A History of The Gypsies of Eastern Europe and Russia (PDFDrive)
A History of The Gypsies of Eastern Europe and Russia (PDFDrive)
A History of The Gypsies of Eastern Europe and Russia (PDFDrive)
Roots, History, and Aftennath
The Untold Account of His Life, Wartime Activities, and the
True Story Behind the List
St. Martin's Griffin
New York
To Rebecca and John
Second edition copyright © 2007 by David M. Crowe.
First edition copyright © 1994, 1996 by David M. Crowe.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any
manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief
quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
First ST. MARTIN'S PRESS hardcover edition: 1994
Frist ST. MARTIN'S PRESS paperback edition: 1996
First PALGRAVE MACMILLAN paperback edition:April2007
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ISBN 978-1-4039-8009-0 ISBN 978-1-137-10596-7 (eBook)
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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
l. Bul\laria 1
2. Czechoslovallia 31
3. Hun\lary 69
4. Romania 107
5. Russia 151
6. YU\loslavia 195
7. The History of the Roma In Eastern Europe
and Russia since 1994 235
8. Conclusion 293
Notes 299
BiblioSJraphy 363
Index 385
Earlier this year, Alessandra Bastagli, my editor at Palgrave Macmillan,
approached me about the prospect of doing a second edition of the current
book. Given its ongoing success and the fact that it has already been translated
into Japanese and Russian, I thought it was time to update it, particularly in
light of the dramatic changes that have swept Eastern Europe and Russia since
the first edition came out in 1994. Fortunately, I have remained very active in
the field of Roma studies and felt comfortable tackling this new project. There
are, I suppose, many ways to approach a new edition of a book. Generally
speaking, I felt, based on my work with Roma scholars in Europe and North
America, that the original edition had stood the test oftime well. Consequently,
I decided to focus my energies on a new chapter that would address the many
changes that have taken place in the region since the mid-1990s. Though I have
been quite involved, both as a scholar and a bit of an activist, on Roma issues
in Europe and North America during that period, I was not prepared for the dis-
mal conditions I found there. In most instances, as the reader will see in the
final chapter, most Roma are worse off today than they were in the mid-1990s
and few have benefitted from the more positive societal changes in the region.
One of those changes deals with the new countries that have emerged,
particularly in the former Yugoslavia. One of the challenges I faced in writing
the new post-1994 chapter was how to deal with the new states in the region
or the ones that I did not cover in the first edition. I finally decided to approach
this chapter in the same way I did the earlier edition-nation by nation. The
result is that the new chapter deals with the Roma in fifteen countries-
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic and
Slovakia, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia and
Montenegro, and Ukraine. Though a discussion of the history of the Roma
in most of these countries was included within the broader context of the orig-
inal six countries covered in the first edition, I did add a little more historical
background to my sections on Albania and Kosovo.
I have to admit that I approach my work on the Roma with love and
commitment. It is rare that a scholar can contribute in even the most modest
way to societal change, and I would like to think that my two decades of work
in this field has in some way helped change ideas and policies about the Roma.
I hope this new edition will further our knowledge about the plight ofthe Roma
in Eastern Europe and Russia and in turn stimulate others to reach out to this
I would like to thank my wife, Kathryn, for her loving support of my work.
The Associate Director of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro's
Walter Clinton Jackson Library, she has not only encouraged and supported my
work, she has, at times, also enjoyed time together with our Roma friends in
Europe. She has also helped me locate some of the rather obscure resources
I have used in this and others works on the Roma. This edition, like the first, is
dedicated to my children, Rebecca and John. I also hope that in some small way
it will also stimulate my four grandchildren, Sarah, Reeves, Ivy, and Courtney,
to do what they can to create a more loving, peaceful, caring world.
David M. Crowe
Greensboro, North Carolina
October 31, 2006
Much has changed for the Gypsies of Eastern Europe and Russia and much has
also remained the same since David Crowe published the first edition of this
book in 1994. This new edition may therefore be welcomed as offering readers
an update on the Gypsy condition over the long last decade as well as allowing
them to measure recent developments against the historical past so well cov-
ered in the book.
The first and most striking change in scholarship and public discourse over
the last decade has been the widespread abandonment of the term "Gypsy" in
favor of the name "Roma." David Crowe has kept the original title of his
book for bibliographical continuity and perhaps also because "Gypsy"
remains the most familiar designation of the people with whom we are con-
cerned. The newly popular plural eponym "Roma" borrows from the self-
ascriptive singular term, "Rom," meaning originally a married Gypsy man. 1
The adjective "Romani," referring to the language known by its speakers as
"Romanes" and now spoken or once spoken by a widely dispersed population,
covers the broadest spectrum and it is also sometimes used as a noun. One
encounters the variant "Romany" with the plural "Romanies," but also
"Romanichels," the latter referring usually to these same people living in the
English-speaking world.
The name "Roma" is a preferable alternative to "Gypsy" since the latter is
considered derogatory and also historically misconceived as it suggests etymo-
logically that "Egypt" is the ancestral home of the Roma. 2 Although the pre-
vailing thesis of the Indian origins of the Roma has been nuanced by scholars
who maintain that Romani speech and ethnic identity only emerged after the
populations concerned had left India, the idea of an Egyptian origin is fantasy. 3
Even as "Roma" is fast becoming the recognized name for all people earlier
referred to as Gypsies, it may still be misleading since it covers some who do
not consider themselves Roma (though they would acknowledge themselves as
Romani/y people) and have their own very specific ethnonyms, such as the
Sinti of Germany or the Manush of France, or those whose relationship to
the Roma properly speaking is under investigation, such as the Domaris of the
Middle East, or the Lorn once associated with Armenia. Ironically, therefore,
"Roma," invoked to replace the exonym "Gypsy," itself still serves as an
exonym referring to a variety of groups.
Broadly speaking, the basis for identifying a given group as Roma is
linguistic since the designation is supposed to encompass all those who speak
Romanes or a variant thereof, as well as those who once spoke it or are thought
to have spoken it but no longer do, such as the Spanish Gitanos. To underline
the complexity of accurate and acceptable nomenclature, let us note as an
example that some Hungarian Roma subscribe to the usually pejorative terms
"Cigans" or "Ciganyok," presumably to underscore their distinctiveness
from purported kin outside Hungary.4 These Ciganyok, by the way, often speak
only Hungarian. One may speculate as to whether the term Gypsy will ever
make it back into politically correct vocabulary, as once banned terms such as
"Black" or "Negro" are being resuscitated by some of their designees as a
matter of pride.
In the search for a proper designation of the people with whom we are
concerned here, a novel and credible variant is the double-r "Rroma."s
Linguistically more accurate than the single-r, the term "Rroma" has been
picked up recently in Romania, though it is not clear on whose initiative, as a
demarcater between the majority Romanian population and the Roma/Rroma
community. Though scholars may gravitate towards "Rroma," it is unlikely that
political discourse and public opinion could countenance yet another change of
name so soon after having been weaned away from "Gypsy" to "Roma."
Finally, let us note that within the broad category of Roma/Rroma themselves
or its sub-groups, often the most meaningful eponyms are those originating in
specific trade-defined groups, such as Romanian Rudari or miners or
Bulgarian Ursari or bear trainers.
Names may change but the Roma's historical condition remains that of
victims of discrimination, as David Crowe has shown in the historical part of
his book as well as in the update. This is indeed a constant but it may be argued
that the condition of the Roma has actually worsened during the period of post-
communism transition. 6 This is the message that one draws from David
Crowe's description of the appalling material conditions of the Roma or of
attitudes and policies towards Roma, including in the Czech Republic where
one might have expected better from the land ofVaclav Havel. This deteriora-
tion can be partly explained in structural terms not directly related to the Roma
situation. The transition has inflicted traumatic shocks on state institutions
whose crash has left gaping lacunae, particularly in the social safety net.
The totalitarian or quasi-totalitarian state with its heavy handed and paternalis-
tic Communist era regulation has given way to the vacuum of the weak or
inadequate state. 7
The fall of communism has created new social and economic structures and
norms that bypass the Roma altogether. There is no room for traditional
Roma roles and ethos within a system that rests upon a logic of market prof-
itability, capitalist efficiency and technological modernity. Beyond ever acuter
marginalization, the only social role that appears left to the Roma is that of
scapegoats for some of the miseries of transition; in this respect, Roma are
picking up a position previously occupied by other minorities, such as the
Jews, in the process of modernization. 8 The fact that post-communist civil
society has evolved in the direction of corruption, mafioso networks and law-
lessness-the sorts of ills conventionally imputed to Roma-suggests that
Roma stereotypes convey a troubling alter-image of these societies' own self-
perceptions and orientations.
Roma have lost whatever social entitlements they possessed in the communist
era-cheap food, unattractive employment, indifferent health care; wretched
but standardized housing and schooling-and they have not gained economic
opportunities or greater consideration on the part oftheir own societies. Roma
have, however, benefited from the rise of a new sensibility and a new activism
originating outside the post-communist area. Indeed, concern for the plight of
the Roma is becoming a measure of commitment to European values, in some
ways comparable to Europe's post-Holocaust commitment to vigilance against
anti-semitism. A growing number of non-governmental organizations, mostly
in Western Europe and America, backed by international organizations as well
as anxious governments, have focused upon the Roma's conditions of life and
the discrimination they are suffering. The result has been the launching of
numerous initiatives dedicated to improving the lot of the Roma. Among the
most significant programs is the Decade of Roma Inclusion, a multilateral plan
of Roma development elaborated by the World Banle, Soros' Open Society
Institute and other international and European funding sponsors in cooperation
with some post-communist states. 9 Among the highest profile institutions is
the European Roma Rights Center in Budapest, also Soros sponsored, that con-
centrates on legal advocacy and what it calls strategic litigation. Io
The approach to Roma issues generated by this new sensibility is therefore
two-pronged, consisting of both developmental or socio-economic integration
schemes and human or minority rights promotion. Each approach poses different
problems. Development schemes are vitiated by the fact that the post-communist
states, after having taken a decade or more to return to their pre-transition level
of output and of living standards, are being subjected to new policies of aus-
terity. To their credit, Roma development programs have not relied on a general
rise in economic indicators at the national level to better the condition of the
Roma. It is, however, a particular challenge to improve this condition within a
general context of retrenchment. Moreover, the nature of the integration sought
is not clearly defined. As for the strategy of rights promotion, it relies on
an American-inspired paradigm from the civil rights era. This is an approach
that judicializes issues, taking advantage of national and international
perceived implications of this situation for the social stability and prosperity of
the EU as a whole. During the period of candidacy, the European Union evalu-
ated (and in the case of those countries that remain in the waiting line, still
evaluates) the readiness of Central and East European countries for member-
ship in terms of respect for minority rights; treatment of Roma stands foremost
among such benchmarks. In this field as in others, "conditionality" has been
Brussels' most important trans formative instrument. With accession, this
instrument disappears and one can only speculate about the effectiveness of
alternative instruments, such as the targeting of structural and regional devel-
opment funds and other redistribution policies. It is probably not unduly
pessimistic to predict that the post-communist member states of the EU will be
less responsive to pressure on behalf of their Roma populations that they were
as EU candidate states.
It is an irreversible fact, however, that the Roma have acquired a robust
organizational presence on the European and international level. 12 This is the
case in spite of sometimes intense competition among Roma organizations
representing various groups and interests, such as the International Romani
Union and the Roma National Congress. The significant novelty today is that
Roma from the "old" and the "new" Europe are participating and combining
their strengths. Whatever the tensions and dissonance this engenders within the
Roma movement, the result is the emergence of a trans-national Roma elite
committed to its community.13 As David Crowe points out, though Roma
parties have not done well in national politics and Roma politicians are subject
to criticism within their own community, Roma now sit in the European
Parliament, as national MEPs-from mainstream parties, to be sure, but also as
Roma activists.
The situation of the Roma throughout the post-communist area has enough
similarities to warrant generalization but among the many merits of David
Crowe's book, both in its original and in its revised edition, is its attention to the
particular historical and contemporary circumstances of Roma in each of the
countries concerned. As one follows these accounts, one is prompted to inquire
to what extent the often cited distinction between a post-Habsburg and a post-
Ottoman Eastern Europe is relevant to the situation of the Roma. Perhaps
paradoxically, one is led to suggest on the basis of the information here that
Roma may be more marginalized in the more modern post-Habsburg countries
than they are in the less modern post-Ottoman states. This situation is partly
due to historical circumstances; for instance, most Roma in the Czech Republic
originate from Slovakia, now a foreign country, the native Roma of Bohemia
and Moravia having perished in the Porajmos or Gypsy Holocaust. In contrast,
I. Ian Hancock, "A note on names," in We are the Romani people/Ame sam e Rromane
diene, N.P.: Centre de recherches tsiganeslUniversity of Hertfordshire Press, 2002,
p. xix.
2. David Crowe discusses in this book the myth of an Egyptian origin for the GypsieslRoma
which turns up at different times and places. A variant to this myth is reference to "Little
Egypt," situated either on the Adriatic Coast or in the Eastern Mediterranean, where the
presence of Gypsies/Roma was noted. In a particular twist to this story of mistaken ori-
gins, some GypsieslRoma in Macedonia and Kosovo have enthusiastically adopted the
name "Egyptians" to distinguish themselves from their kinfolk. See Ger Duijzings, "The
Making of Egyptians in Kosovo and Macedonia," in Cora Covers and Hans Vermeulen,
editors, The Politics of Ethnic Consciousness, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997,
pp. 194-222.
3. The battle between the Indianists and their critics, and even within each of the camps, is
raging. Though founded in linguistics, the divergences are highly political. For a recent
assessment see Yaron Matras, "The Role of Language in Mystifying and Demystifying
Gypsy Identity," in The Role of the Romanies: Images and Counter-Images of 'Gypsies '/
Romanies in European Cultures, edited by Nicholas Saul and Susan Tebbutt, Liverpool
Up, 2004, pp. 53-78.
4. Note, for example, the political party that calls itself the Democratic Alliance of
Hungarian Gypsies or Magyartorszagi Ciganyok Demokratikus Szovetse.
5. Let us note the recent monumental work by Lev Tcherenkov and Stephane Laederich, The
Rroma: Otherwise known as Gypsies, Gitanos, rveptoi, Tsiganes, Tigani, r;infnw, Zigeuner,
Bohemiens, Travellers, Fahrende, etc. vol. I: History, Language, and Groups; vol. 2:
Traditions and Texts. Basel: Schwabe, 2004. The back cover of the book lists no fewer than
sixty-four ethnonyms (other than those in the title).
6. International economic institutions focussing on Europe, such as the UN Economic
Commission for Europe (ECE) or the European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (EBRD), have been less involved in monitoring the Roma condition (per-
haps because of an implicit state-level orientation of analysis) than has the World Bank
that has produced several influential reports, both acclaimed and criticized by Roma
activists. Dena Ringold, Roma and the Transition in Central and Eastern Europe: Trends
and Challenges. Washington, D.c.: The World Bank, 2000; Ama Revenga, Dena
Ringold, William Martin Tracy, Poverty and Ethnicity: A Cross-CountlY Study of Roma
Poverty in Central Europe, World Bank Technical Paper no. 531, Washington, D.C.:
World Bank, 2002; Dena Ringold, Mitchell A. Orenstein, and Erika Wilkens, Roma in an
Expanding Europe: Breaking the Poverty Cycle, Washington, D.c.: World Bank, 2005
(also on the World Bank website, web. worldbank.org as are other relevant publications).
For contrasting assessments of this last publication see reviews by Ian Hancock, SAIS
Review ofInternational Affairs, Summer/Fa1l2005, pp. 1-6, and Michael Stewart, Slavic
Review vol. 65 nr. 3 (Fall 2006) pp. 571-573.
7. For critical views of the transition see Branko Milanovic, Income. Inequality and Poverty
during the TransitionJi'om Planned to Market Economy. Washington, D.C.: World Bank,
1998 and 1. Szelenyi and R. Emigh (eds.) Poverty. Ethnicity and Gender in Eastern
Europe during the Market Transition, Westport: Greenwood Press, 2000.
8. Among the first to draw attention to this phenomenon was Katherine Verdery, "Comment:
Hobsbawn in the East," Anthropology Today vol. 8, nr. I (February 1992) pp. 8-10.
9. www.romadecade.org. The program runs from 2005 to 2015. It was spurred by the
World Bank study cited above, Roma in an Expanding Europe: Breaking the Poverty
10. www.errc.org. The Center has been active since 1996. The Open Society Justice
Initiative, ,j/Ww.justiceinitiative.org, is also heavily involved in Roma legal advocacy.
II. Romani Politics Present and Future. Poiana Brasov. Romania. May 12-14, 2005. N. P
[Princeton, N.J.] Project on Ethnic Relations, 2006. This is the published summary of
unattributed remarks from a meeting held under the auspices of the Project on Ethnic
Relations with a number of Roma activists.
12. See Ilona Klimova-Alexander, The Romani Voice in World Politics: The United Nations
and Non-State Actors, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005 and Peter Vermeersch, The Romani
Movement: Minority Politics and Ethnic Mobilization in Contemporary Central Europe,
New York: Berghahn, 2006.
l3. On this process and its tensions see Katrin Simhandl, "'Western Gypsies and
Trevellers'-'Eastern Roma': The Creation of Political Objects by the Institutions of the
European Union," Nations and Nationalism vol. 12 nr. I (2006) pp. 97-115.
I· N ·T· R·O· D· U ·C·T· I ·0· N
The Gypsies, or Roma, entered Eastern Europe and parts of the former Russian
Empire and the Soviet Union during the Middle Ages from northern India.
There are some legends, though, that place Gypsies in Central Asia as early
as the fifth century A.D., while some Macedonian Roma folk legends trace
their roots back to Alexander the Great in the fourth century B.C. A number
of specialists note references to Gypsies in Eastern Europe as early as the
eleventh century, though it is not until the following century that substantiated
historical documents underscore a Roma presence in the region.
The most detailed allusions to Gypsies during this period come from the
Republic of Ragusa, now the Croatian city of Dubrovnik, and from Hungarian
Slovak records. Ragusan files suggest a rich Gypsy life in the republic, while
the Book of Executions of the Lords of Rozmberk, from Ruzomberok, in
Slovakia, has the first mention of Roma in purely Hungarian accounts. Over
the next quarter of a century, official Hungarian records note a growing move-
ment of Roma through Central Europe. Moldavian-Wallachian documents
from this era center around transactions involving Gypsy slaves, or robi,
though most Gypsies in Eastern Europe at this time were free and worked as
skilled metal craftsmen, musicians, and soldiers. Gypsy smiths and soldiers
were an integral part of the military forces in Hungary and Slovakia during this
period, while Lithuanian officials saw them as useful citizens. However,
with the growing threat of Turkey during this period in the region, and the
upheavals brought about by the Protestant Reformation in the sixteenth cen-
tury, attitudes toward Gypsies began to change.
The Ottoman move into the Balkans and parts of Central Europe was grad-
ual, though the Turkish defeat of the Hungarians at Mobacs in 1526 seemed
to be something of a watershed in terms of public attitudes towards the Roma
in Hungary and Slovakia. In 1541-1542, three separate kingdoms emerged in
the former Hungarian empire. Royal Hungary, centered in Slovakia, was
under Hungarian control, while two new provinces in central Hungary and
Transylvania emerged under Ottoman control. In Royal Hungary, Gypsies
were increasingly seen as spies and something of a Turkish fifth column,
which caused them to be increasingly subjected to restrictions on their lifestyle
and trade. Though still valued for their smithing skills, particularly by the mil-
itary, these efforts to regulate the Roma eventually forced them to adopt a
nomadic way of life. In Bulgaria, which had come under Ottoman control
somewhat earlier, the Turks relegated Gypsies to the lowest social ranking, and
particularly evident in the second half of the nineteenth century as more and
more demographic evidence underscored the sad plight of Eastern Europe and
Russia's large, diverse Roma communities. Yet the political upheavals that
swept the region during this period and through the end of World War I offered
some hope that the plight of the Roma would improve once democracy took
hold in the new nations and political systems of Eastern Europe and Russia.
Initially, this seemed to be the case. The 1920s saw something of a Gypsy
renaissance take root in Eastern Europe and Russia as Roma intellectuals
struggled to carve out a niche for the Gypsies in the new nations. Though their
efforts to create organizations and publish works in Romany were admirable,
they were crippled by inexperience and lack of financial support as well as
centuries-old prejudice and indifference. The most remarkable, lasting gains
for Roma came in the new Soviet Russian state. Seen as a means of integrat-
ing the Roma more fully into the fabric of Soviet society, the government
encouraged Roma publications and in 1931 helped open the Moscow Theatre
"Romen". Though the Kremlin ended most of these efforts over the next few
years, the activities of the Theatre "Romen" remained a unique cultural bea-
con for Russia's Gypsies in the dark years ahead.
Whatever the Roma of Eastern Europe and Russia had suffered earlier,
nothing prepared them for the horrors of the Porajmos or Gypsy holocaust
between 1933 and 1945. The driving force behind this tragedy was Adolph
Hitler and his Nazi henchmen both within and outside of the Third Reich.
Soon, most of the countries of Eastern Europe found themselves enveloped by
that peculiar fascist-Nazi paranoia that became so much a part ofthe region's
landscape during this period. As the Nazi threat of war loomed larger on the
horizon in the late 1930s, most of the countries of Eastern Europe found that
unless they wanted to suffer the fate of Czechoslovakia, which was carved up
out of existence in a six month period in 1938-1939, or Yugoslavia, which suf-
fered the same fate two years later, they had to enter the Nazi camp as allies.
Once war came in the fall of 1939, pressure was gradually brought to bear on
each nation in Eastern Europe not under direct German control to implement
growingly harsh policies against the Gypsies. While initial efforts centered
around registration and restrictions on nomadism, the German assault on the
Soviet Union in the summer of 1941 brought new efforts that paralleled the
Nazi Final Solution for the Jews. By 1942, racial laws similar to those in the
Third Reich were in place throughout Eastern Europe, and genocidal policies
of mass murder were underway. The success of these efforts, however, var-
ied from country to country. In Bulgaria, which also controlled Macedonia,
Gypsies and Jews were protected by the government of King Boris ill and thus
suffered few losses. Roma in Hungary and the rump state of Slovakia were
spared from the worst genocidal indignities until Germany occupied both
countries in 1944. The Roma in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia,
Romania, the Independent State of Croatia, and the Soviet Union suffered hor-
rifying losses, while Gypsy deaths in Serbia were moderately high.
Any dreams of postwar healing were dashed by the gradual Soviet takeover
of Eastern Europe in the immediate years after the end of World War II.
Initially, some of the region's new communist rulers offered some hope that
they would be sensitive to Gypsy mistreatment. Something of a mild, short-
lived Roma cultural-political renaissance took hold in Yugoslavia, Romania,
and Bulgaria, but was quickly replaced by Stalinistic attitudes that discouraged
strong ethnic identity and sentiments. Yet it would be too simplistic to con-
clude that Eastern Europe now mimicked the Kremlin's ethnic policies
towards the Roma, though there is no doubt that after the death of Stalin in
1953, and the rise of Nikita Khrushchev, there developed a certain commu-
nity of feeling about Gypsies throughout the communist bloc.
What emerged during this period was a collective, growing sense of deep
concern about the ongoing, independent lifestyle of some nomadic Rom, cou-
pled with the appallingly low social, economic, and educational status of the
Gypsies. While leaders throughout Eastern Europe put the blame for the
Roma's plight on pre-communist governments, the fact remained that the
growing number of Gypsies in each country remained a problem that tested
each nation's commitment to bring the fruits of socialist transformation to all
segments of society. Initial efforts in the 1950s to try to force settlement as a
vehicle for Gypsy assimilation failed, and by the 1960s, attempts were under-
taken throughout Eastern Europe to address the Roma's serious problems by
improved housing and educational programs. Unfortunately, efforts to provide
a quickfix for centuries-old dilemmas proved futile, particularly in the face of
ongoing resentment and prejudice toward the Roma. Yet there were remark-
able, though sometimes flawed, achievements during this period that at least
marked a starting point for the complex process of socioeconomic assimila-
tion of the Gypsies. Unfortunately, these efforts paid little regard to the rich
traditions of the Roma and were undertaken in a manner that created more ill
feeling toward the Gypsies.
These virulent sentiments exploded as the communist regimes of Eastern
Europe and the Soviet Union collapsed between 1989 and 1991. Gypsies
were now viewed as the symbol of all gone awry in the new democracies of
Eastern Europe, and, to a lesser degree in Russia. These feelings were com-
pounded by decade-old fears of Gypsy population growth rates, which far out-
paced national averages. Furthermore, crime, long an insignificant concern,
was viewed as a threatening social problem that centered around Gypsies. Yet
the new democracies in Eastern Europe and Russia have offered the Gypsies
more than just renewed heartache. A new Roma awakening has emerged that
has seen a flurry of political, social, and cultural organizations develop that
offer the Gypsies new choices for the first time in the history of Eastern
Europe and Russia. Those who choose to follow the path of assimilation can
follow it without the complete abandonment of age-old culture and tradi-
tions. For others, there is the opportunity to reembrace a rich, more simple
lifestyle. Though this latter path is strewn with difficulties, it is, hopefully, a
viable option.
St. Petersburg
and made it a satellite kingdom from 1019 to 1185. The Greek roots of the
term Atsinganoi were echoed by the strong policy of Hellenization imposed
upon Bulgaria by its Byzantine rulers. The relationship between the
Byzantines and the Bulgarians was troublesome, and periodic forays were
made by Constantinople's troops into its new territory to put down Bulgarian
uprisings. There is some evidence that Bulgarian Gypsies picked up at least
one important linguistic term from descendants of Armenian troops sent in to
quell the unrest. 6
Byzantine references to Gypsies continued to crop up over the next few cen-
turies even as Byzantine political and territorial fortunes gave way to those of
the region's new power, the Ottoman Turks. These later sources refer to the
Gypsies as Egyptians, a geographic misnomer that stuck nevertheless. 7 Several
areas settled by Gypsies in Cyprus and Greece were dubbed "Little Egypt" by
local rulers in the late fourteenth century.8
Bulgaria threw off Byzantine rule in 1185 and established the Second
Empire. This lasted until the last quarter of the fourteenth century, when the
Turks began a successful campaign of conquest that brought Bulgaria com-
pletely under their control by 1396. 9 The absorption of Bulgaria marked a
high point in the first phase of Ottoman Turkish rule, which was followed by
a second phase of conquest from 1413 to 1481. 10 The expansion of Turkish
power in the Balkans during this period saw a wave of Gypsy migration into
the regionY
It was also at this time that Bulgarian references to the Gypsies began to
emerge. A fourteenth-century Bulgarian text, the Life of Saint Barbarus,
alludes to Egyptians "living in large numbers" along the Albanian coast. In
1378, Tsar Ivan Shishman (r. 1371-1393) gave the Rila Monastery a number
of villages in which some Agoupti (or Gupti) Gypsies lived. These villagers
were among the first Gypsy groups to settle in Bulgaria. 12 Throughout Bulgaria,
the Turks relegated the Gypsies to the lowest rung of the Ottoman social lad-
der because they "had no visible permanent professional affiliation." Ottoman
officials pressured Gypsies and others who fell into this category to "move
away or to settle into 'useful' occupations." On the other hand, it was felt that
they were "needed to carry loads and perform some of the most demeaning
labor." In Bulgarian urban areas, they had no mahalles, or special quarters, of
their own, and each night, after working in the cities, they "returned to what-
ever type of housing they were able to erect beyond the city limits."13
The Turks divided the Gypsies into nomadic Moslems and settled
Christians, which prompted some Gypsies to convert to Islam "to raise their
own status and become equal to the ruling neighboring population."14
Compared to others in parts of Europe at the time, however, the Turks were
to pay 650 akfes, while his Christian counterpart was to pay 720 akfes. These
were considered "poll and pork taxes." Only one official was appointed to col-
lect all of the taxes from the Gypsies, since "the Gypsy race lives separately
and is numerically limited, but is free in every respect." The decree insisted
that no other officials "interfere in the affairs of the Gypsies" nor inflict "any
injustice or oppression upon them by demanding more than this my Imperial
decree specifies." Another decree, issued ten years later, required Muslim
Gypsies to pay an annual tax of five piastres, the new Ottoman currency, and
the Christian Gypsies to pay six piastres. IS
The end of the seventeenth and the entire eighteenth century in Bulgaria was
marked by the decline of Ottoman influence and the rebirth of Bulgarian
national consciousness. Periodic revolts against the Turks became frequent,
and some Bulgarian refugees fled westward after the Austro-Russian War
against Turkey from 1736 to 1739. The Turks responded with an era of "dread-
ful repression and virtual slavery" that Bulgarians referred to as the Cherno
Teglo ("black weight"). As a result of the combination of decay and repression,
"a massive exodus from the towns" of Bulgaria took place. Some Bulgarians
joined bands of Haiduti or hadjuks, bandit groups of 10 or 20 men later wor-
shipped as "national heroes and forerunners of the successful revolutionaries
of the nineteenth century." While interpretations vary about the role of the
Haiduti in Bulgarian history, their presence represents the decay and frustra-
tion that bedeviled Turkish rule in Bulgaria during the second half of the
eighteenth century. Two unsuccessful wars with Russia in 1768-1774 and
1787-1791, which saw Russian forces enter Bulgaria, and Bulgarian volun-
teers fight with them against the Turks, brought further chaos and hardship to
the region. This was compounded by the appearance of the kurdjaliistvo, rov-
ing armed bands of ex-Turkish soldiers and others, the Kurdzhali or daalii, who
"ran riot throughout Bulgaria, burning and plundering." If the historical tra-
ditions of the Balkans and Eastern Europe held true in Bulgaria at this time,
the Gypsies suffered most from the upheavals that swept this part of the
Ottoman Empire. 19
The chaos in Bulgaria mirrored serious political, military, and economic
problems in the Ottoman Empire that were compounded by European threats
to Turkish holdings in southeastern Europe, particularly during the Napoleonic
Wars. The growing loss of control over various parts of his distant empire
prompted the new sultan, Selim III (r. 1789-1807), to initiate reforms to
regain control of his vast holdings. These reforms were only partially suc-
cessful because of inattention to forward reaching changes and ideas as well
as opposition by local officials in the Balkans and elsewhere, which ensured
that Bulgaria would remain in chaos a while longer. 2o
"they never enter a mosque, and otherwise observe but a few precepts enjoined
by the Koran." The Gypsy women of Derekuoi, they noted, refused to wear
the Muslim yashmak (veil). They spoke both Romani and Turkish, while their
homes, similar to but smaller than those of their Bulgarian neighbors, were,
though "squalid in outward appearance," a study in "neatness and cleanliness"
on the inside, particularly when compared to those of their Bulgarian neigh-
bors. Their chief occupations were "begging, basketmaking, tinkering, and
forging iron." St. Clair and Brophy discounted Bulgarian claims that the
Gypsies of Derekuoi were thieves, finding the Gypsies "to be as honest" as
their Bulgarian neighbors. 24
The Gypsy women of Derekuoi spent their days buying, bartering, or beg-
ging for food, aided in part by superstitious villagers who often gave them
what they asked for because of their fear of the Gypsy women, who they felt
had the "power to cast spells, cause rain, and other beneficent or maleficent
attributes." The "men remained at home mending pots and pans, tinning cop-
per vessels, and doing all the iron work required by the village, whilst the chil-
dren blow the bellows, or accompany the cattle to their pasturage."25
The Bulgarians would not, however, allow the Gypsies to remain in
Derekuoi for more than three or four years, though Muslim villagers tended
to be more tolerant of the Roma than Christian Bulgarians. St. Clair and
Brophy found local attitudes toward Gypsies quite unfair, since they earned
their "living by harder labour" than the Christians, who hated the Roma more
than the Muslims. The authors found village attitudes towards the Roma
rather hypocritical, and "roguery [was] a rule, honesty the exception" among
the Christian Bulgarians in Derekuoi. The villagers consistently overcharged
the Gypsies for food and other items, for example, or exacted excessive labor
from them when they could not pay in cash. They allowed the Gypsies to live
in Derekuoi during the winter when they "were a positive pecuniary advan-
tage to the villagers;" however, when spring came and the Roma had milk and
butter to sell from their cattle, Derekuoi's leaders decided to force them to
move on, since the Gypsies were "not paying for the privilege" of grazing their
cattle on village land. Instead of ordering the Gypsies to leave, the village
elders had the huts in the Gypsy quarter burned to the ground. The following
winter, they invited a new colony of Gypsies to settle in the village. When St.
Clair and Brophy later informed the governor of Varna about the incident, he
told them that "he could do nothing, having received standing orders from
Constantinople to favour the Rayahs [peasants non-Muslim Bulgarians) in
every possible manner."26
The Bulgaria of the 1860s was beset by serious political and social
upheavals brought about by a long era of Ottoman misrule. This was under-
scored during the years of Bulgarian nationalistic revival that blossomed from
the 1830s through the 1860s. A series of peasant rebellions had rocked the
northwestern part of the country in the first few decades of the Bulgarian
national renaissance and had led to harsh Turkish reprisals. Though conditions
in Bulgaria were no worse than elsewhere in the Ottoman Empire, continued
misrule by local aristocrats in the northwest, the spirit of Turkish reforms, fric-
tion over Greek domination of the Orthodox Church in Bulgaria, and the
general atmosphere of nationalistic fervor throughout southeastern Europe
kept tensions high. Hand in hand with this atmosphere was the growing
importance of Bulgarian trade throughout the Empire. This was enhanced after
the Crimean War with the arrival of Western money and technology that
sought to tap Bulgarian resources. These changes brought an economic boom
to the country, but they also intensified "the process of class differentiation
within Bulgarian society."27
This social upheaval was exacerbated, at least in regard to the Gypsies, by
the struggle for control of the Orthodox Church in Bulgaria. This battle,
which had accompanied other aspects of the Bulgarian national revival since
the 1820s, had the indirect support of Istanbul, which felt it was "advanta-
geous to encourage enmity between the Greeks and the Bulgars" because it
would weaken the Orthodox Church, which WOUld, in turn, hinder any "strong
link between the Balkan Christians and the Russians." In 1849, the Sultan
granted the Bulgarians afirman (royal decree) to build a Bulgarian church in
Istanbul, while after the Crimean War (1853-1856), the Bulgarians in the
Turkish capital asked for the right "to elect a supreme Bulgarian Church
leader in whose work neither Christian nor non-Christian should interfere, and
a supreme civil leader who would assist the Sultan to choose suitable Bulgars
to act as judges, officials, etc., in BUlgaria." Because of strong Western,
Russian, and Greek opposition to the Bulgarian request, however, the Porte
did nothing, forcing the Bulgarian people to take matters into their own
hands. A series of Church councils that met at Ottoman insistence could not
arrive at a solution, while locally the Orthodox Church was gradually being
Bulgarized. The Greek rebellion of 1866-1869 revived Turkish fear of Greek
expansionism and prompted greater leniency on the part of the Turks and the
Greek religious leaders toward the Bulgarian church, and in 1870 the Sulta.1
ordered the creation of an autonomous Bulgarian Exarchate. It took two
more years before his decree was enforced; for Bulgarians it meant "the
recognition of Bulgaria as a separate nation," and the creation of "religious
and cultural self-determination."28
These intense struggles strengthened the growing sense of Bulgarian
national and religious identity and were quickly used to institutionalize
appointed by Turkey with the agreement of the Great Powers." Tsar Alexander
II, who had already mobilized Russian forces in November, responded with a
declaration of war against Turkey on April 24, 1877. 32
Some Bulgarians rallied to the side of the Russians as they entered the coun-
try, while both Muslim and Christian Gypsies joined the Bulgarian-Russian
ranks against the Turks. Gypsies, for example, took part in the decisive,
bloody battle of Shipka Pass from August 9 to 14, 1877, and were counted
among the 3,773 Bulgarian and Russian casualties. Their presence is partic-
ularly impressive, at least from the Russian perspective, given the lack of
Bulgarian enthusiasm for the Russian war effort. Russian soldiers, who
thought they were fighting the infidel to free their Slavic brothers, quickly
"found themselves in a foreign land among a close-fisted peasantry who, in
most cases, seemed to show little spontaneous joy at their 'liberation. ,,, Part
of the reason could have been the Russian mistreatment of the volunteers after
Shipka, which prompted many of the Bulgarian volunteers to leave Russian
service. Within six months, after some staunch Turkish resistance, Ottoman
opposition ended as Russian forces reached the outskirts of Istanbul. Both
sides concluded an armistice on January 31, 1878. 33
The collapse of the Turkish effort against the Russians and the latter's quick
drive toward Istanbul and the Straits of the Bosporus created serious concern
throughout the major capitals of Europe. The threat of possible military action
by Great Britain and Austria tempered further Russian moves. On March 3,
1878, Russia and Turkey signed the Treaty of San Stefano (Ye§ilkoy) near
Istanbul. The agreement, which for Bulgarians marked the end of five centuries
of Turkish rule, brought together the two sections of Bulgaria initially envi-
sioned at the Istanbul Conference, creating a large Bulgarian state that
"extended on the south from the Black Sea to the Aegean, and embraced the
whole of Macedonia and a part of Serbia on the west." Though independent,
the new Bulgarian state was technically "an autonomous, tributary Principality"
of the Ottoman Empire, with a "prince elected by the people" who was "to rule
over this new state with the assistance of a national militia and a national
Assembly." A Russian force of no more than 50,000 troops would occupy the
country, which measured 160,000 sq. km., for two years. 34
Unfortunately, Austrian and British fears that "the concessions exacted by
the Russians were considered shockingly extensive," and that Bulgaria would
be a mere satellite of the Russian Empire, prompted immediate calls for a revi-
sion before the treaty could be ratified. The result was the formation of the
Congress of Berlin (June 13-July 13, 1878), which completely reworked the
Treaty of San Stefano and created a new accord, the Treaty of Berlin. The new
Bulgarian kingdom "was narrowed and divided into a vassal principality and
minorities were included in articles 4 and 5 of the Treaty of Berlin and were
repeated in the Bulgarian Constitution of 1879. Beyond this were traditions
of tolerance that Bulgarians proudly traced back to the seventh century A.D.
On the other hand, the significant decline in the strength of the Turkish and
Greek populations (the Turkish portion of the total population declined from
24.81 percent of the total to 11.63 percent from 1880--4 to 1910, and that of
the Greeks from 1.80 percent to 1.17 percent), the anti-Greek riots of
1905-:1906, and the political disenfranchisement of the Gypsies in the early
part of the twentieth century, blur this image of Bulgaria as a perfect haven
for Balkan minorities. Regardless, the steady growth of Bulgaria'S Roma
population in the first three decades of its existence says something about the
atmosphere of tolerance in the country. It was enough to stimulate Ramadan
Ali, the tsaribasi of the Bulgarian Gypsies, to bring together representatives
from different Roma clans in Bulgaria on June 1, 1906. The gathering of Roma
leaders drew up a petition that Ali forwarded to the Bulgarian parliament,
which demanded equal rights for the country's Gypsies. The legislature, how-
ever, refused to consider it. 42
Two of the measures of a nation's policies toward its minorities are edu-
cation and literacy. The Bulgarian renaissance that had preceded independence
had been rooted in the creation of a Bulgarian educational system that by the
1870s could boast several thousand schools. The Constitution of 1879
addressed national primary education, while a law in 1885 "provided that all
settlements, whatever their size, should have at least one school." Six years
later, another act, designed to weaken Greek influence in some schools,
"allowed only non-Christian children to be educated in their mother tongue,"
though not at government expense. One Bulgarian source, which might have
erred on the side of national pride, indicated that there were three primary
schools for Gypsies in 1910 for the country's 121,600 Roma. Comparatively,
however, this ratio was far less than that for Turks, Pomaks (Bulgarian
Muslims), Jews, Armenians and other minorities. As a result, there was a seri-
ous problem with Gypsy literacy during this period, a difficulty also shared
by Turks and Pomaks. In 1905, for example, only 3 percent of Bulgaria's
Roma were literate, compared to 4 percent of the Pomaks, 6 percent of the
Turks, and 47 percent of Bulgarians. These low figures, at least in regard to
the Turks, were due not to "the hostility of the authorities but the backward-
ness, the remoteness, and the cultural exclusiveness of many Turkish com-
munities." Added to this, at least for Gypsies, was the innate prejudice in the
Balkans toward the Roma, their traditions of nomadism, and their suspicion
of the gadje (non-Gypsies). Gypsy literacy tripled over the next two decades
because of improved government settlement and education policies. 43
During the early part of this era, Bulgaria was affected by urban disorder
spurred by similar outbursts as occurred during the 1905 Revolution in Russia
as well as domestic Bulgarian anger over Greek activities in Macedonia. As
these difficulties faded, the Young Turk rebellion against Sultan Abdulhamit
II (r. 1876--1909) in 1908 and the reforms that followed prompted Austria-
Hungary to annex Bosnia-Hercegovina on October 5, 1908. Bulgaria quickly
followed suit with a declaration of independence from Turkey, and Prince
Ferdinand (r. 1908-1918) became its monarch. In the treaty concluded
between Bulgaria and Turkey the following year, Bulgaria's Muslims were
assured ample religious and educational guarantees. 44
The joy of complete independence from Ottoman rule was short-lived,
however, since within three years Bulgaria and its Balkan League allies-
Serbia, Greece, and Montenegro--found themselves involved in the First
Balkan War against Turkey in the fall of 1912. Bulgarian forces bore the brunt
of the fighting against the Turks, particularly in Thrace; Bulgaria acquired
Adrianople for its trouble in the Treaty of London the following spring. Greek
and Serbian disillusionment with this accord (which planted the seed for the
creating of an independent Albania several months later instead of dividing it
among the victors) as well as problems over Macedonia and other areas that
affected the balance of power in the Balkans, prompted Serbia and Greece to
sign a secret alliance that dealt with these questions and made them allies in
the event of a war. Bulgaria responded with an attack against both countries
on June 29-30, 1913 and quickly discovered itself engaged in the Second
Balkan War against Turkey, Montenegro, and Romania as well. The Bulgarian
move was a disaster, and King Ferdinand was forced to sue for peace within
a month. In addition to heavy war casualties, Bulgaria also lost much of what
it had gained in the First Balkan War in the treaties of Bucharest (August 10,
1913) and Constantinople (October 13,1913). For some, the Second Balkan
War resulted "in the second partition of Bulgaria," with territorial losses "far
more damaging than that agreed at Berlin in 1878."45
The impact of the Balkan Wars on the Gypsies was connected to the casu-
alties and transfer of other minorities who were caught up in the territorial
exchanges that took place as a result of both conflicts. In the first war, Turkish
sources indicate that "60,000 Albanians, 40,000 Turks, and 100,000 Moslems
were killed by occupying Bulgarian troops." While these figures are possibly
inflated, there is no doubt that Gypsies were trapped when Bulgarian forces
"began ~ campaign of slaughtering thousands of Turkish peasants in Thrace"
in early 1913. Afterward, 48,570 Muslims left Bulgarian Thrace for Turkey,
while 46,764 Bulgarians entered Bulgaria from Turkish Thrace. Further move-
ments took place in the months before the outbreak of World War I in 1914
Neuilly came into force and assured them full "civil and political rights"
regardless of "race, language or religion." It also guaranteed Bulgarian nation-
als full use of their language in all governmental, business, and private settings
and gave them the right to open their own schools or other institutions for the
free practice of their language or religion. In areas where there were consid-
erable minority populations, instruction in primary schools could be in their
own language. 48
Gypsies responded to the Neuilly terms with a request to the Ministry of
Justice of the new government of Alexandur Stamboliiski "for the restoration
of political rights taken from them early in the century." Roma and other
minorities also benefited from the educational reforms of this era, which
made secondary schooling compulsory and significantly added to the num-
ber of elementary schools and pro-gymnasia (secondary school that empha-
sized classical education) in rural parts of the country. Literacy rates rose
appreciably for Gypsies and other groups during this period. The census of
1926, for example, showed that Roma literacy rates had almost tripled, to 8
percent, since 1905, while those of the Turks had doubled. Bulgarian literacy
rates had only increased 7 percent during the same period, while those of
Pomaks had increased by 2.5 percent. Unfortunately, there were few minor-
ity schools available for the Roma in Bulgaria, who officially numbered
134,844 in the 1926 census. Official statistics for the 1930-1931 school year
stated that there were only two primary schools for Gypsies in Bulgaria, one
fewer than before World War I. Each school had only one teacher, with 53
Gypsy students between the twO. 49
A hint of Gypsy activism began to take root in Bulgaria in the early 1920s.
An early Gypsy activist was Shakir Pashov, who edited Roma Gypsy publi-
cations and organized Gypsies from 1923 to 1934. Some of the Roma groups
formed during this period included the Egypt Society and Future. Other
Gypsies involved in choral, theatrical, political, and educational activities
during this period included Nikola Terzobaliev, Petko Zhelezchev, Ivan
Kostov, and Kurti Krustev. Their efforts in politics, however, were sometimes
met with derision and prejudice. In local elections in Turkish areas of the coun-
try in 1929, for example, some Turks complained that "Moslem Gypsies were
also included in the council elections, as a result of which the pious founda-
tions of Turks ... were being entrusted to irresponsible Gypsies." Furthermore,
though tolerated as one of Bulgaria's "traditional minorities," Gypsies
remained at the bottom of the country's social pecking order and were
assigned the "lowest-status occupations." Most of Bulgaria's road-sweepers
and hangmen, for example, were Roma, positions also held by Gypsies ear-
lier during the Ottoman era. 50
Bulgaria was seen as an important avenue for German forces into both coun-
tries, and on March 1, 1941, Bulgaria finally joined the Axis when it signed the
Three Power Pact. Now an active German ally, Bulgaria began an uncomfort-
able, three-year relationship with Hitler's Reich. 54
Bulgaria's new relationship with Germany brought it southern Dobrudja in
1940, plus Macedonia and western Thrace after it joined Hitler's invasion of
Yugoslavia and Greece in March 1941. Bulgaria acquired about 8,000--12,000
Romanian Gypsies when it acquired southern Dobrudja, while most of
Macedonia's Roma came under Sofia's jurisdiction in 1941. Initially,
Bulgarian authorities "felt disinclined to take severe measures [toward
Gypsies]" in these areas despite German pressure, though, in time, "German
security police became active in the region and some Gypsies fell into the net."
Gypsies who joined Macedonian partisan movements "were dealt with sum-
marily as any others." The Germans, however, never brought up the question
of the deportation of Bulgaria's Roma, though there "were a few laws and
decrees limiting their freedom."55 In early 1941, for example, King Boris put
into force the Law for the Protection of the Nation, modeled after the anti-
Semitic German Nuremburg laws of 1935. Though the Roma were not men-
tioned specifically in the new act, its Nazi-inspired spirit, which placed
Gypsies in the same racially inferior category as the Jews, made the Roma sub-
ject to increased acts of discrimination. 56 In May 1942, authorities issued a
decree "which provided for the employment of Gypsies for compulsory labor,
mainly in public works." Further anti-Jewish legislation that summer incited
a wave of attacks on the Gypsies, while Article 24 of the Decree-Law of
August 26, 1942, outlawed marriages between Gypsies and Bulgarians.
Another decree insisted that Gypsies receive fewer rations than other
Bulgarians. In addition, the press complained "that the control and police
supervision of Gypsies had cost the state 500,000,000 Leva (about £2,500,000)
and that this was a waste of money." Some forced conversions of Muslim
Roma also took place during this period. 57
One of the aims of the August 26 Decree-Law had been to pave the way for
the deportation of Bulgaria's Jews to death camps in Poland. In early 1943,
King Boris agreed "to surrender all Jews in the Macedonian and Thracian
areas acquired by Bulgaria earlier." As the deportations began, Gypsies, them-
selves fearful of similar treatment, tried to help the Jews. When the first train-
load of Thracian Jews arrived in Lorn for transfer eastward, Gypsies helped
a Bulgarian nurse distribute food and other items to the Jews. However, Slavi
Puntev, the local representative for the Bulgarian Commissariat for Jewish
Questions and the Red Cross, seized items from the Jews and sold them to
Bulgarian peasants and Gypsies. 58
In May 1943, possibly because the 1942 Gypsy compulsory labor decree
had not been "applied with the necessary stringency," the "government
announced that all Gypsies between the age of seventeen and fifty found idle
would be mobilized for the harvest." In August, the Sofia newspapers Dnes
(Today) and Dnevnik (Diary) reported that the police had searched Sofia and
other large towns for "idlers," and had made raids of "restaurants, coffee-
houses, sweetshops, and taverns .... All Gypsies unable to prove employment
of one kind or another, were deported out of the city to do compulsory har-
vesting or work on roads, railways, and other public utilities." On August 14,
Dnes noted "that thousands of Gypsies had already been deported from the
capital and many more would follow." King Boris, however, did not intend
for the transfers to go beyond the confines of Bulgaria, and on August 25, the
Ministry of the Interior ordered local authorities throughout the country to
"restrict the movement of Gypsies out of twelve regions," including Sofia,
"under the pretext that Gypsies were spreading infectious diseases, especially
spotted typhus." One of the offshoots of these transfers was the creation of a
new subgroup of Gypsies, the Zuti, who arose through the intermarriage of
poor Jews and Gypsies settled "in common places in the country during the
Second World War." Since neither community would accept them, they cre-
ated their own "specific closed community."59
In time, the Germans rationalized that it would be unwise to press the
Bulgarians on the matter of deportation. Adolph-Heinz Beckerle, the German
ambassador to Bulgaria, told Berlin on June 7, 1943, that the reason for the
Bulgarian refusal to deport Jews to Poland was "the Bulgarian mentality-its
lack of ideological strength-and in particular the fact that since the
Bulgarians had grown up with Armenians, Greeks, and Gypsies, they had no
innate prejudice against the Jews as did the people of northern Europe."60
By the end of 1943, Bulgarian officials were able to ease some of these reg-
ulations, and within eight months, all anti-Jewish and other restrictive legis-
lation was nullified. Later, Gypsies credited King Boris for "saving Gypsies
who were Bulgarian citizens from Nazi concentration camps during World
War II." A Gypsy survivor of that era said that "Hitler wanted to kill all the
Gypsies, but Boris wouldn't let him, and this is why we love Boris." Though
it is difficult to gauge how many Bulgarian Roma survived World War II and
the Poi'ajmos (Gypsy Holocaust), estimates are that 5,000 Bulgarian Gypsies
died during the Holocaust, one of the lowest rates of Gypsy death in Eastern
Europe during this period. 61
Part of Bulgaria's reason for saving its Jews and Gypsies centered around
a desire to prepare for an easy surrender to the Allies at the end of the war. The
collapse of Romanian resistance to the Soviet army on August 23, 1944,
The real shift began in 1947 with the adoption of a new constitution mod-
eled closely on Stalin's 1936 Soviet constitution. Though the document pro-
vided adequate protection for the country's minorities and promised them "the
right 'to be educated in their vernacular,' [the protections] tended to be mean-
ingless."66 Over the next two years, all remaining political opposition was
eliminated or suffered "self-liquidation," and by 1949, the Fatherland Front
remained the only political party in the country. Bulgaria's Communist Party
was now ready to communize the country completely. An assault on private
property had begun almost as soon as Soviet tanks had rolled into Bulgaria,
while the depoliticization of the country took a bit longer. 67
The last major source of possible trouble for the Fatherland Front was reli-
gion, which was dealt by the Law on Religious Denominations of March 1,
1949. This act "subjected all religious orders to direct state control" and
prompted the government to begin a policy of forced emigration of Turks and
Jews. Caught up in this net were Muslim Gypsies, who were forced into
Turkey during the 17 month campaign during 1950-1951. The Bulgarian
goal "was to thin out the Turkish areas and rid themselves of the most religious
and recalcitrant Turks by planning to resettle within three months 250,000, or
more than one-third of the minority, in Turkey." In actuality, the program took
much longer and resulted in the forced exodus of 154,393 Turks, or 12 per-
cent of the total Turkish population in Bulgaria. The program stopped when
the Turkish government discovered a troubling number of Gypsies among the
Turkish immigrants. 68
The incident that led to Turkey's decision to seal its frontier with Bulgaria
came on October 6, 1951. Though Turkish officials had already warned
Bulgarian authorities about trying to include Gypsies among the Turks, and
briefly closed the border in protest, 97 Gypsies were included on a trainload
of Turks on that date. Since the Roma "had no Turkish entry visas, nor could
claim Turkish ethnic origin ... they were returned to Bulgaria." According to
Turkish foreign minister Mehmet Fuat Koprulu, the border would "remain
closed until the Bulgarian authorities realize that they will not succeed in their
plan to smuggle into Turkey persons who are not of Turkish origin."
Furthermore, Istanbul intended to keep the frontier closed "until the Sofia
regime should see fit to permit the gypsies to return to Bulgaria." This had little
impact on Bulgaria's communist rulers, who "continued to force thousands of
Turks and Gypsies across isolated areas." Estimates are that 5,000 Bulgarian
Gypsies were forced into Turkey during this period. 69
Despite the hardship it caused, the effort to force Gypsies to leave Bulgaria
heralded a new era for this minority. It developed just as Bulgaria's leaders
began to undo some of the more onerous aspects of the police state system after
the death of Joseph Stalin on March 5, 1953. Over the next year, authorities
implemented a program "to settle the nomadic Roma, often in the northern
plain below the Danube," and began to encourage Muslim Gypsies to change
their names. In time, "20,000 families ... received plots of land and low-inter-
est loans to build their own houses and numerous settlements have been cre-
ated on collective farms." During the same period, several new Roma schools
were opened to educate the new influx of Gypsy children. This resettlement
program saw the creation of Roma ghettos throughout the country. According
to an "internal communist party report ... there were segregated Roma sections
in 160 of Bulgaria's 237 cities and in 3,000 of its 5,846 villages."7o
At the same time, authorities closed the Gypsy theatre in Sofia and slowly
began to develop policies designed to destroy Gypsy self-identity. After the cen-
sus of 1956, which showed 197,865 Roma in the country, "gypsies disappeared
entirely from official statistics."71 Two years later, the government issued
Decree No. 258, which prohibited Gypsy nomadism. On November 5,1958, a
month before the government issued the new restrictions, Otechestven Front, the
organ of the Fatherland Front, "stated that Front activity must be 'doubled and
trebled' in order to do away once and for all with the harmful residue of the past
in the consciousness of all Turks, Jews and Gypsies." On December 30, 1958,
the official newspaper Izvestia stated that "all Gypsies without regular jobs will
be ordered to work in State industrial or agricultural enterprises."n
Party leaders followed up the decree with a letter on June 16, 1959, to
regional, city, and district committees of the Communist Party. Decree No.
258, it explained, was intended to do away with "travelling and begging in our
country," to settle Roma, and to positively reorganize their "way of life, rais-
ing of the culture, and incorporation of that population to the construction of
a socialist society." It admitted that Gypsy underdevelopment was linked to
"neglect and discrimination towards this population in the past on the part of
the Bulgarian bourgeoise," an era in which they "could not find permanent
jobs ... and were doomed to lead a pitiful existence .... Starvation forced
them to wander all over the country, and a large number of them were forced
to steal and beg." Their children were unable to attend school, and this forced
them into a life of "illiteracy, ignorance and poverty." The stereotype of the
Gypsy as "lazy, incapable of working ... lacking culture" was created by the
"bourgeoisie and its policies of exp10itation."73
After September 9, 1944, the letter continued, things began to change, and
a "large part of the Gypsy population joined in the socialist material and spir-
itual culture of the Bulgarian people," which significantly lessened the gap
between the Roma and the other people of Bulgaria. Gypsies could now be
successfully found in all walks of Bulgarian life, while some "have turned into
and others had registered themselves as Turks, while their children attended
school with Turks and learned their language. Similar bonds were formed in
military units and labor groups, which had "a harmful effect on their national
and patriotic education."78
Consequently, to stop the Turkish assimilation trend among some Gypsies
and other ethnic groups, the government of Todor Zhikov ordered all Party and
state organs in areas with significant Gypsy, Tatar, and Pomak populations to
"take as one of the major tasks in their political and ideological work among
this population" the
In addition, the Ministry of Justice and other government organs were respon-
sible for informing local officials that "religion and personal names are not cri-
teria for nationality." In addition, "intermarriage does not lead to change of
nationality of the spouses," but the children of such unions could be voluntarily
registered as Bulgarians. Furthermore, name changes for citizens of non-
Bulgarian descent could be done through a simple written application to their
local people's councils. These efforts had to be backed up by "large and sys-
tematic popular persuasions," but without violence or administrative force.
This "large campaign of public persuasion" was aimed at the Tatars, Gypsies,
and Bulgarian Muslims who were registered as Turks. In addition, authorities
were to stop Pomaks and Gypsies from moving to "villages or towns with
compact Turkish popUlations," while Turkish was not to be taught to the chil-
dren of Gypsies, Tatars, and Bulgarian Muslims. Efforts had to be made to
ensure that Turkish instructors did not teach in schools with significant Roma,
Pomak, or Tatar pupils and that students from these groups were not allowed
to study with Turkish children. 79
Military and labor officials were responsible for the "correct education of
the young Bulgarian Muslims, Gypsies or Tatars" to "strengthen ... national
awareness" of "communist and patriotic education," particularly among
those who affiliated with the Turks. Officials in the Bulgarian Orthodox
Church and in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were to ensure that Turkish
Muslim clerics did not spread propaganda advocating "affiliation with the
Turks; especially through religious services," and should not allow the
"appointment of Turkish clergymen in the villages with compact Gypsy and
Tatar populations and among Bulgarian Muslims." Finally, the Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences should send out expeditions of specialists to study the
"ethnic origin and the national peculiarities of Turks, Tatars, and Gypsies who
live in Bulgaria." They were to "make further discoveries about the historical
truth about the results of the assimilation policies of the Turkish oppressors,
about the mass and individual conversions to Islam."so
To deal with the Turkicization of some of the 20,000 Roma school children
in Bulgaria, the government began to open special boarding schools for them
in 1964. Officials also began to eliminate Gypsy cultural organizations, though
Roma students in Lorn created an illegal Gypsy discussion group and a soc-
cer club. Authorities warned the soccer club members about having separate
Gypsy teams and added that the teams shouldn't have Gypsy names. Later,
team members were forced to change the names of the squads to Botev,
Levski, etc. (all Bulgarian national heroes). However, the Bulgarian secret
police said that Gypsy teams should not bear the names of Bulgarian heroes
and ordered each team to have five Bulgarian members. Consequently, the
Gypsy members disbanded the soccer clubs. s1
The practical implication of these policies was the destruction of Roma
self-identity through continued forced integration and Bulgarization. These
policies, however, conflicted with the new Bulgarian constitution of May 18,
1971, which promised no "privileges or limitations of rights based on ethnic
belonging, origin [or] creed." In fact, within several years after the promul-
gation of the new constitution, Bulgarian officials began to talk of a "unified
Bulgarian socialist nation," which one newspaper claimed was "almost com-
pletely one ethnic type, and is moving toward complete national homogene-
ity."s2 Furthermore, the country's leader, Todor Zhikov, noted in 1979 that
the people had solved Bulgaria's "national question," and that there were "no
internal problems" tied to it. His long range goal was to make Bulgaria "the
Japan of the Balkans."s3 Bulgarian Gypsies, however, found ways around
some of the new restrictions. They officially adopted Bulgarian names, which
they used for documents and school, but continued to use their Gypsy names
at home and in the Gypsy community. In addition, when they chose
Bulgarian names, they often picked those of famous politicians, composers,
or music stars. S4
As the government proclaimed the end ofthe "national question," it began
to abandon its dual policy of special and integrated schools for Gypsy children
and move toward a program solely of segregation. In 1962, there were only
20,000 Gypsy children enrolled in Bulgarian schools, which prompted offi-
cials to create a system of special schools two years later for Roma "drawn
from the poorest families or where there is a 'bad social atmosphere.'" In time,
the government opened 145 special schools for these students, while many
others attended integrated Bulgarian schools. By 1967, government statistics
claimed that there were 55,000 Gypsy children enrolled in Bulgarian schools.
Of this number, 8,000 lived in boarding schools, a figure that rose to 10,000
by the early 1970s. Estimates showed 450 Gypsies with college degrees at this
time. The government was particularly proud of this figure, since Gypsies and
other minorities had been given "preference for admission to higher education"
since the 1950s. In addition, in 1969, the government "opened special schools
in Gypsy districts to teach students special skills." Roma students in grades
one through eight received certain professional training and graduated with a
certificate that said that they had technical skills.85
However, officials began to abandon the integration efforts in the late
1970s because of problems they had with Gypsy children. In time, 70 to 80
percent of the country's Gypsies had attended the segregated schools, while
"more than 50 per cent of the children of gypsies in Bulgaria lived in children's
homes," which officials described as "kindergartens which provided young
children, ethnic Bulgarian as well as gypsy, with a wide range of opportuni-
ties." The official reason for the shift to segregated schools centered around
the small number of Gypsy children who finished school. According to a 1978
Central Committee report, only 30 percent of Gypsy children completed
primary school, while the number who finished secondary school was negli-
gible. In addition, the report claimed that "more than fifty percent of Gypsies
above the age of thirty were illiterate." From the government's perspective,
the segregation experiment was successful and prompted 25 to 30 percent of
the Roma children to attend the new technical secondary schools. Unfor-
tunately, the intense segregation worked against efforts at assimilation, since
the "ghetto schools" were attended almost exclusively by Roma children who
had weak Bulgarian language skills. Though efforts have since been made to
offer younger Gypsy children Bulgarian preparatory classes before they enter
primary school, they have only been partly successful in providing Roma chil-
dren with the academic background necessary to compete successfully in
Bulgarian schools. These problems in tum have enforced the sterebtype of
Gypsy inferiority, which has not been helped by a national Gypsy literacy rate
of 8.2 percent. 86
The abandonment of integrated education as a vehicle for Gypsy assimila-
tion did not stop government efforts to create a unitary Bulgarian state. In
1984, the government began to forbid the performance of Gypsy music
throughout the country, and initiated a two-year campaign designed to erase
the last vestiges of ethnic identity among the largest ethnic minority in
Bulgaria-the Turks. This effort also had serious implications for Muslim
Gypsies who still lived in Turkish areas. The campaign began with an effort
in December 1984 to force Turks to Bulgarize their names. In addition, offi-
dals closed some mosques and outlawed Muslim religious holidays. Their
efforts met with strong public resistance from the Turkish community, which
Bulgarian officials met with violence. Estimates are that 300 to 1,500 Turks
died during the 1984-1985 campaign. A strong international outcry against
Sofia's anti-Turkish policies neutralized the effectiveness of some aspects of
the campaign and helped create the atmosphere of unrest that helped to bring
down the Zhikov regime in 1989. These efforts also soured relations between
Gypsies and Bulgarians. 87
The assimilation campaign against the Turks heightened prejudice toward
Gypsies, and signs began to appear in some railway stations that warned trav-
elers of Roma pickpockets, while "nomadic Roma [were] regularly refused
entrance to cafes and restaurants."88 The aftermath of the November 10,1989,
collapse of the Zhikov regime saw an increase in hostility towards the Gypsies.
The "loosening of previous constraints on freedom of expression transformed
more subtle forms of discrimination against the Roma into open racial hatred
and violence."89 Many Bulgarians now blamed the Gypsies for the country's
dramatic increase in crime. An article in the newspaper Duma (Word) in
February 1991 said that "between 13% and 16% of all criminal acts in Sofia
were carried out by Roma." In a public opinion survey undertaken by the
National Institute of Youth Studies later that spring, "Gypsies were described
by 89% of respondents as thieves, by 76% as bullies, by 75% as black mar-
keters, by 70% as liars, and by 67% as drifters." This strong anti-Gypsy sen-
timent contrasted sharply with attitudes toward other minorities. An extensive
Times-Mirror survey conducted during the same period showed that 52 per-
cent of the Bulgarian respondents had favorable attitudes towards Turks, 62
percent had positive feelings about Pomaks, and 63 percent viewed Jews
favorably.90 The Bulgarian press published the first two surveys, and state-
owned television and radio helped perpetuate the image of Roma as "respon-
sible for the country's black market." At the end of 1990, the Bulgarian
parliament passed a strict lmti-blackmarket law aimed principally at Gypsies,
who officials felt dominated it. 91 According to Mihail Ivanov, President Zhelyn
Zhelev's adviser on ethnic policies, "25-28% of the crimes (aside from eco-
nomic crimes) committed in Bulgaria can be traced to the Roma." According
to other figures, 80 percent of the inmates in Bulgaria's prisons were Gypsies.
This new image of the Gypsy has created hatred that has resulted in violence
toward the Roma. Bulgarians burned a portion of the Gypsy quarter in Podem,
while 12 Bulgarians in Plovdiv staged a hunger strike to protest living among
Gypsies. On June 29, 1992, police raided a Rom neighborhood in Pazardshik
and "violently attacked" its inhabitants. The police "conducted abusive house
searches, damaged Gypsies' property and confiscated money and property."
his party, a number of new Gypsy political organizations had since arisen,
shattering any hope of Gypsy unity.96
By the spring of 1992, three separate Roma political organizations had
evolved, and five more represented Gypsy cultural interests. Unfortunately, they
were "fragmented and poorly organized," which meant that "Bulgaria's Roma
population has thus far been unable to establish a politically powerful interest
group." The reasons for these weaknesses stemmed from a number of things,
in particular the earlier success of the Zhikov regime "in destroying the Roma' s
cultural and social organizations." In addition, the Gypsies were unable to
develop any political muscle, particularly after they were denied the opportu-
nity to form political parties in 1990. Another problem was that Bulgaria's large
Roma population did "not speak with a unified voice" and was "divided along
political, social, and cultural lines." This was partly caused by the Muslim-
Christian split in the Roma community as well as by cultural and linguistic dif-
ferences. Bulgaria's large Gypsy Muslim population traditionally had ties with
the Turkish Muslim community and, after the PRF's strong showing in the 1991
elections, were receptive to the PRF's appeals for support and alliance. In addi-
tion, the fact that there are at least fifty Romani dialects in Bulgaria has created
barriers that have impeded a strong, unitary consciousness among the country's
Roma. Regardless, Bulgaria's Roma have struggled to overcome these prob-
lems, and on October 17-18,1992, leaders from some of the country's Gypsy
organizations held a congress and formed a national lobby called the United
Roma Federation. It selected as its chairman Vasil Chaprasov, an educator
from Sliven, who declared after his selection that the United Roma Federation
"was independent and politically unaffiliated."97
Fourteen months later, a number of important Roma groups met in Sliven
to request the government to put a "ban on all fascist parties and organiza-
tions." Of particular concern to Gypsy leaders were the speeches and activi-
ties of Father Gelemenov and his Vazrazhdane organization. In a letter to the
government on December 30, 1993, the United Roma Federation, the
Democratic Union of Gypsies-ROMA, and the Rom Intellectuals called
Father Gelemenov's ideas "extremely dangerous." They pointed to an inter-
view given the day before in Trud (labor), where Father Gelemenov admitted
that though he had "abandoned traditional nationalism for the Nazi ideology,"
he felt Bulgaria should be '''subordinating' the country's Gypsy and Turkish
minorities." The Roma groups also criticized the "Bulgarian media, including
state television," for constantly giving "Gelemenov opportunities to air his
extremist views."98
Yet it would be a mistake to place the blame for the plight of Bulgaria's
Roma solely on the Gypsies themselves. Their strong association with clan or
T he Gypsies entered the Czech lands of Bohemia and Moravia and the
Slovak portion of the Arpad Hungarian kingdom during the late Middle
Ages. The independent Bohemian or Czech state consisted of Bohemia,
Moravia, and later Silesia and Lusatia. It came close to extinction as a
result of the socioreligious Hussite Wars of 1420-1436 but was revitalized by
the election of Wladyslaw II (r. 1471-1516), eldest son of Polish king
Kazimierz Jagiell06czyk, to the Bohemian throne in 1471. Nineteen years
later, Wladyslaw became king of Hungary. The Bohemian state also had ties
to the Holy Roman Empire, and since the early thirteenth century the
"Bohemian king exercised the role of the first elector" in the Empire. 1
The date for the migration of Gypsies into the Czech lands and Hungarian
Slovakia is difficult to pinpoint. Robert H. Vickers asserted in his History of
Bohemia that Bohemia's King, Bfetislav II (r. 1092-1100), issued a decree
soon after he took the throne in 1092 that expelled "the unwelcome people
described as 'soothsayers, sorcerers, and cheats,' who had acquired much
influence over the simple folk by pretended divining arts in groves and woods.
They were expelled from the country; and their haunts burned." Vickers spec-
ulated that those driven from Bohemia were "probably a tribe of gypsies who
had associated their practices of stealing and fortune telling with the remnants
of the old paganism." He is, however, incorrect; Bretislav's decrees were not
aimed at Gypsies, since it is doubtful that there were any in this part of Europe
at that time, but at pagans and Orthodox Christians in his kingdom.2
sentiment toward the Rom got out of hand in 1556, the government stepped
in "to forbid the drowning of Rom women and children." At the same time,
local records show that "alms and letters of recommendation" were "granted
to Roms by town councils," and "others continued to travel the Czech lands
supplying their usual services of horse-trading, fortune-telling and the like."13
The difficulties that beset the Czech lands and Slovakian Hungary worsened
in the seventeenth century with the outbreak of the Thirty Years War (1618-
1648), which became a time of increased prejudice toward and restriction for
Gypsies. This complex series of wars began in Bohemiawith the Defenestra-
tion of Prague of May 23, 1618, where Bohemian Protestant noblemen,
angered over the closing of several Protestant churches, threw three repre-
sentatives of King Ferdinand out the window of Hradcany Castle. This deed,
which the king's delegates miraculously survived, triggered a revolt in which
the "whole of Bohemia seemed to go Protestant. "14 For the next two years, the
Protestant tide swept Bohemia, and the country's Diet deposed Archduke
Ferdinand (r. 1617-1619), who became the Austrian emperorin 1619. In his
place, the Czechs selected Frederick I (r. 1619-1620), the son-in-law of James
I of England. Little Protestant support arrived from the rest of Europe, and an
alliance of Catholic forces invaded Bohemia, defeating the Protestant forces
at the symbolic battle of White Mountain on November 8, 1620, just outside
of Prague. The political and religious changes that followed marked the
"beginning of the end of Bohemian independence." Bohemia and Moravia
were struck particularly hard by the "re-Catholicization" policies of Ferdinand
II (r. 1619-1637), though Silesia and Lusatia "escaped punishment alto-
gether." Over the next century, "Bohemia was swallowed up in the wider fate
of the Habsburg monarchy and of Germany itself," and the Germanization that
accompanied these developments saw a "precipitous decline in the public use
of the Czech language," long the symbol of Czech national identity. Though
the Czech regions of the empire-Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia-were on
"equal footing with one another and the Austrian provinces," the "term
Kingdom of Bohemia ... lost all practical meaning."15
Slovakia's fate during this period was linked to that of Royal Hungary and
Transylvania, which briefly flirted with its own independence movement in
1620-1621. When it became apparent to Gabor Bethlen (r. 1613-1629), the
Transylvanian ruler recently elected king of Hungary by the rebels, that he
could not defeat Ferdinand II, he concluded the Peace of Nikolsburg on
December 31, 1621, which granted full amnesty to the rebellious nobles,
reconfirmed Hungary's religious freedom, and granted Transylvania full
sovereignty, including recently conquered northern Hungary, which remained
under Bethlen' s control. 16
In 1697 and again in 1701, Leopold I decreed that "Gypsies 'shall be declared
outlaws ("vogelfrei") by letters patent, and that if they enter the country again
they are to be treated with all possible severity both as regards body and
property. '" This was followed nine years later by a more comprehensive law
issued in Prague by the new emperor, Joseph I, and applied throughout
Bohemia. The edict ordered "that all adult males [Gypsies) were to be hanged
without trial, whereas women and young males were to be flogged and ban-
ished forever." In addition, "they were to have their right ear cut off in the
kingdom of Bohemia, in the county of Mabren [Moravia] on the contrary the
left ear." In other parts of Austria they would be "branded on the back with a
branding-iron, representing the gallows." These mutilations enabled authori-
ties to identify Gypsies on their second arrest. 19
Since arrested Gypsies argued ignorance of the decree because of illiteracy,
Austrian authorities adapted a system of warning-placards that was used in
other German states. These boards were placed at all border-crossing points
and "along ... [the] secret paths of the Gypsies, at the cost of the local juris-
dictions." Designed for the illiterate Rom,
they depicted the horrible scene of an adult Gypsy, swinging from the
gallows with next to him a young lad and a woman being flogged till
the blood flowed, or having their ears cut off. Underneath such atro-
cious pictures a caption in the Bohemian and German language had
to be fixed, saying: "This is the punishment for intruding Gypsies."
Joseph I's decree strongly encouraged local officials to hunt down Rom in
their areas by levying a fine of 100 Reichsthaler for those that failed to do so.
