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Fishing Crafts and Gear in River Krishna: Manna Ranjan K, Das Archan K, Krishna Rao DS, Karthikeyan M & Singh DN

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Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge

Vol. 10 (3), July 2011, pp. 491-497

Fishing crafts and gear in river Krishna

Mannaa*Ranjan K, Dasb Archan K, Krishna Raoc DS, Karthikeyanc M & Singhd DN
CIFRI Regional Centre, Housefed Complex, Dispur, Guwahati -781006
Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, Kolkata - 700120
Reservoir Division of CIFRI, Hessarghata Lake Post, Bangalore - 560008
Riverine Division of CIFRI, 24 Pannalal Road, Allahabad – 211102
E-mail: [email protected]
Received 16.02.09; revised 18.08.09

Fisheries ecology of entire stretch of river Krishna was investigated during 2001-02 along with the status of fish and
fisheries. Documentation of crafts and gears in freshwater sector of India is scanty. This paper is an attempt to record the
fishery related indigenous technological knowledge in terms of fishing crafts and gear used in river Krishna. As many as
6 different types of crafts and 10 different gear were encountered during the monsoon survey of the river. The crafts were
coracle, plank-built boat, palm-canoe, thermocol raft, rubber tube platform and banana stem raft. The gears were gill net,
cast net, drag net, push net (triangular), scoop net, ring net, hook and line, lantern net (light trap), box trap and cradle trap.

Keywords: Fishing craft, Fishing gear, River Krishna

IPC Int Cl8: A01K, A01K 69/00, A01K 71/00, A01K 73/00, A01K 74/00, A01K 75/00, A01K 77/00, A01K 79/00, A01K 80/00,
A01K 83/00

Application of crafts and gear in fishery is a result of Knowledge (ITK) were not well documented in
experiences gained over a long period of time. Every freshwater sector of this major river of South India.
water body has its unique pattern of crafts and gear. Present account is an attempt to document the
There is a well defined pattern and distribution of commonly used crafts and gears in the entire stretch
fishing techniques in the riparian sectors based on the of river Krishna.
topography, ecology and habitat of the resource
available. The saying necessity is the mother of Materials and methods
invention is well reflected in fishing crafts and gear, Fisheries data along with information on fishing
invented by none other than the end users, the fishers. crafts and gear were collected from selected 24 stations
It also gives indication about the economic condition along the entire stretch of river Krishna, from Mahuli
of the fishermen community where they use locally in upstream up to Penumudi, an estuarine fish landing
available less costly materials to make substances of centre of river Krishna in 2001-02 (Fig. 1 & Table 1).
technological delight giving maximum return. Some The stations can be divided into 13 in upstream (above
earlier records of fishing crafts and gears from India1-6 Srisailam reservoir) and 11 in downstream, i.e. below
and abroad7-10 are well deserved to be mentioned. For the reservoir. OAL of crafts and gear were measured
North Indian rivers like the Ganges, some records of and materials and descriptions were recorded from
crafts and gears were in the literature in both each sampling stations.
freshwater and estuarine zone11,12. It was described in
general the different fishing gears employed along the Discussion
West and East coasts of India for the capture of Krishna river is one of the 3 major rivers in
prawns13. Fishing gear and methods of river peninsular India with highest catchment area. It was
Brahmaputra in Assam were nicely surveyed14. In largely impounded by a number of dams and barrages
case of the river Krishna, details about gears used in along its course. The reservoirs formed due to
fishery in its estuarine sector was also documented15. damming were regularly stocked with fingerlings
Unfortunately, these Indigenous Technological specially that of Indian major carps (IMC). So, IMC
___________ occupied a lion's share in the fish catch of the
*Corresponding author reservoirs in the main stream of Krishna. Srisailam

and Nagarjunasagar reservoirs were two such

reservoirs in lower stretch of the river. Other than the
reservoirs, the rest portion of the river harboured a
variety of fishes. Freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium
malcolmsonii was one of the major catch in this part
of the river. Among other fishes, Etroplus suratensis,
Mastacembalus armatus and Notopterus notopterus
contributed major share in the catch. As many as
6 different type of crafts and 10 different gears were
encountered during the monsoon survey of the river.
The crafts were coracle, plank built boat, palm canoe,
thermocol raft, rubber tube platform and banana stem
raft. The gears were gill net, cast net, drag net, push
net (triangular), scoop net, ring net, hook and line,
lantern net (light trap), box trap and cradle trap. Gears
are basically of 2 types - active and passive16. Fishing
with active gears depends on the movement of gears,
whereas passive gears rely on the movements of the
fishes. Both active and passive gears were observed to
be used traditionally to harvest maximum fishes from
the river Krishna. Brief discussion of individual crafts
and gear are given below.

