Manual Laborartory CHE 309

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Ministry of Education

University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Laboratory Manual

Chemical Engineering Lab I

CHE 309

Department of Chemical Engineering

College of Engineering
University of Hail
Hail, Saudi Arabia

Prepared by: Dr. Ammar MAHJOUBI

[email protected]


1 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

This laboratory manual is prepared by the department of chemical engineering for

Chemical Engineering Laboratory I (CHE 309). It is divided into three sections; namely,

Transport Phenomena I (Fluid Mechanics), Transport Phenomena II (Heat Transfer) and

Transport Phenomena III (Mass Transfer). The purpose of this manual is to serve as

instructional book for students, technical staff and instructors to assist in performing

and understanding the experiments in Transport Phenomena.

This laboratory manual has evolved over a long period of time and we acknowledge

many names of the earliest contributors, which have been lost in antiquity. The major

driving force of the present form of write-up was Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi. The manual was

refined and enriched by Dr. Ali Shawabkeh and Dr. Hussam Al khassawneh.

The first print edition was edited by Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi.

2 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Table of Contents
Cover page........................................... .................................................................... …............................ 1
Preface....................................................................... ........................................................ ...................... 2
Acknowledgement .......................................................... .................................................. ...................... 2
Table of Contents ......................................................... ..................................................... ..................... 3
Safety in the Laboratory .............................................. ..................................................... ......................4
Laboratory & reports: an overview ............................. ...................................................... .....................7
Instructions for Preparing Laboratory Reports ........... .................................................... ....................... 8
The Lab Course Website ......................................... .................................................... .......................... 13
Fluid Mechanics:
Basic Hydraulics Bench........................................... ................................................................................15
EXPERIMENT No. 1: Flow Rate Measurement ........ ............................................................................18
EXPERIMENT No. 2: Dead-Weight Piston Gauge ..... ...........................................................................29
EXPERIMENT No. 3: Impact of Jet Apparatus ............ ..........................................................................38
EXPERIMENT No. 4: Osborne Reynolds .................... ..........................................................................50
EXPERIMENT No. 5: Fluid Friction Apparatus ......... ...........................................................................56
Heat Transfer:
EXPERIMENT No. 1: Investigation of the heat transfer in a tubular heat exchanger……………..……64
EXPERIMENT No. 2: Investigation of the heat transfer in a plate heat exchanger..................................73
EXPERIMENT No.3: Investigation of the heat transfer in a shell and tube heat exchanger....................82
EXPERIMENT No.4: Investigation of the heat transfer in jacketed vessel with stirrer and coil...............92
EXPERIMENT No.5: Convection Drying .............................................................................................103

3 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Safety in the Laboratory


Before starting any laboratory operation ask and answer the following questions by yourself:

1. Have I done this before?

2. Do I have the proper equipment?

3. Does anything look wrong?

4. What are the hazards?

5. Should I work in a fume hood?

6. Do I need goggles or other safety equipment?

7. Do I need additional help?

8. Should I check further with my instructor?

9. Have I planned this experiment or exercise?

10. Do I know what to do, if there is an accident?

11. Do I know where the fire extinguishers are located?

Laboratory safety rules

1. No smoking in the laboratory:

2. Safety glasses will be worn at all times where applicable during laboratory periods. These

glasses will be kept between laboratory sessions in the racks provided.

3. Wear apron (lab overall) in the lab when running apparatus and handling liquids.

4. Wear rubber gloves when handling liquids.

5. When dangerous chemicals are in use, a second person should be within call.
6. Find out the location of First Aid Box.
7. Before operating any valve, switch, etc., know precisely what the effect of your manipulation

will be.

8. Turn off all the valves on cylinders of compressed or liquefied gases when not in use.

4 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

9. Attach a label "Please leave on" on fittings; you need "on" for long time.

10. Keep all inflammable liquids or gases away from open electrical equipment and other sources

of ignition.

11. Gas cylinders must be kept in a stand or chained vertically to a bench.

12. Avoid inhalation of gases or vapors of any kind, especially

Methanol Acetone Cyanides, Benzene Chlorine Metal Carbonyls, Aniline Bromine Carbon

monoxide, Carbon bisulfide Chlorinated hydrocarbons Phosgene, Nitrobenzene Hydrogen sulfide

Arsenic, Compounds, Nitric acid (the higher the concentration, Org: compounds of Cl, Br, I, the

lesser the order), Mercury NO2, NH2 & CN, Benzene, Oxalates

13. Do not leave cables trailing across the floor of lab.

14. Practice good housekeeping. Clean all spills at once. Return all equipment to proper storage

when not in use. Place all trash in appropriate receptacles.

15. Avoid direct blasts of air on the skin from high-pressure compressed air lines. Never play with

air hoses.

16. Use special vacuum cleaner from laboratory for immediate removal of mercury spills.

Arrangement should be made to contain mercury.

17. Make sure any system being heated is properly vented.

18. Know the location and use of all emergency, protective, and firefighting equipment.

19. Do not smell directly any chemical being heated.

20. Remember that, if a lab smells, do not use it. Inform instructor/lab technician.

21. Do not leave lab while apparatus is on, always inform instructor if you are in a situation to

leave the lab.

22. When working above others, be especially careful not to drop tools.

23. Do not wear loose clothing or neckties when working with machinery. You will not be allowed

to enter the lab if you are in loose dress or not wearing covered shoes.

5 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

24. Report to the instructor any conditions that are safety hazards.

25. All power wiring is to be installed by an approved electrician.

26. All forms of asbestos should be treated as dangerous.

27. Keep the lab tidy.

28. Always remember: SAFETY IS GOOD TECHNIQUE!

6 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department


All experiments in the Chemical Engineering Lab I require either a laboratory report for selective

experiments, unless it is stated otherwise. The reports should be simple and clearly written.

Laboratory reports are due after all of the experiments are performed, unless it is stated

otherwise. Final reports should be submitted a week after the experiment’s day, unless it is

stated otherwise. Any late submission will not be entertained, unless there are concrete and

unavoidable reasons.

The laboratory reports should be in hand writing and any graphs needed should be drawn in

either an appropriate graph paper or drawn using EXCEL, whichever suitable.

However, for final laboratory reports, it should be computer-generated and any graphs should be

drawn using EXCEL.

The final laboratory reports should be submitted to the instructor directly or at the instructor’s


The pre-lab questions in this lab manual should be answered and submitted during the first 5

minutes before you start your experiment accordingly.

7 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Instructions for Preparing Laboratory

For each separate experiment prepare a typed report which, in general, should contain the

following sections arranged in the order listed:

Lab Report Sections

Subject Marks

1). Title Page 1

2). Abstract 1

3). Table of Contents 2

4). Introduction 2

5). Theoretical Background 2

6). Equipment and Procedure 2

7). Results 5

8). Discussion of Results 5

9). Conclusions and Recommendations 5

10). Literature Cited 2

11). Nomenclature 2

A. Raw Data 2
B. Sample Calculations 2
Organization and Neatness 2

Total 35

8 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

1. Title Page

The Title page should be separate from the rest of the report. It should contain:

a. The name of the experiment

b. The number of course

c. The date when the experiment was run

d. The name of the writer and his co-workers, ID number, and his group number

e. The name of the instructor to whom the report is submitted

f. The date of submission of report

2. Abstract

The abstract should be informative, and should be written in about three to five sentences. It

should cover all phases of the investigation. It must include the following:

a. An introductory statement about the subject matter

b. Briefly describe what was done.

c. Present some selected result (numerical values, if possible).

d. If possible, present some percentage errors in experimental results in comparison with

theoretical values. While writing the abstract, it should be kept in mind that you should not refer

to any graph or table.

3. Introduction

This section should include few sentences discussing the physical and/or chemical principles

involved in the experiment.

4. Theoretical Background

This section should include the theory behind the experiment. It should also contain all those

equations, which are used to acquire a certain result. Theoretical correlations, which are used for

comparison with experimental results, should also be included.

5. Procedure

9 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Here, you should briefly describe the actual step-by-step procedure you followed in running the

experiment. It should be written in your own words, e.g. the needle valve was manipulated in

order to adjust the liquid flow rate.

6. Results

The results should be presented in the form or Tables or graphs. The Table should contain the

results obtain from experiments and from theoretical knowledge. Comparisons should be

presented in terms, e.g. percent deviation.

7. Discussion of Results

In this section you should discuss you experimental results. Show how you make comparison with

the values obtained theoretically. Also discuss the deviation of experimental results from

theoretical values. The possible source of errors should also be mentioned. If the results are

obtained in terms of graphs, then interpret them also.

8. Conclusions and Recommendations

Conclusions are the series of numbered sentences which answer the questions posed in the end of

each experiment. Conclusions should also include the errors between the experimental and

theoretical values. What you have learned from the experiment should be mentioned as well.

Recommendations are the proposals for future work, e.g. suggested changes in equipment, study

of new variables, or possible experiments in relative fields.

Like the conclusions, the recommendations are usually listed by numbers, and each consists of

only a sentence or two.

9. Literature Cited

Here, you should list the books, Journal’s articles, etc. used in writing your report and analyzing

the experiment. The reference should be completed (name of the book, author, volume, date of

publication, pages, etc.).

References should be arranged alphabetically by author.

10 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

10. Nomenclature

The symbols, which are used in the report, should be defined in the nomenclature in alphabetical

order. The accompanying definitions must include proper units.


All appendices and graphs should be attached at the end of the report.

A1. Raw Data:

It should contain the data on which the experiment was done.

A2. Analysis of Data and Sample Calculations:

This shows how the data is transformed into experimental results by using the appropriate

equations. Also, how the theoretical results are obtained using theoretical in terms of percentage

error. Sample calculations should contain each step, which is used to acquire certain results.

Organization and Neatness

The students must organize their reports in a manner as mentioned earlier. It is


AVAILABLE GRAPHIC SOFTWARE PACKAGES to draw graph. The neatness will include how the

student has written the report.

Additional points will be given to those students who use GRAPHIC SOFTWARE PACKAGES to

draw graph.

11 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Impact of Jet Apparatus

Chemical Engineering lab I

CHE 309

Department of Chemical Engineering

College of Engineering
University of Hail
Hail, Saudi Arabia

Students: Mohamed Abdullah ID Number: 2010xx404

Mishary Abdullah ID Number: 20101xxx4
Mohamed Abdullah ID Number: 2010xx404
Mishary Abdullah ID Number: 20101xxx4

Instructor: Dr. Ammar MAHJOUBI

Date of Experiment Performance: 28/11/2014

Date of Report Submission: 06/12/2014

12 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

The Lab Course Website

This website is a part of the department’s official website. It is designed to provide relevant

information to the students and instructors. This site has the lab manuals in electronic form, a

discussion page, lab schedules, exam schedules, informative links and final grades. All related

notices would be posted on this site. Please visit this site frequently.