Anyone who helped Gypsies "was to be punished by half a year's forced
labour." The result was "mass killings" of Rom, while "whole groups were
hanged, shot or drowned and to discourage further immigration scores of
Rom bodies hung from trees along frontier roads." These harsh punishments
evidently did not stop Gypsies from entering the Austrian Empire, however,
and on October 26, 1717, another emperor, Charles VI, "issued a third man-
date forbidding Gypsies to enter his territory and repeating the order to erect
'tafeUn' [warning-placards] at the boundaries of Bohemia and Silesia." In
1721, he amended this decree to include the execution of adult female Rom,
while Gypsy children were "to be put in hospitals for education." Five years
later, Charles VI issued a new edict that followed Joseph I's 1710 strictures,
ordering that Rom women and children who reentered Bohemia be executed. 20
The harshness of these policies began to change during this period, perhaps
in response to the imperial reforms in Hungary after the Treaty of Szatmar of
April 29, 1711. According to this agreement, the Hungarian nobility
Eleven years later, Charles VI began his refonn of the administrative struc-
ture of Hungary, while a major colonization effort was undertaken to deal with
a serious decline in Hungary's population. An estimated 400,000 immigrants
swept into Hungary, many from the Slovak areas of northern Hungary, and
others into the old Ottoman territories in the southeast. The Hungarian Court
Chancellery, which would later initiate a new series of regulations on the Rom
problem, was located in Bratislava (Pozsony), now the capital of Slovakia. As
part of the refonns, which continued the traditional tax exemptions for the
Hungarian nobility, the peasantry, including the Gypsies, were faced with new
tax burdens. Gypsy censuses began to be initiated throughout Hungary, and
in 1737, Hungarian officials in one district decreed that any Rom with a tent
plus a wagon and horses had to pay twice the tax as a Gypsy without them.
Annual taxes were now collected from all Rom throughout Hungary on their
moveable possessions. 21
Authorities continued to clamp down on Gypsies during the early years of
the reign of the Austrian empire's new ruler, Maria Theresa (r. 1740-1780).
Policies were particularly harsh in Bohemia, which briefly came under Franco-
Bavarian control during the early days of the War of Austrian Succession
(1740-1748). Before the outbreak of this immense war, the new empress
decreed that anyone who gave food to Rom would be punished, and over the
next decade she issued further edicts that reaffinned earlier Gypsy deportation
policies. If a Rom returned to the Austrian Empire, he would be flogged on
the first offense and executed if he reentered the country again. On December
1, 1749, Maria Theresa issued a new Gypsy patent aimed at "driving Gypsies,
nomads and foreign beggars from the land." Rom native to specific areas in
the empire were to be held there by authorities. Nine years later, the Austrian
Imperial Council "made local Diets of gentry responsible for Roms in their
area, reserving a co-ordinating function for itself. "22
A year after the outbreak of Maria Theresa's second major European con-
flict, the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), the empress issued a new Gypsy
patent aimed principally at the Slovak regions of Hungary. Local noble coun-
cils became responsible for Gypsies in their area, and Gypsies were to settle
and be subject to taxes and to compulsory service for the lord of the manor;
they could not own horses and wagons and would need special pennission to
leave their villages. 23 In 1761, Maria Theresa "outlawed use of the word
Cigany and decreed that Gypsies in the future be called 'new citizens,' 'new
peasants,' or 'new Hungarians. '" Rom males over sixteen were now eligible
for the draft, and "12- to 16-year-olds [were] to be taught a craft." Other Gypsy
decrees issued throughout her reign were designed to force the Roma to
settle and assimilate throughout her Habsburg domains. 24
The Serfdom Patent "transformed the serfs from subjects of the lords into sub-
jects of the state, in theory, at least, equal before the law." Slovak peasants
acquired similar privileges four years later, though employment and educa-
tionallimitations in the region meant that the new freedoms did not "have the
same effect on social mobility as, for instance, in the Bohemian Lands."28
These refonns were met with some frustration in Hungary and helped breed
a new spirit ofrebellion among the nobility. Consequently, on the eve of his
death in early 1790, Joseph II revoked everything except his Toleration Patent
that granted limited religious freedom for Protestants and the Greek Orthodox
and his Serfdom Patent. 29
In reality, what insured the abandonment of the "enlightened" Gypsy poli-
cies in Slovakia, the Czech lands, and other parts of the Austrian Empire was
the course of European events triggered by the French Revolution in 1789.
Over the next quarter of a century, Habsburg energies were caught up in the
devastating wars brought about by these events. Infonnation on Gypsies in the
Czech lands and Slovakia during the next fifty years is almost nonexistent.
Regardless, the momentous developments that swept Europe and the Habsburg
Empire during this period had a profound impact on the Rom. The period from
the end of the European wars with France in 1815 until the Revolutions of 1848
was an era of "reactionary police absolutism" in the Czech lands accompanied
by the revitalization of Czech national identity. The Slovaks began to develop
a sense of national consciousness, though its maturation suffered from
Hungarian insistence "that a single state in Hungary presupposed a single
political nation, the language of which could be no other than Magyar."30
The Revolutions of 1848 in the Austrian Empire saw the Czech lands
explode briefly, while Hungary fought an unsuccessful War ofIndependence
against Austria between 1848 and 1849. Habsburg "neo-absolutism" was
introduced into the Czech lands and Hungarian Slovakia once the revolu-
tionary threat ended, despite the fact that there had been some Slovak support
for Austria against the Hungarian rebels. One of the positive developments that
came out of this era in Slovakia and other parts of Hungary was the full
emancipation of the serfs, which had an impact on the Gypsies. 31 Several years
after the 1848-1849 revolutions, Vienna decreed that "all national cultures
were to be allowed equal and complete freedom of non-political develop-
ment." Consequently, some attempts were made to educate Slovakia's
Gypsies, who were almost totally illiterate. In 1856, a school was opened for
Gypsy children in Novych Zamkoch by the local priest, Ferdinand Farkas,
which initially enrolled 43 girls. Bishop Johann Ham soon opened a second
Rom school at Satmari. 32
Unfortunately, what small gains were made during this period were severely
weakened in the years after the Ausgleich (Compromise) of 1867, which saw
the creation of a coequal Austro-Hungarian Empire. Magyarization became
the dominant theme in Hungary, and the new state refused to "recognize the
existence of separate nationalities and did not grant them collective national
rights or political institutions." The Hungarians were particularly hard on the
den in the Austro-Hungarian war effort.39 Gypsy troops in the Austrian and
Hungarian armies, which became increasingly enmeshed with German forces,
suffered heavy losses. The growing chaos and dislocation of the war also
prompted the Hungarian government in 1916 to develop a policy to deal with
homeless Gypsy children. 4o
The Central Powers enjoyed tremendous success in 1915-1916, though by
1917, Austria-Hungary's new emperor, Charles I, sought peace for his empire.
The Czechs and the Slovaks demanded the union of their territories into a
single democratic political unit within the Austro-Hungarian Empire. 41
Spurred by a Czech-led unity movement abroad, the concept of a completely
independent Czechoslovakian nation gained steam as Central Power fortunes
waned throughout 1917 and 1918. As Austria struggled to separate itself
from Germany at the close of the war in the fall of 1918, an internationally
blessed Czechoslovak independence was declared in Prague on October 28,
1918, followed two days later by a separate Slovak statement that "endorsed
the principle of Czechoslovak unity."42
Over the next year and a half, the Czechs and the Slovaks struggled with a
variety of complex political, economic, and social issues as they worked to cre-
ate their new country. Each side brought with it the traditions of its Austrian
or Hungarian past. Most striking in Slovakia was the "widespread poverty,
lower educational achievements among the Slovak masses, and the heritage
of the Magyar feudal-aristocratic traditions," as a result of which the "Slovak
population suffered from sociological retardation and underdevelopment prior
to 1918." Postwar Slovakia was industrially and agriculturally behind the
Czech lands and was regarded as "an economically underdeveloped country."
Efforts to rectify these inequities were undertaken throughout the 21-year his-
tory of the independent Czechoslovak state, though some Slovaks felt that
Slovakia and Ruthenia, where the bu1k of Czechoslovakia's Gypsies lived,
"were left undeveloped and in general 'were regarded more or less like
colonies' during the First Czechoslovak Republic (1918-39)."43
Gypsies made considerable gains as a result of the Czechoslovak
Constitution of February 29, 1920, which, through linkage to the postwar
Treaty of St. Germain, gave "to all inhabitants of Czechoslovakia of German,
Hungarian, or other nationality, who were residents in the confines of the
Republic on its inception, Czechoslovak nationality ipso facto, although the
right of option is carefully safeguarded for specific purposes." The last seg-
ment of the six-part Czechoslovakian constitution was a Bill of Rights for
National Minorities, which guaranteed all "nationals of the Czechoslovak
Republic ... absolute equality in the eye ofthe law, [to] enjoy the same civil
and political rights without distinction of race, language, or religion." All
national minorities, including the Gypsies, were also guaranteed full eco-
nomic and employment rights, as well as the "free use of any language"
within the confines "laid down by general legislation." The constitution also
included educational guarantees for instruction in a language other than
Czechoslovak in areas where a minority made up over 20 percent of the pop-
ulation. Finally, the constitution decreed that any "acts discriminatory toward
any nationality, or tending to denationalize persons by force, [were] explic-
itly forbidden and regarded as criminal acts."44
The number of Gypsies affected by this new status was small, at least
according to the 1921 Czechoslovak census, which showed 61 Rom in the
Czech portions of the new republic and 7,967 in Slovakia. Most specialists
agreed, however, that this figure, which was only based on those who spoke
the "mother tongue," woefully underrepresented the number of Gypsies in
Czechoslovakia in 1921. Figures for 1924 showed that the Kosice region had
the largest Rom concentration in Slovakia, 18,257, followed by the Bratislava
area with 11,066. A Slovak Rom census two years later indicated that there
were 60,315 sedentary Rom in this part of Czechoslovakia and 1,877 nomadic
Gypsies. The 1930 national census showed 31,415 Rom throughout the coun-
try, with 31,188 in Slovakia. Of this number, "26,956 acknowledged Gypsy
'nationality,' of whom 13,211 were in the territory of today's E. Slovakian
region." Gypsiologist Dr. Eva Davidova, considered these latter figures to be
"extremely unreliable." She concluded:
When we examine for example the results of the census on the 1st
[of] December 1930, which give the precise numbers of Gypsy huts
(zemljanky) and dwellings with the numbers of their occupants, and
similarly also the lists of moveable dwellings, the real state of affairs
can be reconstructed. According to these figures in what is now E.
Slovakia lived 16,773 Gypsies in 2,754 Gypsy dwellings, and there
were 182 nomads in 34 moveable dwellings. Apart from these,
4,921 citizens acknowledged "Gypsy nationality," who did not live
in "Gypsy dwellings"; and because of this it is necessary to correct
the total number of Gypsies to 21,876, living in 488 communities in
E. Slovakia. 45
Even with the wide variance in Rom statistics, it is clear that the Gypsies made
up an insignificant part of Czechoslovakia's post-W orId War I population.
The country had 13!374,364 inhabitants in 1921 and 14,479,565 a decade later.
There were 8,760,937 Czechoslovaks (65.5 percent of the population) in the
country in 1921, and 9,688,770 (66.91 percent) in 1931. The Germans were
the largest minority with 3,123,568 (23.36 percent of the population) in 1921,
and 3,231,688 (22.32 percent) in 1931. Magyars made up the next largest
minority, with 745,431 (5.57 percent) in 1921 and 691,223 (4.77 percent) in
1931, followed by Ukrainians and Russians with 461,849 (3.45 percent) in
1921 and 549,169 (3.79 percent) in 1931. There were also 180,855 Jews
(1.35 percent) listed in the 1921 census and 186,642 (1.29 percent) a decade
later, as well as 75,853 Poles (0.57 percent) in 1921 and 81,738 (0.56 percent)
in 1931. 46
Consequently, despite their minority status, the Rom in interwar
Czechoslovakia were not in sufficiently strong numbers to prompt any signif-
icant type of reform program to upgrade their low status. Furthermore, the bulk
of the Gypsies was in Slovakia, where any solution to the "Gypsy problem" was
often linked to efforts to improve the quality of life of the Slovak peasant, whose
economic plight was often not much better than that of the Gypsies. This meant
that Slovak Rom were "still left without almost any means of livelihood; the
society of those days put up with them as a necessary evil and resisted any real
mixing with them." Consequently, "the majority of them were forced to con-
tinue living parasitically and make a living only with occasional work." In 1924,
a local official in Slovakia observed that "The penalty of imprisonment has no
effect on them, because imprisonment only improves their living conditions. It
often happens that a Gypsy without resources commits a crime only to escape
the pangs of hunger." The same year, 19 Moldavian Rom were tried for can-
nibalism in Kosice. The trial, which lasted for five years, centered around
claims that a Gypsy bandit group led by Sandor Filek, murdered and canni-
balized a number of victims in the region. Though the charges appeared to be
trumped up, they served as a catalyst for Law No. 117 of July 19, 1927, which
tried to place controls on "itinerant pedlars [sic] and craftsmen," the nomadic
Olassti Rom, and "nomads living in Gypsy style." It "was based on the old 1887
regulations and required all officially permited [sic] nomads to be registered and
carry a nomad's pass, which could be withdrawn at any time." All Rom 14 years
of age and over had to have a Gypsy identity card, which included his finger-
prints. Children under 14 were registered in the identification of the person with
whom they lived, while each family of wandering Gypsies also had to have a
special license for wandering that listed members of the family and their
animals. Those that did not register were subject to arrest. Over the next 13
years, officials issued 39,696 Gypsy identity cards in Czechoslovakia. Law No.
117 also required Rom to get permission from the local mayor to stay in a com-
munity, which usually.only lasted for a week. The mayor was required to record
his decision in a special registration book. The 1927 legislation also prohibited
Gypsies "from entering whole regions, and individual communities, particularly
the spa and holiday resorts."47
The 1924-1929 trial in Kosice inflamed public opinion against the Rom,
and on October 1, 1928, a pogrom took place in Pobedim, Slovakia, where
peasants killed 6 Gypsies, 2 of them children, and injured 18, for pilfering
crops. The attackers received only mild punishments, and the influential
newspaper Slovak explained that the "Po bedim case can be characterized as
a citizen's revolt against Gypsy life. In this there are the roots of democracy."
The following year, another group of Rom were accused of "murder and can-
nibalism." The latter charge was dropped, "but not before the press had
inflamed public opinion with sensational and inaccurate coverage."48 Despite
this atmosphere, efforts were made in Czechoslovakia during this period to
help the Gypsies. In 1925, Rom schools were opened in several communities
in Ruthenia and eastern Slovakia. Four years later, a gr~up of physicians in
Kosice created the League for the Cultural Advancement of Gypsies, which
was renamed the Society for Studying the Solution of the Gypsy Question in
1930. The group was initially concerned with Roma health problems, but soon
expanded its interests and support to include education and cultural activities.
The Society opened Gypsy schools in Uzhorod, Kosice, Hummene, and
Levoca and also helped to form Rom "theatrical and musical groups" that per-
formed throughout Slovakia. The Society inspired the creation of the SK
ROMA soccer club, which gained some fame in other parts of Europe. The
Society's physicians published some of their medical studies on Slovakian
Rom in regional medical journals, and also "in special pamphlets, which were
issued for a short time."49
What few improvements occurred in the lives of Czechoslovakia's Gypsies
in the 1920s became mired in the economic and social difficulties of the
Depression in the following decade. Slovakia was hit particularly hard, and it
is estimated that during the peak of this economic disaster in 1932-1933,
"about one third of Slovakia's population had no regular income."50 Yet there
are indications that despite these problems, there were some areas of positive
improvement for the Rom, particularly in education. An article appeared in the
liberal Czech newspaper Lidove noviny (People's Newspaper) on January
27, 1933, that described the history of the Gypsy school at Uzhorod in east-
ern Slovakia. The unnamed author of the article claimed that the school,
which was opened in 1926, was the center of "a Gypsy revival" and "the only
educational institution for Gypsies in the world." It was not only "of educa-
tional importance for Gypsy youth of school age, but it is [sic] also became a
culture centre for.the Gypsies settled in Uzhorod generally." The school's
founder, Pavel Feodor, approached the local city council for funding in 1923
but was rejected because of opposition from "Jewish and Hungarian members"
of the council. A regional school inspector, Mr. Simek, allied with another
government official, Mr. Hrbek, in 1925, and the two were able to convince
officials in Uzhorod to permit the construction of a Rom school after the
Gypsies "promised they would carry out the work and furnish the materials"
to build it. The school, which opened in November 1926, was described as "a
pleasant, clean-looking building, with a large, well-lighted classroom for 55
pupils, a changing room, and a house for the teacher. An open playground sur-
rounded with trees serves as a gymnasium."51
The Gypsies' teacher, Mr. Hegedus, oversaw a five-part curriculum, with
instruction in Slovak. Attendance was quite high, except for the spring, "when
parents work in town or in the countryside near by, and the older children must
stay at home to look after the little ones, of whom there is always a surplus."
The school was a source of great pride for the Rom community in Uzhorod:
Even the Gypsy camp has greatly changed since the school has been
in existence. Horrid insanitary rubbish-tips have disappeared, the
row of cottages is well decorated, with chimneyed roofs and large
windows, and the fronts of the houses are kept clean. In an open
space which was once an evil-smelling marsh, there is now a foot-
ball-ground where both young and old play from morning to night.
The teachers have an able helper in the mayor, whom the Gypsies
call biro. He enjoys the confidence of his small community. The
members of the Gypsy colony are, even in these days, in regular
employment as workmen, craftsmen (there is a model tailoring
establishment), or as musicians. Mr. HegedUs trained some of them
last year for the Gypsy Academy, when they performed three one-
act plays in the Uzhqrod theatre. These were actual scenes from
Gypsy life with the school as its centre. This was a great achievement
when it is remembered that the actors were largely illiterate ...
As proof of the interest aroused by the Gypsy School, there are
some hundreds of teachers, reporters and others visiting the place
from all parts of the world, including Australia. Their visits are
recorded by signature or card in the school chronicle, of which the
kindhearted Mr. HegedUs, whose motto is "The Gypsy is also human,"
is justly proud. The Gypsy school was a happy experiment, but the
best thing about it is that the principle of equality has triumphed in it. 52
Other Rom schools also flourished during this period. In 1937, the Gypsy
school in Kosice had an enrollment of 117 Gypsy children. 53
U nfortunatel y, all of these achievements would begin to disappear with the
dismemberment of Czechoslovakia in 1938 and its conquest by Hitler's
Germany the followi~g year. The story of the international crisis that swirled
around Czechoslovakia during the Sudeten crisis in the summer and fall of
1938 has been well documented. Less well known, at least from the perspective
Those placed under "protective custody" would be sent to the camps at Lety
or Holodin or to prisons in Ruzyne Pardubice, Brno or OlSovec. If these were
too crowded, the prisoners would be shipped to similar facilities in Germany
or Auschwitz. The law had special clauses for the Protectorate's Rom:
Between August 1942 and April 1943, 7,980 Gypsies were sent to the camp
at Lety and 7,329 to Hodonin. It was during this period that German author-
ities began to ship Protectorate and other Gypsies to Auschwitz. Though the
mass transfer of Rom to the Reich's primary death camp did not come until
Heinrich Himmler's decree of December 16, 1942, scattered shipments of
Gypsies had begun to arrive at Auschwitz earlier from throughout Nazi-
occupied Europe. On December 3, 1942,94 Gypsies were sent from Lety to
Auschwitz, followed four days later by 75 Rom from Hodonin. 59
Thirteen days later, Himmler issued Decree No. 1-2652/42, which set the
stage for the most destructive stage of the Porajmos by ordering "that persons
of mixed Gypsy blood be sent to Auschwitz."60 By early spring 1943, Rudolf
Hoss, the Auschwitz commandant, had opened a special Gypsy Family Camp
at Auschwitz II-Birkenau that consisted of "40 wooden barrack blocks
where they were kept in family groups in an attempt to avoid trouble until the
final moment came." The first transports from the Protectorate to Auschwitz
II began on March 7, 1943, and continued through late January 1944.
Authorities closed the Gypsy camp at Holodin on December 1, 1943, and the
last transport of Protectorate Rom, made up of 31 sick "asocia1s," left for
Auschwitz II on January 28, 1944. By the time Hoss liquidated the Gypsy
Family Camp on August 2, 1944, about 21,000 out of 23,000 Gypsy inmates
had perished in Birkenau's gas chambers. Of the 23,000 inmates, 4,531 were
from the Protectorate. 61 According to Hoss, who regarded the Rom as his
"favorite prisoners,"
By August 1944 there were only about four thousand gypsies left,
and these had to go into the gas chambers. Until that time they did
not know what fate was in store for them. Only as they were marched
barrack after barrack to Crematory I did they figure out what was
going on. It was not easy to get them into the gas chamber.
Hoss, who also felt the Rom "were as trusting as children," actually gassed
2,897 Gypsies on August 2.62
Gypsies had also been sent to Auschwitz II from other camps in the
Protectorate, though the majority of the Czech Gypsies who died in the
Porajmos met their fate at Auschwitz II. Protectorate Rom were also sent to
the Buchenwald death camp in central Germany and the Ravensbruck
women's camp north of Berlin. The majority of the 6,000 to 8,000 Czech
Gypsies who died in the Holocaust, however, met their fate in Auschwitz 11.63
One Czech Gypsy survivor of Auschwitz, Barbara Richter, vividly described
her ordeal during the Porajmos.
I was kept six weeks at the police station and then sent to Auschwitz
(arriving there March 11th, 1943). Two Gypsies tried to escape but
were caught, beaten and hanged. Later my family was released from
Lettig because the Richters were a well-established family in
Bohemia. My mother came to Auschwitz voluntarily. Once I was
given twenty-five blows with a whip because I had given some
bread to a new arrival. One day I saw Elisabeth Koch kill four
Gypsy children because they had eaten the remains of some food.
Another time we stood for two hours in front of the crematorium but
at the last moment were sent back to the barracks. I was given lashes
a second time for taking bread from a dead prisoner. Three times
they took blood from me. Dr. Mengele injected me with malaria. I
was then in the sick bay with my uncle. Some Gypsies carried me
to another block just before all the patjents in the sick bay, includ-
ing my uncle, were killed.64
The Gypsies of Slovakia were much more fortunate than their Czech
counterparts. Part of the reason for Slovakia's comparatively mild treatment
of its Gypsies centered around Germany's desire for Slovakia to be "a pro-
paganda showpiece in Southeastern Europe." Consequently, the army, Church,
economy, parliament, and party enjoyed semi-autonomy. Germany's desire to
Nazify this valuable economic ally was opposed by Father Jozef Tiso, the
Slovak head of state, who was "dead set against the nazification and ger-
manization of Slovak life." In time, Reich officials came to realize that the
only way they could achieve their goals was through "indoctrination and
political pressure with a program of continuous propaganda and education."
Anything else would hamper Slovakia's remarkable contribution to the
German war effort. Almost all of Slovakia's Gypsies survived the war because
of this decision. This did not mean, however, that the Slovak government left
its Rom population at ease, even though the Slovak constitution of July 21,
1939, granted some protection to the country's minorities. Within months after
the creation of Slovakia in the spring of 1939, the Tiso government ordered
nomadic Gypsies "to return to their respective legal domicile" and made it
illegal for them to do any horse trading. On September 25, 1939, Jews were
deprived of their Slovak citizenship, while Gypsies who were born in Slovakia
and wanted Slovak citizenship had to prove that only if they
was sent to perform forced labour." When Hlinka Guards, the Slovakian para-
military group that modeled itself on the Italian Black Shirts and the German
SA, arrived to take Gypsies from the village of Letanovce, the mayor only
agreed to send two Gypsies, "both men with a bad reputation for drinking and
anti-social behavior." Both Rom returned to Letanovce at the end of the war. 68
This atmosphere changed drastically, however, during the summer of 1944.
In June, a Slovak law accused the Rom of spreading typhoid through the coun-
try, and forbade Gypsies to ride trains unless they had a special travel permit
backed by a physician's certificate that showed them free of typhoid. The
"travel permit was valid only for the outward journey and the whole procedure
had to be gone through again for the return." The following month, the Interior
Ministry informed its regional offices that there were still Gypsies in some of
the country's towns and villages. It ordered local officials to move all Rom
"away from roads" and said that if any Gypsies refused to comply, they would
be executed. The decree added that "arrangements for concentration working
camps for Gypsies are being prepared. "69
The climate for the Gypsies got considerably worse with the German occu-
pation of Slovakia on September 29, 1944. As a result of the Slovak National
Insurrection of August 29-October 27, 1944, the Germans clamped down
harshly on the Slovaks, including the Gypsies, for actively supporting the upris-
ing. One Rom leader, Tomas Farkas, led a mixed group of Gypsies and Slovaks
that momentarily held up German forces near Tisovec as they moved toward
Banska Bystrica, the military center of the rebellion. When Banska Bystrica
eventually fell to the Germans, authorities arrested Farkas's son and sent him
to a concentration camp. Tisovec, in fact, had become a center for Gypsy par-
tisan activities earlier in the war. When the main partisan unit retreated in the
face of the German advance in the fall of 1944, the Rom stayed behind to pro-
tect their families, armed with "heavy weapons and machines-guns hidden
near the Gypsy camp." After the rebellion's collapse, a German intelligence
officer tricked the Rom into revealing details about their weapons cache. Hlinka
Guards executed the Rom partisans "in front of their families and then killed
the women and children. The bodies were thrown in a lime quarry."70
Similar massacres took place in other parts of Slovakia as retribution for the
Gypsies' role in the Slovak National Insurrection. On November 14, 1944,65
Rom were burned to death in two huts in Cierny Balog "after being forced to
carry the cans of petrol." Other Gypsies were forced to dig a grave for the
dead. Hlinka Guards, murdered an entire community of 111 Gypsies in llija
eight days later, and on November 23, they butchered as many Rom as they
could find in Slatina. Only three Gypsies escaped the massacre. A similar
tragedy took place at Neresnice, where only two families survived. 7l
Atrocities also took place at the labor camp at Dubnica nad Vahom. On
September 29, 1944, German authorities in Trencin, just to the south of
Dubnica nad Vahom, ordered that all male Rom from this region be sent to the
labor camp at Dubnica. Once the camp became full two weeks later, the
Gypsy transfers stopped. On November 2, 1944, Dubnica nad Vahom was
transformed into a detention camp to hold all Gypsies regardless of their sex
and age. To make room for the Rom, authorities released all of the camp's
non-Gypsy inmates. After a typhus epidemic ravaged the camp in mid-
December, authorities began to ship Gypsies from Ustie nad Oravou to
Dubnica nad Vahom after the former camp was closed later that month.
Before the arrival of the new prisoners, there were 729 Rom at Dubnica nad
Vahom, 250 of them children. The only recorded atrocity at the camp took
place on January 17, 1945, when 16 sick Gypsy prisoners were taken from the
camp under the pretense of being taken to the hospital at Trencin. Instead, they
were driven in military trucks to a wooded area, forced into a pit, and executed.
The camp was closed on the eve of its capture by Soviet forces on April 8,
1945. Despite the tragedies of the camps, the Gypsy survival rate was quite
high in Slovakia, and estimates are that only a few hundred of Slovakia's
100,000 Rom died in the Poi'ajmos. 72
The liberation of Czechoslovakia in the spring of 1945 found the country
traumatized by the human and economic devastation of the war and, at least
in the case of the Czech lands, deeply embittered toward the Germans. These
feelings were exacerbated by a more subtle threat from the Soviet Union,
which helped engineer the creation of a National Front government in early
1945 that gave Czech and Slovak communists eight important seats in the cab-
inet of a new government under President Edvard Benes. As the National
Front struggled to rebuild a country that suffered 250,000 dead and losses of
$2,400 per person in the Czech lands, and $4,900 per person in Slovakia, a
national expUlsion and expropriation campaign began, aimed primarily at the
Germans in the Czech portions of the country, but also at the Magyars of
Slovakia. The official campaign forced 1,859,541 Germans and 68,407
Magyars to leave Czechoslovakia by the end of 1946. The land expropriated
by the government during this period included 270,000 farms and 6.24 mil-
lion acres, much of it in the Sudeten borderland. 73
Over the next three years, 1.5 million people, including some Gypsies,
would move into the former Sudetenland from other parts of Czechoslovakia.
As the Germans l~ft Czechoslovakia, many Slovak Gypsies were sent to
camps in northern Bohemia and Moravia where they worked as unskilled
laborers. These transfers were intended not only to help the country cope with
a severe labor shortage but also as a way of "exacting social and labor con-
fonnity from Gypsies." Not all Slovak Gypsies remained in the Czech lands,
however; some returned to Slovakia "where conditions began to improve
dramatically as migrants invested their earnings in new, brick-built family
houses." In addition, "an estimated 6,000 nomadic Olach [Olassti] Roms ...
still traveled the republic with horses, carts and tents." While the goals of the
transfer were applied gingerly under the first National Front government of
1945-1946, the strong communist showing in the May 26, 1946, elections,
saw the new minister of the interior, Vaclav Nosek, and others, push "for the
application of not only harsh but restrictive measures toward the Gypsies."
Nosek and his supporters argued that the Roms' "claim to Czechoslovak cit-
izenship was tenuous at best."74
Efforts by Evzan Erban, the minister of labor and social welfare, to continue
to send Slovak Gypsies to camps in the Czech lands were stopped by the non-
communist minister of justice, Prokop Drtina, on May 19, 1947. Drtina was
unable, however, to do anything about a census of the country's entire Rom
population that was directed toward "all wandering Gypsies and other work-
shy vagabonds." According to the census, there were 84,438 Rom in Slovakia,
and 16,752 in the Czech lands. The successful communist coup of late
February 1948, brought a change in Rom fortunes: the party in power had
stated a year earlier "that its ultimate goal in ministering to the needs of the
Gypsies in Czechoslovakia was their integration with the rest of the popula-
tion, and the raising of their economic, social, and cultural levels to those of
the Slavic society."75
The year after the communist takeover, the government of Klement
Gottwald created "an inter-ministry commission ... to examine the social and
labor aspects of the 'so-called Gypsy Question.'" The new commission spon-
sored a detailed study of Czechoslovakia's Gypsies, which appeared in 1950
as Zarazovani osob cikanskeho puvodu do trva/eho pracovniho procesu
(Position ofIndividuals of Gypsy Origin in the Work Process). The study was
partly integrated into another report two years later by the Ministry of Labor
and Social Welfare, titled Uprava pomeru osob cikanskeho puvodu (Report
About the Life of the Gypsies in Czechoslovakia). Uprava pomeru blamed
earlier governments and societies for the Rom's low social and economic sta-
tus and promised that the new People's Democratic State would "successfully
~olve the Gypsy Question" if the Rom "willingly and quickly [became] accus-
tomed to conscientious work, they adopt[ed] trades, they [took] part in social-
ist competition, they -[became] shock-workers [workers highly committed to
the communist party], members and functionaries of the Czechoslovak
Communist Party and the Revolutionary Trade-Union Movement." These
reports, however, were not a call to action, and for the next eight years, the
purchase a new home in the Czech lands. Inadequate funding (only 75 million
Crowns annually [$10 million] was allotted for all aspects of the program),
coupled with growing resentment towards the new Rom presence in the Czech
regions of the country, and the unwillingness of some Rom to remain in
Bohemia and Moravia, undercut the success of the program. Between 1965
and 1968, the government was only able to eliminate one-third of the Rom
settlements targeted for destruction. 82
As authorities struggled with the mixed results of this new transfer and
employment program, Czechoslovakia was turned inside out by the events of
the Prague Spring in 1968. Spawned by the on-again, off-again spirit of
deStalinization that swept throughout the Soviet bloc between 1956 and 1963
and the inability of the regime of Antonio Novotny to deal with Czechoslovakia's
growing economic crisis and an upsurge in Slovak nationalism, a major
struggle within the Communist Party over reform at the end of 1967 saw the
leader of the Slovak Communist Party, Alexander Dubcek, replace Novotny
as Czechoslovakia's leader on January 5, 1968. Eight months later, Dubcek,
originally blessed by the Soviet leadership before his accession to power,
would feel the brunt of its military strength. The reason for Moscow's change
of heart was the Prague Spring, Dubcek's effort "to combine socialism with
democracy and economic security with civil liberties." The atmosphere that
emerged in the midst of this bold domestic experiment boded well for
Czechoslovakia's Rom. 83
On the eve of the Prague Spring, Czechoslovakia had one of the largest Rom
populations in the Soviet bloc. Official data from the end of 1967 showed a
Gypsy population of 223,993, with 164,526 in Slovakia, and 59,467 in the
Czech lands. In 1968, the Rom in Slovakia were allowed to form their first
official organization, the Union of Gypsy-Romanies (Zvaz Cikanov-Romov;
in Romani, Romano Jekhet<iniben), which was followed by a similar Czech
organization in 1969. Later that year, the two joined together into one orga-
nization, although they maintained separate Slovak and Czech branches. The
stimulus for the creation of the new Rom organization came from Slovak intel-
lectuals such as Dr. Anton Facuna. The Union of Gypsy-Romanies received
funds from the National Front and maintained offices in each region and
county. Its goals were to elevate "the social and economic levels of the
Gypsies in the country" and to improve "the majority population's awareness
and understanding of Gypsy culture." It also sought nationality status for the
Rom, which stimulated an engaging debate among Gypsy and non-Gypsy
intellectuals about the entire "Gypsy Question." Central to the debate was
Jaroslav Sus's 1963 study, Cikanska otazka v CSSR (The Gypsy Question in
the CSSR), which described the Rom "way of life as [an] undesirable combi-
nation of 'nomadism, tribalism ... and blood feuds,' and the Romani language
as ... unworthy of preservation." Consequently, Sus felt that "unconditional
assimilation [was] ... the only solution for the question." In the new spirit of
openness that swept Czechoslovakia, Elena Hiibschmannova, long an advo-
cate of Rom nationality status, led the attack on Sus's ideas. Hiibschmannova
shifted responsibility for some aspects of the "Gypsy Question" to the shoul-
ders of the government, as did the August 1969 Programme of the Founding
Congress of the Czech Gypsy-Rom Association [Union], whose authors felt
that "fears of the results of granting rights to the Gypsies as a nationality" lay
at the heart of the question. As this debate raged, plans for a Rom journal
emerged, and the Gypsy-Romanies organization's membership rolls swelled
to 20,000 over the next three years. A brief Gypsy renaissance, anchored by
"200 Romani musical groups ... and thirty local football clubs," swept
Czechoslovakia, and the media began to refer to the country's Rom as "citi-
zens of Gypsy origin." Unfortunately, after the Soviet invasion of
Czechoslovakia on August 21, 1968, the new government of Gustav Husak
introduced an era of "normalization" that gradually chipped away at many of
the gains achieved in the Prague Spring. A purge of the Communist Party in
1970 was followed by the "reimposition of censorship and other restrictive
controls" a year later. In April 1973, the government kicked the Union of
Gypsy-Romanies out of the National Front and outlawed other Gypsy orga-
nizations because they had "failed to fulfill their integrative function."84
What followed was a renewed effort to force Rom integration and assimi-
lation, coupled with a new scheme of sterilization designed to reduce Gypsy
births. Census figures for 1970 showed a Rom population of 219,554, a slight
drop from 1968, when officials counted 226,467 Gypsies in Czechoslovakia.
Other estimates, though, put the 1970 Rom figures at over 300,000. The 60,279
Rom in the Czech Republic in 1970 made up 0.61 percent of its population,
while Slovakia's 159,275 Gypsies accounted for 3.51 percent of its popUlation.
Rom growth rates in Slovakia averaged 3.71 percent from 1970 to 1980, com-
pared to 0.73 percent for Gypsies in the Czech republic. However, since they
still only made up 1.53 percent of the country's total population, the govern-
ment's policies toward the Gypsies arose as much from fear of the complex
social and economic problems that accompanied such Rom increases rather
than the actual numerical threat of Gypsy population growth. The gradual
increase in the size of the Rom population during this period also seemed more
threatening because of the newness of the demographic statistics, since Gypsies
had not been listed in any national census data prior to 1965. Finally, the
upsurge in Rom activism between 1968 and 1971 highlighted the Rom pres-
ence in Czechoslovakia on a scale never experienced before in the country.85
overall impact of these efforts was to create a very unwelcome, suspicious cli-
mate for Czechoslovakia's growing Rom population that worsened as the
country and its leadership drifted toward the collapse of the system that had
dominated the nation since 1948.94
The seeds for the Velvet Revolution of 1989 can be traced back to the post-
1968 decision by the new Husak regime to "preserve the status quo" at all costs
and the implementation of its uninnovative "intensification" campaign to
shore up the country's stagnating economy. As the Gorbachev phenomenon
increasingly infected Czechoslovakia and its neighbors, gradual, though dra-
matic, political and social changes swept the country. Husak, who headed the
Communist Party and served as Czechoslovakia's president, resigned his
Party position in December 1987. Over the next 18 months, there was grow-
ing "interaction between increasing societal militancy and growing regime ner-
vousness" that culminated in the event that triggered the beginning of the
Velvet Revolution on November 17, 1989-the brutal, government-instigated
police attack on peaceful student demonstrators in the center of Prague. What
followed was a remarkable series of events that ended on December 29, 1989,
with the election of Vaclav Havel, the head of the new Civic Forum (Obcanske
Forum), Czechoslovakia's "umbrella for various dissident groups," as the
nation's president. At his side was the newly elected head of the Federal
Assembly, Alexander DubCek, the Party head during the Prague Spring. Havel
had made Dubcek' s election a condition of his agreement to become president
of Czechoslovakia. 95
What evolved in this highly charged atmosphere was a plethora of political
parties and other organizations. Within three months of the Velvet Revolution,
58 new political parties and 334 associations were registered. A number of
Gypsy parties emerged during this period, including the Party of the Democratic
Romany Union and the Party of the Integration of the Romany People in
Slovakia. The most important was the Romany Civic Initiative (Romska obcan-
ska iniciativa), or ROI, which had close links to Civic Forum. It quickly attracted
a membership of over 70,000 and held its first national meeting in the spring of
1990 in Prague. One of its first decisions was to vote to erect a monument in
Bratislava to the Rom victims of the Holocaust. The ROI congress elected
Emil Scuka, a lawyer and playwright, to head the organization.96
Yet the very democracy that gave Czechoslovakia's Rom the opportunity
to form their own political and cultural organizations also created a new
atmosphere for open, virulent expressions of prejudice toward the Rom, whose
numbers continued to increase dramatically in spite of the imperceptible
growth of the general population. In 1988, the government estimated that there
were 391,000 Rom in Czechoslovakia, a 35.6 percent increase over 1980
constitute attacks on all of us. They are attacks on the most basic
principles of ethics and humanism, attacks on the state based on law
that is being born, attacks contradicting the ideals of our democra-
tic revolution. The fact that we silently toler'lte such attacks makes
us accomplices.
We call on all citizens to stop being indifferent to the manifesta-
tions of violence and intolerance. We appeal to our executive bodies
to put a fmal stop to these attacks. Let us make the people who for
years have been working in our country feel that they live in a soci-
ety in which it is possible to have their basic human rights protected.
Vaclav Havel detailed the wrongs done Gypsies in public statements on May 2
and in an address on July 27, 1990, to the First World Romany Festival in Bmo.
Though admirable, particularly when coupled with the new rights acquired by
the Rom over the next year, they did not prevent the racially motivated deaths
of 26 Rom before the breakup of Czechoslovakia on January 1, 1993. 99
Both the federal and individual Czechoslovak republics granted the Rom
full minority status, rights, and protection in 1990-1991. Over 30 Gypsy cul-
tural organizations arose during this period, anchored by the Union of Romany
Writers and numerous newspapers and magazines. Programs in Romani
Studies were opened at Charles University in Prague and at the Pedagogical
Faculty in Nitra. Unfortunately, these developments were overshadowed by
a new set of problems that accompanied the breakup of Czechoslovakia on
January 1, 1993. Before the formal separation, Slovakia had an estimated
Gypsy population of 400,000, and the Czech lands, 150,000. In anticipation
of the breakup, a number of Slovak Rom began to move to the Czech lands
because they felt the political and social atmosphere would be more tolerant
there, and economic conditions better. The sudden increase in "unemployed
Romanies, often unassimilated families from Romany villages in eastern
Slovakia," stunned many Czechs, who soon pointed to a sharp increase in
crime, with claims that 90 percent of it was committed by the new Gypsies.
Led by individual community actions throughout the Czech Republic, the new
state's prosecutor-general "proposed to the Czech parliament a draft Law on
Extraordinary Measures as a means of dealing 'with unrest caused by undis-
ciplined groups of migrants.'" Though condemned by human rights groups
and the Romany Democratic Congress, which represented 19 Gypsy groups
in the Czech Republic, the law had surprising support from conservatives and
local officials. Though never passed, the debate that surrounded the Law on
Extraordinary Measures brought to the surface traditionally strong prejudice
toward the Rom. 100
These feelings ~ere also expressed in several public opinion surveys
conducted before and after the breakup of Czechoslovakia that showed almost
universal hatred and distrust toward Gypsies, particularly among young
Czechs and Slovaks. In fact, the level of anti-Rom sentiments was higher in
Several months later, Monika Nemcokov, the press secretary for the Slovak
embassy in Washington, D.C., wrote to The New York Times to complain about
distortions in an article by Henry Kamm, titled "In Slovak Gypsy Ghetto,
Hovels and Plea for Jobs." Kamm's article centered on Gypsies in the Slovak
village of Svinia, their poor living conditions, and their high unemployment.
According to a parish priest in the village of Medzev, the Rom "don't want
to work," and were satisfied subsisting on government welfare. The mayor of
Medzev said the only solution to Slovakia's Gypsy problem was "to shoot
them all," though, after a few moments, he added, "I'm no racist ... But some
Gypsies you would have to shoot." Nemcokov said such attitudes were "not
based on racial intolerance, but on a significant difference in life styles and
standards." She added that almost 40 percent of all crimes in Slovakia were
committed by Roma, with a range of 40 to 50 percent for all "youth cases in
Slovakia." The press secretary felt that the monthly Rom stipend of $71 a
month was adequate "to sustain a moderate life style in Slovakia," though she
admitted it was less than half the average monthly salary of a worker.
Nemcokov strongly disagreed with Kamm's assertion that there were 400,000
Roma in Slovakia and put the figure at 250,000. She noted that the govern-
ment spent 70 million Crowns annually to help the Roma, which was "used
for improving living standards in Gypsy villages, education and children's
summer camps, including 3.6 million Crowns for Gypsy periodicals, and
10.7 million Crowns for Gypsy cultural activities."102
A week and a half later, The New York Times published another article by
Kamm on the plight of Czech Roma, "Gypsies and the Czechs: Poverty, Not
a Welcome," that underscored some of the same problems in the Czech com-
munity of Usti nad Labem. Rom unemployment rates were at the 60-70 per-
cent level, while the "housing situation is desperate." One Gypsy leader,
Geza Grajcar, admitted that "90 percent of the Roma are involved in smug-
gling . . . as well as prostitution and petty crime," which he attributed to
"social insecurity." Refreshingly, Vaclav Havel said in an interview several
days later that "the Gypsy problem is a litmus test not of democracy but of a
civil society," and that "one is unthinkable without the other." Such enlight-
ened leadership and vision is necessary to prevent Gypsies from becoming
prisoners of their pasts in the Czech and Slovak republics. Until such thought
and leadership is brought to bear on the complex problems faced by the Roma
in both countries, the Gypsies will remain stigmatized by prejudices and tra-
ditions that will neutralize any significant gains or contributions they have or
will make in either nation. 103
granted "a group called the Sincani the right to choose their own leaders,"
while the first specific mention of Gypsies in Hungarian Slovak accounts was
in l399, when the Book of Executions of the Lords of Rozmberk notes "a cer-
tain Gypsy, the groom of Andrew. "3 Hungarian records indicate that in 1416
people in the Transylvanian town of Brass6 (Brasov), which is now located
in Romania, "provided 'lord Emaus of Egypt and his 120 companions' with
food and money." A year later, a large group of Roma traveled through
Transylvania and the Slovak portions of Hungary with the permission of
King Sigismund (1387-1437), who, as Holy Roman Emperor, had gathered
secular and Catholic Church leaders together in Constance, Italy, to resolve a
crisis in the church over the papacy. Sigismund granted the Gypsies travel
privileges after significant diplomatic negotiations because the Rom, who
had spent some time in the Ottoman Empire, possessed important military
information on the Turks. In 1423, Sigismund granted the Gypsy leader
Ladislaus and his followers a detailed travel permit that brought large num-
bers of Roma into Hungary. The new Gypsy settlers worked as "castle musi-
cians and metal workers" and were so highly regarded for these latter skills
"and the manufacture of weapons that they were declared royal servants, for
whose settlement and employment on private estates the consent of the king
was necessary." Consequently, when the residents of Hermannstadt (Sibiu) in
Transylvania wanted to have Gypsies work for them, they had to get the
approval of King Matthias I (r. 1458-1490). His successor, the Jagiellonian
Uhiszl6 II (r. 1490-1516), gave the Rom leader Tamas Polgar, the "vayvodam
Pharaonum" (voivode of 'Pharoah's People'), a travel permit that allowed
Polgar and his Rom followers "to move and settle wherever he pleased in the
country with his 25 tents of Gypsy smiths." Polgar's smiths provided the
Bishop of Pees, among others, with musket and cannon balls as well as other
military hardware. A large number of Roma also served in the Hungarian army
and were highly regarded by the Hungarians, especially for their ferocity.
Gypsy smiths made the torture instruments used by a frustrated contender for
the Hungarian throne, Janos Zapolyai (Jan Zapolsky), against the rebel leader
D6zsa (Gyorgy Szekely) in 1514. Zapolyai, who took the throne in 1528 with
Ottoman support, used Gypsy troops to burn a number of villages in
Hungarian eastern Slovakia. During his struggle to acquire power, Zapolyai's
opponents impaled a band of his Gypsy supporters to death after forcing them
to admit to "incendiarism [a charge] (later withdrawn) wrung from them on
the rack." The new monarch rewarded his Rom loyalists with the renewal of
the "ancient Gypsy liberties (antiquis libertatibus)."4
Hungarian rulers also appointed for the first time "a chief of the Gypsies"
who was given the title of egregius (distinguished). He was served by sub-
While the birds of the sky have their nests, foxes their earths, wolves
their lairs, and lions and bears their dens, and all animals have their
own place of habitation, the truly wretched Egyptian race, which we
call Czingaros, is assuredly to be pitied, although it is not known
whether this was caused by the tyranny of the cruel Pharoah or the
dictate of fate. In accordance with their ancient custom they are
used to leading a very hard life, in fields and meadows outside the
towns, under ragged tents. Thus have old and young, boys and chil-
dren of this race learned, unprotected by walls, to bear with rain, cold
and intense heat; they have no inherited goods on this earth, they do
not seek cities, strongholds, towns or princely dwellings, but wan-
der constantly with no sure resting place, knowing no riches or
ambitions, but, day by day and hour by hour, looking in the open air
only for food and clothing by the labour of their hands, using anvils,
bellows, hammers and tongs.
Thurzo then asked officials to allow Franciscus and his Rom "to settle in their
lands, [and] erect tents and practise their smithery, and to protect them against
those who would do them harm." Reimer Gilsenbach adds that the Gypsies
were protected by Thurzo not because of any "humanitarian motives" but
because of their "military importance," since the travel permit also included
the "gipsies in military service, together with their children, families, tents,
anvils, bellows and all their goodS."1O
Regardless, conditions for Gypsies continued to worsen over the next cen-
tury as large numbers of Rom fled into various parts of Hungary because of
wartime devastation elsewhere. New restrictions were put in force that
strengthened the ability of Hungarian officials to harass Gypsies. Though
these laws were aimed at foreign, nomadic Gypsies, they affected all Roma
in Royal Hungary and forced them to adopt a nomadic lifestyle, since the new
regulations "provided Gypsies with no realistic conditions for settling and
earning an honest living."11
The situation remained unstable throughout the rest of the seventeenth cen-
tury as the Habsburgs tried to force the Turks out of Hungary. Between 1683
and 1687, the Austrian emperor Leopold I (r. 1657-1705) pushed the Turks
out of the bulk of Hungary and began to integrate Turkish Hungary and
Transylvania into his empire. An anti-Habsburg uprising in Hungary prompted
new anti-Gypsy legislation in 1697 and 1701. Leopold I declared the Rom out-
laws and threatened them with severe punishment if they tried to enter
Habsburg domains. A similar regulation in 1706 ordered the erection in pub-
lic places and along major thoroughfares of taffeln (warning placards) to
inform Gypsies of these regulations. Four years later, Leopold's successor,
Joseph I (r. 1705-1711), ordered that Gypsies who entered Hungary illegally
were to be branded to enable authorities to identify those who had violated the
new restrictions. Since illiterate Roma claimed that they could not read the
taffeln, new taffeln with vivid pictures of mutilated Gypsies were erected for
Rom who could not read. The 1710 ordinance added that any official who
failed to hunt down Gypsies was to be fined severely, while anyone who har-
bored them "was to be punished by half a year's forced labour." These efforts
failed to stop Gypsies from entering the Empire, however, and in 1717 Charles
VI reaffirmed the earlier anti-Gypsy legislation. 12
In 1711, the Hungarian nobility agreed to accept Charles VI (Charles III of
Hungary) as their ruler in return for almost total control over their own domes-
tic affairs. Charles VI soon began to try to rebuild Hungary, which was weak-
ened and severely depopulated by years of war. Over 400,000 immigrants
entered Hungary during this period, some of them Balkan Gypsies who had
entered Hungary via Wallachia in Romania. In 1724, Charles VI issued a new
Gypsy decree dealing with nomadic Roma.
For the second time all those gipsies who do not have a landlord
proved, and all their companions who have a wandering, stealing and
thievish way of life, together with their wives and children have to
be registered all over Hungary and the connected parts 3 months from
now, so in your county as well, Sir, as in all counties of the country
with the special condition that should any of them resist with gun of
cudgel then he should be killed, and those captured have to be reg-
istered in order to state their number without any further proceedings.
The decree added that any Rom "who apply for a job and want to settle their
name, age and physique should be registered," while county officials were
required to make periodic reports to the "royal governor council" detailing "the
reformation of these persons." In tum, governors had to send a report to
Charles VI on the Gypsies in their region "in order to be able to provide for
the public quietness in this kingdom, as well as in other kingdoms and
regions." These regulations were to be announced and "spiked on boards
along royal roads, in order that this instruction should be explained to every-
one." Roma living in Hungary also had to pay new taxes on their moveable
possessions, and Gypsy censuses were initiated to aid in their collection. 13
By the early 1740s, Austria's new ruler, Maria Theresa (r. 1740-1780), had
implemented more restrictions against the Rom. They promised punishment
to anyone who gave (]ypsies food and renewed earlier threats of deportation .
.Any Rom who reentered the empire would be flogged on the first offense and
executed if caught again. In 1749, Maria Theresa issued a new anti-Gypsy
decree that ordered that nomadic Gypsies, "vagrants and foreign beggars"
were to be forced out of the Austrian Empire. This legislation did not affect
sedentary Roma, "some of whom enjoyed considerable favour in high places
as musicians." In 1751, Count Ferenc Eszterbazy, a member of one of
Hungary's powerful noble families, gave five Gypsies-Ferencz, Janos Bakos,
Laszl6 Bakos, Laszl6 Boroni, and Laszl6 Tinka-"litteras privilegiales,"
which made them "Free Court Musicians and exempt from taxes."14 Seven
years later, Maria Theresa made the local nobility throughout the empire
responsible for the Gypsies in their districts, though the Austrian Imperial
Council retained "a co-ordinating function for itself."15
She also ordered Hungary's Roma to halt their nomadic ways, settle, and
"be subject to taxes and to compulsory service for the lord of the manor." To
strengthen the new regulations, Gypsies were no longer allowed to own horses
or wagons and could not leave their villages without the permission of local
officials. The local nobility were unenthusiastic about these reforms because
they had to bear the costs of enforcing them. 16 In 1761, Maria Theresa decreed
that Hungarian Gypsies would no longer be referred to as Cigany but instead
would be called "'new citizens,'(Ujlakosok) 'new peasants,' or 'new
Hungarians '" (Ujmagyar). All Hungarian Rom males over sixteen years of age
would now be eligible for military service, while twelve- to sixteen-year-old
Gypsies would be taught a trade. Efforts to draft Gypsies into the army were
met with resistance by Hungarian officers, while "workers were no more
enthusiastic about taking them on as apprentices."17
In 1767, Maria Theresa, who had begun to share her throne two years ear-
lier with her son, the future Joseph II (r. 1780-1790), issued her Urbarium
(Urbarial Patent). Motivated by "humanitarian and economic considerations,"
the Urbarium was designed to force the Hungarian nobility to come to grips
with the terrible plight of the country's oppressed peasantry. She issued a new
Gypsy decree for Hungary the same year that took the Rom out of the juris-
diction of the region's governors and made the Gypsies subject to the ordinary
judicial system. Another decree in 1769 dealt with Gypsy registration.
For the ftrst time: As we have ordered to you, Sir, as well as to all
counties and towns in our instruction of December 10th, we ask you
to register all the gipsy families till the end of next February, indicat-
ing their wives, children, their sex and age, their craft-if they have
any-their religion in accordance with the true facts, so that even the
absent and alien persons should be indicated individually, mentioning
the reason of residence according to blood-relation. Finally, these
break-down records should be submitted as soon as possible to the
royal governor council in order to submit it to her holy Majesty.
The Empress also ordered that Roma could no longer "set themselves apart in
dress, speech or occupation, and each village was to carry out a census of
Gypsies."18 When these measures failed to bring the proper results, she issued
a new ordinance in 1774 that forbade marriage between Gypsies. Furthermore,
when a Rom woman married a non-Gypsy, she "had to produce proof of
industrious household service and familiarity of Catholic tenets." A male Rom
who married a non-Gypsy "had to prove ability to support a wife and children."
Finally, "Gypsy children over the age of five were to be taken away and
brought up in non-Gypsy families" to insure a Roman Catholic upbringing.
Other Gypsy regulations surfacing during this period encouraged the creation
of Rom settlements and ordered that Gypsy men be given regular employment.
Rom children in the new settlements were to attend school regularly. When
Gypsy children became ten, they had to find a useful occupation or trade. To
discourage continued nomadism, Roma cO\lld only own horses if they farmed
with them, though authorities preferred them to use oxen. 19
Maria Theresa's efforts to settle and Magyarize Hungary's Rom prompted
over 40 unsigned articles in the Weiner Anzeigen, a Hungarian journal in
German. In one of them, a unique look at the Gypsies of Hungary and
Transylvania, the author noted that despite appearances, there were numerous,
distinct Rom groups in the region. Nomadic Gypsies lived in tents but win-
tered in hillside caves. Conditions for sedentary Roma who had only the
barest of necessities were not much better. They primarily ate meat and
starchy food, which they prepared with limited cooking and kitchen utensils.
Hungarian Gypsies begged for bread and "were passionately fond of alcohol
and tobacco." They had little clothing, and Roma women "obtained clothes by
begging or stealing" and adorned them with jewelry. 20
The author of the Wiener Anzeigen article observed that Gypsy smiths sat
"crosslegged on the ground" when working, while the women worked the bel-
lows. The smiths "were quick and dexterous, but erratic," since family mem-
bers often disturbed the routine "to peddle their small wares," Roma horse
traders were equally adept and excellent horsemen. They were also good at
making "a sick nag look healthy." Gypsy musicians were talented and able to
cater to the different musical tastes of their audience. Some Roma had evolved
past the creation of traditional crafts such as "the flaying of animal carcasses
and the making of sieves and wooden implements" and only did these things
part-time. Others, such as the Aurari (gold-washers) in Transylvania and the
Banat, had separated themselves from the rest of Hungary's Rom and were
known to be hardworking and independent.21
The article's author felt Hungary's Gypsies had little "honour and shame," but
plenty of pride. He noted that they "adopted the religion of their environment,
without belief' and did not appear to have any special "ceremonies or cus-
toms." He felt that Gypsy behavior was "contrary to the rule of every orga-
nized society" and pointed to the way they raised their children as the cause.
Though Rom parents "loved their children inordinately," he felt they failed to
provide them with any education, which meant they had "no chance of chang-
ing their ways" once they became adults. He observed that Hungary's Gypsies
could, if adequately educated, be productive farmers, craftsmen, or soldiers.
The best thing to do for the Roma of Hungary, he concluded, "was to 'strive
as far as possible to tum Gypsies into human beings and Christians and then
to keep them within the state as useful subjects, '" a task that "would demand
much patience and effort." The conclusions reached by the anonymous author
of the articles in the Weiner Anzeigen were supported by Hermann Grellmann
in his 1783 study, Die Zigeuner. Grellmann felt that efforts by Maria Theresa
and her son, Joseph, were on the right track and that "education was the road
leading towards the eradication of non-conformity" for Hungarian Rom. 22
When he succeeded his mother in 1780, Joseph II undertook a massive
reform campaign designed to create a "perfectly uniform state." There would
no longer exist the traditional Austro-Hungarian dualism, since Joseph
intended to fully integrate Hungary into the empire. In addition to efforts to
create a unitary kingdom, Joseph II sought to eradicate religious intolerance
with his 1781 Patent of Toleration, which gave some rights to Protestants and
the Greek Orthodox. His Serfdom Patent of November 1781 was of limited
significance to Gypsies and other peasants, since the peasants got no land in
the deal and had "to continue to provide the lords labor or pay rents," they
remained "far from equal in practice." The Serfdom Patent was not extended
into Transylvania until 1783, where it was ignored by the Hungarian nobility.
In frustration, Joseph II emancipated all of Hungary's serfs two years later. 23
Joseph II also continued efforts to integrate Gypsies into the fabric of
Hungarian society. In 1783, the emperor issued a new Gypsy decree for
Hungary that again outlawed nomadism, forbade Roma to change their names,
required local officials to write monthly reports on Gypsy activities, pre-
vented Rom from taking part in local fairs, banned Gypsy smiths from plying
their crafts except in times of special need, limited the number of Roma musi-
cians, outlawed panhandling, required Gypsy settlers to serve others, and
ordered that all Rom children age four and above be sent away every two years
to neighboring districts. 24 Other regulations ordered the destruction of Gypsy
slums in Hungary and required Rom men and women to sleep apart in newly
constructed housing projects. Sheriffs in Hungary were to keep a close watch
on all Gypsies, who had to have the sheriff's permission to travel. Despite this,
Hungary's Roma still had to pay taxes and serve in the army.25
To give the government a better idea about the numbers affected by these
regulations, annual Gypsy censuses were initiated between 1780 and 1783.
Officially, there were 43,609 Rom (excluding married women) in Hungary in
1780 which included Croatia-Slavonia but excluded Transylvania. The cen-
sus listed 20,629 "Neu-Bauern" (New Peasants) or newly settled Rom, and
22,567 children. There were 8,388 Gypsy youths in foster homes, while 8,982
lived with their parents. Only 481 Gypsy children were in school, while 4,716
had jobs or served in the military. Gypsy population figures dropped to 38,312
in 1781, with 11,459 listed as "Neu-Bauern." The total number of Gypsy chil-
dren rose to 26,206, while those in school increased to 1,111. There were 6,059
Rom children in foster care, and 13,235 at home. Another 5,801 Gypsy youths
had jobs. Gypsy registration figures from 1781 showed that there were 1,291
Gypsy families occupied as Aurari (gold-washers), 1,239 tax-paying Rom
families divided into voivodships (tax districts under local governors), and
12,686 Rom families "belonging to rural communities." Of this number,
8,598 families were sedentary, and 4,088 were nomads. The Hungarian Gypsy
population climbed to 43,778 in 1782, though "Neu-Bauern" rose only to
12,847. Census takers counted 32,584 children in Hungary in 1782. Over two-
thirds of the Rom youngsters, 20,851, lived with their parents. There were only
809 Gypsy children in school, 5,053 in foster homes, and 5,871 Rom youths
with jobs. The 1783 census recorded 30,251 Gypsies in Hungary; the number
of "Neu-Bauern" dropped to 7,647. It also showed 24,613 children, with
15,306 at home, 1,056 in school, 3,515 in foster care, and 4,736 with jobs.
Total Roma population estimates for the "Lands of the Hungarian Crown,"
which included Croatia and Slavonia, were 135,000 at this time. 26
The dramatic change in various Rom statistics during this period gives
some indication of the Gypsies' response to Joseph II's policies. Those that
remained in Hungary found ways around the emperor's Rom decrees and
moved from areas "where the policy was more vigorously enforced to those
which were more lax." Gypsies that "did settle left their box-like houses
empty and lived in shelters of their own construction; children were prone to
fleeing back to their parents; and if Gypsies could not legally marry among
themselves," they fell back upon their own marriage ceremonies to wed other
Roma. In time, most of the Gypsy children ran away from the schools or the
foster homes. Their efforts were not strongly resisted by the Hungarian nobil-
ity, who were unenthusiastic about the Rom policies because they had to bear
the brunt of the costs of the education, housing, and job-training programs
designed to help Gypsies assimilate into Hungarian society. (Their exagger-
ated reports to Maria Theresa and Joseph II about the Roma added to the sta-
tistical uncertainty of the early successes of the two monarchs' policies.)
After the death of Joseph II in 1790, efforts to assimilate the Roma in this part
of the Austrian Empire waned, and many Gypsies returned to their traditional
nomadic lifestyle. 27
Joseph II had been quite sensitive to the general opposition to his Gypsy
and other policies in Hungary, and on January 30, 1790, he "revoked all of
his reforms in Hungary except for the Toleration Patent and the Serfdom
Patent." Before he died three weeks later, he "suggested as his own epitaph:
'Here lies Joseph II, who failed in all his enterprises. "'28 His death ended an
important period in Hungarian Gypsy history. European events soon
enveloped the country, and Habsburg energies were increasingly caught up
in the conflicts with France and Napoleon that did not end until 1815. While
there is no question that the Gypsies in Hungary were deeply affected by these
events, as were Rom throughout Europe, little precise information is avail-
able on them. Statistical data indicates a Rom population in Hungary, exclud-
ing Transylvania, of 40,000 in 1809, a figure that dropped to 30,000 two
decades later. However, a government report in 1805 concluded "that so far
as the gipsies would not be settled generally, it was impossible to have an
accurate registration."29
Gypsies did begin to achieve some musical notoriety during the first half
of the nineteenth century because of the efforts of Ferenc (Franz) Liszt,
Hungary's "greatest son," before the Revolutions of 1848. Since his youth,
Liszt had always had a deep fascination with the Rom and once remarked
that he was "a mixture of gipsy and Franciscan." He was particularly influ-
enced by Janos Bihari, a Gypsy whom Liszt called in his Bohemiens et Ie
leur musique en Hongrie (Gypsies and Their Music in Hungary, 1859), one
of the nation's "most celebrated violinists." According to Liszt, Bihari
became so highly sought after that "no marriage or festival of any impor-
tance, public or private, could be allowed to pass without his being invited."
Bihari played regularly for the gathered courts of Europe at the Congress of
Vienna in 1814-1815, where he attracted the fancies of several prominent
women from some of Europe's most powerful royal families. Bihari
responded by bringing his young Rom wife to court, where she dazzled the
gathered nobility. Liszt also celebrated the talents oftwo other Gypsy violin-
ists, Janos Lavotta and Antal Czermak, though there is some question if they
were Gypsies. 30
Liszt's fondness for Rom was so strong that he adopted a Gypsy child, Josi
Sarai, and raised him with his other children. Sarai eventually returned to his
Gypsy clan, married, and became part of a Rom ensemble in Debreczin. Sarai
named his son Ferenc after Liszt, who became the child's godfather. Yet
despite his support of Gypsy musicians,
Gypsies on Hungarian music missed the essence of the question for Liszt and
his music. To Hungary's "national son," the Gypsy proved that "music was
God-given, part of a divine plan."34
Liszt's efforts to give Hungarian Gypsies a greater role as the creators of
Hungarian music also ran counter to the growing spirit of Magyarization that
had infected that part of the Austrian Empire since the 1790s. This spirit accom-
panied an upsurge in Hungarian national feeling that had exploded after Joseph
II had done away with most of his regressive policies in Hungary in 1790 and
was designed to counter similar nationalistic tendencies among Hungary's other
ethnic groups. This rebirth of Hungarian national spirit continued to grow and
flourish throughout the nineteenth century and fueled one of the most dramatic
events in modern Hungarian history, the 18-month, unsuccessful War of
Independence in 1848-1849. 35 Istvan Deak sees this event less as an act of rev-
olution than as a "spontaneous effort to achieve modernization," since Hungary
was "a kingdom under the Habsburg scepter," which, even after its defeat in
1849, saw the "liberal economic and social reforms adopted by the Hungarian
Diet in March and April 1848" left intact and in some cases extended. 36
The seeds for the Hungarian revolutionary crisis of 1848-1849 lie in the
previous years of resurgent national sentiment and efforts by some liberal
Hungarian nationalists such as Lajos (Louis) Kossuth, Hungary's leader dur-
ing the revolution, to gain full equality and national autonomy for Hungary
within the Austrian Empire. Of primary concern to all Hungarian leaders at
this time, whether it was Kossuth or his nemesis, the romantic nationalist
Istvan Szechenyi, was the question of nationalities. Greater prerevolutionary
Hungary, which encompassed Croatia-Slavonia and Transylvania, was less
than 40 percent Magyar. None of the major ethnic groups except the Croats
or the Germans in Transylvania "were recognized by the Hungarian consti-
tutional tradition as having corporate autonomy." Hungarian nationalists
embraced Magyar preeminence during this era as a means of combating the
Germanization policies of the Viennese court, while the 1847 "liberal
Opposition Manifesto," written by Kossuth and Ferenc Deak, "did not men-
tion non-Magyars' ethnic rights" specifically, though it did call for "the civil
rights of all including non-Magyars.'>37
Hungary's leaders also omitted minority rights in their April Laws, or con-
stitution, once the revolution got under way in March 1848, despite the fact
that, if Transylvania was joined to Hungary, as many hoped, there would be
more non-Magyars jn the new state than Hungarians. This omission was based
on the fear "that granting special rights to the minorities would help restore the
despicable feudal system of local or corporate privilege" and the insistence by
liberals that the new Hungary must be "one nation in one state."38 Though these
discussions had little impact on the Rom, who were not considered one of
Hungary's national minorities, many of them backed the revolution once it got
underway in the spring of 1848. Some Gypsies chose to support it through tra-
ditional means, while others, according to Angus Fraser, "took part with their
instruments in the abortive revolution," and, once it began to be put down "by
a series of Hungarian defeats at the hands of the Austrians, and more rarely,
the Russians," consoled the nation with their music. 39
A bloody crackdown followed the end of the War of Independence, with the
Hungarians losing their "historic rights, their centuries old constitution, and
their special status." They did, however, retain many of the social and eco-
nomic reforms adopted by the Hungarian legislature in the early months of the
revolution. 40 Perhaps the most important of these reforms was the emancipa-
tion of the serfs, a move supported by Hungary's Diet in late 1847 and made
part of the April Laws several months later. This legislation dramatically
changed the social and economic structure of Hungary, since, unlike Joseph
II's Serfdom Patent 67 years earlier, the peasants, including some Gypsies,
received land with their new freedom. Sadly, the peasant remained poor,
since over half of the land in the country remained in the hands of a quarter
of the population. 41
Post-1849 Habsburg officialdom sought "to rebuild a centralized empire, of
which Hungary was to become an integral part." What developed was an
attempt to create a strong, centralized, Germanic kingdom blending reaction
and reform. Hungarians uniformly opposed these policies and chose to resist
them passively until the political climate changed. To the peasants, some of
them Gypsies, Kossuth, now in exile, achieved "mythical status as the pro-
tector of the peasantry." While abroad, he advocated liberal freedoms for
Hungary's minorities, such as "free use oflanguages on the county level" and
"total political autonomy."42 The outbreak of the Franco-Austrian War in
1859 prompted new plans for a Hungarian uprising, backed by France. Efforts
were made to get Hungary's distant minorities to support Kossuth's liberal
plans for them, but with the defeat of Austrian forces at Solferina on June 24,
1859, France's emperor, Napoleon III, quickly withdrew his support for the
Hungarian rebellion. The Habsburg defeat and the specter of further domes-
tic unrest prompted Vienna to revive Hungary's legislature, with limits, which
it soon overrode with the creation of an Empire-wide Imperial Council in
February 1861. The country's major ethnic minorities hoped the new
Hungarian legislature would recognize their existence as independent nations
and accept the fact that "the common fatherland was inhabited by several
nations." Instead, the Hungarian parliament's nationalities subcommittee told
the minorities' representatives that "all citizens of Hungary, irrespective of
their native language, comprise in the political sense only one nation, the
Hungarian nation, which is one and indivisible in accordance with the histor-
ical concept of the Hungarian state."43
Vienna dealt with the conflict of competing national and Hungarian legis-
latures by dissolving the latter in August 1861. Abroad, Kossuth counseled
reason and advocated the creation of a Danubian Confederation that would
embrace Hungary, Translyvania, Wallachia, Moldavia, Croatia, and perhaps
even Serbia. Kossuth's promise of broad, sweeping ethnic autonomy caused
many Hungarians to oppose his ideas, while others sought to find ways to
bring about change within the context of the Austrian Empire. The experiment
of the Imperial Council failed by 1863, and, in late 1865, the Hungarian par-
liament was called back into session to search for a solution to the growing
differences with Vienna. Spurred by renewed domestic unrest in Hungary and
the unsettling military setback against Prussia in the War of 1866, Vienna
began to search for a compromise with the Hungarians to restore domestic
peace to the Habsburg Empire. The result was the Ausgleich (Compromise)
of 1867, which created two separate, internally sovereign kingdoms, Austria
and Hungary, which shared a common ruler and the "joint management" of
"foreign policy, defense, and the finances needed for these."44
Unfortunately, the Ausgleich "ended the nationalities' hope of a federative
reorganization of the empire and left them defenseless in the face of Hungarian
hegemonist ambitions. For this reason, Hungary's non-Magyar nationalities
were unanimously opposed to the Compromise." While the agreement was
being negotiated between Austrian and Habsburg officials, the major nation-
alities demanded equal rights, which was opposed by some Hungarians, who
felt it gave them too many rights. Consequently, the minorities' legislation that
was finally approved by the Hungarian legislature in 1868 "did not recognize
the existence of separate nationalities and did not grant them collective
national rights or political institutions," though it did allow them liberal lan-
guage privileges. 45
The Hungary that emerged after the Ausgleich was to be "a unitary
Hungarian national state" where the ideas of state and nation were to be
equal. Initially, this translated neither into forced Magyarization nor "lin-
guistic and ethnic assimilation," but rather a policy of "grammatical
Magyarization" that centered around educational efforts "to tum the intellec-
tuals of the nationalities into Hungarians." In the midst of these efforts, which
would become mueh more aggressive in the mid-1880s, some scholarly work
began in Hungary on the Romani language. The seed of Hungarian interest in
the Gypsy language can be traced back to the pioneering work a century ear-
lier of Istvan Vali, a Hungarian minister, who identified a link between the
Romani spoken by the Gypsies in Gyor, Hungary and the language of three
students from Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) whom he had interviewed in
1753-1754 at the University of Leiden. The new work was undertaken by
Archduke Josef Karl Ludwig, a Habsburg with distant ties to the throne and
a resident of Hungary. The archduke was "an enthusiastic student of Romani
and Gypsy ways" and had a lifelong passion for Rom music. In 1888, he pub-
lished Cigany Nyelvtan (The Gypsy Language), "a comprehensive Romani
grammar, based on several European dialects." Archduke Josef, who spoke
fluent Hungarian, also set up a large Rom settlement at his estate at A1csuth
and founded similar Gypsy settlements at four other sites throughout Hungary.
The archduke built homes for the Roma at each settlement, taught them to
farm, and opened a special school for Gypsy youth at A1csuth. After he died
in 1905, the five Roma settlements fell into disarray.46
The only other glimpses of Rom life in Hungary during the second half of
the nineteenth century come from the various censuses taken during this
period. Austrian records estimate a Gypsy population of 93,000 in 1846,
while a census in 1851 indicated that there were 30,304 Gypsies in Hungary,
which included 11,440 in Hungarian Vojvodina-Banat. There were another
53,465 Gypsies in Transylvania, including 800 serving in the military.
