Module 1 - Introduction To Google Cloud Platform
Module 1 - Introduction To Google Cloud Platform
Module 1 - Introduction To Google Cloud Platform
Lak Lakshmanan
Tech Lead, Big Data + ML
Title Safe >
Welcome to the first module of our Big Data Fundamentals course. It provides an
introduction to Google Cloud Platform.
Google Cloud Platform infrastructure
● Compute
● Storage
● Networking
● Security
Big data and ML products
● Google innovation timeline
● Choosing the right approach
What you can do with GCP
Activity: Explore a customer use case
The different data roles in an
In this module, we’ll examine the infrastructure behind Google Cloud Platform -- or
GCP -- which was originally built to power Google’s own applications and is now
available to you.
Google Cloud Platform infrastructure
● Compute
● Storage
● Networking
● Security
Big data and ML products
● Google innovation timeline
● Choosing the right approach
What you can do with GCP
Activity: Explore a customer use case
The different data roles in an
Then we’ll cover the big data and ML products that are built on top of that
infrastructure and when you should choose which products for your solution
Google Cloud Platform infrastructure
● Compute
● Storage
● Networking
● Security
Big data and ML products
● Google innovation timeline
● Choosing the right approach
What you can do with GCP
Activity: Explore a customer use case
The different data roles in an
After that, my favorite part of this course -- learning from other customers who are
using Google Cloud by exploring their use cases and getting inspired to solve those
similar challenges for own teams and projects.
Google Cloud Platform infrastructure
● Compute
● Storage
● Networking
● Security
Big data and ML products
● Google innovation timeline
● Choosing the right approach
What you can do with GCP
Activity: Explore a customer use case
The different data roles in an
You’ll learn where you can look up and reference case studies of Google Cloud
Platform customers by industry and/or product. Then, you will examine their solution
architecture in a short activity.
Google Cloud Platform infrastructure
● Compute
● Storage
● Networking
● Security
Big data and ML products
● Google innovation timeline
● Choosing the right approach
What you can do with GCP
Activity: Explore a customer use case
The different data roles in an
Building the right team structure is critical to solving these big data challenges. We’ll
explore the different types of roles and personas for building a successful big data
team within your organization.
Consider for a second the impact Google Search has on our daily lives with timely
and relevant responses.
Now, think of other Google products—Gmail, Maps, Chrome, YouTube, Android, Play,
Drive, and Photos.
Eight Google products with
Google’s mission one billion users
Each of these products has over 1 billion monthly users. Google had to develop the
infrastructure to ingest, manage, and serve all the data from these applications, and
to do so with a growing user base and data requirements that are constantly evolving.
Actually, there is an 9th Google product that has a billion end-users -- Google Cloud,
except that it’s your users; the end-users served by Google Cloud customers such as
Home Depot and Spotify; Twitter and New York Times; Colgate-Palmolive and
Eight Google products with
Google’s mission one billion users
Let’s look at the building blocks behind Google’s big data infrastructure and how you
can leverage it with Google Cloud.
Big Data and ML Products
There are four fundamental aspects of Google’s core infrastructure and a top layer of
products and services that you’ll interact with most often.
Big Data and ML Products
The base layer that covers all of Google’s applications (and therefore Google Cloud’s,
too) is security.
Big Data and ML Products
On top of that are compute, storage, and networking. These allow you to process,
store, and deliver those business-changing insights, data pipelines, and ML models.
Big Data and ML Products
Finally, while running your big data applications on bare metal virtual machines is
possible, Google has developed the top layer of big data and ML products to abstract
away a lot of the hard work of managing and scaling that infrastructure for you.
Big Data and ML Products
A growing data organization like yours will need lots of compute power to run big data
jobs -- especially as you design for the future to outpace your growth in new users
and data for the next decade.
Fused Video Stabilization on the Pixel smartphone with ML
Data sources:
● Image frames
(stills from video)
● Phone gyroscope
● Lens motion
Let’s start with an example illustrating how Google uses its own compute power.
Google Photos has recently been introducing smart features like this one for
automatic video stabilization, for when the camera is shaky as you see here on the
left. What data sources do you think are needed as inputs to the model?
You need the video data itself, which is essentially lots of individual images called
frames at a timestamp ordering. But we need more contextual data than just the video
itself, right?
