted from the seal gas vents because it is simply reformer
flue gas diverted for retaining the reducing gas within the reduction furnace. Control of CO from
the seal gas vents is most appropriately addressed at combustion within the reformer. This
section performs a detailed, step-by-step BACT analysis for control of CO emissions from the
seal gas vents at the voestalpine facility.
voestalpine is proposing a CO BACT of no additional control for the seal gas vents. BACT for CO
was already determined as good combustion practices for the reformer flue gas, and no
additional control is feasible for the use of a small portion of this flue gas used as seal gas.
TCEQ has not published a Tier I BACT for CO emissions from a DRI seal gas vent. voestalpine
has reviewed the TCEQ's current BACT guidelines for process vents and found that the minimum
acceptable control is a flare, any oxidizer, adsorber, absorber/scrubber, etc., and appropriate
control device efficiency will be required. The TCEQ's current MSS BACT requirements are the
same as BACT requirements.
In the previous permit application, the flaring and oxidation technologies were determined to be
technologically and economically infeasible due to the high dust loading in the gas stream and the
difficulty in controlling CO emissions at the concentration they are at in the duct, without adding
significant fuel gas. As such, they are not being considered with this amendment.
Therefore, voestalpine has conducted a detailed search in the USEPA's RBLC database.
Documentation found in this research is presented in Table 1 below.
The BACT identified for CO emissions from the seal gas vent at a similar DRI plant (Cleveland-
Cliffs) was replacing the seal gas blanket on the DRI with a Nitrogen blanket. This blanket would
have the direct impact of eliminating the CO emissions associated with the blanket gas
(approximately 60%). This facility has not been constructed yet and the technology has not been
demonstrated long term at a full-scale basis at the facility in the RBLC database.
A review of previously accepted BACT emission reduction levels for CO emissions from sources
in other process/industry types found that the generally accepted emissions reduction level
Preliminary Determination Summary
Permit Numbers: 108113, PSDTX1344M2, and GHGPSDTX43
Page 6
regardless of industry type can vary widely. Therefore, to demonstrate BACT, a Tier Ill analysis
was considered.
A search of recently issued permits for HBI plants noted that one facility was authorized in 2018,
the IronUnits LLC — Toledo HBI facility identified below.
Table 1. Summary of RBLC Data for CO Emissions from the Seal Gas Vents at DRI Plants.
RBLC ID Number Control Type and
Process Description Emission Limits
Company, Date Efficiency
IronUnits LLC - Seal Gas BACT-PSD: CO Limit
Toledo HBI Toledo, Vents/Bottom Seal 43.00 lb/hr and Nitrogen Seal Gas
OH 02/09/2018 Gas 188.34 tpy
The following list of control technologies represent technologies that have been used for the
control of CO emissions from the seal gas vent:
The nitrogen bottom gas seal is used to replace the process gas commonly used at other HBI
plants. The process gas contains primarily C02 and water vapor, but also approximately 1 wt%
CO. By replacing the process gas with Nitrogen on the bottom seal, CO emissions from EPN 8
would be reduced by approximately 60%. Emissions of CO would still occur through off-gassing
from the DRI pellets, and this off-gassing from the pellets represents approximately 40% of the
CO emissions.
Good combustion practices are used to reduce emissions of carbon monoxide, as well as other
pollutants, by optimizing conditions in the combustion zone of a fuel-burning source. CO
emissions from the burning of fuels are usually due to the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbon
fuel. Good combustion practices typically entail introducing the proper ratio of combustion air to
the fuel, maintaining a minimum temperature in the firebox of the combustor, or a minimum
residence time of fuel and air in the combustion zone. By employing good combustion practices,
CO emissions may be greatly reduced.
Good combustion practices is technically feasible and has not been eliminated.
Replacing the bottom seal gas with nitrogen has not been demonstrated at full scale operation at
an HBI production plant. Therefore, it should not be considered established BACT until it has
been proven in practice.
voestalpine is proposing no additional control for the seal gas vents. BACT for CO was already
determined as good combustion practices for the reformer flue gas, and no additional control is
feasible for the use of a small portion of this flue gas used as seal gas.
The existing BACT limits for the various pollutants emitted from the Reformer are as follows:
• PM: 0.044 gr/dscf for the process gas used as fuel using a high-energy wet scrubber on
the process gas before combustion and good combustion practices.
• SO: 0.002 lb/MMBtu purchase of natural gas containing no more than 21000 gr
With this amendment, there will be no physical changes made to the equipment. The only change
is to include the contribution from combustion particulate in the PM/PM10/PM2.5 emission rates.
As such, voestalpine requests the same existing BACT for PM.
For vent gas control, flares are identified as a possible control option and a flare was approved as
VOC BACT for the initial permitting of this facility. With this project, voestalpine requests no
change to the established BACT of a flare to control this process vent. For PM, CO, and NOX for
the flare, BACT is established as good combustion practices and the use of a low-Nitrogen fuel
gas. Since there were no physical changes to the flare approved with this permitting action,
Voestalpine is requesting that this BACT of good combustion practices and low-nitrogen fuel be
maintained as BACT.