According to a study done by Dr. Sador Konek in 1868, there were an esti-
mated 143,150 Rom in Hungary in 1857, and 155,700 seven years later. A
breakdown of this latter figure showed there were 67,610 Rom in Hungary
proper, 1,760 in Croatia, 86,300 in Transylvania, and 30 in the military bor-
derland Frontier District to the south. Konek and others attributed part of the
Gypsy population increase to the emancipation of slaves in Wallachia and
Moldavia during this period. A census taken in Hungarian-controlled territory
in 1867 showed 33,000Rom in Hungary proper, 58,000 in Translyvania,
4,500 in Croatia-Slavoni~, and 4,500 in the Frontier District, out of a total pop-
ulation of 15,500,000. A special Rom census in 1873 showed 214,000 Gypsies
in Hungary and Transylvania, while the more detailed census of 1880, which
was the first to use language as an indirect criteria for nationality, listed
75,911 Gypsies by native language in Hungary and Transylvania (37,764
women and 38,147 men), 1,499 in Croatia-Slavonia, and 1,983 in the Frontier
District. According to the analysis ofthis census by Hungarian demographer
Karoly Keleti, another 15,010 Gypsies listed Romani as their secondary lan-
guage. Keleti found it impossible to determine the language status of another
2,800 Roma. The 18'80 census also gave a detailed breakdown of greater
Hungary's Rom population geographically, and now included women for the
frrs.t time. It listed 64 settlement areas for Gypsies in Hungary and Transylvania,
8 for Croatia-Slavonia, and 6 for the Frontier District. The census of 1890,
which again used language as one of the criteria for nationality, showed
91,603 Gypsies in Hungary and Translyvania who declared Romani as their
primary language. Of this number, only 5.4 percent of those over the age of
six could read or write, compared to a national average of 53 percent. 47
A new, more thorough Gypsy census in 1893 indicated a Rom popUlation of
274,940 in Hungary and Transylvania. Over 89 percent of Hungary's Rom
lived in established settlements, while 7.5 percent were seminomadic, and
3.3 percent were completely nomadic. (Of the 274,940 Roma, 2,164 were in the
army, police, or imprisoned, and thus not included in the residence percentages).
The sedentary Gypsies lived in 7,220 settlements throughout the country, while
the seminomadic Rom periodically resided in 2,399 settlements. The Gypsy
nomads identified 811 separate villages as temporary homes. A little over half
of the sedentary Rom lived segregated from the native population, while 40 per-
cent lived together with non-Gypsies. Only about half of the children attended
school, though over two-thirds of those who did go to school "had obtained sat-
isfactory results in education." Two-thirds of the settled Rom lived in Gypsy
houses, while the rest resided in "hovels and cabins." Census takers observed
that the majority of the settled Gypsies' homes were "well managed, clean and
do not differ too much from the houses of other inhabitants," conclusions that
later Hungarian investigators of this data found as "too favourable." The 1893
census also looked at public attitudes toward the Rom and found that in two-
thirds of the 6,000 villages surveyed, "the conduct of the gipsies was blameless."
Only 5 percent of the villages investigated reported serious difficulties with the
Rom. Nomadic Gypsies were viewed more unfavorably.48
Over 30 percent of Hungary's Rom listed Magyar as their primary language,
while slightly less than 30 percent listed Romani as their native tongue. Over
62 percent of the nomadic Gypsies used Romani as their primary language.
Almost a quarter of Hungary's Gypsies principally spoke Romanian, while
3.6 percent spoke Slovak. Less than half of Hungary's Gypsies were com-
fortable with Magyar as a second language, and even fewer used Romani as
a second language, though this varied from group to group. Data on education,
which was considered the "most important means of culture and social devel-
opment at the time," indicated that only 5.7 percent of Hungary's Rom could
read or write, while only 12,000 of 52,000 settled Rom children between the
ages of six and fourteen went to school. In a survey of 6,332 settlements where
Roma lived (out of a total of 7,220), two-thirds of the settlements reported that
enrolled Gypsy children never went to school, while the remaining one-third
reported solid Rom school attendance. 49
Almost 60 percent of Hungary's Gypsies had a trade and earned steady
income from it. Of these, 64,000 Rom declared themselves unskilled laborers,
while 14,700 Gypsies worked as smiths, and 13,000 did construction work.
There were also 2,000 Rom spoon makers, 3,000 wood-trough carvers, and
1,000 copper craftsmen. Almost 17,000 Gypsies declared themselves musi-
cians. Though there were few Rom farmers, 5,600 said they worked in the
countryside as servants, herdsmen, and so forth. Another 4,400 were employed
as "horse-dealers, ragmen, second-hand dealers" or in other occupations.
There were 32 Rom whose work fell into the category of "intellectual pro-
fession," which included 22 midwives. Another 152 Gypsies were listed as
people performing "intellectual services," meaning "village drummers, school
porters, mail-carriers, etc." However, census analysts agreed that these figures
did not adequately reflect the true number of Rom in "intellectual professions,"
since, despite their lack of education, many who did acquire an education and
a profession often tried to assimilate and thus chose not to identify themselves
as Gypsies. 50
In 1910, Hungary's next and last census before the breakup of the Austro-
Hungarian Empire at the end of World War I, showed 147,599 Rom in Hungary,
a decline of over 46 percent from 1893 figures. This decrease in Gypsy popu-
lation figures was tied more directly to a series of complex economic, social, and
demographic changes that took place in Hungary during this period than to any
effort to drive the Rom from the country. Politically and socially, the 1890s was
a period of intensified nationalistic spirit in Hungary that increasingly tried to
force Magyarization on the country's scattered minorities through education and
other means. Though this process was quite successful among some groups,
such as the Jews and the Gypsies, other ethnic groups strongly resisted, so that
according to the 1910 census, only one-fifth of the country's 8.3 million non-
Hungarians knew Magyar. Regardless, estimates are that a large number of
Gypsies, Jews, Germans, Slovaks, and other groups that had assimilated had
done so because of "economic transformation, urbanization, and 'embour-
geoisement. '" These changes, however, were countered by a wave of emigra-
tion that saw over 2 million people leave Hungary during this period, triggered
by economic difficulties and the powerful force of Magyarization. 51
Since almost 70 percent of the Hungarian Roma spoke Magyar, Romanian,
or other (non-Romani) languages, and, from an official perspective, had no his-
torically identifiable ethnic traditions of their own, the Hungarian government
refused to grant them official minority status. Consequently, Gypsies were
expected to become good Hungarians. Anchored by an outpouring of books and
articles on the social transformation of the Rom, speakers at a 1909 conference
on Gypsies suggested that they "should have their horses and wagons confis-
cated, together with any weapons they possessed." One participant also argued
that "every Gypsy should be branded so as to assist identification." There is no
question that these feelings found a wider audience throughout Hungary, and,
combined with other things that affected population change in the country,
helped bring about the dramatic decline in Gypsy population figures in the 1910
census. On the other hand, the conference stimulated an educational project for
Hungary's Roma that continued until the outbreak of World War I and was
resumed after it ended. 52
World War I brought more dramatic changes in the Gypsy popUlation in
Hungary. Austro-Hungarian forces suffered 1.25 million deaths and almost
5.8 million wounded. Hungary "supplied proportionately more soldiers than
the other half of the monarchy and, therefore, suffered heavier losses in dead,
wounded, and prisoners." Though all elements of Hungarian society initially
supported the war effort, enthusiasm for the war waned by 1917 as the coun-
try began to collapse from the economic and social strain produced by this
deadly conflict of attrition. Hungary's minorities now saw advantages in the
complete dissolution of the Austrian-Hungarian state. On October 2,1918, the
empire asked for an armistice as a prelude to peace talks, while three and a
half weeks later, the Czechs, Slovaks, Croats, and Ruthenians of eastern
Slovakia began to declare their independence. The Allied victors separated the
Austrian and Hungarian kingdoms in the peace talks and forced Hungary to
conclude the Treaty of Trianon of June 14, 1920. Delayed by the abortive,
Soviet-supported coup of Bela Kun in 1919, the accord forced Hungary to
give up "70 percent of her territory, and 60 percent of her total population,
including 28 percent of the Hungarian speakers." Hungary's population
dropped from 20.9 million in 1910 to 7.6 million in 1920. It now became
almost a purely Magyar state, with only 833,475 people claiming a native
tongue other than Hungarian. 53
The harshness of the Treaty of Trianon dashed whatever hopes Hungary's
remaining nationalities had for a truly innovative minorities policy, since an
"irate Hungarian public pinpointed concessions to the nationalities as the
major cause for the Trianon Treaty and the country's dismemberment."
Instead, what emerged under the government of Count Istvan Bethlen from
1921 to 1931 was a nationalities policy that purportedly "provided for the full
equality of all Hungarian citizens, irrespective of language, religion, or
descent," but was compromised by a subtle, ongoing campaign of
Magyarization. In 1923, the government created three types of schools that
allowed primary teaching in the native languages. By 1928, there were 607 of
these schools, 467 -of them for the large German community. Native lan-
guages were also allowed to be used in government and legal matters in areas
where at least 20 percent of the population belonged to the same linguistic
group. In 1927, Kuno Kubelsberg, the minister of education, changed the
numerus clausus law of 1920 that had created limits on the number of Jews
who could enter higher education, and thus had made "anti-Semitism consti-
tutional for the first time in the history of modern Hungary." Kubelsberg's
changes did away with "racial and nationality considerations" as a barrier to
higher education and tried to insure "that the young of all classes got a chance"
to attend university. 54
As a result of this atmosphere, some prewar educational work with Gypsies
was revived, and in 1935, a Rom school was opened. Unfortunately, these
efforts, though promising, could not overcome the powerful force of
Magyarization that insisted that to achieve "completely equal membership in
Hungarian supremacy," one had "to accept the Hungarian way of life." This
spirit partly explains the extremely low Gypsy population figures in the cen-
sus of 1930. Though Hungarian minority specialist Gabor Kemeny later esti-
mated that there were probably 100,000 Rom in Hungary in 1930 (out of a total
population of 8,688,319), only 14,473 Gypsies officially showed up in the cen-
sus that year. 55 These figures are doubly significant in light of the dramatic
increase in native language identification among Hungary's other minorities the
same year. Whatever atmosphere emboldened Hungary's other ethnic groups
to be more open soon changed as the Depression swept into Hungary. Growing
dissatisfaction with the policies of the Bethlen government forced its collapse
in 1931. It was followed by a transition government under Count Gyula
Karolyi, which fell the following year under the weight of growing labor
unrest and continued economic chaos. A hesitant Admiral Miklos Horthy,
Hungary's regent and chief of state, chose his old ally, Gyula Gombos, to serve
as prime minister with the proviso that GombOs would "maintain the existing
governmental system and refrain from propagating racist ideas." Instead,
GombOs set immediately to work on the creation of a "fascist state system."56
Gombos's initial efforts to transform the face of Hungarian politics ,were ulti-
mately unsuccessful, as were his attempts to seek closer ties with fascist Italy
and Nazi Germany. His Party of National Unity handily won control of the par-
liament in 1935 in elections that were considered to be the "most corrupt and
violent in Hungary's history." Afterwards, GombOs boasted to Adolf Hitler's
heir-apparent, Hermann Goring, and others, "that a one-party regime would be
set up in Hungary within the following two years."57 Despite this victory for
"Right-Radicalism," Gombos's death on October 6, 1936, enabled Horthy to
appoint someone "who would reestablish the old order in politics," keep a lid
on the Right and the 4ft, and stop efforts to draw closer to Germany and Italy.
His choice, Kalman Daranyi, dismantled "Gombos's political machine," but
succumbed to mounting Nazi-fascist pressure at home, strengthened by the
German takeover of Austria in the spring of 1938. Horthy, who began to play
to take a more direct role in Hungarian politics with the creation of a new, pro-
German party, the Hungarian Revival and National Socialist Alliance. Teleki
concluded afterward that the only way he could curb Germany's new influ-
ence and growing right wing extremism was to out-Nazi the Nazis by adopt-
ing "increasingly right-wing policies."59
Yet Teleki hesitated to move completely into the German camp in World
War II, a move that seriously undercut his position in the government. Before
his death in 1941, Teleki tried to shore up his ties with Germany by releasing
SzaIasi from prison, promising further anti-Jewish legislation, and making
Hungary a member of the German-Italian-Japanese Tripartite Pact on
November 20, 1940. In February 1941, his government "made plans to intern
in work-camps all Gypsies who had no profession," a move applauded by the
newspaper Esti Ujsag (Evening News), one of the official organs of Teleki's
Magyar Elet Patja (MEP or Party of Hungarian Life). Pressured to side with
the Reich after its invasion of Yugoslavia later that spring, Teleki committed
suicide on the night of April 2, 1941, after failing to convince Horthy and the
military to honor Hungary's friendship accord with Yugoslavia and remain a
non-belligerent. His successor, Laszlo Bardossy, Teleki's foreign minister,
who supposedly had little use for the Nazis, quickly sided with the Germans
and ordered Hungarian troops to invade Yugoslavia, "occupying the Baska
and parts of the Vojvodina" [D6Ivid6k] a week after he took office. Hungary
acquired 11,000 square kilometers of new territory as a result of this move. 6O
Bardossy's government quickly "implemented new measures of coercion
and magyarization against the national minorities, whose proportion of the
total population had now grown to more than a quarter." After the occupation
of the D6lvid6k, Hungarian authorities ordered all Gypsies who had not been
resident in Hungary before October 31,1918, to leave the newly acquired ter-
ritory. The Roma were allowed to take "personal belongings and enough
money for the journey." Hungary's declaration of war on the Soviet Union five
days after Hitler's June 22, 1941, invasion of that country placed Hungary
fully in the Nazi camp and brought an increase in German pressure to deal
more firmly with Hungary's Gypsy and Jewish populations. (According to
1941 census figures, there were 57,372 Rom [as defined by language], and
76,209 Rom [by nationality] in Hungary out of a total population of
14,679,573.)61 The result of this pressure was the Third Jewish Law, which
was in part "the expression of Hungary's indebtedness to the Reich for the re-
occupation of Northern Transylvania and the D6Ivid6k." The Third Jewish
Law outlawed marriage between Jews and Christians and excluded Jewish
employment in state government or involvement in Hungarian economic life.
Other regulations at this time created special auxiliary service battalions for
Jews and forbade Jewish service in the remainder of the armed forces. 62
Hungarian reactionaries then turned their attention to Gypsies and promoted
the theme of" After the Jews the Gypsies." The Hungarian press bemoaned the
fact that "the handling and supervision of the 300,000 Gypsies cost the
Government seventy-five million pengoes ($22,207,000) yearly-equal to
the amount spent on diplomatic representation." Some "leading Magyar per-
sonalities" were "horrified and scandalized" by the fact that the Rom were
intermarrying with lower-class Hungarians, "creating a large and dangerous
stratum of half castes." Consequently, in the summer of 1942, the "Budapest
Chamber of Agriculture petitioned the Government to introduce wholesale
sterilization of all male Gypsies." Esti Ujsag "also urged labor camps as a 'rad-
ical solution of the Gypsy problem. "'63
However, Horthy's new prime minister, Miklos Kallay, had "reservations
about National Socialism" and tried to steer the country away from its depen-
dency on the Third Reich. Several months before Kallay entered office, Nazi
officials had finalized plans for the eradication of Europe's Gypsies and the
Final Solution against the Jews. Berlin began to pressure Kallay and Horthy
to extend these programs into Hungary. Some anti-Semitic atrocities had
already been committed by German forces at Kamenets-Podolsk in
Hungarian-occupied Carpatho-Ukraine on August 27-28, 1941. Four months
later, German and Hungarian troops were involved in the massacre of Jews in
Novi Sad in the D6lvid6k, which outraged the Hungarian public. In the spring
of 1943, Hitler demanded that "Hungary's Jews be sent to concentration
camps or liquidated in the mass extermination camps in Poland" and began to
work with pro-German factions in the country to pave the way for the Final
Solution. However, the fall of Mussolini several months later prompted Horthy
and Kallay to intensify "their efforts to create the preconditions for Hungary
to get out ofthe war at the earliest opportunity," and by the early fall of 1943
they began to pull Hungarian forces back from the Eastern Front. Germany's
disillusionment with Hungarian policies forced Kallay's dismissal on March
17, 1944, and two days later the Reich occupied Hungary. The new govern-
ment of Lt.-General Dome Sztojay was dominated by members of the pro-
Nazi National Socialist Party Alliance, who quickly began to implement
pro-German policies. Aided by Hungarian gendarmes, Arrow Cross, and
other paramilitary organizations, the government also began genocidal poli-
cies toward Hungary's Gypsies and Jews. 64
Some Hungaria!1 Gypsies had already been sent to the Gypsy Camp at
Auschwitz-Birkenau on March 16, 1943, as part of a larger shipment of
Austrian Rom. Of the Hungarian Gypsies, 14 men were members of the
Petermann family (camp register numbers 3632-3639,3649) and the Strauss
family (register numbers 3628, 3640-3643). Most were executed within a few
months of their arrival, though a few survived until 1944. 65 Nazi officials were
initially occupied with the roundup of the country's 825,000 Jews and did not
begin to deal with the Gypsies until the fall of 1944. In the interim, Horthy dis-
missed Sztojay and replaced him with General Geza Lakatos. After the Red
Army invaded Hungary on September 23, Hungary entered secret negotiations
with the Soviets in Moscow that would turn Hungarian forces against the
Wehrmacht. When Hortby ordered the Hungarian army to stop fighting on
October 15, the Germans kidnapped his son and forced Horthy to appoint
Sz:Hasi as prime minister. Gypsies now began to be rounded up by gendarmes
and Arrow Cross and sent to special internment or transport camps as a reign
of terror swept the country. According to the Hungarian War Victims
Association, 28,000 Rom were shipped out of Hungary, and only 3,000
returned after the war. Donald Kenrick and Gratton Puxon estimate that
31,000 Hungarian Gypsies were deported by the Nazis. After World War II,
5,000 of the Roma who had been deported applied for special compensation.
Other specialists estimate that 32,000 Hungarian Roma died during the
Porajmos. Although there is much information on the remarkable efforts of
Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat, to save the lives of thousands of
Hungarian Jews during this period, there is nothing to indicate that Wallenberg
did anything to aid Hungary's Gypsies. 66
Russian forces took Budapest on February 13, 1945, and on April 4, 1945,
drove the last German troops out of the country. Hungary was now under
Soviet military occupation. Backed by the Red Army and Stalin's blessings,
Hungary's communist leader, Matyas Rakosi, returned from Soviet exile to
take control of Hungary's Communist Party and move the country along the
path of full communization. Undeterred by a weak showing in elections on
November 7, 1945, and April 31, 1947, Rakosi was able to orchestrate the
slow transformation of the country into a Soviet satellite by 1948. He was
aided by the transfer of over 600,000 former civil servants and military per-
sonnel "for reconstruction work" in the Soviet Union, and the forced expul-
sion of over 250,000 ethnic Germans and a large number of Slovaks in
1946-1947. This assault on the country's "ethnic fabric," combined with a
growing emphasis on "Stalinist internationalism that branded emphasis on eth-
nic identity as a form of 'bourgeois ideology,'" discouraged Gypsies and
other minorities from voicing ethnic preferences once the communists took
power. Consequently, despite the new communist leadership's promise of sup-
port for full minority rights, few took them seriously. In Hungary's first post-
war census in 1949, only 21,387 Gypsies chose Romani as their native tongue,
though 31,000 chose Gypsy nationality out of a total population of 9,204,799.
Estimates are that there were probably at least 6,000 more Rom in Hungary
at this time who chose not to identify themselves as Gypsies. Given the strong
anti-minorities spirit in Hungary at the time, these figures were not out of line
with statistics for other minorities. Over 98 percent of Hungary's population
declared themselves ethnic Hungarians in this censusY
Authorities did give lip-service to minority needs, driven by the spirit of
"automation, the expectation of the automatic elimination of the problem of
nationalities through the erection of socialism." Special language schools
were started, for example, that balanced classes in Hungarian and in the
minority language, as well as and special teachers' colleges. (Germans were
not provided with secondary schools until 1952, however, and teachers had no
colleges until four years later.) The Gypsy question, however, was not
addressed, and the Roma "were not seen as a 'national minority' but as a group
'excluded from capitalist society.'" It was presumed that in time, Gypsies,
"along with other oppressed groups would disappear in the cauldron of the
People's Republic. "68
The death of Joseph Stalin in 1953, and the subsequent revolution in
Hungary in 1956 after Nikita Khrushchev's attack on Stalin earlier that year,
forced a new approach to minority questions under Hungary's new leader,
Janos Kadar. On October 7, 1958, the ruling Hungarian Socialist Workers
Party (Magyar Szocialista Munkaspart or MSzMP) decreed that "workers of
nationality background, including university graduates, should be employed
in areas inhabited by the same native speakers." Linked to growing concern
over the plight of Hungarian minorities in neighboring countries, this state-
ment signaled a new commitment to "a policy of active, legal support for the
development of minority culture and education, and emphasized the impor-
tance of each minority's national organization in these efforts."69
On October 20,1957, Nepakarat (Popular Will) announced the creation of
a Ciganyszovetseg (Gypsy Council), which disappeared two years later. In a
census in 1960, only 25,633 Gypsies identified Romani as their native lan-
guage, while another 14,230 Gypsies identified Rom as their nationality.
Those who chose Roma identity almost always chose Magyar as their native
tongue. Unofficial sources, though, estimated there were actually 180,000 to
200,000 Roma in Hungary at the time. One clue to the inaccuracy of these fig-
ures was enrollment statistics for Gypsy school children in 1957-1958, which
showed 27,606 Rom attending public school throughout the country. Estimates
are that about 60,000 of Hungary's Rom were assimilated or settled at this
time, while a similar number were partly assimilated, and about 80,000 con-
tinued to live as nomads. If unofficial estimates were correct, then Hungary's
Rom made up 2 percent of the country's population of 9,961,044. 70
Although our laws do not contain provisions that could serve as the
basis of discrimination against the gypsy population, they, espe-
cially in rural areas, are still up against the phalanx of prejudice. It
is, for instance, a widely held belief that most gypsies are criminals,
whereas criminal statistics show that the ratio of criminals among
them is only slightly higher than among the non-gypsy population.
The great majority of people still feel an almost irrational aversion
to the gypsies. [According to the resolution (No. 2,014/1964),] the
Political Committee establishes that ending the isolation of the gypsy
population and its assimilation into our society are important social
tasks made still more urgent by the size and grave backwardness of
this group. Our policy must rest on the principle that despite certain
ethnological traits, the gypsy population does not constitute a
national minority. In order to help solve their problems, we must take
their special social position into consideration. We must ensure the
enforcement of their full rights and duties under the Constitution and
must provide the political, economic and cultural conditions neces-
sary to their implementation. The stand still taken by the population
at large must be combated, for it impedes the assimilation, social,
economic and cultural advancement of the gypsies.?l
In fact, the government had been actively engaged for some time in an effort
to counter the growing prejudice against the Rom. A 1958 article in
Nepszabadsag (Peoples' Freedom), the official newspaper of the MSzMP, said
that rural prejudice toward Gypsies often made it difficult for them to find
proper homes, which was exacerbated by official grassroots dislike for the
Roma. In 1959, Nepszabadsag decried anti-Gypsy feelings among Hungary's
working class, saying it arose because of "discredited, inhuman racial theory."
The current plight of the Gypsies, Nepszabadsag argued, arose because of
"their centuries-old oppression and exclusion from society, which makes
them live, still today, on the fringes of society." Other articles also con-
demned discriminatory hiring practices that created apartheid conditions for
those whom many regarded as the "Brown Hungarians."72
The government also tried to improve the lot of the Gypsies through a
housing program created in 1964 to destroy the most primitive Rom settle-
ments in Hungary and make improvements in less objectionable homes "until
they could be eliminated." Officials also set up a special interdepartmental
committee to oversee "measures designed to improve the condition of the gypsy
population." Razed Gypsy housing was replaced by homes built with low-
interest government loans. Between 1965 and 1970, these funds were used to
construct 2,500 new homes for the Roma, while between 1964 and 1975, the
government "extended credit worth 700 million forints to the gypsy population
to help them break away from the colonies." Unfortunately, there was still a great
deal of substandard Rom housing in Hungary throughout its 2,100 Roma settle-
ments. According to Secretary of State Lajos Papp, only about half of the homes
in these "shanty towns" had a well, and two-thirds had no electricity. Fur-
thennore, Gypsy homes were usually much smaller than non-Gypsy dwellings.
Over 41 percent of Hungary's Roma lived in two-room homes, compared to
28.4 percent of the population nationally. Furthermore, 49.9 percent of
Hungarians lived in three-room houses, compared to only 33.6 percent of the
Gypsies. About two-thirds of Hungary's Rom lived in Gypsy settlements in the
early 1970s, and about 40 percent of them lived in "poor shacks and wooden
huts."73 Authorities also opened 3,000 apartments for Roma throughout
Hungary, but stopped Gypsy settlement in Budapest, whose Rom population had
grown to bt?tween 40,000 and 50,000 by the early 1970s. By 1974, Budapest's
Gypsy population had grown to 65,000, "many of whom lived in primitive quar-
ters on the outskirts." About half of Budapest's Roma had "relatively accept-
able accommodation," though city officials admitted that there were "2,350
[Gypsy] homes without running water and 1,500 without electricity."74
Hungarian novelist Menyhert Lakatos vividly described life for Budapest's
Rom in a 1973 article in the journal Fomis (Source).
who had not completed general school by the age of fourteen were gyp-
sies, [while] 42.9 per cent of gypsy fathers and 50.9 per cent of gypsy
mothers had received no schooling whatsoever. compared with 12.1 per
cent and 11.9 per cent respectivelv for non-gypsy fathers and mothers.
shoes and clothing since with the first rain or during the winter the
children could not go to school otherwise. They were also given text-
books, notebooks and pens and pencils, because Gypsy parents can-
not buy them and without them school would have no meaning.
Yet, according to Andras Balint, even when Gypsy children got school sup-
plies, they could not be taken home, since "they [were] immediately pounced
upon and 'confiscated' and destroyed by his small brothers and sisters." In
Szentetornya, Rom children received hot lunches, and an afterschool program
was set up. These efforts were particularly important, since most "Gypsy
children attend[ed] normal primary schools with normal curricula and their
teachers [did] not receive any special training."80
Given the steady increase in Gypsy school enrollment (from 5.3 percent of
Hungarian student totals in 1970-1971 to 6.2 percent nine years later), the
Hungarian government could boast of some significant achievements in terms
of retention and graduation for Roma students. By 1979, 71 percent more
Gypsy children reached eighth grade than in 1970-71. Yet, according to
Janos Gosztonyi, an under secretary in the Ministry of Education in 1979, "the
ratio of Gypsy pupils in need of care in institutions for handicapped children
is 28.5 per cent, that of mentally defective Gypsy children is 31 per cent."
Swain concluded that "for all the reduction in inequality, unskilled workers,
women, and gypsies were not highly prioritized in the new socialist system."82
Elsewhere, about 30 percent of Hungary's Rom had jobs as unskilled con-
struction laborers, while 18-20 percent worked in "the agricultural sector" on
state farms. Few gypsies were employed in the country's "agricultural pro-
ducer co-operatives because 'the co-operatives often refuse to engage them
[because] prejudice has deeper roots in the countryside and it is more difficult
for them to integrate with the population. "'83 According to Andras Balint,
about three-quarters of Hungary's Roma were employed. He estimated that
70-85 percent of male Gypsies, and 25-40 percent of the women had steady
work. About 75 percent of Gypsy laborers worked in industrial areas, though
no more than 2-3 percent had skilled positions. 84 According to Mrs. Istvan
Kozak, who was the head of the Council Office of the Council of Ministers
and secretary of its interdepartmental committee on Gypsies, 8 percent of the
Gypsies were skilled laborers in 1985 versus 30 percent of the country's non-
Roma. About half of Hungary's Gypsies remained unskilled workers, com-
pared to 12 percent nationally.85 Consequently, by the early 1980s, at least 10
percent of the Roma population continued to live as nomads, while about 50
percent had stopped their wandering and settled in "Gypsy colonies or slums,"
although they were not fully assimilated into Hungarian society. Yet, accord-
ing to Heti Vilaggazdasag, almost 40 percent of the country's Rom were fully
integrated into society, meaning they did not "live in slums or colonies any-
more; they have jobs; and their income reaches or at times exceeds the sub-
sistence level of 2,700 forints per month."86
These problems were compounded by a Gypsy population whose growth
was dramatically outpacing the growth of the general Hungarian population.
According to the 1970 census, as defined by language, there were 34,957
Gypsies in Hungary, out of a total population of 10,322,099. However, a
sociological survey a year later put the Rom popUlation at 320,000, or 3.2 per-
cent of the total populationY In 1977, officials estimated that Roma would
make up 10 percent of Hungary's population by the year 2000. In 1980, there
were approximately 340,000-360,000 Gypsies in Hungary, a figure that the
author of a 1978 article in Munkaugyi Szemle (Review of Labor Affairs)
thought would increase to 450,000-500,000 by 1990. What concerned many
Hungarians about these figures were the tremendous Gypsy growth rates vis
a vis the static or declining birth rates of the general Hungarian population,
particularly in the 1980s. 88 Between 1984 and 1987, Hungary's population
dropped slightly, from 10.7 million to 10.6 million, while Rom birth rates were
doubling every 20 to 30 years. A concerned Imre Pozsgay, head of the
MSzMP's Patriotic Peoples' Front (PPF), told a PPF gathering in late 1985
Not all Hungarians, though, supported these policies, and some argued that
"over the borders, they are far from being so generous toward the Hungarian
ethnic minorities. "90
The following year, the Council of Ministers' Resolution No. 1,019/1979
granted ethnic group status to the Roma. According to the newspaper Magyar
Hiriap, the new status was, in "international terminology identical with a
nationality group." The government's refusal to grant Gypsies full minority
status was based officially on the fact that "75% of them speak only
Hungarian." This decision deprived the Rom of the "advantages of this sta-
tus. as provided in the constitution," which, among other things, would enable
them to have their own publications and organizations fully recognized by the
the 1980s as the nation struggled to cope with the ravages of rising inflation
and growing disillusionment with the policies and government of Janos Kadar.
Of particular concern to public and government alike were Rom crime statis-
tics. According to a 1985 article in Heti Vilaggazdasag. 7,000 to 8,000 Roma
committed crimes each year, while Borsod Szemle (Borsod Review) reported
that Gypsies "committed' 40% of all burglaries, 60-65% of the thefts, half of
all instances of rowdyism and rape, and 30-40% of homicides and attempted
homicides'" in Borsod-Abunj-Zemplen County. These statistics plus televi-
sion shows such as "Blue Light" fortified traditional stereotypes of Gypsies. 95
A 1985 survey by Endre Hann showed that there had "been no improvement
in public perceptions of Gypsies," while "being different in our society is
regarded with a lot less tolerance than is desirable." He pointed to the case of
a female visitor from Chile who, because people thought she was a Gypsy,
"was the subject of insults, was spit at, and had to endure countless humilia-
tions." Hann' s study indicated that 28 percent of those surveyed "gave criminal
behavior (violence, rowdyism, theft, and fraud)" as their reasons for disliking
Rom, while 21 percent said they felt strongly against Gypsies because of their
"exploitation of society, parasitism, begging, prodigality, and taking advantage
of their situation." Another 11 percent of Hann's respondents cited Roma
alcoholism as the root of their dislike of Gypsies. Hann felt that anirrespon-
sible Hungarian media had helped create part of this negative public image and
that while Gypsy crime rates were "out of proportion to their share of the pop-
ulation; when the crime rate of the disadvantaged strata as a whole was exam-
ined, it became not a Gypsy problem but one of society as a whole."96
Articles in Napjaink and Magyar /fjusag (Hungarian Youth) in 1986 under-
scored the question of perceived Gypsy criminality. Napjaink informed its
readers that "two-thirds of the inmates of the Tokol juvenile penitentiary" were
Roma, while the National Police Headquarters said that Gypsy crime statistics
were "twice as high" as their "share ofthe population." National Police figures
claimed that Rom were responsible for "almost all of the robberies in the
countryside and from 60-70% of robberies in cities and towns." Police officials
also blamed the Gypsies for "about three-quarters of all cases of rowdyism."97
Hungary's belated political transformation in the late 1980s saw Kadar
removed as head of the MSzMP in May 1988 and the gradual evolution
toward a mUltiparty political system the following year. 98 In this atmosphere,
a new sense of Rom national awareness began to be translated into political
opportunism. In the summer of 1989, the National Gypsy Council, which was
beset by infighting and corruption, asked the government to appoint a "com-
missioner to mediate among the organization's competing factions." At the
same time, a number of new Gypsy organizations and political factions that
The Roma's new political voice and greater social presence created some
problems. Antonia Haga said that one of the questions most frequently asked
by Gypsies during her 1990 election campaign was how could they "defend
themselves against violence." As early as 1986, a punk-rock oi group had sur-
faced that performed a song with the following words:
While Gypsy leaders like Antonia Haga blamed Roma crime on economic
and social inequities, other Gypsy leaders such as Geza Remenyi, the presi-
dent of the Hungarian Gypsies' Justice Union, blamed it on Vlach Roma.
Remenyi claimed that this group made up only 28.1 percent of the country's
total Rom population, the rest being assimilated Hungarian Gypsies. He added
that Hungary's prisons were full of Vlach Roma, who were "all thieves and
robbers" and responsible for the bad reputation of other Gypsies in Hungary.
Remenyi was also critical of "those protecting Gypsy criminals in the name
of humanitarian slogans: 'a murderer is a murderer, no matter what ethnic
group he belongs to. Let the hand of justice clamp down on him. "'106 Rom dif-
ficulties were also exacerbated by the large influx of foreigners from other
parts of Eastern Europe after 1989, particularly Romania and the former
Yugoslavia. Though most new immigrants were law-abiding, some, includ-
ing Gypsies, were "involved in underground activities or dubious business
deals." In 1991-1992, there were 131,000 legal aliens in Hungary and another
50,000 illegal residents. In 1991, 33 million foreigners entered Hungary,
many as tourists, while in the first six months of 1992, border officials turned
500,000 foreigners away.107
As the government struggled with ways to tighten its entry requirements,
a number of extremist groups began to deal with the tremendous influx of for-
eigners in their own way. In Budapest, for example, there were about 450 hard-
core skinheads, with some 1,000 sympathizers, while nationwide, there were
about 2,500 skinheads. Police attributed most cases of racial violence to these
individuals and groups but emphasized that their "primary target is not for-
eigners but Gypsies living in Hungary." In the fall of 1990, skinhead gangs of
80 to 100 members attacked Rom ghettos in Eger and Miskolc. They beat
innocent pregnant women, children, and elderly people and ransacked apart-
ments in the Gypsy settlements. In September 1992, the homes of two Rom
families in Ketegyhaza were firebombed and their inhabitants beaten by local
peasants. Two months later, a Gypsy was beaten to death by street thugs, while
a farmer shot two Gypsies for stealing pears. This atmosphere was not helped
by statements in August 1992 by Istvan Csurka, the vice president of the
Hungarian Democratic Forum, that blamed some ofthe country's difficulties
on "genetic reasons," a statement viewed by some as "an allusion to Gypsies."
The following month, Aladar Horvath responded to the violence in a speech
before parliament. Horvath said that the government "completely disregards
the interests of the Roma minority" and that "its policies have openly deep-
ened the Roma people's misery." Horvath demanded full minority rights
for Hungary's Gypsies and said the Roma still had faith in the Hungarian
people's "sense of justice." He also hoped "the Hungarian Republic does not
that special self-governing groups could be set up in areas where over 30 per-
cent of the population belonged to a particular ethnic group. Once estab-
lished, these groups had the right to set up their own schools and other
institutions. The new legislation recognized the special needs of Gypsies and
talked of "aims to compensate them for their social disadvantages." However,
according to Zsolt Csalog of the Raoul Wallenberg Society, the new law
"would not go far enough to protect gipsies, who often find police unwilling
to investigate crimes against them." While no single piece of legislation can
correct centuries of abuse and socioeconomic dislocation, Hungary's new
minority law has finally granted Roma their long-cherished official minority
status. This, combined with the emergence of a new generation of Rom politi-
cians, should at least keep the complex issues facing Hungary's large Gypsy
population on the nation's political, social, and economic front burners, a pre-
requisite for any long-range solution to the problems that face this ethnic com-
munity. Perhaps the greatest issue, though, is the mutual fear and distrust that
clouds relations between Hungary's Gypsies and non-Gypsies, a problem
that lies beyond the scope of any legislative solution. 110
By the early sixteenth century, Wallachia and Moldavia, which had resisted
Ottoman vassal status for over a hundred years, succumbed to Turkish pres-
sure and became Ottoman tributary states. This required both kingdoms to pay
a yearly tribute to the Porte and supply the empire with exports, namely food-
stuffs. In return, Wallachia and Moldavia retained full control over their inter-
nal affairs. The Romanian peasant, whose lot had already been reduced in the
fifteenth century to semi-serf status, saw his position decline further under the
Romanian boyars over the next century. According to P. N. Panaitescu, from
"this time forward the destiny of the Tziganes is so closely allied with that of
the peasants that it is impossible to speak of the enslaved Gypsies without
mentioning at the same time the enslaved peasants."4
The Roma in Wallachia and Moldavia retained their positions as craftsmen
and monopolized the smith trade. Referred to in early documents as "sclavi,
scindromi, or robie," in time they were broken down into distinct occupational
categories. According to Ian Hancock, there were two main groups of
Romanian robi: "house slaves (tigani de casati) and field slaves (tigani de
ogor)." The state's domestic robi were "the sclavi domne§ti (noblemen),
sclavi curte (court) and sclavi gospody (householders)." The nobility's field
slaves were known as sclavi coevesfi, while those of small farmers were
called sclavi de mosii. The Crown owned three types of robi, the "rudari (or
aurari) or goldwasher," the "ursari or beartrainer," and the "lingurari or
carver of wooden spoons." Some Gypsy slaves, the laie§i, had a little freedom
of movement because of their varied occupations, particularly the" lautari or
musicians (properly 'fiddlers')." The sclavi monastive§ti owned by the
Orthodox Church's monasteries included "vatra§i, who were grooms, coach-
men, cooks and petty merchants, and numbers of laie§i." The various skills of
the "lai§ei have supplied the names of some of the vici, or clans, found among
the contemporary Vlax (i.e. 'Wallachian' or Danubian) Gypsies: kirpaCi 'bas-
ket-makers', kovaCi 'blacksmiths', zlatari 'goldwashers', curari 'sieve-mak-
ers', chivufe 'whitewashers' and so on."5
More restrictive laws were passed during this period to strengthen the insti-
tution of Gypsy slavery. By the end of the 15th century, any non-Gypsy who
got a Rom woman pregnant, and then chose to marry her, had to become a
slave. Equally demeaning was the castration of certain sclavi domnetti, the
skopici, "who had been castrated as boys and whose job it was to drive the
coaches of the women of the aristocracy without their being in fear of molesta-
tion." As the value of Gypsy robi increased, a steady trade in kidnapped Roma
slaves developed "on the frontier areas in the Balkans and Central Europe."
Raids by ghazis (or akindjis, or raiders) prompted one Wallachian voivode to
protest these activities to the Porte in 1560. He hoped royal intervention "would
stop the leakage [of kidnapped Gypsy slaves] across the Danube," since it
deprived the voivode of property and potential revenue. 6
Over the next century, new laws were passed that strengthened the boyars'
control over their Rom slaves. In 1652, a Moldavian prince, Vasile Lupu
(Basil the Wolf), had a number of laws on Gypsies in his 40 article Pravila
cea Mare (Great Code):
The Gypsy slaves were almost the only artisans. The Boyard had
everything he needed on his estate: cooks, bakers, postilions, gar-
deners, masons, shoemakers, blacksmiths, musicians, labourers,
other classes of workers-and all of them were Tziganes. The Gypsy
women helped the mistress of the house with her work, and they
were on such good terms that they were even allowed to assist in the
beautiful embroidery done by the young Rumanian women which is
admired throughout the world.
thought it necessary [he] could close his gates and live for months
at a time with his family, his women servants and his men-80 to
100 of them (Tziganes )-without having the slightest need of those
who lived outside ... in those quarters where the Gypsies lived were
expert bakers, tailors, shoemakers, etc.
passing the culprit's head through a kind of iron helmet, with two
immense horns of the same metal, and locking it under the chin in
Legal unions cannot take place between free persons and slaves.
Special provisions were laid out in the new criminal laws for the Netoci,
nomadic Rom feared by Gypsy and non-Gypsy alike. Described as "half sav-
age, half naked, living by theft and rapine, feeding in times of want upon cats,
dogs and mice," they were tobe captured and "distributed between the
landowners and the state."14
This general condition of degradation was shared in varying degrees by all
Wallachian and Moldavian Roma. Most demeaning were the slave auctions.
One 1834 scene described the horror that stimulated some Romanians to
begin to reconsider the institution. Barbu ~tirbei, a wealthy landowner, needed
funds to redo his palace and thus auctioned 3,000 Gypsy slaves in Bucharest
to pay for the renovations. At the auction,
I saw humart beings wearing chains on their arms and legs, others
with iron clamps around their foreheads, and still others with metal
collars about their necks. Cruel beatings, and other punishments such
as starvation, being hung over smoking fires, solitary imprisonment
and being thrown naked into the snow or the frozen rivers, such was
the fate of the wretched Gypsy.
The same year, Alexander Ghica, the vain, ineffective governor of Wallachia
from 1834 to 1842, freed his state slaves and "granted them equal status with
the white peasants who worked for him." He also permitted his former robi to
practice their customs and speak Romani. Some were "settled in villages,
where the boyars were charged with giving them work as peasants." Though
there is some disagreement over the number of Roma slaves affected by
Ghica's efforts, it was a significant beginning. Wilkinson said there were
150,000 Gypsy slaves in the provinces in 1820, while Kogiilniceanuestimated
there to be 200,000 robi in 1837. According to Tihomir Gjorgjevic, there were
3,851 Rom slave families in Moldavia and 33,000 robi families in Wallachia.
Of this latter number, 14,158 Wallachian Rom were servants, while 5,635
were state slaves who worked as gold-gatherers. 16
In 1842, Mihail Sturdza, the hospodar of Moldavia and a strong admirer of
Tsar Nicholas I, emancipated state robi as part of a reform effort "to lift
Moldavia from the slough of primitive stagnation and instil modem ideas of
government." Two years later, Sturdza freed Moldavia's Church slaves, an act
duplicated three years later by Gheorghe Bibescu, the Paris-educated, roman-
tically nationalistic hospodar of Wallachia. In some ways, these efforts mir-
rored the spirit of Russian attitudes on serf emancipation. Kiselev' s occupation
of Moldavia and Wallachia ended with the Convention of St. Petersburg in
early 1834, which forced Turkey to acknowledge the Reglement Organique,
and made Russia the "spokesman on behalf of the Principalities." In the
future, any significant reforms in the principalities came under the watchful
eyes of Russia's consulsY
When Kiselev returned to Russia, Nicholas 1 immediately sought his "views
on serfdom." In 1836, Kiselev became Nicholas I's chief of staff for Peasant
Affairs, and, a year later, his minister of State Domains. The tsar charged
Kiselev with drafting legislation to lessen the plight of Russia's serf popula-
tion. And although Nicholas I admitted in 1842 that serfdom was "evil," and
"palpable," he felt "to touch it now would be still a more disastrous evil." The
Russian emperor, however, had no difficulty encouraging emancipation in
Wallachia and Moldavia, as long as it was done in the spirit of the Reglement
Organique. Russia's heavy-handed presence in the principalities stimulated the
budding Romanian. opposition movement, which centered around concern
over "Russian interference and princely subservience." The only common
ground between the provinces' Russophiles and the new opposition was con-
cern over the plight of the Gypsies. ls
A year after Bibescu freed Wallachia's Church robi, the revolutionary fer-
vor enveloping Europe swept into the principalities. In Moldavia, reform-
minded leaders such as Kogiilniceanu and Alexander Cuza, who later became
prince of Moldavia, petitioned Sturdza to initiate individual liberties and
other reforms "taken from the French model." Nothing was mentioned in the
request about the Gypsies, "peasants, nor independence or union of the
provinces." Sturdza responded by ordering the arrest of Cuza and others,
which quickly brought unrest in Moldavia to an end. 19 Revolutionary events
in Wallachia were more complex and threatening. Stimulated by liberals just
returned from Paris, where the French king, Louis Philippe, had been toppled
and replaced by a provisional government, a Wallachian revolutionary com-
mittee developed a program similar to the one in Moldavia, with additional
provisions for peasant emancipation and land redistribution. On June 21,
1848, the Wallachian revolution began with the public reading of a declara-
tion in Islaz, which added, in addition to previous demands, an end to being
a foreign protectorate, the election of a prince for five years, a representative
assembly, and the emancipation of the Jews and Gypsies. Its statement on Rom
emancipation declared, "The Rumanian nation shakes off the inhumanity and
disgrace of slave-holding and proclaims the freedom of privately-owned
Gypsies." On June 23, Gheorghe Bibescu, who had initially hoped to arrest
the coup's leaders, accepted the Islaz Declaration and created a revolutionary
cabinet. He then fled to Transylvania. The new government immediately
pledged its loyalty to the Turks and sought European support "for their 'inter-
est and mediation in the work of regeneration. "'20
The growing threat of Turkish and Russian intervention prompted efforts to
negotiate with Turkey. Suleiman Pasha, the Turkish commissioner sent to
deal with the Wallachians, was so impressed with his reception that he told one
official that there "was only one thing still wanting-the union of the two
Principalities. That would be a stake in the entrails of Russia." Nicholas I
responded with criticism of Wallachia' s revolution and the idea of unification.
On September 25,1848, Turkish forces took Bucharest. Two days later 45,000
Russian troops entered Wallachia and MoldaviaY The joint occupation of
Wallachia brought the revolution to an end as its leaders fled into exile. Russia
and Turkey declared the reestablishment of the Reglement Organique, and on
May 1, 1849, they concluded a new agreement on the two provinces at Balta
Liman. The accord provided for the joint appointment of new hospodars as
"high functionaries" of Wallachia and Moldavia for seven years. The new
hospodars would appoint Divan Ad Hoc with extremely limited powers to
replace the representative assemblies. Gtigore Alexandru Ghica became the
new prince of Moldavia, and Barbu ~tirbei was named to rule Wallachia. 22
Within two years, the fate of Wallachia and Moldavia once again entered
the international arena when Nicholas I reoccupied the provinces in the early
stages of a dispute with the Turks that was initially over control of Christian
religious shrines in the Holy Lands. The tsar, who considered the
"Principalities an independent state under [his] protection," had, at least in con-
cerned British eyes, grand designs on Europe's "Sick Man," the Ottoman
Empire. Russia's occupation of Wallachia and Moldavia on June 26, 1853,
came after Turkey refused to agree to "a formal guarantee of Russia's right to
protect some twelve million Orthodox Christians in the Ottoman Empire."
~tirbei and Ghica fled to Vienna, while Turkey responded with a declaration
of war against Russia on October 4, 1853, and was joined by Britain and
France on March 28, 1854. Nicholas I now found himself pitted against this
triumvirate in the Crimean War. 26 The war served as a boon for Romanian
nationalists such as Mihail Kogiilniceanu, who published a newspaper, The
Star of the Danube, with readers in France as well as Belgium. In the mean-
time, Nicholas I, fearful of Austria's entrance into the war, evacuated the prin-
cipalities at Austrian insistence in the summer of 1854, a void quickly filled
by Austrian troops. Ghica and ~tirbei were restored to their thrones that fell
under the protective eye of the Austrians, whose unpopular military presence
did not end until 1857. The Crimean War ended with the Treaty of Paris of
March 30, 1856, which left Wallachia and Moldavia divided and under
Turkish control. The peacemakers agreed to revise the Reglement Organique,
though Russia lost its protective rights in the provinces. Southern Bessarabia
was added to Moldavia. 27
As the war ground to a halt at the end of 1855, emancipation efforts were
initiated in Moldavia and Wallachia. Moldavia's hospodar, Ghica, ruled a
more stable province and used "the services of many progressives" in his gov-
ernment. In addition, he was "a man of high character and genuinely zealous
for reform," though he lacked good judgment and was "incapable of sustained
effort." Consequently, though he abhorred slavery, Ghica "hesitated to take
any actions." He did pass a law early in his reign that forbade the separation
of Gypsy slave children from their parents, but hesitated to do more. However,
at the urging of one of his advisers, Edward Grenier, and Ghica's daughter,
Natalia BaIsch, "who had already liberated her own slaves and who had
already persuaded eight other households to follow her example," Ghica
finally decided to act. He broached the subject with his Divan Ad Hoc ("small
aristocratic caucus") and told them that for
many years, slavery has been abolished in all the civilized states of the
old world; only the principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia retain
this humiliating vestige of a barbaric society. It is a social disgrace.
His advisory council agreed totally, and on December 10, 1855, the owner-
ship of private Gypsy slaves became illegal in Moldavia, with compensation
for the former owners. Boyars would receive "eight ducats in respect of
Linguari and Vatra§i and four for Uiidi whether male or female, but nothing
was to be paid in respect of suckling children and the infirm." On February
8,1856, Stirbei followed suit in Wallachia and freed its private Gypsy robi.28
Freedom for Wallachia and Moldavia followed on the heels of Gypsy
emancipation. Elections for Divans Ad Hoc in Moldavia were held in July
1857, but the results were questioned by the Turks. Pressure from Great
Britain, France, Russia, and Prussia forced Constantinople to allow new elec-
tions in Moldavia and Wallachia. The new legislatures were dominated by
nationalists such as Kogiilniceanu, who "put forward a proposal for the union
of the two principalities into a single state to be called Romania, which would
be ruled by a foreign prince chosen from a reigning European family." The
new state would be a constitutional monarchy whose "independence would be
guaranteed by the seven great powers." Kogiilniceanu's proposal was approved
by Moldavia's legislature 81 to 2, while the Wallachian Divan Ad Hoc
approved the concept unanimously. Since the terms of these proposals ran
counter to the 1856 Treaty of Paris, France's emperor, Napoleon III, brought
the other powers concerned together to write the Convention of Paris of 1858,
which created the United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia. The con-
vention stated that each nation would have a separate prince and legislature,
though they would share a common court of justice. The boyars would lose
their traditional privileges and a new statute for the peasants was drawn. The
Porte would retain sovereign powers over the United Principalities and had "to
approve the election of the prince who was elected by a special assembly." Of
particular significance to Gypsy slaves was a clause dealing with "the equal-
ity of all citizens before the law." This would pave the way for final, complete
Rom emancipation six years later. 29
Frustrated Romanian nationalists in Wallachia's and Moldavia's new leg-
islatures responded to their continued separation by electing the same prince,
Colonel Alexandru loan Cuza, to head both principalities in early 1859. Most
of the major powers accepted the unified leadership of Cuza within a few
months, with the proviso that it applied only to Alexandru Cuza and not to his
successors. The Porte agreed to accept Cuza's singular leadership later that
year, and followed this up with afirman (decree) on December 2, 1861, that
"recognized adminis~rative and political union, but only for the duration of
Cuza's reign."30 During ,his years in power, Cuza implemented reforms that
"laid the political, economic, and cultural foundations of modem Romania."
On February 5, 1862, he got both legislatures to approve the Permanent
Union of the Principalities, with the capital in Bucharest and a single par-
liament. After frustrated attempts to deal with conservative large estate own-
ers, who initially controlled the new Romanian parliament and opposed his
land-reform efforts, Cuza turned to Mihail Kogruniceanu's and the Liberals,
reform-minded small landowners, state officials, and professionals, to initiate
his reforms. When the Conservatives rejected Cuza and Kogruniceanu's land
reform package, Cuza dissolved the legislature and held a national referendum
on "constitutional refonn giving wider powers to the prince and increasing the
electoral basis." With 99 percent of the voters approving, Cuza pushed through
agrarian reforms by decree on August 26, 1864. It granted Romania's peas-
ants full personal liberty, freed them from all feudal dues and tithes, and
removed all restrictions on their movements. Peasants could now buy the
land they farmed in installments from the state, which immediately compen-
sated the boyars for their lost property. The acquisition of total freedom by
Romania's peasants included the Gypsies, whose emancipation was now
complete. 3l
The end of Gypsy slavery in Romania was applauded throughout Europe
and later celebrated in several poems published by Adriano Colocci in his Gli
Zingari (The Gypsies, 1889).
The old, the grown,
young men, babes yet in arms,
and children! They have
broken off
our irons
The Prince, and all
his "itizens.
Boner also disagreed with the image of the Rom as lazy. He felt that the Gypsy
was a "better labourer than the Wallack; he is much quicker, and more expert."
He did think that Gypsy workers had to be supervised more carefully than non-
but that they were quite adept at threshing, particularly when paid in grain.
Gypsy farm hands were also good at hoeing and reaping, but not at mowing
or haymaking. Rom women, Boner observed, were much better at hemp work
than Wallachian women, while the men excelled at "earth work, making
embankments and trenches." Gypsies were also the best farriers, and black-
smiths in the region, and had a genius for ironwork and music. Boner found
something of a social pecking order among the Rom, who were regarded by
non-Gypsies as "the lowest in the social scale." There were distinctions among
Gypsies from various villages, which often prompted Rom from one commu-
nity to refuse to drink from the same glass or pitcher as a Gypsy from another
village. In addition, Roma also "do not intermarry, as one says the other is
unclean." On the other hand, Boner found that the Gypsies in the Kokel region
of Transylvania intermarried freely with Hungarians and Wallachians. 38 He also
did a study of Gypsy criminals at a prison in Transylvania and found that vio-
lent crime rates were much higher among Hungarian, Szekeler, and Romanian
prisoners, while Gypsies were more likely to commit less serious crimes.
Prison officials also noted that Gypsy prisoners were somewhat easier to deal
with than the Hungarians and Szekelers. 39
In some ways, Boner's description of the Rom's "particularly wretched"
condition in the years immediately after emancipation bore some resemblance
to comments made by Mihail Kogalniceanu in a speech before the Romanian
Academy on April 9, 1891, commemorating Gypsy emancipation. The scenes
he described, drawn from his own childhood and published in his 1837 work,
Esquisse sur l' histoire, les moeurs et la langue des Cigains, painted a horrible
picture of Rom enslavement and mistreatment. 40 Though Romania's Gypsies
were much better off after emancipation, their low status on the Romanian
social ladder made them particularly prey to the serious economic and social
inequalities that so deeply impoverished other members of Romania's peas-
ant and lower classes. Aided in part by an ongoing series of political crises that
haunted the country in the years after independence, Romania's large-estate
owners gradually regained control of so much land that by 1895, "6,500
people owned half of the total agricultural land, that is to say as much as was
owned by over a million peasant families." Approximately 20 percent of the
population, many of them Gypsies, were without land and desperate. A large
number of Romania's large estate owners did not live on their plantations and
farmed for the international export market, which produced serious food
shortages in the countryside. Peasant unrest exploded in a major uprising in
1888 that saw "mayors' offices sacked, grain reserves pillaged, and an attempt
to cut up the large fields." A new land law the following year tried to address
some peasant grievances but fell far short of expected gains when newly
redistributed lands fell into the wrong hands. According to R. W. Seton-
Watson, "the decades that followed were the Golden Age of irresponsible
landlordism, and in some respects the peasant found himself as much
exploited, as fatally tied to the soil, as in the vanished days of serfdom."41
Romania's Gypsy population, which one estimate placed at 300,000 in 1900,
was deeply affected by continued unrest in the countryside. In 1904, Professor
Basilescu warned that the "volcano is trembling at our feet" and that "a day
will come when fire will devour the palaces, the granaries and all the property
of those who exploit the peasantry." Three years later, his fears came true in
the Great Peasant Rising of March 1907, which resulted in 10,000-12,000
deaths. The uprising broke out rather suddenly near Botosani, and soon peas-
ant mobs began to ransack the homes of Jews and large landowners through-
out Moldavia. The government, in league with King Charles, initiated some
reforms to still the tide of peasant unrest and launched major military cam-
paigns that butchered many peasants and destroyed entire villages. Once the
rebellion was put down, further reforms were undertaken to deal with some
of the worst abuses in the countryside. Unfortunately, the government
"remained aloof, even hostile, vis avis peasants, and the prevailing political
currents shied away from any significant reform." This was also a period of
"unexampled prosperity and commercial development for Romania," in
which, sadly, few peasants shared. 42 It was perhaps appropriate that six years
after the Great Peasant Rising, the Gypsies celebrated the erection of a statue
to Mihail Kogiilniceanu at Piatrii Neamf in northeast Romania. His son,
Vasile, a recognized advocate of peasant education, had been arrested in the
1907 rebellion. On June 14, 1913, Near East magazine reported that two
days after Kogiilniceanu's statue was publicly dedicated,
A year later, Europe drifted into World War 1. Initially, Romania remained
aloof, though pro-Allied feelings gradually took root among the government
and general public. By the summer of 1916, Romania had held secret talks with
Great Britain, Franc~, Italy, and Russia that resulted in an accord that promised
Bucharest Austro-Hungarian territories with a Romanian population at war's
end. On August 14, 1916, Romania declared war on the Habsburg Empire, and
three days later, Germany responded with a similar declaration against
The new, postwar Romania saw its territory and population increase sig-
nificantly because of its new acquisitions. According to 1912 estimates, there
were 7.2 million residents in Romania, with only 8 percent of them non-
Romanian. The Romanian demographic register of 1920 provided a glimpse
of the country's ethnic makeup, though its figures are highly debatable.
Consequently, two analysts, Elemer lllyes and Joseph Roucek, have come up
with totally different conclusions about the country's total population in 1920
and the size of its Gypsy community. lllyes estimated Romania's population
to be a little over 16 million in 1920, with 28.1 percent of it non-Romanian.
Of this number, he said there were 133,000 Gypsies, who made up 0.8 per-
cent of the total population. Roucek, however, claimed Romania had a pop-
ulation of 16.9 million in 1920, with 60,000 Rom in the newly acquired
territories, and 225,000 Gypsies in the Regat, or prewar Romanian lands, for
a total 1920 Roma population of 285,000 (1.7 percent of the country's popu-
lation). Romania's first official census a decade later is more revealing. It
showed a total population of slightly over 18 million, with 262,501 Gypsies
by national origin. About 38 percent of the Rom surveyed (101,015) chose
Romani as their primary language. A further breakdown of these statistics
showed that there were 107,202 Gypsies in Transylvania who identified them-
selves as such by national origin, while 40 percent (43,000) chose Romani as
their native tongue. 47
The Paris Minorities Treaty of December 9,1919, forced Bucharest to rec-
ognize the rights of postwar Romania's minorities. It "guaranteed the minori-
ties protection through the League of Nations, the constitution and a promise
to implement rights of minorities." Specifically, all national minorities were
to be "guaranteed equal rights and religious freedom as well as schools in their
mother tongue." Jewish rights were dealt with in a separate part of the
agreement. Not all of these guarantees, however, were included in the 1923
Romanian constitution, and their uneven enforcement became a serious hand-
icap for the nation. 48 According to Joseph Rothschild, the "ethnic minorities,
whether those who had been indigenous since medieval times (Magyars,
Saxons) or more modem immigrants (Jews, Russians, Ukrainians), were
regarded as foreigners." Particularly disliked were the Magyars and the Jews
because of the former's "political prowess" and the latter's "hegemony over
trade and finance." Romania's other ethnic groups were not as affected by the
"principled discrimination" aimed at the Jews and the Magyars. The Gypsies,
forever at the bottom ofthe ethnic social order, quietly took advantage ofthis
new era in Romania's political history to continue their traditional lifestyles
or to work their way up Romania's complex ethnic and socialladders. 49
Consequently, the picture that emerged of Romanian Gypsies in the first
decade or so after the end of World War I was a mixture of significant social
and economic change blended with a tendency to cling to old ways. Traditional
prejudices toward the Rom found fertile ground in Romania, particularly
among the peasants, who, hurt by the continued "economic weaknesses of
Romanian agriculture or the social problems of rural backwardness," resented
the acquisition of land by Gypsies and others who were not cultivators dur-
ing the great land-redistribution programs of this era. 50
Gypsy life in interwar Romania varied greatly according to region and
lifestyle. T. Oakes Hirst, for example, found the Gypsies in Bukovina in 1922
to be principally nomadic, though some "had settled down in some of the vil-
lages and [had] begun to till the ground." Rom nomads traveled throughout
the region in caravans of six to ten families and lived in crude huts. Hirst noted
that Bukovina's Gypsies were "adept at stealing, cheating, and disguising the
appearance of animals they have stolen." He was complimentary of their col-
orful appearance and described Bukovinan Rom males as excellent black-
smiths. In some areas, settled Gypsies became official village blacksmiths.
They were also "skilled farriers, their horses as often as not being stolen from
their rightful owners and disguised by the extraction of teeth, docking of tails
and similar methods." Bukovina's Rom were also good musicians and better
educated than other Gypsies in the region. Bukovinan Rom women worked
as fortune tellers and sold herbs and drugs to the local peasantryY
At the other side of the social spectrum were the sedentary and semi-
sedentary Gypsies of the Regat. While some continued to live their traditional
lifestyles, those lifestyles differed from those of pre-1914. The buljubasa , for
example, no longer had official power, though among the Gypsy clans he
remained deeply revered, and "his decisions [were] law." The country's
largest Rom community was found in Braila, a little over a hundred miles
northeast of Bucharest. According to Konrad Bercovici, the town supplied
Romania with some of its best musicians, "many of whom have won distinc-
tion the world over." Music had become an important avenue of success for
some Romanian Gypsies, and Bercovici praised the accomplishments of
Tenasi, "the greatest violinist of Romania," and Dinicu, who earlier had
become director of the Conservatory of Bucharest. Braila's Rom musicians,
such as "Barbu Lantaru, Coshima and Barleaza, [became] as legendary as the
country's heroes" and were able to command concert fees that compared
"favorably with that of the best-paid performers in Europe and even America."
Sedentary Gypsy settlements, centered around the families of Rom musi-
cians, were found on the outskirts of Bucharest, Jassy, Galati, Craiova, and
Braila. Rom children in these ghettos attended school, though "neither teacher
nor schoolmate ever forgets to put the Gypsy in his place by reminding him
of the fact that he is a Pharon." Bercovici felt that settled Roma were "like
caged sparrows; like pheasants in a chicken-coop. Every epidemic hits them
first." Much like Liszt and Hungarian Gypsies, Bercovici linked the soul of
Romanian folk culture to its Roma. If not for the Gypsies, Bercovici argued,
"Roumanian folklore would have perished before anyone had thought of fix-
ing it upon paper."52
It was from among the settled Romanian Gypsies that a new sense of Rom
self-awareness began to emerge. In 1926, intellectuals founded the General
Union of Rumanian Romi, which began a journal, Neamul Tiganesc (The
Gypsy Family), in 1930. Three years later, this group sponsored an interna-
tional Gypsy conference in Bucharest that drew delegates from throughout
Europe. The conference had as its slogan "United Gypsies of Europe" and
adopted as its initial goals the rejuvenation of national consciousness and the
struggle for Gypsy civil rights. It also adopted a national Romani flag, con-
sisting of two horizontal bars, the lower green and the upper blue. At its
opening session, M. G. Lazaresco told the delegates that "modem inventions
and professions were ruining his brethren" and said that "something had to be
done to counter these trends." Afterwards, Romanian Gypsies founded the
General Association of Gypsies (Tziganes) of Romania and elected Lazaresco
as its acting president. The goals of the new association, which opened its
offices in Bucharest on November 16, 1933, were designed to counter the
destruction of traditional Rom culture and traditions, yet also help the Gypsies
to function better in Romanian society. The General Association wanted to
organize conferences and art shows to revive traditional Rom skills. To pro-
tect native Gypsy craftsmen, the association wanted officials to stop the influx
of foreign workers, who took jobs away from skilled Gypsy workers. It also
wanted special concessions for Rom "flower-sellers ... boot-blacks, and
peddlars who wished to earn their living rather than increase the number of
unemployed." Gypsy women dominated newspaper and flower sales in cities
like Bucharest. The association also wanted Rom musicians to have the right
to register as artisans so that they could receive government "benefits for sick-
ness, old age and death." The Gypsy organization also asked for land for "a
large garden for Tzigane children, a library, a maternity hospital, and office
for the settlement of claims, a dispensary, and a place of refuge for those who
had come to Bucharest temporarily or those who are being persecuted."53
The association was also concerned about the plight of nomadic Rom and
wanted legal permission for them to begin settling near towns and villages.
According to the organization's statutes, the abandonment of the "vagabond
life" would enable Gypsies to "cease to indulge in the thefts that dishonour our
race." Rom leaders were quite sensitive to the general prejudice toward Gypsies
in Romania and demanded "complete equality for Gypsy citizens, so that they
be no longer exposed to mockerey and contempt." They noted that Gypsies
were loyal citizens of the Romanian state and "aloof from all extreme parties."
To underscore their Romanianness, the association's statutes urged its mem-
bers, whether Gypsy or non-Gypsy, to "fight the cause of our orthodox Church"
and noted that the "Holy Patriarch will name a church where the Gypsies may
attend services on Saint Mary's Day, August 15." The association placed great
emphasis on education and wanted land for a Rom school. It also asked the
government to open two Rom summer schools for Gypsy children and wanted
talented, young Rom musicians to be allowed into academies or to receive
scholarships to pursue their education abroad. 54
Finally, the new Gypsy organization wanted the government to help finance
travel to international Gypsy conferences and grant railway passes to two
members of its Central Committee to enable them to visit Gypsy colonies and
give them advice. It also asked for travel discounts for Roma throughout the
country to come to the capital to attend religious ceremonies, cultural meet-
ings and congresses. On July 1, 1934, the Gypsy association sponsored a
nationwide, eightieth anniversary celebration of Rom emancipation and hoped
this would serve as a model for an "annual Romani holiday commemorating
emancipation from slavery." Small ceremonies were held in Gypsy commu-
nities throughout Romania, while a major gathering was held in Bucharest.
Gheorge Nicolescu, the "Voivode of all the sedentary Gypsies in Rumania,"
told the Roma:
So long as we travel the paths of justice, honour and duty, no one and
nothing can tum us from our goal, because we have at our side a
devoted and honourable ally-suffering. The road to emancipation
is free; those who love us will be loved by us in return. Let us march
forwards together, ever forwards.
announced his own royal dictatorship. He chose as his puppet premier the
"vain and hypernationalist Orthodox Patriarch Miron Cristea" but used
Armand Calinescu as his "reliable agent within the cabinet." The king sealed
his dictatorship with a new, corporatist constitution, disbanded all political par-
ties, and quickly brought the courts and the universities under his control. He
tried to counter the influence of the Iron Guard with a "pseudo-radical, semi-
fascist burlesque" that gloried in "organic nationalism, family, church, and the
gospel of work," anchored by the king's new party, the Front of National
Resistance. Carol II bankrolled his regime with the country's abundant oil
reserves and tried initially to maintain balanced relations with the major pow-
ers. However, like the region's other nations, Romania soon found itself
swept up in the Third Reich's autarkic economic net, and by the summer of
1940, Romania had entered the German camp.59
King Carol's drift into the Nazi fold also provided the seeds for his undo-
ing. With Hitler's approval, the monarch ceded Bessarabia and northern
Bukovina to the Soviet Union on June 28, 1940, in response to Soviet
demands for the territories. Carol's move opened up a territorial Pandora's
box, and Hungary and Bulgaria soon asked for the return of Transylvania and
southern Dobrudja respectively. Bulgaria received the latter region, while
Hungary was able to acquire only about two-fifths of Transylvania in the
Second Vienna Award of August 30, 1940. A week later, an Iron Guard-
military alliance forced King Carol II to flee into exile, replaced by his son,
Michael I (Mihai), who shared power with "an army-Iron Guard duumvirate
led by General Ion Antonescu and Horia Sima." On September 14,1940, the
Iron Guard became the country's only legal party, and two months later it
celebrated its accession to power with "a sustained rampage, slaughtering
scores of political opponents ... [and] massacring Jews" and others. The Iron
Guard's obscene, indiscriminate violence prompted a response from Hitler,
who, preparing for his 1941 attack on the Soviet Union, needed a disci-
plined, stable Romania. Consequently, Hitler allowed Antonescu to "sup-
press" the Iron Guard on January 21-23, 1941. Antonescu replaced the
National Legionary State with his own brand of military authoritarianism
and a new relationship with the Third Reich that made Romania "Hitler's
favorite ally."60
Antonescu's regime was initially quite popular, particularly after his reac-
quisition of Bessarabia and northern Bukovina in the early days of the assault
on the Soviet Union. Strong ties with Germany also brought some mimicking
of Nazi racial policies and ideology. In March 1941, the Antonescu regime
began to implement an array of anti-Semitic decrees that gradually removed
Jews from the fabric of Romanian society. Three months later, Romania
joined the Gennan invasion of the Soviet Union. Antonescu, now in personal
command of the anned forces, committed 15 divisions to the Nazi cause and
began to move into Bessarabia, northern Bukovina, and southern Ukraine.
Italian journalist Curzio Malaparte, who traveled in the region as Gennan-
Romanian forces occupied these territories, said that after authorities had
rounded up some of the area's Jews and sent them to camps in Bessarabia, he
came upon a group of Gypsies and peasants stripping the corpses in the vil-
lage ofPoduloea. According to a local rabbi, "It can't be helped. It is the cus-
tom. They will come to us tomorrow to sell the clothing stolen from the dead
and we shall have to buy it-what else can we dO?"61
In a speech on July 8, 1941, Antonescu talked about the elimination of
national minorities, which one Romanian captain supported when he said,
"Mice, rats, crows, Gypsies, vagabonds and Jews don't need any documents."
Romania's Gypsy population, which the Anuarul Statistic in 1939-1940 said
still numbered 262,501, now became the target of an array of anti-Roma
actions. According to Antonescu during his war crimes trial, the Gypsies
were rounded up because "the public appealed to me to protect them because
[the Gypsies] were breaking into houses at night." Police investigations,
Antonescu claimed, "determined that armed Gypsies, many with war
weapons," were responsible for the burglaries. King Michael said in 1991 that
"nomadic or semi-nomadic" Rom were viewed officially as "antisocial."
They were particularly vulnerable to mistreatment because they "had no
defence or protectors outside of Romania," and were "easy targets due to their
lack of papers and documentation." Those who suffered most were the
Gypsies in the new, Romanian-occupied areas of Russia renamed Transnistria,
which became an important dumping ground for Gypsies and Jews. During the
first year of the Gennan-Soviet war, "25,000 Gypsies from the Bucharest areas
were transported across the Dnieper to the Stalingrad region."62
According to one Rom survivor, Petre Radita, the Gypsies were shipped
from Bucharest in cattle trucks, the journey took some weeks and
because of the cold nights, lack of blankets and inadequate food sup-
ply, many died of hunger and exposure before arriving at the River
Bug in the Ukraine. Those that had survived were lodged in huts and
made to work digging trenches. Those found with gold teeth had
them pulled out. Two children caught carrying messages to the par-
tisans were executed in front of their parents. 63
Some Gennan officials were concerned over the movement of Roma into
Ukraine, and in August 1942, Erich Koch, the Reichskommissar Ukraine,
wrote to Alfred Rosenberg, the Reich Minister for the Eastern Occupied
Now, Briitianu noted, Gypsies were being forced to leave Romania, a "coun-
try for which they shed their blood (due to army enrollment)." These transfers
were particularly difficult since winter was approaching, with "aged people,
women and children being forced over the frontier into unknown regions
where their lives have no meaning." Briitianu wondered if the country could
afford to "sacrifice such a large number of citizens" with skills as "handi-
craftsmen and workers." He felt that these transfers were being initiated with-
out Antonescu's knowledge, and asked the conducator al statuliu (fUhrer or
duce) "to stop these persecutions," since they "would take us a few centuries
back in world history."66
The Romanian newspaper Eroica (Heroic) explained in October 1942 that
"the Gypsy question was as important as the Jewish" one and "mourned the 'pre-
vailing dangerous opinion that Gypsies were part of the Rumanian race. '"
Because of mixed marriages, Eroica claimed there were 600,000 Roma "half-
castes" in the country. It demanded that marriages between "Gypsies, half-castes
and Rumanian women be prohibited" and felt that Gypsies had to be "eliminated
from any part they played in the social life of the state." One solution, Eroica
argued, was to put all Rom nomads in labor camps. According to the report of
the Romanian War Crimes Commission at the end of World War II,
"designated by the Soviets rather than the parties themselves." Groza's posi-
tion was strengthened by the return of northern Transylvania and the huge
growth of the Romanian Communist Party, whose ranks were swollen as
"hundreds of thousands of Romanians recognized the permanence of Soviet
domination." Gypsies were particularly encouraged to join "local and
regional administrative political elites," since they were seen as "the most
disadvantaged of the exploited classes." Some Roma followed this path
because they saw opportunities "for upward mobility and equal treatment
under the law."?'
