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Ass1 CL9 - Seat No-B150088567 - prn-71702101H

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1 B

Problem Statement:

To develop any distributed application through implementing client-server

communication programs based on Java RMI .

Tools / Environment: Java Programming Environment, jdk 1.8, rmiregistry

Related Theory:

RMI provides communication between java applications that are deployed on different
servers and connected remotely using objects called stub and skeleton. This
communication architecture makes a distributed application seem like a group of objects
communicating across a remote connection. These objects are encapsulated by exposing an
interface, which helps access the private state and behavior of an object through its

The following diagram shows how RMI happens between the RMI client and RMI server with the help
of the

RMI registry:
RMI REGISTRY is a remote object registry, a Bootstrap naming service, that is used by
RMI SERVER on the same host to bind remote objects to names. Clients on local and
remote hosts then look up the remote objects and make remote method invocations.
Key terminologies of RMI: The following are some of the important terminologies used in
a Remote Method Invocation. Remote object: This is an object in a specific JVM whose
methods are exposed so they could be invoked by another program deployed on a different

Remote interface: This is a Java interface that defines the methods that exist in a remote
object. A remote object can implement more than one remote interface to adopt multiple
remote interface behaviors.

RMI: This is a way of invoking a remote object's methods with the help of a remote
interface. It can be carried with a syntax that is similar to the local method invocation.

Stub: This is a Java object that acts as an entry point for the client object to route any
outgoing requests. It exists on the client JVM and represents the handle to the remote
If any object invokes a method on the stub object, the stub establishes RMI by following
these steps:
1.It initiates a connection to the remote machine JVM.
2.It marshals (write and transmit) the parameters passed to it via the remote JVM.

3.It waits for a response from the remote object and unmarshals (read) the returned
value or exception, then it responds to the caller with that value or exception.
Skeleton: This is an object that behaves like a gateway on the server side. It acts as a remote
object with which the client objects interact through the stub. This means that any requests
coming from the remote client are routed through it. If the skeleton receives a request, it
establishes RMI through these steps: It reads the parameter sent to the remote method.
1. It invokes the actual remote object method.

2. It marshals (writes and transmits) the result back to the caller (stub).
The following diagram demonstrates RMI communication with stub and skeleton involved:
Designing the solution:

The essential steps that need to be followed to develop a distributed application with RMI
are as follows:

1. Design and implement a component that should not only be involved in the distributed
application, but also the local components.

2. Ensure that the components that participate in the RMI calls are accessible across

3. Establish a network connection between applications that need to interact using the RMI.

Remote interface definition: The purpose of defining a remote interface is to declare the
methods that should be available for invocation by a remote client.

Programming the interface instead of programming the component implementation is an

essential design principle adopted by all modern Java frameworks, including Spring. In
the same pattern, the definition of a remote interface takes importance in RMI design as

2. Remote object implementation: Java allows a class to implement more than one
interface at a time. This helps remote objects implement one or more remote interfaces.
The remote object class may have to implement other local interfaces and methods that it
is responsible for. Avoid adding complexity to this scenario, in terms of how the
arguments or return parameter values of such component methods should be written.

3. Remote client implementation: Client objects that interact with remote server objects
can be written once the remote interfaces are carefully defined even after the remote
objects are deployed.

Let's design a project that can sit on a server. After that different client projects interact
with this project to pass the parameters and get the computation on the remote object
execute and return the result to the client components.

Implementing the solution:

Consider building an application to perform diverse mathematical operations.

The server receives a request from a client, processes it, and returns a result. In this
example, the request specifies two numbers. The server adds these together and returns the
1.Creating remote interface, implement remote interface, server-side and client-side
program and Compile the code.
This application uses four source files. The first file, AddServerIntf.java, defines the
remote interface that is provided by the server. It contains one method that accepts two
double arguments and returns their sum. All remote interfaces must extend the Remote
interface, which is part of java.rmi. Remote defines no members. Its purpose is simply
to indicate that an interface uses remote methods. All remote methods can throw a

The second source file, AddServerImpl.java, implements the remote interface. The
implementation of the add() method is straightforward. All remote objects must extend
UnicastRemoteObject, which provides functionality that is needed to make objects
available from remote machines.
The third source file, AddServer.java, contains the main program for the server
machine. Its primary function is to update the RMI registry on that machine. This is
done by using the rebind() method of the Naming class (found in java.rmi).
That method associates a name with an object reference. The first argument to the
rebind() method is a string that names the server as “AddServer”. Its second
argument is a reference to an instance of AddServerImpl.

