Mother Teresa Mission Higher Secondary School: Class-VIII Subject-Wise Project Worksheet

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Mother Teresa Mission Higher Secondary School

Class- VIII
Subject-wise project Worksheet

Physics project (10 marks)

Draw a chart depicting 'Change of state diagram' graphically also mention the
observations drawn from each stage.


Prepare a file Explaining interconversion of different states of matter, namely,

Fusion, Freezing, Boiling, Evaporation, condensation, sublimation and deposition,

using examples from day-to-day life experiences.

The last date of submission of project is June 25,2021.

Chemistry Project (10 MARKS)

1. Write the electronic configuration & Draw the atomic structure of following elements on chart .

Maths Project (10 MARKS)

Make a file and write all the formulas of exponents and power and solve two
questions for each formula.

The last date of submission of project is June 25,2021.

English Literature Project (10 Marks)

Read the story *THE RED HEADED LEAGUE* from your English story book. Write
about the author, summary of the story and any two character sketches.

Use project sheets and transparent file. Paste relevant pictures and project should be
of not more than 06 pages.

Project will be marked on the basis of content and presentation.

Mother Teresa Mission Higher Secondary School

Class- VIII
Subject-wise project Worksheet

The last date of submission of project is June 25, 2021.

Computer Project (10 Marks)

Describe the various kind of network topologies using a chart paper

History Project (10 Marks)

.Will be given separately

Geography Project (10 Marks)

.Will be given separately

हिं दी परियोजना कार्य (10 Marks)

'वृ द्धजनों के प्रति परिवार का कर्तव्य' पर 200 शब्दों का ले ख लिखिए


*'समाज में आधु निक नारी की भूमिका' पर ले ख लिखिए

English Language project (10 marks)


Write a story of your life, describe important people around you and important
events that have happened in your life so far. Also, write down your hobbies,
interests and ambitions.

*The above project shall be written on interleaf pages and put into a file.

The length of your autobiography must be 400 words.

Biology Project (10 Marks)

Prepare a project on the given topic : - (ensure that your project should cover each
point enlisted below)


- Meaning and components of an ecosystem.

Mother Teresa Mission Higher Secondary School

Class- VIII
Subject-wise project Worksheet

- Types of ecosystems (natural and man-made).

- Explanation of food chain, food web, trophic level.

- Explanation of the terms producers, consumers and decomposers with examples.

- Atleast two examples to show the interdependence of biotic and abiotic


Important points to be followed

* Use only blue and black gel pen.

* Draw neat and clean diagrams or paste pictures according to the contents.

* Writing should be neat and clean .

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