The conclusion of an Allied-Romanian peace treaty on February 10, 1947,
which formally ended World War II for Bucharest, included modest protec-
tion against discrimination for the country's minorities and stimulated the
"pace of Sovietization" of Romania, which was declared a People's Republic
on December 30, 1947. All opposition parties were abolished and replaced by
the Romanian Workers' Party, which became totally subordinate to Moscow
under the leadership of Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej. Over the next five years, the
Gheorghiu-Dej regime adopted two new constitutions modeled closely on the
1936 Soviet Stalin constitution. Though both documents gave lip service to
basic educational, linguistic, and cultural rights for the country's "national"
and "cohabiting nationalities," a secret, "anti-nationality system began to
develop." It put Romanians in upper and mid-level positions of power in
regions throughout the country inhabited by the national minorities. Increas-
ingly, what gains the country's major ethnic groups had made since 1944 were
compromised by "an awakening spirit of Romanian nationalism." Yet the gov-
ernment also continued to maintain "a certain amount of tolerance for the
needs and wishes of the ethnic minorities."n
This shift toward a greater emphasis on Romanian national identity is
reflected in the 1948 census, which showed that 87.4 percent of the popula-
tion of 15,872,624, chose Romanian as their primary language, compared to
73 percent in the 1930 census. The 1948 census showed a Roma population
of only 53,425 Gypsies by native language, versus 101,015 in the 1930
census. This was a 47 percent drop in Roma figures from 1930 to 1948, com-
pared with a 12 percent decline in total population statistics for the same
period. The Gypsies, who now officially made up 0.3 percent of the popula-
tion compared to 0.6 percent 18 years earlier, were located primarily in the
countryside. It was presumed that most of the Gypsies listed in the 1948 cen-
sus were nomads, while the 14 percent that lived in Romania's urban areas
were settled or semi-nomads. 73
The continued existence of Gypsy nomads had troubled communist leaders
since 1946, and efforts were made to force them to settle. Initial policies cen-
tered around the confiscation of horses and wagons, which was vividly
described by a Roma from Brasov:
When these efforts proved ineffective, the Interior Ministry began a new pro-
gram in 1951 designed to break up small groups of Roma so that "they could
be more easily monitored by the police." Some Gypsies were forced to settle
on the edge of villages, where they were often unwelcome and later mistreated
by the peasants. These efforts coincided with similar forced transfers of
30,000-40,000 Swabians in Romanian Banat who had protested the forced col-
lectivization of agriculture that had begun in 1948. According to Sam Beck,
official concern over Rom nomadism centered around an historic Romanian
aversion to nomads. These feelings had deep roots and centered on the idea
that "nomads deter development and threaten civilization." Romanians, Beck
felt, implicitly saw the Gypsy "as genetically inferior, or culturally conser-
vative and unable to change."74
The 1956 census in Romania provided the first real glimpse of the Gypsies
since the creation of the People's Republic nine years earlier. It indicated a total
Rom population of 104,216, with 46.15 percent of the Gypsies indicating
Romani as their native tongue, compared to a little over 45 percent of the reg-
istered Gypsies selecting Romanian as their primary language. About 8.6 per-
cent of the country's Rom chose Hungarian as their principal language. The
census also showed that 17.3 percent of Romania's Gypsies had settled per-
manently in the nation's urban areas. A little over 40 percent of the Roma in the
1956 census declared themselves to be workers, 0.58 percent as "Functionaries,"
or "engineers, technicians, and specialized personnel," 6.73 percent as
"Collective Farmers," 16.35 percent as "Individual Farmers," and 2.88 percent
as "Liber Professionisti," a category that included "lawyers ... physicians and
sanitary personnel, artists . . . actors and instrumental performers, as well as
others not employed in an institution or enterprise for pay." (This category was
removed from the 1966 census.) Almost three-quarters of Romania's Gypsies
were over 8 years old, and about 43 percent of this number were enrolled in pri-
mary schools. The level of Gypsy school enrollment beyond this level was neg-
ligible, which helped explain the group's 37.7 percent illiteracy rate.
Comparatively, the country's Romanians had a 10.9 percent illiteracy rate, the
Hungarians, 3.1 percent, the Germans, 1.1 percent, and the Jews, 3.1 percent.
(Officials eliminated the illiteracy category from the 1966 census.) Trond
Gilberg concluded from his analysis of the 1956 census's educational data that
the country's Roma were "marginally touched by modemization."75
These figures took on greater significance when compared to 1966 census
data. The decade in between was an era when "the large ethnic minorities con-
tinued to enjoy a certain amount of religious, social, and even economic
autonomy." The total Gypsy population recorded in the 1966 census dropped
by over 38 percent, though the number of Gypsies who declared Romani to
be their native tongue declined by only 21.2 percent during the same period.
Over 65 percent of the country's urban Gypsies selected Romani as their pri-
mary language, compared to 57.62 percent of the Rom who lived in the coun-
tryside. According to Gilberg, the decline in Gypsy identity during this period
came about because of a "tendency among many in this ethnic group to sim-
ply abandon the 'Gypsy' label altogether and instead declare themselves
Romanian." This assumption is borne out by the fact that Gypsy urbanization
rates rose from 17.3 percent to 26.5 percent between 1956 and 1966, while the
number who declared Romanian to be their primary language declined by
almost 42 percent. Gypsy urbanization increases also reflected the massive
urbanization trend nationwide during this period. 76
The 1966 census showed that over 47 percent of the country's Roma
declared themselves "Workers," while the percentage of those listed in the
"Functionaries" category dropped slightly. The number of Roma "Collective
Farmers" increased from 7,037 to 19,501 between 1956 and 1966, while the
number of "Individual [Roma] Farmers" declined from 17,278 to 1,670 dur-
ing the same period. The demise of the Gypsy private farmer came about
because of the "completion of agricultural socialization" or collectivization in
1962 and the decision of some Gypsies to move "from non-agricultural occu-
pations into collectivized agriculture." According to Gilberg, Roma left "'tra-
ditional' Gypsy occupations such as handicrafts, small trading, or simply
nomadism ... into a more settled existence in collective farms."77
Roma continued to be woefully underrepresented in the country's educa-
tional system above the primary grades, and the 1966 census indicated that
only one Gypsy was officially enrolled at the university level. These figures
underscore the difficulties faced by the Gheorghiu-Dej regime as it tried sig-
nificantly to address high Gypsy illiteracy rates between 1956 and 1966.
Gilberg concluded that it would take a long time before the Gypsies were
able to catch up with the educational attainment levels of the country's
other nationalities~ He felt that the other minorities' educational successes
could widen the gap between the Roma and these groups and that "assimi-
lation through education" could very well become an "elite phenomenon"
that would be "limited to individual Gypsies who leave their area of resi-
up for this purpose also worked to persuade Gypsies "to take jobs in fields of
activity such as agriculture, industry, handicrafts, service rendering, and socio-
cultural areas." The 1983 study indicated that other measures were taken to
encourage better school enrollment for Gypsy children and the adoption of bet-
ter health and hygiene habits. The results, according to the 1983 report, were
that many Gypsies "gave up their parasitic way of life and gradually settled
down to activities that benefit[ed] society."81
Yet officials felt these gains were unsatisfactory, since a number of Gypsies
"persist[ed] in retrograde traditions and mentalities, tend[ed] to· lead a para-
sitic way of life, refused to go to work, and live[d] in precarious conditions,
and refused to take part in activities for the welfare of society." Gypsy unem-
ployment figures were not higher than in 1977, although nomadic and semi-
nomadic Rom mostly had "temporary jobs, and only about 900 were skilled."
Linked to unemployment were high Gypsy crime rates, which translated into
Rom prison inmate rates of 2 percent of national totals in 1979, and 3.3 per-
cent in 1982. Statistics were even higher for "crimes such as murder, theft, the
dollar black market, prostitution, and procurers." The use of children to com-
mit many of these crimes affected school attendance: county school officials
reported that 3,500 Gypsy children did not go to school in 1982-1983, while
the Ministry of Education estimated the number to be much higher. 82
The 1983 study found many Rom adults illiterate or semi-illiterate, which
also affected their attitudes toward their children's education. As a result of
"weak attendance, poor material conditions, and backwardness at home,"
many Rom children had to repeat grades or simply stopped going to school.
High Gypsy unemployment translated into extremely bad housing conditions
without adequate sanitation. When Roma were given proper housing in gov-
ernment apartment complexes, they often "destroyed many of them, making
them 'unlivable. '" Officials were also concerned over the lack of good health
and hygiene among the country's Roma and noted that they had high rates of
infant mortality, venereal disease, typhoid fever, and tuberculosis. The 1983
report was also critical of Gypsies' refusal to abide by local and national laws,
family disorganization, and the misuse of government subsidies for large fam-
ilies. Consequently, the report made a number of suggestions to force greater
integration and sedentarization upon Romania's unsettled Gypsy population. 83
Nationwide, local officials were to do a detailed gathering of statistics on
the Rom's "numerical situation" and "social status." Gypsies who had not reg-
istered with authorities were required to get official government identification,
while the Ministry of the Interior was to ensure that Roma abided by "the laws
referring to private identity and housing." This agency was also responsible
for making sure that Gypsies lived and worked only in the places described
the Gypsies." Roma "with a high civic consciousness and a positive attitude
towards work" were to be promoted and elected throughout government and
Party organizations nationwide. The 1977 local and state commissions created
to look into better ways to integrate Gypsies into Romanian society were to
be revived in order to study means to put into action the suggestions contained
in the 1983 report.86
Unfortunately, most of these goals were not achieved. Some efforts were
made between 1983 and 1985 to create a Gypsy cultural/neighborhood asso-
ciation. A Gypsy folk festival was held in Sibiu in the fall of 1984. However,
when the Rom organizers tried to get permission to hold a second Gypsy fes-
tival the following year, the Propaganda Section of the Central Committee
turned them down. This coincided with the growing emphasis by Ceau§escu
on Romanian nationalism and the organic society, which "relegated all others
to a position of secondary or tertiary rank." Linked to this was Ceau§escu's
growing paranoia and megalomania, which caused a significant degeneration
in the "intellectual and emotional climate of interethnic relations." Over
time, government policies toward minorities, linked with the economy's
decline, "made the physical and psychological conditions of the minorities
intolerable. "87
Ceau§escu's post-1983 housing and employment efforts for Roma met
with mixed success. The housing goals were part of his "systematization"
scheme, which centered around "a massive program of reorganization of the
countryside" and was seen by some as directly discriminatory. Though the
"systematization" program was not set up specifically to destroy Rom hous-
ing, entire Roma neighborhoods were razed, and Gypsies were forcibly set-
tled in large apartment buildings. According to Nicolae Gheorghe, these new
tenements were often "in urban ghettos" that caused "a deterioration of social
life" for Gypsies. Roma were often given the housing of other minorities, par-
ticularly Hungarians and Germans, who had left Romania because of
Ceau§escu's policies. Consequently, officials were unable to stop Gypsy
nomadism, and Roma were able to get around the restrictions "by paying fines
and bribes to the police." Brian Hall vividly described his encounter with des-
titute Romanian Gypsy nomads during his travels in the region at this time:
I passed a Gypsy encampment just as the sun was setting. Three cat-
like dogs came screaming up the road, but kept their teeth to them-
selves. The men and boys of the camp called out, as the Gypsies
always do, for me to stop, but I pushed on. I remember the camp as
a scene of pastoral squalor in the highest degree. The dogs were
mangy and quarrelsome, the two horses thin and dispirited; horse
manure and empty cans littered the ground; old clothes and discol-
ored blankets fluttered in the wind from tree branches and low
bushes; filthy, tom plastic sheets made up most of the walls of the
shacks; and garbage of all sorts lay, like crusted snow, in the creases
of the earth.
Early the next morning, Hall was awakened by the "sound of hooves, the slap
of reins. The Gypsies were on the move." Hall concluded that thougb some
Roma continued to live as nomads, "Ceau§escu' s government had made it clear
that they would have to learn, sooner or later, how to be socialist citizens."88
Efforts for the dramatic improvements of Gypsy education and employment
proved equally problematic, particularly in light of the country's growing
impoverishment. According to Nestor Ratesh, by the end of the 1980s,
Romania had become the "Ethiopia of Europe." The country's economic,
social, and political impoverishment led to the violent overthrow of the regime
of Nicolae and Elena Ceau§escu on December 22, 1989, which was fueled by
the week of unrest that began in Hungarian communities in Transylvania.
Three days after their capture, the Ceau§escus were violently executed after
a makeshift kangaroo court convicted them of genocide. 89 In the violent days
after the Ceau§escus' arrest, Gypsy children carried "water and food under ftre
exchanges to soldiers" who had joined the revolution against Ceau§escu's
dreaded Securitate (secret police).90
The void left by the collapse of the Ceau§escu regime was filled quickly by
the National Salvation Front (NSF or Frontul Salvarii Nationale), led by Ion
lliescu. lliescu, a communist with outstanding credentials, had fallen into
disfavor with Ceau§escu years earlier and had become identified within the
Romanian Communist Party as an opponent of Ceau§escu. Almost immedi-
ately after taking power, the NSF proclaimed new democratic freedoms,
including recognition of "the rights and freedoms of national minorities and
their full equality with Romanians." Though the NSF was viewed initially as
a provisional government, its decision on February 6, 1990, to register as one
of the country's new political parties for elections later that spring triggered
a wave of mass protests that severely undermined the NSF's credibility. On
February 19, the government shipped 5,000 miners to Bucharest from the Jiu
Valley to intimidate the protestors. The miners explained that their move was
in response to unrest "perpetuated by 'hooligans and unemployed gypsies,'"
while some demonstrators earlier had blamed violence within their own ranks
on the Roma. 91
Dissatisfaction with the NSF's political monopoly had already forced it to
agree to share power until the May elections with an array of new political par-
ties on a provisional, 180-member Council of National Unity. Seats were
provided on the Council for "members of ethnic minorities," which allowed the
Gypsies' new organization, the Democratic Union of the Romanies in Romania
(DURR), to acquire observer and then permanent status for its representatives.
The NSF, which also "had sought to give better treatment to the ethnic
Hungarians and 13 other minorities in the country," also called upon Gypsy
leaders such as Ion Cioaba, the chief of the nomadic and kettle smith Gypsies
since 1971, to help restore order. Cioaba took his responsibilities quite seri-
ously, and in mid-January 1990, he went on Bucharest radio to ask the Roma
"to cease immediately all actions that create disorder and panic." A month later,
he asked his radio listeners "to contribute to the country's economic recovery
and to respect the achievements of the revolution." After Cioaba's talk, the
radio announcer added: "Beautiful words! Let us hope that the deeds will
match them!" Cioaba claimed during this period that "under the Ceau§escu
regime Roma were detained and tortured and their prosperity, including the
gold jewelry of the women, was forcibly taken by government officials."92
While official policy statements on minorities were aimed at Romania's tra-
ditionally more vocal ethnic groups, such as the Hungarians, more and more
demographic evidence pointed to the Gypsies as one of the country's largest
minorities. In 1987, the Minority Rights Group in London estimated that
there were 760,000 Gypsies in Romania out of a total popUlation of
22,683,000, though more generous estimates put the figure between 1 and 2
million. In 1992, Andre Liebich estimated that 760,000 was the highest cred-
ible figure, though Gypsy leaders claimed on the eve of Romania's 1992 cen-
sus that the Gypsy population stood at 2.3 million out of an estimated 1991
population of 23.2 million. 93 According to one prominent Romanian demog-
rapher, Vasile Ghetan, the best way for the Roma to answer questions about
their actual numbers was to persuade Gypsies "to declare their [true] nation-
ality at the next census," something they had been hesitant to do in the past.
Ghetan felt the recently created DURR could play an important role in getting
more Gypsies to declare themselves Roma. 94
In fact, there had been a frenzy of Gypsy political activity since the over-
throw of the Ceau§escu dictatorship. Initially, most Roma had declared them-
selves supporters of the NSF, though in time more and more independent
Gypsy organizations began to crop up. The DURR was the most prominent.
Founded in Bucharest in mid-February 1990, it served as an umbrella organi-
zation for Roma throughout the country, including Bucharest Gypsies; "the
nomads and the kettle smiths, with headquarters in Sibiu; the settled Gypsies
and the fiddlers, with headquarters in Tirgu-Jiu; and the Hungarian-speaking
and the 'silk' Gypsies, with headquarters in Cluj." The DURR supported Ion
Iliescu in his bid for the country's presidency in elections on May 20, 1990, and
were 'a social sore,'" and "inclined at birth to larceny, fraud, robbery, [vio-
lent] crime, and so on," the Gypsies became the national scapegoats for
Romania's immense problems. In 1991, Helsinki Watch reported 17 assaults
on Gypsy communities since late 1989 and five Roma deaths attributed to
mob violence. Equally troubling, said Helsinki Watch, was the failure of the
Romanian police and the Romanian government to respond effectively and
appropriately to these assaults. The collective impact of these attacks was
"devastating for Romanian citizens of Gypsy ethnic origin."98
Government complicity in anti-Rom violence was particularly evident in the
June 1990 pro-government, officially inspired miners' riot in Bucharest. The
riots were in response to ongoing, peaceful demonstrations and protests that
began in April 1990 against the continued presence of Ceau§escu operatives
in high positions in government. On June 12, several weeks after the National
Salvation Front had secured control of Romania's parliament and executive
branch, President Iliescu decided to bring the demonstrations to an end. After
police efforts proved ineffective, the government unleased 10,000 burly miners
from Jiu Valley on the city. After wreaking havoc at the city's center, some
of the miners then moved into Bucharest's Gypsy quarters, where they "ran-
sacked their homes, stole their belongings, and severely beat many of the
inhabitants." Other Roma were indiscriminately attacked on the streets merely
for being Gypsies, while other Gypsies were arrested by the police. Romanian
television proved quite supportive of the crackdown, creating an image of the
protestors as Roma "dregs of society" who "camped out in the middle of
Romania's capital, profiting from illegal activities." On June 13, Emanoil
Valeriu, the head of Romanian state television, claimed in a broadcast that "the
television studios had been attacked and destroyed by Gypsies" and asked the
public "to protect and defend the institution." Later, Nicolae Gheorghe and
Vasile Ionescu, representing the new Ethnic Federation of Gypsies, filed a
legal complaint against Valeriu for "nationalistic and chauvinist propaganda,
public instigation, [and] calumny."99
On May 31, 1991, the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights
protested "Pogroms against Gypsies in Romania," while six days later the
International Labor Organization (ILO) decried continuing ethnic violence
against the Roma and Hungarians. The ILO's report also zeroed in on the other
problems facing the Gypsies of Romania:
the allocation of Roma to the most arduous jobs with the lowest social
status, in wage differentiation and difficulties in respect to promotion.
Indirect discrimination occurs in training and access to employment:
certain Roma are marginalised because of their low incomes; conse-
quently, their children are unable to receive the technical or vocational
training provided by the educational system. The result is that these
children encounter difficulties in respect of access to skilled jobs and
are reduced to a marginal status which tends to repeat the pattern set
by the previous generation. 100
The violence, combined with the Roma's "extreme poverty, the prejudice
and discrimination they are subject to, their traditional inclination to a nomadic
way oflife, and even their seemingly innate ability to cross frontiers illegally,"
triggered a "massive gypsy emigration from Romania." According to one Rom
saw it as "a plan to extenninate us. It's a Nazi mentality." Natalia Muntean said
she feared for the lives of her family if they were forced to return to Romania,
while the International Romani Union said that Berlin was "sending thou-
sands of people to hell." Romanian Gypsy leaders doubted if the money allot-
ted for the reintegration of the emigrant Roma would be spent for such
purposes. Costel Vasile, for example, pointed to the Iliescu government's fail-
ure to tum over a building promised to the Bucharest Rom community, while
others said that the government had excluded Gypsies "from claiming land
when the plots of state agricultural cooperatives were divided among fanners
after the fall of communism." Gypsy leaders felt that the deported Roma would
return to a community deeply affected by housing shortages and rising unem-
ployment. Nicolae Stafanescu-Draganesti, the head of the Romanian League
for the Defense of Human Rights, predicted that "with no jobs and no houses,
the number of wrongdoers among them will only increase."102
One of the most tragic manifestations of Gypsy impoverishment in Romania
centered around the plight of Gypsy orphans. Once the shroud of communist
dictatorship fell in 1989, it was discovered that Romanian orphanages were
filled with over 100,000 children abandoned by their parents in response to
Ceau§escu's 1966 decree banning abortions for women "under 45 who had not
yet produced four children." Westerners flocked to Romania in 1990 and
1991 legally or illegally to adopt or buy these orphans, which forced the
Iliescu government to pass legislation in the summer of 1991 that made "sell-
ing babies a crime punishable by up to five years in prison" and outlawed the
adoption of children "abandoned for less than five months." The law also cre-
ated a Romanian Adoption Committee that would screen all requests by for-
eigners to adopt Romanian children. Sadly, a few Gypsies were identified in
the Romani:).n press and elsewhere as prime movers in the Romanian "Baby
Bazaar," though Romanian orphanage directors later reported that children of
"mixed Gypsy and Romanian blood or full-blooded Gypsies" were "consid-
ered unadoptable-thoroughly undesirable."103
Such developments only strengthened negative Romanian images of the
Gypsies. A report published by the National Police in July 1990 claimed that
"11 percent of major crimes are committed by Gypsies," while a survey by the
Romanian Institute of Public Opinion the following year found that "41 % of
those surveyed thought that Gypsies should be poorly treated." In October
1993, a Budapest daily, Curierul National, published another survey in which
one respondent, Oli.via D., said, ''I'm sorry I don't have the power-I would
extenninate them all." Nicolae Gheorghe, who in 1991 became head of the
General Union of Romanies, which supplanted the DURR, felt that the lliescu
government was indifferent to the plight of the Roma and that it tolerated and
called for their punishment and expulsion. In 1533, one Polish writer, Przyluski,
"condemned Polish hospitality, and said that they [Gypsies] should be put in
irons and sent to forced labour as convicts." In 1557, the city of Warsaw
declared, "Gypsies, or people who are unnecessary, we will drive out from
these lands and thereafter they are not to be received back into them." Eight
years later, the city of Piotrkow in western Poland ordered the expulsion of
Gypsies. Both decrees were not adequately enforced, however, and in 1578,
King Stephan Bathory "threatened sanctions against people who harboured
Gypsies on their lands-who were to be punished as accomplices of outlaws."
Initially, some Rom moved into the Lithuanian portions of the new Polish-
Lithuanian kingdom, where Lithuanian regulations were more moderate and
designed "to try to make useful citizens of the Gypsies by providing special
facilities and reliefs for them." In 1501, for example, Lithuanian officials gave
Gypsies the "right to live according to privileges and customs granted earlier."
New Lithuanian decrees in 1564-1566 declared that any Rom who wanted to
remain in the country had to settle "under good lords" or risk expulsion.
Gypsies were also allowed to serve in the Lithuanian army during time of war.
Unfortunately, Lithuanian policies began to become more restrictive over the
next twenty years while Gypsies were banned from Poland. 2
Gypsies also entered Ukraine during this period from Wallachia, and by the
end of the sixteenth century they were scattered throughout the region. 3 The
Rom continued their migration into Ukraine via Gennany and Poland through-
out the seventeenth century in response to intensified persecution. Though the
mistreatment of Rom was particularly harsh in some of the Gennan states, the
Gypsies also found themselves increasingly unwelcome in Poland. The only
exception was in Podlesie in eastern Poland bordering Belorussia, where
Rom blacksmiths were a vital part of the economy. Officials in Podlesie
protested Poland's strict anti-Gypsy legislation, which prompted the Sejm in
Warsaw to modify some of it in 1601 and 1607. As a result, "Podlesie ceased
to fall within the jurisdiction of the harsh legislation covering the rest of the
country, and thus provided a refuge for large numbers of Gypsies who fled
here from other areas."4
The growing domestic and international friction that beset Poland during
this period saw the government's anti-Gypsy measures fall into disuse. In fact,
because of the military needs of Poland's dominant class, the magnates, and
efforts to gain more control over Poland's growing Gypsy popUlation, the Rom
acquired some stature with the creation of the official position of the king of
the Gypsies. Created between 1624 and 1652, the Polish crown saw it as a way
to stop Gypsy "lawlessness and criminality, and force Gypsies to pay taxes."
Though its first appointees were Rom, King Jan Kazimierz Vasa made John
The Gypsies of the Ukraine living on the left bank of the Dnieper
were divided, as well as the Little Russians [Ukrainians], into ten
regiments; at the head of each regiment stood a Gypsy chieftan. As
long as lease existed, the Gypsy chieftans were appointed by the
leaseholders, although with the assent of the administration; when
the lease was annulled, the chieftan was named by the General
Office of the Army. The gypsies had the right to ask for the appoint-
ment of one or another chieftan, and this chieftan, in his turn, named
the chief of the regiments. To the Gypsies of Little Russia were
joined in the 18th century the Gypsies of Wallachia who were gov-
erned by their own chieftans. The principle duty of the chieftans con-
sisted in ruling the Gypsy population subject to them; as long as lease
existed, they were obliged to collect taxes from the Gypsies. 7
Gypsies continued to migrate into Russia during this period along the
southeastern Baltic coast, in central Russia, and into western Siberia. In 1721.
Moscow. Orlov's Gypsy choir became "very much in vogue in its day and
could often be heard at the soirees given by Catherine the Great's favourites,
such as Prince Potemkin, Zubov and Zorich." In time, "a Gypsy chorus and a
good orchestra were indispensable adornments in the home of every important
member of the nobility." Certain literary and musical circles became entranced
with the Rom, which prompted an interesting poetic dialogue between two of
the more innovative poets of Catherine the Great's era, Gavrila Derzhavin and
Ivan Dmitriev. In 1788, a short, two-act operetta called The Gypsy was produced
in Moscow with Roma playing the three principal parts. Rom music was also
used in "several plays and vaudevilles arranged with Gypsy songs by the tal-
ented conductor Koshinsky" during this period. 14
Catherine the Great's oblique interest in Gypsies made her a favorite sub-
ject of Rom folk legends. According to one story, the Empress
Catherine's mythical fascination with the Rom did not prevent her from
addressing problems of Gypsy idleness and nomadism, particularly when it
related to the collection of state taxes. On December 31, 1783, the Senate tried
to halt the mobility of the Rom and other unregistered peasants by limiting
their ability to "negotiate [the] departure from one landowner in order to
move to another." Gypsies were regarded as state peasants (gosudarstvennyye
krest' yane), a group that made up 26.25 percent of the total peasant popUla-
tion in the census Qf 1762-1764. State peasants were found primarily "in
northeast Russia and Siberia, along the old military lines in the south, and in
Left Bank Ukraine, and New Russia." The state peasant's status was much better
than that of a serf since he had some freedom of movement and occupation.
At the same time, the state peasant ha<i some labor and financial obligations
to the state. Peter the Great ordered in 1724 that the free peasants pay a poll
tax of 70 kopeks, plus a tax or obrok (quitrent) of 40 kopeks, a regulation that
was extended to "Little Ukraine, Slobodska Ukraine, the Baltic Provinces and
Finland, and the newly acquired Polish provinces" in 1770. The 1783 decree
brought the spirit of the 1770 regulation to complete fruition. Officials hoped
that the nomadic Gypsies would end their idle ways and begin to live pro-
ductive, settled lives. 16 The Senate followed up the 1783 decree with new ones
on January 24 and November 4, 1784. The first enabled Count George
Browne, the governor-general of Livonia (Latvia) and Estonia, regions
acquired from Sweden during the Great Northern War (1700-1721), to place
wandering Gypsies from neighboring districts under surveillance and then to
return them to their appropriate region. As a result of a report from Moscow's
tax collector, the decree of November 4 stipulated that Gypsies without a pass-
port would not be able to travel outside Riga or Revel (Tallinn). To obtain
travel documents, Rom would have to register with city officials, which would
make them subject to government taxes. 17
Gypsies were also mentioned in a decree of the procurator general of May
28, 1792, that dealt with the collection of taxes in the Ekaterinoslav gUberniya.
Theoretically, the procurator general "was the link between the Senate and the
sovereign" and wielded vast authority through local procurators who served
as the monarch's eyes and ears throughout the country. The May 28 decree
levied a tax of 14,451 rubles and 7.5 kopeks on the guberniya's Rom and
warned them not to do anything to hinder the collection of the poll tax. IS The
Ekaterinoslav guberniya had been created after the formal Russian acquisition
of the Crimea from Turkey in 1783 and was part of the southern Russian
"empire" of Grigory A. Potemkin, one of the most important figures in
Catherine the Great's reign until his death in 1791. The guberniya was cen-
tered at Ekaterinoslav, which was named by Potemkin for his former lover, the
empress, in 1778. From Ekaterinoslav, Potemkin also ruled the guberniyas of
New Russia and Azov, and the Crimea. As these areas were underpopulated,
Potemkin invited settlers from throughout Europe to his "empire." Earlier
efforts to increase the size of the Rom population in the area were unsuc-
cessful. The 456 Gypsy families sent to Novorossiya in 1768-1774 had dwin-
dled to only 255 men and a smaller number of women by 1794. According to
government officials, the Rom in the Ekaterinoslav guberniya "wandered
from town to town and presented something of a plague for the population of
Novorossiya."19 Captain Sergei Pleschev made a similar observation in his
1792 account, Survey of the Russian Empire:
About the Don, as well as in almost every part of Russia, from time
to time are found gipsies, a race well known every where by their
cheating and pilfering. They have no fixed residence, but wander con-
tinually from one place to another, and exercise the trades of black-
smiths and farriers and horse-dealers, which last they generally do by
exchanging instead of selling their horses. In order to collect the
poll-tax with more certainty, the greatest part of them are put under
the inspection of different masters, of whom they are obliged to take
their passports before they can go upon their peregrinations. 20
Paul's son and successor, Alexander I (r. 1801-1825), followed this up with
a Senate ukase on June 17, 1803, that was based upon the recommendation of
Viktor P. Kochubei, the head of the new Ministry of the Interior. Concerned
about the disorderliness and impudence of some Rom, the ukase decreed that
the Gypsies should be gathered together in small groups and settled in gov-
ernment villages. Once settled, the Rom would be deprived of their passports
to prevent them from leaving the area. The ukase mentioned the difficulty that
one official in Nizhegorodsk in the Crimea had with local Gypsies and warned
against the unfair treatment of Rom.24
Two years later, an imperial name-day ukase gave a group of Russians in
the Saratov region on the lower Volga permission to move to an area on the
Uzen River that had a small Gypsy population. The ukase noted that the Rom
lived in villages in the region and worked as petty tradesmen and cattle
drovers. 25 Officials continued to watch the Rom and remained concerned
about their continual wanderings. A report from the Senate prompted a new
government decree on April 20, 1809, that reinforced earlier policies and
reemphasized the need for Gypsies to settle and register with officials in vil-
lages and towns throughout the country. The ukase noted that the adoption of
a sedentary lifestyle by the Rom would improve their lot. 26 The following year,
the newly created Ministry of Police, charged with protecting "the life and
property of individuals as well as maintaining the internal security of the
State," became responsible for overseeing Gypsies in Russia. Armed with a
new watchdog agency, on September 28, 1811, the Senate ordered the regis-
tration of Gypsies throughout the country by January 1, 1812, and in Siberia
by July 1, 1812. Those who failed to register with police officials by this date
would be regarded as vagrants and slackers. Such registration allowed for the
better collection of taxes from the Rom, as evidenced by the imposition of a
two-ruble head tax on Gypsies in the Taurida guberniya in the Crimea on
February 20,1812. Seven years later, Alexander I abolished the police agency
amidst charges that its operatives had "not been confining themselves to gath-
ering information, [but rather had] been seeking to incite crimes and suspi-
cions." The Ministry of the Interior subsequently took over the functions of
the Ministry of Police. 27
Russia acquired more Gypsies after Alexander I signed the Treaty of
Bucharest with Turkey on May 16, 1812, which ended the six-year Russo-
Turkish War and ceded Bessarabia to Russia. Occupied by Russia during
most of the war, the southern part of Bessarabia
war Russian schismatics, runaway serfs and outlaws moved into the
region and their presence was tolerated by the Tsarist authorities.
After the war they were joined by state peasants, Germans, Bulgarians,
Swiss and Romanians in officially sponsored immigration.
Among the new settlers in Bessarabia were Gypsies, who were included in a
series of decrees that accompanied the charter granted the region by Alexander
I in 1818. The tsar gave the region "a considerable degree of self-government"
and left the "Romanians' social, governmental, tax and legal systems virtually
intact." (Serfdom was never introduced into Bessarabia by the Russians.)28 The
rights and privileges of Gypsies were laid out in the new charter, and some
Rom were initially attracted to the region because of its liberal immigration
laws. However, over the next decade, Russian officials phased out most of the
local privileges, which were almost completely eliminated in a new charter in
1828. In 1824, Gypsies were included in a regulation that defined the rights
of guilds in Bessarabia, although in paragraph 4 of the new Bessarabian char-
ter of 1828, the Rom became the serfs of Bessarabian or Russian landlords.
The following year, another decree forbade Bessarabian Gypsies from work-
ing on state lands, while an official statement in 1831 noted that the sale of
Gypsies in Bessarabia without land was not an act of emancipation. By 1836,
752 Gypsy families had settled on 9,902 dessiatines of land (1 dessiatine
equals 2.7 acres) in Bessarabia. There were now two Rom villages in the
province: Kair with 141 huts and Faraonovka with 146 huts. 29
In the new Russian-controlled Polish kingdom created at the Congress of
Vienna in 1815, Gypsies found themselves subject to equally harsh tsarist poli-
cies. On May II, 1816, the government issued an "Order of the Government
Commission for Internal Affairs and Police," that gave Rom six months to
settle if they wanted to stay in Poland.
The decree had provisions that allowed Gypsies who "maintain[ed] them-
selves from their labour or from an honest and useful craft" the right to
acquire a travel permit, though local officials were instructed "to record the
time spent in the place and their employment there." Polish authorities soon
withdrew these liberal privileges because of difficulties with nomadic Rom
concerts for Franz Liszt, an aficionado of Gypsy music, during the Hungarian
composer's concert tour of Russia in 1843. The Orlov choir's music entranced
him so much that he "took off his decorations and put them in his pocket,
closed his eyes, leaned back and gave himself up to the delight of listening."
Several days later, Liszt arrived quite late for a concert at a packed Bolshoi
Theater. Once he appeared, he immediately enraptured his audience with a
Gypsy tune, "You Don't Know How Charming You Are," followed by
"improvised variations on the melody." During the intermission, he revealed
that he had been late because he "had been visiting some Gypsies earlier in
the evening and had become so engrossed in listening to them that he had
forgotten all about the concert." Liszt personally invited Sokolov and the
Orlov choir to his final 1843 concert in Russia. Russian Gypsies so fascinated
him that he devoted an entire chapter to them, "The Gypsy Women of
Moscow," in his 1859 Bohemiens et de leur musique en Hongrie. Yet Liszt felt
that though
their music has 'inimitable charm,' few of the women there have
beautiful voices. Too exposed to atmospheric changes, too accus-
tomed to strong drinks, too soon fatigued by their extravagant dances
and the cries with which they intersperse them; too exhausted by the
weight of their children . . . the freshness in quality of their voices
disappears rapidly, and is succeeded by a loss of voice before their
youth can be said to have entirely passed. 36
Over time, the original Gypsy choral repertoire spread beyond the confines
of religious music and drew
a great deal of money to the war effort; the smallest amount contributed by a
single member of the Orlov chorus was 500 rubles. According to an anonymous
source used by Vladimir Bobri in his "Gypsies and Gypsy Choruses of Old
Russia," after the war ended,
it became the vogue among the Muscovites to have large dinner par-
ties in the out-of-town inns, with Gypsies supplying the entertain-
ment. All dishes (and there were usually at least a hundred) were
served in the old-fashioned Russian style, in keeping with the reac-
tion against everything French which followed the invasion. To stress
further the national character of these occasions, the inn-keeper-
hostess would usually officiate in the old-time Russian dress of gold
brocade with a towering head-dress and quantities of pearls and
turquoises. She would likewise be made up in the 18th century fash-
ion, which, in the words of our anonymous informant, "made her look
like a doll heavily rouged and whited." The guests would dine, and
then would summon the chorus to perform. The Gypsies were splen-
didly attired. The girls were usually wrapped in rich gold-embroi-
dered shawls hanging from one shoulder and leaving the other bare.
Their earrings, bracelets and necklaces were a profusion of small
gold-coins. All the men were bearded, and wore yellow, red or multi-
coloured shirts with rolled-up sleeves. The savage vigour of their per-
formance often reached the point of sheer frenzy. Their wild shouts
would electrify the audience, and sometimes, says our chronicler, "it
is difficult to realize that they were denizens of this planet."
Though some Gypsy musicians would later adopt some of these tunes, they
were not considered authentic. This type of music was particularly popular
with the educated classes of Russia, and it was a rare family "that did not pos-
sess an album of 'Gypsy' transcriptions for piano," usually "Gypsy
romances. "40 One of the first serious composers in Gypsy music was Alexis N.
Verstovsky, who used Rom music in some of his early compositions and
who eventually became director of the Imperial Opera in Moscow. His inter-
est in Gypsies was partly motivated by the fact that he "married a beautiful and
talented young actress who had carried the public by storm in scenes from
Pushkin's The Gypsies."41
The most famous Russian Gypsy singer during this period was Tanya
(Tat'yana Dmitrievna Dem'yanova). Born in 1808, Tanya was a member of
the Orlov chorus directed by Ilya Sokolov. Her singing "often reduced the
great poet Pushkin to tears," and
there is a story that the celebrated Italian soprano Catalani heard her
sing, burst into tears, and taking from her own shoulders a magnif-
icent cashmere shawl, presented it to the Gypsy, saying: "This shawl
was given to me in token of my being a singer without peer-but I
can see that you deserve it more than I do."
The novelist Boleslaw Markevich later discussed Pushkin with Tanya, par-
ticularly Pushkin's relationship with his close friend, Pavel V. Nashchokin.
Nashchokin lived with a Gypsy, Olga, who bore him two children. Pushkin
was a godfather to one of them, a girl, and "was an intimate of the disorderly
menage which he describes realistically." Tanya also inspired three poems by
Nikolai M. Yazykov; "Vesennyaya Noch" (Spring Night), "Tat'yane
Dmitrievna-Elegiya," and "Persten" (Ring Finger).42
Pushkin's fascination with the Rom began during his forced exile in
Bessarabia and elsewhere during the early 1820s for "political radicalism."
During trips
to Akkerman and Izmail ... he had been able to take a closer look
at these proud creatures, verminous, independent, hospitable, incom-
prehensible. He talks to the bear trainers and the handsome, brown
and supple girls who read your palm and stole your watch with an
engaging smile. He had loved them. And he re-created them accu-
rately in his poem.
These experiences Inspired him to begin his masterful lyric poem "The
Gypsies" in December 1823. Completed in 1826, it depicted the Rom of
Bessarabia "as ideal representatives of a natural state of human society"
The poem details the tragic moral interaction of the Rom with anon-Gypsy,
Aleko, who has settled among them because he feels the Gypsies were the
"sole possessors of truth." Aleko marries a Rom, Zemfira, who falls in love
with another. Jealousy overcomes Aleko, who murders his wife and her Gypsy
lover. Zemfira's father tells Aleko:
"The Gypsies" appeared on the stage in 1832, but it was received with less
praise than his poem, since many critics felt it "was essentially literary and not
adapted to the theatre." Pushkin's lengthy poem inspired other efforts, such
as Stepan P. Shevyrev's 1828 poems "Gypsy Song" and "Gypsy Dance" and
Mikhail Lermontov's 1829 "The Gypsies." The following year, Koshinsky's
late eighteenth-century Gypsy plays were revived, and in 1831, Pushkin's
His wife he stole from her tribe and after marriage surrounded her
with good teachers and all the paraphernalia of conventional life for
three years on his estate. Then he introduced her to Moscow society,
with what effect I have not been able to learn. After his death she
became extremely pious, devoting to religion all of the energy not
employed in mistreating her servants. By one of these she was even-
tually murdered. Her daughter by Tolstoi, as a writer, achieved the
favourable notice of at least one well-known critic of her time. The
turn to religiosity was not unusual among Gypsy women who mar-
ried Russians and was exampled again in the wife of Leo Tolstoi' s
brother Serge. This unconventional nobleman, less daring than his
great-unde, bought his bride from her family. The novelist loved and
admired his sister-in-law, who seems to have lived most amicably
with her husband. A contemporary poet Apukhtin celebrated their
love and narrates that on the death of their child she returned to her
tribe. So, at least, is the story of his The Old Gypsy.
Sergei Tolstoi's Gypsy mistress, and later his wife, Maria Shishkin, had been
a singer in a Rom chorus. Sergei paid the chorus leader a steep price for her
and "intended to take her to his estate at Pirogovo and break off all relations
with any neighbors who dared to raise their eyebrows." Maria bore Sergei sev-
eral children before he finally married her on June 7, 1867. Aleksei N.
Apuktin, a friend of Peter Uyich Tchaikovsky, wrote "The Old Gypsy" in 1870
to commemorate the love of Sergei and Maria. Some of his poetry became
popular Gypsy romance songs, particularly "Sleepless Nights." Tchaikovsky
also set some of Aputkin's works to music. 44
Lev Tolstoi's interest in Gypsies preceded that of his brother, Sergei. After
he left university in 1847, he returned to live and write at his family's estate
at Yasnaya Polyana.Tolstoi frequently traveled to Tula on business, but he
spent much of his time there "haunting the singers of the Gypsy chorus." In
his diaries he noted, "No one who has known the gypsies can ever cease hum-
ming their songs over and over, in or out of tune, but always with pleasure,
because they remain so sharp in his memory." In A Holy Night he described
the Rom music that so deeply moved him to tears:
Then there is a chord, and then the same melody, over and over, in
a gentle, tender, sonorous voice with extraordinary inflections and
astonishing flourishes, and the voice grows steadily stronger and
more vigorous until the melody is imperceptibly transmitted to the
chorus, which takes it up in a group.
In The Living Corpse, Tolstoi writes of how Rom music reminds him of "the
steppe, they're the tenth century, not freedom, but independence .... How is
it man can attain that ecstasy and then can't make it last inside him? Ah,
Masha, Masha, how you made my guts heave."45
Lev Tolstoi's interest in the Rom was not just musical. During his stays in
Moscow, where he had an apartment in the Arbat, the young Tolstoi had dif-
ficulty avoiding Gypsy cabarets. The model quliaka, he and his friends fre-
quented "the suburban cabarets where the beautiful Bohemians with gleaming
teeth were performing-the terror of fiancees, wives and mothers." In his diary
accounts of December 24-29, 1850, Tolstoi castigates himself for his passion
for Gypsy women. In his favorite cabaret, the Gypsy singer Katya, sitting on
Tolstoi's knee, "hummed his favorite song, 'Tell Me Why,' and vowed
between verses that she had never loved another man. 'That evening I believed
her sly gypsy chatter with all my heart, I was in a good mood and no 'guest'
came to disturb me,'" he wrote in his diary. Tolstoi forswore his Gypsy haunts
for a while but discovered new ones in St. Petersburg when he moved there
in 1856 after serving as an officer in the army during the Crimean War.46
Tolstoi's contemporary, Appolon Grigoriev, published several works with
Gypsy themes that, like those of Pushkin and Tolstoi, were based on personal
experiences from "the days of his carousals" in Moscow from 1847 to 1856.
Grigoriev published his best poetry during this period, which was "inspired
by his intimacy with the gypsy choruses." Although Grigoriev was known pri-
marily as a literary critic, his early poetry, such as "Two Guitars," "To My
Guitar," and "Hungarian Gypsy Girl," which Alexander Blok termed a "single
pearl of its own kind amongst Russian lyrics," is deeply touched by Gypsy
themes. Grigoriev begins "To My Guitar" asking his Gypsy instrument to
"Speak to me, my seven-stringed friend!"47 Gypsy themes had a particularly
strong influence on Blok, who was deeply affected by Grigoriev's work. One
scholar, Viktor Shklovskii, noted "affinities between the Gypsy romance and
Blok's poetry." The "gypsy woman, as seen in 'The Stranger' (Neznakomka),
'In the Restaurant' (V restorane), and 'To My Muse' (Moei muze) represents
the opposite side of Blok's celestial 'Beautiful Lady,' who figures so signif-
icantly in his poetry." In 1913, Blok dedicated his Carmen to Lyubov Delmas,
who starred in a 1913 production of Bizet's opera in St. Petersburg. 48
Russian Gypsies also influenced the work of Afanasy Fet, who befriended
Tolstoi and Ivan Turgenev and worked closely with Grigoriev. Fet's con-
temporary, Fyodor I. Tyutchev, "the greatest nature poet that Russia has pro-
duced," was also inspired by the Rom. Turgenev made references to Gypsies
in his 1852 A Sportsman's Sketches (Notes of a Hunter), where he described
Masha, a Gypsy choral singer. Turgenev's emphasis on peasant "humanity
... imaginativeness ... poetical and artistic giftedness, their sense of dignity,"
and their intelligence echoed the romantic views of Gypsies painted earlier by
other writers. The same year, O. Boethlingk included two Gypsy songs in his
study of the Gypsy language in Russia. 49
These Gypsy motifs coincided with the emergence of a number of promi-
nent Gypsy choirs in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The most famous Gypsy
choral groups in Moscow during this period were directed by Nikolai
Klebnikov, Ivan Vasil'ev, and Fyodor Sokolov. Ilya Sokolov's brother, Peter,
conducted one of St. Petersburg's famous Gypsy ensembles, while by the end
of the century, a new group had emerged under N. E. Shishkin. Each Roma
choir had its own stars, including Pasha Patnichika, Sasha Veterochek, and
Olga D. Bityurova. Perhaps the most interesting was the Gypsy contralto
Manya, who "made the refined Muscovites weep when she improvised a
Gypsy song." Manya had a love affair with Ivan Vasil'ev, yet declared that
she, a Gypsy, had no interest in being a princess. 50
In many ways, the fascination of the Russian writer with Gypsy themes
and music coincided with the height of the Gypsies' own cultural develop-
ment during the nineteenth century. Their work was particularly brilliant dur-
ing the reign of the Tsar Emancipator, Alexander II, whose murder in 1881
signaled the end of an era. Turgenev, who died in 1883, and Fyodor
Dostoevsky, who died only weeks before the death of Alexander II, spoke
at ceremonies commemorating Pushkin in Moscow in 1880. Dostoevsky's
monumental talk included references to the unique literary figure found in
the character of Aleko in "The Gypsies," while Turgenev praised "the sim-
plicity, the candor, the liberating, and hence moral, power" of Pushkin's
work. 51 Twelve years later, the brilliant young Sergei Rachmaninov paid his
own unique tribute tq Pushkin with the creation of his one-act Aleko, which
he based on Pushkin's The Gypsies. Written as part of his final examination
from the Moscow Conservatory, it was performed with considerable success
in Moscow in 1893.52
The Rom urban presence was not inconsiderable during the nineteenth
century. According to 1834 population estimates, which indicated a total
Russian population of 60 million, there were 48,247 Gypsies throughout the
empire, with 8,000, or 16.6 percent, living in urban areas, and 18,738 in
Bessarabia. A quarter of a century later, G. Tkachev estimated that there were
50,000 Gypsies in Russia, with 17,000 in Bessarabia and 7,500 in the
Crimea. 54 The more accurate census of 1897 showed a Rom population of
44,582, with 8,636 Gypsies in Bessarabia. Ofthis number, 38,031 lived in the
countryside, and 6,551 lived in Russia's urban areas. There were 1,056
Gypsies in Poland, 1,750 in Estonia and Latvia, 3,003 in Lithuania and
Belorussia, 3,177 in Ukraine, 14,300 in New Russia, 2,829 in the northern
Caucasus, 212 in Transcaucasia, 628 in Middle (now Central) Asia, 143 in the
Steppe, 6,238 in Siberia, 2,138 in the southern Volga regibn, 1,080 in the
northern Volga area, 2,021 in northern Russia, 2,784 in central Russia, and
3,223 in the central Black Earth region. The decline in Gypsy population
between 1834 and 1897 ran counter to Russia's general population growth dur-
ing this period, which grew to 125.7 million. However, the 1897 census was
only taken in "the 50 guberniias of European Russia," and excluded Finland
as well as "the guberniias between the Black and Caspian Seas, from
Ekaterinodar and Stavopol southward." If these areas were included, the total
population ofthe Russian Empire in 1897 would have been closer to 129 mil-
lion. There were also serious inconsistencies in census taking, which casts
some doubt on the accuracy of the Roma statistics. A report prepared by the
Finnish Committee for the Investigation of the Gypsy Question in the Country
(Finland) in 1900, and addressed to Tsar Nicholas II, estimated that there were
50,000 Gypsies in Russia at this time, plus 1,551 in Finland, 15,000 in Poland,
and 10,000 in Lithuania. The last figure runs counter to other estimates, which
showed only 70 Gypsy families in Lithuania in 1840 and no more than 1,500
in the country in 1923. 55
Problems with census taking, though, only partly explain the drop in official
Gypsy population estimates between 1834 and 1897. The 1890s was a period
of intense social and economic dislocation throughout the Russian Empire. A
famine and cholera epidemic in 1891-1892 caused 406,000 deaths, which
added to deep peasant impoverishment already worsened by excessive post-
emancipation land payments vis a vis declining peasant land holdings and
increased population. These crises, coupled with the increasingly repressive
atmosphere of the regimes of Alexander III (r. 1881-1894) and his son, Nicholas
II (r. 1894-1918), also affected Rom population statistics at this time. 56
The picture of Gypsy life in the Russian Empire at this time is rich and com-
plex, reflecting the diversity of the vast tsarist kingdom. Most Rom in the Crimea,
for example, were Muslims, settled and "engaged in definite manual trades and
shopkeeping." By 1874, the Gypsy community in Simferopol "possessed a cul-
tural club of 300 members." There were three principle Rom groups in the
Crimea, the "Gurbet (horse-dealers), Elektschi (sieve-makers), and Ayuchdschi
(bear-leaders, tinners, and smiths)." The Gurbet, however, considered the name
Gypsy "a disgrace," and called themselves Turkmans or Tartars. 57
Gypsies in European Russia lived an equally diverse, settled life. According
to several studies by V. N. Dobrowolski on Russian Gypsies in the village of
Kisilefka in the Smolensk region from 1897 to 1908, the Rom were renowned
for their skills as musicians and fisherman, but lived principally as thieves. The
Gypsies of Kisilefka and its surrounding villages were originally nomads but
were forced to be so by decrees that prevented them from living in barns and
forbade them "to leave the places where they are registered to encamp or erect
temporary shelters in the form of tents or huts." The non-Gypsy population of
the region viewed the Roma with a mixture of awe and fear. The Rom leader,
Ivka, had gained some notoriety in the 1870s for capturing a thief, Byelyatskie,
whose band had terrorized the governments of Smolensk and Mogilev. Ivka's
power over the Rom was such that he regulated
Ivka worked with local officials to control the activities of his Rom. He could,
for example, guarantee
Ivka and the Gypsies also had some influence in village affairs, though much
of it was negative. Most Rom in Kisilefka could not vote since they were
counted among "the urban and not the village population" or had "for ever lost
their electoral rights through being convicted of theft." Ivka, a frequent
observer of village court activities, encouraged the Gypsies to intimidate vil-
lagers in support of a particular candidate for village head. The Rom also crit-
icized "the clumsiness of the peasants, sometimes in trying to tum it [the
peasants' clumsiness] to their own advantage." The villagers, in tum, were
"very careful not to offend the Gypsies ... not wishing to have any disputes
with them, nor desiring to create dangerous enemies in the same village. "58
The texture of Russian Gypsy life began to undergo changes during the
early twentieth century as Lovari Rom began to move into Russia from
Germany via Poland. The new immigrants came from the Netherlands via
England to the Second Reich, where they were unwelcome. In 1904, the
Prussian Landtag adopted legislation "to regulate Gypsy movement and means
of livelihood," while on February 17, 1906, the Prussian minister of the inte-
rior issued a special order for the police on "Bekampfung des Zigeunerunwesens
(,combating the Gypsy nusiance')." The regulations noted special agreements
with Russia and eight other European countries designed to deal with nomadic
Rom. Prussian authorities also began to keep a "special register ... to keep a
record of Gypsy activities." In southern Russia, there was some movement of
Crimean Gypsies into the Caucasus. 59
The new Gypsy arrivals entered Russia at a time of growing upheaval,
beginning with the "Outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War in 1904 and the sub-
sequent Revolution of 1905. At a distance, these events seemed to have little
impact on Russia's Gypsies. VIas Doroshevich, a well-known journalist, and
theater-lover, wrote in early 1905, "In a world shaken by revolution they [the
Gypsies] alone appear to remain forever unchanged." Doroshevich, like writ-
ers and composers before him, saw the Russian Gypsies in a romantic light,
enhanced by the image of Rom performers such as Varvara V. Panina. This
image was kept alive by contemporary observers such as R. H. Bruce
Lockhart, who called Panina "the greatest of all Gypsies," while Alexander
Blok referred to him as the "Boshestvennaya Varya Panina! [the divine Varya
Panina]." Russian literary fascination with the Roma remained great during
this period, anchored by a growing body of scholarly studies on Gypsy lan-
guage and culture. 60
Though Gypsies had been a source of literary and musical inspiration in
Russia for some time, significant scholarly works on the Rom did not begin
to appear until the second half of the nineteenth century. P. Keppen's article
"Chronoligicheskii ukazatel' materialov dlya istorii inorodtsev Evropeiskoi
Rossii [Chronological Index of Material for the History of Aliens in European
Russia]," was the first detailed glimpse of official policies toward the Rom and
paved the way for a flurry of studies on them, particularly in Bessarabia.
Among the more prominent Russian gypsiologists in the years after emanci-
pation were A. Eguhov, K. Khanatskii, G. Tkachev, and A. D. Grebenkin. V. N.
Drobrowol'skii begin to publish his first works on Gypsies in 1891; he pub-
lished his masterful study of Kisilefka Gypsies in two parts in 1897 and 1908.
K. P. Patkanov published his pioneering study "Tsygany. Neskol'sko slov 0
narechiyakh zakavkazskikh tsygan: Bosha i Karachi [Gypsies: Some Words
on the Dialects of the Transcaucasian Gypsies: Bosha and Karachi)" in 1887
for the Imperial Academy of Sciences, followed 13 years later by his
Tsyganskii yazyk (Gypsy Language), "a grammar of the Russian Gypsy dialect,
published under the pseudonym of P. Istomin." Evgenii Sno published a num-
ber of encyclopedic works on Russian Gypsies in 1903, while Kh. F. B. Linch
wrote a number of studies in 1910-1911 on Gypsy influence on Russian
music and literature. Vlad Azov published similar studies over the next two
years. As Russia moved toward the event that would forever transform the face
of the tsarist empire-World War I-the Gypsy was securing a firm place in
its culture and history.61
World War I, much like the Romanov dynasty's other international conflicts
over the previous 60 years, underscored Russia's serious leadership and
domestic problems. A war that most people supported and felt would be over
in a matter of months became a lingering conflict that produced growing
public disgust with the policies and leadership of Tsar Nicholas II. By early
1917, this unrest had exploded into public demonstrations against the gov-
ernment and ultimately led to the regime's collapse on March 15-16, 1917.
"a muzhik has his land, and a Gipsy, his horse. Do you understand?
Our horse is our land, our bread-box, our treasure. We are not trained
to till the land, and we are not as clever as Jews; we cannot change
so easily.
"My father," broke in another man, "once tamed a wolf. He fed
it milk and meat, fondled it, played with it, made it his pet. But one
day it got loose from its chain and dashed away into the woods. It
never came back. We are like that. Try as hard as you please to
domesticate us, the first chance we get we run off to the woods. It
is in our blood, Stranger."
"Every bird picks up its food with its own beak," said another,
"You cannot graft a hen's beak on a dove or a heron's on a goose,
or a duck's on an eagle. A Gipsy has his own beak, and no other will
fit him."
Regardless, it was estimated that between 1926 and 1928, "5000 Gipsies had
settled in places in the Crimea, the Ukraine and the North Caucasus" out of
an officia11926 Sovi.et Gypsy population of 61,299. Ofthis number, 20.9 per-
cent lived in urban areas. At least one gypsiologist, Konrad Bercovici, dis-
agreed with these figures. He argued that there were
between one hundred and fifty and two hundred thousand Gypsies
in Russia [in 1928] of which at least one-half live in settled districts
outside the large cities. A hundred thousands Tziganes travel in
tremendous caravans of five to six hundred souls each, led by a
Tziganski Ataman, Gypsy chief, whose power over them equals
that of the autocratic ruler of any country, and was, in a sense,
molded on the autocratic power of the czar over his people. 67
Though Soviet authorities were not able to force all Rom to give up their
nomadic ways, they were able to stimulate a Gypsy cultural and educational
renaissance. At the center of these efforts was the All-Russian Union of
Gypsies (USTs) created in 1925 and headed by A. S. Taranov. The USTs's
efforts were strengthened by the acquisition of Gypsy nationality status the
same year. 68 The following year, work was begun on a new Gypsy Cyrillic
alphabet, which led to the publication of a Gypsy magazine, RomanI Zor' a
(Gypsy Dawn) in 1927, and "a Primer for grown up people," Nevo Drom (New
Way), which replaced RomanI Zor' a in 1930. After Nevo Drom sold out, a
new primer was released, lidl butl. According to the prominent Soviet gyp-
siologist A. P. Barannikov, these publications were of great importance to
Russian Gypsies, since "urban Gypsies ha[d] no special culture" and because
there was "nothing of the Gypsy left in their songs save the times." The new
publications addressed these problems because
Not all aspects of traditional Gypsy culture thrived during this period. One
of the phenomena to emerge in the 1920s was the "tsiganshchina or psevdot-
siganshchina ... 'inauthentic' performances by urban Romani choirs" that
emphasized the "so-called 'Gypsy Romance. '" This music offended "the new
proletarian audiences" in the new Soviet state, who saw them as throwbacks
to the tsarist era. In addition, a number of non-Gypsy groups began to imitate
Roma choirs. According to Ludmilla Kafanova, these developments "dis-
credited the very concept of genuine Gipsy art. "72 This criticism led to the
gradual disappearance of the Gypsy choirs, which concerned Gypsy leaders,
who felt there should be some expression of the revitalization of their tradi-
tional culture. In 1929, the State Theatre of the Ethnographic Department of
the Russian Museum in Leningrad added two Gypsy companies of 40 per-
formers each to its program. Initially, only sedentary northern Roma were
included in the trou'pes, though by the early 1930s efforts were made to
include nomadic Gypsy performers and their music. After a year of training,
the new Gypsy companies began to perform and soon "achieved great success
and much popularity."73 In 1939, the director of the Roma troupes, "W. N.
Wsevolojsky, wrote them a special play, Romano Dram, in the performance
of which the Gypsies showed considerable and artistic talent." As a result, "the
Federation of Gypsy writers in Moscow intend to compose a Romani play
reflecting the contemporary lifestyle of the Tsiganes."74
The success of the Ethnographic Department's Romani choirs stimulated
efforts by Ivan Rom-Lebedev and other Gypsy activists involved "in Romani
literacy campaigns and setting up Romani cultural centers" to approach
Anatolii V. Lunacharskii, the Commissar of Enlightenment (Minister of
Culture), about opening a Gypsy theater. Lunacharksii's surprised response to
Rom-Lebedev's request was "Tsygane?! Does this mean that the word of
Lenin has reached even them?" Lunacharskii's dismissal in 1929 because of
his opposition to new cultural policies "that emphasized class war not only in
the political realm but also at the ideological and cultural fronts" did not stop
dreams of a Gypsy theater. In 1930, two Gypsy clubs were formed in Moscow.
One, "Loly cheren [Red Star]," played an important role in the creation of the
Gypsy Theatre "Romen" in 1931. On October 4, 1930, Protocol No.4 of the
Commissariat of the Enlightenment approved the creation of the Studio Indo-
Romen, which was formed on December 20,1930 in Moscow. This was fol-
lowed by the formal opening of the Gypsy Theatre "Romen" in the Soviet
capital on January 24, 1931. The new theater "was created both to 'preserve
a national culture' and to 'aid the assimilation, sedentarization and education
of nomadic peoples. '" Roma involved in the Moscow Gypsy Theatre hoped
that their efforts "would help raise standards of living through political liter-
acy and information about opportunities for Gypsies."75
The creation of a Gypsy theater was more complex than the formation of
choral groups. Rom leaders were aided in the effort by non-Gypsies, particu-
larly those from the Moscow Jewish Theatre. Moshe I. Goldblatt, an actor with
the Jewish Theatre, became Theatre "Romen'''s director and chief producer.
A. Tishler, who also worked with the Jewish Theatre, became "Romen'''s
scenic designer; using Gypsy motifs, he made a number of "new contributions
to the art oftheatre design." Other non-Gypsies involved in the early work of
the Gypsy Theatre were S. M. Bugachevskii and two ballet specialists,
Lobackov and Wolf. The real spirit of the Theatre "Romen", however, was
provided by its Gypsy writers and musicians, particularly A. V. Germano and
G. P. Lebedev. The theater officially opened in April 1931 and performed
M. Bezlyudskii's political review "Yesterday and To-day" and Ethnological
Sketches, a collection of popular songs and dances put together to convince
officials at the Commissariat of the Enlightenment "that the Gypsies were a
people instinctively fitted to express themselves through the medium of the
"special treatment" to "13 male and ten female Gypsies ... for having terror-
ized the countryside and committed numerous thefts" in July 1941.
Sonderkommando 4a of Einsatzgruppe A, reported the execution of Gypsy
"asocials" during this period. Einsatzgruppe C's Sonderkommando 4a, which
operated in the Ukraine around Kiev, reported in mid-September 1941 that it
stopped "a Gypsy band of 32 persons." When the Germans searched the Roma
wagons, they found German pieces of equipment. Since the Gypsies "did not
have any [identification] papers, and since they did not have any explanation
for the origin of the goods, they were executed." In the Crimea, the operational
area of Einsatzgruppe D, officials reported, "Work with Jews is rendered much
more difficult because of the KaraiteIKrimchaks [non-rabbinic Jews/Crimean
Jews] and Gypsy problem." Consequently, the unit intensified its executions
of the Rom and reported that by December 15, 1941,824 Gypsies had been
murdered. By early January 1942, Einsatzgruppe D reported that the Gypsy
problem in the Crimean city of Simferopol had been solved, meaning they had
either exterminated or deported all of the city's Roma popUlation. From
February 16 to February 18, 1942, Einsatzgruppe D reported the shooting of
421 Roma, and the following month it indicated the execution of "810 asocial
elements, Gypsies, mentally ill and saboteurs." In the second half of March, the
unit executed "261 asocial elements, including Gypsies." By April 8, 1942, the
Crimea was free of Gypsies and Jews. One German report noted that the "pop-
ulation did not show any particular anxiety about the fact that the Krimchaks
and Gypsies were made to share the fate of the Jews." Einsatzgruppe B reported
the murder of 78 Roma during the same period, while Einsatzgruppe A exe-
cuted 71 Gypsies for "different offences and crimes."84
By 1942, Einsatzgruppen reports indicated a new enemy subject to liqui-
dation: partisans. The growth of the Soviet partisan movement took the
Germans by surprise during the early part of the year and prompted Joseph
Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda minister, to warn forces in Russia, particularly
in Belorussia and Ukraine, to be on their guard against these groups. Stalin
began significantly to increase support for these units during the summer of
1942, and by 1943, their ranks had swelled. In Belorussia, for example, the
area with the greatest partisan activity at the time, there were 65,000 partisans
in early 1943, and 360,000 by the end of the year. Ukraine boasted 220,000
partisans by the end of 1943. Early German efforts to counter partisan activ-
ities backfired and drove many pro-German elements into Stalin's arms. On
August 18, 1942, the OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht or High
Command of the Armed Forces) issued Fuhrer Directive No. 46, "General
Directions for the Intensified Fight Against Banditry in the East." It placed all
anti-partisan activities in the civilian-controlled areas of the occupied Soviet
Consequently, military and police activities against the Gypsies and the
partisans intensified, guided by a November 11, 1942, OKW "Directive for
Anti-partisan Warfare in the East." Partisans and "anyone who harbored, fed,
concealed, or otherwise aided partisans [were] to be executed." Partisan
deserters or captives "who could prove that they had been pressed into the
movement and who were able to work were to be sent to punitive work details
and be considered for labor service in Germany." These efforts, designed to
"undermine the movement by weaning away its external support by the people
and weakening it from within by granting preferential treatment to partisan
deserters were ... 'too little too late.'" In early 1943, as a result of Operation
Hamburg in the Slonim area of Belorussia, "30 Gypsies were arrested inside
the area," along with a large stockpile of supplies. Afterwards, 58 Gypsies
were arrested during Operation Altona in western Ukraine on suspicion that
they worked with the partisans. Though the fate of these Gypsies is unknown,
the fact that Einsatzgruppen reports do not mention their immediate execution
makes it possible that they were forced into labor units. There were, of course,
Roma who joined Soviet partisan units without coercion. Others were accused
by the Germans of espionage. 85
Soviet accounts of Einsatzgruppen and other Nazi genocidal behavior
between 1941 and 1945 placed Gypsy, Jewish, and other deaths in the broader
context "of a larger phenomenon-the murder of civilians, whether Russians,
Ukrainians, Belorussians, Gypsies, or other nationalities. It was said to be a nat-
ural consequence of racist fascism" that resulted in over 20 million Soviet deaths.
The most famous exceptions to this sentiment were Yevgeny Yevtushenko' s
1961 poem, "Babi Yar," and Anatoly Kuznetsov's documentary novel, Babi
Yar. Babi Yar, a wooded ravine in northwest Kiev, was the site of a thirty-six
hour massacre of 33,371 Jews on September 29-30, 1941. This was, however,
only the beginning, for "Babi Yar served as a slaughterhouse for non-Jews as
well, such as Gypsies and Soviet prisoners of war" until November 1943. The
Soviet monument to the Babi Yar atrocities, which stands one mile from the
actual site, commemorates the deaths of "over 100,000 citizens of Kiev and
prisoners of war." Yevtushenko's poem was written to protest the failure of
the monument's planners to mention its Jewish victims and to remind his
countrymen of Russia's historic anti-Semitism. Though Yevtushenko makes
no mention of the Gypsy victims at Babi Yar, they were not forgotten in
Kuznetsov's Babi Yar:
Despite the indiscriminate murder of Gypsies, the Nazis did not adopt a firm
policy on the Roma in the Soviet Union until 1943. In the fall of 1941,
Heinrich Lohse, the Reich Commissioner for the Baltic states and Belorussia,
had written Heinrich Himmler about problems with nomadic Gypsies. Lohse
was concerned about their spreading disease and being unfit for work.
Himmler, struggling with his own passion for "nomadic 'pure' Gypsies,"
whom he wanted to put on "special reserves" because of the "presumed
'Aryan' origin of the Gypsies," initially failed to respond to Lohse's query.
The response finally came through Dr. Landgraf, the senior SS-officer and
Chief of Police for the East, who told Lohse in Riga that the Roma were to be
included "in the 'final solution.''' Consequently, Lohse, who had also ques-
tioned Berlin on November 15 about the wisdom of killing Jews who might
be useful laborers, "issued a confidential order to the SS on December 24,
1941" on the Gypsy question.
Less than a month later (January 20, 1942), the infamous Wannsee
Conference was held in Berlin, where plans for the Endlosung (Final Solution)
of the Jews was discussed. Though the Gypsy question did not come up at this
important meeting, they were to be part of the Final Solution, though it would
take almost a year of struggle within the higher echelons of the Nazi regime
to force the incredibly powerful Himmler to stop protecting a mixture of "tra-
ditional, nomadic and racially 'pure' Gypsies and the 'socially adapted' seden-
tary ones" from the Third Reich's more deadly regulations. In June 1942,
Alfred Rosenberg, Reich Minister for the Eastern Occupied Territories, asked
Lohse "for information on the Gypsies in order to establish a general policy."
Lohse was also pressured by Martin Bormann, Hitler's personal secretary and
the "power behind Hitler's throne," Joseph Goebbels, and others on the mat-
ter. On December 3, 1942, Bormann wrote Himmler, who still wanted to pre-
serve the "pure" Sinti and Lalleri German Gypsies:
At the bottom of Bonnann' s letter, Himmler wrote, "Infonn the Fuhrer where
Gypsies are." Two weeks later, Himmler "signed the order despatching
Gennany Sinti and Roma to Auschwitz .... The 'Final Solution' of the Gypsy
question had begun."89
Lohse now began to work on a plan to deal with the Roma under his juris-
diction. In May 1943, he sent his scheme to Himmler, Rosenberg, and other
Nazi officials. He "proposed that the Gypsies should be put in special camps
and settlements. They should not however 'be treated as Jews' (be killed). No
distinction was to be made between nomadic and sedentary Gypsies. Part-
Gypsies should generally be treated as Gypsies." Later, he changed his pro-
posal to exempt the sedentary Gypsies and issued his new Rom decree:
The "distinction between sedentary and nomadic Gypsies was only made in the
USSR and the Baltic states." Settled Roma in occupied Russia could be "drafted
to serve in labour brigades," though some were sent to concentration camps.
These regulations were only applicable to the areas under Lohse's control but
not to areas the military controlled such as the Crimea and the Caucasus. 90
It is difficult to 'detennine the number of Gypsies sent to concentration
camps or to labor units. Records from the large Gypsy Camp at Auschwitz-
Birkenau (Sector B.Il.e, Birkenau) shows that of the 20,943 inmates there,
only 49 were from the Soviet Union or the Baltic republics. Those put in labor
units worked throughout Europe. Whatever the destination of their victims, the
Nazi actions against the Roma in the Soviet Union had a devastating impact
on Gypsy communities. The Gennans almost totally annihilated Estonia and
Latvia's Gypsies, while two-thirds of Poland's Rom and about half of Latvia's
Gypsies died during the Poi'ajmos. About 30,000 to 35,000 Soviet Gypsies
died at the hands of the Nazis. 91
The Soviet Union's comparatively large Gypsy survival rate came about
because the Gennans only occupied parts of the country and failed to take the
important cities of Leningrad, Moscow, and Stalingrad, which provided a
crude defensive line for the rest of the vast Soviet Union. Consequently,
despite the initial ferocity of the Gennan attack in 1941, many Rom were able
to escape to Soviet-controlled territory; they subsequently supported Soviet
do not sit on the chairs but use them as stands for samovars. A
square table in the Sapegin home presented as a gift by the collec-
tive farm was rebuilt. The legs were sawed off at a length of twenty
centimeters, and the table thus became the kind the Gypsy wander-
ers had. When guests come, it is put in the middle of the room, cov-
ered with a tablecloth, and the visitors are welcomed with tea. All
present seat themselves around it on the floor, Gypsy fashion, cross-
ing their legs. After the tea, the table is removed, leaving the room
space unoccupied.
Not all Gypsy movement in the Soviet Union during this era came about
because of preferences for a nonsedentary lifestyle. A number of Polish
Gypsies trapped in Soviet-occupied Poland at the beginning of WorId War II
and deported to areas behind the Ural Mountains, were now allowed to return
to Poland. They were joined by other Polish Roma who had earlier escaped
to Latvia or Belorussia. 97
Efforts to halt Gypsy nomadism did not seem to have any impact on Rom
population growth in the postwar Soviet Union, though there are indications
in the 1959 census that they did affect Gypsy ethnic identity. The Soviet
Union's first postwar census showed a Gypsy population of 132,014, a dra-
matic increase of 49.7 percent over 1939 figures. They made up 0.06 percent
of the nation's total population of 208.8 million. Given the Rom losses dur-
ing World War II, this increase is doubly impressive. Of this number, only 59.3
percent chose Romani as their native tongue, compared to 64.2 percent in
1926. While these figures are quite low when compared to the percentage of
other minorities in the Soviet Union who chose an ethnic language as their
native tongue, they compare favorably to those with no ethnic administrative
region of their own. On the other hand, only 31 percent of the country's
Gypsies chose Russian as their primary language, a figure that would barely
change 11 years later. However, the percentage of Gypsies identifying Romani
as their primary language rose to 70.8 percent in the 1970 census. The low
1959 figures are no doubt related to the lack of Romani language publications
after 1937, and ongoing pressure to settle and assimilate. The RSFSR (Russian
Soviet Federated Socialist Republic) had a Gypsy population of 72,000 in
1959; the Latvian SSR 4,301 Rom; the Moldavian SSR, which included most
of Bessarabia, 7,265 Gypsies; the Belorussian SSR, 4,662 Roma; and Ukraine,
22,515 Gypsies. There were 7,600 Liuli (Central Asian Gypsies) in the Tadjik
and U zbek SSRs. OJ;lly 39.1 percent of the Ukrainian Gypsies listed Romani
as their primary language. 98
These figures increased significantly in the 1970 census, which showed a
Soviet Rom population of 175,335, out of a total population of 241.7 million.