13 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Transport Phenomena I

(Fluid Mechanics)

14 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

The Hydraulics Bench

The standard Hydraulics Bench is used for all the laboratory experiments carried out during
this course. The Bench has a closed water circulating system to facilitate mobility. Water is
stored in an enclosed tank at the bottom of the bench then pumped up to the experimental
setup situated on top of the bench from which water flows into the upper tank. The upper
tank has a drain controlled by a plug to collect and gauge the water in the upper tank after
which water is drained to the bottom tank. The volume of water collected in the upper tank
(in liters) can be measured using the graduated scale fixed at the side of the Hydraulics
Bench. The switch of the water pump and the control valve that regulates the amount of
water that flows to the experimental setup are at the front side of the Hydraulics Bench.
1. Technical description
The Basic Hydraulics Bench HM 150 and the various ancillary modules available form a
comprehensive laboratory facility which enables a detailed Mechanics of Fluids Laboratory.
The hydraulics bench unit provides the basic services for the pumping and volumetric
measurement of the water supply with which all the additional accessories and experiments
are used.
The working surface of the unit is in fibreglass, moulded to provide a recessed area on
which to mount experiments. An integral weir tank is provided along with a volumetric
measuring tank.
The measuring tank is stepped to enable for accurate measuring of both high and low flow
rates. A level indicator allows convenient read out of the flow.
The measuring tank discharges into a fiberglass sump tank via a valve. Overflow pipe is
An electric motor drives a submersible motor driven pump which delivers water to the
outlet at the working surface for connection to the individual experiments.
Materials used in the bench construction and its modules have been carefully selected in
order to minimise corrosion problems.
The entire unit is self-contained and mobile.
For low volumetric measurement use the 2 ltr measuring cup.

15 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

2. Determine Volumetric Flow Rate

To do so, use stopwatch to establish time t required for raising the level in the volumetric
tank of the HM 150 from 20ltr to 30ltr.
• Close the outlet valve.
• Read the actual volume at the remote sight gauge.
The volume flow-rate is calculated as:

16 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

3. List of Experiments
The experimental topics covered include, together with the individual experimental set-ups:
• HM 150.07 Bernoulli´s Principle Demonstrator
• HM 150.08 Impact of Jet Apparatus
• HM 150.11 Fluid Friction Apparatus
• HM 150.13 Methods of Flow Measurement
• HM 150.18 Osborne Reynolds Demonstrator
3. Technical Data
Overall dimension
(L x W x H) 1220 x 760 x 1200 mm
Weight: 125 kg
Head: H = 11 m
Flow: Q = 230 ltr/min
Electrical supply 230V, ~ 50Hz; 0,55 kW
Alternatives optional, see name plate
Sump tank 180 ltr
Volumetric tanks
High flow: 40 ltr
Low flow: 10 ltr
Beaker: 2 ltr
Stop watch: 1/100 s

17 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Experiment N°1
The objectives of the experiment are:
1. To show the measurement of flow rate
2. To show the application of Bernoulli equation in flow rate measurement
3. To show effect of minor losses and its modification in flow rate measurement
4. To demonstrate piezometer as a method to measure pressure
Learning outcomes
It is expected by completing the experiment, the students will be able:
1. To determine flow rate by using orifice meter, Venturi meter and rotameter
2. To explain how to calculate ideal flow rate by using Bernoulli equation
3. To determine the correction factor for by using an elbow and a sudden expansion
4. To measure pressure by using piezometer
There are various ways of measuring volumetric flow rate. Some flow meters measure the
flow rate directly by discharging and recharging a measuring chamber of known volume
continuously and keeping track of the number of discharges per unit time. However, most
flow meters measure the flow rate indirectly – they measure the average velocity V or a
quantity related to average velocity such as pressure and drag, and determine volume flow
rate, Q from Q = AV, where A is cross sectional area of flow.
Obstruction Flow Meters: Venturi Meter and Orifice Meter
One way to measure flow rate is to put obstruction in a pipe flow such as a throat (Venturi
Meter) and simple obstruction that reduced the cross sectional area (Orifice Meter).
Theoretical ideas behind these flow meters are the conservation of mass and the Bernoulli
equation. From conservation of mass we know that reduce of cross sectional area will
contribute to an increase of velocity.
Thus, from Bernoulli equation, this will lead to a decrease of static pressure. These kinds of
flow meters did not measure the flow rate or velocity directly but it measures the drop of
static pressure. Then the velocity can be calculated from Bernoulli equation and
conservation of mass.
The same idea can be applied for sudden expansion and elbow meter.

18 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Rotameter is also known as variable-area flow meter or float meter. A rotameter consists of
a vertical tapered conical transparent tube made of glass or plastic with a float inside that is
free to move. As fluid flows through tapered tube, the float rises within the tube to a
location where the float weight, drag force and buoyancy force are balance each other and
the net force acting on the float is zero. The flow rate is determined by simply matching the
position of the float against the graduated flow scale outside the tapered transparent tube.
Coefficient of Discharge
For Rotameter the flow rate can be read directly from scale at tapered tube. However, for
obstruction flow meter, we need to consider a loss due to viscous (frictional) effects. As we
know the Bernoulli equation did not include the viscous effects. The for, any calculation that
calculated from the conservation of mass and Bernoulli equation is an ideal volumetric flow
rate, not an actual one. Thus, to determine an actual volumetric flow rate a correction factor
need to be introduced to the ideal flow rate equation. This correction factor is called as
coefficient of discharge. The coefficient of discharge can be defined as the ratio of actual
flow rate to the ideal flow rate.
Loss coefficient
Due to viscous effects, there are losses at the obstruction. The losses at the obstruction can
be considered as minor losses. If the pressure drop and average velocity is known, then the
loss coefficient can be determined since the pressure drop is proportional to velocity.
This experiment is to demonstrate flow rate measurements.
For Orifice meter, Venturi meter,
1. Measure pressure drop (in term of head) as a function of valve opening.
2. Determine ideal flow rate and actual flow rate.
3. Determine Reynolds number
4. Determine coefficient of discharge, Cd
5. Prepare the following graph
a. On the same set of axes, plot actual volume flow rate vs. pressure head drop and ideal
flow rate vs. pressure head drop with flow rate on the vertical axis for obstruction flow
b. Plot actual volumetric flow rate vs. ideal flow rate for Rotameter
c. Plot coefficient of discharge vs. Reynolds number on log-log grid for obstruction flow

19 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Pre-lab questions
1. Explain briefly the following terms:
i. Pressure Head
ii. Velocity Head
iii. Elevation Head
2. Define Loss Coefficient
3. Define Coefficient of Discharge and what its significance in flow rate measurement.

20 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

21 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

22 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

23 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

24 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

On the HM150.13, the orifice and nozzle are supplied as individual metal discs, which
can optionally be inserted into the housing as required.
This housing for the orifice and nozzle is made of Plexiglass to allow observation of the

25 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

The pressure conditions in the Venturi tube follow Bernoulli’s Law. As for the orifice/
nozzle, according to this law we can obtain the following relationship between
pressure difference p (recorded using measuring connection) and volumetric flow V

26 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

: Flow coefficient, no dimension
: Expansion coefficient, no dimension (for liquids = 1)
: Density of medium before orifice / nozzle

27 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

4. Experiment Data

28 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Experiment N°2

Upon completion of this experiment, the student will be
able to

 Use the dead-weight piston gauge for checking

and adjusting of manometers (calibrating

The unit layout for the HM 150.02 is shown in Fig. 1.

The device for calibrating pressure gauges essentially consists of two units:

The pressure gauge unit: This is where the manometer to be calibrated is screwed in.

The load unit: The load unit consists of several weights and a cylinder with a piston. An
increase in the load results in an increase in pressure. The load unit is connected to the
pressure gauge unit via an oil-filled line, enabling the manometer to display the increase in

Fig. 1. Layout of the dead–weight piston gauge HM 150.02

29 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

The sectional drawing (Fig. 2) shows how the load unit and pressure gauge unit are
connected. As you can see, both units are connected by means of a pipeline. When the
support is loaded with weights, the oil pressure in the system increases. The seal between
the piston and the cylinder is metallic, with no other sealing elements. The fit has been very
carefully designed to ensure that the piston operates almost entirely without friction, and
with minimal oil leakage. The weights are designed in such a way that pressure increments
of 0.5 bar are possible. Place the small weight on the weight support first. A guide pin is
provided for this purpose. The other weights would lie askew on the plunger, and would
corrupt the measurements due to different levels of friction. The unit is also equipped with
a drain and filling plug in order to drain or fill the oil. The compensation cylinder can be
used to raise and lower the weight load on the oil cushion of the hydraulic oil. For the
measurements, the load must be kept on the oil cushion so that the pressure is applied in
the hydraulic system. Unscrewing the compensation cylinder allows the weight load to be
lowered until it is supported. The hydraulic is then relieved of the load. In addition, the
compensation cylinder can be used to easily check the oil level and top it up if required.

Fig. 2. Layout of the dead–weight piston gauge HM 150.02.

Do not replace the pressure gauge. Oil can only be refilled using a vacuum.
Remove and Insert Transport Cap:
The transport cap is held in the cylinder by an O-ring, not by a thread (Fig. 3).
Remove transport cap:
Using the hand wheel screw in the spindle until the pressure increases.

30 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

 Pull the transport cap and continue screwing the spindle in until the transport
cap detaches and can be taken off.
Pressurized oil may squirt out of the opening.
Insert transport cap:
 Place transport cap in place.
 Using the hand wheel screw out the spindle while pressing onto the transport

Fig. 3. The transport cap of the HM 150.02.

 If necessary, top up oil and check zero balance.
 Using the hand wheel screw in the spindle until the cylinder is filled with oil to
the edge (Fig. 4).
 Insert the piston.
Zero Balance:
To check the zero point of the manometer, proceed as follows:
1. Turn the hand wheel so that the spindle is screwed in and the compensation
cylinder presses the piston out of the cylinder (Fig. 5).
2. Remove the piston and weight support (Fig. 6).

31 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

3. Adjust the oil level in the open cylinder until the cylinder is filled up to the edge
(Figs. 4 and 7).

Fig. 4. Adjusting the oil level. Fig. 5. Cylinder with piston (left) and
compensation cylinder (right).