Absolutely. We need time series data on the camera’s position and orientation from
the onboard gyroscope and motion on the camera lens.
So … how much video data are we talking about for the Google Photos’ ML model to
compute and stabilize these videos?
A single high-res image represents millions of data points to learn
← 3264px Width →
8 Megapixel resolution
←2448px Height →
data points per image*
If you consider the total number of floating point values representing a single frame of
high-res video, it’s the product of the number of channel layers multiplied by the area
of each layer, which, with modern cameras, can easily be in the millions. An
8-megapixel camera creates images with 8 million pixels each. Multiply that by 3
channel layers, and you get over 23 million data points per image frame. And there
are 30 frames per second of video. You can quickly see how a short video becomes
over a billion data points to feed into the model.
1.2 billion photos and videos are
uploaded to Google Photos every
And from 2018 estimates, roughly 1.2 billion photos and videos are uploaded to the
Google Photos service every day. This is 13+ PB of photo data in total.
For YouTube -- which also has ML models for video stabilization and other models for
automatically transcribing audio -- you’re looking at over 400 hours of video uploaded
every minute. That 60 PB every hour.
Google trains on its infrastructure and deploys to phone hardware
But it’s not just about the size of each video in pixels -- the Google Photos team
needed to develop, train, and serve a high-performing ML model on millions of videos
to ensure the model is accurate. That’s the training dataset for this simple feature.
Just as your laptop hardware may not be powerful enough to process a big data job
for your organization, a phone’s hardware is not powerful enough to train
sophisticated ML models. Google trains its production ML models on its vast network
of data centers and then deploys smaller trained versions of the models to the
hardware on your phone for predictions on new video.
Leverage Google’s AI research with pre-trained AI building blocks
Dialogflow Enterprise
Cloud Vision Cloud Translation
Cloud Video Cloud Natural
Cloud Text-to-Speech
Intelligence Language
Natural Language
Title Safe >
A common theme throughout this course is that when Google makes breakthroughs in
AI research, it continues to invest in new ways to expose these as fully trained models
for everyone. You can therefore leverage Google’s AI research with pre-trained AI
building blocks.
For example, if you’re a company producing movie trailers and quickly want to detect
labels and objects in thousands of trailers to build a movie recommendation system,
you could use the Cloud Video Intelligence API instead of building and training your
own custom model. There are other fully trained models for language and for
conversation, too.
You’ll learn and practice using these AI building blocks later in this course.
“[Google's] ability to build, organize, and
operate a huge network of servers and
fiber-optic cables with an efficiency and
speed that rocks physics on its heels.
That is why Wired said “This is what makes Google Google: its physical network, its
thousands of fiber miles, and those many thousands of servers that, in aggregate,
add up to the mother of all clouds.”
In essence, Google has been doing distributed computing for over 10 years for its
applications and now has made that compute power available to you through Google
WIRED Article:
“If everyone spoke to their
phone for 3 minutes, we’d
exhaust all available
computing resources”
But simply scaling the raw number of servers in Google’s data centers isn’t enough.
Here's an interesting rough calculation by Jeff Dean, who leads Google's AI division.
He realized years ago that if everybody wanted to use voice search on their phones,
and used it for only 3 minutes, we would need to double our computing power.
Will Moore’s Law save us?
Historically, compute problems like this could be addressed through Moore’s Law.
Moore’s Law was a trend in computing hardware that described the rate at which
computing power doubled. For years, computing power was growing so rapidly that
you could simply wait for it to catch up to the size of your problem.
Although computing was growing rapidly even as recently as 8 years ago, in the past
few years, growth has slowed dramatically as manufacturers run up against
fundamental limits. Compute performance has reached a plateau.
Google designed new types of hardware specifically for ML. The Tensor Processing
Unit, or TPU, is an ASIC specifically optimized for ML, and it has more memory and a
faster processor for ML workloads than traditional CPUs or GPUs. Google has been
working on the TPU for several years and has made it available to other businesses
like yours for really big and challenging ML problems.