During design, it was found that the hot gases flowing would damage the fabric filter. Due to
these operational issues, it was recommended to utilize a wet scrubber dust collection system to
control dust emissions. The wet scrubber discharge will have a PM concentration of at 18
mg/Nm3 (0.0079 gr/dscf), which exceeds the current TCEQ Tier I BACT of 0.01 gr/dscf for
particulate control. As such, voestalpine is proposing as BACT the use of a wet scrubber with an
outlet grain loading of 0.0079 gr/dscf.
Preliminary Determination Summary
Permit Numbers: 108113, PSDTX1344M2, and GHGPSDTX43
Page 8
The current TCEQ Tier I BACT for PM emissions from solid material handling includes dust
collectors that meet an outlet grain loading of 0.01 gr/dscf. The dust collectors on these sources
all exceed this requirement, with an outlet loading of 0.002 gr/dscf. As such, voestalpine requests
the BACT for these sources be established at the outlet grain loading rate of 0.002 gr/dscf.
The air quality analysis (AQA) is acceptable for all review types and pollutants. The results are
summarized below.
A. De Minimis Analysis
A De Minimis analysis was initially conducted to determine if a full impacts analysis would
be required. The De Minimis analysis modeling results indicate that 1-hr and 8-hr CO
exceed the respective de minimis concentrations and require a full impacts analysis. The
De Minimis analysis modeling results for 24-hr and annual PM10 and 24-hr and annual
PM2.5 (NAAQS and Increment) indicate that the project is below the respective de minimis
concentrations and no further analysis is required.
The PM2.5 De Minimis levels are the EPA recommended De Minimis levels. The use of the
EPA recommended De Minimis levels is sufficient to conclude that a proposed source will
not cause or contribute to a violation of a PM2.5 NAAQS or PM2.5 PSD increments based on
the analyses documented in EPA guidance and policy memoranda1.
While the De Minimis levels for both the NAAQS and increment are identical for PM2.5 in the
table below, the procedures to determine significance (that is, predicted concentrations to
compare to the De Minimis levels) are different. This difference occurs because the
NAAQS for PM2.5 are statistically based, but the corresponding increments are exceedance-
Table 2. Modeling Results for PSD De Minimis Analysis in Micrograms Per Cubic
Meter (µg/m3)
Averaging De Minimis
Pollutant GLCmax (µg/m3)
Time (µg/m3)
Preliminary Determination Summary
Permit Numbers: 108113, PSDTX1344M2, and GHGPSDTX43
Page 9
The 24-hr and annual PM2.5 (NAAQS) GLCmax are based on the highest five-year
averages of the maximum predicted concentrations determined for each receptor. The
GLCmax for all other pollutants and averaging times represent the maximum predicted
concentrations over five years of meteorological data.
To evaluate secondary PM2.5 impacts, the applicant provided an analysis based on a Tier 1
demonstration approach consistent with the EPA’s Guideline on Air Quality Models.
Specifically, the applicant used a Tier 1 demonstration tool developed by the EPA referred
to as Modeled Emission Rates for Precursors (MERPs). The basic idea behind the MERPs
is to use technically credible air quality modeling to relate precursor emissions and peak
secondary pollutants impacts from a source. Using data associated with the worst-case
hypothetical source, the applicant estimated 24-hr and annual secondary PM2.5
concentrations of 0.01 µg/m3 and 0.0002 µg/m3, respectively. When these estimates are
added to the GLCmax listed in the table above, the results are less than the De Minimis
The De Minimis analysis modeling results indicate that 8-hr CO exceeds the respective
monitoring significance level and requires the gathering of ambient monitoring information.
The De Minimis analysis modeling results indicate that 24-hr PM10 is below its respective
monitoring significance level.
The GLCmax for all pollutants and averaging times represent the maximum predicted
concentrations over five years of meteorological data.
The applicant evaluated ambient CO and PM2.5 monitoring data to satisfy the requirements
for the pre-application air quality analysis.
Background concentrations for CO were obtained from the EPA AIRS monitor 482450628
located at Port Arthur, Jefferson County. The high second high (H2H) 1-hr concentration
from the most recent three years of monitoring data (2017-2019) was used for the 1-hr and
8-hr value (1031 µg/m3). Using the H2H 1-hr concentration for the 8-hr averaging time is
conservative. The use of this monitor is reasonable based on a comparison of county-wide
emissions, population, and land use.
Background concentrations for PM2.5 were obtained from the EPA AIRS monitor 483550032
located at 3810 Huisache St., Corpus Christi, Nueces County. The applicant calculated a
Preliminary Determination Summary
Permit Numbers: 108113, PSDTX1344M2, and GHGPSDTX43
Page 10
three-year average (2016-2018) of the 98th percentile of the annual distribution of 24-hr
average concentrations for the 24-hr value (26 µg/m3). The applicant calculated a three-
year average (2016-2018) of the annual concentrations for the annual value (8.6 µg/m3).