Fig. 6. Cylinder with piston

and weight carrier
Fig. 7. Oil level (A).
4. The manometer being tested should now indicate zero, as it is only subject to
ambient pressure.
5. If this is not the case, the pointer on the pressure gauge can be adjusted with a
small screw-driver. For this, remove the front glass by turning the front ring.
The transparent dial of the spring-tube pressure gauge are made of glass and can
Topping up the Hydraulic Oil:
If the cylinder is not quite filled, despite the fact that the hand wheel has been screwed
in completely, the oil should be topped up. For this purpose, unscrew the hand wheel
approximately 10 – 15 mm and pour oil into the cylinder until it is totally full.

32 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

The dead-weight piston gauge is used to introduce to students the principles of
checking and adjusting of manometers (calibrating principles). The pressure is applied
via weights which are placed on a weight support. The latter has a piston which acts on
hydraulic oil in a pipe system, so that a manometer which is also connected to the
system should indicate certain pressures.
The device contains a Bourdon spring manometer with a transparent dial. The display
mechanism and the various adjustment opportunities are therefore clearly identifiable.
Hydraulic oil is used to transfer pressure.


Basic Principles
The basic principles set out in the following make no claim to completeness. For
further theoretical explanations, refer to the specialist literature.

Calibrating Pressure Gauges

Once the zero point of a manometer has been checked, the weight support is
reinserted into the cylinder of the pressure gauge unit. The piston is then slowly
lowered by unscrewing the counter-balance cylinder until it is freely suspended. In
order to avoid static friction, set the weight support in gentle rotation. The mass of the
support is 385 g. Taking into account the piston diameter of 12 mm, it is now possible
to determine the increase in pressure according to the following basic formula.
F  mg
A: Cross-sectional area of piston, A 
d: Piston diameter ( d = 12 mm)
F: Force
P: Pressure
m: Mass of load unit
g: Gravity acceleration
Other pressures occurring when the weight on the support is increased can be
calculated in exactly the same way. The display of 0.5 bar is achieved by placing a
weight with a mass of 193 g on the support. The other weights weigh 578 g, which is
equivalent to a pressure increase of 0.5 bar each time.

33 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

The following table shows the ratio of pressure to weights:

m (kg) 0 0.385 0.578 1.156 1.734 2.312 2.890

P (bar) 0 0.334 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

The selection of experiments makes no claims of completeness but is intended to be
used as a stimulus for your own experiments. The results shown are intended as a
guide only. Depending on the construction of the individual components, experimental
skills and environmental conditions, deviations may occur in the experiments.
Nevertheless, the laws can be clearly demonstrated.

Preparation of Experiment
• Remove the transport cap.
• Top up with oil if necessary and check the zero signal.

1. Read off the zero signal on the pressure gauge, check it and make a note of it.
2. Set the weight carrier to 0.334 bar by inserting the piston in the load unit cylinder.
The piston is slowly lowered by unscrewing the compensation cylinder, until it
has sufficient support to just be floating on the oil. To avoid sticking due to static
friction, gently twist the weight carrier as it sinks. Note the pressure signal on the
pressure gauge.
3. Place the load ring for 0.166 bar on the weight carrier. When so doing, make sure
that the weight carrier floats freely on the oil. To minimize sticking due to static
friction whilst performing this measurement, gently twist the weight carrier. Note
the pressure signal on the pressure gauge.
4. Add each of the other four load rings for 0.5 bar in turn, repeating the action
described above and noting the pressure values.

34 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Length x width x height: 400 x 400 x 400 mm
Weight: approx. 7 kg
Pressure gauge:
Measuring range 0 – 2.5 bar
Accuracy Class 1.0
Hydraulic oil:
Type HLP ISO 32
Filling volume approx. 500 ml
Top-up bottle 500 ml
Diameter 12 mm
1 weight carrier 385 g  0.334  0.002 bar
1 load ring 193 g  0.166  0.002 bar
4 load rings 578 g  0.5  0.002 bar

35 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department


1. Record in Table 1 the pressure values measured from the bourdon gauge device
( PBG ).

2. Plot the measured (bourdon gauge) pressure values ( PBG ) against the standard
(theoretical) ones ( PSt ) in an x  y diagram (graphical evaluation).

The ideal result would be a linear pressure gauge characteristic curve in which the
pressures printed on the weights (0 – 2.5 bar) are displayed on the pressure gauge.

Table 1. Measured, standard and limit values for HM 150.02

Measured Theoretical
Mass of load m Lower limit – Upper limit
pressure PBG pressure PSt
(kg) 1% (bar) +1% (bar)
(bar) (bar)

0 – 0.025 0 + 0.025

0.385 + 0.309 0.334 + 0.359

0.578 0.475 0.5 0.525

1.156 0.975 1.0 1.025

1.734 1.475 1.5 1.525

2.312 1.975 2.0 2.025

2.890 2.475 2.5 2.525

36 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Measured pressure Weight m Measured pressure
No. PBG (bar) PBG (bar)

1 Open hydraulics

2 + carrier

3 + small load ring

4 + load ring

5 + load ring

6 + load ring

7 + load ring

1. Clean your equipment and work benches before you leave.

2. Return all equipment to their proper storage area.

3. Submit your technical report to your instructor before the next laboratory session.

37 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Experiment N°3
The objectives of the experiment is to compare the momentum in fluid jet with force
generated when it strikes a flat plate, a 120° plate, a conical object and a hemispherical cup
It is expected by completing the experiment, the students will be able:
1. To explain conservation of linear momentum
2. To apply conservation of linear momentum to estimate force exerted by an object from a
fluid jet
A jet is a stream issuing from an orifice, nozzle or tube. It is not enclosed by solid boundary
walls but is surrounded by a fluid whose velocity is less than its own. The two fluids may be
different or they may be of the same kind.
From conservation of linear momentum, we know that if a jet of fluid striking an object, will
exerts a force on that object. Theoretically, the force can be estimated from conservation of
linear momentum in integral form (to get an average value) or in differential form (i.e. Euler’s
equation or Navier Stokes equation).
Experimentally, the force can be determined if we connect the object to a spring balance or
For this experiment,
1. Determine (For two size of nozzle)
a. Volumetric flow rate
b. Velocity of jet
c. Theoretical and actual resultant force generated when jet strikes a flat plate, a 120° plate, a
conical object and a hemispherical cup – the theoretically resultant force is found by use of an
equation derived by applying conservation of linear momentum to a control volume about the

38 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

2. Plot, on the same set of axes, graph of actual force vs. volumetric flow rate and theoretical
force vs. volumetric flow rate with volumetric flow rate on the horizontal axis.
Hydraulic Bench
Impact of Jet Apparatus
1. Make sure the control valve is close completely every time before the pump is switch on.
This is to avoid intrusion of air into the pump. Entrapped air can reduced the force exerted by
the jet thus reducing it efficiency.
2. Reading on PU tube should be on the water meniscus to avoid parallax error.
3. When measuring the flow rate, volume difference should be taken at least 10 liters for a
more accurate reading. For high flow rate, start measuring only when the water at the
measuring tank reaches the second level of the compartment. This is to ensure a steady
increment of water level in the PU tube.
4. It is important to drain all water from the apparatus when not in use. The apparatus should
be stored properly to prevent damage.
5. The apparatus should not be exposed to any shock and stresses.
6. Always run the experiment after fully understands the unit and procedures.
1. What is the ‘conservation of momentum?
2. State the equation of flow rate in terms of velocity and cross sectional area.
3. What is the effect of nozzle diameter to the velocity of the water?

39 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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University of Hail
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Chemical Engineering Department

40 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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41 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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42 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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43 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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44 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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45 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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46 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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47 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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48 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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49 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Experiment N°4
Osborne Reynolds Demonstrator
Upon completion of this experiment, the student will be able to
1. Demonstrate visually the laminar (or streamline) flow and its transition to turbulent
2. Calculate Reynolds’ number.

The schematic for the HM 150.18 (Reynolds’
apparatus) is shown in Fig. 1.
The unit essentially comprises:
 Base plate [1] with the
necessary connections for water
supply [10] with control valve
[13] and waste water discharge
 Water reservoir [2] with a ball
block to stem the flow [9].
 Overflow section [7] to generate
a constant pressure level in the
 Aluminum well [4] for ink with
metering tap [5] and brass inflow
tip [6].
 Test pipe section [8] of plexiglass
with flow-optimized inflow [3].
 Drain cock [12] to adjust the flow
through the test pipe section.
To visualize the flow we recommend blue ink,
which is carefully introduced into the flowing
water by way of the aluminum well and the
inflow tip.
The water supply can be realized with the HM
150 fluid technique base module. The flow rate
is measured by means of a measuring vessel Fig. 1. Reynolds’ apparatus HM 150.18.
or using HM 150.

50 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

The aim of this setup is to demonstrate laminar and turbulent
flow. At a low flow rate laminar flow occurs. To produce a low
flow, open the drain cock slightly. Blue ink is used to visualize
the flow. A fine blue thread of stream indicating the laminar
flow can be produced using the metering tap [5] (see Fig. 2).
At a high flow rate turbulent flow occurs. To produce a high
flow, open the drain cock wider. The thread of stream is
broken up in turbulent flow.
The flow changes from laminar to turbulent when:
Recr  2300
Relam  2300 means laminar flow
ReTurb˃ 2300 means turbulent flow

The Reynolds number is calculated from

Re 

Fig. 2. Blue stream thread.
d = inside diameter of pipe section [m]
u = flow rate (velocity) [m/s]
 = kinematic viscosity of the medium [ m2 /s ].
For water,   106 m2 /s .
The flow rate can be calculated from the volume
flow, which is determined with a measuring
vessel and a stopwatch.
V   d2
u ; A ; where b c
A 4 a
d is the diameter of pipe = 10 mm
V is the volume flow rate
A is the cross-sectional area of the pipe
Fig. 3. The three states of flow: (a) laminar,
The diagram shown in Fig. 3 shows the three (b) transition, and (c) turbulent.
flow states:

51 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Laminar flow
Transition laminar/turbulent flow
Turbulent flow

5. Close the drain cock [12].

6. Switch on the water supply.

7. When using HM150, switch on the pump. Carefully open the ball cock [13].
8. Adjust the tap to produce a constant water level in the reservoir.
9. After a time the test pipe section [8] is completely filled.

52 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

10. The experiment can begin.

11. Open the drain cock slightly to produce a low rate of flow into the test pipe section.
The colored waste water is best directed down the drain.