The fourth source file, AddClient.java, implements the client side of this distributed
application. AddClient.java requires three command-line arguments. The first is the
IP address or name of the server machine. The second and third arguments are the two
numbers that are to be summed.
The application begins by forming a string that follows the URL syntax. This URL uses the
rmi protocol. The string includes the IP address or name of the server and the string
“AddServer”. The program then invokes the lookup( ) method of the Naming class.
This method accepts one argument, the rmi URL, and returns a reference to an object of
type AddServerIntf. All remote method invocations can then be directed to this
The program continues by displaying its arguments and then invokes the remote add()
The sum is returned from this method and is then printed.
Use javac to compile the four source files that are created.

2. Generate a Stub

Before using client and server, the necessary stub must be generated. In the context of RMI, a stub is
a Java object that resides on the client machine. Its function is to present the sam interfaces as the
remote server. Remote method calls initiated by the client are actually directed to the stub.
The stub works with the other parts of the RMI system to formulate a request that is sent to
the remote machine.

All of this information must be sent to the remote machine. That is, an object passed as
an argument to a remote method call must be serialized and sent to the remote machine.
If a response must be returned to the client, the process works in reverse. The
serialization and deserialization facilities are also used if objects are returned to a

To generate a stub the command is RMIcompiler is invoked as follows:

rmic AddServerImpl.

This command generates the file AddServerImpl_Stub.class.

3. Install Files on the Client and Server Machines

Copy AddClient.class, AddServerImpl_Stub.class,

AddServerIntf.class to a directory on the client machine.

Copy AddServerIntf.class, AddServerImpl.class,

AddServerImpl_ Stub.class, and AddServer.class to a directory
on the server machine.

4.Start the RMI Registry on the Server Machine

Java provides a program called rmiregistry, which executes on the server machine.
It maps names to object references. Start the RMI Registry from the command line, as
shown here:
start rmiregistry

5. Start the Server

The server code is started from the command line, as shown here:

java AddServer

The AddServer code instantiates AddServerImpl and registers that object with
the name “AddServer”.

6. Start the Client

The AddClient software requires three arguments: the name or IP address of the
server machine and the two numbers that are to be summed together. You may invoke it
from the command line by using one of the two formats shown here:
java AddClient 7 8
Writing the source code:
Compilation and Executing the solution:

The steps for compilation and execution are captured in a snapshots given:

Remote Method Invocation (RMI) allows you to build Java applications that are distributed
among several machines. Remote Method Invocation (RMI) allows a Java object that
executes on one machine to invoke a method of a Java object that executes on another
machine. This is an important feature, because it allows you to build distributed

1. jdk - https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html

2. Eclipse IDE - https://www.eclipse.org/downloads

3. Java socket programming : https://www.careerbless.com/samplecodes/java/


Other Refrences:

import java.rmi.*;

import java.rmi.server.*;
import java.net.*;

public class AddServer

public static void main(String args[])
AddRemImpl locobj=new AddRemImpl();
catch(RemoteException re)
catch(MalformedURLException mfe)




package lab1b;

import java.rmi.Remote;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;

public interface AddRem extends Remote

public int addNum(int a,int b) throws RemoteException;


import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
public class AddRemImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements
public AddRemImpl() throws RemoteException{}
public int addNum(int a,int b)

import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
import java.net.*;

public class AddServer

public static void main(String args[])
AddRemImpl locobj=new AddRemImpl();
catch(RemoteException re)
catch(MalformedURLException mfe)




Enter the number: 9

Enter second number: 7

Addof number:16

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