TPUs enable faster models and more iterations
— Larry Colagiovanni
VP of New Product Development, eBay
One such business is eBay. They use Cloud TPU Pods to deliver faster inferences to
their users by a factor of 10 -- a 10x speed up. The decrease in model training time
has also led to faster model experimentation; ML model training and feature
engineering is one of the most time-consuming parts of any ML project.
eBay’s VP of new product development remarked that the additional memory of the
TPU pods enabled them to improve their turnaround time and iterate faster.
Google saved data center cooling energy by 40%
Improved power usage effectiveness (PUE) by 15%
One last example of compute power at Google, and an inside look at our culture of
thinking 10X, is how our teams used ML to boost Google’s own data center efficiency.
The potential impact for ML was there, considering the number of data centers that
Google has to keep cooled and powered, and we were already collecting streaming
sensor data for our existing monitoring platforms.
Later in the course you’ll see a demo on how you can setup a streaming data
ingestion pipeline for your IoT devices in less than an hour.
Big Data and ML Products
In the demo at the end of the previous section, I copied the ingested and transformed
files out of the compute instance into Cloud Storage. This way, we could stop our
compute instance and retain access to the data.
While we’ve discussed the demand for a great amount of computing power for today’s
big data and ML jobs, we still need a place to store all the data that is generated.
As with my demo, this needs to be separate from the compute instances so that we
can analyze it, transform it, and feed it into our models.
This is one major way that cloud computing differs from desktop computing. Compute
and storage are independent. You don’t want to think of disks attached to the compute
instance as the limit of how much data you can process.
1.2 billion photos and videos are
uploaded to Google Photos every
Recall that Google had to solve this distributed storage problem itself for massive
datasets like Google Photos, YouTube and Gmail.
Getting your data into your solution and transforming it for your purposes should be
your first priority. In the roles and team structure discussions that I will talk about later
in this module, I will talk about the need for data engineers to build data pipelines
before you can build ML models from that data. And when the pipeline is built, the job
is not done.
Once the data is in your system, data engineers have to replicate data, back it up,
scale it, and remove it as needed—all at scale.
Creating a Cloud Storage bucket for your data is easy
UI Cloud
Instead of managing the storage infrastructure yourself, you can use Google Cloud
Storage, which is a durable, global, file system.
Typical big data analytics workloads run in Standard
Storage within a region
Best for data that is A low-cost, highly A very low-cost, highly The lowest-cost,
frequently accessed durable storage durable storage highly durable storage
("hot" data) and/or service for data you service for data you service for data
stored for only brief plan to read or modify plan to read or modify archiving, online
periods of time. on average once per at most once a backup, and disaster
month or less. quarter. recovery.
There are four storage classes for you to choose from based on your data needs.
● Standard Storage
● Nearline Storage
● Coldline Storage, and
● Archive Storage
Regardless of which one you choose, all classes have multi-region, dual-region, and
region location options.
They differ based on access speed and cost. Standard Storage is the fastest, and
Archive Storage is the least expensive.
A good tradeoff, for example, is to use Nearline storage for data you might access
only monthly.
For data analysis workloads, it’s common to use a Standard Storage bucket within a
region for staging your data.
Why do I say “within a region”? That’s because you need the data to be available to
your data processing computing resources, which will often be within a single region.
Co-locating your resources maximizes the performance for data-intensive
computations and can reduce network charges.
Cloud Storage buckets and Compute Engine are examples of Google Cloud
resources. Let’s cover some of the account management logistics that you need in
order to use cloud resources.
Google Cloud Platform
resource hierarchy
BigQuery Cloud Storage Compute Engine BigQuery
dataset bucket instance dataset
Starting from the the most granular objects, you see that resources, like your Cloud
Storage bucket or Compute Engine instance, belong to specific projects.
Bucket names have to be globally unique and GCP assigns you a project id that is
globally unique too.
Google Cloud Platform
resource hierarchy
Dev Test project Production
BigQuery Cloud Storage Compute Engine BigQuery
dataset bucket instance dataset
A project is the base-level organizing entity for creating and using resources and
services and managing billing, APIs, and permissions.
Zones and regions physically organize the GCP resources you use, and projects
logically organize them. Projects can be easily created, managed, deleted, or even
recovered from accidental deletions.
Google Cloud Platform
resource hierarchy
Team A Team B
Product 1 Product 2
Dev Test project Production
BigQuery Cloud Storage Compute Engine BigQuery
dataset bucket instance dataset
Folders are another logical grouping you can have for collections of projects. Having
an organization is required to use folders, and the organization is the root node of the
entire GCP hierarchy.