Main dimensions:
Length x Width x Height: Approx. 400 x 400 x 1140 mm
Weight: Approx. 16 kg
Reservoir: Approx. 2.2 litres
Test pipe section:
Inside diameter: 10 mm
Length: 675 mm
Ink well: 265 ml


3. Record in Table 1 for the laminar flow condition and in Table 2 for the turbulent flow
condition the measured time t , volume collected V and volumetric flow V .

53 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Table 1. Measured data for laminar flow

Volume Volumetric Water
Test Time, t flow rate,
collected, temperature
# (s)
V (m3) V (m3/s) (C)

Table 2. Measured data for turbulent flow

Volume Volumetric Water
Test Time, t flow rate,
collected, temperature
# (s)
V (m3) V (m3/s) (C)

4. Calculate the average volumetric flow rate V , the velocity u and Reynolds’ number
Re for both laminar and turbulent flow conditions and record them in Tables 3.

Table 3. Calculated average volume flow rate V , velocity u and Reynolds’ number
Average volumetric Reynolds #,
Flow condition Velocity, u (m/s)
flow rate, V (m /s) Re



54 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Kinematic viscosities for water at 1 atm and at different temperatures can be obtained
from Table 4.

Table 4 Kinematic viscosity of water at atmospheric pressure

Temperature, Kinematic viscosity ( ν ),
(C) ( ν  106 m2/s)
10 1.307
11 1.270
12 1.235
13 1.201
14 1.169
15 1.138
16 1.108
17 1.080
18 1.053
19 1.027
20 1.002
21 0.978
22 0.955
23 0.933
24 0.911

Clean your equipment and work benches before you leave.

Return all equipment to their proper storage area.

Submit your answers to the review questions along with your technical report to your
instructor before the next laboratory session.

55 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Experiment N°5
1. To determine the relationship between head loss due to fluid friction and velocity for flow of
water through smooth bore pipes.

2. To confirm the head loss predicted by pipe friction equation associated with flow of water
through a smooth bore pipe

3. To determine the head loss associated with flow of water through standard fittings used in
plumbing installations

CO1 : Ability to analyze the essential parameters describing a fluid system and recognize the
common devices used in measuring pressure and flow rates, and turbo machineries.

This apparatus is designed to allow the detailed study of the fluid friction head losses which occur
when an incompressible fluid flows through pipes, bends, valves and pipe flow metering devices.
Friction head losses in straight pipes of different sizes can be investigated over a range of
3 5
Reynolds’ numbers from 10 to nearly 10 , thereby covering the laminar, transitional and
turbulent flow regimes in smooth pipes. In addition, an artificially roughened pipe is supplied
which, at the higher Reynolds’ numbers, shows a clear departure from the typical smooth bore
pipe characteristics. Pipe friction is one of the classic laboratory experiments and has always
found a place in the practical teaching of fluid mechanics. The results and underlying principles
are of the greatest importance to engineers in the aeronautical, civil, mechanical, marine,
agricultural and hydraulic fields.


1. Fluid Friction in a Smooth Bore Pipe

Professor Osborne Reynolds demonstrated that two types of flow may exist in a pipe.
i. Laminar flow at low velocities where head loss, h α velocity, u
ii. Turbulent flow at higher velocities where h α u

2. Head Loss due to Friction Through Pipes

For a circular pipe flowing full, the head loss due to friction (mH2O) may be calculated from the

56 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

L = length of pipe between tappings (m) = 1 m for all pipes
d = internal diameter of the pipe (m)
u = mean velocity of water through the pipe (m/s)
g = 9.81 (acceleration due to gravity, m/s )
f = pipe friction coefficient (British)
4f = λ (American)
Having established the value of Reynolds number R for flow in the pipe, the value of f may be
determined from a Moody diagram.

-3 2
μ = molecular viscosity = 1.15 x 10 Ns/m at 15°C
3 o
ρ = density = 999 kg/m at 15 C

A simplified Moody diagram is included in Table C in Appendix .

3. Head Loss Through Fittings

A piping installation consists of various fittings such as bends, elbows, tees and valves that form
obstructions to flow. Head loss in a pipe fitting is proportional to the velocity head of the fluid
flowing through the fittings.

H = Head loss across fittings (mH O)
K = Fittings Factor
u = Mean velocity of water through the pipe (m/s)
g = 9.81 (acceleration due to gravity m/s )

4. Flow Measurement Using Differential Head

The Pitot tube (named after Henri Pitot in 1732) measures fluid velocity by converting the kinetic
energy of the flow into potential energy. The conversion takes place at the stagnation point,
located at the Pitot tube entrance (Figure 1). A pressure higher than the free-stream (i.e.
dynamic) pressure results from the kinematics to potential conversion. This "static" pressure is
measured by comparing it to the flow's dynamic pressure with a differential manometer.

57 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Figure 1: Typical Pitot Static Tube

For incompressible fluid, the Bernoulli’s Equation describes the relationship between the velocity
and pressure along a streamline,

p = Fluid static pressure at the cross section
ρ = Density of the flowing fluid
g = Acceleration due to gravity
v = Mean velocity of fluid flow at the cross section
z = Elevation head of the center at the cross section with respect to a datum
h* = Total (stagnation) head

Evaluated at two different points along a streamline, the Bernoulli equation yields,

5. Venturi Meter
The venturi meter consists of a venturi tube and differential pressure gauge. The venturi tube has
a converging portion, a throat and a diverging portion as shown in the figure below. The function
of the converging portion is to increase the velocity of the fluid and lower its static pressure. A
pressure difference between inlet and throat is thus developed, which pressure difference is
correlated with the rate of discharge. The diverging cone serves to change the area of the stream
back to the entrance area and convert velocity head into pressure head.

Figure 2 : Venturi Tube

58 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Use of the continuity Equation Q = A V = A V , in Equation (3.5) becomes

1 1 2 2

( 3.6)

( 3.7)

However, in the case of real fluid flow, the flow rate will be expected to be less than that given by
Equation 3.10 because of frictional effects and consequent head loss between inlet and throat.

( 3.8)

In metering practice, this non-ideality is accounted by insertion of an experimentally determined

discharge coefficient, C that is termed as the coefficient of discharge. With Z = Z in this
d 1 2
apparatus, the discharge coefficient is determined as follow:

( 3.9)

6. Orifice Plate
The orifice for use as a metering device in a pipeline consists of a concentric square-edged
circular hole in a thin plate, which is clamped between the flanges of the pipe as shown in the
figure below.

Figure 3 : The orifice plate

( 3.10)

The coefficient of discharge, C in the case of the orifice meter will be different from that for the
case of a venturi meter.

59 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department


Figure 4: Fluid Friction Measurement Apparatus

60 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Experiment: Fluid Friction in Pipes and Head Loss due to Pipe Friction

1. Start-up the apparatus according to general procedures stated in the Standard Operating
Procedure (SOP).
2. Open and close the appropriate valves to obtain flow of water through the required test pipe.
3. Measure flow rates using the volumetric tank in conjunction with flow control valve.
4. For small flow rates use the measuring cylinder in conjunction with flow control.
5. Measure head loss between the tapping using the mercury manometer or pressurised water
manometer as appropriate.
6. Repeat the testing with different flow rate and obtain readings on test section.
7. Record your data.


1. Complete your data in an organize table. Show your calculations.

2. Plot a graph h versus u for each size of pipe. Identify the laminar, transition and turbulent
zones on the graphs. Confirm that the graph is a straight line for the zone of laminar flow (h α
3. Plot a graph of log h versus log u for each size of pipe. Confirm that the graph is a straight
line for the zone of turbulent flow (h α u ). Determine the slope of the straight line to find n.
4. Estimate the value of Reynolds number (Re = ρud/μ) at the start and finish of the transition
phase. These two values of Re are called the upper and lower critical velocities.
-3 2 o
μ is the molecular viscosity = 1.15 x 10 Ns/m at 15 C.
3 o
ρ is the density = 999 kg/m at 15 C.

5. Compare the values of head loss determined by calculation with those measured using the
6. Confirm that the head loss can be predicted using the pipe friction equation provided the
velocity of the fluid and the pipe dimensions are known.

61 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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Chemical Engineering Department

APPENDIX: Moody Diagram

1. Explain the phenomena that occur at a bend that lead to a loss.
2. State Darcy-Weisbach Equation for head loss, hL..
3. What is minor loss?

62 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Transport Phenomena II


63 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Experiment N°1

Upon completion of this experiment, the student will be able to
3. Compare parallel flow to counter flow heat transfer modes.
4. Plot the temperature curves for both parallel and counter flow modes.
5. Investigate the heat transmission when changing the cold water and hot water
flow rates.
6. Investigate the heat transmission when changing the hot water temperature.

1. WL 110 Heat Exchanger Service Unit
2. WL 110.01 Tubular Heat Exchanger
The process schematic for the WL 110 series in Fig. 1 shows both the schematic
structure of the service unit and the basic flow through the individual heat exchanger
(tubular, plate or shell or tube heat exchangers). These experiment instructions deal
with each of these areas of the process schematic in turn.
Before proceeding with the exercise ensure that the equipment has been prepared as
follows (Fig. 2):
6. Locate the WL 110.01 Tubular Heat
Exchanger on the WL 110 Service
Unit and secure the base plate of
the tubular heat exchanger on the
base plate of the service unit using
the star grip bolts.
7. Connect the plug for the hot water
temperature, centre (TI2)
measuring lead to the appropriate
8. Connect the plug for the cold water
temperature, centre (TI5)
measuring lead to the appropriate
9. Plug the 2 couplings (self-locking
plug-in couplings) for hot water into
the corresponding connections on
Fig. 2. Connection for WL 110.01
the tubular heat exchanger.

64 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

10. Plug the 2 couplings (self-locking plug-in couplings) for cold water into the
corresponding connections on the tubular heat exchanger. Ensure that the
required flow is produced (parallel flow or counter flow, Fig. 3).

Fig 1. WL 110 Process Schematic

65 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Fig. 3. Schematic for WL 110.01,

co-current (parallel) and counter flows

Advantages of tubular heat exchangers:
Simple construction.
Connecting together several
double tubes enables the
heat transfer area to be
varied by changing the
number of double tubes.
Because it is possible to have
large flow cross sections,
the unit is also suitable for
high viscosity fluids and for
products containing solid
pieces or fibers.
There is a hygienic advantage
as the tube area is free of
flow dead zones (important
in the food industry, for
Tubular heat exchangers are used for
applications including the food industry,
with an example shown in the adjacent
photo. It shows a module consisting of a
large number of tubular heat exchangers
connected in series. Here, the individual double tubes are arranged in several rows in
a frame. The individual double tubes are connected using double tube bends.