Coracle, a saucer shaped country craft, was one of
the major fishing craft used in fisheries of peninsular
India. Coracles were prepared by wrapping HDPP
sheet over the split bamboo frame with the help of
coal tar as an external covering (Fig. 2). Internal
diameter varied in a range of 2-3 m with inner depth
of around 0.5 m. Apart from being simple and
inexpensive, coracle was durable and had very good
maneuverability in all types of waters. It was also a
versatile craft used for laying and lifting of nets,
besides navigation and transport of fish and other
materials. This modified version of coracle was
cheaper and more durable as the conventional one
was made of costly leather17.
Plank built boat
It is the most common fishing craft used in
different stretches of the river (Fig. 3). Only
non-mechanised boats were observed to be used in
fishing. Length of fishing boats varied in a range of
8-10 m with 1-1.5 m breadth. A detailed account of
fishing boats from Vijayawada was reported18. It is
significant to note that even in large water bodies like
Sriailam or Nagarjunasagar reservoir on the main
stream of Krishna, no motorised craft was observed
Fig. 1Schematic diagram showing locations of sampling stations either for fishing or for fish transport.

Table 1 Crafts and gear recorded in different sampling stations of river Krishna

Craft Gear
Major Minor Major Minor
Mahuli Thermocol raft - Gill net, Hook-line, Cast net -
Kashil Thermocol raft - Gill net, Hook-line, Cast net -
Umbroj Thermocol raft - Gill net (Nagin), Cast net Push net
Karad Boat Coracle Gill net, Drag net Push net
Brahmanal Boat - Cast net, Gill net -
Haripur Boat - Cast net, Gill net, Hook-line, Drag net Push net
Nrisinghavadi Boat - Hook-line, Cast net, Gill net -
Kallol Boat Coracle Cast net, Gill net, Hook-line, Drag net -
Jamakhandi Boat, Coracle Palm-canoe Cast net, Gill net, Hook-line, Drag net -
Galgali Boat, Coracle - Cast net, Gill net, Hook-line, Drag net -
Kudal Sangam Coracle - Gill net -
Shaktinagar Coracle - Gill net, Hook-line -
Bispalli Coracle - Cast net, Gill net -
Lingalagattu Coracle - Gill net, cast net -
Satrasala Coracle - Gill net, cast net, hook - line -
Wadapalli Coracle - Gill net, cast net -
Taduvouy Boat Palm-canoe Gill net, cast net, box-trap, hook - line -
Amaravathy Boat palm-canoe, rubber tube platform Gill net, cast net, box-trap, hook - line -
Thummala-palem Boat palm-canoe, rubber tube platform Gill net, cast net, box-trap, hook - line -
Prakasam barrage Boat palm-canoe, rubber tube platform Gill net, cast net, box-trap, hook - line, Cradle trap
Chowdavaram - - Gill net, Cast net, drag net -
Gajullanka - - Gill net, Cast net, drag net -
Amudharlanka - - Gill net, Cast net, drag net, lantern net -
(light trap)
Penumudi Boat Gill net, Cast net, drag net, push net Scoop net, ring net