This represented a 32.8 percent increase over 1959 figures and was more than
double the growth rate of the entire Soviet population. Gypsies now made up
a little over 0.07 percent of the population. Many western and Soviet experts
feel that the true Gypsy population in the Soviet Union at this time actually
was two to three times this number and attributed the undercount to the fact
that "being marked 'Tsygan' bears a stigma which many prefer to avoid by
registering as a different nationality." This did not, however, translate into a
total cultural or linguistic identification with the other nationality. According
to the prominent Gypsy scholar Lajko Cherenkov:
It is rare to meet a Rom in the USSR to-day who cannot read and
write, while before the war among certain groups, for instance those
in Bessarabia, nobody could. Most of the young generation to-day
are finishing eighth or tenth class, and one cannot distinguish in
towns between Rom and other nationalities in this respect. But they
have not lost their language nor their national sentiment. This is why
I doubt that the conservation of Romany nationality depends on
nomadism and traditional occupations. They have given up these
aspects of their life voluntarily-they being more necessary to the
ethnographers than to the Rom themselves.
He added that throughout his extensive travels and correspondence with Roma
in the Soviet Union, he had "not met Rom who have forgotten the language
or the Romani traditions, whatever their age or level of education." These con-
tentions are supported by the fact that 70.8 percent of the Gypsies recorded in
the 1970 census chose Romani as their native tongue; while only 53 percent
indicated a good knowledge of Russian as their second language. The RSFSR
had the largest Roma population with 97,955; Ukraine, 30,091 Gypsies;
Moldavia, 9,235 Rom; Belorussia, 6,843 Gypsies; Latvia, 5,427 Roma; and
Lithuania, 1,880 Gypsies. There were 11,362 Liuli in Uzbekistan; 7,775 in
Kazakstan; and smaller numbers scattered throughout the other Central Asian
republics. In the RFSFR, the largest Rom populations were located in the south
in the Rostov oblast, the Krasnodar krai (territory), and the Stavropol krai,
where almost 63.4 percent lived in the countryside. In Ukraine, the heaviest
Roma concentrations were also located in the south in its Transcarpathian,
Voroshilovgrad, and Kherson oblasts. Over 72 percent of Ukrainian Rom lived
in urban areas, with only 27.1 percent in the countryside. 97
Gypsy self-identity was also aided by the achievements of prominent Gypsy
writers, musicians," artists, politicians, and other professionals. Dr. Maxim
Lukyanenko achieved some fame for his work in the Bryansk area, while
Yakov Iordan was twice elected to the Moldavian SSR's legislature. Ten
Gypsies belonged to the prestigious Soviet Writers Union, and one, Djordjis
Cantea, "published a collection of poems [in 1970]-the first book in
Romanes to appear in the Soviet Union since the war." The 1987 edition of
the Literaturnyi entsiklopedicheskii slovar' listed a number of prominent
Gypsy writers, such as G. V. Kantya in Moldavia, K. Rudevich in Latvia,
Leksa Manush (A. D. Belugin) in Moscow, and Vano Romano in the Altai
region. A Liuli worker, Rakhbar Kazakova, received the Order of Lenin for
her labor in the late 1960s, while a number of Gypsies associated with the
Theatre "Romen" such as Ivan Rom-Lebedev, Vas iii Bizev, Lyudmila
Yaroshenko, Boris Tashkentskii, and Irina Nekrasova, were honored as
Merited Artists of their respective republics. Another Rom performer who
traced his roots to the Theatre "Romen", Nikolai Slichenko, gained an inter-
national reputation as a singer and actor. He was viewed as the "most famous
and popular representative of the Gypsy nationality ... in the USSR."
Vladimir S. Vysotsky, an extremely popular non-Gypsy Soviet movie star,
musician, and poet, was well known for his renditions of Roma songs such as
"Dark Eyes" and "One More Time." Small "collections of songs of the
Russian Gypsies" also appeared during this period. The most complete was
S. N. Bugachevskii's "Tsiganskie narodnye pesni i pliaski [Gypsy Folk Songs
and Dance Melodies]," in 1971. In academia, Roma Vladimir Ivashchenko
completed a doctoral dissertation "On the Position of Gipsies in the USSR"
for the history department of Rostov State University, while G. B. Kantei pub-
lished F olkloros romano (Gypsy Folklore) in Soviet Moldavia. loo
This atmosphere helped spur another significant increase in the official
number of Roma in the Soviet Union in the 1979 census, which showed
209,157 Gypsies in Russia, an increase of 19.3 percent over 1970 figures.
Gypsy growth rates continued dramatically to outpace those of the nation,
which had a total population of 262,084,634 in 1979. Roma now made up
almost 0.08 percent of the Soviet population. There continued to be a signif-
icant difference between official and unofficial estimates as to the true size of
the Soviet Gypsy population. Grattan Puxon put the number of Roma in the
Soviet Union at 480,000 in 1980, which made it the sixth largest Gypsy pop-
ulation in Europe. Over half of the country's Roma, 121,000, lived in the
RSFSR, while 34,500 lived in Ukraine. There were 11,000 Gypsies in the
Moldavian SSR, 6,100 in Latvia, and 2,300 in Lithuania. One Soviet special-
ist, N. G. Nazarov, estimated the number of Liuli in Central Asia to be about
30,000 at this time. Over 74 percent of the country's Gypsies claimed Romani
as their native tongue, while 59.1 percent indicated a good knowledge of
Russian as a second language. Almost half of the Roma officially listed in the
1979 census were Muslim. 101
The Soviet Union's Roma population continued to grow and thrive over the
next decade, despite the country's uncertain political climate. Leonid
Brezhnev, who had ruled the Soviet Union since 1964, died in late 1982, fol-
lowed in quick succession by Yuri Andropov, who passed away in early
1984, and Konstantin Chernenko, who died in the spring of 1985. Chernenko's
successor, Mikhail Gorbachev, would oversee the complete transformation of
the Soviet state, and the breakup of Moscow's empire in Eastern Europe. A
year after he came to power, Gorbachev set the tone for his six-years in power
with the adoption of the policy of glasnost (openness), followed in 1987 with
his scheme for perestroika (restructuring), which was designed to transform
economically the face of the Soviet Union. The new, heady, liberal atmosphere
that accompanied these policies stimulated a new ethnic renaissance through-
out the Soviet Union. 102 Soviet Gypsy culture thrived during this period, and
reached new heights of development, yet Gypsy activists longed for contacts
abroad. One, Sasha Zavodny, said in the late 1980s that members of the
Soviet Gypsy intelligentsia were "eagerly following the worldwide movement
for the emancipation of Gypsies, their freedom of language and culture." He
was sorry, though, that Soviet Rom were unable to join this movement because
of continued government restrictions on such membership. His hopes were
soon fulfilled when the newly formed Romani National Union established a
relationship with the World Romani Union. Soviet officials allowed Gypsy
delegates to attend the Fourth World Romani Congress in Warsaw from April
8 to April 12, 1990, the location a result of the fact that the Gorbachev phe-
nomenon had swept Eastern Europe. Leksa Manush, a bibliographic researcher
for the Academy of Sciences Social Sciences Institute, and member of the
Congress's Presidium, was one of five Roma speakers to address the confer-
ence's opening session on April 8. He also read one of his poems about the
position of the Roma. Dr. George Demeter, a professor of the history of sport
from Moscow and member of a prominent family of Roma scholars, delivered
a report on Soviet Gypsies on April 9. He said the Soviet delegation "had come
to learn, not to teach," although he felt there was "a need to emancipate and
teach about [Gypsy] culture." Demeter underscored the importance of Romani
language development and felt "it was necessary to pursue and continue the
work to look for a standardized [Romani] language and a literary language."
He also hoped that historians would do more "to write about the life of Roma
in all countries." At the end of the conference, Demeter was elected to the
Congress's new 27 -member Presidium. 103
The emergence of Soviet Rom in international Gypsy affairs mirrored Roma
development and growth in the Soviet Union during this period. New films,
such as "Tsyganka Aza [The Gypsy Aza]," and a TV series, "Gypsies," cre-
ated a new artistic genre for Soviet Rom, though they also helped perpetuate
traditional stereotypes of Gypsies. A new body of Rom scholarship began to
appear in the 1980s, anchored by such classics as R. S. and P. S. Demeter's
Obraztsy fot' klora tsygan-Kelderarei (A Sample of the Folklore of the
Kalderash Gypsies, 1981) and their Tsygansko-Russkii and Russko-Tsyganskii
slovar (Kelderarskii dialekt) (Gypsy-Russian and Russian-Gypsy Dictionary,
Kelderish Dialect, 1990) as well as I. Rom-Lebedev's at tsyganskogo khora
k teatry "Romen" (From the Gypsy Chorus to the Theatre "Romen"). The
growth of Rom ethnic consciousness was also apparent in the 1989 census,
which recorded a Gypsy population of 262,015 out of a total Soviet population
of 285,743,000. The Roma, who now made up over 0.09 percent of the Soviet
Union's population, continued to have growth and native language identity
rates far higher than the general Soviet population. The new census showed a
25.3 percent Gypsy population increase over 1979 figures, almost triple the
national growth rate for the country. Furthermore, 77.4 percent of the Gypsies
now chose Romani as their primary language. Once again, however, the real
size of the Gypsy population of the Soviet Union remained controversial,
since Grattan Puxon and the London-based Minority Rights Group placed the
Soviet Rom population at 530,000 in 1987. The RSFSR continued to have the
largest Roma population, with 152,939; followed by 47,917 Gypsies in
Ukraine; 11,571 in Moldavia; 10,762 in Belorussia; 7,044 in Latvia; 2,718 in
Lithuania; 1,774 in Georgia; 665 in Estonia; and 48 in Armenia. There were
16,397 Liuli in Uzbekistan; 7,165 in Kazakstan; 1,791 in Tajikistan; 990 in
Kirghizia; 145 in Azerbaijan; and 119 in Turkmenistan. 104 The majority of the
country's Roma, 64.3 percent, lived in urban areas. An even greater percent-
age of the Gypsies in Ukraine (70.7 percent), Belorussia (77.8 percent), Estonia
(86.3 percent), Lithuania (90 percent), Latvia (80.7 percent), Moldavia (68.6
percent), Georgia (67.8 percent), and Armenia (83.8 percent) were town or city
dwellers, as were most Central Asian Liuli. The only Soviet republic with a sig-
nificant rural Gypsy population was Tadjikistan. About 41.6 percent of the
RSFSR's Rom lived in rural areas.105
Public reaction to the revived presence of Gypsies in Soviet society has been
mixed. A 1989 public opinion survey in Ukraine showed "a predominantly
unfavorable attitude towards Gypsies," though Rom never came up as objects
of prejudice in several surveys conducted by the Los Angeles Times-Mirror
in 1991 in the Soviet Union and Ukraine. Instead, Russians and Ukrainians
expressed strong dislikes for Central Asians, Armenians, and Georgians.
Some ill feelings toward Gypsies have surfaced among the new generation of
right-wing and nationalist groups, particularly after the collapse of the Soviet
Union and the removal of Mikhail Gorbachev as Soviet leader at the end of
1991. Under Gorbachev, these groups had remained on the fringe of Soviet
politics, although they have since found new life in the more open climate of
his successor, Boris Yeltsin. 106
This new outpouring of hatred gained new strength in the 1993 parliamen-
tary election campaign. Perhaps no man better symbolized the growth of
nationalist fascism in the new Russia than Vladimir Volfvovich Zhirinovsky,
the head of the misnamed Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), which won 64
seats in the new Russian Duma with 22.79 percent of the popular vote on
December 12, 1993. (Zhirinovsky had garnered 7 percent of the popular vote
in the 1991 presidential elections where he came in third.) During his Duma
campaign, Zhirinovsky said, "Jews, Central Asians, Armenians,and
Azerbaijanis should be driven from positions of influence" in Russia. While
on a state visit to Bulgaria in late December 1993, he "called Romania 'an arti-
ficial state' inhabited by 'Italian Gypsies.'" His remarks so angered the
Bulgarians that they expelled him the next day. Radio Bucharest called his
remarks "pathological," and dangerous, since "they could be transformed
into 'departure points for developments with nefarious consequences' for
Europe and mankind." Zhirinovsky's words were symptomatic of growing
prejudice in Russia toward '''chyomiye (blacks)' or 'churki (wood chunks)'"
from the Caucasus. Some Gypsies and other dark-skinned individuals have
been caught up in an anticrime dragnet in Moscow and elsewhere that arose
after the violent coup of October 3-4, 1993. These developments have been
far-reaching. The Russian newspaper Trud, for example, reported on
December 16,1993, about a news conference held in Perm by the "Falcons,"
the youth wing of the LDP. In addition to uniting the Perm oblast with the
Sverdlovsk oblast, the "Falcons" also proposed forcing "all Gypsies,
Transcaucasians and Vietnamese" from the region. Such outpourings have
gained increasing weight in the aftermath of Zhirinovsky' s troubling electoral
victory as well as the ongoing political, economic, and social chaos in the for-
mer Soviet Union. Such instability has historically been the breeding ground
for virulent anti-Gypsy hatred and violence. 10?
T he Roma of the southern Slavic lands and Albania entered the region
in much the same fashion as did other Gypsy groups in the Balkans
during the Middle Ages. The first recorded mention of them in the
region was in Macedonia in 1289, though, like many early accounts
about the presence of Gypsies in the Balkans, these tales are often shrouded
in myth. The early fourteenth-century Bulgarian version of the Life of Saint
Barbarus, for example, indicates the existence of Gypsies in Albania and in
Nis, Serbia. Other claims of an early Gypsy presence in the area, particularly
in Macedonia, center around speculation that Byzantine references to Egyptian
acrobats who moved through Macedonia might have been Gypsies, while
Macedonian Gypsy folktales trace their roots much further back, to Alexander
the Great, and claim the legendary conqueror as "one of their own blood."l By
the mid-fourteenth century, Turkish Gypsies had settled in Serbia, where they
became known as the Majstori or master craftsmen, because of their talents
in a wide range of skills and trades. 2
Other southern Slavic references to Roma at this time center around stories
about bridle makers and smiths, who are mentioned in Serbian records in 1348
and who are referred to as Cingarije, a word of Persian origin that means
"shoemaker" in me4ieval Serbian. According to traditional accounts, the
Cingarije were slaves or chattels of the monastery of the Archangels Michael
and Gabriel at Prizren in Kosovo and were "placed under a 'Protomaster' who
required them to make a payment to the monks of forty horseshoes annually.
One gypsiologist speculated that from the monks' perspective, Roma nomadism
was the offshoot of their having "left the faith," which justified their enslave-
ment as a seven-year act of penance. Though long accepted as one of the first
provable instances of a Roma presence in Serbia, some scholars now feel the
reference was to non-Gypsy shoemakers and had nothing to do with Gypsies. 3
The first concrete evidence of Gypsies in the southern Slavic part of the
Balkans comes in a document from the Republic of Ragusa, now the city of
Dubrovnik plus several islands to the northwest in Croatia. On November 5,
1362, officials ordered a local jeweler, Radenus Bratoslauich, to return a
number of silver coins to two Ragusan Roma, Vlachus and Vitanus. In the doc-
ument, the two Gypsies are referred to as "Egyptiorum," or Egyptians. 4 By
1373, there is evidence of Gypsies in Zagreb, the center of the small Croatian
state that had established a special relationship with the Hungarian empire in
1102, while a document dated May 7, 1378, refers specifically to Roma in the
Croatian capital. Angus Fraser makes reference to court records in Zagreb four
years later in The Gypsies (1992) that deal with brothers named "Cigan or
Cygan, Chichen or Czyganychyn," though he questions whether these terms
refer to Gypsies. 5
As evidence of a growing Gypsy presence in the Republic of Ragusa
(Dubrovnik) and Croatia mounted, Serbia, later a major center for the Roma
in the southern Slavic region, was faced with a threat that would change the
course of the history of the Balkans: the Ottoman Turks. Medieval Serbia was
at its peak in the fourteenth century, encompassing "Albania, Epirus, Thessaly,
Macedonia and most of the Adriatic and Ionian coasts from the mouth of the
Neretva to the Gulf of Corinth." Its most prominent ruler was Stephen Dusan
(r. 1331-1355), who had assigned the Cingarije to the monastery of
Archangels Michael and Gabriel two years before he was crowned tsar of
Serbia in Skopje, Macedonia. After his death, the Serbian kingdom fell into
disarray, and, after the Turkish victory in the epic battle of Kosovo Polje (Field
of the Blackbirds) on June 15, 1389, it came under Ottoman control. One of
the villains in this battle, Vuk Brankovic, was later believed by some
Montenegrans to be the ancestor of local Gypsies. One of the reasons for the
significance of this battle in later Serbian myths was the fact that both the
Serbian and Turkish leaders, Prince Lazar Hrebeljanovic and Sultan Murad I
(r. 1360-1389), died during it. The Serbian "Kosovo Epic" had it that
Brankovic, the son-in-law of Prince Lazar, betrayed him and caused his death.
The identification of Montenegran Gypsies as his descendants was a careful
blend of ancient myth with contemporary prejudice designed to justify ongo-
ing anti-Roma sentiment. The Turks soon gained control of most of
Macedonia, while their efforts to subdue Albania took much longer. Ottoman
control over Serbia was not secure until 1459, while Bosnia did not come
under Turkish domination until 1463, and Hercegovina took another 15 years. 6
The fifteenth century in the southern Slavic lands was a period of chaos and
warfare as the Turks fought to gain full control over Serbia, Bosnia,
Hercegovina, Macedonia, and Albania. One state that did not fall under
Ottoman control at this time was the Republic of Ragusa. Protected by the
Venetians, who controlled the central Dalmatian coast to the north, the
Republic of Ragusa remained independent, though it often had to pay "an
annual tribute to the Turkish sultan in order to remain free and to develop its
trade." It is from the detailed records of the Historijski archiv in Ragusa that
we get our first significant glimpse of Gypsy life in the southern Slavic area
in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. The fifteenth-century records offer
abundant references to the life of the Gypsies in the Croatian city-state.
Initially, Gypsies were referred to in Latin as Egyptians ("Egiptius," "egiu-
pach," or "jegupach") or Gypsies ("Cinganus," "Zinganus," "Cingalus," or
"Azinganus"). Between 1404 and 1494, the Historijski archiv refers to 27
Roma, some by a single name, such as Raychus, Filippus, and Jurag, and
others by their surnames. Their choice of Slavic surnames (some of the more
common were Dimitrouich, Nicholich, Stepanoiich, and Giurgeuich) indicates
that they had spent some time in other parts of the Balkans and probably fled
to the relative safety of Ragusa to escape the Ottoman wars of expansion from
the late fourteenth century onward. Though the Gypsies in Ragusa were com-
pletely free, they held the lowest rank in the Republic's social order. They
lived principally in the suburbs of Ploce and Gruz and worked as servants,
musicians, and craftsmen. Their principle occupation, particularly after 1460,
was trade and small-scale business, although the Historijski archiv mentions
several prominent Roma musicians, including Oliver Cinganus, a lute player
who owned his own home in Dubrovnik. In fact, indications are that the
Roma played an important role in certain levels of Ragusan society and did
not appear to suffer from the traditional prejudice Gypsies experienced in other
parts of Eastern Europe. 7
With the gradual solidification of Turkish control over Serbia, Bosnia,
Hercegovina, Macedonia, and Albania came Ottoman regulation and taxation.
One of the distinctive features of the new administrative system were millets,
organizations for non-Muslims along legal-religious lines. While this structure
"strengthened the separate identity of the Orthodox and Catholic popUlations
by giving them each a religious hierarchy with limited political jurisdiction,"
it did nothing for Gypsies, whether they were Muslim or Christian. In fact,
Muslim Roma were looked upon as "part of the Empire's establishment."
Beyond this, the Turks also imposed new, stricter urban divisions in the few
towns and villages that dotted the newly conquered areas. Known asmahalle
or "boroughs," they followed ethnic and religious patterns. The Gypsy quar-
ters in each town or village were known as the Ciganluk or Ciganska mala
(mahalle ;.s
Other aspects of Gypsy life were also strictly organized. In 1574, for
example, the empire's new sultan, Selim II, ordered Roma miners in Banja
Luka, Bosnia, to elect "a chief for each group of 50." As the Gypsy popula-
tion increased, particularly in the southwestern Slavic area and Albania, the
Turks began to impose taxes on the Roma. In 1604-1605, Sultan Ahmed I
ordered that "taxes and fines ... be collected from the Gypsies (Kibtian, i.e.
Egyptians) in Rumelia (Albania, Macedonia, and Thrace). The Sultan'sfir-
man decreed that settled Gypsies as well as nomadic Roma, who had previ-
ously "remained as free as possible from the regulations of the central
government," were now required to pay Ottoman taxes, particularly the cizye,
or head tax, traditionally required of non-Muslims based on their ability to
pay. While it is difficult to determine why Muslim Roma were now required
to pay a non-Muslim tax, at least one scholar has speculated that it was
because the Turks viewed them as schismatics. Regardless, the 1604 to 1605
firman, similar to the tax decree issued for Bulgarian Roma in 1610, reveals
a great deat about Turkish attitudes towards sedentary, nomadic ("dwellers
in tents"), and enslaved Gypsies in Rumelia. The new taxes would be col-
lected from all Gypsies from March 1, 1604 to March 1, 1605. The rate was
to be 180 ak~es for Muslim Gypsies and 250 ak~es for Christian Roma.
Ottoman records for this period indicate that there were 5,940 registered
Gypsies in Rumelia, the bulk of them nomads, and predominantly Christian.
While the official collecting the taxes was not to harass or oppress the Roma,
he was also to make certain that they did not try to claim improper exemp-
tions by saying they worked as specialized, protected occupations such as
"iron workers, charcoal burners, and castle watchmen" to avoid payment of
the new levies. Furthermore, the single tax collector was not to "allow them
to be contumacious and obstructive." Of greater concern to Turkish officials
were the nomadic Roma, who they feared would try to run away or claim tem-
porary absence to avoid paying the new taxes. They were to be caught with
all haste and forced to pay not only the 180 or 250 ak~es levy, but also a fine
of 300 ak~es. The decree also dealt with other taxes owed by Roma from time
to time, such as fines for various crimes as well as the ispen~, the slave tax.
Ottoman regulations gave slaves the option of paying a small tax plus per-
sonal service or simply a larger amount without the personal service. Because
of local prejudices against the Roma, it was presumed that Gypsy slaves prob-
ably paid the higher levies. 9
include the Serb area of southern Hungary together with Serbia and Bosnia."
In addition, Serbian Gypsies were actively involved in an uprising in the
Sremska region of eastern Slavonia. Stimulated by Serbian rebel leaders in
Sabac just to the south in Serbia, the uprising broke out against Hungarian offi-
cials on April 6, 1807. According to a letter from the chief priest in Zemun,
Mihajlo Pejic, to Metropolitan St. Stratimirovic, on April 18, three nomad
Gypsies ("Gurbetdzije") arrived in the village of PeCinci and urged the peas-
ants to join the rebellion in Sremska. They asked them, "Why do you toil and
not join our company?" From there the Roma moved to the village of
Dobanovci, where they asked a crowd of peasants, "What are you waiting for,
why do you not keep pace with the people? It is time now to liberate ourselves."
When officials learned of the Roma's activities, they sent troops to capture
them. Two were arrested, shackled, and sent to the town of Sremska Mitrovica,
while the third escaped. Estimates are that another 10-12 Gypsies were also
involved in the rebellion in the Sremska region, which was finally put down
in May 1807. While the fate of the Roma insurgents is unknown, the leader of
the rebellion, T. A. Tican, was captured, "broken on a wheel. .. and finally
quartered after his death." Not all Serbs in this region supported the rebellion,
however. Many Serbian troops served loyally in the Austrian army during this
period, and a number of Serbs rose to high ranks in the Austrian army.24
The Turkish reoccupation of Serbia six years later was bloody. According
to one account, the
After the countryside was subdued, the pasha of Belgrade, Suleiman U skUplti,
adopted a policy of conciliation and made knezes (princes) of Serbian nobles
willing to serve the Porte. A number of Serbian attacks on Turkish officials
triggered countermeasures that fueled rumors of a general massacre of the
Serbian population. Consequently, one of the princes who served the Turks,
Milos Obrenovic, a~reed to lead a new rebellion against the Turks in the
spring of 1815. Obrenovic's forces quickly took control of the countryside,
while the Russians, now free to pressure Turkey after the defeat of Napoleon
at Waterloo, convinced the sultan, Mahmut II (r. 1808-1839), through the
was to fonn a federal union with Croatia." The Vojvodina Serbs created a gov-
ernment and prepared to resist Austrian attempts to retake the region. Austrian
difficulties in Hungary soon found the Serbs allied with the Austrians, and in
November 1848, Vienna recognized the Serbian provisional government in
Sremski Karlovici. In March 1849, Emperor Francis Joseph (r. 1848-1916)
declared the creation "of the new crownland of the' Serbian Vojvodina and the
Banat of Timi§oara, '" which placed 321,000 Serbs in the midst of 390,000
Romanians, 221,000 Hungarians, and 335,000 Germans. Regardless, the
Serbs made significant linguistic and religious gains, which helped stop the
tide of Magyarization in Vojvodina. 32
Despite the settlement of some Serbian Rom, many still wandered the
countryside as nomads. One of the earliest accounts of nomadic Gypsies in
Serbia and Bosnia during this period describes the free-flowing movement of
Roma across the invisible frontiers of Serbia and Bosnia. The account, ridden
with deep-seated prejudice toward Gypsies and Jews, still gives an insightful
glimpse of the Ursari (bear trainers) Gypsies in Serbia in the early 1850s.
During a venture from Pozarevac, long a winter settling place for the Ursari,
a group led by a Mr. Skene, accompanied by a Gypsy coachman, came across
"an extensive Gypsy camp" dominated by a chieftan "who wore a rich
Albanian dress." Though Skene describes other Rom in the group to be
ragged, he does say that they rode fine horses, apparently ready, he felt, "for
some marauding expedition, as the robbers in this country are generally
Gipsies." Skene and his companions encountered the same Gypsies several
days later outside of Tuzla in Bosnia. His jaundiced eye saw individual camp-
fires, each "superintended by an old hag" and watched by "half-naked brats."
The colorful setting included a bear turning a spit that held a roasted lamb,
watched by a "monkey in a cocked hat and feather." Despite the relaxed, care-
free setting, he suspected the Rom had spent the day stealing their food, "tin-
kering and fortune-telling."33
A small group of Gypsies that Skene described as "wild-looking" greeted
the Europeans "with a sort of cordiality." Among them, dressed in "tattered
garments," was the Rom chieftan met earlier in Serbia. The Gypsy leader
explained that he wore different clothes because in Bosnia, "the more miser-
able he seems, the better he will be treated," whereas in Serbia, "a man is
respected only when he appears to require nothing of them." The elegant
horses ridden by the Rom in Serbia had now been changed for "sorry brutes"
in Bosnia. Despite the courtesy and friendliness of the Gypsies, Skene was cer-
tain they meant his group harm. He again met the Ursari chieftan at Zepce,
southwest of Tuzla, where the frightened Rom took the European party for
haiduks (bandits). Despite the Gypsies' relief once they learned their mistake,
Skene still saw them as "deprecatory and cringing." Later, he saw the Rom
chief in Serbia and suspected him of robbing an old Jewish peddler in Bosnia.
His final glimpse of the Rom leader some time later was when the chieftan was
in police custody. Skene suspected that had the authorities not apprehended
him, the friendly, courteous Rom chieftan and his companions would have
robbed the Europeans. 34
The Gypsy movements described by Skene became more widespread in
Serbia during the second half of the nineteenth century. The migrations would
usually begin on Mitrov Dan (St. Demetri's Day), October 26th of the old
style," when men would leave their families for up to two years. In time, entire
families would "wander abroad to different villages looking for a place in
which to spend the winter months. As a rule the same family never spent two
winters in the same village," because, according to one Serbian gypsiologist,
"during a single winter the Gypsy women became too notorious among the
local population for their thefts and deceits." The Rom settled in forested areas
where there was ample wood "and where the harvest had been abundant and
the peasants prosperous." Some families lived in a bordaj, a "hut dug out of
the earth." Once spring arrived, they left to meet other Gypsies on Djurdjev
Dan (S1. George's Day). The Vrsari were among the most prominent Rom
groups to begin to migrate to other parts of Europe during this period and were
considered one of "the most mobile ethnographic groups" in Europe. The
Vrsari, who lived in tents, were viewed by other Gypsies as "superior only to
beggars," a feeling shared by gadje (non-Gypsies). When the Vrsari showed
up near a community, "the common people were always afraid of them." Such
movements were linked to the more widespread upheavals in Europe at this
time, though they can also be traced to specific developments such as, among
others, new economic opportunities outside of the Balkans. 35
The movement of Rom out of Serbia was not caused by harsh mistreatment,
since evidence suggests that the Gypsies of Serbia suffered less from preju-
dice there than they did in other parts of the Balkans. In fact,
the leveling power of Turkish rule, exerted for successive ages, had
the effect of elevating the Gypsies somewhat toward the social sta-
tus of the other rayabs [non-Turkish SUbjects]. Here, therefore,
although they are still an inferior caste, and not allowed to exercise
the right and powers of citizenship, the Gypsies are perhaps less
widely separated from the peasantry around them than anywhere else
in Europe. They fought bravely with their Servian neighbors against
the Turks, and as smiths, farriers, and dealers in live stock, have
many of them earned a comfortable livelihood, and proved them-
selves respectable members of society.36
Furthermore, not all Gypsies were welcome in Serbia. The Serbs expelled
a number of Muslim and pro-Turkish Rom in 1862 after the Serbian conflict
with the Turkish garrison in Belgrade. Triggered by "the killing of a Serbian
boy by Turkish soldiers," the incident evolved into a confrontation between
the Serbian army (created to fight a "war of liberation from the Turks" on the
road to the creation of a Greater Serbia) and the Turkish garrison of
Kalemegdan. The Turks shelled the city and killed a number of Serbs, while
foreign diplomats scurried to end the feud. The sultan agreed to withdraw his
forces from two less important forts at Ufice and Soko Banja and, ,under
pressure from Alexander II of Russia, agreed to withdraw all Ottoman troops
from Serbia in 1867. Muslim influence in Serbia, which had been on the
wane since 1830, dissipated completely after 1867. 37
Within eight years, Serbia and Turkey were again in conflict over the upris-
ing in Bosnia and Hercegovina. In the summer of 1875, Bosnian peasants rose
up against the European Muslim aristocracy, who were "more Turkish than the
Turks in outlook." Serbia and Montenegro, which saw territorial opportunities
in the conflict,joined the fray the following summer. Though the Montenegran
forces did well, the Turks were able to rout the Serbian army, and by the fall of
1876, only a Russian threat to attack Turkey saved Serbia from possible recon-
quest. Representatives of the major powers met in Istanbul in December 1876,
proposing, among other things, the restoration of the prewar boundaries of both
Serbia and Montenegro, plus reforms in Bosnia and Hercegovina, which would
henceforth be united. The new sultan, Abdulhamit II (r. 1876-1909), countered
with a new constitution for the Ottoman Empire, which allowed him to reject
the Western plan. War with Russia soon followed, which resulted in a disastrous
defeat for the Turks. Russia then dictated the Treaty of San Stefano of March
3, 1878, which, among other things, tripled the size of Montenegro, but gave
Serbia only 150 square miles of new land. British and Austrian objections to the
accord sunk it before it could be ratified. Instead, a major allied conference, the
Congress of Berlin, met from June 13 to July 13, 1878, to discuss the matter. The
result was the Treaty of Berlin, where Russia represented the interests of Serbia
and Montenegro: Both states were declared independent and "took an obliga-
tion to maintain religious equality and freedom of worship." Serbia acquired
only 50 more square miles of territory than in the San Stefano agreement, while
Montenegro was reduced to about 60 percent of its San Stefano size. The com-
bined republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina came under Austro-Hungarian control,
whi,le the sancak (provincial district) of Novi Pazar, which divided Serbia and
Bosnia-Hercegovina, was occupied by Austrian forces. 38
The acquisition of Serbian independence brought significant changes in the
lives of the country's Gypsies, particularly in their nomadic habits. In 1879,
the government stated that "wandering was strictly forbidden," a point under-
lined in a decree of June 14, 1884, that reconfinned this stricture and promised
to put the Rom "nominally on an equal footing with the rest of the inhabitants
of Servia." Since this regulation proved ineffective, officials "announced in
1891 that all Gypsies caught travelling on the road at the commencement of
the new year would be arrested and imprisoned." Soon after the new anti-
nomad restrictions went into force, the bishop of the Timok diocese, Melentije,
"issued a confidential mandate ordering the Serbs to make Orthodox converts
of 'irreligious' Gypsies." Over the next three years, Melentije had 2222
Gypsies baptized in his diocese. 39
Part of the reason for this effort to sedentarize and Serbianize the Rom was
the size of the Gypsy community in the new Serbian state. While the census
of 1880 still did not list the Roma as a separate ethnic group, the census of
1890, which did, showed a Gypsy population of 37,581. The greatest Rom
concentration was in the Podunavlje region, while Belgrade had just under 400
Gypsy residents. The census of 1895 provides an even better glimpse of the
makeup of the 46,212 Rom now in Serbia. Over 81 percent lived in villages,
while 54.8 percent listed Serbian as their native tongue, 25 percent listed
Romani, 18.6 percent listed Romanian, and a little over 1 percent listed
Turkish. Gypsy urban dwellers were more likely to use Serbian and Turkish,
while those in the countryside were more apt to speak Romani and Romanian.
The urban areas of Serbia experienced the greatest Gypsy population growth,
while the overall Serbian Rom population rise between 1890 and 1895 was
attributed to increased births and the movement of Gypsies from other parts
of the Balkans into Serbia.40 The Serbian census of December 31, 1900,
showed a slight decrease in the number of Rom in the country, with 46,148,
1.85 percent of the Serbian population at this time. Of this number, 25 percent
were Muslims. The proportion who listed Serbian as their native language rose
to 60.34 percent, as did that of those who listed Romani as their primary
tongue, 29.06 percent. The percentage of Gypsies who were Romanian pri-
mary speakers dropped to a little over 10 percent, and the number who now
listed Turkish as a native tongue was almost negligible. The figures for
Romanian Gypsies in Serbia are a little misleading, however, since they did
not "include the many Rumanian Gypsies in Serbia who have long ago for-
gotten their Rumanian language."41
The status of Gypsies in othe~ parts of the southern Slavic region during this
period is more difficult to pin down. Demographic figures for Prizren in
Kosovo showed that city with 603 Rom households in 1853, while the
Hungarian census of 1867 noted the presence of 4,300 Rom in Croatia-Slavonia
and the Frontier District. The more detailed 1880 census listed "1499 Gypsies
citizens throughout W orId War I. The immediate events that led to war began
with the murder of the Austrian heir-apparent, Franz Ferdinand, and his wife
by Bosnian Serb nationalists, aided by various groups in Serbia, on Serbia's
national day, June 28, in Sarajevo. On July 23, Vienna presented Belgrade
with "eleven threatening demands" that "required Serbia to suppress and pun-
ish all forms of anti-Austrian sentiment ... with the help of Austrian officials."
Austria declared war on Serbia on July 28 after Belgrade qualified its accep-
tance of Austria's terms. Russia's mobilization in support of Serbia prompted
a German declaration of war against St. Petersburg on August 1, and within
a few days, most of the countries of Europe were pitted against one another
in a new, horrible conflagration.46
Austrian forces began an immediate bombardment of Belgrade and invaded
Serbia on August 11. A Serb counteroffensive drove the Austrians out of
Serbia over the next two weeks, which prompted a new Austro-Hungarian
drive that resulted in the capture of Belgrade on December 2, 1914. The Serbs
retook their capital 13 days later, while a new enemy, typhUS, ravaged the Serb
population. Estimates are that 150,000 Serbs died from typhus in 1914-1915,
which also spread into parts of Macedonia. A weakened Serbia was invaded
by Austria, Germany, and Bulgaria, which had just entered the war on October
3, 1915, in an effort "to provide direct access to the Turks defending
Gallipoli." Bulgarian forces quickly moved into Macedonia, while the Serbs
were driven southeastward to Kragujevic and then, to escape total destruction,
fled through Kosovo and Albania to the Adriatic. From there, French ships
took them to Corfu, where 120,000 Serb troops and a temporary government-
in-exile took refuge. The bulk of these forces joined the Allied attack on
Saloniki on September 10,1916, which led to the Franco-Serbian occupation
of Bitola in southwestern Macedonia. With the exception of this enclave, "all
the lands which in 1918 were to be included in the new South Slav state were
under foreign occupation" for the next two years.47
The Gypsies played an active role in the war in Serbia and suffered heavy
losses in the conflict as a result. While no statistics are available, indications
are that Rom civilian and military deaths were high. A number were captured
by Austro-Hungarian forces during their drive into Serbia. These forces also
sent a "group of spies, consisting of prominent engineers," into Serbia during
this period disguised and trained as Gypsy bear-leaders who operated through-
out Serbia before their capture at Cacak in 1915. The Serbs found "a number
of plans and drawings and military objects" on the "counterfeit Gypsies"
when they captured them. In Albania, rebel troops captured a supporter of
King Wied in 1914 and, "to disgrace him deeply ... made a Gypsy get on his
back and ride him around Tirana." The Rom, whom one observer felt all
For the most part, though, Serbian Rom played a more serious role in the
war effort. In the village of Turska Trnava, Muslim "Bijeli" Gypsies were con-
stables who helped protect the village. Their bravery and losses on the battle-
field in Serbia were recognized after the war with a two-meter-high obelisk
in Belgrade that read: "In memory of Gypsy heroes who died or were killed
during the War, 1914-1918." Each of the Rom victims of the war was indi-
vidually listed in gold on the obelisk, as were the names of those who donated
money for the erection and upkeep of the monument. Anyone who donated
"200 dinars to the Bibi Society is entered on the list of benefactors, and his
name is carved on the stone in 'letters of gold. '" The monument was "erected
through the initiative of Marinko, a Belgrade musician of some renown."
(The Bibi Society was founded in Belgrade after the war by local Rom and was
named after a female cult figure venerated by Serbian Gypsies.) Gypsies
burned candles at the monument for the souls of all the dead. 49
Throughout the war, several Serbian factions promoted the idea of either a
Greater Serbia or a southern Slavic union of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes.
Serbia's tremendous losses in the war and its valiant struggle against the
Central Powers paved the way for Allied support of a new southern Slavic
nation, which was officially proclaimed on December 1, 1918, as The
Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. The new country, which had a
diverse population of almost 12 million divided along ethnic and religious
lines, included Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia-Slavonia, Bosnia-Hercegovina,
Dalmatia, Carniola, and parts of Austrian Styria, Carinthia, and Istria as well
as former portions of Hungary (Baranja, Backa, and the western Banat). The
Serbs and the Croats were the dominant groups in the country, with a com-
bined population of almost 9 million, while there were a little over 1 million
Slovenes. The 1921 census, using language as an ethnic criterion, found. that
Germans, Hungarians, Albanians, Romanians, Jews, Turks, Czechs, Slovaks.
Ruthenes, Poles, Russians, Italians, and other groups made up the rest of the
population. There were 34,919 Gypsies who listed Romani as their mother
tongue in 1921, with 16,674 Rom in Serbia, 14,489 in Kosovo and Macedonia,
3,104 in the Banat, and 652 in Bachkoj and Barani. so
From the outset, the new southern Slavic kingdom was beset by serious eth-
nic and boundary problems. Though the latter were finally resolved in 1926,
the country's new constitution, proclaimed on Serbia's national day, June 28,
in 1921, deemphasized "the extremely important historical and cultural, reli-
gious, and ethnic differences and diversities of the Yugoslav peoples." Instead,
the themes of "common origin, similarities of language and customs, and
shared historical experience of centuries of foreign overlordship" were used
to create a Serb-centered political structure based on the 1903 Serbian con-
stitution. What emerged was an extremely powerful constitutional monarchy
provided by the Serbian Karadjordjevic dynasty, with the capital in Belgrade.
Political power "tilted toward the executive" branch, and when the system
began to come apart in 1928, "the monarch provided a rallying point for the
nation" through the creation of a "temporary royal dictatorship."sl
The new constitution provided protection for "freedom of belief and con-
science" and granted "legal recognition ... to the existing Orthodox, Roman
Catholic, and Moslem confessions." Other groups were afforded "internal
autonomy" and could "obtain recognition under the general terms of the law."
The constitution had only one clause "devoted to the subject of the rights of
minorities." It stated that "to minorities of other race or language elementary
instruction shall be given under conditions which the law shall prescribe."S2
There is little information about the new kingdom's Rom in the 1920s, so
it is possible to catch only a glimpse of their lives. The chaos in the Balkans
at the end of World War I saw some Turkish Gypsies, the Cergari ("tent-
dwellers"), move into Serbia, while the ongoing land reform program in dif-
ferent parts of the kingdom deprived some Bosnian Bijeli Gypsies "of their
protectors"-Turkish Muslim estate owners who owned large tracts of land
redistributed to poor Christian peasants in 1923. Despite these changes, Gypsy
life in the new southern Slavic state remained vibrant. In the late 1920s, King
Alexander (r. 1921-1934) renamed the country Yugoslavia, dissolved the
parliament, overturned the constitution, and created a new administrative
structure that centered around banovinas (provinces), whose "boundaries
were drawn with the intention of weakening or destroying traditional loyal-
ties," yet "served to enhance Serb domination." While an accompanying crack-
down drove some extremists from the country, most of the country's Gypsies,
who lived primarily in Serbia and Macedonia, seemed unaffected. Rom music,
for example, remained central to Serbian life and reflected, particularly in the
years immediately after World War I, the relief felt by all after the war's end.
In 1919,
The Rom were also affected by land reform efforts in Yugoslavia, and
some began to settle (similar efforts had taken place earlier in Serbia). One
Orthodox Rom family in the Serbian village of Kopljari had some financial
standing in the community, which consisted of 150 Serbian and 18 Gypsy
dwellings. They owned over five acres of land with a home "and by profes-
sion [were] blacksmiths, who manufacture axes, shovels, drills, nails and
rakes," which they sold at village fairs in the summer. Belgrade Rom pros-
pered to the point that the Bibi Society was able to purchase a tract of land in
the suburbs at Pasino brdo for the worship of this Gypsy saint, who was hon-
ored with her own icon in 1929.54
Gypsies did experience difficulties in Serbian-controlled Kosovo, where
they, along with the half-million Albanians living in the region, suffered "as
targets of a Slav majority all too eager to 'settle accounts' with people they
associated with centuries of Turkish terror." (The Serbs closely identified the
Rom with the hated Albanian Muslims.) From the end of 1918 until mid-1920,
Serb forces committed untold atrocities against Albanians in Kosovo and
northern Albania. Over the next decade, Albanians in Yugoslavia became the
country's "most oppressed national group." Nevertheless, in 1929, the
Yugoslav Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that "there are no national minori-
ties in our southern regions."55
Consequently, independent Albania became a haven for Kosovan Rom,
who found the positive atmosphere little changed from the Turkish era. Despite
an unsuccessful attempt by the government in 1920 to stop Gypsies from
dancing in public for '!loney, most Albanian Gypsies continued to practice their
traditional lifestyles. (In 1934, "the first restriction having lapsed dancers had
to pay a special fee to license their performance.") Orthodox Christian Rom
worshipped in the same church as the Albanian Orthodox, though Muslim
Gypsies "were still not appreciated inside the mosque or, for that matter, inside
the burial grounds." Consequently, in 1923, the Rom in Durazzo built their own
mosque, "a small, styleless box with a modest minaret." The Gypsies of Scutari
had a mosque of their own for some time, although one located in Elbasan fell
into disarray. All three mosques were located in the Rom mahalle (quarter) of
each village. Some Rom "had intermarried with local Turks and Moslem
Gypsies in the coastal lowlands" and thus forgotten their language and certain
aspects of their culture. One British Albanophile, Joseph Swire, provided an
interesting glimpse of Rom life in Albania's capital, Tirana, during this period.
According to Swire, the Gypsy mahalle consisted of
Swire found this amusing, since he felt Tirana "was an untidy place." He
felt that
Albanians feared the nomadic, Christian mountain Rom, whom they called
gurbati (beggars). Another British specialist on Albania, Edith Durham, said
that the
real wild Balkan gypsies rarely bother about a tent, but couch in the
lee of any bush or bank that is near water and fuel supply. Swarthy,
scarlet-lipped, with black brilliant eyes, long heavy elf-locks of dead
black hair, and unspeakably filthy, they are scorned alike by Serb and
Albanian. The scorn they return tenfold, for they hold that they are
the chosen of all races, and that none other knows how to enjoy the
gift of life.
Milan Stojadinovic was chosen. As Yugoslavia struggled to fmd its way in the
tense world of European politics, Stojadinovic worked to find a solution to the
"Croat problem ... before an explosion could take place in Europe, when the
Croats might rebel and Yugoslavia [might] be dismembered." Croatia's desire
for greater autonomy would also have to take into consideration similar
demands from the country 's other regions based on language, history, or eth-
nic background. It took a change in government at the end of 1938 and the
threat of a European war in 1939 to create a settlement-the Sporazum of
August 26, 1939. What emerged from the settlement was the creation of a new
Croatian banovina, Savska, which had a population of 4.4 million, 74 percent
of them Croats. The banovina' s newfound autonomy did little to still Croatian
extremists, "who now looked to Hitler for the achievement of a mock-inde-
pendent status for Croatia." Considering Prince Paul's dictatorial tilt toward
the Axis powers, the fragile bond that held the nation together was about to
be tom asunder by World War 11. 60
Gypsy life in Yugoslavia during this unsettling period was vibrant, while
Rom intellectuals struggled to define the unique, positive characteristics of
Gypsy ethnic identity. A Serbian Gypsy organization, Drustva Rom (Gypsy
Society) was formed in Belgrade in 1930, though it foundered for lack of
funds. Five years later, a Serb, Alexander Petrovic, was instrumental in found-
ing a newspaper, Romano Lit (or, in Serbo-Croatian, Tsiganske Novine, Gypsy
Newspaper), in the Yugoslavian capital. The Gypsy community, particularly
its budding intellectual class, responded with enthusiasm to the monthly pub-
lication, which quickly ran into serious financial difficulties. Government
authorities agreed to allow the publication, but only as long as "the tone of the
paper would be morally high." They felt that the purpose of Romano LiZ "was
to work for an improvement in the education and cultural outlook of the
Gypsies, and must battle against, not condone, their criminality." The Rom
involved in producing the newspaper countered with their own guidelines:
Romano LiZ would only publish news about Gypsies that was positive.
They were tired, they complained, of having all the crimes of the
land laid at their innocent doors. True, they had their black sheep;
well then, let these individuals be named and denounced, but the
WHOLE race of Gypsies must not be branded as liars, cheats, rob-
bers and assasins.
The result was a SerQian Gypsy newspaper "about Gypsies and solely for
Gypsies" that would print "nothing but praise of the Roma." Unfortunately,
Romano Lit, survived only three months. The first issue, published in March
1935, featured an article that emphasized "a truer appreciation of Gypsies and
their good qualities." Another piece expressed Gypsy regret for the assassi-
nation of King Alexander, while a third discussed ways "to safeguard the
health of Gypsy children." The second issue, in April, continued the series on
health and education questions for Roma children and included an article on
the history of the Rom in Belgrade. The third and final edition of Romano Lil
discussed the "widespread fame and the policy of the paper," along with
Serbian Gypsy folktales and local news. 61
The atmosphere that spurred the creation of Romano Lil and Drustva Rom
seemed to be one of tolerance. Rebecca West noted in Black Lamb and Grey
Falcon at least one positive Serbian view of the Rom:
Her Serbian companion, a Yugoslav official, went on to explain that while the
Austrians and the Germans "despise the gipsies" because of their poverty,lack
of hygiene, and questionable musical talents, the "Serbs are not bourgeois, so
none of these reasons make us hate the gipsies.'>62
West discovered other evidence of the differing views on Gypsies in
Skopje, the capital of Macedonia. According to one unofficial estimate, the
Gypsy settlement in Skopje already had "two thousand houses ... which
means ten thousand gipsies." Considering that Skopje had only an estimated
popUlation of 70,000 at the time, it was well on its way to becoming one of
the most important Gypsy centers in the Balkans. Most of the Rom in Skopje
were Muslim, though the women went unveiled, which Ms. West felt was "an
extreme example of the position their kind has won for itself as professionally
free from ordinary social obligations." Equally unique among Macedonia's
Rom were the Gunpowder Gypsies, who "used to collect saltpetre for the
Turkish Army" and who were known for their "beauty, their cleanliness,
their fine clothes." Yet despite these positive impressions of the Macedonian
Rom, one of West's companions, a German married to a Yugoslav, angrily
criticized Skopje's Rom as "dirty and uncivilized savages, who ought not to
be in Europe at all." These feelings reflected sentiments that would later
come to haunt the region's Gypsies. 63
The richness and diversity of Rom life in the regions of Yugoslavia with the
greatest Gypsy concentrations-Serbia and Macedonia-would be severely
damaged by the excesses of World War II. Prior to Yugoslavia's invasion by
the Axis Powers in 1941, Prince Paul tried to maneuver his country through
the complex, dangerous waters of the times in an attempt to preserve his
country's neutrality. Although he was initially sympathetic to the Allied side,
he finally succumbed to German pressure to join the Tripartite Pact alliance
of Germany, Italy, and Japan. As Yugoslav diplomats signed the accord in
Berlin on March 26, 1941, a coup took place in Belgrade that removed Prince
Paul as regent. His hesitant cousin, King Peter II, assumed the throne in his
own right, though not quite 18. Ten days later, a German-led coalition ofItaly,
Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania invaded Yugoslavia with the goal of carv-
ing much of it up among themselves. What the invaders did not absorb was
transformed into puppet Croatian and Serbian states. The new Croatian satel-
lite became the Independent State of Croatia (Nezavism Driava Hrvatska,
NDH), which was divided into German and Italian spheres-of-influence. An
Italian nobleman, the Duke of Spoleto, became its king, as Tomislav II,
though he never visited Croatia. The new state was effectively ruled by Ustasa
("insurrection") leader, Ante Pavelic, whose movement had been formed on
Italian soil with Mussolini's aid in 1929. An illegal, terrorist movement,
Ustasa found itself increasingly relegated to isolated Italian villages after its
role in the murder of King Alexander and Barthou in 1934. Ustasa's plight
within Italy worsened between 1937 and 1941 as Yugoslavia, Italy, and
Germany drew closer together. Regardless, Ustasa remained committed to its
goal of acquiring Croatian independence at any cost; it now added genocide
to its methods of maintaining it. 64
Approximately 28,500 Rom were trapped in the NDH in 1941, which
included most of Bosnia-Hercegovina, while many Gypsies who had earlier fled
to Italian territory were put in detention camps in Sardinia or Puglia. Those who
entered Italy after the creation of the NDH in 1941 were watched to try to keep
them from reentering Croatia to help relatives. The Italians, who had no toler-
ance for the genocidal policies of their allies, also gave some Rom "Italian iden-
tity cards to put them further beyond the reach of the Nazis and Ustase until
1943," while those who were "caught in the German dragnet ... were sent to
camps in Austria for extermination." The new Croatian Ustasa government in
the NDH quickly adopted Nazi-type racial laws and genocidal tactics to deal
with Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies, whom it termed to be "aliens outside the national
community." Gypsies were forbidden to walk on sidewalks, while signs were
posted in all public places and transportation that stated, "No Serbs, Jews,
Nomads [Gypsies] and dogs allowed." Two decrees, "The Protection of Aryan
Blood and the Honor of the Croatian People" (No. XLV-67-2-p.1941), and
"Belonging to the Same Race" (No. XLV-68-2-p.1941), laid out "the rights of
the 'elite' and the duties of the 'inferior races, '" and decreed that anyone who
had "two or more Gypsy grandparents" was a Rom. The Ministry of the
Interior's Decree No. 13-542 ordered all Gypsies to register with the police on
July 22-23,1941. Rom property was seized by the Croatian government, while
most of the republic's Gypsies were arrested and sent to Ustasa concentration
camps. Over the next two years, some Croatian Rom were sent to death camps
in Germany and Serbia, while others were executed "in reprisal for Partisan and
Cetnik activities in the NDH." Estimates are that 26,000 to 28,000 Rom died in
the NDH during the Poi'ajmos (Gypsy Holocaust).65
Rump Serbia, which had a Gypsy population of no more than 40,000 in the
spring of 1941, was "under the military control of the German army," aided
by the puppet Government of National Salvation. Serbian Rom suffered from
similar, though not as deadly, policies as their Croatian counterparts. The
Gypsy quarter on the outskirts of Belgrade in Zemun had been bombed, like
the rest of the Serbian capital, several days before the Germans invaded the
city in early April 1941. Once it had fallen, Nazi authorities required the
Rom to wear yellow armbands with "Zigeuner" printed on them. On May 31,
1941, German military authorities decreed that "Gypsies are to be treated as
Jews" and defined a Rom as "a person who has at least three Gypsy grand-
parents." In addition, all people with one or two "Gypsy grandparents and who
[were] married to Gypsy women [were] to be classed as Gypsies." Finally, all
Rom were to be put on a special register. On October 23, 1941, authorities
decided to open a concentration camp for Jews and Gypsies on the fair-
grounds at Zemun and destroyed the Gypsy quarter that lay at its edge for
health reasons. Since the area under consideration was in NDH territory, the
Croatians agreed to the use of the site for a "interim mini-death camp," which
became known as Semlin, as long as it "was guarded by Germans, not Serbs."
Later, "jurisdiction of Zemun passed to the Croat regime, and the Ustashi
guarded the camp under German Security Police command." Over the next
year, about 10 percent of Belgrade's Rom were sent to the Semlin camp, where
they became slave laborers, forced to dig graves for Jews killed in mobile gas
vans and buried in A vala south of Belgrade. Rom were also used as hostages
as part of the Reich's scheme to kill "Gypsies, Jews and other hostages at a
ratio of 100: 1 for every German soldier killed in Serbia." Though the Germans
claimed by 1942 that Serbia was "Gypsy free," they only "effectively con-
trolled about one-third of Serbia's Rom population." In reality, they woefully
overestimated the number of Gypsies and Jews in Serbia and Belgrade.
German officials init.ially calculated that there were 150,000 Gypsies in Serbia
in the spring of 1941; on the eve of the opening of the Semlin camp in early
December 1941, they expected "16000 Gypsies and Jews to be interned" at
the new ludenlager (Jewish camp). Though records vary, it is estimated that
only 6,280 Jews and Gypsies were in the camp by March 1942, with Jews
making up 90 percent of the inmate population. Many Gypsies had already
"fled, hid, evaded, or joined the resistance." Since Gypsies were "usually ...
not welcome among the Serbian nationalist Cetniks," they often joined the
communist partisan forces. Estimates are that of the 60,000 Rom in prewar
Serbia, 12,000 died in the Porajmos. 66
Macedonia, which, next to Serbia, had Yugoslavia's largest prewar Gypsy
community, came primarily under Bulgarian control in 1941 and, as seen ear-
lier in the detailed account on the plight of the Bulgarian Rom during this
period, benefited greatly from Bulgarian resistance to the more deadly geno-
cidal policies of the Nazis and their puppets elsewhere in Yugoslavia. The bulk
of Macedonia's Gypsy community was able to survive the Porajmos, as did
many Slovenian Rom. Slovenia, which had a small Rom community, was
divided between Germany, Italy, and Hungary. The northern portion of
Slovenia was integrated into the Reich, which deported 16,000 undesirable
Slovenes, including Gypsies, to camps in Croatia and Serbia. The Germans
then transferred 20,000 Slovene Germans and a number of Tyrolean Germans
into the newly evacuated "Slovene Marches." Italy acquired Ljubljana and the
rest of Slovenia, while Hungary got the Prekmurje area of eastern Slovenia.
Hungarian authorities interned some Rom, and a large number were arrested
and sent to death camps when Germany occupied Hungary in 1944. 67
Albania's Gypsies benefited from Italy's conquest of the country in the
spring of 1939 and its transformation into Italian Greater Albania with the
addition of Kosovo in 1941. Italian and other Axis occupation forces "paid
scant attention to the Gypsies[,] who made up only an 'insignificant part' of
the total population." Germany's occupation of Albania after the fall of
Mussolini's government in September 1943 saw an aggressive, though not ter-
ribly successful, change in policy toward the Gypsies, since the Germans, who
turned local administration over to Albanian fascists, found it hard to distin-
guish between the country's Albanians, Turks, Gypsies, and Vlachs. Though
some Albanian Gypsies were caught and sent to concentration camps in
Yugoslavia and the Reich, many survived by supporting local fascist author-
ities or the Nazis, who Greater Albanian Rom saw as allies against a greater
enemy-the Serbs, "who equated Nazi occupation with centuries of Turkish
terror." After Mussolini' s fall in 1943, some Albanian Gypsies joined the com-
munist partisan forces. In relation to Gypsy losses in other parts of Yugoslavia,
those in Albania, w~ich had a prewar Rom population of 22,000, were com-
parativel y light. 68
The horrible conflicts that had befallen Yugoslavia from 1941-1945
resulted in the deaths of 1.75 million people, 11 percent of the country's
prewar population. Over half of those killed died at the hands of other
Yugoslavs. The victory of Marshal Tito's partisan forces in 1945 signaled the
beginning of the process of reconstruction and communization of the coun-
try.69 The question of ethnic identity and rights in the new Yugoslav state took
its direction from the 1946 constitution, which was modeled on the 1936
Soviet "Stalin" constitution. Article 13 of the new Yugoslav document guar-
anteed national minorities "the right to and protection of their own cultural
development and the free use of their own language," while Article 21 stated
that "all citizens of the Federative People's Repul;>lic of Yugoslavia are equal
before the law and enjoy equal rights regardless of nationality, race and
creed." It added that it was illegal to limit or propagate "national, racial and
religious hatred and discord," and the government backed this later with crim-
inal code legislation. The 1946 constitution built its federal republic system
around the major nationalities-Croat, Macedonian, Montenegran, Serb, and
Slovene-which provided the nucleus for five of the country's six republics.
The sixth, Bosnia and Hercegovina, had a mixed population of Croats, Serbs,
and Muslims. The People's Republic of Serbia included the autonomous
province of Vojvodina and the predominantly Albanian autonomous Kosovo-
Metohijan region. Tito designed the new constitution to deemphasize nation-
ality as an active force in the dynamics of the Yugoslav sta~e by limiting the
autonomy of the republics through the bicameral national legislature, the
Federal Assembly, and depriving the republics of legislative authority "that
was independent and different from the federal organs."70
The partisan victory was welcomed by many Rom, since Tito gave brief con-
sideration to the creation of "a Gypsy autonomous area in Macedonia" in com-
pensation for their "fanatical commitment to the partisan cause." Though this
idea never bore fruit, it did pave the way for considerable Rom development in
the new Yugoslav state, particularly in Macedonia.71 A Macedonian Gypsy lit-
erary awakening began in 1946, that centered around a new generation of Roma
poets whose works dealt with the plight of the Gypsies. Within a few years,
Gypsy writers, with the support of the new Macedonian Roma association,
Phralipe (Brotherhood), formed the literary organization, Fratemite. Phralipe
also sponsored a theater company that performed throughout Europe. In 1948,
Gypsies were also elected to seats on the Skopje city council. 72
The positive atmosphere for Rom translated into impressive population gains
over prewar figures from the 1948 census, particularly in light of the losses they
suffered during World War II. The federal census, which was based on ethnic
affiliation, showed 72,651 Rom in Yugoslavia, with 52,115 in Serbia, 19,500
in Macedonia, 405 in Croatia, 46 in Slovenia, 422 in Bosnia and Hercegovina,
and 163 in Montenegro. Over 50 percent of those counted were listed as
in its partisan resistance," the spirit of these changes was imbedded in the
Fundamental Law of 1953, which tried further "to de-emphasize ethnic rep-
resentation" in the national legislature, the People's Assembly. Other changes
by Tito's government, spurred by the death of Stalin in 1953 and Khrushchev's
deStalinization speech in 1956, resulted in more liberal economic policies and
a "freer cultural atmosphere," while a sense of Yugoslavness designed to
temper ethnic differences further began to emerge. 75
For Yugoslavia's Gypsies, the somewhat contradictory period of socialist
experimentation that talked of greater societal homogeneity balanced with
more local control in social and economic matters was a time of uncertainty.
Efforts to promise "parallel instruction in different languages" in Macedonia
(which, according to Gypsy specialist Grattan Puxon, had an estimated Rom
population of 140,000 in 1958) were unsuccessful. On the other hand, Gypsy
music continued to thrive throughout Yugoslavia, and in 1956, Slavko
Vorkapic produced a new film, Hanka, a Gypsy romance based on a real inci-
dent that took place in Bosnia-Hercegovina between World War I and World
War II. The tale centers around the love affair of a beautiful young Gypsy,
Hanka, with a charcoal-burner, Seydo, and efforts by a powerful Roma chief-
tan, Ahmed, to thwart the relationship between the two lovers. 76
The spirit of "Yugoslavness" that swept the country in the 1950s carried
with it a strong theme of assimilation, particularly for groups such as the
Gypsies, who had no official nationality status. Consequently, in the 1961 cen-
sus, only 31,674 Gypsies, many from Macedonia, chose Romany as their pri-
mary language, while others chose to identify themselves with other minorities
or opted for the Yugoslav or "Other" categories in the census. Not all minori-
ties were willing to chose alternative categories for ethnic identification.
Yugoslavia's Albanians, for example, the bulk of them in Kosovo and
Macedonia, had grown steadily throughout the postwar years, numbering
1,309,523 in 1971. This was only 878,477 fewer than the entire population of
Albania, an almost ethnically pure nation with only 10,000 Rom in 196U7
Macedonia's Rom gained some notoriety during this period as a result of
the construction of what would become the world's largest Gypsy community,
Suto Orizari, in the suburbs of Skopje. Suto Orizari began as a temporary,
American-built Quonset-hut community in the aftermath of an earthquake on
July 26, 1963, that destroyed three-quarters of the Macedonian capital and left
200,000 homeless. Reconstruction of the old Rom quarter, Topana, entailed
"the addition of two intersecting freeways," and officials gave Gypsy leaders
two· choices: they could move into new, integrated neighborhoods, or they
could move into their own suburb on the outskirts of Skopje. By the mid-
1970s, it had
Suto Orizari, which some Rom have "half-seriously called the Romani state,"
became the nucleus of a Gypsy community located within a 50-mile radius of
Skopje that had an estimated population of over 40,000 by 1977, with 23,000
in Suto Orizari. These figures would swell to 80,000 by the mid-1980s.
According to Abdi Faik, a Rom deputy in the Macedonian legislature, the new
Rom settlement was "the only place where Gypsies aren't a minority."78
While Skopje was recovering from the devastation of the earthquake, the
country adopted a new constitution in 1963 that strengthened each republic's
control over social and economic matters. A broad economic reform package
in 1965 eased restrictions "on the migration of Yugoslav workers who wished
to work abroad." This triggered a wave of Gypsy migration to the West that
involved Yugoslav Rom "from a variety of tribal and linguistic groups."
Among the most conspicious were the Xoraxane Roma ("Turkish Gypsies"),
a predominantly Muslim nomadic group from Bosnia-Hercegovina, Montenegro,
and Kosovo. Some of the current hostility to Rom gastarbeiten (guest workers)
in Germany and elsewhere can be partially traced to this period in Yugoslav
history. The economic reforms of the mid-1960s also brought latent eco-
nomic and cultural hostilities to the surface that led to a flurry of constitutional
changes in 1967 designed to appease Slovene, Croat, and Macedonian dis-
content over their unequal status in the Yugoslav federation. For the next four
years, a national-liberal coalition of these three republics pushed for "further
decentralization and 'democratization' both of the LCY [League of
Communists of Yugoslavia] and of society." The culmination of this ongoing
liberalization campaign, which to some was aimed at "Great Serbian assimi-
lationism," was a series of amendments to the constitution in 1971 that
"amounted to the reconstitution of Yugoslavia as a confederative republic. "79
These changes did little to still the nationalistic passions of some Croats,
which prompted a harsh response from Tito after student protesters in Zagreb
demanded in November 1971 that Belgrade "stop the plunder of Croatia,"
among other things. The following month, the country's leadership decided
"to suppress any manifestations of nationalism in the population at large." Tito
struck out harshly against "nationalism and 'rotten liberalism '" in all republics
and informed the LCY that he intended to return it "to the Leninist principle
written in the Romani script and orthography." The original printing of 3,000
copies sold out quickly. In 1981, "the world's largest anthology of Gypsy
poetry was published in Belgrade," while Radio Tetovo in Macedonia and
Radio Belgrade (Studio "B") began to do daily half-hour programs in Romani.
Eighty Rom associations evolved throughout this period, while Yugoslav
Gypsies such as Slobodan Berberski and Abdi Faik were prominent leaders
in the World Romani Congress. S3
These Rom achievements, which culminated with the acquisition of nation-
ality status in 1981, were not enough to mask some of the deeper problems
of the Yugoslav Gypsies, which the Report of the Yugoslav Federal
Presidency of the same year called "a serious basic social issue." According
to a 1978 report prepared by Ales Bebler, a member of the Yugoslav Federal
Executive Council, the key to the Gypsies' slow integration into Yugoslav
society was the low quality of life and education. He noted that the "mortal-
ity rate for children in the first year of life had been as high as 50%."
Government requirements that someone have at least an elementary-school
education to be employed severely hurt the Rom, since "only some 20% of
Rom adults have even this minimum qualification." He added that a "major-
ity of [Gypsy] children are growing up illiterate, either because they do not
attend school or they drop out early, and local authorities have failed to show
concern." Bebler proposed that Yugoslavia's Gypsies be granted nationality
status, as well as recognition "as an undeveloped narodnost, with a position
similar to undeveloped regions. They could then benefit from 'positive dis-
crimination,' i.e. programmes against illiteracy, for housing construction
and job training. "84
There were also serious problems for Rom who had grown beyond these
serious limitations, particularly the
According to a study done by Trivo Indjic on the plight of the Gypsies and
other mihorities in Yugoslavia in the early 1980s, the government was often
hiding behind "constitutional rhetoric." As an example, he pointed to the
remarks of Svetozar Tadic, the president of the Council on Interethnic
Relations in Serbia, who said that "there is no need to speak of a specific
Gypsy question; neither is there any need for, nor can there be, any particu-
lar approach to the problem," since Gypsies in Serbia "are all equal and enjoy
constitutional rights." Instead, Indjic felt that the Yugoslav government should
heed the advice of Said Balic, the Yugoslav president of the World Romani
Congress. Balic said that Yugoslavia's Rom could not "muster sufficient
forces to effect their own complete equality in everyday life" and needed "the
help of political organizations of social emancipation."85
The acquisition of Rom nationality status came at a difficult time for
Yugoslavia, which struggled with a plethora of economic, political, and social
problems that seemed particularly menacing after the death of Tito on May 4,
1980. Ridden by growing ethnic unrest, particularly in Kosovo, Gypsies found
that their newly won status was not uniformly accepted throughout the coun-
try. Only Bosnia-Hercegovina and Montenegro came to recognize the Gypsies
as a nationality in their republic's constitutions, while the constitutions of
Yugoslavia's other four republics continued to identify them as an ethnic
group. This hesitancy to grant full nationality status to one of the country's
fastest growing and increasingly vocal ethnic minorities was linked to the
gradual disintegration of that delicate bond that Tito had used to hold the
nation together, as well as the powerful forces of ethnic identity and separate-
ness that would come to destroy Yugoslavia a little more than a decade later.86
As these problems began to surface more rapidly after Tito' s death, the Rom
found themselves caught up in the bitter upsurge of Albanian nationalism in
Macedonia, which had spilled over from Kosovo. Officials claimed that dur-
ing the 1981 census, "Albanian nationalists, including Muslim clergy of
Albanian extraction, had exerted pressure on Macedonian Gypsies . . . to
declare themselves Albanians." This situation was doubly problematic for
Macedonia's leaders, since the 1981 census showed a dramatic increase over
1971 figures in the number of Gypsies who claimed Romani status. There
were now 43,223 Gypsies in Macedonia, an increase of 18,718 over 1971 fig-
ures. Similar increases in the Gypsy population were recorded throughout
Yugoslavia in the 1981 census, which saw figures rise from 78,485 in 1971
to 168,197 in 1981.Serbia's overall Gypsy population increased to 57,140,
with the most dramatic change in Kosovo, where figures more than doubled
to 34,126. The increase in Vojvodina was even greater, which now had an offi-
cial Rom population of 19,693. Bosnia-Hercegovina had 7,251 Rom, an
incredible rise of almost 6,000 since 1971, while Slovenia's Gypsy population
almost doubled to 1,435. Croatia's Rom community tripled in size to 3,858
during the decade, and Montenegro's Gypsies showed similar, dramatic
increases between 1971 and 1981 that saw the number of Roma increase
from 396 to 1,471.87
This dramatic growth, which, with the exception of the Albanians, was
unique to the Gypsies, had less to do with an absolute increase in numbers than
with a change in affiliation stimulated by the drive to acquire nationality sta-
tus, which the Belgrade journal Politika officially announced on December 4,
1982. Furthermore, like previous censuses, the new figures woefully under-
estimated the true size of the Rom population in Yugoslavia. Though estimates
varied, Yugoslav sources indicated that the real number of Gypsies in the
country ranged from 700,000 to 1 million at this time. 88
The upsurge in Rom ethnic identity that preceded and accompanied the
acquisition of nationality status in Yugoslavia came at a time of significant
political soul searching throughout the country. Initial efforts to come to grips
with the country's difficulties under the existing system soon failed, and by
1984 the country's leadership looked to changes in the constitution as a solu-
tion to Yugoslavia's problems. Complex divisions quickly surfaced between
those republics and autonomous provinces that sought a greater strengthening
of central Yugoslav power as a solution and those such as Slovenia and
Croatia, who wanted to preserve certain aspects of the 1974 "confederalist"
system that had strengthened local autonomy. By 1987, the same year that
Serbian nationalist Slobodan Milosevic seized control of the Serbian party
apparatus, discussions began on specific changes to the 1974 constitution.
Slovenia reacted harshly to the proposals and felt they would be a vehicle for
Serbian nationalist, centrist tendencies. In time, Milosevic, who spoke of a
"strong Serbia, strong Yugoslavia," alienated other republics as well, and by
1989, resistance to his efforts to strengthen the authority of the central gov-
ernment in Belgrade vis avis that ofthe republics and'autonomous provinces
created a backlash that strengthened the confederalists. 89
In the midst of these debates, efforts were made to improve the plight of
Yugoslavia's Gypsies. The single greatest barrier to a better life for the coun-
try's Rom was education. Gypsy students in the educational system prior to
the opening of some Romani schools in 1983 were frequently absent, and
many dropped out before finishing primary school. Estimates were that most
Gypsy children did "~ot even finish primary school, while in Serbia less than
one in sixty goes on to secondary education." Dropouts were caused by the need
"to help their families (begging, manual labor, menial part-time employment,
etc.)," and an alien educational world that used a language unfamiliar to them.
Roma woman was allegedly beaten up in the streets because of her origin and
petrol sprinkled on her hair and set alight with no one attempting to help her."
In Kursumlija, Serbia, the police refused to investigate the deaths of several
Gypsies "under suspicious circumstances," saying that "it would do no harm
if 'even more of them burned. "'93
This violence did not stop Rajko Djuric from presenting a petition before
the Yugoslav parliament in 1989 that "proposed that a uniform status of
nationality be agreed for the Roma in all republics and provinces.'~ The leg-
islature tabled the petition, and later Djuric received several death threats.
After his home in Belgrade "was ransacked by state authorities ... he was
forced to leave Belgrade and Yugoslavia." Gypsies in Croatia were a little
more successful with their political activities. As early as 1980, Croatian offi-
cials met with Gypsies from the Zagreb area and from the Federation of Rom
Societies in Serbia to "discuss the position of Croatia's Rom." A decade later,
Croatian Gypsies formed the Romani Party of Croatia, whose goal was "to
seek recognition of the Roma nationality and rights, and to appeal to the
Croatian national assembly for primary and secondary level classes and text-
books in Romanes for the now estimated 150,000 Roma in Croatia.'>94
One of the most interesting manifestations of new Rom assertiveness
cropped up in Macedonia, where an "Epicani" Association of Citizens in
Ohrid was founded in 1990, followed by an Association of Egyptians from
Kosovo and Methohija, and, ultimately, a 15,OOO-member Yugoslav Egyptian
Association, headed by an Albanian-Macedonian Muslim, Nazmi Arifi. Some
members had tried as early as the 1981 census to claim Egyptian as a new eth-
nic status but were put in the "miscellaneous" category. Rajko Djuric called
the group "gentrified gypsies who are trying to distance themselves from the
shunned, poverty-stricken gypsies." He felt that the "Egyptian business is all
an escape from reality." Rade Bozovic of Belgrade University said that the
Rom Egyptians "look different from the gypsies and the Albanians . . ."