66 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Heat flow through the heat exchanger

Fig. 4 shows a schematic view of the energy and heat flow in a heat exchanger (losses
are not indicated).
The transferred heat flow Q is calculated from the difference between the input and
output heat flows ( Q in  Q out ). In an ideal heat exchanger without losses it is not
relevant whether the hot or cold medium is used for the calculation (see Fig. 4).
 , the specific heat
Generally the heat flow is determined from the mass flow rate m
capacity c p and the absolute temperature T :

Q  m
 c pT

The transferred heat flow is thus:

Q h  Q h,in  Q h,out  m
 h c p,h (Th,in  Th,out )

for the hot fluid, and

Q c  Q c,out  Q c,in  m
 c c p,c (Tc,out  Tc,in )

for the cold fluid.

With no exchange of heat with the surroundings:
Q  Q h  Q c
If the heat flow figures differ, the mean value is calculated.
Q  Q c
Q m  h

Fig. 4. Energy flow in heat exchanger (loss free)

67 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

This enables the mean coefficient of heat transfer k m for the heat exchanger to be
Q m
km 
Am  Tlm
Where Tlm is the log mean temperature difference:

Tmax  Tmin
Tlm 
 T 
ln  max 
 Tmin 
 h c p,h (Th,in  Th,out )  m
m  c c p,c (Tc,out  Tc,in )
km 
2  Am  Tlm

Where mh   h Vh and m
  c   c Vc

Temperature curve
If we plot the fluid temperatures in the heat
exchanger in a combined graph against the
travel x we obtain the temperature curve. The
travel x runs along the heat transfer surface
from the fluid inlet to the outlet.
The example temperature curves for a tubular
heat exchanger with parallel flow and counter
flow are shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, respectively. Fig. 5. Temperature curve for parallel flow
The temperatures are normally exponential
rather than linear.
This is clearly illustrated by the parallel flow
example (see Fig. 5). The temperature
difference is at its maximum when the fluids
enter the heat exchanger ( x =0) and at its
minimum at the outlet. With the maximum
temperature difference, a large heat flow can be
transferred, i.e. the temperatures change
quickly. As the temperature difference is
reduced, the temperatures change more slowly.
With parallel flow, the outlet temperature Tc,out
always remains lower than Th,out .
By contrast, with counter flow the outlet
temperature Tc,out of the heated fluid can be
Fig. 6. Temperature curve for counter flow

68 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

higher than the outlet temperature Th,out of the cooled fluid.

For parallel flow:
Tmax  Th,in  Tc,in
Tmin  Th,out  Tc,out
For counter flow,
Tmax  Th,in  Tc,out
ΔTmin =Th,out -Tc,in
At this point, it is important to mention that for counter flow there are also temperature
curves in which the difference increases along the travel x .

12. Observe the safety instructions.
13. Secure the selected heat exchanger on the base plate of the service unit and
14. Set the main switch to “1”.
15. Check the water level in the hot water tank.
 If the hot water tank is empty: Add water until the low level is reached
(level switch LSL1 trips and the low water warning lamp goes out. Then
add 0.5 liter of water with a beaker.
 If the hot water tank is filled but with an unknown volume above the low
level: Partially drain the hot water tank until the low level is reached (level
switch LSL1 trips and the low water warning lamp lights up). Then add
0.5 liter of water with a beaker.
16. Start the PC. Start the data acquisition program.
17. Open the cold water feed at the cold water mains.
18. Open the regulator valve for cold water V2.
19. Open the regulator valve for hot water V1.
20. Start the pump.
21. Set the desired hot water setpoint SP(T7) on the TIC7 controller.
22. If the temperature T7 of the hot water in the tank is higher than the setpoint
SP(T7): Cool the hot water circuit until T7 <SP(T7).
23. Set the desired cold water flow rate using the regulator valve V2.
24. Set the desired hot water flow rate using the regulator valve V1.
25. Turn on the heater.

69 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

26. Make settings for the measured value file. Start automatic measured value
27. Observe the measured values. Wait until a steady state is reached, i.e.:
 The water temperature T7 is no longer rising.
 The parts in contact with the product have taken on the water
 The measured values only change slightly.
 The heat flow values and are similar.
28. Save screenshots for the time response of the measured values and the current
temperature curve in a file. Give the file a name that will allow you to identify the
values in the measured value file later.
29. When the experiment is complete, first turn off the heater.
30. Then stop the pump.
31. Close the regulator valves V1 and V2.
32. If a further experiment is to be performed with a different heat exchanger,
continue from step ”2”.
33. If a further experiment is to be performed with the same heat exchanger,
compare the current water temperature T7 with the new setpoint SP(T7).
 If the hot water has a significantly higher temperature level, drain the hot
water tank. Continue the experiment from step ”2”.
 If the hot water temperature level is similar or lower, continue the
experiment from step ”7”.
34. When the last experiment is complete, stop recording and save the measured
value file.
35. Close the cold water feed at the cold water mains.
36. Set the main switch to “0”.

70 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Parallel flow and counter flow operation possible.
Length x Width x Height: Approx. 480 x 230 x 150 mm
Weight: Approx. 4 kg
Tubular heat exchanger, essentially consisting of two double tubes.
Tubular heat exchanger, geometry and material:
Transparent outer tube material: PMMA
Effective tube length: Approx. 360 mm each
Outer tube wall thickness: 2 mm
Outer tube internal diameter: 16 mm
Inner tube material: Stainless steel
Inner tube wall thickness: 1 mm
Inner tube internal diameter: 10 mm
Mean logarithmic heat transfer area, total, Am : Approx. 0.025 m²


5. Record in Table 1 for both parallel and counter flow heat transfer operations the
measured hot and cold water temperatures, and the calculated mean heat transfer
coefficient ( k m ) and the mean heat transferred rate ( Q m ).
The specific heat capacity and density of water should be estimated at average
Tin  Tout

6. Using the data acquisition program, plot the temperature curves ( T vs. x ) for both
co- and countercurrent flow operations (analyze experiment runs 2 and 4).
Comment on the obtained results.

7. Investigate the effect of changing the cold water and hot water flow rates on heat
transmission by plotting k m against and Vh and Vc (analyze experiment runs 1, 2
and 3).

71 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

8. Investigate the effect of changing the hot water temperature on heat transmission
by plotting Q m against Tlm (analyze experiment runs 4, 5 and 6). Record the
calculated Tlm in Table 2.

Table 1. Parameters, measured and calculated values

SP Th,in Th,out Tc,in Tc,out

 km
Ru Flow (T7) Vh =Vc Q m
n Mod (T1) (T3) (T4) (T6) (kW/m2·
No. e (°C (l/min) (kW)
) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) K)

1 PF 70 0.7

2 PF 70 1.4

3 PF 70 2.1

4 CF 70 1.4

5 CF 45 1.4

6 CF 20 1.4
SP (T7) = Setpoint for hot water temperature (°C)
PF = Parallel flow, CF = Counter flow

Table 2. Parameters and calculated values for experiment runs 4, 5 and 6

Run SP (T7) Q m
Tmin (°C) Tmax (°C) Tlm (°C)
No. (°C) (kW)

4 70

5 45

6 20

Final Checklist

1. Clean your equipment and work benches before you leave.

2. Return all equipment to their proper storage area.

3. Submit your technical report to your instructor before the next laboratory session.

72 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Experiment N°2

Upon completion of this experiment, the student will be able to
7. Compare parallel flow to counter flow heat transfer modes.
8. Plot the temperature curves for both parallel and counter flow modes.
9. Investigate the heat transmission when changing the cold water and hot water
flow rates.
10. Investigate the heat transmission when changing the hot water temperature.

3. WL 110 Heat Exchanger Service Unit
4. WL 110.02 Plate Heat Exchanger
The process schematic for the WL 110 in Fig.
1 shows both the schematic structure of the
service unit and the basic flow through the
individual heat exchangers. These
experiment instructions deal with each of
these areas of the process schematic in turn.
Before proceeding with the exercise ensure
that the equipment has been prepared as
follows (Fig. 2):
11. Secure the base plate of the plate
heat exchanger on the base plate of
the service unit using the star grip
12. Plug the couplings for hot water into
the corresponding connections on the
plate heat exchanger to give a flow in
the direction of the arrow (see Fig. 2).
13. Plug the couplings for cold water into
the corresponding connections on the
plate heat exchanger. Ensure that the
required flow is produced (parallel
flow or counter flow).

Fig. 2. Connection for WL 110.02

73 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Fig 1. WL 110 Process Schematic

74 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Advantages of plate heat exchangers:
• Outstanding heat transfer.
• Compact design.
• Little space required
relative to the heat transfer
Soldered (‫ )ملحوم‬plate heat exchangers
are widespread in refrigeration
engineering and building services.
The disadvantage of the soldered design
is that it cannot be opened. If this kind of
plate heat exchanger is blocked by
deposits, residue or foreign bodies, it has
to be replaced.
The soldered design is a version
developed from the widely used sealed
plate heat exchangers. On the sealed
design, the plate package, consisting of
the plates and seals, is pressed together
with clamp bolts. The adjacent figure (Fig.
3) shows this kind of plate heat
exchanger, as a photo and schematically.
Key advantages of sealed plate heat
• Opening and cleaning
• Large heat transfer areas
can be achieved (several
1000 m² per unit).
• The heat transfer area can
be varied by changing the
number of plates.
Example applications of plate heat
exchangers include:
• Chemical plants
• Petrochemicals
Fig. 3. Sealed plate heat exchangers
• Food industry
• HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning)

75 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

The plate heat exchanger is essentially
made up of six plates soldered together,
which form two separate flow channels.
The solder points seal the plates against
one another.
Fig. 4 illustrates the principle (illustrated
with four plates). Cold (blue) and hot
spaces (red) alternate in the arrangement.
Openings in the plates allow the media to
flow. The surface of the plates is not
smooth but has a characteristic profile
(embossing ‫)نقش‬. This causes narrow flow
cross-sections to be established in the
spaces, in which significant turbulences
occur. The turbulent flow facilitates
efficient heat transfer and also has a
self-cleaning effect. The wall thicknesses
of the heat transfer areas are generally
smaller than in tubular heat exchangers.