Google Cloud Platform
resource hierarchy
Team A Team B
Product 1 Product 2
Dev Test project Production
BigQuery Cloud Storage Compute Engine BigQuery
dataset bucket instance dataset
Lastly, while not required, an organization is quite useful because it will allow you
to set policies that apply throughout your enterprise.
Cloud Identity and Access Management, also called IAM or I-A-M, lets you fine-tune
access control to all the GCP resources you use. You define IAM policies that control
user access to resources.
Bucket Bucket
Objects Objects
Data and Data and
metadata metadata
Now that you have a Cloud Storage bucket created, how do you get your data on the
cloud and work with the data once it’s there in the bucket?
In the demo, I used gsutil commands -- specifically we can use “cp” for copy and
specify a target bucket location.
If you spin up a Compute Engine instance, gsutil is already available. On your laptop,
you can download the Google Cloud SDK to get gstuil. gsutil uses a familiar UNIX
command syntax.
Big Data and ML Products
Google has laid thousands of miles of fiber-optic cable that crosses oceans with
repeaters (to amplify optical signals) and, as you can see in this amusing gif, it’s shark
Google’s data centers around the world are interconnected by this private Google
network, which, by some publicly available estimates, carries as much as 40% of the
world’s internet traffic every day. This is the largest network of its kind on Earth, and it
continues to grow.
Google’s data center network speed enables
the separation of compute and storage
One of the themes we will discuss is the separation of compute and storage. You no
longer need to do everything on a single machine or single cluster of machines with
their own dedicated storage.
Why? Well if you have a fast-enough network, you can perform computations on data
located elsewhere, like many distributed servers. Google’s Jupiter network can deliver
enough bandwidth to allow 100,000 machines to communicate with any other
machine in the datacenter at over 10 Gbs.
This full-duplex bandwidth means that locality within the cluster is not important. If
every machine can talk to every other machine at 10 Gbps, racks don’t matter for data
analytics and ML training.
(US, IE, DK)
(US, FR)
Faster 2020
(US, JP, TW)
(PT, NG, ZA)
(HK, US) 2013
(US, JP)
2010 HK-G
(HK, GU)
(CL, US)
Monet 2020
(US, BR)
Google Junior
(Rio, Santos)
(GU, AU)
Cloud Tannat
(BR, UY, AR)
(SG, ID, AU)
Edge point
PoPs and network of presence
Title Safe >
But you need to ingest data, probably from around the world. You need to serve out
the results of your analytics and predictions. This is where edge points of presence
come in.
The network interconnects with the public internet at more than 90 internet exchanges
and more than 100 points of presence worldwide. When an internet user sends traffic
to a Google resource, Google responds to the user's request from an Edge Network
location that will provide the lowest delay or latency. Google’s edge caching network
places content close to end users to minimize latency. Your applications in GCP, like
your machine learning models, can take advantage of this edge network too.
Big Data and ML Products
The last piece of core infrastructure underpinning your data pipelines and ML models
is Google-grade security.
Cloud Security and GCP
Responsibility premises
Access policies
Network security
Audit logging
Access policies
Google Managed
You Manage
Web app security
Network security
Audit logging
But when you move an application to GCP, Google handles many of the lower layers
of security, like the physical security of the hardware and its premises, the encryption
of data on disk, and the integrity of the physical network. Because of its scale, Google
can deliver a higher level of security at these layers than most customers could afford
to on their own.
The upper layers of the security stack, including the securing of data, remain your
responsibility. Google provides tools like Cloud IAM to help you implement the policies
you define at these layers.
Communications to Google Cloud are encrypted in transit
● In-transit encryption
Communications over the Internet to our public cloud services are encrypted in
transit. Google’s network and infrastructure have multiple layers of protection to
defend our customers against denial-of-service attacks.
Stored data is encrypted at rest and distributed
Stored data is automatically encrypted at rest and distributed for availability and
reliability. This helps guard against unauthorized access and service interruptions.
