This document provides instructions for calculating radial thrust in a pump. It gives the formula for radial thrust (FR) which considers factors like thrust factor (KR), head (H), specific gravity (S), impeller diameter (D2), and impeller width (b2). An example calculation is shown for a sewage pump operating at 40% of its best efficiency point (BEP), where the radial thrust is estimated to be 222 pounds. Worst case thrust could reach 660 pounds if the pump operated as low as 21% of BEP.
This document provides instructions for calculating radial thrust in a pump. It gives the formula for radial thrust (FR) which considers factors like thrust factor (KR), head (H), specific gravity (S), impeller diameter (D2), and impeller width (b2). An example calculation is shown for a sewage pump operating at 40% of its best efficiency point (BEP), where the radial thrust is estimated to be 222 pounds. Worst case thrust could reach 660 pounds if the pump operated as low as 21% of BEP.
This document provides instructions for calculating radial thrust in a pump. It gives the formula for radial thrust (FR) which considers factors like thrust factor (KR), head (H), specific gravity (S), impeller diameter (D2), and impeller width (b2). An example calculation is shown for a sewage pump operating at 40% of its best efficiency point (BEP), where the radial thrust is estimated to be 222 pounds. Worst case thrust could reach 660 pounds if the pump operated as low as 21% of BEP.
This document provides instructions for calculating radial thrust in a pump. It gives the formula for radial thrust (FR) which considers factors like thrust factor (KR), head (H), specific gravity (S), impeller diameter (D2), and impeller width (b2). An example calculation is shown for a sewage pump operating at 40% of its best efficiency point (BEP), where the radial thrust is estimated to be 222 pounds. Worst case thrust could reach 660 pounds if the pump operated as low as 21% of BEP.
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Radial Thrust Calculator - Joe Evans www.PumpEd101.
Radial Thrust (PSI): FR = KR x (H x s/2.31) x D2 x b2
Enter the required data in the highlighted cells. If you do not know the pump specific speed use the Ns calculator below.
Thrust Factor (KR) @ flow point (from graph) 0.21
Head (H) per Stage @ flow point in feet 138 Specific Gravity (S) 1 Impeller Diameter (D2) in inches 11.88 Impeller Width (b2) @ discharge in inches 3.5 FR (Unbalanced Radial Thrust in lbf) = 522
Pump Specific Speed: Ns = N √Q / H 0.75 Instructions
Enter the required data in the highlighted cells The numbers in ( ) are Pu from 0 to 120% of BEP flo Pump RPM (N) 1750 corresponds to the point Flow (Q) @ BEP 1200 on the Y axis where the c Head (H) @ BEP 110 between the ones shown Ns = 1785 in inches at the discharge with a specific speed of 1 reduced to 59 lbs. Worst 21% of BEP. At that flow Instructions The numbers in ( ) are Pump Specific Speed (Ns). The curves represent the radial thrust factor from 0 to 120% of BEP flow for that particular specific speed. Select a point on the X axis that corresponds to the point to be evaluated on the pump H/Q curve. The thrust factor is the value on the Y axis where the curve intersects the selected X axis value. For values of Ns that fall between the ones shown you may interpolate the intersection. Impeller width (b2) is the width in inches at the discharge including the shroud(s). The example shown is for a sewage pump with a specific speed of 1785, operating at 40% of BEP flow. At 100% of BEP flow, radial thrust is reduced to 59 lbs. Worst case? This pump is approved by the manufacturer for flows as low as 21% of BEP. At that flow point, radial thrust reaches 660 lbs.