Heat flow through the heat exchanger

Fig. 5 shows a schematic view of the Fig. 4. Schematic for WL 110.02

Fig. 5. Energy flow in heat exchanger (loss free)

76 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

energy and heat flow in a heat exchanger (losses are not indicated).
The transferred heat flow Q is calculated from the difference between the input and
output heat flows ( Q in  Q out ). In an ideal heat exchanger without losses it is not
relevant whether the hot or cold medium is used for the calculation (see Fig. 4).
 , the specific heat
Generally the heat flow is determined from the mass flow rate m
capacity c p and the absolute temperature T :

Q  m
 c pT

The transferred heat flow is thus:

Q h  Q h,in  Q h,out  m
 h c p,h (Th,in  Th,out )

for the hot fluid, and

Q c  Q c,out  Q c,in  m
 c c p,c (Tc,out  Tc,in )

for the cold fluid.

With no exchange of heat with the surroundings:
Q  Q h  Q c
If the heat flow figures differ, the mean value is calculated.
Q  Q c
Q m  h
This enables the mean coefficient of heat transfer k m for the heat exchanger to be
km 
Am  Tlm
Where Tlm is the log mean temperature difference:

Tmax  Tmin
Tlm 
 T 
ln  max 
 Tmin 
mhc p,h (Th,in  Th,out )  mc c p,c (Tc ,out  Tc ,in )
km 
2  Am  Tlm

Where mh  h  Vh and mc  c  Vc

Temperature curve
If we plot the fluid temperatures in the Fig. 6. Temperature curve for parallel flow

77 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

heat exchanger in a combined graph against the travel x we obtain the temperature
curve. The travel x runs along the heat transfer surface from the fluid inlet to the
The example temperature curves for a plate heat exchanger with parallel flow and
counter flow are shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7, respectively. The temperatures are
normally exponential rather than linear.
This is clearly illustrated by the parallel flow example (see Fig. 6). The temperature
difference is at its maximum when the fluids enter the heat exchanger ( x =0) and at its
minimum at the outlet. With the maximum
temperature difference, a large heat flow
can be transferred, i.e. the temperatures
change quickly. As the temperature
difference is reduced, the temperatures
change more slowly.
With parallel flow, the outlet temperature
Tc,out always remains lower than Th,out .
By contrast, with counter flow the outlet
temperature Tc,out of the heated fluid can
be higher than the outlet temperature
Th,out of the cooled fluid.
Fig. 7. Temperature curve for counter
For parallel flow: flow
Tmax  Th,in  Tc,in

Tmin  Th,out  Tc,out

For counter flow,
Tmax  Th,in  Tc,out
Tmin  Th,out  Tc,in

At this point, it is important to mention that for counter flow there are also temperature
curves in which the difference increases along the travel x .
37. Observe the safety instructions.
38. Secure the selected heat exchanger on the base plate of the service unit and
39. Set the main switch to “1”.
40. Check the water level in the hot water tank.
 If the hot water tank is empty: Add water until the low level is reached
(level switch LSL1 trips and the low water warning lamp goes out. Then
add 0.5 liter of water with a beaker.

78 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

 If the hot water tank is filled but with an unknown volume above the low
level: Partially drain the hot water tank until the low level is reached (level
switch LSL1 trips and the low water warning lamp lights up). Then add
0.5 liter of water with a beaker.
41. Start the PC. Start the data acquisition program.
42. Open the cold water feed at the cold water mains.
43. Open the regulator valve for cold water V2.
44. Open the regulator valve for hot water V1.
45. Start the pump.
46. Set the desired hot water setpoint SP(T7) on the TIC7 controller.
47. If the temperature T7 of the hot water in the tank is higher than the setpoint
SP(T7): Cool the hot water circuit until T7 <SP(T7).
48. Set the desired cold water flow rate using the regulator valve V2.
49. Set the desired hot water flow rate using the regulator valve V1.
50. Turn on the heater.
51. Make settings for the measured value file. Start automatic measured value
52. Observe the measured values. Wait until a steady state is reached, i.e.:
 The water temperature T7 is no longer rising.
 The parts in contact with the product have taken on the water
 The measured values only change slightly.
 The heat flow values and are similar.
53. Save screenshots for the time response of the measured values and the current
temperature curve in a file. Give the file a name that will allow you to identify the
values in the measured value file later.
54. When the experiment is complete, first turn off the heater.
55. Then stop the pump.
56. Close the regulator valves V1 and V2.
57. If a further experiment is to be performed with a different heat exchanger,
continue from step “2”.
58. If a further experiment is to be performed with the same heat exchanger,
compare the current water temperature T7 with the new setpoint SP(T7).
 If the hot water has a significantly higher temperature level, drain the hot
water tank. Continue the experiment from step “2”.
 If the hot water temperature level is similar or lower, continue the
experiment from step “7”.

79 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

59. When the last experiment is complete, stop recording and save the measured
value file.
60. Close the cold water feed at the cold water mains.
61. Set the main switch to “0”.
Length x Width x Height: Approx. 400 x 230 x 85 mm
Weight: Approx. 3 kg
Plate heat exchanger, geometry and material:
Number of soldered plates: 6
Plate material: Stainless steel
Heat transfer area, total, A : Approx. 0.048 m²
4. Record in Table 1 for both parallel and counter flow heat transfer operations the
measured hot and cold water temperatures, and the calculated mean heat transfer
coefficient ( k m ) and the mean heat transferred rate ( Q m ).
The specific heat capacity and density of water should be estimated at average
Tin  Tout
Table 1. Parameters, measured and calculated values

SP Th,in Th,out Tc,in Tc,out km

Run Flow (T7)
Vh =Vc Q m
No. Mode (T1) (T3) (T4) (T6) (kW/m ·
(°C) (l/min) (kW)
(°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) K)

1 PF 70 0.7

2 PF 70 1.4

3 PF 70 2.1

4 CF 70 1.4

5 CF 45 1.4

6 CF 20 1.4
SP (T7) = Set point for hot water temperature (°C)
PF = Parallel flow, CF = Counter flow

80 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

5. Using the data acquisition program, plot the temperature curves ( T vs. x ) for both
co- and countercurrent flow operations (analyze experiment runs 2 and 4).
Comment on the obtained results.

6. Investigate the effect of changing the cold water and hot water flow rates on heat
transmission by plotting k m against and Vh and Vc (analyze experiment runs 1, 2
and 3).

7. Investigate the effect of changing the hot water temperature on heat transmission
by plotting Q m against Tlm (analyze experiment runs 4, 5 and 6). Record the
calculated Tlm in Table 2.

Table 2. Parameters and calculated values for experiment runs 4, 5 and 6

Run SP (T7) Q m
Tmin (°C) Tmax (°C) Tlm (°C)
No. (°C) (kW)

4 70

5 45

6 20

Final Checklist
4. Clean your equipment and work benches before you leave.

5. Return all equipment to their proper storage area.

6. Submit your technical report to your instructor before the next laboratory session.

81 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Experiment N°3

Upon completion of this experiment, the student will be able to
11. Compare parallel flow to counter flow heat transfer modes.
12. Plot the temperature curves for both parallel and counter flow modes.
13. Investigate the heat transmission when changing the cold water and hot water
flow rates.
14. Investigate the heat transmission when changing the hot water temperature.

5. WL 110 Heat Exchanger Service Unit
6. WL 110.03 Plate Heat Exchanger
The process schematic for the WL 110 in Fig.
1 shows both the schematic structure of the
service unit and the basic flow through the
individual heat exchangers. These
experiment instructions deal with each of
these areas of the process schematic in turn.
Before proceeding with the exercise ensure
that the equipment has been prepared as
follows (Fig. 2):
14. Secure the base plate of the shell and
tube heat exchanger on the base plate
of the service unit using the star grip
15. Plug the couplings for hot water into
the corresponding connections on the
shell and tube heat exchanger.
Connect the hot water feed to the
lower connection to support bleeding.
16. Plug the couplings for cold water into
the corresponding connections on the
shell and tube heat exchanger. Fig. 2. Connection for WL 110.03
Ensure that the required flow is
produced (cross parallel flow or cross counter flow).

82 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Fig 1. WL 110 Process Schematic

83 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Fig. 3 shows the shell and tube heat
exchanger with the base plate.

The transparent shell allows the tube bundle

to be seen. The tube bundle is an assembly
consisting of parallel tubes (seven tubes in
this case). These seven tubes are soldered
to the tube plates on both sides. This creates
two separate areas, the tube area (inside the
tubes) and the shell area (between the tubes
and the outer shell).

The shell area is divided by four baffle plates.

They deflect the fluid in the shell area, thus
improving the heat exchange. The flow in the
shell area is essentially perpendicular to the
tubes, i.e. the directions of flow cross (cross
current flow).

Fig. 3 illustrates the principle (illustrated with

more than seven tubes). As determined by
the two different coupling designs, hot water
(red) flows through the tube area and cold
water (shown in blue) through the shell area. Viewed axially, the flows can run in the same
direction or in opposite directions. We therefore differentiate between cross parallel flow and
cross counter flow.


Heat flow through the heat exchanger

Fig. 4 shows a schematic view of the energy and heat flow in a heat exchanger (losses are
not indicated).

84 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

The transferred heat flow Q is calculated from the difference between the input and output

heat flows ( Q in  Q out ). In an ideal heat exchanger without losses it is not relevant whether

the hot or cold medium is used for the calculation (see Fig. 4).
 , the specific heat capacity
Generally the heat flow is determined from the mass flow rate m

c p and the absolute temperature T :

Q  m
 c pT

The transferred heat flow is thus:

Q h  Q h,in  Q h,out  m
 h c p,h (Th,in  Th,out )

for the hot fluid, and

Q c  Q c,out  Q c,in  m
 c c p,c (Tc,out  Tc,in )

for the cold fluid.

Fig. 4. Energy flow in heat exchanger (loss free)

With no exchange of heat with the surroundings:

Q  Q h  Q c

85 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

If the heat flow figures differ, the mean value is calculated.

Q  Q c
Q m  h
This enables the mean coefficient of heat transfer k m for the heat exchanger to be

km 
Am  Tlm

Where Tlm is the log mean temperature difference:

Tmax  Tmin
Tlm 
 T 
ln  max 
 Tmin 

mhc p,h (Th,in  Th,out )  mc c p,c (Tc ,out  Tc ,in )

km 
2  Am  Tlm

Where mh  h  Vh and mc  c  Vc

Temperature curve
If we plot the fluid temperatures in the heat
exchanger in a combined graph against the
travel x we obtain the temperature curve. The
travel x runs along the heat transfer surface Fig. 6. Temperature curve for parallel flow
from the fluid inlet to the outlet.