Palm-canoe operation. Slices of thermocols were tied with rope to

Among different crafts used, dug out canoes carved make a bundle of length 0.4-0.5 m with a diameter of
out of trunk of palm trees were converted into fishing 0.2-0.3 m. Two such bundles were tied with rope on
crafts. Length of the canoe was around 7-8 m with which fishermen used to sit and go for fishing (Fig. 5).
internal diameter of 0.3 m. The inside tender part of
the old palm tree was carefully removed. About one- Rubber tube platform
fourth of the trunk was longitudinally scooped out In some stretch of the river, the fishermen were
from it to make a place suitable for sitting as well as observed to rely on another kind of improvised
for keeping the catch (Fig. 4). They were observed materials. They showed considerable ingenuity in
from Taduvouy up to Thummalapalem and also in fabricating makeshift rafts out of discarded old rubber
Jamkhandi in upstream. The open end remained little tubes. A wooden platform (~1 sq m in area) was
up from water surface. It was closed with rubber placed over the rubber tube and tied tightly with rope.
sheet. A circular steel girder around the frame in that It was mostly observed from Amaravathy up to
area protected the canoe from split out. Another Prakasam barrage for hook and line operation and
circular wooden frame used to be placed in the middle also setting and hauling of gill nets (Fig. 6).
to avoid collapse of the canoe and also used for siting.
Thermocol raft Gill net
In upper stretch, especially near confluence of Different mesh size was observed in the gill net
Koyna river at Karad, fishermen were observed to use used in river Krishna (Fig. 7). There was no mesh size
an improvised raft made of thermocol for drag net regulation to get rid of juveniles except in

Nagarjunasagar dam where mainly higher size of Circular scoop net (with long handle)
mesh was operated as the catch was observed to be It was observed in fishing in Penumudi, an
consisted of big size major carps. It was mostly estuarine fish-landing centre (Fig. 11). Fishes were
observed in this zone where water level was attracted with light at night and then caught by lifting
comparatively higher. Though it was mostly meant the net. Handle length was ~1.5 m and diameter was
for fishes, large sized prawns (M. malcolmsonii) were ~0.3 m. In daytime, it was also used to catch slow
also observed to be caught frequently. Net with moving fishes. As water was shallow (0.5-1.5 m),
yellow colour dye was better as this faces less tear as fishes were visible from surface and so easily caught
told by fisherman in Thummalapalem. A special type with this net.
of very long gill net of length ~500 m. locally called
Lantern net (light trap)
Nagin was operated at Umbroj. After addition of bait
This cone shaped nets was observed in
made of bread, earth worm, etc. immediately it was
Amudharlanka, a fish landing centre after Prakasam
set in a circular fashion around the bait and again
barrage (Fig. 12). Kerosene gas pressure lamp with
checked by lifting after a very short time interval.
incandescent mantle was used to attract the fishes. As
Cast net soon as fishes came near the base of the light, it was
It was the most commonly observed gear being caught by casting the net on stunned fish as river was
operated throughout the river. The obvious reason shallow (0.5-1.0 m). The rod above (~1.2 m) was used
was that it can be operated single handed. Different as handle to operate it like a dart. Fish was trapped
mesh and pocket size targeted to particular species inside the conical net tied with the hoop (diameter
were also encountered. In Thummalapalem, only 0.3-0.4 m) and caught. Though individual catches per
medium size prawns were observed to make the total operation are small (one or two Etroplus), it takes less
catch of some of the cast net operation (Fig. 8). time and effort. Catch per night is the sum of many
such operations. Trap with similar mechanism was
Drag net reported from Chilka Lake20.
It was comparatively less in use as it required large
man power, plain terrain and relatively low water level. Ring net (without handle)
Below Prakasam barrage, the river has a depth of Ring net without handle was found in Penumudi.
0.5 - 2 m, where frequent dragnet operations were Internal diameter of the net was around 0.3-0.4 m. It
observed. The accompanied picture is from upstream, was used to catch floating slow moving fishes and
near the confluence of Koyna river near Karad (Fig. 9). crabs (Fig. 13).
A detailed account of size, weight and catch
Box trap
structure from gill nets, cast nets and drag nets and also
Among different fishing traps, box trap was one of
of fishing boats from Vijayawada was reported18.
the major gears used in prawn fishery in river
Push net (triangular) Krishna21. Trap fishery works in the principle of
Triangular push net was observed in estuarine allowing the fish to enter the trap and then preventing
stretch of the river having similarity with Singidi vala their escape from the trap. Box trap was a cube
mentioned19. It was made of a triangular bamboo shaped trap made of bamboo sticks knitted with some
frame fitted with a mosquito netting cloth durable creepers (Fig. 14). A bicuspid non-returning
(1/14'' mesh) (Fig. 10). Fishermen operated it first by uni-directional vertical valve along the height of the
pushing the net and then scooping from the water to trap was made to be used as entrance for fishes. The
catch the seeds of tiger prawn, P. monodon. A single sticks used to make this valve were thinner and
fisherman used to go with two such nets. Big one knitted with nylon rope. The trap was kept in vertical
(1.5-2 m arm length) was used to catch prawns and position under the water facing the water current. A
small one (~1 m arm length) was used to cover the float made of thermocol was tied with the trap with
mouth of a floating vessel where the catches were cotton wire to help in locating the position of the trap.
preserved in living condition to be used for stocking. A piece of coconut kept inside the trap was used as
Triangular shape of this small net balanced perfectly bait to lure the prawns. Though mostly prawns were
to keep the vessel erect. It was also observed to be being caught by it, sometimes other fishes like
used in some of the places in upper stretch, e.g. Notopterus or Etroplus were also seen to be trapped.
Umbroj, Karad and Haripur to catch prawns. In general, one prawn was caught in unit effort but