Nazmi Arifi added that unlike "most Yugoslav gypsies who eke out a living
as itinerant musicians, fortune tellers and unskilled laborers, the would-be
Egyptians are a prosperous and educated people who have lived a sedentary
life in enclaves at the center of towns.''95
Such newfound feelings of ethnic self-awareness took place in the midst of
growing friction between Croatia and Serbia over the plight of Serbs in
Kninska Krajina, Croatia, where a limited civil war broke out over local Serb
autonomy in August 1990. Friction between Serbs and Muslims in Bosnia and
in southern Serbia added to the tension, while "Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, and
Montenegro allegedly diverted money sorely needed for economic investment
into arms purchases" in preparation for a possible conflict. Last-minute efforts
I n the early years after the collapse of communism, the Roma of Eastern
Europe and Russia quicldy saw their hoped for dreams of acceptance
and integration into society quicldy dashed by the very prejudices that had
haunted them for centuries. In fact, the new-found hatreds they faced
had a particular virulence to it that harked back to the Nazi era. Much has
changed in the region since the mid-1990s. The collapse of Yugoslavia into
its constituent ethnic republics is now complete and the pace of European inte-
gration in Central and Eastern Europe is moving forward quicldy. As is seen in
this chapter, the Roma question has now moved center stage and has become
something of a measure of the state of democracy in each of the region's new,
postcommunist states.
Roma have lived in Albania for over six centuries. Roma religious evolution
followed that of their Albanian neighbors. Though the early Albanians were
primarily Roman Catholic, in time they split into four faith traditions. By the
l850s, over 50 percent of Albania's population was Sunni Muslim, while
25 percent belonged to Shiite Bektashi brotherhoods or crypto-Christian com-
munities: Fifteen percent ofAlbania's population at this time was Greek Orthodox,
and the rest Roman Catholic. Traditionally, the Roma adopted the faith of the
majority or dominant group around them while privately maintaining or blend-
ing in their own beliefs. Consequently, depending on where they lived, there
were Roma members in all of the major faith communities in Albania, though
most Albanian Roma are Muslims. 1
Though the Roma in the Balkans originally came from India, a number of
unproven stories about the origin of Albanian Roma have circulated in that
country for decades. Stuart Mann, for example, said that one tale brought some
Albanian Roma into the country during the early nineteenth century, as part of
the Egyptian intervention in the Greek revolution of 1821-1827. The Roma
came as slaves in the Sultan's army, and then escaped to Albania. Another story
says that some Roma followed an unnamed Spanish monarch into Italy, where
they behaved so badly that the unnamed king forbade them to return to Spain.
He then cursed them, saying "May you never take root anywhere!"2
These colorful stories are impossible to prove. The first concrete evidence
we have of a Roma presence in Albania comes in 1522-1523. By this time, the
Turks had conquered Albania, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Macedonia, and Serbia
and introduced the sophisticated Ottoman administrative and taxation system
throughout the region, which opened doors of opportunity for the Roma.
A Turkish census indicated that there were 374 Roma campfires in Albania,
indicating a Roma population of about 1,270. 3
About eighty years later, an Ottomanfzrman (decree) ordered that "taxes and
fines be collected from the Gypsies (Kibtian, i.e., Egyptians)" in the provinces
of Elbasan, Valona, Delvino, and Yannina in Albania, and Aetolia-Akarnania in
northwestern Greece. The decree, issued by Sultan Ahmed I Cr. 1603-1617),
ordered that settled Roma and nomadic Roma, who had previously "remained
as free as possible from the regulations of the central government," had to pay
Ottoman taxes, particularly the cizye or poll tax traditionally required of non-
Muslims. Muslim Roma had to pay 180 akfes and Christian Roma 250 akfes.
Ottoman records indicate that there were 5,940 registered Roma in this part of
the Ottoman empire, mostly Christian nomads. While the official collecting the
taxes was not to "harass or oppress" the Roma, he was also to make certain that
they did not try to claim improper exemptions as "iron workers, charcoal burners,
and castle watchmen." Furthermore, he was not to "allow them to be contuma-
cious and obstructive." The Turks were particularly concerned about the
nomadic Roma, whom they feared would try to "run away" or claim temporary
absence to avoid paying the new taxes. They were to be caught quickly and
forced to pay not only the 180 or 250 akr;es levy, but also a fine of 300 akr;es.
Ahmed I's firman also dealt with other taxes the Roma had to pay, such as fines
for various crimes as well as the ispem;, the slave tax. Ottoman regulations gave
slaves the option of paying a small tax plus "personal service," or simply a
larger amount without the "personal service." Local prejudices dictated that
Roma slaves probably paid the latter tax. 4
M. Roques also mentioned the Roma in his Le dictionnaire albanais de
1653, referring to them as "Aegyptus-magiop."5 In 1684, the Turks instituted a
new tax policy that was meant to "tax them [the Roma] out of existence."
According to Margaret Hasluck, the Ottomans regarded all Roma women in
the empire as prostitutes and the men as their pimps. Muslim Roma were now
required to pay an annual tax of 5 piastres (the new Ottoman currency) and
Christian Roma 6 piastres. 6 Such efforts were ineffective. The Albanian
provinces had become a refuge for Roma fleeing persecution in other parts of
the Balkans and Central Europe, and who, over time, became Muslims. John
Kolsti thinks that they were attracted to Albania because of its rich ethnic mix
and its traditions of nomadism. It was here, he notes, that the Roma "probably
came closest to finding a sense of equality with those around them."7
There is little information on the Roma in Albania until the end of World
War 1. By then, Albania was a nation troubled by serious domestic instabil-
ity and international uncertainty. Though Albania gained independence
from the Ottoman Empire in 19l3, only a rump Albanian state survived
World War 1. Threats from the new Yugoslavian kingdom saw Italy assume a
protective role of Albania, while domestically Muslim beys, or powerful
landlords, continued to dominate politics and the economy. Albania was pri-
marily a Muslim nation, though Muslim Roma were still not viewed as true
believers. Very often, they were not welcome in mosques or allowed to bury
their dead in Muslim graveyards. On the other hand, Albanians still permit-
ted Roma craftsmen to sell their goods in local markets, and nomadic Roma
continued to settle on the outskirts of towns and villages. Some sedentary
Muslim Roma even began to marry Turks and settled along the coastal
regions of the country. Gradually, these Roma began to lose ties to their
Roma past, particularly their language, Romani. In the mountains, Muslim
Roma bands of gurbati (beggars) moved about freely and frightened
Christian Albanian villagers. 8
These Cigans, as they are called, being no longer nomads, have lost
their language, though they still tell the tradition that their forebears
came over the sea from the direction of the sun (meaning Egypt). Their
type is very swarthy and quite unlike the average Albanian, but in
common with nomadic Romanies (Vlachs) their physique is poor. The
men, when they must work, become hamals or blacksmiths or execu-
tioners or scavengers-it is the Gypsy who drowns the stray dog and
carts away the refuse-tasks to which the Albanian will not stoop.
There are many of them at the ports, where they work as stevedores and
boatmen and porters. These women are stocky, hardworking, far neater
than the Tirana Moslems, and they are often employed as servants, for
the Albanian dislikes charing. Their noses are markedly semitic. Their
intelligence is average, but they keep their houses much cleaner than
the lowland Albanians. Nevertheless the latter despised them, so the
old official class is afraid foreigners should think them Albanian. 9
from begging, though many have become successful in all levels of Albanian
society. Courthiades says that they have a higher level of alcoholism than other
groups in Albania, and are known for their untrustworthiness. The fact that many
Albanians think that the Jevgjit are Roma tends to strengthen negative views of
the Roma. 12 What seems most to separate the two groups is their level of assim-
ilation. The Jevgjit tend to look down on the poorer Roma whom, they think, tend
to be disinterested "in living normally as Albanians," while the Roma view the
Jevgjit as inferior because they "have lost their culture.,,13
These stereotypes have long haunted the Roma in Albania, though their
mistreatment seems to have been less harsh than in other parts of the Balkans.
Enver Hoxha, the Stalinistic dictator ofAlbania from 1946 to 1985, said that "their
[Roma] tragic history is but a succession of persecution over the centuries."14
Such statements did little to alter public opinion of the Roma. Christian Albanian
folk tales depicted Muslims as pigs, while Muslim Albanians questioned the
commitment of Muslim Roma to some of the basic tenets ofIslam. 15
Hoxha's death in 1985 signaled an end to Albania's isolation. His successor,
an old crony, Ramiz Alia, gradually tried to distance himself from Hoxha's
repressive, isolationist policies. But there was little he could do to still ethnic
Albanian umest, particularly in light of Slobodan Milosevic's crackdown on
Kosovar autonomy in neighboring Yugoslavia. The gradual breakdown of the
communist system created social and economic chaos that led to food short-
ages, particularly in the winters of 1990-1991 and 1991-1992, and brought the
country close to collapse. 16
Unemployment rose to 40 percent by 1991, while six years later the country,
still one of the poorest in Europe, came close to economic collapse with a failed
pyramid banking scheme. Since then efforts to revive the economy and strengthen
its democratic institutions have been difficult. By 1999, Albania remained in
desperate straits, with the northern parts of the country under the control of gangs.
Its problems intensified with the flood of refugees from Kosova.1 7 The situation
has since improved and international observers noted that Albanian elections
have been fairly open and free. In 2005, the Democratic Party was swept to
power with promises of fighting corruption and improving the country's economic
problems. Though the unemployment rate has dropped officially to 14.3 percent
(unofficially 30 percent) since 1991, it remains a serious problem. 18
Today, there are 80,000-150,000 Roma in Albania out of a total population
of about 3.5 million. Albanians make up about 95 percent of the population.
The country is about 70 percent Muslim, 20 percent Orthodox, and 10 percent
Roman Catholic. 19 The vast majority of Albania's Roma are unemployed and
poor. The Open Society Foundation Soros (OSFS) puts national unemployment
at 18 percent. Overall Roma unemployment is 71 percent, though there are
some communities where 100 percent working age Roma are without jobs. To
survive, many Roma must rely on government assistance. 2o Unfortunately, "the
poorest Roma are allegedly denied social assistance by state offices in a
discriminatory manner."21
These problems are exacerbated by widespread illiteracy, which the OSFS
puts at 64 percent among young Roma between ages 7 and 20. These statistics
are doubly troubling in light of the fact that national literacy rates are 86.5 percent
for all Albanians over age 9. 22 Part of the reason for Roma illiteracy is dis-
crimination in the public schools. Roma parents are often hesitant to send their
children to school because teachers and students often pick on them and call
them" 'dirty Gypsy' or 'stupid Gypsy.' " Teachers also physically punish
Roma children using " 'measures' " that are "not always applied toward the
non-Roma children."23 Amaro Dram has initiated a number of projects
throughout Albania designed to enhance the quality of life for Roma. In
Levani, for example, Amaro Drom and Spolu oversaw the construction of a
sewer system for the 2,400 Roma living in the village. In Morava, Amaro Drom
helped local Roma obtain a building for a school. Some parents were hesitant
to send their children to a school five kilometers away because of dangerous
roads. Amaro Drom helped find facilities for a temporary school and then
worked with local officials to find a more permanent building in the village.
Attendance at the new school is high and local Roma support it because they
feel they own it. Elsewhere, Amaro Dram is involved in projects to help provide
Roma with better job skills or improved housing. 24
The Roma in Albania also suffer from other serious problems such as sex
trafficking. Lack of education and poverty make Roma women and children
particularly vulnerable to "trafficking," where they are forced into prostitution
or sexual slavery. Impoverished Roma women, thinking they are improving the
lives of their children by letting them work abroad, are often, in reality, selling
their children to sexual predators. Traffickers often use the promise of marriage,
employment, or a better life abroad; or, threats of violence to induce women to
follow them or send their children abroad. 25
One young Roma woman described her situation:
It was 2002. At that time I was seventeen years old. I fell in love with a
white young man. He deceived me, promising a safe future, even "mar-
riage ceremony" and stuff like that. It didn't happen that way as I fell
prey of trafficking, being sold to a friend of his from Korea.
It was winter and an icy weather. We departed to Greece at night, as
we had to go there illegally. T was tired and terrified by the long walk
in mountainous footpaths; without being aware of what was happening
to me. What I understood was that it was cold and I was missing my
family, even though 1 last saw them two days ago. When 1 reached the
place of trafficking, started the long torturing and overwhelming pain.
1 didn't want [to]. They beat me with the pants' belt. They forced me to
stay under icy water. They let me outdoors tied with a rope forcing me
to exercise that profession [prostitution]. It was even more painful
when Tstrived to leave somewhere else, but it was impossible.
They had located "protector" everywhere. Tremember when one of
them tore my hair so hard that he gave me a tuft of hair in my hand. Tn
the course of time my tears became even colder. An enormous hatred
started to emerge deep down [inside] myself. 1 sold my body for four
years. 1 was released from this agony, if 1 can say so, when a client of
mine not less than 25 years of age, saw in my body the signs caused by
the beating with the pants' belt. He stopped the sexual intercourse
immediately and swore before me that he would never have sex with a
prostitute. Thanks to him T am presently free, but my freedom is
cursed. That entire story left serious consequences in my life.
My body has already lost all the required energies. My mind
deteriorates from time to time because of past tortures and pain. 1 am
capable of nothing. T cannot report the persons who traffick because
Tam afraid of my family.
Twish only one thing: God, please don't abandon me and give me
strength to overcome that situation as 1 feel miserable. 26
The genocidal war that swept over Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1991 to 1995
has had a traumatic impact on that country's Roma. When Serbian forces
of the unstable situation in Bosnia. The United States Agency for International
Development has since stepped in and tried to aid the country's Roma, and an
All-Bosnia Roma Union was created to help. Human Rights Watch has done
everything possible to bring international attention to the plight of Bosnia's
Roma, and the Council of Europe recommended that the Bosnian government
recognize the Roma as an ethnic minority. 35
Unfortunately, little has changed in Bosnia and many Roma still live there as
stateless inhabitants without personal documents or full citizenship rights.
This, in tum, affects the ability of many Roma to apply for basic government
services such as housing, public education, health care, and voting rights. But
the lack of personal documents is only part of the reason that many Bosnian
Roma, the majority of them Bosniaks or Bosnian Muslims, suffer from high
unemployment, low literacy rates, and severe poverty. Their situation seems
more severe in the Republika Srpska, though many of these problems are
Bosnian-wide. A Council of Europe fact-finding mission in 1996 concluded
that most Muslim Roma from what is now the Republika Srpska felt that "the
very basic conditions in the field of human rights required to enable the return
of displaced persons are not met in the Republika Srpska."36 These difficulties,
in tum, are complicated by ongoing problems with police brutality and harass-
ment. Finally, Roma women and children have fallen prey to illegal sexual
predators who have forced or abducted many into Bosnia's "sex industry.'>37
With the exception of Albania, the economic, social, educational, and polit-
ical environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina is probably the worst in Europe,
both for the Roma and others. But the situation is much more dire for the
Roma. Though statistics vary widely, unemployment in Bosnia and Herzegovina
is slightly over 45 percent, though employment in the "grey economy" might
reduce that figure to 25-30 percent. Reports from NOOs indicates that only
about 1-1.5 percent of the Roma population have steady work, a figure con-
siderably lower than the pre-1992 figure of 17 percent. The situation is even
more severe for Roma women, many of whom are Muslim. About a fifth of the
Bosnian population lives below the poverty line and another 30 percent is close
to it. Yet literacy is quite high in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with about 95 per-
cent of the adults being able to read and write. About 86 percent of the coun-
try's children attend primary school and 79 percent secondary school. This is in
dire contrast to Roma attendance statistics, which indicate that 64 percent of
the country's Roma never attend primary school, one of the causes of high
Roma illiteracy rates. 38 The plight ofthe Roma in Bosnia and Herzegovina has
drawn a lot of international attention since the end of the Bosnian war. In 2001,
representatives from a number of Roma organizations met in Sarajevo to
develop a National Platform for Roma in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Roma
leaders hoped the National Platform,-which dealt with education, health care,
housing, employment, politics, and refugees-would be transformed into a
National Action Plan for Roma, and would include a survey in local Roma
communities. The meeting also created what later became the Council of
Roma (Vijece Roma), which would work with the government and local Roma
communities to develop Roma aid programs. In subsequent meetings, the
Bosnian government's Ministry for Human rights and Refugees promised to
create a national Advisory Board on Roma (Savjetodavni odbor za romska
pitanja) made up of government officials, Roma leaders, and members of the
international community. It did so a year later, making the new Advisory Board
a consultative body within the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and
Herzegovina. In 2002, the Advisory Board approved the first draft of its
Working Plan and Programme for 2002-2006, which addressed personal doc-
umentation, health care, education, employment, social welfare, property
return, refugees, and displaced persons. 39
Later that year, the Roma Advisory Board fine-tuned the Working Plan to
include "birth records; education in the Romani language; health insurance,
employment, and social care, facilitating the return of prewar property to
refugees and displaced persons; housing issues; the establishment of Romani
media; and possibilities for being informed on the Roman language."4o In 2003,
the government pledged to do everything possible over the next four years to
address Roma education, housing, and employment. In 2003, Bosnia's parlia-
ment passed the Law on the Protection of the Rights of the Members of
National Minorities (Zakon 0 zastiti prava pripadnika nacionalnih man-jina).
Article 3 granted the Roma minority status, which, on paper, changed their
legal status; Article 4 made it illegal to discriminate against the Roma or force
them to assimilate. It also protected their right to maintain and develop their
own language and culture and the right, in Article 11, to use their language
public ally and privately. Articles 13 and 14 allowed the Roma to set up their
own schools and develop materials for public education in their own language.
Article 19 gave them access to all levels of government service. 41
Unfortunately, according to many Roma activists, the Advisory Board did
not do a good j ob consulting Roma leaders about the minorities law. One Roma
organization in Tuzla, Sae Roma, sponsored a round table in 2003 to discuss the
draft of the minorities law and created a commission to gather and create pro-
posals for it. The commission submitted its proposals to the government only
to discover that the law was passed just a few days afterward, without even
looking at the Roma proposals. Roma leaders have also criticized the law for
its failure to offer minority protections to noncitizens, though there were
promises to make certain changes in the law. This is an important consideration,
given that many Roma forced abroad during the war have no documents and
cannot prove citizenship. And few Roma lmow anything about this law or their
minority status in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 42
For the most part, these efforts have had little impact on the Roma, and their
situation remains desperate. In fact, the United Nations' Committee on the
Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) concluded in 2004 that "there is
a silent boycott in Bosnia and Herzegovina towards [the] Roma population."43
Two years later, CERD conducted hearings in Geneva and noted that the Roma
Advisory Board "had not been truly effective" because of limited resources
and the failure of the government to consult it on matters dealing with Roma
issues. Little had changed in the field of education for the Roma and many still
found it difficult to regain the property lost during the Bosnian war, something
"crucial to their enjoyment of fundamental rights." The same was true of the
ongoing problem of "lack of identity documents.,,44
The European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) in Budapest has concluded that
the Roma in Bosnia and Herzegovina lack the basic protections against various
acts of discrimination. Many do not have access to the basic personal docu-
mentation "necessary for the fundamental social, economic, civil, and political
rights," and few have access to adequate, safe housing. It insists that the
Bosnian government should double its efforts to make the Roma a normal part
of society, including effective legal protections against all forms of discrimination,
and efforts to combat and eliminate Roma. 45
Like the Roma in other parts of the Balkans, the Roma in Bulgaria continue to
suffer from an environment so prejudicial that it fosters Roma "poverty and
despair." In some Roma communities, only 10 percent of eligible workers can
find employment. Most Roma still do not attend school beyond the elementary
level. The Project on Ethnic Relations says that "adequate health-care and other
basic services [for the Roma] are nonexistent."46 The fact that the Roma do not
have an effective political voice does not help. Article 11 of the Bulgarian con-
stitution forbids political organizations "formed on ethnic, racial, or religious
lines" to halt the development of political parties that would "prove divisive
for national unity by stirring up ethnic tension for political purposes." Court
challenges have enabled the Turkish Movement for Rights and Freedoms to
continue to be active, though similar political organizations for the Roma and
other minorities remain prohibited. 47
In fairness, the country's leaders have become more sensitive to the wide-
spread prejudice against the Roma. In 1997, President Petar Stoyanov apologized
to Bulgaria's Muslim community and Turkey for the Teodor Zhikov regime's
efforts to "Bulgarize" Turkish names. The following year, Stoyanov condemned
parliament member Roumen Vodenicharov's anti-Roma and anti-Semitic
comments at Zhikov's funeral. The Zhikov family also criticized Vodenicharov,
while the Bulgarian Socialist Party removed him from their election list.
Unfortunately, such condemnations have done little to ameliorate the more
serious problems of police and judicial mistreatment of the Roma. Attacks by
skinheads and other Bulgarians against Roma continue throughout the country.
The police and the courts provide little protection for the Roma since they are
often the victimizers. The widespread prejudice against the Roma means that
they are also discriminated against in other areas of society. Though there are
now 34 all-Roma schools in Bulgaria, only half the pupils attend class regularly
because of the discrimination they face in the classroom. Many of them prefer
to beg on the streets to help their families. 48
Today, there are about 800,000 Roma in Bulgaria out of a population of
7.3 million. Over 82 percent of Bulgaria's population is Orthodox and 12.2 percent
Muslim. Population-wise, the Roma wield a lot of potential political clout in cer-
tain parts of the country, though it is only recently that the Bulgarian government
has begun to offer the Roma the legal and other protections political activists
need to begin to flex their muscles. These efforts have in large part been driven
by pressure from the European Union, which will allow Bulgaria to become a
member in 2007 if the government agrees to address, among other issues, the
lack of legal and citizenship protections for the Roma and other minorities. 49
In 1999, the Bulgarian government and representatives from the Roma com-
munity signed a document creating the Framework Programme for Equal
Integration of Roma in Bulgarian Society. Over 70 Roma organizations
throughout the country voiced their support for this initiative. What made this
program different from others in the past was the involvement of major Roma
leaders and organizations in drafting the document. 5o The Framework's intro-
duction laid out the basic problems facing the Roma in Bulgaria.
Roma in Bulgaria are the group which occupies the lowest level in
the social hierarchy. They are not adequately represented in the
political life and the government of the country. Tn the social-aspect
as a whole, the status of the Roma is dramatically lower than the
Bulgarian average; high unemployment rate, deplorable living
conditions, bad health, high illiteracy rate, etc. These stable charac-
teristics in the situation of the Roma community are external mani-
festations and direct consequences of discriminatory treatment.
The elimination ofdiscrimination towards Roma should become one of
the main political priorities of the Bulgarian State.
The Framework then lays out eight major areas of concern that the government
needs to address to ensure that the Roma enjoy the complete fruits of democ-
racy in Bulgaria-laws to protect the Roma from discrimination, the creation
of a government committee to investigate and suggest ways to prevent dis-
crimination against the Roma, improvement in the economic status and well-
being of the Roma, adequate health care, improved housing and neighborhood
status, education, support for all manifestations of Roma cultural and ethnic
expression, equal access to media, and equal status for Roma women in all
aspects of life. 51
Though Bulgaria has made some progress in these areas, the Council of
Europe's European Commission against Racism and Intolerance reported in
2004 that there remained serious problems with police abuse of Roma. The
report also noted that
While police violence and abuse of Roma was one of the hallmarks of life for
Roma throughout Central and Eastern Europe in the immediate years after the
collapse of communism, it has continued to be a sad aspect of life for the Roma
in Bulgaria. In fact, the European Roma Rights Center in Budapest, which
monitors various Roma abuses throughout the region, has devoted more atten-
tion to this issue in Bulgaria than to any other subject. These problems have
extended into the prison system and the military. 53 One prison commandant,
Lieutenant-Colonel Karpatov, admitted to the discriminatory treatment of the
Roma in his prison:
They again send me a Gypsy sentenced to serve a year and a half effec-
tively in prison for having stolen some-thing small, like a rotten barn
door, when a non-Gypsy who steals a brand new luxurious car gets
away with a six month prison term, and even that term was suspended. 54
In 2004, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled against the
Bulgarian government in the case of Nachova and Others v. Bulgaria, which
involved the shooting of two Roma recruits by military police officers in 1996.
The ECHR, sitting as a Grand Chamber, confirmed its decision a year later.
Despite ample evidence to the contrary, military authorities cleared the four
officers involved in the shootings. In February 2004, the ECHR ruled that
the Bulgarian government had breached the victims' "right to life" under
the Council of Europe's Convention for the Protection of Humans Rights and
Fundamental Freedoms "by failing to adequately regulate the use of firearms
by military police, and by failing to properly investigate the young men's
This landmark decision was extremely important, both domestically and
internationally, since it highlighted a core problem in Bulgaria that had to be
addressed before the Roma could begin to feel safe and protected in their own
country. Roma activists and NGOs adopted a three-part strategy to address this
problem-use of the media to highlight the problem and force Bulgarian
authorities to address such abuses, legal challenges in Bulgarian courts, and
meetings with police to deal with the mistreatment. The Project on Ethnic
Relations and the Bulgarian Human Rights Project have met with national and
local police officials to discuss racist attitudes and behavior among the police
though, for the most part, these discussions seemed to have had very little
impact locally, since cases of police abuse of Roma continue to this day. Part of
the problem is police refusal to accept the fact that some officers are racists.
Police officials found it much easier to blame such behavior on the Roma
themselves and their serious social and economic problems. One police official
in Lorn who seemed sympathetic to the plight of the Roma said that "45 percent
of the criminals in the region are of Romani origin," a common stereotype in
Bulgaria and elsewhere. 56
The Roma have been more successful attacking this and other discriminatory
problems in the courts. In the fall of 2004, the Bulgarian parliament passed the
Protection against Discrimination Act that included an Anti-discrimination
Commission with various subcommittees to deal with racial and gender dis-
crimination. One of the groups actively involved in writing this legislation was
the Romani Baht Foundation. 57 What followed was a flurry of successful law-
suits filed by the European Roma Rights Center, the Romani Baht Foundation,
and the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee that dealt with anti-Roma discrimina-
tion. These groups, individually or collectively, won five important cases in
2004, which symbolized the beginning of the transformation of the Bulgarian
legal system to one more sympathetic to acts of discrimination against the
Roma. Dimitrina Petrova, the Executive Director of the ERRC, said:
Such cases, of course, do not address some of the deeper problems and
issues facing the Roma, which are linked to their low social and economic sta-
tus. Many of these problems, of course, are linked to their lack of education, a
serious issue for the Roma throughout Central and Eastern Europe. Literacy is
quite high in Bulgaria, as 98.6 percent of the population aged 15 and over can
read and write. About 8-16 percent of the Roma population are illiterate and
only 36--46 percent have a primary school education; 8-8.5 percent have gone
on to secondary school, and only 0.3-1 percent have a university education. 59
But these figures only tell part of the story. For decades, Bulgarian authori-
ties adopted a segregationist policy that forced Roma children to attend run-
down, underfunded schools in Roma neighborhoods. About 70 percent of the
country's Roma children attend these schools. Few can afford to attend kinder-
garten, and many often start first grade without adequate knowledge of the
Bulgarian language. These deficiencies often translate into forcing Roma chil-
dren into special schools for students with "mental disabilities." Ilona Tomova
has estimated that while Roma children "comprise 9.7 percent of the pupils
in mainstream schools, they amount to 32.1 percent in auxiliary schools [for
students with 'retarded mental development'] , 21.6 percent in vocational
schools [for juvenile delinquents], and 29 percent in schools for children with
behavioural problems."6o
All of this translated in a dramatic drop in the number of Roma students
attending public school. Khristo Kyuchukov estimated that 120,000 Roma
children attended school prior to 1989. These figures dropped to 50,000 in the
immediate years after the collapse of communism, even though there were
more Roma children than ever in Bulgaria. He attributed this decline to the bad
economic situation throughout the country, though there were deeper issues
that caused Roma parents not to want to send their children to school. The gov-
ernment responded with several programs designed to help Roma and other
students gain better lmowledge of Bulgarian before they entered first grade,
and published a bilingual reading book for Roma students. Authorities also
introduced some Roma culture and music classes in school with large Roma
student emollment. 61
In 2002, one Roma organization, Amalipe, in league with the Bulgarian
Ministry of Education and the Open Society Foundation-Sofia, introduced
optional folldore classes in 14 schools in Veliko Turnovo County. Teodora
Organisation Drom, with financial support from the Open Society Institute's
Roma Participation Program. Like the Veliko Turnovo project, the Vidin pro-
gram had to deal with more than busing, student funding, and prejudicial
teachers. There was also considerable community work convincing Roma par-
ents to let their children attend nonsegregated schools, who feared for their
children's mental and physical well-being in the integrated schools. Organisation
Drom mounted a major publicity campaign to support the project, which
helped strengthen community support for the project. Needless to say, the
Vi din project was a great success and has been duplicated in other surrounding
communities. Most importantly, it showed that when given patient instruction
and care, Roma students could perform as well as any non-Roma students in an
integrated public school, despite the fact that most Roma pupils entered the
Vi din schools considerably behind the non-Roma students. But Donka
Panayotova notes that the continued success of integration experiments rests on
a "good government agenda directing and financing such action, as well as
establishing good co-operation between the Roma non-government organiza-
tion and education officials."64
Frustrated by the pace of integration, Romani Baht and the European Roma
Rights Center filed a law suit against the Ministry of Education, the city of
Sofia, and the 75 th Todor Kableshkov Municipal School in Sofia in 2003,
charging them with racial segregation that forced Roma children to attend infe-
rior schools in all-Roma neighborhoods in Sofia. Though the plaintiffs lost this
case, they filed a second suit a year later against the Education Ministry, the
city of Sofia, and School No. 103 in Sofia on the same charges. The new
antidiscrimination law strengthened their hand and prodded the district court to
rule in the plaintiffs' favor. On October 25, 2005, the court declared that the
segregation of the Roma in School 103 "was not the result oftheir free will but
of circumstances beyond their control, accompanied by inaction on the part of
authorities obliged to take measures to remedy this situation." The court also
rejected efforts by school officials to blame the Roma children's "poor educa-
tional performance" on "irregular school attendance." It concluded that "the
negative consequences for society resulting from the existing situation are
Unfortunately, such victories, while impressive, simply plug the hole in the
dike of Roma inequality and discrimination in Bulgaria. At the very moment
that a corner seems to have been turned in terms of addressing one area of
discrimination, others crop up. This is particularly true when it comes to Roma
housing and housing rights. Roma property owners often find themselves
victims of urban development. Many Roma have built homes on municipal
property and, lacking documents to prove ownership, find themselves facing
further their own personal interests. 67 In 2003, 126 Roma, representing eight
Roma political parties, were elected to councilorships in 70 towns and cities
throughout Bulgaria. Unfortunately, Roma electoral successes fueled some
backlashes. In Samokov, for example, flyers were posted throughout the city
against a mayoral candidate the flyers claimed would turn the town into a
"Gypsy town" because he was so friendly with Roma. Similar claims were
made in flyers distributed in Razlog and Vidin. Sadly, there has also been crit-
icism within the Roma community about Roma political activists. Some claim
they are in it for the money or do it because they cannot find work in more
respected fields. But as Rumyan Russinov has noted, to be an effective figure
in the complex world of Bulgarian politics, you must do it full time as a "pro-
fessional politician." But the mere fact that there is such criticism is positive,
given the long history of Roma political inactivity in the country.68
Though Croatia and Slovenia have some of the smallest Roma populations
(30,000 to 40,000 out of 4.5 million; 3,000 to 10,000 out of 2 million respec-
tively) in Southeastern Europe, their small numbers have not protected the
Roma in these countries from suffering the same discriminatory fate as their
counterparts in other parts of the region. The situation in Croatia is unique
since there is one group, the Serbs, who suffer as much as the Roma. In 2004,
the Croatian government adopted a National Programme on the Roma as part
of its effort to seek European Union admission. In its introduction to the Roma
program, Croatian officials openly discussed the marginalization of the Roma,
the deterioration in their quality oflife, and the various educational, social, and
health care problems the Roma face in Croatia. It recognized the inability of
the Roma to "overcome the existing gap [in society] on their own," and pledged
government help in seeing that the Roma enjoyed their full rights under the
country's constitution. It also pledged to "eliminate all discrimination" against
the Roma. The ultimate purpose of the National Programme on the Roma was
"to provide systematic assistance to Roma to improve their living conditions
and to include them in social life and decision-making processes in their
local and wider community, while at the same time preserving their identity,
culture, and traditions."69
Unfortunately, this document has been criticized for its failure to address the
complexity of women's issues, particularly in its section on "Protection of the
Family, Maternity and Youth." This is partly caused by the fact that Roma
women, like most other minority females, suffer from dual discrimination both
in their relationship with Roma men and the larger society. The protection of
minority rights subsumes women's rights to those of the larger minority group
without addressing the special needs of women vis avis their special needs as
a minority within a minority. According to Ana Bogdanovic, there is, concep-
tually speaking, a clear "contradiction between the choice of framing the issue
in these terms and any goal of Romani women's empowerment." From her per-
spective, the most important issue is "who is protected by group-differentiated
rights of minority groups on a de facto level, men or women?" She thinks that
gender issues should be more carefully thought out and expressed in various
national plans for the improvement of the life for the Roma. 7o
The European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) also took up the issue of
women's rights in its Shadow Report to the United Nations' Committee on
Elimination of Discrimination against Women later in 2004. It was particularly
critical of the fact that there was inadequate statistical data to determine Roma
women's access to education, health care, employment, and other societal and
political opportunities. It considered portions of the National Programme on
Roma to be "contemptuous of Roma," "biased," and "paternalistic." The ERRC
also took Croatian officials to task for claiming in the program's introduction
that the Roma were "incapable of caring for itself," an indication that they
knew little about the Roma, statistically or otherwise. 7l
Another minority within a minority are Roma children, an issue addressed
by the United Nations Committee on the Right of the Child (UNCRC). In its
2004 report on Croatia, it was also critical of the failure of the Croatian gov-
ernment to collect reliable data on children, Roma or otherwise, under 18. This
lapse hindered the efforts to analyze the problems of Roma children and others.
Without such information, UNCRC said it was difficult to determine the
impact of societal discrimination on Roma youths, access to quality health care
and education, and the success of the National Programme on the Roma as it
related to Roma youth. 72
Slovenia's small Roma population suffers from different problems, in large
part driven by what Jasminka Dedic calls Slovenian administrative efforts to
ethnically "cleanse" its Roma population by dividing them into "autochthonous"
and "non-autochthonous" groupings. "Autocthonous" Roma are those who
have lived in Slovenia for more than a century, while "non-autocthonous" Roma
are those who arrived from other parts of the former Yugoslavia, particularly
since the 1970s. Essentially, use of this ill-defined term meant that many
"non-autocthonous" Roma were deprived of citizenship, something Slovenian
officials have since tried to clarify legally. Unfortunately, at least according to
the Council of Europe's European Commission against Racism and Intolerance
(ECRI), the definition, application, and use of these terms still confuses some
Roma who are unclear about its legal consequences. In its 2003 Second Report
on Slovenia, ECRI urged Slovenian officials instead to consider using terms
preferred by the Roma, "traditionally settled" and "non-traditionally settled.'>73
This ECRI report also criticized Slovenian officials for failing adequately to
implement its two initiatives on the Roma, the 1995 Programme of Measures
of the Protection of Roma in the Republic of Slovenia, and the 2000
Programme for the Employment of Roma in Slovenia. A third initiative, the
2004 Strategy for Education of Roma in the Republic of Slovenia, is too new to
evaluate, though there are hints that there are also problems with this program.
According to a report issued by the Council of Europe's Commissioner for
Human Rights in 2005, one of the goals of the educational initiative in one
model elementary school in Brsljin was to end segregated classes and move
Roma children into integrated classes during the 2004-2005 school year. Yet by
the spring of 2005, the European Roma Rights Center reported that the
80 Roma children in the school were to be moved back to segregated classes,
something Dr. Milan Zver, the Ministry of Education and Sport denied. Instead,
he claimed, Roma children would remain in mixed classes with other Slovene
children, though Roma children who were having trouble with the standard
curriculum would be taught using a special curriculum developed for their spe-
cial needs. 74 What is at play here, of course, is a question of perception.
Government officials interpret or misinterpret such programs and policies to fit
their perception of the problems, while the Roma view this much differently.
Little will change in Slovenia until both groups see eye-to-eye.
Czech Republic
Today there are approximately 300,000 Roma in the Czech Republic, out of a
population of 10.2 million. Prior to the formal separation of Czechoslovakia
into two nations on January 1, 1993, there were 150,000 Roma in the Czech
lands and 400,000 in Slovakia. The increase in Roma population in the Czech
Republic is due to the large number of Slovak Roma who fled westward to seek
a better life in the Czech landsJ5
Though the Czech Republic was distantly viewed as a model postcommunist
state, its discriminatory policies toward the Roma have tarnished this image.
Time and again, stories have appeared in the Western press detailing various
acts of discrimination and violence against the Czech Republic's Roma.
Skinhead violence has always been a problem since the collapse of commu-
nism in Czechoslovakia during the Velvet Revolution of 1989. In 1990, there
were 17 "racially motivated" crimes in the Czech Republic. This figure rose to
that would be watched 24 hours a day by the police. Though authorities agreed
to delay their plans, they were never completely abandoned. These decisions
were followed by skinhead attacks in Most and elsewhere. On June 17, 1999,
Usti nad Labem's city council voted to build a 70 foot cement "noise barrier"
to separate a Roma section of the city from a Czech neighborhood. The deci-
sion to erect the wall was met by widespread domestic and international
protests. 82
The city's Roma unsuccessfully occupied the site when construction of the
wall began on October 5, 1999. City leaders were once again inundated by
appeals from Czech President Vaclav Havel and the European Union to halt
construction of the wall. They responded by arguing that the 70 foot cement
"noise barrier" was a "symbol of law and order" and was designed to protect
Czech citizens from the "noise, garbage, and crime by their Gypsy neighbors."
The Roma countered that the wall reminded them of the concentration camps
and ghettos of the Holocaust. Petr Uhl, the Czech government's Human Rights
Commissioner, vowed that the wall would somehow be removed. Within six
weeks, it was gone, and is now standing at the Usti nad Labem zoo. But the
emotions it aroused did not disappear, particularly among the gadie (Romani;
non-Roma) in the area bordering the Roma ghetto. Some demanded that the
city buy their homes and move the Roma elsewhere. 83
In some ways, though, the "wall" incident marked a turning point for the
Roma in the Czech Republic. With the support of the European Roma Rights
Center in Budapest, and pressure from the European Union, the Council of
Europe, various NGO organizations, and other groups, Czech Roma have
gained access to the country's courts in an effort to challenge the more blatant
episodes of discrimination and violence they face. But these efforts have not
stopped the violence, which drew the attention ofthe United Nation's Committee
against Torture (UNCAT). In the spring of2004, the UNCT expressed concern
about "the persistent occurrence of violence against the Roma and the alleged
reluctance on the part of the police to provide adequate protection and to inves-
tigate such crimes." Though Czech officials have given considerable lip service
to such efforts, what is decreed in Prague seems to have little impact on local
officials. 84
Perhaps the most important of these challenges dealt with the ongoing pol-
icy of forced sterilizations of Roma women. Begun in the 1970s in an effort to
slow down the high Roma birth rates, the continuation of such practices drew
the attention of the UNCAT, which in 2004 urged the Czech government to
investigate such charges. While Czech officials denied that they had such a
program, it admitted that there were "cases in the 1990s where sterilisation was
performed in violation of binding legislation by individual doctors and hospitals."
They also later admitted that there was a "serious problem of a lack of patients
rights culture in the Czech medical community." In early 2005, 25 Roma
women who had been forcibly sterilized formed the Group of Women Harmed
by Sterilisation. Their goal was to work collectively to seek justice for the
crimes committed against their bodies. One of the group's leaders, Helena
FerenCikova, stated that the organization's goal was
They soon had gathered testimony of 76 women, most of them Roma, and
submitted these affidavits to the Czech Public Defender of Rights or
Ombudsperson. The Czech government had created this position to "remedy
the disadvantageous status citizens with respect to the system of state
In the spring of2005, Helena FerenCikova went to court over her forced ster-
ilization four years earlier, asking for damages of one million Czech crowns
(about $45,000). Once the Roma community learned of her case, she was inun-
dated with calls from other Roma women who had been similarly sterilized. In
November 2005, the District Court in Ostrava, where FerenCikova filed her
case, indicated it would rule in her favor. A month later, the Ombudsman issued
a report that concluded that the forced sterilization of Czech women continued
to be a problem in Czech society. He recommended changes in the country's
health care laws better to protect women from forced sterilization, including
the publication of a handbook on sterilization written for the lay person. He
also suggested better training for health care professionals on the legal rights of
patients regarding sterilization and suggested the government set up some
mechanism for giving reparations to women forcibly or ignorantly sterilized. 87
In 2006, Gender Studies, the League of Human Rights, and the ERRC issued a
Shadow Report on the discrimination against women in the Czech Republic. It
concluded that no action had been taken by the Czech government since the
release of the Ombudsman's report regarding reparations or prosecution of
those involved in the sterilization of Roma women. 88
In the end, the sterilization issue symbolizes the continued marginalization
of the Roma through Czech society. Laura Laubeova has drawn attention to the
growing tension between Roma and non-Roma in the Czech Republic, which,
when coupled with 70 percent-90 percent unemployment rates and inadequate
educational and job training opportunities, have "contributed to the violence
toward and criminalisation of the Roma community." This has all helped to cre-
ate, she concludes, stereotypes that depict the Roma as the "most dangerous"
group in Czech society. When coupled with public attitudes about Roma
criminality, it is little wonder that Roma who want to be integrated into the
workforce and the public education system find it so difficult to do SO.89
The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance's Third Report on
the Czech Republic was even more critical of Czech efforts to help integrate the
Roma into Czech society.
Roma women in Slovakia have suffered from similar abuses though such mis-
treatment should be put in the broader category of inadequate health care not
only for Roma women but for all Romani. This in turn is influenced by the
widespread hatred of the Roma through much of Slovak society, which mani-
fests itself in widespread violence and discrimination against the Roma. All of
these issues combine to make Slovakia a very unhealthy place for the country's
380,000-500,000 Romani (out of a population of 5.4 million). Most of the
ECRI's 2004 Third Report on Slovakia dealt with the continual problems faced
by Roma in Slovakia. The report took Slovak officials to task for their failure to
address adequately the Roma's high unemployment rates (80 percent-l 00 percent),
housing conditions that are so bad that most Roma settlements lack even "the
basic amenities such as water, sanitation, and electricity," and limited access to
proper health care. It also encouraged Slovak officials to do more to empower
the Roma and make them an integral part of any government initiatives
designed to help their communities. More also had to be done, the report con-
tinued, to help change the very negative public climate for the Roma. It also
raised the question of reports about ongoing sterilization of Roma women and
continual educational problems for Roma children. In some parts of the coun-
try, up to 80 percent of Roma children are placed in special schools for the
mentally challenged. They also suffer from widespread discrimination and
abuse in the schools, which in large part explains why so few Roma children
get beyond elementary school. It concluded that "the over-arching goal of pro-
viding the Roma with the opportunity to participate on an equal footing within
an integrated society seems far from being realised."92
Indiscriminate violence toward the Roma has been a feature of Slovakian
society since the collapse of communism. It was so widespread in the 1990s
that the European Roma Rights Center titled its 1997 study on the plight of the
Roma in Slovakia Time of the Skinheads. In some ways, this violence very
much reflected the racist political climate in Slovakia under the government of
Vladimir MeCiar, who was wellimown for his anti-Roma sentiments. But right-
ist politicians still feel comfortable making public racist statements about the
Roma. Robert Fico, who became Slovakia's prime minister in 2006 as head of
the Direction-Social Democracy Party (Smer-socitilna demokracia), pledged
during his 2002 campaign that he would "actively effect the irresponsible
growth of the Romani population." Jan Slota, whose Slovak National Party
(Slovenska narodna strana), in league with MeCiar's People's Party-
Movement for A Democratic Slovakia (L'udova strana-Hnutie za demokraticke
Slovensko) and Fico's party, took control of the government in 2006, com-
mented that year when asked about the problem of prostitutes in the country,
"those hideous [people], [they are] mostly Gypsies that just stand there, they
should be simply beaten."93
Such attitudes are widespread throughout the country. Public opinion polls
indicate widespread dislike of the Roma throughout the country: 80 percent of
a recent poll's respondents indicated that they would be uncomfortable having
Roma living in their neighborhoods, while many expressed strong dislike for
what they perceived to be the Roma's principal negative traits-"criminal
activity, avoidance of legitimate jobs, poor hygiene, drinking, noisiness, and
craftiness." David Z. Scheffel noted in his Svinia in Black and White: Slovak
Roma and their Neighbors that attitudes toward the Roma in the eastern
Slovakian village were based on the perception that the Roma were unable to
"live up to basic standards of civilized behavior." Most of the residents of
Svinia viewed the Roma that lived in the local ghetto as, collectively, an
"animalistic society that generates and adheres to customs that negate Slovak
norms ofpropriety."94 One shopkeeper who dealt frequently with the village's
Roma said:
Prime Minister MeCiar echoed these very sentiments a decade earlier when he
told a crowd in Spissld Nova, in response to growing worries about Roma pop-
ulation explosion.
It is easy to see how anti-Roma violence and prejudice has flourished in this
environment. It has also helped to keep the Roma at the edge of Slovak society.
In her landmark study on the plight ofthe Roma in Slovakia, On the Margins:
Slovakia Ina Zoon laid out three major areas in dire need of attention-legal
standards, health care, and housing. At root, of course, is the dire poverty faced
by the Roma throughout the country. According to the World Bank, a quarter of
the country's Roma live on less than $2 a day ($730 annually), far less than the
per capital income of $16,100. Such abject poverty forces unemployed Roma
to rely on social services for survival. The racial climate of the country is the
principal reason for such high Roma unemployment figures. Nothing else
could explain the wide gap between national unemployment rates (1l.7 per-
cent) and Roma unemployment figures (80-100 percent).97 One Roma NGO
noted: "the color of the skin ... [is] one of the decisive feature[s] for being
accepted for a job ... [and is] a decisive element in dismissing
employees ... and in conducting business."98
Housing is another serious area of concern. Ina Zoon notes that the
"Romani communities of Slovakia suffer some of the most appalling living
conditions that exist in Central and Eastern Europe." A third of Slovakia's
Roma live in squalor just hours from Vienna. Most of these Roma communi-
ties have no electricity or running water and are disease-infested since they
have no sewer systems. Conditions in many urban Roma ghettos are no better.
Such problems translate into considerably reduced life expectancy rates and
higher infant mortality rates for the Roma vis avis the general population. Part
of the problem is legal, though much of it is rooted in the general prejudice
toward the Roma throughout Slovakian society. Many health care professionals
feel open hostility toward the Roma "because of their race, the color of their
skin, their poverty, and their lack of education." There are a number of reported
cases of health care professionals openly expressing their disgust in front of
their Roma patients. One physician in a Roma ghetto told his patients, "you
stink" and frequently called them "dirty dog[s]" or "idiot Gypsy," while nurses
in Vitkovce constantly humiliated their Roma patients. In Kosice, physicians
told Roma women after they gave birth, "Well, you knew how to go to your
man's bed, so now you look after yourself." I 02
These problems, of course, have further isolated the Roma and enforced
public attitudes about the importance of completely isolating and segregating
them from Slovakian society. Many of the problems faced by the Roma can be
attributed to core racial prejudice. But this, in turn, has been influenced by the
political environment and the fact that, relatively speaking, Slovakia is a poor
country that spends a far smaller amount on health care per capita than many
of its richer European neighbors. In many ways, Slovak authorities seemed to
have left the Roma to their own devices when it comes to these problems. In
some cases, their response has been dramatic, underscoring their desperation,
as evidenced by the riots in 2004 in Kosice, Presov, Banska, and Bystrica coun-
ties to protest cuts in welfare payments that seriously affect large Roma families.
The Slovak press collectively responded to these outbursts with headlines that
read "This is War!,,103
In the summer of 1998, this author and several other Roma specialists testified
before the United States Congress' Commission on Security and Cooperation
in Europe to discuss the plight of the Roma in Central and Eastern Europe vis
a vis the prospect of American funding for the upgrading of the militaries of
Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic, which were up for NATO member-
ship. Congressman Christopher H. Smith asked the group if there were any
success stories when it came to Roma policy in Central and Eastern Europe
and if we could rank countries from worst to best when it came to adoption and
implementation of innovative policies toward the Roma. This author responded
that "you were talking about varying degrees of bad or worse" with "Hungary
being the best of the worSt.,,104 I think that statement holds true today.
anti-Hate Speech Act and the Minorities Act, even though two Ombudsman
officials declared the game in violation of both laws. III
But even more troubling was the 2005 statement by Bishop Andras Veres
that the Hungarian Catholics' Bishop Conference agreed that white Hungarian
children should not be forced to attend school with poor [Roma] children, since
this would be a "setback for 'normal' children." This caused outrage through-
out Hungary's Roma community, prompting a group of prominent Roma lead-
ers and intellectuals to sign a statement objecting to the continued discrimination
of Roma children throughout the public school system. Aladar Horvath, the
head of the Roma Right Foundation, said that 50 percent of Roma school chil-
dren are forced into classes for mentally challenged students. I 12
Troubled by such attitudes, the European Roma Rights Center filed a detailed
Shadow Report with the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child
complaining about the difficulty they had getting reliable data on Roma children,
the forced removal of Roma children from their homes, discrimination in the
adoption process in Hungary, inadequate health care for Roma children, inade-
quate access to decent housing for Roma families, which affects the welfare of
their children, widespread school segregation, and adequate protection for abused
Roma children. While the report applauded government efforts to improve life for
Hungary's Roma children, it concluded that more needed to be done. Far too many
Roma children still lived in poverty and some were literally starving to death.
Almost 900 Roma settlements lacked a kindergarten, meaning that a fifth of the
country's Roma children would be sent to public school without the linguistic
skills necessary to compete with other Hungarian children. When this happened,
the Roma children were often forced into schools for the mentally challenged,
which deprived "them of future possibilities to get into higher education and get
access to the labour market." Extremely poor Roma children are often then
removed from their homes and placed in state-run facilities "which can lead to
homelessness. And then the vicious circle goes around.,,113
Csaba Bader, the chairman of the RomaNet Media Foundation, aRoma
internet learning center in Hungary, complained after the Hungarian Catholic
Bishops' Conference issued its statement about the segregation of Roma chil-
dren in the public schools, that "government in Hungary and the EU have done
nothing to disperse anti-Roma behaviours and hate-speech against the Roma
community."114 Given its NATO (1999) and European Union (2004) member-
ship, one would have expected more from Hungary, particularly in light of the
traditional suffering of Hungarian minorities in other parts of Europe. But
today, it would even be hard to make the case that Hungary's 450,000-600,000
Roma (out of a total population of 10.2 million) are much better off than their
brethren in other parts of Central and Eastern Europe. I IS
Until recently, few people other than Balkan specialists knew anything about
the Serbian province of Kosovo. About 88-92 percent of Kosovo's 2 million
people are Albanians, most of them Muslims. The 1991 census showed a
Kosovar Roma population of 43,000, though the European Roma Rights
Center has said that the Roma could make up as much as 5 percent of the
Kosovo's population. Shani Rafati, though, says that there were 200,000-250,000
Roma in Kosovo before the 1999 conflict. 116
Roma are mentioned in Kosovo as early as the late fifteenth century. They
were known as skilled smiths and metal workers. A census in 1520 indicated
that there were 164 Roma families in Pristina, 145 in Novo Brdo, and a few
scattered Roma settlements in other parts of Kosovo. Only a minority of these
Roma families were Muslim. During this period, the Ottoman government ini-
tiated new tax policies that saw Muslim Roma pay fewer taxes than Christian
Roma. As elsewhere in the Balkans, Muslim Roma in Kosovo were highly
regarded by the Turks as soldiers. I 17
Most Muslim Roma, who were known as magjups, were now sedentary and
lived primarily in Prizren, Pes, Gjakova, and Pristina. They spoke Albanian and
worked as metal smiths, iron workers, or unskilled laborers on farms. Most of
Kosovo's nomadic Roma were Albanian Orthodox, while the nomadic Roma in
eastern Kosovo were Serbian Orthodox. There were also semi-nomadic
Muslim Roma in KoSOVO.11 8
There is little information on the Roma in Kosovo over the next four
centuries, though the 1948 Yugoslav census indicates there were 11,000 Roma
in the province. I 19 It was during this period that the Serbs reasserted control
over what became known as the Serbian autonomous Province of Kosovo-
Methohija. The Albanians were now allowed greater use of their language and
some autonomy, though the Serbs continued to hold the most important gov-
ernment positions. On the other hand, Kosovo's ethnic Albanians began to
assume more control over the League of Communists, the police, and the secu-
rity organs. Serb control over Kosovo was also affected by the drop in the num-
ber of Serbs and Montenegrins in the province. Between 1961 and 1981, the
percentage of the total population dropped from 27 percent to 15 percent. By
the time that the Kosovar war broke out in 1999, Serbs made up only 10 percent
of it's population. 120
Kosovar dissatisfaction with earlier Serbian police repression and bad eco-
nomic conditions prompted a series of changes in the Yugoslav Federal
Constitution in 1974. Kosovo became an autonomous province within Serbia
along with Vojvodina, though the Serbs resented their loss of total control over
Kosovar affairs. Such attitudes worsened after Albanian Kosovar street demon-
strations broke out in 1981. The demonstrators called for independence and
union with Albania. Many Albanian Kosovars were frustrated by the fact that
though Serbs and Montenegrins made up only 15 percent of the population,
they controlled almost a third of the jobs. This resentment was compounded by
the fact that Kosovo had the highest unemployment figures in Yugoslavia. 121
Serbs and Montenegrins fled Kosovo in such large numbers after the demon-
strations that by the end of 1981 they made up only 10 percent of the popula-
tion. This exodus shocked the Serbs, who felt they were losing control of the
cradle of Serb civilization. Slobodan Milosevic, who became head of the
Serbian Communist Party in 1987, used the Kosovo crisis to inflame Serb
nationalism. 122 In fact, it was his speech at Kosova Polje on April 24, 1987 that
helped propel him to the Serb presidency two years later. Milosevic gave the
talk just after a meeting with angry Kosovar Serbs who complained of mis-
treatment at the hands of Kosovar Albanians.
First T want to tell you, comrades, that you should stay here. This is
your country, these are your houses, your fields and gardens, your
memories. You are not going to abandon your lands because life is
hard, because you are oppressed by injustice and humiliation. It has
never been a characteristic of the Serbian and Montenegrin people to
retreat in the face of obstacles, to demobilize when they should fight,
to become demoralized when things are difficult. You should stay
here, both for your ancestors and your descendants. Otherwise you
would shame your ancestors and disappoint your descendants. But 1
do not suggest you stay here suffering and enduring a situation with
which you are not satisfied. On the contrary! It should be changed,
together with all progressive people here, in Serbia and Yugoslavia.
Yugoslavia does not exist without Kosovo! Yugoslavia would disinte-
grate without Kosovo! Yugoslavia and Serbia are not going to give up
The Serbs now tried to draw some Roma leaders into alliance with Kosovar
Serbs. Many Kosovar Roma had voted for Milosevic as president in 1990
because, as one Roma noted, "We thought in the beginning he was good. We
did not know that he would set a trap for US.,,12S The trap centered around a bar-
gain that gave the Roma a modest role in governing Kosovo in return for their
support of the province's Serbian rulers. In reality, few Roma gained from this
alliance and most remained politically "mute." Claude Cahn and Tatjana Peric
concluded that most Roma stayed out of politics because they felt trapped
between the "exacting standards of loyalty among the Albanian community"
and the "omnipresent Serbian police."126
Regardless, most Kosovar Albanians saw the Roma as Serbian allies. This
was particularly true after the NATO air campaign in the spring of 1999 ended
Serbia's brutal "ethnic cleansing" campaign in the province. According to one
Kosovar Albanian, the "Albanians feel much more betrayed by the Roma than
by the Serbs, who were always against them-it is much more emotionally
charged. Gypsies lived predominantly with the Albanians and went to Albanian
schools, but they always voted with the Serbs." What particularly angered some
Kosovar Albanians, particularly in the capital, Pristina, which had a large
Muslim Roma population, was the fact that the Roma seemed to flaunt their
pro-Serb feelings. The New York Times, for example, reported that at the height
of the ethnic cleansing campaign, Pristina's Roma organized "a parade of their
own police unit.,,127
Ibrahim Makolli, the head of the Council for the Defense of Human Rights
and Freedoms in Pristina, partially defended some of the Roma. He said that
the Serbs had drafted many of the Roma and possibly forced some of them to
behave the way they did. The Serbs, he noted, often forced the Roma to do the
"worst jobs" such as collecting the bodies of the dead and burying them.
Regardless, he explained, many Kosovar Albanians would "find it hard to for-
give the apparent alacrity with which many Roma looted, burned, and wielded
weapons during the last months" of the ethnic cleansing campaign. He added
that he had testimony that some Roma took part in the Serb atrocities against
Kosovo's Albanians. Other Roma, he explained, "took people from refugee
columns, they demanded identification papers, they took action in the same
way that the Serbian forces did.,,128 Mr. Makolli said that the Albanians
expected such behavior from the Serbs. They did not expect the Roma to
behave like Serbs. 129
Yet who were these Roma accused of helping the Serbs? A statement by the
Pristina office of Rromani Baxt in August 1998 discussed the role played by
some Roma in Kosova since the end of World War II. According to Rromani
Baxt, some Roma groups did play the "Albanian card" to ingratiate themselves
with the Serbs. They were encouraged by what Rromani Baxt called "a hand-
ful of pro-Serbian politicians," some of whom were Roma. This small group,
Rromani Baxt claimed, "lead a strong campaign of propaganda against the
'Albanian danger' all over Serbia." Many of the Roma who supported the Serbs
were Orthodox, though there were also some pro-Serbian Muslim Roma.
According to Rromani Baxt, the pro-Serbian Roma hoped to get "more help
from a strong central government than from the local Albanians of their every-
day life, who had disappointed them."130 Some of the pro-Serbian Roma,
Rromani Baxt claimed, were not Roma at all, but a Muslim group known as the
Ashkali, who originally came to the Balkans from Egypt. Rromani Baxt said
that the Ashkali were among "the most fiendish groups in Kosova and showed
'an alarming barbarian cruelty.' " Even so, Rromani Baxt noted, there was
nothing to indicate that these groups had caused physical harm to anyone in
KoSOVO. 131
There were many Roma, though, who did not support the Serbs and who suf-
fered from Serb abuse. Some Muslim Roma were driven out of their homes
throughout Kosovo by Serbian police during the NATO bombings, and there is
some evidence of Serbian policemen raping Roma women before the air cam-
paigns began. Roma refugees said that in some cases, the Serb police forced
them to loot and burn Kosovar homes to ensure that the Roma would be blamed
for some of the destruction. 132
Yet the Serbs were not the only ones who mistreated the Roma. Roma
refugees reported numerous instances of threats and murders by the Kosovo
Liberation Army (U<;K). U<;K soldiers attacked Roma who had Serbian friends
and raped Roma women. There were also cases where Albanians mistreated
Roma in efforts to get them to declare that they were Albanian. Mamidije
Krasiai described the deadly world of the Muslim Roma in Kosovo.
There was shooting everywhere around us. The Albanians from one
side, the Kosovo Liberation Army, and the Serbian military and police
from the other. We were abused by both sides. Roma were beaten and
our lives depended on the money, food and other goods that we were
forced to give to anyone who asked for it. Our lives became even worse
after the beginning of the NATO air strikes. When the NATO bombing
started, the Serbian police and military started to all treat us more
intensively, because they considered us Albanians. So we had to run
away, and we did so in April [1999]. Since we had no passports, we
decided to go through the forest and to cross the Macedonian border
illegally. While running through the forest we noticed Serbian military
on patrol. We all lay down, so they did not see us and passed us by. So
we crossed the border and now we are in Kumanovo [Macedonia]. 133
Once the fighting ended, returning Albanian Kosovars took revenge on the
Serbs and Roma who remained in Kosovo. They attacked, looted, and burned
any town or village with a Roma quarter. In fact, even before the Kosovars
returned home, they attacked Roma in refugee camps in Albanian and
Macedonia. In the Cegrane refugee camp in Stankovec, Macedonia, angry
refugees assaulted a Roma family on June 5, 1999. Catholic aid workers said
that if they had not rescued a 7-year-old Roma boy from his attackers, they
would have tom him apart. The Albanians accused the boy's father and brother
of being Serb collaborators. According to one aid worker, the Kosovars "had
fire in their eyes." By the end of July 1999, there were few, if any, Roma left in
KoSOVO. 134
The intensity of the attacks shocked human rights groups and Roma organi-
zations. Soon after the NATO bombings began, the International Romani
Union (IRU) in Berlin decried unsubstantiated press accounts in France, Italy,
and Kosovo that pointed to Roma paramilitary attacks against Albanians. The
IRU statement also criticized the use of the word cigitny and Gypsy in
the press, both words laden with prejudicial meaning. In an allusion to the
Holocaust, the declaration stated:
The Rromani Union is convinced that democratic Europe and the civi-
lized world will not permit that genocide of our people will repeat
itself. And that they will use all media to their disposal, without hesita-
tion to block the mechanisms that lead to such a genocide. 135
The Balkan Roma Conference on Peace and Security, which met in Sofia,
Bulgaria from June 18 to 19, 1999, also drew on the Roma tragedy during the
Holocaust to remind the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the European
Commission, and NATO of the threat to Kosovar Roma, both in refugee camps
and in Kosovo itself. On July 14, 1999, the United States' Commission on
Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) sent Secretary of State Madeline
Albright a letter asking her "what measures the Department is seeking to
ensure their [Roma] safety during this period of refugee resettlement" in
Kosovo, in refugee camps, and in other countries. The CSCE also wanted to
know what was being done to bring Kosovar Roma to the United States. 136
In reality, nothing had been done to protect the Roma, since NATO had not
foreseen the tremendous refugee problem in Kosovo. In fact, the United
Nations' administration in Kosovo admitted that "little thought was given to
protecting innocent Serbs or Gypsies from revenge." By mid-August 1999,
there were only 20,000-25,000 Serbs left in Kosovo out of a population that
had numbered almost 200,000 only months earlier. Almost all of Kosovo's
Roma had fled the province. 137 Those who remained did so without any hope
of protection from Albanian forces, though a few Roma were elected to parlia-
mentary seats in November 2001 elections. 138 The United Nations High
Commissioner on Refugees reported on the severity of this problem in 2002.139
These fears finally exploded in March 2004, when a wave of anti-Roma, anti-
Egyptian, anti-Ashkali, and anti-Serb violence swept Kosovo, led by ethnic
Albanians. Scores of homes and churches were destroyed in the pogrom. 140 On
May 18,2004, Kosovo's Ombudsperson sent letters to a number of European
countries hosting Kosovar refugees and advised them not to return to Kosovo.
He said that Roma as well as Ashkali and Egyptians, groups often associated
with the Roma, faced "considerable risks to their personal safety" if they
returned. Moreover, if they did so, this would "violate international human
rights standards." 141
Sadly, their situation has not improved. On June 27,2005, representatives of
the European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) in Budapest gave testimony before
the European parliament about the plight of the Roma in Kosovo. They pro-
vided parliament members with evidence of continued human rights abuses
including constant threats of violence and basic human rights protection. These
were some of the reasons that many Roma feared returning to Kosovo. And for
those brave enough to do so, ERRC representatives told parliament, they could
find neither work nor adequate housing as most of their homes were either
destroyed or stolen during the civil war. 142
Those who remained in Kosovo have suffered unspeakable hardships. In
Mitrovica, once home to one of Europe's largest and most prosperous Romani
communities, some Roma have been forced to live in squalid refugee camps
near a toxic waste site. In 1999, the United Nations set up three refugee camps
(Cesmin Lug, Kablar, and Zitovac) in northern Kosovo after the destruction of
the Roma mahalle in Mitorvica. Though these camps were meant to be tem-
porary, hundreds of Roma continued to live there until late 2005. The camps,
built near a toxic waste site, were so unhealthy that in 2005 the World Health
Organization (WHO) considered them unfit for habitation and called for the
"immediate evacuation of the children, relocation of the camps, and immedi-
ate treatment." The Roma forced to live there suffered from "high levels of
lead in their blood streams, causing stunted growth, mental retardation and
paralysis." Canadian relief efforts to move the Roma to a healthier French mil-
itary camp in the same region offered no real solution since this site was also
contaminated. 143
In many ways, the health crisis of the Roma in the Mitrovica has come to
symbolize the dreadful plight of the Roma throughout Kosovo. If, as seems
possible now, Kosova gains full independence from Serbia, then "this elephant
in the room [Kosovar independence]" could actually make things worse for the
Roma. Most could be forced to flee to Serbia while those living as refugees in
other European countries could be forced to return to Kosova, where they
would be unwelcome. The Ontario Consultants for Religious Tolerance have
concluded that "the Roma in Kosovo may be the most oppressed of all. They
appear to be hated by both the Albanian/Muslim majority and the Serbian/
Christian minority" in a country the ERRC calls a "human rights vaccum" for
Roma. 144
Though Macedonia did not suffer from the same dreadful upheavals of Bosnia
and Kosovo in the 1990s, it is still a country with serious problems that have
deeply affected the Roma. According to Judith Latham, the Roma in
Macedonia have always been an "underclass," who, though not as despised as
elsewhere in the Balkans, are still viewed as "dirty" and "lazy." Hugh Poulton
adds that most Roma in Macedonia live well below the economic norm and
face constant discrimination. He adds that few Macedonian Roma have obtained
the education necessary to join the country's professional ranks, and most are
employed in industrial jobs or work as farmers. 145 Despite this, Human Rights
Watch concluded in a 1996 report that
The Malopolska project was the first national government effort to address
the problems in the Roma community and was partially driven by negative
international publicity over the flight of large numbers of Roma to Great
Britain and efforts to draw closer to the European community. The pilot pro-
gram in Malopolska Province in the Krakow area was to address education,
housing, unemployment, health, security, culture, and public lmowledge of the
Roma. The Polish government allotted 1.5 million zlotys ($468,750) for the
first year of the program and six million zlotys ($1,875,000) for the next two
Roma leaders in Maloposka Province insisted on education being the first
priority of the program, with an emphasis on hiring Roma assistants in the
public schools, providing special help sessions for Roma students in certain
subjects, free school supplies for Roma students, and special training sessions
for principals, teachers, and Romani assistants. Unfortunately, Roma leaders
such as Andrzej Mirga, while applauding this initial effort, were concerned
over the failure of the program to address the issue of segregated Roma classes
set up a decade earlier. Roma leaders felt such classes were a throwback to gov-
ernment policies ofthe 1960s and 1970s and worked "against the very interest
of Romani children, since it diminishes their chances for getting a normal edu-
cation and deprives them of equal educational opportunities." Mirga was also
concerned over the failure of the program to introduce classes on Roma his-
tory, culture, and language. He was also critical of the fact that the government
failed to appoint Roma to the program's various governmental program coor-
dinating bodies. Finally, he argued that it also failed to address the serious
issues of "discrimination and racism."163
Such criticism ultimately led the government to create the National
Programme for the Roma Community. In its written introduction to this
new plan, the Ministry of Interior woefully underestimated the size of the
Roma population in Poland and blamed some of the Roma's problems on
the former communist government and its assimilation policies. And while the
report admitted that the Roma suffered greatly, the ministry noted that the
Roma were also partially to blame for their plight. Roma cultural distrust of
outsiders and their refusal to take advantage of "the rights guaranteed by the
Republic of Poland and ethnical minorities," government authors explained,
were part of the reason for high Roma unemployment, their growing sense of
insecurity, and numerous social and health problems. 164 While there is certainly
no question that Roma cultural traditions have been something of a barrier to
greater integration in Polish society, such a tone only serves further to alienate a
Roma community already suspicious of failed government efforts to force them
to assimilate into a society that really does not seem to care for them.
Though the 2002 census only showed a Roma population of 535,250 out of
2l.7 million (22.3 million in 2006), estimates are that there are about l.8-2.5
million Roma in Romania, making it home to the largest Roma population in
the world. In many ways, it could be argued that Romania is the European
homeland of the Roma. 165 Given these numbers, and Romania's historic back-
wardness over the past half century, it is not surprising that the Roma have
fallen victims to widespread discrimination and violence in the years since the
collapse of communism. In its 2006 report on Romania, the Council of
Europe's Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) called the plight
of the Roma in Romania "disturbing." The report noted that the Roma continue
to be discriminated against in education, employment, housing, health care,
and are frequently denied access to public places. Though the Romanian gov-
ernment promised to address these issues in its decade-long Strategy for
Improving the Situation of the Roma, which was adopted in 2001, the ECRI
noted that the programs lacked adequate funds and "the necessary political will
to ensure the success of the Strategy." What's doubly troubling about all ofthis
is that the government feels that it has fulfilled the initial goals of the Strategy,
while outside observers note just the opposite. In 2002, Prime Minister Adrian
Nastase said that "the Strategy is excellent, we adopted it, everybody was sat-
isfied, and after that we put it in the drawer.,,166
The real success of any such program, of course, is its impact on local Roma
communities. Yet according to the Open Society Institute's detailed report on
the impact of the Strategy in five counties with large Roma populations
(Briiila, Cluj, Dolj, Ja:;;i, and Timi:;;), its impact "remains low" mainly because
its objectives "have not been successfully translated to the local level." In fact,
local officials are generally unaware of how to implement the Strategy's goals.
This is because the "administrative structures at the central and local levels are
still functioning poorly and lack financial and material resources.,,167
In many ways, such government inaction stems from the generally negative
view of the Roma throughout Romanian society. Its most public expression
comes in the form of public and police violence, something that has haunted
the Roma in the decades since the collapse of the government of Nicolae
Ceause:;;cu in 1989. If anything symbolized the horror of such violence for
Rom, it was the pogrom in Hiidiireni in 1993 that saw the murder of three Roma
males (two were beaten to death; the other burned to death) and the destruction
of fourteen Roma homes. Though the Roma filed charges against 12 civilians
and several police officers, they were soon dropped against all ofthe policemen
despite subsequent trial testimony documenting their involvement. The Roma
received only token payments for their losses. In 2000, after Romania's presi-
dent pardoned two of the three civilians convicted of the murders, the ERRC's
legal office brought the case before the Council of Europe's European Court
for Human Rights (ECHR). In the fall of 2004, the ECHR advised the
Romanian government to work out a "friendly" agreement with the injured
Roma, resulting in a settlement of 238,000 Euros. The court ruled a year later
that "the applicants' Romani ethnicity played a decisive role in the incidents of
1993 as well as in the subsequent failure of the authorities to investigate the
events and provide redress to the applicants."168 Needless to say, this case has
come to symbolize, at least for the Roma in Romania, both the widespread
anti-Roma prejudice in the country as well as the lack of commitment of pub-
lic officials to their plight.
One of the measures of government's success in dealing with its Roma pop-
ulation is its treatment of Roma women, given their special role in the Roma
family and community. Sadly, their plight is often submerged into the greater
issue of the Roma in general, and while there are various national and
European laws and policies dealing with gender equality and discrimination,
there is nothing that deals specifically with Roma women. 169
Stereotypically, Roma women in Romania are viewed as "illiterate, loud,
lazy, and irresponsibly burdening the state by bearing too many children, and
too often." However, the Open Society Institute's detailed study of the plight of
Roma women in Romania, Broadening the Agenda: The Status of Romani
Women in Romania (2006), demolishes this myth, showing that while Roma
women are "the most deprived category of the Romanian population," they are
also an astute, concerned, responsible group burdened by the double standard
of discrimination they suffer in Romanian society and within their own com-
munities. 170
Over 63 percent of the Roma women interviewed in this study stated that
they felt unequal to men within their own families and communities. Though there
seemed little hope in gaining gender equality, three quarters were frustrated
over their diminished role in decision making in the family and the raising of
children, while almost 60 percent were frustrated over their unequal access to
jobs. Part of the reason for this inequality was the fact that most Roma women
married at 17 and had their first child within the first two years of their mar-
riage. In the general population, the average marriage age for women was 24.
Within the family, women had one job-housekeeping. The Roma male was
considered the sole breadwinner for the family, which further limited opportu-
nities for women. Consequently, Roma women were almost solely responsible
for raising the children, though those surveyed thought it should be shared by
both husband and wife. 171
of Roma slums or take their land. In 2001, the mayor in Biirlad announced
plans to build a separate community for the Roma on the outskirts of the town.