The example temperature curves for a plate

heat exchanger with parallel flow and counter
flow are shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6,
respectively. The temperatures are normally
exponential rather than linear.

This is clearly illustrated by the parallel flow

Fig. 5. Temperature curve for parallel flow
example (see Fig. 5). The temperature

86 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

difference is at its maximum when the fluids enter the heat exchanger ( x =0) and at its
minimum at the outlet. With the maximum temperature difference, a large heat flow can be
transferred, i.e. the temperatures change quickly. As the temperature difference is reduced,
the temperatures change more slowly.

With parallel flow, the outlet temperature

Tc,out always remains lower than Th,out .

By contrast, with counter flow the outlet

temperature Tc,out of the heated fluid can

be higher than the outlet temperature Th,out

of the cooled fluid.

For parallel flow:

Tmax  Th,in  Tc,in Fig. 6. Temperature curve for counter


Tmin  Th,out  Tc,out

For counter flow,

Tmax  Th,in  Tc,out

Tmax  Th,out  Tc,in

At this point, it is important to mention that for counter flow there are also temperature curves
in which the difference increases along the travel x .

62. Observe the safety instructions.

63. Secure the selected heat exchanger on the base plate of the service unit and connect.

64. Set the main switch to ”1”.

65. Check the water level in the hot water tank.

87 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

 If the hot water tank is empty: Add water until the low level is reached (level
switch LSL1 trips and the low water warning lamp goes out. Then add 0.5 liter
of water with a beaker.
 If the hot water tank is filled but with an unknown volume above the low level:
Partially drain the hot water tank until the low level is reached (level switch
LSL1 trips and the low water warning lamp lights up). Then add 0.5 liter of
water with a beaker.

66. Start the PC. Start the data acquisition program.

67. Open the cold water feed at the cold water mains.

68. Open the regulator valve for cold water V2.

69. Open the regulator valve for hot water V1.

70. Start the pump.

71. Set the desired hot water setpoint SP(T7) on the TIC7 controller.

72. If the temperature T7 of the hot water in the tank is higher than the setpoint SP(T7):
Cool the hot water circuit until T7 <SP(T7).

73. Set the desired cold water flow rate using the regulator valve V2.

74. Set the desired hot water flow rate using the regulator valve V1.

75. Turn on the heater.

76. Make settings for the measured value file. Start automatic measured value recording.

77. Observe the measured values. Wait until a steady state is reached, i.e.:

 The water temperature T7 is no longer rising.

 The parts in contact with the product have taken on the water temperatures.
 The measured values only change slightly.
 The heat flow values and are similar.
78. Save screenshots for the time response of the measured values and the current
temperature curve in a file. Give the file a name that will allow you to identify the values
in the measured value file later.

79. When the experiment is complete, first turn off the heater.

80. Then stop the pump.

81. Close the regulator valves V1 and V2.

88 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

82. If a further experiment is to be performed with a different heat exchanger, continue

from step “2“.

83. If a further experiment is to be performed with the same heat exchanger, compare the
current water temperature T7 with the new setpoint SP(T7).

 If the hot water has a significantly higher temperature level, drain the hot water
tank. Continue the experiment from step ”2”.
 If the hot water temperature level is similar or lower, continue the experiment
from step ”7”.

84. When the last experiment is complete, stop recording and save the measured value

85. Close the cold water feed at the cold water mains.

86. Set the main switch to “0”.

Cross parallel flow and cross counter flow operation possible.


Length x Width x Height: Approx. 400 x 230 x 110 mm

Weight: Approx. 3 kg

Shell and tube heat exchanger, geometry and material:

Shell material: PMMA

Shell wall thickness: 3 mm

Shell internal diameter: 44 mm

Number of tubes: 7

Tube material: Stainless steel

Effective tube length: 184 mm

Tube wall thickness: 1 mm

Tube internal diameter: 4 mm

Baffle plate material: Stainless steel

Number of baffle plates: 4

89 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Baffle plate wall thickness: 1 mm

Mean logarithmic heat transfer area, total, Am : Approx. 0.02 m²


8. Record in Table 1 for both parallel and counter flow operations the measured hot and

cold water temperatures, and the calculated mean heat transfer coefficient ( k m ) and the

mean heat transferred rate ( Q m ).


The specific heat capacity and density of water should be estimated at average

Tin  Tout

9. Using the data acquisition program, plot the temperature curves ( T vs. x ) for both
parallel and counter flow operations (analyze experiment runs 2 and 4). Comment on the
obtained results.

10. Using the data acquisition program, plot the temperature curves ( T vs. x ) for both
parallel and counter flow operations (analyze experiment runs 2 and 4). Comment on the
obtained results.

Table 1. Parameters, measured and calculated values

SP Th,in Th,out Th,out Tc,in km

Run Flow (T7)
Vh =Vc Q m
No. Mode (T1) (T3) (T4) (T6) (kW/m ·
(°C) (l/min) (kW)
(°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) K)

1 PF 70 0.7

2 PF 70 1.4

3 PF 70 2.1

90 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

4 CF 70 1.4

5 CF 45 1.4

6 CF 20 1.4

SP (T7) = Setpoint for hot water temperature (°C)

PF = Parallel flow, CF = Counter flow

11. Investigate the effect of changing the cold water and hot water flow rates on heat

transmission by plotting k m against and Vh and Vc (analyze experiment runs 1, 2 and


12. Investigate the effect of changing the hot water temperature on heat transmission by

plotting Q m against Tlm (analyze experiment runs 4, 5 and 6). Record the calculated

Tlm in Table 2.

Table 2. Parameters and calculated values for experiment runs 4, 5 and 6

Run SP (T7) Q m
Tmin (°C) Tmax (°C) Tlm (°C)
No. (°C) (kW)

4 70

5 45

6 20

Final Checklist
7. Clean your equipment and work benches before you leave.

8. Return all equipment to their proper storage area.

9. Submit your technical report to your instructor before the next laboratory session.

91 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Experiment N°4



Upon completion of this experiment, the student will be able to

15. Investigate the measured value time response for heating with jacket and with tube
coil modes.
16. Investigate the influence of the stirrer.

7. WL 110 Heat Exchanger Service Unit
8. WL 110.04 Jacketed Vessel with Stirrer and Coil

The process schematic for the WL 110 in Fig. 1 shows both

the schematic structure of the service unit and the basic flow
through the individual heat exchangers.

Before proceeding with the exercise ensure that the

equipment has been prepared as follows (Fig. 2):

17. Secure the base plate of the jacketed heat exchanger

on the base plate of the service unit using the star grip

18. Connect the plug for the stirrer cable to the connecting
socket on the service unit (item 36 in Fig. 3).

19. Connect the measuring lead for the water temperature

(TI5) in the tank to the corresponding socket on the
service unit (item 38 in Fig. 3)..

20. Plug the couplings for cold water and hot water into the
corresponding connections on the jacketed heat
exchanger as shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 2. Connection for WL 110.04.

92 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Fig. 4 explains the water connections for the WL 110.04. The cold water return (E) can be
identified by the ball valve (V4). The tank can be drained by opening the ball valve V4. The
tank can be filled with cold water using the cold water feed (B).

Fig. 5 shows the WL 110.04 connected for heating with hot water flowing through the heating
jacket (a). The hot water feed is connected to the lower connection to support bleeding, and
for heating with hot water flowing through the heating coil (b).

Fig 1. Process Schematic of WL 110.

93 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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Chemical Engineering Department

Fig. 3. Details of control and display panel of WL 110.

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Fig. 4. Water connection for WL 110.04.

Fig. 5. Operation with (a)- heating jacket and (b)- heating coil for WL 110.04.

95 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

The adjacent photo (Fig. 6) shows a jacketed heat exchanger
for production. Advantages of jacketed heat exchangers:

 Product temperature precisely adjustable with even

temperature distribution.

 Easy cleaning of the interior of the tank.

Jacketed heat exchangers are widely used for batch
processes applications such as:

 Chemical plants.
Fig. 6. Example of a jacketed
 Food industry.
heat exchanger.
In many process engineering applications, several
basic operations are combined, for example a fluid is
heated by another fluid while being stirred, with a
chemical reaction taking place at the same time.
Such processes frequently take place in tanks.

Depending on the specific perspective, the

corresponding tanks can have various designations,
including agitating vessels, chemical reactors or
heated reaction tanks. The process can generally be
carried out in batches or continuously.

The WL 110.04 Jacketed Vessel with Stirrer and Coil

is a model of this type of tank. It focuses on
investigation of heat transfer.
On the WL 110.04, the heat transfer can occur
through the wall of the tank. To allow this, the tank
has a double jacket and the outer jacket is insulated.
As an alternative to the double jacket, an internal
heating coil can be used to transfer the heat.

The installed stirrer improves the heat transfer. Fig.

7 shows the jacketed heat exchanger with base
plate. After loosening the three knurled screws (41),
the transparent cover can be removed. Next to the Fig. 7. Jacketed heat exchanger (WL
96 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi
Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

stirrer is the immersion sleeve with temperature sensor for measuring the water temperature
in the tank.

The top view of the open jacketed heat exchanger (Fig. 8) shows the heating coil (52) and
the flow breakers (51) attached to the tank wall. They ensure a good stirring effect by
preventing rotation of the liquid in the tank.

The tank is filled with cold water before an experiment. This cold water in the tank is then
heated by hot water.

As was shown in Fig. 5, there are two experimental


a) Heating with hot water flowing through the heating


b) Heating with hot water flowing through the heating


The WL 110.04 is mainly suitable for batch experiments.

With practice, continuous operation can also be achieved.
In this case, heated water flows out of the tank while fresh
cold water is simultaneously fed in. However, the level in
the tank can only be roughly adjusted when doing this.
Therefore, reproducibility of the experiments is limited
with continuous operation. Fig. 8. WL 110.04 top view, cover
removed (loss free).


General conditions
A defined volume of cold water inside the tank is heated by
the hot water flowing through the heating jacket in batch
mode. The volume of cold water should:

 Fill the tank well, so that a large proportion of the

heating jacket area is covered.

 such that no water spills over during the experiment

when stirring.
Fig. 9. Filling the WL 110.04.
This defined volume of cold water can be adjusted by filling

97 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

the tank using the cold water feed (item B in Fig. 4) on the service unit.

However, we recommend adding the cold water with a separate beaker and funnel (see Fig.

It is useful to measure the water into the beaker in advance. This results in greater accuracy
and reproducibility for repeat experiments.

A good fill is obtained with 1200 g of water. The flow breakers (see also Fig. 8) are then
completely covered.