The use of this monitor is reasonable based on a comparison of county-wide emissions,
population, and land use.
The background concentrations for CO noted above were also used in the NAAQS
The De Minimis analysis modeling results indicate that 1-hr and 8-hr CO exceed the
respective de minimis concentration and require a full impacts analysis. The full NAAQS
modeling results indicate the total predicted concentrations will not result in an exceedance
of the NAAQS.
The GLCmax are the maximum H2H predicted concentrations across five years of
meteorological data.
The De Minimis analysis modeling results indicate that 24-hr PM10 and 24-hr and annual
PM2.5 (NAAQS) are less than the de minimis concentrations and no further analysis is
D. Increment Analysis
The De Minimis analysis modeling results indicate that PM2.5 (Increment) and PM10 are less
than the respective de minimis concentrations and no further analysis is required. PSD
increments do not exist for CO.
The applicant performed an Additional Impacts Analysis as part of the PSD AQA. The
applicant conducted a growth analysis and determined that population will not significantly
increase as a result of the proposed project. The applicant conducted a soils and
vegetation analysis and determined that all evaluated criteria pollutant concentrations are
below their respective secondary NAAQS. The applicant meets the Class II visibility
analysis requirement by complying with the opacity requirements of 30 TAC Chapter 111.
The Additional Impacts Analyses are reasonable and possible adverse impacts from this
project are not expected.
The ADMT evaluated predicted concentrations from the proposed project to determine if
emissions could adversely affect a Class I area. The nearest Class I area, Big Bend
National Park, is located approximately 605 kilometers (km) from the proposed site.
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Permit Numbers: 108113, PSDTX1344M2, and GHGPSDTX43
Page 11
The predicted concentrations of SO2, PM10, PM2.5, and NO2 for all averaging times, are all
less than de minimis levels at a distance of 0.6 km from the proposed sources in the
direction of the Big Bend National Park Class I area. The Big Bend National Park Class I
area is an additional 604.4 km from the location where the predicted concentrations of SO2,
PM10, PM2.5, and NO2 for all averaging times are less than de minimis. Therefore, emissions
from the proposed project are not expected to adversely affect the Big Bend National Park
Class I area.
The 1-hr SO2 and 1-hr NO2 GLCmax are based on the highest five-year averages of the
maximum predicted concentrations determined for each receptor. The GLCmax for 3-hr
SO2 and annual NO2 are the maximum predicted concentrations associated with five years
of meteorological data.
The primary NAAQS for 24-hr and annual SO2 have been revoked for San Patricio County
and are not reported above.
The justification for selecting the EPA’s interim 1-hr NO2 and 1-hr SO2 De Minimis levels
was based on the assumptions underlying EPA’s development of the 1-hr NO2 and 1-hr
SO2 De Minimis levels. As explained in EPA guidance memoranda2,3, the EPA believes it is
reasonable as an interim approach to use a De Minimis level that represents 4% of the 1-hr
NO2 and 1-hr SO2 NAAQS.
Preliminary Determination Summary
Permit Numbers: 108113, PSDTX1344M2, and GHGPSDTX43
Page 12
ammonia Southern
1-hr 74 180
7664-41-7 Property Line
The applicant provided pollutant specific modeling for ammonia, which included both
production and MSS emissions to compare to the ESL. The GLCmax location is listed in
Table 3, above.
G. Greenhouse Gases
EPA has stated that unlike the criteria pollutants for which EPA has historically issued PSD
permits, there is no National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for GHGs, including no
PSD increment. The global climate-change inducing effects of GHG emissions, according
to the “Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Finding”, are far-reaching and multi-
dimensional (75 FR 66497). Climate change modeling and evaluations of risks and impacts
are typically conducted for changes in emissions that are orders of magnitude larger than
the emissions from individual projects that might be analyzed in PSD permit reviews.
Quantifying the exact impacts attributable to a specific GHG source obtaining a permit in
specific places and points would not be possible [EPA’s PSD and Title V Permitting
Guidance for GHGs at 48]. Thus, EPA has concluded in other GHG PSD permitting actions
it would not be meaningful to evaluate impacts of GHG emissions on a local community in
the context of a single permit.
The TCEQ has determined that an air quality analysis would provide no meaningful data
and has not required the applicant to perform one. As stated in the preamble to TCEQ’s
adoption of the GHG PSD program, the impacts review for individual air contaminants will
continue to be addressed, as applicable, in the state's traditional minor and major NSR
permits program per 30 TAC Chapter 116.
VIII. Conclusion
The applicant demonstrated the project meets all applicable rules, regulations and requirements
of the Texas and Federal Clean Air Acts. An amended air permit should be issued.