Such a cultural "village," he argued, would attract tourists and remove the
Roma from the rest of the community since they did not "live in a civilised
manner," destroyed furniture, and committed "illegal acts." I 75
Forced evictions of the Roma have become a mainstay of local government
policy throughout Romania. In 2002, the government expelled 300 Roma from
the Piscul Criisani neighborhood in Bucharest. Prior to the expulsion, one city
official stated that "carts are not allowed in Bucharest. If they [Roma] return,
I will burn their carts and make salami of their dogs." Widespread evictions
also took place in other parts of the city. Such evictions are often followed by
the destruction of Roma dwellings, which leaves them homeless. In the sum-
mer of 2005, a large Romanian mob destroyed several Roma houses in Seica
Mare and beat an elderly man. Police dismissed the incident as a local conflict
with no racial overtones. 176
The final portion of the Broadening the Agenda study dealt with the role of
Roma women in the country's political and civic life. There have always been con-
siderable barriers to active Roma involvement in political life, much of it caused
by poverty and illiteracy. But Cristi Mihalache, an Advocacy Officer for the
European Roma Rights Center, also blames the "traditionalism" in the Roma
community, particularly when it comes to female Roma voters. Revered leaders
wield a lot of influence and, given the gender inequities in the Roma community
and family, "a woman's desire to vote [can] be seen as jeopardizing the authority
of the head of the family." Furthermore, there is also a tendency among Roma
women to vote for the same candidates as their husbands. Regardless, Broadening
theAgenda shows that 82 percent of the country's female Roma voted in the 2004
local and national elections, though only 26 percent were involved in "political,
civic, or community based organizations." Many Roma women felt that there
were considerable ethnic and gender barriers to such participation and yet argued
that men should lead such groups. They thought that the only way to change this
was to educate their daughters. And many argued that the involvement of Roma
women in politics would improve things for the Roma. One group of Roma
women in Bontida discussed this during one of the study's interview sessions:
"Why did you go to vote?"
"We went to get things solved."
"We went because we need supplies for our children's school and wood
for winter."
"1 participated so they would help us, once we elect them."
"Yes, Tvoted and Thope Twill get some help getting gas [for cooking and
But perhaps a Roma woman in Valea Viilor best captured the essence of the
democratic spirit among many Roma when she noted, "We always participate ...
for the benefit of the country and the benefit of Roma and Romanians alike.
I think everyone should go to vote."177 Perhaps this is the light at the end of the
tunnel for Romania's Roma.
Given their unique history in the tsarist and Soviet state, one would have hoped
that the Roma in post-Soviet Russia would have fared better than their coun-
terparts in other parts of Central and Eastern Europe. Unfortunately, this has
not been the case. Their plight has been the subject of a number of detailed
reports and a hearing before the U.S. Congress' Commission on Security and
Cooperation in Europe. All conclude that the plight of the Roma has deterio-
rated since the mid-1990s, driven in part by the growing xenophobia in Russia
and the seeming unwillingness of officials to address the problem of anti-
Roma prejudice. The Council of Europe's ECRI noted in its 2006 Third Report
on the Russian Federation that "Roma in particular are victims of the deterio-
ration of the general climate of opinion as regards racism," while the
International Federation for Human Rights' (IFHR) 2004 report on Russian
Roma noted that "there has been a general increase in nationalism and xeno-
phobia, to which the Romani people directly fall victim." The European Roma
Rights Center's report, Violations of Roma Rights in the Russian Federation
(2004), said the "magnitude of the abuse is only comparable to that of the per-
petrators' impunity,"178 while its In Search of Happy Gypsies: Persecution of
Pariah Minorities in Russia (2005) stated that:
collapse of communism. Much of this has been motivated by what the IFHR
calls "ambient racism," the blend of nationalism and xenophobia so prevalent
in Russia since Vladimir Putin assumed the presidency in 1999. In this envi-
ronment, the Roma are disliked not only because of the stereotypes that
traditionally depicted than as "thieves, vagabonds, filthy, saddled with a swarm
of kids they cannot feed" but also new societal hatred of chernye (blacks).
Though aimed initially at individuals from Central Asia and the Caucasus,
Roma are now trapped in this new web of prejudice. 180
Dimitrina Petrova, the executive director of the European Roma Rights
Center, testified before the Helsinki Committee in 2004 that much of the cur-
rent violence toward the Roma is driven by public and police perceptions that
the Roma are major players in the country's illegal drug trafficking network.
This has led to widespread abuse by police and other officials, much of which
is unreported. Alexander Torokhov blamed a lot of this misperception on the
media, which perpetuates "negative stereotypes about the life of the Roma
community." Police corruption is also another factor in this abuse. Corruption
is endemic in Russian society, and the police are its most abusive representa-
tives. Most police mistreatment, Torokhov explained, took place during police
security checks or raids on Roma communities. Leonid Raihman, a consultant
for the Open Society Institute, testified that the government was unaware of
much of this corruption and that it took place in an atmosphere of benign gov-
ernmental "neglect" and indifference rather than as a "conscious policy." What
concerned Raihman about all of this was that such corruption has now taken on
a "racist dimension."181
What is surprising in all of this is that the Roma have traditionally been more
accepted into Russian society than their counterparts in other parts of Europe,
though this has more to do with their romantic, literary, and musical role in
Russian society than anything else. Furthermore, the "historical misunder-
standing of a little-known lifestyle feeds prejudice, as does the belief in the
Roma's hidden wealth." Anti-Roma prejudice is widespread in the media and
prompted the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial
Discrimination to report in 2003 that it "was disturbed by the information
whereby racist documents on minority groups that perpetuate stereotypes are
disseminated in the national media." ECRI noted in its 2006 report that the
media has played a big role in perpetuating negative stereotypes of the Roma,
particularly as they relate to crimes and drug trafficking. Such reports have
"even incited ... racial hatred, notably by reporting open calls to murder
Roma, without issuing any warning or condemnation." As a result, the term
tsyganskii has become synonymous with the term for illegal drug trafficker,
baryga. Given official efforts to crack down on crime, life for many of the
The government forced large families to live together in the "Gypsy house"; as
a result, as many as 15 people were often forced to live in two small rooms.
This was particularly hard on the disabled. The city did agree to make some
repairs to the building in 2003, but most of the work they did was cosmetic.
Though subsidized by the city, the Roma still had to pay rent for their apart-
ments. And though they regularly paid their electric and gas bills, the ERRC
team found that city officials had cut off the gas and electricity for the building
before they visited the "Gypsy house." 184
Though it is more difficult to gain information about the Roma in Russia
than in any other country in the region with a large Roma population, the infor-
mation we do have suggests that they suffer from the same depredations as
their counterparts in other parts of Europe. The cycle of poverty that is so dev-
astating to Roma elsewhere is equally prevalent in Russia. This spills over into
education, access to health care, women's rights, and basic protection under the
law as citizens with full human and civil rights protections. In many ways, the
problems that the Roma face in Russia simply mirror those of the Roma in
other parts of Central and Eastern Europe. The only difference is that Russian
authorities seem impervious to any outside pressure to address the complex
issues facing the Roma today. While some efforts have been made regionally
by local authorities to address the numerous educational, social, and economic
Prior to their split in 2006, Serbia and Montenegro had one of the region's
largest Roma population, with estimates between 143,000 and 450,000, includ-
ing Kosovo's population. 186 The Roma in Serbia and Montenegro have suffered
a great deal from the social and economic upheavals caused by Slobodan
Milosevic's deadly adventures in Bosnia and Kosovo in the 1990s. Their prob-
lems were carefully laid out in a lengthy memorandum prepared by the UN
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNOHCHR) and the
European Roma Rights Center in 2003. Their problems are complicated by
the large-scale refugee problems caused by Serbia's conflicts in the former
Given the vicissitudes of politics in Serbia over the past few decades, one
would expect the plight of the Roma there to be dreadful. And while one could
certainly argue that point with some ease, Serbia's presence on the international
stage has at least given the Roma hope of improved life in a country still trapped
in something of a time warp, nationalistically speaking. But before that can hap-
pen, Serbian authorities will need to address the serious educational, economic,
social, and legal problems faced by the Roma throughout the country.
Education, or lack thereof, is one of the core issues facing the Roma in
Serbia today. Though statistics are hard to come by, studies in the 1980s indi-
cate widespread illiteracy (34.8 percent) among the country's Roma, a shock-
ing figure in light of 96 percent literacy for the country as a whole. According
to a study by the Minority Rights Group International, there are over 200,000
Roma children in the public schools in Serbia and Montenegro, and they suffer
from widespread discrimination and segregation in the public school system.
Because many Roma children speak little Serbian at home, they quickly fall
behind in the public schools, and are often forced into special schools.
According to the UNOHCHR memorandum, "Romani children are reportedly
particularly over-represented in classes for mildly mentally disabled children,"
when all they really lack are basic Serbian language skills. This, coupled with
the verbal abuse and physical mistreatment they suffer at the hands of their
classmates and teachers, discourages parents from sending their children to
school. The fact that there are few Roma teachers in these schools or even
assistants who might help Roma pupils in the classes makes matters worse. 187
What is sad about all of this is that Roma parents want to send their children
to school because they believe that this is the only way for them to improve
their lives. Yet 30 percent of Roma children never attend primary school and
almost 79 percent drop out before they complete their elementary education.
Attendance rates are much lower for Roma females; 40 percent of Roma
females never attend primary school and almost 90 percent drop out during this
early stage of their education. Given all of this, it is little wonder that only 0.4
percent of Roma ever make it to university.
One of those who did make it to the university was Refika Mustafic, a Human
Rights Education Coordinator for the European Roma Rights Center and
founder of the Roma Education Center in Nis. Her peers and professors always
considered her "strange, unusual" and presumed she would never graduate.
After graduation, she miraculously got a job in a public school, though she was
dismissed after the first year because parents "didn't want their children to be
taught [the] Serbian language by some Gypsy." Her principal apologized for this
decision, assuring Refika that he supported her, but would lose his job ifhe did
not transfer her. Her next job was at the local "Roma school," where over half of
the students were Romani. She was met with the same suspicion and distrust,
even by her Roma pupils, who questioned her ability to teach them. The local
school board sent a state inspector to observe her teaching the first day of class
to determine if Rifika was knowledgeable enough to teach language and litera-
ture. She was often met with silence in the halls by her peers, who often com-
plained about their Roma students, whom they thought were "dirty, stank, were
messy and stupid." The faculty felt that their parents "were irresponsible, with-
out interest, and also stinking and lacking in culture."188
Refika took these complaints to heart and committed herself to do every-
thing possible to help and work with her Roma students. She spent all of her
free time with them, and suggested extra classes to help them. She also thought
that more had to be done to improve communication with their parents. Her
principal told Refika that there were no extra rooms available for the supple-
mentary classes even though the school was letting private groups use
the school's gymnasium for money-making activities. He also told her that
she could not contact the parents as a representative of the school. If she wanted
to contact them as a private person, that was another matter. This environment,
Refika, concluded, "creates children who did not believe in themselves, who
believed they were not worth any attention and that they were stupid." I 89
The Roma and their children are also plagued by an atmosphere of violence,
both in the public and private sector, that goes to the core of their lack of basic
human and civil rights protections. Such violence is simply one aspect of the
greater discrimination faced by Roma throughout Serbia and Montenegro.
Though such violence, whether at the hands of police or private citizens such
as skinheads, continues unabated, the Roma have been able to seek some
redress through international bodies such as the United Nations Committee
against Torture (UNCAT). On November 21,2002, UNCAT found against the
Montenegrin government in a 1995 case involving a massive race riot in
Danilovgrad that resulted in the destruction of an entire Roma neighborhood.
In 2003, the Montenegran government agreed to pay the 74 Roma victims
985,000 Euros as compensation for their losses. 190
Unfortunately, this is only one instance of what seems to be a steady stream
of indiscriminate violence against the Roma. In 1997, a group of skinheads in
Belgrade brutally murdered Dusan Jovanovic. His case received international
attention after the publication of a book, They Killed His Eyes, highlighted this
crime. This is only one of many cases that drew the attention of the UNCAT.
Another involved the arrest and torture of Danilo Dimitrijevic by police in
Novi Sad on suspicion of theft. Afterward, Mr. Dimitrijevic filed a complaint
with local authorities about his torture but received no response. In 2000, the
Humanitarian Law Center and the European Roma Rights Center filed a com-
plaint about Mr. Dimitrijevic's case with UNCAT, which ruled in 2005 that
Mr. Dimitrijevic had indeed been the victim of torture. It also declared that
Serbian and Montenegran authorities had failed to look promptly into his claim,
which prevented him from seeking compensation for his mistreatment. 191
Such violence is so widespread that it has drawn the attention of a number of
other international organizations. In 2004, the World Organisation against
Torture in Geneva published a detailed study ofthis problem, State Violence in
Serbia and Montenegro, which focused not only on the Roma but also Serbian
women and children. It blames much of this on the militant atmosphere in
Serbia throughout the 1990s, particularly the crisis in Kosovo in 1998-1999.
The subsequent political instability in Serbia and Montenegro has "slowed
down the process of social reform and of international integration and, hence,
the development of democratic institutions and mechanisms for the protection
of human rights." 192 Until Serbia is politically stabilized, and begins to embrace
basic human and civil rights reforms necessary to become part of the larger
European connnunity of nations, we can expect such abuses against the Roma
to continue.
Though Ukraine has a relatively large Roma population (over 100,000 out of
46.7 million), little was known about this understudied minority until recently.
Almost a third of the country's Roma live in Transcarpathia (Zakarpats 'ka
oblast ') in the extreme western part of Ukraine, while the rest live in other
oblasts in the southern and southeastern parts of the country. Most Roma live
in appalling poverty. Zoltan Fedorovych Olakh, the Roma Starosta (leader) in
the Roma tabor (settlement) in Mukachev, told ERRC investigators in 1997
that the Roma in his settlement were so poor that they
are starving and they eat trash. When the Roma here die, there is no
money for a coffin. We put them in sacks to bury them. Of course,
absolutely anything can be arranged with money, but since we have no
money, we have nothing. 193
In Uzhgorod, the Roma live hard lives, often completely off the books
because they lack official documents and are wary of the government
in general. They move often. Bands of kids spend their days in the cen-
ter of town, begging and chasing after stray dogs.
I once saw a Roma kid, racing down the street with his friends, stop
and check a trash bin. Inside, he found an empty yogurt cup, which he
licked clean and threw back in the trash. It was a hot August day.
There are dozens of Roma camps in the area, rampant with conta-
gious diseases. llliteracy and drugs also abound. 194
If one ever sought a laboratory to study the evils of the cycle of poverty,
Ukraine might be the place to begin.
In 2003, the Chirikli Romani Women Charity Foundation and the
International Renaissance Foundation, Roma of Ukraine Program, sponsored a
conference in Kyiv (Kiev), "Roma Women: Double Discrimination." The
conferees discussed statelessness and lack of residency permits (Propiska) ,
tabor sanitation and housing problems, health care, and education. They were
particularly upset about the latter issue and concluded that only about 2 percent
ofthe Roma population could read and write. 195 While this figure seems a little
extreme, the ERRC's 2006 CERD report noted that
conditions varied from tribe to tribe and region to region, those Roma at the
lowest rung of the social pecking order in Eastern Europe and Russia lived in
conditions too gruesome and primitive to imagine. Unfortunately, their plight
only served to fortify a growing body of prejudice that categorized all Romani
as lazy, and untrustworthy thieves.
In some ways, such feelings said as much about the societies that created
these images as it did about the Roma. One of the things not covered in this
study was a comparative look at the plight of the peasants and serfs of Eastern
Europe and Russia during the time of discussion. For many peasants, life was
almost as hard as that of the Rom, and one suspects that part of the reason for
reducing the Roma to something less than human somehow elevated the status
of the backward, poor villager. Regardless, what emerged from centuries of
growing distrust and suspicion of the Romani was a body of prejudice that
often turned violent. The dehumanization of the Roma became an effective
means of rationalizing societal behavior towards them.
Yet despite the general Eastern Europe and Russian dislike for the Roma,
there was also a grudging admiration for many of their special talents and
skills. Their value to the boyars of Moldavia and Wallachia helped pave the way
for their enserfment, while others came to rely heavily upon their musical
skills. While there is no question that Liszt and Bercovici went overboard in
placing the heart and soul of Hungarian and Romanian culture at the feet ofthe
Romani, there is no question that their talents in this area were immense and
deeply influential. Sadly, even these unique contributions were viewed deri-
sively by some in an effort continually to diminish the Roma and confirm their
societal backwardness.
As Eastern Europe and Russia struggled with the new social, political, and
economic challenges during the Enlightenment, some thought was given to the
plight of the Roma. Given the strong spirit of nationalism that began to emerge
throughout the region in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, any attempt to
tackle the Romani question was coupled with the desire of central authority to
assert greater control over the Roma, and to make them good Austrians,
Hungarians, or Russians. Reformers saw nomadism as the core reason for
Roma backwardness, and sought to restrict their movement throughout legisla-
tive and police means. There was no attempt to try to understand the nature of
Rom nomadism, or to understand the culture that made it such an integral part
of Roma life. While nomadism could certainly be understood in the context of
centuries of East European and Russian mistreatment and ostracism towards
the Roma, their nomadic culture had evolved far beyond the scope of a mere
reactive institution. For many Romani, nomadism gave them a sense of free-
dom and superiority to the surrounding non-Roma world that has proven
Unfortunately, this has not happened. Eastern Europe and Russia have gone
through incredible upheavals and changes since the collapse of communism,
and the Roma are more despised than ever, despite the fact that democracy
seems to be maturing in the region and a number of countries have been
allowed to join the European Union and NATO. Though pressure has been
brought to bear on these countries or those on the eve of European inclusion to
do more to address the plight of the Roma, most have responded with what
appear to be fancy programs with little significant financial backing or public
One could argue that these countries should never have been allowed to join
these "concert of Europe" organizations until they truly developed mature pro-
grams for dealing with Europe's most oppressed indigenous minority. Yet
countries like the Czech Republic and Hungary, whose Roma policies are con-
siderably lacking, have been allowed onboard united Europe's principal orga-
nizations. The thinking seems to go like this-it is easier to force member
states to make significant changes than non-members. But the carrot ofmem-
bership is powerful and once such countries are permitted to join the European
Union or other European-wide organizations, it is hard to remove them. And
despite terrible human rights reports to the contrary, Bulgaria and Romania are
to become members of the European Union in 2007. While it would be wrong
to suggest that united Europe has turned a blind eye to Roma problems in
Eastern Europe and Russia, European leaders seem more concerned about
drawing these former communist dictatorships into the fabric of greater
Europe than addressing the plight of the Roma. Only time will tell if these
short range gains bode well for the Roma.
But is there any light at the end of the tunnel for the Roma? Yes. But it seems
to place a significant burden on the shoulders of the Roma and various human
rights and NGOs to initiate significant change. If left to their own devices,
local and national leaders in the region will do nothing more than give lip ser-
vice to the "Roma question." What is missing in all of this is a strong public
demand for change. Ideally, in democracies, the policies of national leaders
should reflect the will of their constituents. But in Eastern Europe and Russia,
with their immature democratic traditions, strong national leadership is often
not enough to overcome local prejudices. Look, for example, at the case of
Vaclav Havel in the Czech Republic.
Such an environment places a great deal of responsibility on the Roma to
initiate their own changes from within. And one of the slight glimmers of hope
to emerge in the two decades since the collapse of communism is a new,
vibrant, small group of well educated, young Roma leaders who are committed
to bringing about change in their communities. But their efforts are complicated
15. Shaw, Empire of the Gazis, p. 19; John Feffer, Shock Waves: Eastern Europe after the
Revolutions (Boston: South End Press, 1992), p. 227; the only instances offorced con-
versions in the sixteenth century besides those already mentioned were of "Balkan
slave boys recruited to staff the imperial household." Paul Coles, The Ottoman Impact
on Europe (London: Harcourt, Brace, 1968), pp. 174-175. It wa~ also during this
period that mass conversions of Albanians and Montenegrins took place; "Petrulengo,"
"Report on the Gypsy Tribes of North-East Bulgaria," Journal of the Gypsy Lore
Society, New Series, Vol. 9, No.2 (1915-16), pp. 65, 69.
16. I1han ~ahin, Feridun M. Emecen, and Yusuf Hala~qlu, "Turkish Settlements in
Rumelia (Bulgaria) in the 15th and 16th Centuries," in The Turks of Bulgaria: The
History, Culture and Political Fate of a Minority ed. K. H. Karpat (Istanbul: The Isis
Press, 1990), pp. 27-28; Machiel Kiel, "Urban Development in Bulgaria in the
Turkish Period: The Place of Turkish Architecture in the Process," in Karpat, ed., The
Turks of Bulgaria, pp. 87, 89,91,95,106,109. For more on the reliability of Turkish
statistics, see Stephen P. Ladas, The Exchange of Minorities: Bulgaria, Greece and
Turkey (New York: Macmillan, 1932), p. 9; One of the negative aspects of the Gypsy
presence in cities such as Plovdiv and Sofia was prostitution, which Suleiman the
Magnificent tried to regulate in 1530. Fraser, The Gypsies, p. 175.
17. Sugar, Southeastern Europe under Ottoman Rule, pp. 37, n.3, 46, 102-103; Shaw,
Empire of the Gazis, pp. 19,26.
18. George C. Soulis, "A Note on the Taxation ofthe Balkan Gypsies in the Seventeenth
Century," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 38, Nos. 1-2
(January-April 1959), pp. 154-156.
19. R. J. Crampton, A Short History of Modern Bulgaria (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1989), pp. 9-11; Macdermott, History of Bulgaria, pp. 43-45,
47-51, 105-107; Sugar, Southeastern Europe under Ottoman Rule, pp. 242-245.
20. Shaw, Empire of the Gazis, pp. 260-261, 264-265; Macdermott, History of Bulgaria,
pp. 104-105.
21. Stanford J. Shaw and Ezel Kural Shaw, History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern
Turkey, Volume II, Reform, Revolution, and Republic: The Rise of Modern Turkey,
1808-1975 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977), pp. 12-21,59-61; Lord
Kinross, The Ottoman Centuries: The Rise and Fall of the Turkish Empire (New York:
Morrow, 1977), pp. 437-456; R. J. Crampton, "Bulgarian Society in the Early 19th
Century," in Balkan Society in the Age of Greek Independence, ed. Richard Clogg
(Totowa, NJ: Barnes & Noble Books, 1981), p. 157; Macdermott, History of Bulgaria,
p. 116.
22. Shaw and Shaw, Reform, Revolution, and Republic, p. 40; Crampton, "Bulgarian
Society," pp. 157-158.
23. Crampton, "Bulgarian Society," pp. 173-177, 180-181.
24. S. G. B. St. Clair and Charles A. Brophy, A Residence in Bulgaria: Or Notes on the
Resources and Administration of Turkey (London: John Murray, 1869), pp. 7-8.
25. Ibid., p. 8.
26. Ibid., pp. 9-11; this word is also rendered as rayas or Reaya ("The Flock"). Originally,
Rayahs were all of the "subjects of the sultan who were not members of his Ruling
Class." In time, the term came to mean only the non-Muslim peoples of the Ottoman
Empire. Shaw, Empire of the Gazis, p. 150; Sugar, Southeastern Europe under
Ottoman Rule, p. 348; Kinross, The Ottoman Centuries, pp. 112-113.
27. Macdermott, History of Bulgaria, pp. 170-186; Shaw and Shaw, Reform, Revolution,
and Republic, pp .. 160-161; Crampton, "Bulgarian Society," pp. 172-177, 184.
28. Macdermott, History of Bulgaria, pp. 144-157, 161-165, 167; Crampton, Modern
Bulgaria, p. 17.
29. St. Clair and Brophy, A Residence in Bulgaria, p. 45; many Romanian Gypsies had
fled Romania soon after their emancipation in 1864 because they feared "reenslave-
ment if the political system collapsed as it had in 1848." David M. Crowe, "The Gypsy
Historical Experience in Romania," in The Gypsies of Eastern Europe, ed. David M.
Crowe and John Kolsti (Annonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 1991), p. 67.
30. Macdennott, History of Bulgaria, pp. 170-186; Shaw and Shaw, Reform, Revolution,
and Republic, pp. 160-162; Crampton, Modern Bulgaria, pp. 18-19.
31. Macdennott, History of Bulgaria, pp. 250, 254, 261.
32. W. E. Mosse, Alexander /I and the Modernization of Russia (New York: Collier
Books, 1970), pp. 130-131; Macdennott, History of Bulgaria, pp. 276, 283-289.
Bulgarian, Western, and Turkish claims about the extent of the massacres after the
April Uprising vary widely. Macdennott says that 30,000 Bulgarians were killed,
while some British press reports claimed as many as 100,000 died at Turkish hands.
Shaw places the number of Christian dead in Bulgaria at 4,000 but admits that far
more Muslims died. Furthennore, there was "some massacre and countennassacre
between Muslim and Christian villages." Shaw and Shaw, Reform, Revolution, and
Republic, p. 162; for more on the role of the British press in the early stages of this cri-
sis, see Ann Pottinger Saab, Reluctant Icon: Gladstone, Bulgaria, and the Working
Class, 1856-1878 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1991), pp. 82-90;
Mihailo D. Stojanovic, The Great Powers and the Balkans, 1875-1878 (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1968), pp. 130-132.
33. Bart McDowell, Gypsies: Wanderers of the World (Washington, DC: National
Geographic Society, 1970), p. 119; B. H. Sumner, Russia and the Balkans,1870-1880
(Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 1962), pp. 337-338; RW. Seton-Watson, The Russian
Empire, 1801-1917 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1967), pp. 453-456;
Macdennott, History of Bulgaria, p. 296. The Turks suffered 10,000 casualties in
August 1877 at Shipka Pass, at which there were several other important battles during
the war. Shaw and Shaw, Reform, Revolution and Republic, pp. 184-186.
34. Stojanovic, Great Powers, p. 232; Macdennott, History of Bulgaria, pp. 298-299;
Shaw and Shaw, Reform, Revolution and Republic, p. 188.
35. Macdennott, History of Bulgaria, pp. 308-309; Stojanovic, Great Powers, pp. 280-281;
oddly enough, a peculiar Gypsy presence was felt at the Berlin talks. The British foreign
secretary, the Marquis of Salisbury, later described Count Julius Andrassy, the Austro-
Hungarian foreign minister, as looking "thinner and gypsyer" at the gathering. Sumner,
Russia and the Balkans, pp. 507, 526-528; Shaw and Shaw, Reform, Revolution and
Republic, pp. 188, 190-191; Crampton, Modern Bulgaria, pp. 19-20.
36. Crampton, Modern Bulgaria, pp. 21-31; Macdermott, History of Bulgaria, pp.
311-342 passim; Shaw and Shaw, Reform, Revolution and Republic, p. 208; Hans
Rogger, Russia in the Age of Modernisation and Revolution, 1881-1917 (London:
Longman, 1983), pp. 169-171.
37. Fraser, The Gypsies, pp. 231, 235-236; Carol Silvennan, "Bulgarian Gypsies:
Adaptation in a Socialist Context," Nomadic Peoples, Nos. 21-22 (December 1986),
38. Macdermott, History of Bulgaria, p. 321; Helsinki Watch, Destroying Ethnic Identity
p. 24; Silvennan, "Bulgarian Gypsies," p. 51.
39. R J. Crampton, "The Turks in Bulgaria, 1878-1944," in K. H. Karpat, ed. The Turks
of Bulgaria p. 52; Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, p. 54.
40. R J. Crampton, "The Turks in Bulgaria," p. 55; John Georgeoff, "Ethnic Minorities in
the People's Republic of Bulgaria," in The Politics of Ethnicity in Eastern Europe ed.
George Klein and Milan J. Reban (BoulderlNew York: East European Monographs and
Columbia University Press, 1981), pp. 71-73; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The
Bulgarian Question and the Balkan States (Sofia: State Printing Press, 1919), pp. 250-
251,260; Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres et des Cultes, La Verite sur les accusations
contre la Bulgarie (Sofia: Imprimerie de L'etat, 1919), p. 10; R. A. Scott Macfie,
"Bulgarian Gypsies," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 3, No.4
(1924), p. 189; Silvennan, "Bulgarian Gypsies," p. 51; Reimer Gronemeyer and Georgia
A. Rakelmann, Die Zigeuner: Reisende in Europa: Roma, Sinti, Manouches, Gitanos,
Gypsies, Kalderash, Vlach und Andere (Koln: Dumont Buchverlag, 1988), p. 207.
41. Crampton, "The Turks in Bulgaria," pp. 72-79.
42. Crampton, "The Turks in Bulgaria," pp. 63-64, 70-71; Sumner, Russia and the
Balkans, p. 659; Ian Hancock, "The East European Roots of Romani Nationalism," in
Crowe and Kolsti, Gypsies of Eastern Europe, pp. 139-140.
43. Crampton, Modern Bulgaria, pp. 12, 24; Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres et des
Cultes, La Verite sur les accusations contre la Bulgarie, p. 10; Crampton, "The Turks
in Bulgaria," pp. 67-68.
44. Crampton, Modern Bulgaria, pp. 52-53; Shaw and Shaw, Reform, Revolution, and
Republic, pp. 266-267, 273-277; Crampton, "The Turks in Bulgaria," p. 63.
45. Barbara lelavich, History of the Balkans; Volume II: Twentieth Century (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1988), pp. 96-100; Crampton, Modern Bulgaria, pp. 59-63.
46. Feffer, Shock Waves, p. 228; Shaw and Shaw, Reform, Revolution, and Republic, p. 296;
Stephen P. Ladas, The Exchange of Minorities, pp. 15,20; Marin Pundeff, "Churches
and Religious Communities," in Sudosteuropa-Handbuch: Bulgarien, ed. Klaus-
Detlev Grothusen, Band VI (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1990), p. 562. In
1912, "the British and Foreign Bible Society published the Gospel of St. Luke in
Bulgarian Romani." B. Gilliat-Smith, Review of N. Scheitanow, "A Contribution to
the Dialect of the Sofia Gypsies," in Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series,
Vol. 13, No.3 (1934), p. 161; "Petrulengro," "Report on the Gypsy Tribes of North-
East Bulgaria," p. 31; Bernard Gilliat-Smith, "The Dialect of the Drindaris," Journal
of the Gypsy Lore Society, New Series, Vol. 7, No.4 (1913-14), p. 260; Crampton,
Modern Bulgaria, p. 63.
47. Crampton, Modern Bulgaria, pp. 64-71.
48. Biliil N. ~im~ir, ed., The Turks of Bulgaria in International Fora Documents, Volume
I (Ankara: Turkish Historical Society Printing House, 1990), pp. 217-218; David M.
Crowe, World War I and Europe in Crisis: 1914-1935 (Piscataway, NJ: Research and
Education Association, 1990), p. 46; c. A. Macartney and A. W. Palmer, Independent
Eastern Europe (London: Macmillan, Ltd., 1972), p. 132.
49. Crampton, "The Turks in Bulgaria," p. 70; Crampton, Modern Bulgaria, p. 91; G. P.
Genov, Bulgaria and the Treaty of Neuilly (Sofia: Hrist G. Danov & Co., 1935),
pp. 133-134.
50. Donald S. Kenrick, "The Gypsies of Bulgaria Before and After 10th of November,"
paper delivered at the 1991 Annual Meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society, pp. 2-3; Vasil
Marinov, "Nablyudeniya vurkhy bita na tsigani v Bulgariya," in Izvestiya na etnogral
skiya institut i muzei, Kniga V (Sofiya: Isdatelstvo na Bulgarskata akademiya na
naukite, 1962), p. 267; Feffer, Shock Waves, p. 240; Helsinki Watch, Destroying
Ethnic Identity, p. 7; Raymond Pearson, National Minorities in Eastern Europe,
1848-1945 (London: Macmillan, 1983), p. 175.
51. Crampton, Modern Bulgaria, pp. 98-99, 107-113; Helsinki Watch, Destroying Ethnic
Identity, p. 7.
52. Donald S. Kenrick, "Notes on the Gypsies in Bulgaria," Journal of the Gypsy Lore
Society, Third Series, Vol. 45, Nos. 3-4 (July-October 1966), p. 77; V. I. Kozlov,
"Changes in the Ethnic Composition of Rumania and Bulgaria," Soviet Sociology,
Vol. 3, No.2 (Fall 1964), pp. 35-37; Dudley Kirk, Europe's Population in the
Interwar Years (Geneva: League of Nations, 1946), p. 228; Peter John Georgeoff and
David Crowe, "National Minorities in Bulgaria, 1919-1980," in Eastern European
National Minorities, 1919-1980: A Handbook ed. Stephen M. Horak, (Littleton, CO:
Libraries Unlimited, Inc., 1985), p. 281.
53. Frederick B. Chary, The Bulgarian Jews and the Final Solution, 1940-1944
(Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1972), pp. 5-6, 9-10.
54. Ibid., pp. 1~23; Gerhard L. Weinberg, Germany and the Soviet Union, 1939-1941
(Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1972), pp. 99-100; Stephane Groueff, Crown of Thorns: The
Reign of King Boris 1lJ of Bulgaria, /9/8-1943 (Lanham, MD: Madison Books,
55. Fred S. Pisky, "The People," in Bulgaria ed. L. A. D. Dellin (New York: Frederick A.
Praeger, 1957), p. 76, estimates that Bulgaria acquired 8,000 Gypsies when it obtained
southern Dobrudja, while V. I. Koslov, in his "Changes in the Ethnic Composition of
Rumania and Bulgaria," p. 37, maintains that there were 12,000 Roma in the region at
the time of its transfer; Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, p. 119;
Fraser, The Gypsies, p. 268; in October 1941, German officials "began a policy of exe-
cuting Jewish and Gypsy men as a reprisal for acts of resistance against Yugoslavs."
Chary, The Bulgarian Jews, pp. 120, n. 24, 195.
56. Chary, The Bulgarian Jews, pp. 35-41; Gabrielle Tyrnauer, Gypsies and the
Holocaust: A Bibliography and Introductory Essay: (Montreal: Montreal Institute for
Genocide Studies, 1991), p. xii; Sybil Milton, "The Context of the Holocaust,"
German Studies Review, Vol. 13, No.2 (May 1990), pp. 27~271.
57. Chary, The Bulgarian Jews, p. 120, n. 24; Kenrick and Puxon Destiny of Europe's
Gypsies, pp. 13~131; Marushiakova, "Ethnic Identity Among Gypsy Groups in
Bulgaria," p. 105.
58. Georgeoff and Crowe, "National Minorities in Bulgaria," p. 283; Chary, The
Bulgarian Jews, pp. 119-121; Hans-Joachim Hoppe, "Bulgarian Nationalities Policy
in Occupied Thrace and Aegean Macedonia," Nationalities Papers, Vol. 14, Nos. 1-2
(Spring-Fall 1986), pp. 95-99.
59. Marushiakova, "Ethnic Identity Among Gypsies in Bulgaria," pp. 101-102; Joseph B.
Schechtman, "The Gypsy Problem," Midstream, Vol. 12, No.9 (November 1966), p.
57; Office of Strategic Services (Research and Analytical Branch), "Population
Development of Bulgaria," in Fifty Years Ago: Revolt Amid the Darkness
(Washington: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 1993), pp. 263-265;
Chary, The Bulgarian Jews, pp. 142-143; Kenrick and Puxon, The Destiny of
Europe's Gypsies, pp. 13~ 131.
60. Chary, The Bulgarian Jews, pp. 153-154.
61. Georgeoff and Crowe, "National Minorities in Bulgaria," p. 283; Helsinki Watch,
Destroying Ethnic Identity, p. 8; Pearson, National Minorities in Eastern Europe, p. 200.
62. John D. Bell, The Bulgarian Communist Party from Blagoev to Zhikov (Stanford, CA:
Hoover Institution Press, 1986), pp. 73-76; J. F. Brown, Bulgaria under Communist
Rule (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1970), pp. 8-9.
63. Grothusen, Bulgarien, p. 482; Kenrick, "The Gypsies of Bulgaria," pp. 2-3; Bernard
Gilliat-Smith, "The Gypsies in Bulgaria (1948)," Jounral of the Gypsy Lore Society,
Third Series, Vol. 27, No.s 3-4 July-October 1948), p. 157; from 1944 to 1947, the
Bulgarian Communist Party "launched minority recruitment campaigns" throughout
the country. Torsten F. Baest, "Bulgaria's War at Home: The People's Republic and
Its Turkish Minority (1944-1985), Across Frontiers (Winter 1985), p. 20.
64. Kenrick, "The Gypsies of Bulgaria," p. 3; "The Gypsies," East Europe, Vol. 14, No.
10 (October 1965), p. 24; Gilliat-Smith, "The Gypsies in Bulgaria," p. 157; Ackerley,
"Romano-Esi," pp. 157-158.
65. The Minority Rights Group, Minorities in the Balkans (London: Minority Rights
Group, 1989), p. 10.
66. Bell, Bulgarian Communist Party, p. 97; Helsinki Watch, Destroying Ethnic Identity,
p. 35 n. 28; The Minority Rights Group, Minorities in the Balkans, p. 9.
67. Brown, Bulgaria under Communist Rule, pp. 13-16.
68. Bell, Bulgarian Communist Party, pp. 98-99; there were 51,500 Jews in Bulgaria in
1943, and 49,172 at war's end. Between 1948 and 1952, most were forced to emigrate,
and by December 1951, only 7,676 remained in the country. Peter Meyer, "Bulgaria,"
in The Jews in Soviet Satellites, ed. Peter Meyer, Bernard D. Weinryb, Eugene
Duschinsky, and Nicolas Sylvain (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1953),
p. 575; Georgeoff and Crowe, "National Minorities in Bulgaria," p. 284; Grotthusen,
Bulgarien, p. 558; BiHii N. ~im§ir, "The Turkish Minority in Bulgaria: History and
Culture," in Karpat, Turks of Bulgaria, p. 167.
69. Joseph B. Schechtman, Postwar Population Transfers in Europe, 1945-1955
(Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1962), pp. 350-351; Bell, Bulgarian
Communist Party, p. 99; Kozlov, "Changes in the Ethnic Composition of Rumania and
Bulgaria," p. 37. According to Bulgarian figures, only 15 Roma emigrated in 1950.
Georgeoff, "Ethnic Minorities in the People's Republic of Bulgaria," p. 77.
70. Minority Rights Group, World Directory of Minorities (Chicago: St. James Press,
1989), p. 120; "The Gypsies," p. 24; Grothusen, Bulgarien, p. 482; Luan Troxel,
"Bulgaria's Gypsies: Numerically Strong, Politically Weak," RFE/RL Research
Report, Vol. I, No.1 (March 6,1992), p. 59; see also Silverman, "Bulgarian Gypsies,"
p. 53, for more on the implementation of this policy in Sofia; there are indications that
efforts to halt Roma nomadism were not completely successful. See Stowers
Johnson's description of nomadic Gypsies in the decade after this policy was imple-
mented in his Gay Bulgaria (London: Robert Hale, 1964), pp. 135-136.
71. Helsinki Watch, Destroying Ethnic Identity, p. 12; Kenrick, "Notes on the Gypsies in
Bulgaria," p. 77; Kozlov, "Changes in the Ethnic Composition of Rumania and
Bulgaria," p. 35; Ali Eminov, "There are No Turks in Bulgaria: Rewriting History by
Administrative Fiat," in Karpat, Turks ofBulgaria, p. 212.
72. "Minorities in Eastern Europe," East Europe, Vol. 8, No.3 (March 1959), p. 14;
"Minorities in Eastern Europe-II," East Europe, Vol. 8, No.4 (April 1959), p. 6;
Helsinki Watch, Destroying Ethnic Identity, p. 8.
73. Helsinki Watch, Destroying Ethnic Identity, pp. 61-62.
74. Ibid., pp. 62-63.
75. Ibid., pp. 63-66.
76. Ibid., pp. 13,20-21.
77. Eminov, "There are No Turks in Bulgaria," p. 206; ~im§ir, "The Turkish Minority in
Bulgaria," p. 168.
78. Helsinki Watch, Destroying Ethnic Identity, pp. 69-70.
79. Ibid., pp. 71-72.
80. Ibid., pp. 72-73.
81. Grattan Puxon, Rom: Europe's Gypsies (London: Minority Rights Group, 1973), p. 17;
Grattan Puxon, Rom: Europe's Gypsies (London: Minority Rights Group, 1975), p. 13;
Helsinki Watch, Destroying Ethnic Identity, pp. 14-15.
82. William B. Simons, ed., The Constitutions of the Communist World (Alphen aan den
Rijn: Sijthoff & Noordhoff, 1980), pp. 45-47; ~im§ir, Turks of Bulgaria, I, pp. 88-89.
83. ~im§ir, Turks of Bulgaria, I, p. 89; ~im§ir, Turks of Bulgaria, II, p. 56.
84. Silverman, "Bulgarian Gypsies," p. 58.
85. Puxon, Rom (1973), p. 17; Vladimir Pekelsky, "Die Zigeunerfrage in den ost-und
siidosteuropa staaten," Osteuropa, Heft 9 (September 1970), p. 616; Helsinki Watch,
Destroying Ethnic Identity, pp. 30-32.
86. Helsinki Watch, Destroying Ethnic Identity, pp. 29-34; ~im§ir, Turks of Bulgaria, II,
pp. 88, 98, 103; recent statistics showed 71.3 percent literacy rate for Jews, 59.5 per-
cent for Armenians, 54 percent for Bulgarians, 40 percent for Gagauz, 27.3 percent for
Tatars, 11.9 percent for Turks, and 6.5 percent for Pomaks.
87. Hugh Poulton, Minorities in the Balkans (London: Minority Rights Group, 1989), pp. 12-
19; Grattan Puxon, Rom: Europe's Gypsies (London: Minority Rights Group, 1987),
p. 11; Helsinki Watch, Destroying Ethnic Identity, p. 49; Rada Nikolaev and G.S.,
"Forced Assimilation of the Turks," in Soviet/East European Survey, 1984-1985 ed.
Vojtech Mastny (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1986), pp. 187-192; Feffer,
1. Robert A. Kann and Zdenek V. David, The Peoples of the Eastern Hapsburg Lands,
1526-1918 (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1984), p. 23; Norman Daviees,
15. Mamatey, Rise of the Habsburg Empire, pp. 51-53, 116; Seton-Watson, History of the
Czechs and Slovaks, pp. 109-118; Monroe, Bohemia and the Cechs, pp. 109-114;
Kann and David, Peoples of the Eastern Habsburg Lands, pp. 103-105.
16. Peter F. Sugar, "The Principality of Transylvania," in Sugar, Hanak, and Frank, eds.,
History of Hungary, pp. 132-134.
17. Kann and David, Peoples of the Eastern Habsburg Lands, p. 117; Guy, "Ways of
Looking at Roms," pp. 206-209; Davidova, "Gypsies in Czechoslovakia," I,
pp. 89-90; Horvathova, Cigani na Slovensku, p. 60.
18. Mamatey, Rise of the Habsburg Empire, pp. 69-78.
19. O. Van Kappen, "A Prague Edict against Gypsies (1710)," Journal of the Gypsy Lore
Society, Third Series, Vol. 42, Nos. 3--4 (July-October 1963), pp. 118-119;
Horvathova, Cigani na Slovensku, p. 60.
20. Kappen, "Prague Edict against the Gypsies," pp. 119-121; Guy, "Ways of Looking at
Roms," p. 207; Horvathova, Cigani na Slovensku, pp. 60--61; for more on the Gypsy
warning signs in Germany, see Richard Andree, "Old Warning-Placards for Gypsies,"
Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, New Series, Vol. 5, No.3 (1911-12), pp. 202-204.
21. Horst Haselsteiner, "Cooperation and Confrontation between Rulers and the Noble
Estates, 1711-1790," in Sugar, Hanak, and Frank, eds., History of Hungary, pp. 138-
141; Mamatey, Rise of the Habsburg Empire, pp. 90--91, 94--95; Horvathova, Cigani
na Slovensku, pp. 113-114.
22. Seton-Watson, History of the Czechs and Slovaks, pp. 142-143; Mamatey, Rise of the
Habsburg Empire, pp. 104-106; Horvathova, Cigtini na Slovensku, pp. 61, 113;
Davidova, "Gypsies in Czechoslovakia," I, p. 90.
23. Fraser, The Gypsies, pp. 157-158,195; Davidova, "Gypsies in Czechoslovakia," I, p. 90;
Guy, "Ways of Looking at Roms," p. 209; Horvathova, Cigani na Slovensku, p. 114.
24. David M. Crowe, "The Gypsies in Hungary," in Crowe and Kolsti, eds., Gypsies of
Eastern Europe, p. 117; Fraser, The Gypsies, pp. 158-159; Davidova, "Gypsies in
Czechoslovakia," I, p. 90; Horvathova, Cigani na Slovensku, pp. 118-125; Guy,
"Ways of Looking at Roms," p. 207.
25. Fraser, The Gypsies, pp. 193-194; Ian Hancock, The Pariah Syndrome (Ann Arbor,
MI: Karoma Publishers, 1987), p. 51; Horvathova, Cigani na Slovensku, pp. 135-136;
Crowe, "Gypsies in Hungary ," pp. 117-118.
26. Fraser, The Gypsies, p. 159; Horvathova, Cigani na Slovensku, pp. 125-136; Guy,
"Ways of Looking at Roms," p. 207.
27. Horvathova, Cigani na Slovensku, p. 134; J. H. Schwicker, Die Zigeuner in Ungarn
und Siebenbiirgen (Wein und Teschen: Verlag von Karl Brochasta, 1883), p. 63.
28. Kann and David, Peoples of the Eastern Habsburg Lands, pp. 193, 247; Mamatey,
Rise of the Habsburg Empire, p. 133.
29. Mamatey, Rise of the Habsburg Empire, pp. 131, 138; C. A. Macartney, The Habsburg
Empire, 1790-1918 (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1968), pp. 132-133.
30. Kann and David, Peoples of the Eastern Habsburg Lands, pp. 194--197,248-249.
31. Seton-Watson, History of the Czechs and Slovaks, pp. 187-188; Eva Somogyi, "The
Age of Neoabsolutism," in Sugar, Hanak, and Frank, eds. History of Hungary, pp.
32. Macartney, The Habsburg Empire, p. 441; Horvathova, Cigani na Slovensku, pp. 136-
137, 142; "Cigani," Enciklopedia Slovenska, p. 321; Czech now became one of the ten
major languages in the empire and was promoted as the official language of the
Slovaks. German remained the "language of the Monarchy" and, with Magyar and
Czech, became the dominant languages of the Slovak regions of Hungary. Kann and
David, Peoples of the Eastern Habsburg Lands, pp. 376-377; Macartney, The
Habsburg Empire, pp. 441, 457.
33. Tibor Frank, "Hungary and the Dual Monarchy, 1867-1890," in Sugar, Hanak, and
Frank, eds., History of Hungary, pp. 254-255; Kann and David, Peoples of the
Eastern Habsburg Lands, pp. 380-381; Anna I. Duirchova, "Glimpse of the Rom:
Excursions in Slovakia," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 50,
Nos. 1-2 (January-April 1971), p. 35.
34. Schwicker, Die Zigeuner in Ungarn und Siebenbiirgen, pp. 76-80; Horvathova,
Cigfmi na Slovensku, pp. 61-64,137-138,148; Guy, "Ways of Looking at Roms," p. 207.
35. Horvathova, Cigani na Slovensku, pp. 138-142.
36. By 1910,61.8 percent of the population of Slovakia worked the land, while 20.3 per-
cent were involved in industry and trade. Figures for the Czech lands were 40.0 and
34.2 percent respectively. Slovak "per capita industrial production, and percentrage
population employed in indusry represented respectively about one-half and one-third
of the European average." Kann and David, Peoples of the Eastern Habsburg Lands,
37. Davidova, "Gypsies in Czechoslovakia," I, p. 91.
38. Fraser, The Gypsies, pp. 252-253.
39. Seton-Watson, History of the Czechs and Slovaks, pp. 187-288; regional deaths within
the Austro-Hungarian Empire showed 26.7 percent of these deaths of those from
Moravian-Slovak areas, 23.7 percent from purely Slovak areas, and 22.5 percent from
"Purely Czech" regions. Macartney, The Habsburg Empire, pp. 812-813 n. 2;
Austria-Hungary counted 1.2 million to 1.25 million dead and 5.77 million to 5.82
million wounded during World War I. David Crowe, World War I and Europe in
Crisis, 1914-1935 (Piscataway, NJ: Research and Education Association, 1990),
p. 40; Geza Jeszensky, "Hungary through World War I and the End of the Dual
Monarchy," in Sugar, Hanak, and Frank, eds., History of Hungary, p. 292; Barbara
Jelavich, The Habsburg Empire in European Affairs, 1814-1918 (Chicago: Rand
McNally, 1969), p. 168.
40. Horvathova, Cigani na Slovensku, pp. 147-148.
41. Hans Kohn, The Habsburg Empire, 1804-1918 (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold
Company, 1961), p. 100.
42. Kann and David, Peoples of the Eastern Habsburg Lands, pp. 323-325, 391-392;
Victor S. Mamatey, "The Establishment of the Republic," in Victor S. Mamatey and
Radomir Luza, eds., A History of the Czechoslovak Republic, 1918-1948 (Princeton,
NJ: Princeton University Press, 1973), p. 26.
43. Vac1av L. Benes, "Czechoslovak Democracy and Its Problems, 1918-1920," in
Mamatey and Luza, History of the Czechoslovak Republic, pp. 46, 49; Guy, "Ways of
Looking at Roms," p. 211.
44. Malbone W. Graham, Jr., New Governments of Central Europe (New York: Henry
Holt, 1926), pp. 295-296; Benes, "Czechoslovak Democracy and Its Problems," p. 96;
Milena Hiibschmannova, "Co je tzv. [tak zvana] cikanska otazka?" (What is the So-
called Gypsy Problem?), Sociologick y casopis (Sociologial Journal), No.2 (1970),
45. Vladimir Srb, "Cigani v Ceskoslovensku (Gypsies in Czechoslovakia)," Demografie,
Vol. 11, No.3 (1969), p. 194; Vladimir Srb and J. Job, "Nektere demograficke, eko-
nomicke a kulturne charakteristiky romskeno obyvatelstva v CSSR 1970 (Some
Demographic, Economic, and Cultural Characteristics of the Romany Population in
the CSSR in 1970)," Demografie, Vol. 16, No.2 (1974), p. 179; Horvathova, Cigani
na Slovensku, pp. 156-157, 160-161. Horvathova says that there were 28,593 Rom in
the 1931 census [1930], with 26,956 in Slovakia; "Schwierigkeiten mit den Zigeunem
in derTschechoslowakei," Osteuropa, Vol. 11, No.6 (June 1971), p. A123; Davidova,
"Gypsies in Czechoslovakia," I, p. 94.
46. Benes, "Czechoslovak Democracy and Its Problems," p. 40. Benes calls the December
1, 1930, census the 1931 census.
47. Davidova, "Gypsies in Czechoslovakia," I, pp. 92-93; Guy, "Ways of Looking at
Roms," p. 211; Ji!'i Upa, "The Fate of Gypsies in Czechoslovakia under Nazi
59. Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, p. 133; Llpa, "Fate of Gypsies in
Czechoslovakia," pp. 213-214; there were three separate camps in the Auschwitz
(Oswic:;cim) area. The first was known to the SS as Auschwitz I, while the camp in
nearby Birkenau Woods was known as Auschwitz II-Birkenau. A third camp,
Auschwitz III, was an industrial center. Birkenau was the site of the extermination
camp. Yahil, The Holocaust, pp. 364-365; Rudolf Htiss, Death Dealer: The Memoirs
of the SS Kommandant at Auschwitz, ed. Steven Paskuly, translated by Andrew
Pollinger (Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1992), p. 34.
60. Benno Miiller-Hill, Murderous Science: Elimination by Scientific Selection of Jews,
Gypsies, and Others, Germany, 1933-1945, translated by George R. Fraser (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1988), p. 17.
61. Fraser, The Gypsies, p. 265; Franciszek Piper, Auschwitz: How Many Perished Jews,
Poles, Gypsies (Krakow: Poligrafia ITS, 1991), p. 51; Llpa, "Fate of Gypsies in
Czechoslovakia," p. 214; Necas, Nad osudem, pp. 62-63; Appendix II in Hoss's mem-
oirs states that 21,667 Gypsies had been shipped to Birkenau from February 26,1943
to July 21, 1944. Of this number, 2,991 were sent to other camps, while "over 15,000
had died in Birkenau by August I, 1944." Htiss, Death Dealer, pp. 362-363.
62. Hoss, Death Dealer, pp. 136-138; Kazimierz Smolen, Auschwitz 1940-1945
(Oswic:;cimiu: Panstwowe Muzeum w Oswic:;cimiu, 1969), pp. 21-22; Fraser, The
Gypsies, p. 266.
63. Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, pp. 135, 183; Fraser, The Gypsies,
p. 267; Horvathova, Cigani na Slovensku, p. 170; Kostelancik, "Gypsies of
Czechoslovakia," p. 309.
64. Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, pp. 134-135; the transport of March
II, 1943, held 642 Rom. Necas, Nad osudem, p. 63; Dr. Josef Mengele performed
ghastly medical experiments on inmates at the Auschwitz complex. Shmuel
Krakowski, "Mengele, Josef," in Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Vol. 3, ed. Israel
Gutman, (New York: Macmillan, 1990), pp. 971-972. Elisabeth Koch is possibly a
reference to lise Koch, the wife of Buchenwald commandant Karl Otto Koch, who
gained deadly notoriety as the "witch" or "bitch" of Buchenwald because of her
"extreme cruelty to prisoners," her nymphomania, and human skin collection. lise
Koch was never at Auschwitz. Shmuel Spector, "Koch, Karl Otto," in Gutman, ed.,
Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Vol. 2, pp. 809-810.
65. Hoensch, "The Slovak Republic, 1939-1945," pp. 278-279, 284-286; Llpa, "Fate of
Gypsies in Czechoslovakia," pp. 209-210; Necas, Nad osudem, p. 70.
66. Llpa, "Fate of Gypsies in Czechoslovakia," p. 210; Gypsy and Jewish service regula-
tions were included in legislation of January 18, 1940, and February 29, 1940. Necas,
Nad osudem, pp. 82-129, devotes a great deal of time to the little-known history of the
Gypsy labor units (pracovni utvary) from 1941 to 1944. He provides detailed Gypsy
inmate statistics for the camps at Bystre nad Topl'ou, Dubnica nad Vahom, lIava, and
Revuca; Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, p. 136.
67. Llpa, "Fate of Gypsies in Czechoslovakia," p. 211; Netas, Nad osudem, pp. 74-75,130.
68. Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, p. 136; Horvathova, Cigani na
Slovensku, p. 171.
69. Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, p. 137; Horvathova, Cigani na
Slovensku, p. 171; the train regulations were issued on June 13, 1944, while the other
mandates appeared on June 19-21, 1944. Necas, Nad osudem, pp. 130-132.
70. Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, pp. 137-138; Hoensch, "The Slovak
Republic, 1939~1945" pp. 293-295; Anna Josko, "The Slovak Resistance
Movement," in Mamatey and Luza, History of the Czechoslovak Republic, pp. 375-
71. Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe' s Gypsies, pp. 137-138; authorities laterfound
a mass grave at Kremnice, which was occupied by the Germans from November 5,
1944, to January 12, 1945. It contained 3,723 bodies, some of them Gypsies. Necas,
Nad osudem, pp. 138-141.
72. Lfpa, "Fate of Gypsies in Czechoslovakia," pp. 211-213; Necas, Nad osudem, pp. 111-
112,134-137; Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, p. 138; Horvathova,
Cigani na Slovensku, p. 173 n. 34; Kostelancik, "The Gypsies of Czechoslovakia,"
p. 309. The Gypsies were not Slovakia's only victims after the Slovak National
Insurrection. Estimates are that from August 1944 until April 1945 "7,500 soldiers and
2,500 partisans were killed and 3,723 civilians were murdered and buried in mass
graves; 900 were burned in lime kilns; 30,000 people were deported to German con-
centration camps; 60 communities were completely destroyed by fires and 142 were
partially wiped out"; Josko, "Slovak Resistance Movement," p. 383.
73. Radomir Luza, "Czechoslovakia between Democracy and Communism, 1945-1948," in
Mamatey and Luza, History of the Czechoslovak Republic, pp. 390--398; Radimor Luza,
The Transfer of the Sudeten Germans: A Study of Czech-German Relations, 1933-1962
(New York: New York University Press, 1964), pp. 286--287. Czech officials shipped
1,334,856 Germans to the American Zone in Germany during this period and 636,482 to
the Soviet Zone. Another 30,000 Germans left Czechoslovakia over the next two years.
74. Kostelancik, "The Gypsies of Czechoslovakia," pp. 309-310; Guy, "Ways of Looking
at Roms," p. 213; Tomas Grulich and Tomas Haisman, "Institucionalnf zajem 0
cikanske obyvatelstvo v Ceskoslovensku v letech 1945-1958 (Institutional Interest in
the Solution of the Gypsy Question in Czechoslovakia, 1945-1958)," Cesky Lid, Vol.
73, No.2 (1986), p. 73.
75. Kostelancik, "The Gypsies of Czechoslovakia," pp. 310--311; Vladimir Srb, "Cigani v
Ceskoslovensku," p. 194; Zdenek Suda, The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
(Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1969), pp. 32-36; LuZa,
"Czechoslovakia between Democracy and Communism," pp. 412-415.
76. Kostelancik, "The Gypsies of Czechoslovakia," pp. 310--311; Grulich and Haisman,
"Institucionalnf zajem 0 cikanske," p. 74.
77. Kostelancik, "The Gypsies of Czechoslovakia," pp. 311, 320; Kalvoda, "Gypsies of
Czechoslovakia," p. 93.
78. Otto VIc, "Communist National Minority Policy: The Case of the Gypsies in
Czechoslovakia," Soviet Studies, Vol. 20, No.4 (April 1969), pp. 422-424;
"Minorities in Eastern Europe," East Europe, Vol. 8, No.3 (March 1959), pp. 13-14.
79. "Minorities in Eastern Europe," p. 14; Kostelancik, "The Gypsies of Czechoslovakia,"
p. 311, improperly places the date for the passage of Law No. 74 as November 17,
1958; Grulich and Haisman, "InstitucionaInf zlijem 0 cikanske," pp. 77-78; Guy,
"Ways of Looking at Roms," pp. 214-215. Guy estimates the number of "registered
'nomads'" at 20,000--27,000; Ulc, "Communist National Minority Policy," pp. 424-
426, says officials estimated that the semi-nomadic Rom were the largest group
among the Gypsies.
80. Kostelancik, "The Gypsies of Czechoslovakia," p. 426; Kalvoda, "Gypsies of
Czechoslovakia," pp. 98-99.
81. Kostelancik, "The Gypsies of Czechoslovakia," pp. 312-313; Ulc, "Communist
National Minority Policy," pp. 430--431. Of the 56,000 Rom in eastern Slovakia, only
2.2 percent had an adequate water supply; Guy, "Ways of Looking at Roms,"
82. Ulc, "Communist National Minority Policy," pp. 432-433; Kostelancik, "The Gypsies
of Czechoslovakia," pp. 312-314; Guy, "Ways of Looking at Roms," pp. 219-220;
Hiibschmannova, ~'Co je zv. cikanska otazka?" p. 115 n.19.
83. Otto Vic, "Czechoslovakia," in Communism in Eastern Europe, Second Edition, ed.
Teresa Rakowska-Harmstone (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1984), pp. 121-
123; William Shawcross, Dubcek (New York: Touchstone Books/Simon & Schuster,
Inc., 1990), pp. 114-119.
1. Emilia Horvathova, Cigani na Slovensku (Bratislava: Vydatel'stvo Siovenskej
Akademie Vied, 1964), p. 33.
2. "Cigani," Encyclopedia Slovensku, Vol. I (Bratislava: Veda. 1977-82), p. 320; Willy
Guy, "Ways of Looking at Roms: The Case of Czechoslovakia," in Gypsies, Tinkers and
Other Travellers, ed. Farnham Rehfisch (New York: Academic Press, 1975), p. 208; Dr.
Eva Davidova, "The Gypsies in Czechoslovakia. Part I: Main Characteristics and Brief
Historical Development," translated by D. E. Guy, Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society,
Third Series, Vol. 69, Nos. 3-4 (July-October 1970), p. 88; Angus Fraser, The Gypsies
'(Oxford: Blackwell, 1992), pp. 47-50; Laszlo Makkai, "Transformation into a
Western-Type State, 1196--1301," in A History of Hungary, ed. Peter Sugar, Peter
Hanak, and Tibor Frank (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1990), p. 30.
3. Tatomir Vukanovic. Romi (Tsigani) u Jugoslaviji (Gypsies in Yugoslavia) (Vranje:
Nova Jugoslavija, 1983), p. 23; Milenko Filipovic, "Visoeki Cigani," Etnoloska
10. Fraser, The Gypsies, pp. 156-157; H06z, "Census Relative to Gipsy Population,"p. 21 n. 1.
11. Kann and David, Peoples of the Eastern Habsburg Lands, p. 117; Guy, "Ways of
Looking at Roms," pp. 206-209; Davidova, "The Gypsies in Czechoslovakia," I,
pp. 89-90; Horvathova, Cigani na Slovensku, p. 60; H06z, "Census Relative to Gipsy
Population," p. 19.
12. Mamatey, Rise of the Habsburg Empire, pp. 69-78; O. van Kappen, "A Prague Edict
against Gypsies (1710)," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 42,
Nos. 3-4 (July-October 1963), pp. 118-121; Horvathova, Cigani na Slovensku, pp. 60-
61; Guy, "Ways of Looking at Roms," p. 207.
13. H06z, "Census Relative to Gipsy Population," p. 19; Horst Haselsteiner, "Cooperation
and Confrontation between Rulers and the Noble Estates, 1711-1790," in Sugar,
Hanak, and Frank, History of Hungary, pp. 138-141; Mamatey, Rise of the Habshurg
Empire, pp. 90-91,94-95; Horvathova, Cigani na Slovensku, pp. 113-114.
14. Fraser, The Gypsies, p. 157.
15. Seton-Watson, History of the Czechs and Slovaks, pp. 142-143; Mamatey, Rise of the
Habsburg Empire, pp. 104-106; Horvathova, Cigani na Slovensku, pp. 61, 113;
Davidova, "The Gypsies in,Czechoslovakia," I, p. 90.
16. Fraser, The Gypsies, pp. 157-158, 195; Davidova, "The Gypsies in Czechoslovakia,"
I, p. 90; Guy, "Ways of Looking at Roms," p. 209; Horvathova, Cigani na Slovensku,
17. David M. Crowe, "The Roma (Gypsies) of Hungary through the Kadar Era," Nationalities
Papers, Vol. 19, No.3 (Winter 1991), pp. 297, 307 n. 2; Fraser, The Gypsies, p. 158;
Davidova, "The Gypsies in Czechoslovakia," I, p. 90; Horvathova, Cigani na
Slovensku, pp. 118-119; Donald Kenrick and Grattan Puxon,
The Destiny of Europe's Gypsies (New York: Basic Books, 1972), pp. 50-51.
18. Haselsteiner, "Cooperation and Confrontation between Rulers and the Noble Estates,"
pp. 152-153; Kann and David, Peoples of the Eastern Habshurgs Lands, p. 247;
Fraser, The Gypsies, pp. 158-159; H06z, "Census Relative to Gipsy Population," p. 19.
19. Fraser, The Gypsies, p. 159; Guy, "Ways of Looking at Roms," p. 207; Horvathova,
Cigani na Slovensku, pp. 118-125.
20. Fraser, The Gypsies, pp. 191-192.
21. Ibid., pp. 192, 195. Gypsies in this part of Hungary were divided, caste-wise, along
sedentary and nomadic lines. Nomadic Rom felt superior to their sedentary cousins.
22. Ibid., pp. 192-193, 195-197.
23. Mamatey, Rise of the Hahshurg Empire, pp. 131-132, 134-135. Joseph II also "freed
the Jews from most of the civil disabilities under which they had suffered" and
allowed them to settle throughout the empire.
24. Fraser, The Gypsies, pp. 195-196; Ian Hancock, The Pariah Syndrome (Ann Arbor,
MI: Karoma Publishers, 1987), p. 51; Horvathova, Cigani na Slovensku, pp. 135-136;
Crowe, "Roma of Hungary," p. 297; Konrad Bercovici, Gypsies: Their Life, Lore, and
Legends (New York: Greenwich House, 1983), pp. 92-93; Jean-Paul Clebert, The
Gypsies, translated by Charles Duff (New York: E.P. Dutton, 1963), p. 73.
25. Horvathova, Cigani na Slovensku, pp. 125-136; Guy, "Ways of Looking at Roms,"
26. J. H. Schwicker, Die Zigeuner in Ungarn und Siebenbilrgen (Wien und Teschen:
Verlag von Karl Brochasta, 1883), pp. 63, 66-70; H06z, "Census Relative to Gipsy
Population," p. 19; Horvathova, Cigani na Slovensku, p. 134; Fraser, The Gypsies,
p. 183; Tomka, "Die Zigeuner," p. 4; C. A. Macartney, The Hahsburg Empire,
1789-1918 (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1968), p. 81.
27. Guy, "Ways of Looking at Roms," pp. 209-210; Fraser, The Gypsies, pp. 159-160.
28. Mamatey, Rise of the Habshurg Empire, pp. 131, 138; Macartney, The Hahshurg
Empire, pp. 132-133.
29. Tomka, "Die Zigeuner," p. 4; Ho6z, "Census Relative to Gipsy PopUlation," p. 19.
30. Alan Walker, Franz Liszt, Volume I: The Virtuoso Years, 1811-1847 (New York:
Alfred A. Knopf, 1983), p. 319; Fraser, The Gypsies, pp. 201-203; Geoffrey Hindley,
"Hungarian Music to the Age of Liszt," in The Larousse Encyclopedia of Music, ed.
Geoffrey Hindley (New York: Crescent Books, 1986), p. 320; Franz Liszt, The Gipsy
in Music, Vol. II (London: William Reeves Bookseller Limited, 1926), pp. 341-343.
31. Walker, Franz Liszt, I, pp. 338-339.
32. Liszt, Gipsy in Music, II, pp. 271-276. Geoffrey Hindley says that Liszt was particu-
larly moved by the reception accorded him by the Rom in his hometown, Raiding,
upon his return in 1840. Hindley, "Hungarian Music to the Age of Liszt," p. 319.
33. Alan Walker, Franz Liszt, Vol. II: The Weimar Years, 1848-1861 (New York: Alfred
A. Knopf, 1989), pp. 380-390; Bela Bartok, The Hungarian Folk Song, edited by
Benjamin Suchoff, translated by M. D. Calvocoressi (Albany: State University of New
York Press, 1981), p. 99.
34. "Hungary in the Age of Bartok," in The Larousse Encyclopedia of Music, ed. Geoffrey
Hindley (New York: Crescent Books, 1986), p. 414; Walker, Franz Liszt, I, p. 341;
Fraser, The Gypsies, p. 249; Walker, Franz Liszt, II, pp. 389-390.
35. George Barany, "The Age of Royal Absolutism, 1790-1848," in Sugar, Hanak, and
Frank, eds., History of Hungary, pp. 174-208 passim.
36. Istvan Deak, "The Revolution and the War of Independence, 1848-1849," in Sugar,
Hanak, and Frank, eds., Histpry of Hungary, pp. 209-211.
37. Barany, "Age of Royal Absolutism," pp. 200,204.
38. Deak, "Revolution and the War ofIndependence," pp. 214-217.
39. Fraser, The Gypsies, p. 203; Deak, "Revolution and the War of Independence,"
40. Eva Somogyi, ''The Age of Neoabsolutism, 1849-1867," in Sugar, Hanak, and Frank,
eds., History of Hungary, p. 236; Deak, "Revolution and War of Independence," p. 209.
41. Somogyi, "Age of Neoabsolutism," pp. 236-239.
42. Ibid., pp. 236-237, 241-242.
43. Ibid., pp. 236-246; Hans Kohn, The Habsburg Empire, 1804-1918 (New York: Van
Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1961), p. 41.
44. Somogyi, "Age of Neoabsolutism," pp. 246-251; Tibor Frank, "Hungary and the Dual
Monarchy, 1867-1890," in Sugar, Hanak, and Frank, eds., History of Hungary, p. 252.
45. Frank, "Hungary and the Dual Monarchy," pp. 254-255.
46. Fraser, The Gypsies, pp. 193,211-212,248-249.
47. Hooz, "Census Relative to Gipsy Population," p. 20. Hooz confusingly mentions Elek
F€nyes's analysis of the 1851 census, which indicated a total Rom popUlation of
93,600, then breaks it down as "in Transylvania 60,000, in Hungary 121,000, in the
Serbia Voivodeship 12,000," for a total population of 193,000. Presumably he meant
there were only 21,000 Gypsies in Hungary. Tomka, "Die Zigeuner," p. 4; Schwicker,
Die Zigeuner, pp. 75-82; Istvan Hooz, "The 1893 Year Gipsy Census and Its Results,"
in A Magyarorszagban Cziganyosszeiras Eredmenyei, pp. 26-27.
48. Hooz, "The 1893 Year Gipsy Census," pp. 24-27; Tomka, "Die Zigeuner," pp. 4-5.
49. Hooz, "The 1893 Year Gipsy Census," pp. 26-27; Tomka, "Die Zigeuner," p. 5.
50. Hooz, "The 1893 Year Gipsy Census," pp. 27-28; G€za Jeszenszky, "Hungary
through World War I and the End of the Dual Monarchy," in Sugar, Hanak, and Frank,
eds., History of Hungary, p. 274.
51. Jeszenszky, "Hungary through World War I," pp. 269-270, 274-275; Jorg K.
Hoensch, A History of Modern Hungary, 1867-1986, translated by Kim Traynor
(London: Longman Group, 1988), pp. 35, 73-76; Andrew C. Janos, The Politics of
Backwardness in Hungary, 1825-1945 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,
1982), p. 117; Joseph Rothschild, East Central Europe between the Two World Wars
(Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1990), p. 153. Historic Hungary had a 1910
population of 18,264,533, while Croatia-Slavonia had 2,621,954 inhabitants.
52. Tomka. "Die Zigeuner," pp. 6-7; Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, p. 56.
53. Jeszenszky, "Hungary through World War I," pp. 291-293; David M. Crowe, World
War 1 and Europe in Crisis, 1914-1935 (Piscataway, NJ: Research and Education
Association, 1990), pp. 40-41, 46; C. A. Macartney, A History of Hungary,
1929-1945, Part I (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., 1956), p. 4; Tibor Hadju and
Zsuzsa L. Nagy, "Revolution, Counterrevolution, Consolidation," in Sugar, Hamil<,
and Frank, eds., History of Hungary, p. 314.
54. Martin L. Kovacs and David M. Crowe, "National Minorities in Hungary,
1919-1980," in Eastern European National Minorities, 1919-1980: A Handbook, ed.
Stephen M. Horak (Littleton, CO: Libraries Unlimited, Inc., 1985), pp. 164-165.
There were about 550,000 Germans left in Hungary in 1920; J. C. Paikert, "Hungary's
National Minority Policies, 1920-1945," The American Slavic and East European
Review, Vol. 12, No.2 (1953), pp. 202-203, 207-208. 218.
55. Paikert, "Hungary's National Minority Policies," pp. 214, 217; Tomka, "Die Zigeuner,"
p. 7; Crowe, "Roma of Hungary," p. 298; Janos, Politics of Backwardness, p. 330.
56. Maria Ormos, "The Early Interwar Years, 1921-1938," in Sugar, Hanak, and Frank,
eds., History of Hungary, pp. 329-332; Hungary was officially a monarchy without a
king, something World War I's victors insisted on in the creation of a new Hungary.
Hajdu and Nagy, "Revolution, Counterrevolution, Consolidation," pp. 312-313.
57. Ormos, "The Early Interwar Years," pp. 331-335; Janos, Politics of Backwardness,
58. Ormos, "The Early Interwar Years," pp. 337-338; Janos, Politics of Backwardness,
p. 289; Hoensch, History of Modern Hungary, pp. 137-139; Rothschild, East Central
Europe, p. 178; Tomka, "Die Zigeuner," p. 7; Kovacs and Crowe, "National
Minorities in Hungary," p. 167; Randolph L. Braham, A Magyar Holocaust (The
Holocaust in Hungary), Vol. 1 (Budapest: Gondolat, 1988), pp. 106-107.
59. Hoensch, History of Modern Hungary, pp. 139-143. 148-149; Ctibor Necas, Nad osu-
dem ceskych a slovenskych Ciklinu v letech 1939-1945 (Bmo: Univerzita J.E.
Purkyne, 1981), pp. 24, 28; Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, p. 183;
Kovacs and Crowe, "National Minorities in Hungary," pp. 165, 167; Braham, A
Magyar Holocaust, pp. 111-115.
60. Hoensch, History of Modern Hungary, pp. 149-151; Janos, Politics of Backwardness,
pp. 301-302; Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, p. 124.
61. Rothschild, East Central Europe, p. 195; Laszlo Kiivago, Nemzetisegek a mai Magyar-
Orszcigon (Nationalities in Today's Hungary) (Budapest: Kossuth, 1981), p. 9.