Spotlight: BigQuery granular control over data access
One specific product I’ll highlight here that you’ll see a lot of in this course is
BigQuery, Google Cloud’s petabyte-scale analytics data warehouse. Data in a
BigQuery table is encrypted using a data encryption key. Then, even those
data-encryption keys are encrypted with key-encryption keys for additional security.
This is known as envelope encryption. BigQuery also allows you to provide your own
encryption keys should you wish.
Inside BigQuery, you also can monitor your team’s BigQuery usage and running
queries and proactively limit data at row and column level to specified groups. We’ll
cover BigQuery as a service in greater detail later.
Google Cloud Platform infrastructure
● Compute
● Storage
● Networking
● Security
Big data and ML products
● Google innovation timeline
● Choosing the right approach
What you can do with GCP
Activity: Explore a customer use case
The different data roles in an
One of the interesting things about Google is that historically, we have faced issues
related to large datasets, fast changing data, and varied data -- what is commonly
called Big Data -- earlier than the rest of the world. Having to index the world wide
web will do that … and so, as the internet grew, Google invented new data processing
GFS, or the Google file system, to handle sharding and storing petabytes of data at
scale. GFS is the foundation for Cloud Storage and also what would become
BigQuery managed storage.
One of Google’s next challenges was to figure out how to index the exploding volume
of content on the web. To solve this, in 2004 Google invented a new style of data
processing known as
Google invented new data processing methods as it grew
GFS MapReduce
A year after Google published the white paper describing the MapReduce framework,
Doug Cutting and Mike Cafarella created Apache Hadoop. Hadoop has moved far
beyond its beginnings in web indexing and is now used in many industries for a huge
variety of tasks that all share the common theme of variety, volume, and velocity of
structured and unstructured data.
As Google’s needs grew, we faced the problem of recording and retrieving millions of
streaming user actions with high throughput. That became
Google invented new data processing methods as it grew
An issue with MapReduce is the need for developers to have to write code to manage
lots of infrastructure. They couldn’t just focus on their application logic.
So, in 2008 through 2010, Google started to moved away from MapReduce to
process and query large datasets.
Google invented new data processing methods as it grew
Dremel took a new approach to big data processing. Dremel breaks data into small
chunks called shards and compresses them into a columnar format across distributed
storage. It then uses a query optimizer to farm out tasks between the many shards of
data and the Google data centers full of commodity hardware to process the query in
parallel and deliver the results. The big leap forward was the service auto-manages
data imbalances and communication between workers and autoscales to meet your
query demand.
As you will soon see, Dremel became the query engine behind BigQuery.
Google invented new data processing methods as it grew
Pub/Sub F1
Google continued to innovate to solve its big data and ML challenges and created
Colossus as a next generation distributed data store, Spanner as a planet-scale
relational database,
flume and millwheel for data pipelines, Pub/Sub for messaging, and TensorFlow for
machine learning plus the specialized TPU hardware we saw earlier.
Google Cloud opens up that innovation and
gle infrastructure to you
t Cloud Dataproc Bigtable BigQuery Dataflow Dataflow ML Engine AutoML
atio Storage
The good news for you is Google has opened up these innovations as products and
services for you to leverage as part of the Google Cloud Platform.
You’ll practice working in your labs with these very tools part of this fundamentals
Google Cloud Platform infrastructure
● Compute
● Storage
● Networking
● Security
v data and ML products
● Google innovation timeline
● Choosing the right approach
What you can do with GCP
Activity: Explore a customer use case
The different data roles in an
Choosing which big data and ML products are the right mix for your solution is a
critical skill to learn. Later on in this module you’ll get the opportunity to examine the
architecture of real Google Cloud customers for inspiration.
Google Cloud Platform infrastructure
● Compute
● Storage
● Networking
● Security
Big data and ML products
● Google innovation timeline
● Choosing the right approach
What you can do with GCP
Activity: Explore a customer use case
The different data roles in an
Let’s review the options available to you for compute and storage services so you can
better interpret those use cases later.
GCP offers a range of
The service that might be most familiar to newcomers is Compute Engine, which lets
you run virtual machines on demand in the cloud. It’s Google Cloud’s
Infrastructure-as-a-Service solution. It provides maximum flexibility for people who
prefer to manage server instances themselves.
