Bài Tập Ngữ Pháp

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Name: thúy anh

Class: 519701b4
Bài tập ngữ pháp
I. Identify the parts of each sentence below (subject, operator, predicate, and predication)
1. Computers(S) are fairly commonplace today(predicate and predication). (O: no)
2. We(S) have(o:do) a computer here. (predicate)
3. Full-scale computers(S) use a large number of programs.(predication) (O: do) (predicate vi ngu)
7. He (S) weighed 150 pounds(pre) (O: did)
8. He(S) weighed 150 packages.(Pre) (O: did)
9. He (S) grew more curious as the day went on. (Pre) (O: did)
10. He(S) grew more tomatoes in his garden this year. (Pre) (O: did)
III. Identify each underlined elements Od, Oi, Cs or Co.
1.The treaty guaranteed the Cherokees(Od) a hunting tract(Cs)
2.The Thistlebaums showed us(Od) their home movies(Co).
3.The minister pronounced them(Oi) man and wife(Co).
4.Freshly baked bread certainly smells good(Od).
5.Many amateur athletes are going professional(Cs).
6. The team considered the season(Oi) a success(Co).
7. Alex is becoming a corporate (Oi) lawyer(Od).
8. Television keeps the children(Od) happy(Co).
9. The postman brought the old man(Od) a special delivery letter.(Co)
10. You can smell (Od) the fresh bread in the bakery.(Co)
11. The white rhinoceros is close to extinction(Cs).
12. A bicycle is an environmentally friendlymeans of transport(cs).
13. The development of the railway encouraged tourism throughout Europe(od).
14. Many people today consider a fridge(Od) essential in most homes(Co).
15. Writing a letter is often cheaper than telephoning(cs).
16. Laszlo Bizo is normally credited with having invented the ball-point pen. (Cs)
17. An experience test pilot earns a considerable amount of money. (Od)
18.The Jumbo Jet has revolutionized air travel. (Od)
19. A credit card is a convenient way of paying for purchases(cs).
20. We are waiting for the bus(Od).
IV. Identify the type of verbs (intensive, intransitive, transitive) according to its
complementation in the following sets of sentences.
1. They’re growing(intran). They’re growing(intensive ) bigger . They’re growing bigger cabbages.
2. Save(tran) me. Save me some(tran). Save me, somebody. (tran)

3. I’m writing(intran). I’m writing a letter(tran). I’m writing him a letter.(intran)

4. They called(intran). They called the doctor(tran). They called the doctor Samantha.(tran)
5. She teaches(intran). She teaches me(tran). She teaches me violin.(tran)
6. John was a doctor(inten). John became a doctor.(inten)
7. Trollope’s novels read easily(intrans). Nell read all of Trollope’s novels last year.(tran)
8. The kite flew well in the breeze(intras). Burt flew the kite without a tail. (tran)
9. Mooritmer seems an unlucky candidate for mayor. (intens)
10. Louha remains the only woman astronaut in the program. (intens)
11. The burglar alarm sounded(intran). The piano sounds out of tune.(intens)
V. Identify the category of each italicized verb: intensive, intransitive, transitive (mono-, di-,
1. I never promised you(Oi) a rose garden.(Od)/ di-
2. The governor proclaimed tomorrow Dill Pickle Day. (tran- mono)
3. The audience seems sleepy. (inten)
4. We are finding him(Oi) a good wife.(di-)
5. The moon shone brightly. (inten)
6. Albert received an unexpected longdistance call.(Od) .(mono-)
7. Scientists have proven the theory(Od) wrong (Co). .(complex-)
8. The millionaire left each child(Oi) a fortune. (-di)
9. The squirrel became a pet. (inten)
10. Her boyfriend is driving her(Oi) mad.(-complex)
VI. Identify the sentence elements by writing the appropriate symbol (SVOCA) under each
element. State the type of sentence structure of each sentence.
1. Quasiland is a floating island. SVC ( cau tobe không có O)
2. It drifts freely in the tide. SVAA
3. The Sultan of Quasiland has ruled the island for many years. SVOA
4. He married thirty four wives. SVO
5. Recently, the Sultan reluctantly decreed an austerily program. ASAVO
6. He consequently reduced the number of his wives. SAVO
7. The waitress was pouring him a cup of coffee. SV OO
8. The meeting unanimously elected her president. SAVOC
9. The weather unexpectedly turned bitter cold. SAVAC
10. They found him a good doctor. SVOO/SVOC
VII. Identify whether the verbs in the following sentence are stative or dynamic.
1. He seemed well- informed. (stative)
2. He became well- informed. dynamic
3. Angela had a cold. Stative
4. Agela got a cold. dynamic
5. Morgan eats ketchup on everything. dynamic
6. Morgan likes ketchup on everything. stative
7. He has a luxury bathroom. Stative
8. He was having a bath when the phone rang. dynamic
9. Eloise imitates her mother. dynamic
10. Eloise resembles her mother. Stative


II. Use the words/ phrases to fill in each blank with one word/ or phrase
direct /demonstratives / exclamation/ interjections /position/ precedes /interrogative/
first / subject/ complex/ four/ action/ more/ / object/ complement/two/
followed/ /indirect/ /concord / dynamic/stative/adverbs/ finite verb/ predication/ present

1. Sentence is a group of words containing a subject and a … finite verb.. (and other
parts if necessary). It expresses a statement, a question, an … exclamation ……, or a
2. Subject is the “theme” of a sentence: determines … concord ……..,changes its …
position. from statement to question

3. Operator: is the … first …. auxiliary, stands at the beginning of the … interrogative

… sentence before the subject
4. Auxiliary: is one or more than one word standing after the subject and before
… predication … which includes the main verb and other elements

5. Objects: stand after the Verb, being directly or indirectly affected by the … action ….of the verb

Direct object (Od): kind of object, must always be … present.. if there is an indirect

6. Indirect object (Oi): … precedes.. the direct object, a noun referring to a person
7. Complements: give … more …information about the subjects or objects
8. Subject complement (Cs): has a straightforward relation to the … subject.. of
the sentence
9. Object complement (Co): has a straightforward relation to the … object ….. of
the sentence
10. Intensive verb: takes subject … complement.. (elements following these Vs
complement the subject)
11. Extensive verb: doesn’t take subject complement. That means it takes two …kinds of
objects or object complement.
12. Intransitive Verb: does not permit any of kind the … four .object and
complement type.
13. Transitive Verb: followed.. by objects or complements
14. Mono- transitive: takes a … direct.. object.
15. Di-transitive Verb: permits an … indirect … object and a direct object
16. complex …transitive: takes an object complement.
17. … dynamic … verb admits progressive while… stative …. verb does not admit
18. Major word class includes noun, verb, adjective and … adverbs …
19. Minor word class includes prepositions, articles, pronouns, conjunctions, …
demonstratives …. (oh, well, hmm…), … interjections.. (this, that..)

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