Fig. 2 Coracle, a major fishing craft; Fig. 3 Plank built boat in Thummalapalem; Fig. 4 Palm-canoe in river Krishna
(Inset: Close view); Fig. 5 Thermocol raft used in fishing; Fig. 6 Rubber tube platform–craft for poor fishers; Fig. 7 Gill net–main
fishing gear in river Krishna; Fig. 8 Hook and line; Fig. 9 Dragnet operation in river Krishna; Fig. 10 Scoop net with long handle;
Fig. 11 Push net at Penumudi; Fig. 12 Lantern net (with kerosene pressure lamp); Fig. 13 Ring net and crab catch in Penumudi;
Fig. 14 Box trap to catch prawn; Fig. 15 Cradle trap to catch prized prawn; Fig. 16 Making of cast net

more prawns were also observed in the catch of a trap. or which gear was suitable for which fish. Again to
Similar type of traps and other methods of catching upgrade those ITK with the help of modern
prawns from Orissa were reported22. technological development, detailed study of every
craft and gear is necessary.
Cradle trap It was unfortunate to observe that in some portions
Prakasam barrage near Vijayawada diverts most of of the river especially in Amaravathy, fishermen were
the water of the main stream of river Krishna into the not relying upon gear, instead using short-cut method
irrigation canal. During the month of monsoon inflow, of dynamiting. The less diversity in fish species in
i.e. August-October, water is released through the this area might be the result of dynamiting. Immediate
canal. Due to the creeping behaviour of prawns action is required to stop this method; otherwise, it
(M. malcomsonii) against the current, they try to enter will have deleterious effects on fishery in lower
through the sluice gates. Night is mostly preferred for stretch of river Krishna.
migration due to their nocturnal behaviour of Again in the upper stretches, especially in
migration. Similar observations were reported in Brahmanal, Jamakhandi and Galgali, fisheries were
Godavari23, in Cauvery24 and from Mahanadi and getting severely affected by crocodile population.
6 other rivers in Orissa25. Natural prawn seed Fishermen were compelled to convert their fishing
availability from various river systems in India was craft from coracle to boat. Still, frequent loss of lives
reported26, 27. Cradle type device was suspended from of fishers and also that of gear were common.
top in such a way that the cloth just touches the water
(Fig. 15). Cradles were made of muslin cloth fitted Acknowledgement
with a rectangular bamboo or steel frame with a Authors are grateful to Dr KK Vass, Director,
length of 1 m and breadth of 0.75 m. Fingerling-size CIFRI, Barrackpore for his encouragement in writing
prawn juveniles crept through the frame to avoid this manuscript. Thanks are also due to
severe water current near the gate and take rest inside Dr SV Sharma, Ex-Prof Nagarjuna University, AP
the cradle. Cradles were inspected from time to time and Dr BS Giri, CIFA, Penamalur, Andhra Pradesh
to get a good haul of prawns, especially juveniles and for their help necessary for this study.
then kept in a bag dipped into water for future sale. It
should be mentioned here that prawn fishery from References
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Barrackpore, Kolkata), 2005, 67.
Hook line 2 Behera BK, Misra CK, Samantaray BR & Kohli MPS, A
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