GCP offers a range of
Compute Google
Engine Kubernetes
Engine (GKE)
App Engine is GCP’s fully managed Platform-as-a-Service framework. That means it’s
a way to run code in the cloud without having to worry about infrastructure. You just
focus on your code, and let Google deal with all the provisioning and resource
management. You can learn a lot more about App Engine in the specialization
“Developing Applications in Google Cloud Platform.”
GCP offers a range of
Typically, AppEngine is used for long-lived web applications that can autoscale from
millions to billions of users. Cloud Functions are used for code that is triggered by an
event such as a new file hitting Cloud Storage.
GCP offers a range of
The fastest way to lift and shift your data workloads is by provisioning a VM and
running your code. You’ll experiment with this later on when you run Spark ML jobs on
Cloud Dataproc, which spins up Compute Engine instances for your cluster.
Build your own database
Most applications need a database of some kind. If you’ve built a cloud application,
you can install and run your own database for it on a virtual machine in Compute
Engine. You simply start up a virtual machine, install your database engine, and set it
up, just like in your data center.
Or use a managed service
Alternatively, you can use Google’s fully managed database and storage services.
What all these -- Bigtable, Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, Spanner, Datastore -- what all
these have in common is that they reduce the work it takes to store all kinds of data.
GCP offers relational and non-relational databases and worldwide object storage. You
will learn more about these later in this course.
GCP offers a range of services
Big data
GCP also offers fully managed big data and machine learning services. Just as with
storage and database services, you could build and implement these services
yourself but why manage the infrastructure for compute and storage yourself when it
can be fully-managed by Google Cloud?.
The suite of big data products on Google Cloud Platform
Cloud Compute Kubernetes Cloud Data Studio
Storage BigQuery Cloud ML
Engine Engine
TPU Dashboards/BI
Cloud Cloud
Cloud Cloud Cloud
Datastore Bigtable
Functions ... App
Pub/Sub Datalab Engine
Here is the complete list of big data and ML products organized by where you would
likely find them in a typical data processing workload.
The suite of big data products on Google Cloud Platform
Cloud Compute Kubernetes Cloud Data Studio
Storage BigQuery Cloud ML
Engine Engine
TPU Dashboards/BI
Cloud Cloud
Cloud Cloud Cloud
Datastore Bigtable
Functions ... App
Pub/Sub Datalab Engine
On the left you’ll see the foundation to where your raw data is stored.
The suite of big data products on Google Cloud Platform
Cloud Compute Kubernetes Cloud Data Studio
Storage BigQuery Cloud ML
Engine Engine
TPU Dashboards/BI
Cloud Cloud
Cloud Cloud Cloud
Datastore Bigtable
Functions ... App
Pub/Sub Datalab Engine
If your data isn’t stored on GCP yet, you can ingest it using the tools you see next.
The suite of big data products on Google Cloud Platform
Cloud Compute Kubernetes Cloud Data Studio
Storage BigQuery Cloud ML
Engine Engine
TPU Dashboards/BI
Cloud Cloud
Cloud Cloud Cloud
Datastore Bigtable
Functions ... App
Pub/Sub Datalab Engine
After your data is stored, you can analyze it using the tools in the third column
The suite of big data products on Google Cloud Platform
Cloud Compute Kubernetes Cloud Data Studio
Storage BigQuery Cloud ML
Engine Engine
TPU Dashboards/BI
Cloud Cloud
Cloud Cloud Cloud
Datastore Bigtable
Functions ... App
Pub/Sub Datalab Engine
and run machine learning on it with the tools in the fourth column.
The suite of big data products on Google Cloud Platform
Cloud Compute Kubernetes Cloud Data Studio
Storage BigQuery Cloud ML
Engine Engine
TPU Dashboards/BI
Cloud Cloud
Cloud Cloud Cloud
Datastore Bigtable
Functions ... App
Pub/Sub Datalab Engine
The last column is how you can serve your insights out to your users.
Google Cloud Platform infrastructure
● Compute
● Storage
● Networking
● Security
Big data and ML products
● Google innovation timeline
● Choosing the right approach
v you can do with GCP
Activity: Explore a customer use case
The different data roles in an
Now it’s time to explore some of the cool big data and ML solutions that teams using
Google Cloud have created. Then, you’ll get a chance to find a use case and explore
it in your activity.