The other general conditions are selected to quickly achieve significant heating:

 Hot water setpoint SP(T7) = 70°C.

 Hot water flow rate Vh = 2.1 ltr/min.

 Operate the stirrer at maximum speed.

87. Observe the safety instructions.

88. Secure the WL 110.04 Jacketed Vessel with Stirrer and Coil on the base plate of the
service unit.

89. Set the main switch (item 35 in Fig. 3) to “1”.

90. Check the water level in the hot water tank.

If the hot water tank is empty: Add water until the low level is reached (level switch
LSL1 trips and the low water warning lamp (item 29 in Fig. 3) goes out. Then add 0.5 ltr
of water with a beaker.
If the hot water tank is filled but with an unknown volume above the low level: Partially
drain the hot water tank (see Fig. 3.8) until the low level is reached (level switch LSL1
trips and the low water warning lamp lights up). Then add 0.5 ltr of water with a beaker.

91. Start the PC. Start the data acquisition program.

92. Fully open the regulator valve for hot water V1.

93. Start the pump (P).

94. Set the desired hot water setpoint SP(T7) on the TIC7 controller.

95. Turn on the heater (H).

98 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

96. Measure 1200 g of cold water into a separate beaker.

97. Wait until the hot water temperature T7 has reached the setpoint SP(T7).

98. Set the desired hot water flow rate using the regulator valve V1.

99. Make settings for the measured value file. Start automatic measured value recording.

100. Add the content of the beaker to the WL 110.04 (see also Fig. 9).

101. Start the stirrer. Set the maximum speed.

102. Wait until the temperature T5 of the water in the WL 110.04 has approximately reached
the hot water temperature.

103. Save a screenshot for the time response of the measured values in a file. Give the file
a name that will allow you to identify the values in the measured value file later.

104. When the experiment is complete, first turn off the heater (H).

105. Then stop the pump (P).

106. Close the regulator valve V1.

107. Stop the stirrer.

108. Stop recording and save the measured value file.

109. Set the main switch to "0”.


Length x Width x Height: Approx. 400 x 230 x 400 mm

Weight: Approx. 8 kg

Jacketed heat exchanger:

Insulated jacketed tank with pipe coil and stirrer.

Type of stirrer: Propeller, with three blades

Stirrer speed range: Approx. 20 - 330 rpm

Jacketed heat exchanger, geometry and material:

Nominal tank volume: Approx. 1.2 ltr

99 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Jacketed tank and pipe coil material: Stainless steel

Inner jacket wall thickness: 2.5 mm

Inner jacket internal diameter: 103 mm

Outer jacket internal diameter: 127 mm

Tank base wall thickness: 4 mm

Transparent cover material: PMMA

Pipe coil wall thickness: 1 mm

Pipe coil internal diameter: 6 mm

Pipe coil stretched pipe length: 2300 mm

Mean logarithmic heat transfer:

Area, pipe coil, Am : Approx. 0.05 m²

Mean logarithmic heat transfer area, inner jacket:

Depending on level, at nominal volume Am : Approx. 0.05 m²

Temperature measurement:

Type: Pt100

Measuring range: 0 - 100°C

100 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department


13. Using the data acquisition program, record the measured value time response

( T (T1,T3 & T5 ) vs. time t ) for the heating jacket flow mode at Vh = 2.1 l/min, SP(T7) =

70°C and at maximum stirrer speed. Record in Table 1, T1  Th,in , T3  Th,out and T5 .

Table 1. Parameters, measured values for WL 110.04

Th,in Th,out
Time, t SP (T7) Vh speed T5
(u ) (T1) (T3)
(min) (°C) (l/min) (°C)
(rpm) (°C) (°C)

0 70 2.1
(= 330)

2 70 2.1 max.

4 70 2.1 max.

6 70 2.1 max.

8 70 2.1 max.

10 70 2.1 max.

12 70 2.1 max.

14 70 2.1 max.

SP (T7) = Setpoint for hot water temperature (°C)

Vh = Hot water volume flow rate (l/min)

T1  Th,in = Inlet hot water temperature (°C)

T3  Th,out = Outlet hot water temperature (°C)

T5 = Tank water temperature (°C)

101 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

14. Analyze the measured value time response (i.e., comment on the response of

T1, T3 & T5 as time proceeds).

15. Record in Table 2, T1  Th,in , T3  Th,out and T5 , and investigate the effect of the stirrer

speed ( u ) on the time required for the water tank temperature ( T5 ) to approximately

reach 60°C ( ttot ) by plotting u against ttot at different values of u .

Table 2. Stirrer speed effect on measured values for WL 110.04

Stirrer speed
SP (T7) Vh Total time, ttot
(u )
(°C) (l/min) (min)

70 2.1 330

70 2.1 260

70 2.1 180

70 2.1 100

70 2.1 20

Final Checklist
10. Clean your equipment and work benches before you leave.

11. Return all equipment to their proper storage area.

12. Submit your technical report to your instructor before the next laboratory session.

102 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Experiment N°5


Technical Description
Convection dryers are often used for drying solids in food technology.
The CE 130 can be used to investigate and demonstrate the process of convection drying of
granular solids.
Four corrosion resistant removable plates are available for drying the solid. They are put in a
drying channel. The plates containing the solid to be dried are exposed to an airflow in the
channel. The airflow heats the solid and also removes the quantity of humidity that is released. Air
velocity can be adjusted by the speed of a fan. An adjustable heater allows the heating of the air.
The transparent door in the drying channel allows the drying process to be observed. A digital
balance can be used to follow the changes in weight of the solid due to evaporation or
vaporisation of quantity of humidity during operation. The air temperature and the relative
humidity of the air are measured and digitally displayed by a single combined temperature and

103 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

humidity sensor before and after the airflow passes over the solid. A further sensor measures the
air velocity.
The relevant measured parameters (changes in weight, humidity, temperature, air velocity) can
be transferred directly to a PC, where they can then be further processed.
The well-structured instructional material sets out the fundamentals and provides a step-by-step
guide through the experiments.
Learning Objectives / Experiments
- Influence of air temperature and humidity on drying intensity
- plotting of drying curves with constant external conditions
- Determination of drying rate with different air parameters and different solid properties
- Evaluation of drying processes using energy and mass balances
1. Equipment layout

104 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Software screenshot

Humid drying material: 1 surface moisture, 2 capillary moisture, 3 pore moisture, 4 crystal water

105 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

2. Specification
[1] Drier for investigating convection drying of solids
[2] Drying on 4 corrosion resistant plates in a drying channel with an airflow
[3] Adjustment of air velocity via speed of fan
[4] Air heating with controlled heater
[5] Digital balance for measuring the change of weight during drying
[6] 1 combined sensor for measurement of humidity and temperature before and after the solid
[7] 1 air velocity sensor
[8] Digital stopwatch, battery operated
[9] GUNT software for data acquisition via USB under
Windows Vista or Windows 7
3. Technical Data
Drying channel
- Length: 2.340mm (with fan)
- Internal dimensions: 350x350mm
4 drying plates: 398x320mm
- Power: 33W
- max. Output: 700m³/h
- max. Speed: 950 min-1
- Power: 0...6.750W
- With adjustable temperature limiter
- Measuring range: 0…10.000g
- Resolution: 0,1g
Application temperature: 0…60°C

Measuring ranges of sensors

- Humidity: 0...100% rel.
- Temperature: 0…125°C
- Air velocity: 0...2,5m/s
Dimensions and Weight
LxWxH: 2.340x750x1.350mm
Weight: approx. 125kg

106 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

Required for Operation

230V, 60Hz/CSA, 3 phase or
400V, 50/60Hz, 3 phase
Scope of Delivery
1 trainer
1 digital balance
1 stopwatch
4 drying plates
1 GUNT software CD + USB cable
1 set of instructional material
1. Purpose of the experiment: To determine the reduction in weight and the drying rate
over time during the drying process.
The measurements presented are given as examples.
They are dependent on local conditions (air pressure, ambient temperature, humidity) and so will
not always be reproducible.
2. Preparation
The preparations for a drying experiment follow this pattern:
– Remove drying plates from support frame.
– Tare scale to zero.
– Insert drying plates individually into support frame, read off and note the weight of the
individual drying plates on the digital scale.
– Switch on fan and set speed using flow rate gauge (e.g. 1.3 m/s).
– Read off volumetric air flow from display and make a note of it.
– Switch on heater and set the temperature controller (e.g. 43°C).
– Run air conditioning duct until it is warmed up evenly all along its length.
– Spread material to be dried in a thin layer on the drying plates.
– Insert drying plates in the support frame and note the total weight.
– Tare scale to zero.
– Start drying experiment, commence time measurement using stopwatch.
– When using the CE 130 PC software to time the measurement data, start the software timer.
3. Performing the experiment
While performing the experiment without using a PC and the CE 130 software, the following
measurement data must be recorded manually at regular intervals and entered on the
worksheet below:
– Air temperature T2 after material to be dried

107 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

– Relative humidity _2 after material being dried

– Total mass m of material to be dried (material and drying plates).
– Use the Mollier diagram to determine the loading x for the relevant air states.
The drying experiment is complete when either:
• The drying time specified in advance has expired
• The total mass m of the material to be dried is no longer falling
The choice of time intervals depends primarily on the material to be dried.
When recording manually, the measurement data may look like the example shown on the
following page:
Example drying experiment
Type of material to be dried: Gravel with grain size 0.7 to 1.3 mm
Mass of drying plate 1: 333.0 g
Mass of drying plate 2: -
Mass of drying plate 3: -
Total dry mass: 300 g
In this case composed of: Gravel mass: 250 g, Introduced water: 50 g
Total mass drying plates + material to be dried: 633 g
Air speed: 1.3 to 1.5 m/s dry air; heating level: 7
(Before introducing the water the tare button was pressed)

108 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department

The measured results are evaluated manually in several stages:
1. The fall in total weight is plotted in a diagram, m = f (t).
2. The measured values for weight reduction are used to plot a drying curve diagram (v=f(t)).
To do this, the moisture content values from each series of measurements are determined and
the average drying rate v for the relevant drying stage is determined.
The drying rate v is calculated from the change in the moisture content V of the material to be
dried in n the period under analysis. For evaluation and production of the diagram, the moisture
content of the material to be dried must be determined during the experiment. The moisture
content is calculated from the measurement of the material to be dried mass (see below).

For much information please see Instruction Manual CE 130 Convection Drying

109 Chemical Engineering Lab I CHE 309 Dr. Ammar Mahjoubi

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