Keller Williams uses AutoML Vision to automatically recognize
common elements of house furnishings and architecture
Keller Williams, a U.S. real estate company, uses AutoML Vision to automatically
recognize specific features of houses like built-in bookcases. This helps agents get
houses listed faster and buyers find houses that meet their needs.
Neil Dholakia, Chief Product Officer says “By training a custom model to recognize
common elements of furnishings and architecture, customers can automatically
search home listing photos for specific features like
Keller Williams uses AutoML Vision to automatically recognize
common elements of house furnishings and architecture
Granite countertops
“Modern” style
Granite countertops
like ‘modern.’”
This application of machine learning quickly allows Keller Williams realtors to record a
video walkthrough of a new home and use the object detection capabilities of AutoML
Vision to find and tag key aspects of the home that customers would want to search
A big benefit for their organization is that they already had many existing images and
videos of home walkthroughs already. They simply fed them into the pre-built AutoML
Vision model and customized it. All without writing a line of code. You’ll learn more
about AutoML Vision and practice creating models with it later in this course. [pause]
Ocado routes emails based on NLP
Improves natural language processing of customer service claims
With their old process, all the mails went to a central mailbox, where the email was
read and then routed to the person or department that could handle it. This can’t
scale, and led to long delays and poor user experience.
So, Ocado used machine learning, specifically the ability to process natural language,
to discover customer sentiment and what each message was about, so they could
route it immediately and automatically.
Kewpie uses ML to sort out the bad potatoes in baby food
Kewpie manufactures baby food. In this case, quality is not necessarily a matter of
safety—because the food itself is safe—but discoloration can concern parents. So
Kewpie turned to Google and our partner Brainpad to build a solution that leverages
image recognition to detect low-quality potato cubes. The ML algorithm enabled them
to free people from the tiring work of inspection and focus on other important work.
Google Cloud Platform infrastructure
● Compute
● Storage
● Networking
● Security
Big data and ML products
● Google innovation timeline
● Choosing the right approach
What you can do with GCP
Activity: Explore a customer use case
The different data roles in an
Now it’s your turn. One of the best ways to inspire and drive your team and projects to
the cloud is to show your stakeholders examples from your industry; examples where
someone has already succeeded with a solution.
Your turn: Analyze real customer big data use cases
1. Navigate to
3. Find an interesting
customer use case.
For our example we chose Go-JEK as they use a data engineering solution that maps
nicely to the topics that we are going to cover as a part of this course.
GO-JEK’s footprint nationwide
Their app has over 77 million downloads, and they are connected with over 150,000
merchants who sell through their delivery platform. And if you’re interested in GIS
data, they have over 1 million drivers delivering goods and giving rides across 50
GO-JEK manages 5 TB+ per day for analysis
“For example, we ping every one of our drivers every 10 seconds, which means 6
million pings per minute and 8 billion pings per day,” Gore says. “If you look at the
scale and number of our customer interactions as well, we generate about 4 TB to 5
TB of data every day. We need to leverage this data to tell our drivers where demand
from customers is strongest and how to get there.”
GO-JEK soon faced data scale and latency challenges
With the success of their on-demand motorcycle ride service, GO-JEK faced the
challenges when looking to scale their existing big data platform. Their management
team stated, “most of the reports are produced one day later so we couldn’t identify
the problems as soon as possible”
GO-JEK migrated their data pipelines to GCP
GO-JEK chose Google Cloud Platform and migrated their data pipelines to GCP for
high performance with minimal day-to-day maintenance.
Their data engineering team uses Cloud Dataflow for streaming data processing and
Google BigQuery for real-time business insights.
GO-JEK architecture review
First, they ingest data from their mobile app, online, and IoT devices on vehicles (like
GPS tracking for deliveries) into Cloud Pub/Sub. Then the data is brought into Cloud
Dataflow for processing from Pub/Sub and a variety of other data sources to enrich
the event data. Finally, after processing, the data is streamed into BigQuery as a data
Business question
I want to know which locations have mismatched levels of supply and demand in real
Checking demand (bookings made by customer) and supply (online drivers) in real time.
Knowing who these particular drivers are based on real-time data aggregation.
The question was how could they quickly know which locations had too many or too
few drivers to meet the demand of that area.
Current workers
Map Drive location to...
16,258 element/s Target Workers
3 sec
How they achieved this was by building a streaming event data pipeline using Cloud
Dataflow. Driver locations would ping out to pub/sub every 30 seconds and into
Dataflow for processing. The pipeline then aggregates the supply pings from the
drivers against the requests for bookings and connects to Go-JEKs notification
system to alert drivers.
The Go-Jek team is then able to visualize and highlight supply/demand mismatch
areas for management reporting as you see in this example here. The green dots
represent riders and new booking requests and the red dots are the drivers. You see
the areas with the highest mismatches of supply and demand highlighted in red here
like the train station which has many booking requests but few drivers.
The team can now actively monitor and ensure that they are sending drivers to the
areas in highest demand which means faster booking times for riders and more fares
for the drivers.
Google Cloud Platform infrastructure
● Compute
● Storage
● Networking
● Security
Big data and ML products
● Google innovation timeline
● Choosing the right approach
What you can do with GCP
Activity: Explore a customer use case
The different data roles in an
So far you’ve seen the infrastructure, the software, and the customers who are
already using GCP. But the most critical factor to the success of your future big data
and ML projects is your team itself. The people and the core skillsets required will
make or break your next innovation.
The size of your organization often determines role overlap
As I have written in a blog post on the subject -- it’s linked below -- a single person
might have a combination of these roles, depending on the size of your organization.
Your team size is one of the biggest drivers in whether you should hire for a specific
skillset, upskill from within, or combine the two. [pause]
Big Data Challenges
Migrating existing
Analyzing large
data workloads
datasets at scale
(ex: Hadoop, Spark jobs)
Do you remember these big data challenges? Can you see how the roles would map
to these?
Personas are representations of people and roles
Within Google Cloud training, my team and I have thought about the different types of
data science teams and roles that are using Google Cloud so that we can best tailor
our data and ML courses and labs. One of the core challenges we face is how
different types of users engage with our GCP big data and AI products.
We’ll be using a few personas in this course, and their backgrounds, goals, and
challenges might be similar to yours. Let’s meet them now, and you’ll see them again
“Our CTO has
challenged our data
engineering team to
find ways we can
spend less on
managing our
on-prem cluster.
Brittany and Theo lead their data engineering team in managing their Hadoop cluster
for the organization’s data pipelines and compute jobs. Their organization was an
early adopter of Hadoop for distributed computing back in 2007, and they actively
ensure that the compute jobs are run and the cluster is well-maintained.
They say “Our CTO has challenged our data engineering team to find ways we can
spend less on managing our on-prem cluster. Right now, we just want to show her
options that don’t require any code changes to our 100+ Hadoop jobs.”
Brittany and Theo are data engineers who manage their company’s data platform.
“I’ve been asked
to find a way to
ingest and query
my 5 TB of
company data for
fast insights… and
I don’t have time
to manage
Jacob is a Data Analyst who has a background in building and querying his
company’s mySQL transactional and reporting database. As the company grows, the
reporting tables in his RDBMS are already starting to slow down, and users are
reporting long query and dashboard loading times. He wants to find an easy path for
scaling his company’s data reporting and not have to manage another data system as
it grows.
Jacob is a data analyst who wants to be able to derive insights from data and
disseminate them with as little friction as possible.
“I really want to
design our data
pipelines for the
future. For us that
means lots and lots of
streaming data from
our IoT devices with
low latency.”
She says “I really want to design our data pipelines for the future. For us that means
lots and lots of streaming data from our IoT devices with low latency.”
Her team lead has asked her to come up with a plan to handle the expected 10X
growth in streaming data volumes this year. She wants to future-proof her team’s
pipelines but doesn’t want to spend hours manually scaling hardware up and down as
streaming volume changes. Additionally, her business stakeholder team wants
insights from all the IoT devices in the field on their dashboards with minimal delay.
“I pitched my team on the
value ML can add, and I’ve got
buy-in for a prototype.
ML Engineer - Vishal
Vishal says “I pitched my team on the value ML can add, and I’ve got buy-in for a
prototype. What are some of the easiest ways I can see whether ML is feasible for my
Do these personas sound familiar to your role and your team? Next, we’ll learn more
about the Google Cloud Platform big data and machine learning approaches and
solutions so that we can address each of these challenges.