62. The First Jewish Law of 1938 had reduced by 20 percent the number of Jews in the pro-
fessions and the country's economic life, while the Second Jewish Law the following
year placed further economic and professional restrictions on the Jews. Kovacs and
Crowe, "National Minorities in Hungary," p. 167; Hoensch, History of Modern
Hungary, p. 154; Macartney, History of Hungary, Part 2, p. 15.
63. Joseph B. Schechtman, "The Gypsy Problem," Midstream, Vol. 12, No.9 (November
1966), pp. 56-57.
64. Hoensch, History of Modern Hungary, pp. 153-156; Kovacs and Crowe, "National
Minorities in Hungary," pp. 167-168; Randolph L. Braham, The Politics of Genocide:
The Holocaust in Hungary, Vol. 1 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1981),
pp. 405-411.
65. State Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau and the Documentary and Cultural Centre of
German Sintis and Roms, Memorial Book: The Gypsies at Auschwitz-Birkenau, Vols.
1-2 (Miinchen: K..G. Saur, 1993), pp. 3,942-944,960-972,1469-1471; Kenrick and
Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, p. 227 n. 5, err when they note that there were
Hungarian Gypsies among numbers 3944-4141. Furthermore, all of the Rom assigned
these latter numbers were male, not female, as they assert, and arrived at the Gypsy
Camp on March 17-18, 1943, not March 16.
66. Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, pp. 125, 227 n. 10; Crowe, "Roma
of Hungary," p. 299; Hoensch, History of Modern Hungary, pp. 155-158; John
Bierman, Righteous Gentile (New York: Bantam Books, 1983), p. 117; Uvai Jeno,
Raoul Wallenberg (Budapest: Magyar Teka, 1948), passim; Leni Yahil, The
Holocaust: The Fate of European Jewry (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990),
pp. 642-648.
67. Hoensch, History of Modern Hungary, pp. 161-177 passim; Bennett Kovrig,
Communism in Hungary from Kun to Kadar (Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press,
1979), pp. 71, 133, 144, 162; Crowe, "Rom a of Hungary," p. 299; Paul S. Shoup, The
East European and Soviet Data Handbook (New York: Columbia University Press,
1981), p. 137; Tomka, "Die Zigeuner," p. 8; Laszl6 Sikl6s, "The Gypsies," The New
Hungarian Quarterly, Vol. II, No. 40 (1970), p. 151.
68. Kovacs and Crowe, "National Minorities in Hungary," pp. 168-171; Nigel Swain,
Hungary: The Rise and Fall of Feasible Socialism (London: Verso, 1992), pp. 189-190.
69. Crowe, "Roma of Hungary," p. 299.
70. "Minorities in Eastern Europe," East Europe, Vol. 8, No.3 (March 1959), p. 14;
Shoup, East European and Soviet Data Handbook, p. 137; Sikl6s, p. 151; Tomka,
"Die Zigeuner," pp. 10-13.
71. Mihaly Hajdu, "Gypsies 1980," Hungarian Digest, No.6 (1980), p. 33.
72. Hajdu, "Gypsies 1980," p. 33; Tamas Ervin and Revesz Tamas, Bucsu a ciganytelep-
tol (Farewell to the Gypsy Quarter) (Budapest: Kossuth Konyvkiad6, 1977), p. 16;
Grattan Puxon, Rom: Europe's Gypsies (London: Minority Rights Group, 1973), p. 16;
"Minorities in Eastern Europe," p. 14; "Discrimination," East Europe, Vol. 8, No. 12
(December 1959), p. II.
73. Sikl6s, "The Gypsies," pp. 151, 153-154; Hajdu, "Gypsies 1980," p. 33; Puxon, Rom
(1973), p. 16; Swain, Hungary, p. 202.
74. Hajdu, "Gypsies 1980," pp. 31-32; Grattan Puxon, Roma: Europe's Gypsies (London:
Minority Rights Group, 1975), pp. 12-13.
75. Hajdu, "Gypsies 1980," pp. 31-32.
76. Laszlo R6zsa, "Gypsies and Public Opinion," The New Hungarian Quarterly, Vol. 20,
No. 73 (Spring 1979), p. 126; Grattan Puxon, Rom: Europe's Gypsies (London:
Minority Rights Group, 1987), p. 10; Eva Lengyel, "The Gypsy Problem Continues
to Confront Society," Radio Free Europe Research, Hungary No.6 (April 22, 1983),
77. Puxon, Roma (1973), p. 16; Hajdu, "Gypsies 1980," p. 31.
78. William O. McCagg, "Gypsy Life in Socialist Hungary and Czechoslovakia,"
Nationalities Papers, Vol. 19, No.3 (Winter 1991), p. 323.
79. Swain, Hungary, p. 204; Sikl6s, "The Gypsies," p. 158.
80. Hajdu, "Gypsies 1980," pp. 30-31; Marg Csapo, "Preschool Special Education in
Hungary," Early Child Development and Care, Vol. 14, Nos. 3-4 (March 1984), p. 252;
Sikl6s, "The Gypsies," p. 159; Zita Reger, "Bilingual Gypsy Children in Hungary:
Explorations in 'Natural' Second-Language Acquisitions at an Early Age," International
Journal of the Sociology ofLanguage, No. 19 (1979), p. 60; Lengyel, "Gypsy Problem
Continues to Confront Society," p. 17.
81. R6zsa, "Gypsies and Public Opinion," pp. 126, 128; Lengyel, "Gypsy Problem
Continues to Confront Society," pp. 17-18.
82. Edith Markos, "The Fast-Growing Gypsy Minority and Its Problems," Radio Free
Europe Research, Hungary No.5 (June 15, 1987), p. 14; Swain, Hungary, pp. 196-197.
83. "The Employment of Gypsies," Radio Free Europe Research, Hungary No. 19
(August 8, 1978), p. 6.
84. Lengyel, "Gypsy Problem Continues to Confront Society," pp. 16-17.
85. Edith Markos, "Dim Prospects for Improving the Plight of the Gypsies," Radio Free
Europe Research. Hungary No. 10 (September 4.1985), pp. 13-14.
103. Judith Ingram, "Hungary's Gypsy Women: Scapegoats in a New Democracy," Ms,
September/October 1991, p. 17; Janos Kenedi, "Why Is the Gypsy the Scapegoat and
Not the Jew?" East European Reporter, Vol. 2, No.1 (Spring 1986), p. 14; Paul
Hockenos, Free to Hate: The Rise of the Right in Post-Communist Eastern Europe
(New York: Routledge, 1993), p. 156; Times-Mirror (Los Angeles), The Pulse of
Europe: A Survey of Political and Social Values and Attitudes (Washington, DC:
Times-Mirror Center for the People & the Press, 1992), p. 184; Freedom House and the
American Jewish Committee, Democracy, Economic Reform and Western Assistance
in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland: A Comparative Public Opinion Survey (New
York: Freedom House and the American Jewish Committee, 1991), pp. 62-65.
104. Edith Oltay, "Crime Rate Rising Sharply," Report on Eastern Europe (August 30,
1991), p. 32.
105. "The Next Great Trek of the Gypsies," World Press Review, Vol. 37, No. 11
(November 1990), p. 44; Edith Oltay, "Poverty on the Rise," Report on Eastern
Europe (January 25, 1991), p. 14; Edith Oltay put Gypsy unemployment figures at 70
percent in mid-1993, and national unemployment rates at 13 percent, in her "Hungary
Passes Law on Minority Rights," RFEIRL Research Report (August 20, 1993), p. 58;
Henry Kamm, "Gypsies in a Hungarian City Suffering from the Economic Change,"
The New York Times, November 7, 1993, p. A9; according to Edith Oltay, many of
Hungary's "street prostitutes are Gypsies from poor families, and a substantial number
are under eighteen." Edith Oltay, "Prostitution Thriving in Hungary," RFEIRL
Research Report (May 28, 1993), p. 40.
106. Gabor Vajda, "Gypsies Face a Crisis of Confidence," Budapest Week, Vol. 3, No. 27
(September 9-15,1993), p. 5.
107. Judith Pataki, "Increasing Intolerance of Foreigners," RFEIRL Research Report (May
8, 1992), pp. 34-35; Judith Pataki, "Hungary Copes with Refugee Influx," RFEIRL
Research Report (April 30, 1993), pp. 35-36.
108. Judith Pataki, "Dramatic Surge in Racist Attacks Prompt Foreign Students to Leave
Hungarian Universities," The Chronicle of Higher Education, April 15, 1992, p. A48;
though some prominent members of Csurka's party distanced themselves from his
comments, which also included comments on "Jewish and foreign influence over
Hungarian affairs," this was not his first prejudicial foray. The popular writer and for-
mer communist opposition leader had a track record of anti-Semitic allusions in earlier
radio broadcasts and in the newsletter he edited, Hungarian Forum. Though the HDF
officially condemned anti-Semitism, it had allowed Csurka to play on these sentiments
among "some of its members and supporters in order to gain votes" in the 1990 elec-
tions. "Hungarian Attack Sets Off a Storm," The New York Times, September 20,
1992, p. 8; Hockenos, Free to Hate, pp. 154-155; Swain, Hungary, pp. 17,29; Craig
R. Whitney, "East Europe's Frustration Finds Target: Immigrants," The New York
Times, November 13, 1992, p. A4; Judith Ingram, "Boys Impatient for 'Great
Hungary' to Take Wing," The New York Times, January 15, 1993, p. A4; Edith Oltay,
"Criminal Proceedings against Hungarian Fascist Party," RFEIRL Daily Report
(February 3, 1994), n.p.; "Gipsies March against Rise in Racist Attacks," The
European July 15-18, 1993, p. 14.
109. Alfred A. Reisch, "First Law on Minorities Drafted," Report on Eastern Europe
(December 13, 1991), pp. 16-17; Vajda, "Gypsies Face a Crisis of Confidence," p. 5.
110. Oltay, "Hungary Passes Law on Minority Rights," pp. 57-60; "Gipsies March Against
Rise in Racist Attacks," p. 14.
1. Georges Castellan, A History of the Romanians, translated by Nicholas Bradley
(Boulder, CO: East European Monographs, 1989), pp. 28-35; Pal Engel, "The Age of
the Angevines, 1301-1382," inA History of Hungary, ed. Peter F. Sugar, Peter Hanak,
and Tibor Frank (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1990), p. 40; Norman
Davies, God's Playground: A History of Poland, Vol. 1: The Origins to 1795 (New
York: Columbia University Press, 1982), pp. 108-109; R. W. Seton-Watson, A
History of the Roumanians (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1934), pp. 24-
29; Peter F. Sugar, Southeastern Europe under Ottoman Rule, 1354-1804 (Seattle:
University of Washington Press, 1977), p. 115; Sam Beck, "The Origins of Gypsy
Slavery in Romania," Dialectical Anthropology, Vol. 14, No. I (1989), pp. 55-56;
George C. Soul is, "The Gypsies in the Byzantine Empire and the Balkans in the Late
Middle Ages," Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 15 (1961), p. 162.
2. Angus Fraser, The Gypsies (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992), p. 58; P. N. Panaitescu, "The
Gypsies in Wallachia and Moldavia: A Chapter of Economic History," Journal of the
Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 20, No.2 .(April 1941), pp. 64-67; Beck,
"Origins of Gypsy Slavery," pp. 54-55; Halil inaIcik, "Servile Labor in the Ottoman
Empire," in The Mutual Effects of the Islamic and Judeo-Christian Worlds: The East
European Pattern, ed. Abraham Ascher, Tibor Halasi-Kun, and Bela Kiraly
(Brooklyn, NY: Brooklyn College Press, 1979), p. 37; Soulis, "Gypsies in the
Byzantine Empire," p. 162; Castellan, History of the Romanians, pp. 32-33.
3. Beck, "Origins of Gypsy Slavery," p. 56; Ian Hancock, The Pariah Syndrome (Ann Arbor,
MI: Karoma Publishers, 1987), p. 22; Castellan, History of the Romanians, pp. 38- 39;
Seton-Watson, History of the Roumanians, p. 44.
4. Sugar, Southeastern Europe under Ottoman Rule, pp. 115, 121, 126-127; Panaitescu,
"Gypsies in Wallachia and Moldavia," p. 67; Stanford Shaw, History of the Ottoman
Empire and Modern Turkey, Vol. 1: Empire of the Gazis: The Rise and Decline of the
Ottoman Empire, 1280-1808 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976), pp. 59,
5. Hancock, Pariah Syndrome, pp. 16-17.
6. Ibid. p. 22; M. Gaster, "Mixed Marriages," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third
Series, Vol. 13, No.4 (1934), p. 226; M. Gaster, "Rumanian Gypsies in 1560,"
Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 12, No.1 (1933), p. 59; inaIcik,
"Servile Labor in the Ottoman Empire," pp. 36, 38. Wallachian slaves were an impor-
tant commodity in the Ottoman slave trade in the fifteenth century.
7. Seton-Watson, History of the Roumanians, p. 80; Hancock, Pariah Syndrome, p. 23.
8. Sugar, Southeastern Europe under Ottoman Rule, pp. 134-137; Seton-Watson,
History of the Roumanians, pp. 126-127, 133-134.
9. M. Gaster, "Two Rumanian Documents Concerning Gypsies," Journal of the Gypsy
Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 9, No.4 (1930), pp. 179-180; Seton-Watson, History
of the Roumanians, pp. 141-142; Sugar, Southeastern Europe under Ottoman Rule, p.
137; Castell an, History of the Romanians, p. 88; Ifor L. Evans, The Agrarian
Revolution in Roumania (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1924), pp. 21-23,
51; Hancock, Pariah Syndrome, p. 24; Panaitescu, "Gypsies in Wallachia and
Moldavia," p. 68 n. 1.
10. Hancock, Pariah Syndrome, p. 25; Gaster, "Two Rumanian Documents. "pp. 181-182.
11. Panaitescu, "Gypsies in Wallachia and Moldavia," pp. 69-70 n. 2; Gaster, "Two
Rumanian Documents," pp. 181-182.
12. Barbara lelavich, History of the Balkans; Vol. 1, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983), pp. 204-214; Seton-Watson, History
of the Roumanians, pp. 158, 160-161, 164; William Wilkinson, An Account of the
Principalities of Walla chia and Moldavia (New York: Amo Press & The New York
Times, 1971), pp. 155, 173-175; Hancock, Pariah Syndrome, p. 30.
13. Hancock, Pariah Syndrome, p. 30; W. Bruce Lincoln, Nicholas I: Emperor and
Autocrat of All the Russias (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1978), pp. 187-
190; Seton-Watson, History of the Roumanians, pp. 207-210; Alex. Russell,
Inc., 1991), p. 69; Haley, "The Gypsy Conference at Bucharest," pp. 182-187; Ian
Hancock, "The East European Roots of Romani Nationalism," in Crowe and Kolsti,
eds., Gypsies of Eastern Europe, pp. 140-141; Donald Kenrick and Grattan Puxon,
The Destiny of Europe's Gypsies (New York: Basic Books, 1972), p. 205; Bercovici,
Gypsies, p. 56.
54. Haley, "The Gypsy Conference at Bucharest," pp. 186-187.
55. Ibid., pp. 184, 187; Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, p. 205; Crowe,
"Gypsy Historical Experience in Romania," pp. 69-70; F.G. Ackerley, "The Voice of
the Gypsies," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 21, Nos. 1-2
(January-April 1942), pp. 71-72; Hancock, "East European Roots of Romani
Nationalism," pp. 140-141; Dan Ionescu, "The Gypsies Organize," Report on Eastern
Europe (June 29, 1990), p. 42.
56. Ionescu, "The Gypsies Organize," p. 42; Helsinki Watch, Destroying Ethnic Identity:
The Persecution of the Gypsies in Romania (New York: Human Rights Watch, 1991),
p. 11; George Potra, Contributiuni la Istoricul,iganilor din Romania (Contributions to
the History of the Gypsies in Romania) (Bucure§ti: Fundatia Regele Carol 1,1939), pp.
121-122; F. G. Ackerley, "George Potra's Contriburiuni la Istoricul Tiganilor din
Romania," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 21, Nos. 1-2
(January-April 1942), p. 68.
57. Rothschild, East Central Europe, pp. 296-306. King Ferdinand I died in 1927, and a
regency was set up to rule for Michael.
58. Ibid., pp. 285, 307-309; Hugh Seton-Watson, Eastern Europe between the Wars
(Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1986), pp. 75, 205-207.
59. Rothschild, East Central Europe, pp. 309-315; Castellan, History of the Romanians,
pp. 200-204.
60. Bessarabia had been put in the Soviet sphere of influence in the secret Nazi-Soviet
accord of August 23, 1939. Stalin, who had just occupied the Baltic states, integrated
Bessarabia and northern Bukovina into the Moldavian SSR. Max Beloff, The Foreign
Policy of Soviet Russia, 1929-1941, Vol. II (London: Oxford University Press, 1966),
pp. 331-333; David M. Crowe, The Baltic States and the Great Powers: Foreign
Relations, 1938-1940 (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1993), pp. 174-175;
Rothschild, East Central Europe, pp. 315-317; Castellan, History of the Romanians,
61. Castellan, History of the Romanians, pp. 208-210; Rothschild, East Central Europe,
pp. 316-317; Jean Ancel, "The 'Christian' Regimes of Romania and the Jews,
1940-1942," Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Vol. 7, No.1 (Spring 1993), pp. 15,
18. Romania's first wartime anti-Semitic legislation had been adopted on September
9, 1940 but was shelved by Antonescu after Jewish leaders reminded him of his
promise that his government would be "based on faith and justice, on law, order "and
humanity." Joseph B. Schechtman, "The Transnistria Reservation," YIVO Annual of
Jewish Social Science, Vol. 8 (1953), pp. 178-179; Julius B. Fisher, "How Many Jews
Died in Transnistria?" Jewish Social Studies, Vol. 20, No.2 (April 1958), p. 97;
Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, pp. 129-130.
62. Rothschild, East Central Europe, pp. 316-317; Castellan, History of the Romanians,
pp. 207-210; Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, pp. 128-129; Jean-
Paul Cl6bert, The Gypsies, translated by Charles Duff (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1963),
p. 209; it is peculiar to note that the Bucharest press "reported that 25,000 Jews were
deported to Transnistria in the middle of October 1942," a figure identical to the num-
ber of Roma shipped to the "reservation." Schechtman, "The Transnistria
Reservation," p. 181 [178-196]; Dalia Ofer, "The Holocaust in Transnistria: A Special
Case of Genocide," in ed. Lucjan Dobroszycki and Jeffrey S. Gurock The Holocaust in
the Soviet Union (Armonk, NY: M,E. Sharpe, 1993), pp. 133-136, 143. The three
major waves of Jewish deportations to Transnistria took place between the fall of 1941
and the spring of 1942, the summer of 1942 through the spring of 1943, and from the
summer of 1943 to March 1944; 1. C. Butnaru, The Silent Holocaust: Romania and Its
Jews (New York: Greenwood Press, 1992), pp. 112-162 passim.
63. Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, p. 129.
64. Bohdan Krawchenko, Social Change and National Consciousness in Twentieth-
Century Ukraine (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985), pp. 161-162; Kenrick and
Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, p. 129; there were approximately 125,000 ethnic
Germans in Transnistria. Schechtman, "The Transnistria Reservation," pp. 178-179.
65. Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny ofEurope' s Gypsies, pp. 129-130.
66. Helsinki Watch, Destroying Ethnic Identity (Romania), pp. 106-107.
67. Joseph B. Schechtman, "The Gypsy Problem," Midstream, Vol. XII, No.9 (November
1966), pp. 56-57.
68. Helsinki Watch, Destroying Ethnic Identity (Romania), pp. 14-15; Kenrick and
Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, p. 130.
69. Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, pp. 129-130; Castellan, History of
the Romanians, p. 210.
70. Castellan, History of the Romanians, pp. 210-223.
71. Ibid., pp. 223-224; Walter M. Bacon, Jr., "Romania," in Communism in Eastern
Europe, 2nd edition, ed. Teresa Rakowska-Harmstone (Bloomington: Indiana
University Press, 1984), pp. 167-168; Sam Beck, "Ethnicity, Class, and Public Policy:
Tiganii/Gypsies in Socialist Romania," in Papers for the V Congress of Southeast
European Studies, ed. Kot K. Shangriladze and Erica W. Townsend (Belgrad,
September 1984) (Columbus, OH: Slavica Publishers, 1984), pp. 27-28.
72. Bacon, "Romania," p. 168; Illyes, National Minorities in Romania, pp. 107,111,113,
115-116; Trond Gilberg, Nationalism and Communism in Romania: The Rise and Fall
ofCeausescu's Personal Dictatorship (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1990), p. 170.
73. Illyes, National Minorities in Romania, p. 35; Fred S. Pisky, "The People," in Romania,
ed. Stephen Fischer-Galati (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1957), pp. 54, 56.
74. Helsinki Watch, Destroying Ethnic Ident(lY(Romania),_pp. 17-18; Illyes, National
Minorities in Romania, p. 118; Beck, "Ethnicity, Class, and Public Policy," pp. 26-27.
75. Trond Gilberg, Modernization in Romania since World War II (New York: Praeger
Publishers, 1975), pp. 216, 223, 225-227; Trond Gilberg, "Ethnic Minorities in
Romania under Socialism," East European Quarterly, Vol. 7, No.4 (January 1974),
76. Gilberg, "Ethnic Minorities in Romania," pp. 439,441,464; Gilberg, Modernization
in Romania, pp. 216, 223-225; Paul S. Shoup, The East European and Soviet Data
Handbook (New York: Columbia University Press, 1981), p. 139.
77. Gilberg, "Ethnic Minorities in Romania," pp. 439, 441, 464; Gilberg, Modernization
in Romania, p. 225.
78. Gilberg, Modernization in Romania, pp. 226-227, 230; Michael Shafir, Romania:
Politics, Economics and Society (London: Frances Pinter, 1985), p. 109.
79. Gilberg, Modernization in Romania, pp. 213-214. It is interesting to compare
Gilberg's complimentary views of Ceau§escu's minorities policy in the above study
with his analysis 15 years later in his Nationalism and Communism in Romania, pp. 173-
179; Robert R. King, History of the Romanian Communist Party (Stanford, CA:
Hoover Institution Press, 1980), pp. 131-134.
80. Helsinki Watch, Destroying Ethnic Identity (Romania), pp. 18-19, 109-110; Zoltan D.
Barany, "Democratic Changes Bring Mixed Blessings for Gypsies," RFEIRL
Research Report (May 15, 1992), p. 43; Grattan Puxon, Rom: Europe's Gypsies
(London: Minority Rights Group, 1973), pp. 16-17, 23; Grattan Puxon, Rom:
Europe's Gypsies (London: Minority Rights Group, 1975), p. 17, estimated that
Romania's Gypsy population had grown to 661,500 by 1975; Michael Shafir,
"Preliminary Results of the 1992 Romanian Census," RFEIRL Research Report
(July 24, 1992), p. 65; "Gypsies in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union," Radio Free
Europe Research, RAD Background Report No. 72 (April 12, 1978), p. 5.
81. Helsinki Watch, Destroying Ethnic Identity (Romania), pp. 108-109.
82. Ibid., pp. 109-111; Gilberg, Nationalism and Communism in Romania, p. 166.
83. Ibid., pp. 111-113.
84. Ibid., pp. 113-114.
85. Ibid., pp. 114-115.
86. Ibid., pp. 115-116.
87. Ibid., p. 22; Gilberg, Nationalism and Communism in Romania, pp. 176-177.
88. Helsinki Watch, Destroying Ethnic Identity (Romania), pp. 22-23; Gilberg,
Nationalism and Communism in Romania, pp. 237-239; according to Grattan Puxon
in his Roma: Europe's Gypsies (London: Minority Rights Group, 1987), pp. 10--11,
10% of Romania's Gypsies were "on the road at anyone time;" Brian Hall, Stealing
from a Deep Place: Travels in Southeastern Europe (New York: Farrar, Straus,
Giroux, 1990), pp. 32-34.
89. Nestor Ratesh, Romania: The Entangled Revolution (New York: Praeger Publishers,
1991), pp. 7, 21-43; Ion Pacepa, Red Horizons (Washington, D.C.: Regnery Gateway,
1990), pp. 427-437. These pages contain the transcripts of the Ceau~escus' "trial."
90. Andrei Codrescu, The Hole in the Flag (New York: Avon Books, 1991), p. 37; Gale
Stokes, The Walls Came Tumbling Down: The Collapse of Communism in Eastern
Europe (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993), pp. 162-166; Katherine Vedery
and Gail Kligman, "Romania after Ceau~escu: Post-Communist Communism?" in
Eastern Europe in Revolution, ed. Ivo Banac (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press,
1992), pp. 118-119.
91. Stokes, Walls Came Tumbling Down, p. 172; Ratesh, Romania, pp. 49-52; Robert
R. King," "Romania," in 1991 Yearbook on International Communist Affairs, ed.
Richard F. Staar and Margit N. Grigory (Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press,
1991), pp. 333-335; John Kifner, "A Country is Haunted," The New York Times,
February 20, 1990, p. A6.
92. Celestine Bohlen, "Rumania's Rulers Agree to Share Power," The New York Times,
February 2, 1990, p. A9; John Kifner, "Fighting Abates in Transylvania but Not the
Anger," The New York Times, March 27, 1990, p. A7; Celestine Bohlen, "In
Transylvania, the Battle for the Past Continues," The New York Times, March 18,
1990, p. A13; George SC'hopflin and Hugh Poulton, Romania's Ethnic Hungarians
(London: Minority Rights Group, 1990), p. 21; lonescu, "The Gypsies Organize," p. 41;
"Gypsy Kings," The Economist, May 15, 1993, p. 62; in 1993, the colorful Cioaba had
himself named Emperor of All the Gypsies, an event disputed by his competitor,
Emperor Iulian I of All the Gypsies. However, according to Dan lonescu, Cioaba's
power was "somewhat limited," and he was "'a king in theory' rather than in prac-
tice." Regardless, he played the role well, and evidently had enriched himself in the
process. "Gypsy Throne Has Two Competitors, Winston-Salem Journal, August 10,
1993, p. 2; Codrescu, Hole in the Flag, p. 216; one journalist said Cioaba drove "a
Mercedes, lives with an extended family in a large home in the city of Sibiu, and is
quick to flash a smile with his gold-capped teeth." Matthew C. Vita, "The Gypsies:
Threatened Again in Europe," Austin American-Statesman, December 1, 1991, p. C5.
93. Dan lonescu, "The Ethnic Minorities," Radio Free Europe Research, Romania No.3
(April 22, 1987), p. 19; Patricia Howard, "National Minorities in Eastern Europe,"
Radio Free Europ.e Research, RAD Background Report No. 156 (September 9, 1987),
p. 6; Puxon, Roma (1987), p. 13; Andre Liebich, "Minorities in Eastern Europe:
Obstacles to a Reliable Count," RFEIRL Research Report, Vol. 1, No. 20 (May 15,
1992), p. 38; Dan Ionescu, "Romania's First Post Communist Census," RFEIRL
Research Report (March 13, 1992), pp. 58-59; in 1990, the Minority Rights Group
calculated there were 2 million Hungarians in Romania, primarily in Transylvania,
plus 750,000 Gypsies, and 210,000 Gennans. Schtipflin and Poulton, Romania's Ethnic
Hungarians, pp. 5-6; Vladimir V. Kusin, "The Ethnic Factor," Report on Eastern
Europe, (November 9, 1990), p. 35.
94. Ionescu, "The Gypsies Organize," pp. 39,41.
95. Ionescu, "The Gypsies Organize," p. 42; Jackie Nesbitt, Fourth World Romani Congress,
Serock, Warsaw, Poland, 8th-12th April 1990 (Essex County; Essex County Council;
Education Department, 1990), pp. 10, 14. Cioaba lost his seat on the World Romani
Congress's Praesidium to Octavia Stoica primarily because of "Romanian national poli-
tics;" T. A. Acton, "After the Fourth World Romani Congress: Romani Encyclopaedists
Set to Work," unpublished manuscript, n. d., pp. 2-3; Helsinki Watch, Destroying Ethnic
Identity (Romania), p. 90.
96. Ionescu, "The Gypsies Organize," p. 42.
97. Ibid., p. 41.
98. Ibid., p. 40; Helsinki Watch, Since the Revolution: Human Rights in Romania (New
York: Human Rights Watch, 1991), pp. 21-23; Helsinki Watch, Destroying Ethnic
Identity (Romania), pp. 37-73 passim.
99. King, "Romania," in Starr and Grigory, 1991 Yearbook, pp. 336-339; Helsinki Watch,
Destroying Ethnic Identity (Romania), pp. 46-49, 88, 117-119; Sam Beck, "Violence
Against Students in Bucharest Has Broad Implications for the Future," The Chronicle
of Higher Education, September 5, 1990, p. B4.
100. Dan Ionescu, "Violence Against Gypsies Escalates," Report on Eastern Europe (June
21, 1991), p. 23; Helsinki Watch, Destroying Ethnic Identity (Romania), p. 82.
101. Dan Ionescu, "The Exodus," Report on Eastern Europe (October 26, 1990), pp. 25, 28;
Dan Ionescu, "Recent Emigration Figures," Report on Eastern Europe (February 15,
1991) p. 22; Barbara Marshall, "German Migration Policies," in Developments in
German Politics, ed. Gordon Smith, William E. Paterson, Peter H. Merkle, and Stephen
Padgett (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1992), p. 247; unofficial Gennan unifica-
tion was in full swing between November 9, 1989, when the Berlin Wall was fully
opened, and October 3, 1990, when the Gennan Democratic Republic ceased to exist.
William E. Paterson and Gordon Smith, "Gennan Unity," in Smith, Paterson, Merkle,
and Padgett, eds., Developments in German Politics, p. 9; J. F. Brown, Surge to Freedom:
The End of Communist Rule in Eastern Europe (Durham, NC: Duke University Press,
1991), p. 147; Marc Fisher, "Germany's Gypsy Question," The Washington Post,
November 1, 1992, pp. Fl, F5, F7; Ferdinand Protzman, "Gennany Fears the Spread of
Anti-Foreign Violence," The New York Times, August 28, 1992, p. A6; Ferdinand
Protzman, "In Rostock, Asylum-Seekers Lived in Powder Keg," The New York Times,
September 3, 1992, p. A6; Marc Fisher, "Bonn, Bucharest Cement Accord to Repatriate
Romanian Gypsies," The Washington Post, September 25, 1992, pp. A27, A30; Jack
Kelley, "Gypsy Stereotypes Fuel Gennany's Hatred," USA Today, November 25, 1992,
p. 8A; "Romanian Gypsies are Skeptical About Gennany's Financial Help," The New
York Times, September 26,1992, p. 3; Stephen Kinzer, "Gennany Cracks Down; Gypsies
Come First," The New York Times, September 27, 1992, p. E5; "Gypsies in Gennany
Face Crisis," Chicago Tribune, October 4, 1992, p. 18; Ferdinand Protzman, "Gennany
Attacks Rise as Foreigners Become Scapegoat," The New York Times, November 2,
1992, pp. AI, A4; Stephen Kinzer, "Gennans in Accord on a Law to Limit Seekers of
Asylum," The New York Times, December 8,1992, pp. AI, A6.
102. Kelley, "Gypsy Stereotypes Fuel Gennany's Hatred," p. 8A; "Gypsies in Gennany
Face Crisis," p. 18; "Romanian Gypsies are Skeptical," p. 3; many Gypsies failed to
receive land allotments under the Land Law of February 1991 because they were not
adequately infonned of the "complicated application process" before the deadline for
applications. Helsinki Watch, Destroying Ethnic Identity (Romania), pp. 84-85.
103. Ceau§escu took these measures, which also included harsh strictures against divorce,
to deal with "a potential labour shortage." Special "vigilante squads" promoted the
program in the workplace, and women were forced to undergo periodic exams to
determine if they were using any form of birth control. Shafir, Romania, p. 127, and
Gilberg, Nationalism and Communism in Romania, p. 66; "Iliescu Signs Adoption
Law," Report on Eastern Europe (July 26, 1991), p. 54; James Nachtwey, "Romania's
Lost Children," The New York Times Magazine, June 24, 1990, pp. 28-33; "Rise in
Deaths Under Romania's Abortion Ban," News & Record (Greensboro, NC), October
5, 1992, p. A4; Howard Alstein, "Rescuing Romania's Orphans," The New York
Times, November 28, 1992, p. AI3; Kathleen Hunt, "The Romanian Baby Bazaar,"
The New York Times Magazine, March 24, 1991, pp. 23-29, 38,53; David J. and
Sheila Rothman, "The New Romania," The New York Review of Books, September 23,
1993, p. 56.
104. Helsinki Watch, Destroying Ethnic Identity (Romania), pp. 93, 120; Barany,
"Democratic Changes Bring Mixed Blessings for Gypsies," p. 45; Henry Kamm, "In
New Eastern Europe, An Old Anti-Gypsy Bias," The New York Times, November 17,
1993, p. A6; part of I1iescu's problem centered around "a closely divided Parliament,"
which depended "on extreme nationalist parties for his government's survival." One of
the most virulent anti-Gypsy parties, the Greater Romania Party, and the widely popu-
lar weekly Romania Mare consistently made attacks against Gypsies, which the latter
blamed for "the country's economic and social malaise." Celestine Bohlen, "Where
the Fires of Hatred Are Easily Stoked," The New York Times, August 4, 1991, p. E3;
Michael Shafir, "The Greater Romania Party," Report on Eastern Europe (November
15, 1991), p. 25; Michael Shafir, "Promises and Reality," Report on Eastern Europe
(January 14, 1991), p. 36; Michael Shafir, "Schopflinian Reality and Romanian
Realism," Report on Eastern Europe (February 15, 1991), p. 37; Michael Shafir,
"Growing Political Extremism in Romania," RFEIRL Research Report (April 2,
1993), pp. 18-25; Michael Shafir and Dan Ionescu, "The Minorities in 1991: Mutual
Distrust, Social Problems, and Disillusion," Report on Eastern Europe (December 13,
1991), p. 27.
1. David M. Crowe, "The Liuli (Gypsies) of Central Asia," AACAR Bulletin, Vol. 6, No.1
(Spring 1993), p. 2; Kh. Kh. Nazarov, "Contemporary Ethnic Developments of the
Central Asian Gypsies (Liuli)," Soviet Anthropology and Archaeology, Vol. 21, No.3
(Winter 1982-83), pp. 4-6. This article originally appeared in Etnicheskie protsessy i
natsional' nykh grupp srednei Azii i Kazakhstana (Ethnic Processes and Nationality
Groups in Central Asia and Kazakhstan), ed. R. Sh. Dzharyglasinova and L. S.
Tolstova (Moskva: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka," 1980), pp. 167-185; A. L. Balsham, The
Wonder That Was India (New York: Grove Press, 1959), pp. 512- 513; Angus Fraser,
The Gypsies (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992), p. 35; Romila Thapar, A History of India,
Vol. 1 (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1974), pp. 229-232, 280; "Sredneaziatskie
tsygane (Central Asian Gypsies)," in Narody sredy Azii i Kazakhstana (The People of
Central Asia and Kazakhstan), ed. S.P. Tolstova, T.A. Zhdanko. S.M. Abramzona, and
N.A. Kislyakova, Vol. 2 (Moskva: Izdatel'stvo akademii nauk SSSR, 1963), p. 598;
Rene Grousset, The Empire of the Steppes, translated by Naomi Walford (New
Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1907), pp. 443-446; A.V. German,
Bibliografiya 0 tsyganakh (A Gypsy Bibliography) (Moskva: Tsentrizday, 1930), p. 10.
2. Volodymyr Kubijovyc and R. Senkus, "Gypsies," in Encyclopedia of Ukraine, ed.
Volodymyr Kubijovyc, Vol. 2 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1984), p. 106; T. V.
Venttsel', "Tsygane," in E. M. Zhukov, Sovetskaya istoricheskaya entsiklopediya, Vol. 15
(Moskva: Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskaya entsiklopediya," 1961), p. 789; L. N. Cherenkov,
"Nekotorye problemy etnografiocheskogo izucheniya tsygan SSSR" (Some Problems
with the Ethnographic Study of Gypsies in the USSR), in Malye i dispersnye etnicheskie
gruppy v evropeiskoi chasti SSSR (geografiya rasseleniya i kul'turnye traditsii) (SmaIl and
Dispersed Ethnic Groups in the European Part of the USSR [Geographic Settling and
Cultural Traditions]), ed. 1.1. Krupnik (Moskva: Moskovskii filial Geograficheskogo
obshchestva SSSR, 1985), p. 6; Jerzy Ficowski, The Gypsies in Poland: History and
Customs, translated by Eileen Healey (Warsaw: Interpress, 1991), pp. 12-14; Jerzy
Ficowski, Cyganie na Polskich Drogach (Gypsies on the Polish Road) (Krakow:
Wydownictwo Literackie, 1985), pp. 21-31; Paul Ariste, "Gypsy Studies," ./ournal of the
Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 43, Nos. 1-2 (January-April 1964), p. 59.
3. Cherenkov, "Nekotorye problemy etnograficheskogo izucheniya tsygan SSSR," p. 7;
A. P. Barannikov, The Ukrainian and South Russian Gypsy Dialects (Leningrad:
Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1934), p. 8.
4. Ian Hancock, "Gypsy History in Germany and Neighboring Lands," in The Gypsies of
Eastern Europe, ed. David M. Crowe and John Kolsti (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe,
Inc., 1991), pp. 11-12; Ficowski, Gypsies in Poland, p. 15.
5. Ficowski, The Gypsies in Poland, pp. 15-16, 19-20, 33-34; Ficowski, Cyganie na
Polskich Drogach, pp. 32-39, 52.
6. Paul Ariste, "The Latvian Legend of May Rose," ./ournal of the Gypsy Lore Society,
Third Series, Vol. 40, Nos. 3-4 (July-October 1961), pp. 101-102; Ya. S. Grosula,
Istoriya Moldavskoi SSR (History of the Moldavian SSR) (Kishinev: "Shtiintsa," 1982),
p. 99; N. G. Demeter and L. N. Cherenkov, "Tsygane v Moskve," in Etnicheskie gruppy
v gorodakh evropeiskoi chasti SSSR (Ethnic Groups in the Cities of the European Part of
the USSR), ed. I. I. Krupnik (Moskva: Moskovskii filial Geographicheskogo obshch-
estva SSSR, 1987), p. 40; E. O. Winstedt, "A Gypsy Traitor," ./ournal of the Gypsy Lore
Society, Third Series, Vol. 22, Nos. 1-2 (January-April 1943), p. 63. Winstedt errs when
he places the capture of Azov on June 3, 1696. See, for example, Richard H. Warner,
"Azov Campaign of 1695-1696," in The Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet
History, ed. Joseph L. Wieczynski, Vol. 2 (Gulf Breeze, FI: Academic International
Press, 1976), p. 215; W. R. Halliday, "A Russian Gypsy Renegade," ./ournal of the
Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 2, No.3 (1923), p. 96.
7. Barannikov, Ukrainian and South Russian Gypsy Dialects, pp. 8-9.
8. Demeter and Cherenkov, "Tsygane v Moskve," p. 40; Theodore Shabad, Geography of
the USSR: A Regional Survey (New York: Columbia University Press, 1951), pp. 268-
269. Tobolsk remained the governmental center of western Siberia until 1824.
9. German, Bibliografiya 0 tsyganakh, p. 11; Reimer Gronemeyer, Zigeuner in Osteuropa:
Eine Bibliographie zu den Liindern Polen. Tschechoslowakei und Ungarn (Mit einen
Anhang uber iiltere Sowjetische Literatur (Gypsies in East Europe: A Bibliography on
Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary [with an Appendix on Older Soviet Literature])
(Miinchen: K. G. Saur, 1983), p. 237. Gronemeyer cites in some detail P. Keppen's
Chronologicheski Ukazatel' materialov dlja istorii inorodcev Evropeskoj Rossii
(Chronological Index of Material for the History of Foreigners in European Russia)
(St. Petersburg, 1861), in pp. 236-240; Demeter and Cherenkov, "Tsygane v
Moskve," p. 40; M. S. Anderson, Peter the Great (London: Thames and Hudson Ltd.,
1978), p. 128.
10. Cherenkov, "Nekotorye problemy etnograficheskogo izucheniya tsygan SSSR," pp. 8-
9; V.1. Naulko, "The Present Ethnic Composition of the Population of the Ukrainian
SSR," Soviet Sociology, Vol. 3, No.1 (Summer 1964), p. 20.
11. Barannikov, Ukrainian and South Russian Gypsy Dialect, p. 9.
12. German, Bibliografiya 0 tsyganakh, p. 26; Gronemeyer, Zigeuner in Osteuropa, p. 237;
Marie Seton, "The. Evolution of the Gypsy Theatre in the U.S.S.R.," ./ournal of the
Gypsy Lore Society. Third Series, Vol. 14, No.2 (1935), p. 65.
13.·Barannikov, Ukrainian and South Russian Gypsy Dialects, pp. 10, 39; German,
Bibliografiya 0 tsyganakh, p. 26; Isabel de Madariaga, Russia in the Age oj Catherine
the Great (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1981), pp. 66, 72, 208.
14. L Rom-Lebedev, Ot tsyganskogo khoro k teatru "Romen" (From Gypsy Choirs to the
Theatre "Romen") (Moskva: "Iskusstvo," 1990), p. 45; Vladimir Bobri, "Gypsies and
Gypsy Choruses of Old Russia," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 40,
Nos. 3-4 (July-October 1961), p. 117; Fraser, The Gypsies, p. 205; Vladimir Morosan,
Choral Performance in Pre-Revolutionary Russia (Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Research Press,
1986), p. 65; Alfred E. Hamill, "Gypsies In and About Russian Literature," Journal of the
Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 22, Nos. 1-2 (January-April 1943), p. 58.
15. Konrad Bercovici, Gypsies: Their Life, Lore, and Legends (New York: Greenwich
House, 1983), pp. 205-206.
16. Madariaga, Russia in the Age of Catherine the Great, pp. 93,100-101,313; Vasili
Klyuchevsky,.Peter the Great (New York: Vintage Books, 1958), p. 117.
17. Gronemeyer, Zigeuner in Osteuropa, p. 237; German, Bib/iografiya 0 tsyganakh, p. 26;
for a look at Browne's long rule over Livonia and Estonia, see David M. Crowe,
"Riga," in Wieczynski, ed. The Modern Encyclopediya of Russian and Soviet History
(1990), Vol. 52, pp. IlI-Il3.
18. German, Bibliografiya 0 tsyganakh, p. 26; Gronemeyer, Zigeuner in Osteuropa, p. 237;
Madariaga: Russia in the Age of Catherine the Great, pp. 40, 57.
19. Barannikov, Ukrainian and South Russian Gypsy Dialects, p. 10; Madariaga, Russia
in the Age of Catherine the Great, pp. 347, 359, 364-367.
20. W. R. Halliday, "Russian Gypsies," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series,
Vol. 4, No.3 (1925), p. 143.
21. Elsie M. Hall, "Gentile Cruelty to Gypsies," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third
Series, Vol. II, No.2 (1932), p. 49; Madariaga, Russia in the Age of Catherine the
Great, p. 450.
22. German, Bibliografiya 0 tsyganakh, p. 27; Gronemeyer, Zigeuner in Osteuropa,
p. 237; Ficowski, Gypsies of Poland, pp. 20-21; Fieowski, Cyganie na Polskich
Drogach, pp. 50-54.
23. German, Bibliograjiya 0 tsyganakh, p. 27; Gronemeyer, Zigeuner in Osteuropa, p. 237;
Arthur Thesleff, "Report on the Gypsy Problem," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society,
New Series, Vol. 5, No.2 (1911-12), p. 94; Roderick E. McGrew, "The Politics of
Absolutism: Paul I and the Bank of Assistance for the Nobility," in Paul/: A
Reassessment of His Life and Reign, ed. Hugh Ragsdale (Pittsburgh, PA: University
Center for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh, 1979), p. 104.
24. German, Bibliografiya 0 tsyganakh, p. 27; Alexander I weakened the traditional powers
of the Senate during this period, and created ministries to replace Peter the Great's col-
leges to create a more efficient administration. Kochubei was a prominent member of
Alexander I's "Unofficial Committee" set up to consider governmental and other
reforms during the first years of his reign. Allen McConnell, Tsar Alexander /:
Paternalistic Reformer (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1970), pp. 38-41;
Elmo E. Roach, "Kochubei, Viktor Pavlovich," in Wieczynski, ed., The Modern
Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet History (1980), Vol. 17, pp. 91-92.
25. German, Bibliograjiya 0 tsyganakh, pp. 27-28; actually, there are Greater and Lesser
Uzen rivers that flow out of the Saratov oblast into Kazakstan. L. V. Andreeva, et aI.,
Malyi atlas SSSR (Small Atlas of the USSR) (Moskva: Glavnoe Upravlenie Geodezii i
Kartografii pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR, 1978), pp. 38-39; Shabad, Geography of the
USSR, p. 195.
26. German, Bib/iograjiya 0 tsyganakh, p. 28; Thesleff, "Report on the Gypsy Problem,"
27. German, Bihliograjiya 0 tsyganakh, p. 28; Alan Palmer, Alexander /: Tsar of War and
Peace (New York: Harper & Row, 1974), pp. 175,364.
28. George F. Jewsbury, "Bessarabia, Russian Relations With," in Wieczynski, ed., The
Modern Encyclodpedia of Russian and Soviet History (1977), Vol. 4 (Gulf Breeze, FL:
Academic International Press, 1977), pp. 84-85.
42. Bobri, "Gypsies and Gypsy Choruses of Old Russia," pp. 116--117; Rom-Lebedev, Ot
tsyganskogo khora, pp. 50-52; D. S. Mirsky, A History of Russian Literature, ed.
Francis J. Whitfield (New York: Vintage Books, 1958), pp. 295-296. Markevich was
a "reactionary" novelist of the 1860s and 1870s who struck out at the "Polish intrigue
and nihilism" prominent during the era of the January Uprising in Poland.
43. Troyat, Pushkin, pp. 264-267; Mirsky, History of Russian Literature, pp. 92-93;
McConnell, Tsar Alexander!, pp. 196--197; Hamill, "Gypsies In and About Russian
Literature," p. 58; "The Gypsies," in Alexander Pushkin, Selected Works, translated by
Irina Zheleznova, Vol. I; Poetry, (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974), pp. 65, 82.
44. Manush, "Problem of the Folk Music of the Gypsies," p. 17; Janicki, "Gypsies," p. 188;
Mirsky, History of Russian Literature, pp. 105, 232, 361; Troyat, Pushkin, pp. 82-83,
264-267; Hamill, "Gypsies In and About Russian Literature," p. 58; Henri Troyat,
Tolstoy (New York: Dell, 1969), pp. 346,352-353,364,421--422; Thomas E. Berry,
"Aputkin, Aleksei Nikolaevich (1840-93)," in Handbook of Russian Literature, ed.
Victor Terras (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1985), p. 25.
45. Troyat, Tolstoy, pp. 82-83.
46. Ibid., pp. 85-86, 162-164.
47. Mirsky, History of Russian Literature, pp. 216--218; Preeti Sahgal, "Aleksandr Blok
and Appolon Grigor'ev: A Synthesized View of Life and Art," Ph.D diss. University
of Virginia, 1983, p. 186; Dmitri Obolensky, The Penguin Book of Russian Verse
(Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967), p. 214; Rom-Lebedev, Ot tsyganskogo khora,
48. Janicki, "Gypsies," pp. 188-189; Sahgal, "Aleksandr Blok and Appolon Grigor'ev,"
pp. 184-187; Yu. Lotman and Z. Mints, 'Chelovek prorody' v Russkoi literature XIX
veka i 'tysganskaya tema' u Bloka (The "Nature of Man" in 19th-century Russian
Literature and the "Gypsy Theme" in Blok), in Blokovskii sbornik: Trudy nauchnoi
konferentsii, posvyacheshennoi izuchenyu zhizni i tvorchestva A.A. Bloka, Mai 1962
(A B10k Collection: Works from a Scholarly Conference Devoted to the Study of the
Life and Creations of A. A. B1ok, May 1962), ed., Z. G. Mints and L. A. Aboldyeva
(Tartu: Tartuskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, 1964), pp. 103-110,112-114,117-118.
Blok was also affected by Pushkin and Tolstoi's Gypsy themes.
49. Janicki, "Gypsies," p. 188; Richard Gregg, "Tyutchev, Fyodor Ivanovich," in Terras,
Handbook of Russian Literature, p. 492.
50. Rom-Lebedev, Ot tsyganskogo khora, pp. 54, 57-59; Bobri, "Gypsies and Gypsy
Choruses Of Old Russia," p. 119; Avrahm Yarmolinsky, Turgenev: The Man, His Art
and His Age (New York: The Orion Press, 1959), pp. 105, 358; Mirsky, History of
Russian Literature, p. 199; Jan Kochanowski, "Maskir Romende (Among Gypsies):
The Views of a Latvian Gypsy," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol.
44, Nos. 3--4 (July-October 1965), p. 138.
51. E. H. Carr, Dostoevsky, 1821-1881 (London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 1962), p. 237.
52. Leonard, History of Russian Music, pp. 228-229.
53. Bobri, "Gypsies and Gypsy Choruses of Old Russia," pp. 114-115.
54. Geroid Tanquary Robinson, Rural Russia under the Old Regime (Berkeley: University
of California Press, 1969), p. 63; German, Bibliografiya 0 tsyganakh, pp. 11-12,
33-34; Rom urban figures were more than twice the average for the general Russian
population living in to~ns and cities between 1796 and 1897. Approximately 3.6 per-
cent (1.3 million) of Russia's popUlation lived in cities and towns in 1796, compared
to 12.6 percent (16.3 million) in 1897. Nicholas V. Riasanovsky, "The Problem of the
Peasant," in The- Peasant in Nineteenth Century Russia, ed. Wayne S. Vucinich,
(Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1968), p. 263.
55. German, Bibliografiya 0 tsyganakh, p. 12; Henry Bauer, Andreas Kappeler, and
Bridgette Roth, eds., Die Nationalitiiten des Russichen Reiches in der Volksziihlung
von 1897 (The Nationalities in the Russian Census of 1897), Vol. A (Stuttgart: Franz
Steiner Verlag. 1991). p. 199; Bauer. Kappeler. and Roth. Die Nationalitiiten des
Russiches Reiches, Vol. B. pp. 144. 212-469 passim. This detailed analysis of the
1897 census breaks down respondents by choice of native language and then by occu-
pation. education. age. and region; N. N. Agarwal. Soviet Nationalities Policy (Agra:
Sri Ram Mehra & Co .• 1969). pp. 16-18; Riasanovsky. "The Problem of the Peasant."
p. 263; Robinson. Rural Russia under the Old Regime, pp. 288-289 n. 1; Thesleff.
"Report on the Gypsy Problem." pp. 90. 94; Thesleff. "Report on the Gypsy Problem."
Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, New Series. Vol. 5. No.3 (1911-12). p. 218;
"Gypsies." in Encyclopedia Litaunica. ed. Simas Suziedelis and Raphael Sealey. Vol.
2 (Boston: Encyclopedia Lituanica. 1972). p. 408.
56. Robinson. Rural Russia under the Old Regime. pp. 94-97. 288-289 n. 1; Riasanovsky.
"The Problem of the Peasant." p. 263; Richard G. Robinson. Jr.• Famine in Russia.
1891-1892 (New York: Columbia University Press. 1975). pp. 170--171.188-189;
one example of the repressive nature of the regime of Alexander III was its restrictive.
and sometimes violent. policies toward the Jews. The architect of these "reforms."
Konstantin P. Pobedonostsev. the chief adviser to Alexander III and Nicholas II. felt
"that the Russian government ought to repress and isolate the Jews." Anti-Gypsy sen-
timents often mirrored anti-Semitic feelings. Salo W. Baron. The Russian Jew under
Tsars and Soviets (New York: Schocken Books. 1987). pp. 44-52: Robert F. Byrnes.
Pobedonostsev: His Life and Thought (Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 1968).
57. Donald Kenrick and Grattan Puxon. The Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, p. 146;
German. Bibliografiya 0 tsyganakh, p. 50; A. P. Barannikov. "W. I. Philonenko: 'The
Crimean Gypsies ... • Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series. Vol. 10. No.2
(1931). pp. 144-145.
58. Devey Fearon de I'Hoste Ranking. "The Gypsies of Central Russia: Introduction."
Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, New Series. Vol. 4. No.3 (January 1911). pp. 196,
198-199; Devey Fearon de I'Hoste Ranking. "The Gypsies of Central Russia: The
Gypsies of Kisilefka." Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society. New Series. Vol. 4. No.4
(April 1911). pp. 245-247. 251-255. The third part of this article is Devey Fearon de
I'Hoste Ranking. "The Gypsies of Central Russia: Manners and Customs." Journal of
the Gypsy Lore Society, New Series. Vol. 6. No.2 (1912-13). pp. 90--110; Thesleff.
"Report on the Gypsy Problem." p. 95.
59. Hancock. "Gypsy History in Germany." p. 14; Fraser. The Gypsies, p. 251;
Cherenkov. "Nekotorye problemy etnograficheskogo izucheniya tsygan SSSR."
60. Rom-Lebedev. Ot tsyganskogo khora, pp. 55-57; William Ferguson, "Russian Gypsy
Singers." Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 12, No.2 (1933),
p. 108; Ludmilla Kafanova. "Gypsy Theatre Romen." Sputnik, No.9 (September
1972). p. 92; "Red Roses on the Snow." pp. 62-63.
61. German, Bibliografiya 0 tsyganakh, pp. 6-8. 25-37. 47. 52-53, 57-63; Ranking,
"Gypsies of Central Russia." pp. 195-196; Bernard J. Gilliat-Smith. "The Dialect of
the Gypsies of Northern Russia," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series. Vol.
15. No.2 (1932). pp. 71-72; K. P. Patkanoff, "Some Words on the Dialects of the
Trans-Caucasian Gypsies-Bosa and Karaci." Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society,
New Series, Vol. 1. No.3 (January 1908), pp. 229-257. This is an abbreviated transla-
tion of his 1887 work.
62. David M. Crowe. World War I and Europe in Crisis, 1914-1935 (Piscataway. NJ:
Research and Education Association, 1990). pp. 18-29, 67-70.
63. Lemon, "Roma (Gypsies) in the Soviet Union," p. 367.
64. Graham Smith, "Nationalities Policy from Lenin to Gorbachev," in The Nationalities
Question in the Soviet Union, ed. Graham Smith (New York: Longman, 1990). p. 6;
Hugh Seton-Watson. "Russian Nationalities in Historical Perspective." in The Last
Empire: Nationality and the Soviet Future, ed. Robert Conquest (Stanford, CA:
Hoover Institution Press, 1986), p. 24.
65. David Crowe, N. G. Demeter, and Alaina Lemon, "Gypsies," in Encyclopedia of
World Cultures, ed. Paul Friedrich and Norma Diamond, Vol. VI: Russia and
Eurasia/China (Boston: G. K. Hall, 1994), pp. 145-148; "Stop Persecution of Gypsies,"
Women and Revolution, No. 38 (Winter 1990-91), p. 7; the Central Executive
Committee (CEC) "assumed most of the executive and legislative powers of the
Congress of Soviets," the Soviet Union's "supreme authority." In reality, the CEC
"merely rubber-stamped decisions made by the ruling Party officials." David M.
Crowe, "Central Executive Committee of the USSR," in Wieczynski, ed. The Modern
Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet History (1978), Vol. 6, pp. 171-172.
66. T. V. Ventsel', "Tsygane," in Sovetskaya istoricheskaya entsiklopediya, Vol. 15
(Moskva: Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya," 1961), p. 790.
67. Ilya Gitlits, "Gipsies in the USSR," Sputnik, No.9 (September 1972), p. 103;
Barannikov, Ukrainian and South Russian Gypsy Dialects, p. 7; Maurice Hindus, Red
Bread: Collectivization in a Russian Village (Bloomington: Indiana University Press,
1988), pp. 323-324; Bercovici, Gypsies, p. 195; I. P. Tsameryan, Teoreticheskie prob-
lemy obrazovaniya i razvitiya sovetskogo mnogonatsional' nogo gosudarstvo (Theoretical
Problems on Education and Development of the Many Nationalities of the Soviet State)
(Moskva: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka," 1973), p. 162; Frank Lorimer, The Population of the
Soviet Union: History and Prospects (Geneva: League of Nations, 1946), pp. 55, 57.
Lorimer lists the official 1926 Roma population in the Soviet Union as 61,234. The
Soviet Union had a total population of 147,027,915, in 1926; Narodnoe khozyaistvo
SSSR, 1922-1982 (National Economy of the USSR, 1922-1982) (Moskva: "Finansy i
Statistika," 1982), p. 33; there were 13,600 Gypsies in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist
Republic in 1926, with 2,500 of them in cities. There were 1,300 Gypsies in the Crimea,
and 6,800 Roma in the northern Caucasus. Kubijovyc and Senkus, "Gypsies," p. 106.
68. Crowe, Demeter, and Lemon, "Gypsies," pp. 145-148; Fraser, The Gypsies, pp. 275-276.
69. Crowe, Demeter, and Lemon, "Gypsies," pp. 145-148; German, Bibliografiya 0 tsy-
ganakh, pp. 9-10, 69-71. Other prominent leaders in the new Gypsy union were N.
Pankov, N. Dudarova, D. Polyakov, and its secretary, I. Lebed; Demeter and
Cherenkov, "Tsygane v Moskve," p. 44; Barannikov, Ukrainian and South Russian
Gypsy Dialects, p. 28; Lemon, "Rom a (Gypsies) in the Soviet Union" pp. 362, 366.
Lemon strongly disagreed with Barannikov's assertions about Gypsy urban culture
and their musical heritage and felt "there is much that is special to Romani culture."
70. E. Glyn Lewis, Multilingualism in the Soviet Union: Aspects of Language Policy and
Its Implementation (The Hague: Mouton, 1972), pp. 132-134; Lorimer, Population of
the Soviet Union, p. 57.
71. Lemon, "Roma (Gypsies) in the Soviet Union," p. 362; V. de Gila-Kochanowski, "N. A.
Pankov," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 38, Nos. 3-4
(July-October 1959), pp. 159-160. Pankov helped Sergievskii and Barannikov with
their Tsygansko-russkii slovar (1938) and was elected to the Union of Soviet Writers
in 1944; Seton, "Evolution of the Gypsy Theatre," p. 71; German references 253 items
on Gypsy subjects between 1926 and 1930, compared to 439 items between 1780 and
1925. Bibliograjlya 0 tsyganakh, pp. 1-128 passim; Barannikov, Ukrainian and South
Russian Gypsy Dialects, pp. 28-29; Gilliat-Smith, "The Dialect of the Gypsies of
Northern Russia," p. 72; R. S. Demeter and P. S. Demeter, Tsygansko-russkii i
Tsyganskii slovar': Kelderarskii dialekt (Gypsy-Russian and Russian-Gypsy
Dictionary: Kaldetash Dialect) (Moskva: "Russkii Yazyk," 1990), p. 8.
72. Lemon, "Rom a (Gypsies) in the Soviet Union," p. 361; Rom-Lebedev, Ot tsyganskogo
khora, pp. 163-164; Kafanova, "Gypsy Theatre Romen," p. 95; A. P. Barannikov,
"On the Russian Gypsy Singers of Today," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third
Series, Vol. 11, Nos. 3-4 (1932), pp. 189-190.
Shmuel Spector, eds., The Einsatzgruppen Reports (New York: Holocaust Library and
Yad Vashem, 1989), ii-vii; Zvi Gite1man, "Soviet Reactions to the Holocaust,
1945-1991," in The Holocaust in the Soviet Union, ed. Lucjan Dobroszycki and
Jeffrey S. Gurock (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1993), pp. 4-6; Kenrick and Puxon,
Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, p. 143; Louis L. Snyder, Encyclopedia of the Third
Reich (New York: Paragon House, 1989), pp. 81-82, 317, 321, 324; Christopher R.
Browning, Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution (New
York: HarperColiins, 1992), pp. 9-10.
84. The Karaites were a small "nonrabbinic" group of Jews in the Crimea, Lithuania, and
Ukraine that claimed to be "a separate ethnoreligious group." The Germans accepted
them as "Germanic Goths who had adopted a distinct form of Judaism as a religion,
and the Crimean Tatar tongue as a language." As a result, they did not suffer the fate
of the Krymchaks, "the indigenous Jewish community of the Crimean peninsular,
whose native tongue [was] Judeao-Crimean Tatar." The Krymchaks were "almost
entirely exterminated by the Nazis." Michael Zand, "Notes on the Culture of the Non-
Ashkenazic Jewish Communities under Soviet Rule," in Jewish Culture and Identity
in the Soviet Union, ed. Yaacov Ro'i and Avi Beker (New York: New York University
Press, 1991), pp. 378-380; Ronald Wixman, The Peoples of the USSR: An
Ethnographic Handbook (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 1988), pp. 94, 114; Arad,
Krakowski, and Spector, eds., Einsatzgruppen Reports, pp. 153, 158, 198,256,267,
273,284, 309, 318, 325-326, 344; Einsatzgruppen reports of the execution of 824
Roma in Simferopol by mid-December 1941 counters the popular myth about the exe-
cution of 800 of the city's Gypsies on Christmas Eve, 1941. Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny
of Europe's Gypsies, pp. 145-146; Hancock, "Gypsy History in Germany," p. 19.
85. Matthew Cooper, The Nazi War against Soviet Partisans, 1941-1944 (New York:
Stein and Day, 1979), pp. 59-64, 93-94, 176-178; Alexander Werth, Russia at War,
1941-1945 (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1964), pp. 710-717; Arad, Krakowski, and
Spector, eds., Einsatzgruppen Reports, p. 370; Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of
Europe's Gypsies, pp. 144, 147-148; Edgar M. Howell, The Soviet Partisan
Movement, 1941-1944 (Washington: Department of the Army, 1956), pp. 59,97,
116-122; Charles V.P. von Luttichau, "Some Observations on Guerilla Warfare in
Russia during World War II," unpublished manuscript, n.d., pp. 21-22, 33, n. 31.
86. Gitelman, "Soviet Reactions to the Holocaust," pp. 6-8; William Korey, "A
Monument over Babi Yar," in Dobroszycki and Gurock, eds., Holocaust in the Soviet
Union, pp. 62-64. The killings were done by Sonderkommando 4a of Einsatzgruppe
C, aided by order Police Battalion No.9; Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Adaire Klein, and
Avra Shapiro, Babi far, 1941-1991 (Los Angeles: Simon Wiesenthal Center, 1991),
pp. 9--16, 51-52; Anatoly Kuznetzov, Babi far: A Documentary Novel (New York:
Dell, 1969), pp. i, 100; Browning, Ordinary Men, p. 18.
87. Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, pp. 128-129, 146; David Crowe,
"The Gypsy Historical Experience in Romania,." in Crowe and Kolsti, eds., Gypsies of
Eastern Europe, p. 70; Browning, Ordinary Men, p. 42.
88. Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, pp. 148-149; Gabriel Tymauer, Gypsies
and the Holocaust: A Bibliography and Introductory Essay (Montreal: Montreal Institute
for Genocide Studies, 1991), xiii-xiv; Gerald Reitiinger, The SS: Alibi of a Nation (New
York: Da Capo Press, 1989), p. 186, n. 1; Benno Muller-Hill, Murderous Science:
Elimination by Scientific Selection of Jews, Gypsies, and Others, Germany, 1933-1945,
translated by George R. Fraser (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988), p. 59.
89. Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, pp. 89--90, 148; Michael Burleigh
and Wolfgang Wipperman, The Racial State: Germany, 1933-1945 (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1991), p. 125; Snyder, Encyclopedia of the Third Reich,
p. 36; Robert Wistrich, Who's Who in Nazi Germany (New York: Bonanza Books,
1984), pp. 22-25.
95. Crowe, Demeter, and Lemon, "Gypsies," pp. 145-148; T. V. Ventsei', "Gypsies," in
Great Soviet Encyclopedia, Vol. 28 (New York: Macmillan, 1978), p. 437; "Tsygane,"
in Sovetskaya istoricheskaya entsiklopediya, Vol. 15, p. 790; Lemon, "Roma
(Gypsies) in the Soviet Union," pp. 369-370 n. 7.
96. Basil Ivan Rak6czi, "An Artist's Visit to the Gypsies of Southern France and to the
U.S.S.R.," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 40, Nos. 3-4
(July-October 1961), pp. 125-126; Malnick, "Moscow Gypsy Theatre," p. 84; Crowe,
Demeter, and Lemon, "Gypsies," pp. 145-148.
97. Fraser, The Gypsies, pp. 271-272; Cherenkov, "Nekotorye problemy etnografich-
eskogo izucheniya tsygan SSSR," pp. 6-7; I. M. Andronikova, "Evolution of the
Dwellings of the Russian Gypsies," Soviet Anthropology and Archeology, Vol. II, No.1
(Summer 1972), p. 24; Nikolai Cherkhasin, "Gipsy Drovers on the Trail," Sputnik, No.9
(September 1972), pp. 100-103.
98. Bernard Comrie, The Languages of the Soviet Union (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1981), p. 157; Wixman, Peoples of the USSR, p. 77; Simon,
Nationalismus und Nationalitiitenpolitik in der Sowjetunion, pp. 436, 442; Arkadii A.
Isupov, Natsional' nyi sostavnaseleniya SSSR (po itogam perepisi 1959 g.) (Composi-
tion of the Population of the USSR [Based on the 1959 Census]) (Moskva: Izdatel'stvo
"Statistika," 1961), p. 16; Goskomstat SSSR, Natsional'nyi sostav naseleniya SSSR po
dannym vsesoyuznoi naseleniya 1989 g. (Composition of the Population of the USSR
According to Data from the All-Union Population Census of 1989) (Moskva: "Finansy
i Statistika," 1991), pp. 11-12. This document has census data on Gypsies for the 1959,
1979, and 1989 censuses; George Brunner, "Die Rechtslage der Minderheiten nach
sowjetsischem Verfassungsrecht (The Legal Status of Minorities in Soviet
Constitutional Law)," in Die Minderheiten in der Sowjetunion und das Volkerrecht
(Minorities in the Soviet Union and International Law), ed. George Brunner and Allan
Kagedan (Kbln: Markus Verlag, 1988), p. 53; Lewis, Multilingualism in the Soviet
Union, p. 22, 133; Kozlov, "Processes of Ethnic Change," pp. 48-50, cites a 49.6 per-
cent Gypsy population increase between 1939 and 1959. The national population
increase was 9.5 percent during the same period. O. A. Gantskaia and L. N. Terent'eva,
"Ethnographic Studies of Ethnic Processes in the Baltic Area," Soviet Anthropology
and Archeology, Vol. 6, No.3 (Winter 1967-68), p. 25; Ann Sheehy, "Language
Affiliation Data from the Census of 1979," The All-Union Census of1979 in the USSR
(Munich: Radio Liberty Research Bulletin, 1980), pp. 6-10; Nicholas Dima,
Bessarabia and Bukovina: The Soviet-Romanian Territorial Dispute (Boulder/New
York: East European Monographs and Columbia University Press, 1982), p. 76; Yu. D.
Desheriev and I. F. Protchenko, Razvitie yazykov narodov SSSR v sovetskuyu epokhy
(The Development of the Languages of the People of the USSR in the Soviet Epoch)
(Moskva: Izdatel'stvo "Prosvetsenie," 1968), p. 19, states that there were 22,515 Rom
in Ukraine at this time; Kubijovyc and Senkus, "Gypsies," p. 106, say there were
28,000 Rom in Ukraine in 1959; Naulko, "Present Ethnic Composition of the
Population of the Ukrainian SSR," p. 22, shows a Ukrainian Gypsy population of
23,000 in 1959; "Sredneaziatskie tsygane," in Narody srednei Azii i Kazakstana, ed.
S.P. Tolstova, T.A. Zhdanov, S. M. Abramzova, and N. A. Kislyakova, Vol. 2, p. 597.
99. Crowe, Demeter, and Lemon, "Gypsies," pp. 145-148; Crowe, "Liuli of Central
Asia," pp. 3-4; Harald Haarrnann, Spracherhaltung und Sprachwechsel als Probleme
der interlingualen Soziolinguistik: Studien zur Gruppenmehrsprachigkeit der zigeuner
in der Sowjetunion (Linguistic Preservation and Change as Problems of Interlingual
Sociolinguistics: Studies in Group Multilingualism of Gypsies in the Soviet Union)
(Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag, 1979), pp. 16-17, 20, 22, 60; 89.2 percent of
Moldavian Gypsies chose Romani as their primary language, a substantial increase over
1959 figures, when 71.2 percent chose Romani as their native tongue. Iu. V. Arutiunian
with L. A. Tul'tseva, "Common Sociopsychological Features and Some Ethnic Features
of Cultural Life," in "A Preliminary Ethosociological Study of Way of Life (On Data of
the Moldavian SSR)," ed. Iu. V. Arutiunian, L.M. Drobizheva, and V.S. Zelenchuk,
eds., Soviet Sociology, Vol. 21, No.4 (Spring 1983), pp. 72-75; these figures differ
somewhat from those cited by Dima in Bessarabia and Bukovina, p. 103, who says that
79.1 percent of the Gypsies in Moldavia chose Romani as their native tongue in 1979;
"Gypsies in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union," Radio Free Europe Research
Report, RAD Background Report No. 72 (April 12, 1978), p. 6; Grattan Puxon esti-
mated the Soviet Gypsy population to be 414,000 in 1970; Rom: Europe's Gypsies
(London: Minority Rights Group, 1973), pp. 14-15, 23; "Census Data on Changes in
Nationality Composition," Joint Publication Research Service (UPA-90-072)
(September 28,1990), p. 71; Sheehy, "Language Affiliation Data," p. 10.
100. Gitlits, "Gipsies in the USSR," p. 103; Grattan Puxon, Rom: Europe's Gypsies
(London: Minority Rights Group, 1975), p. 12; L. N. Cherenkov, "Tsyganskaya liter-
atura (Gypsy Literature)," in Literaturnyi entsiklopedicheskii slovar'(Literary
Encyclopedia) ed. V. M. Kozhevnikova and P. A. Nikolaeva (Moskva: "Sovetskaya
entsiklopediya," 1987), p. 492; Crowe, "Liuli of Central Asia," p. 3; Rom-Lebedev, Ot
tsyganskogo khora," pp. 206-207, 225, 227; Kafanova, "Gypsy Theatre Romen," pp. 94,
96; Janicki, "Gypsies," p. 189; Valentin Sazhin, "Attitudes towards Gypsies in Ukraine
(1989)," translated by Tanya E. Mairs, Nationalities Papers, Vol. 19, No.3 (Winter
1991), p. 341; Valery Blinov, "Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky," in Terras, ed.,
Handbook of Russian Literature, p. 516; Manush, "Problem of the Folk Music of the
Gypsies," p. 20, 31, nn. 24, 25; Leksa Manush, "Folk'ior latyshskikh tsygan (osnovnye
zhanay i tematika) (The Folklore, Latvian Gypsies [Primary Knowledge and Themes]),"
Sovetskaya Etnografiya, No.3 (Mai-Iyun' 1981), pp. 115-116.
101. Tsentral'noe Statisticheskoe Upravlenie SSSR (Central Statistical Administration of
the USSR), Naselenie SSSR: Po dannym Vsesoyuznoi perepisi neseleniya 1979 goda
(Population of the USSR: According to Data from the All-Union Population Census of
1979) (Moskva: Izdatel'stvo politicheskoi literatury, 1980), pp. 25, 27; Goskomstat
SSSR, Natsional'nyi sostav naseleniya SSSR, 1989, pp. II-l2, 15-16; "Census Data
on Changes in Nationality Composition," p. 71; Grattan Puxon, Roma: Europe's
Gypsies (London: Minority Rights Group, 1980), p. 19; Sheehy, "Language
Affiliation Data," p. 10; Brunner and Kagedan, eds., Die Minderheiten in der
Sowjetunion, pp. 47, 53; Georg Brunner and Boris Meissner, Nationalitiiten Probleme
in der Sowjetunion und Osteuropa (KOln: Markus Verlag, 1982), p. 206; Kubijovyc
and Senkus, "Gypsies," p. 106; Crowe, "Liuli of Central Asia," p. 4; Nazarov,
"Contemporary Ethnic Development of the Central Asian Gypsies (Liuli)," pp. 3,4, 8;
Alexandre Bennigsen and S. Enders Wimbush, Muslims of the Soviet Empire: A Guide
(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986), pp. 2-3, 124.
102. Alexander Sydorenko, "Mikhail Gorbachev," in Moncure, ed., European Historical
Biography, Vol. 2, p. 814; Daniel C. Diller, ed., The Soviet Union, 3rd ed.
(Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly, 1990), pp. 1-2, 132-133.
103. Nebojsa Bato Tomasevic and Rajko Djuric, Gypsies of the World (New York: Henry
Holt, 1988), p. 214; Jackie Nesbitt, Fourth World Romani Congress: Serock, Warsaw,
Poland, 8th-12th April 1990 (Essex County: Essex County Council, Education
Department, 1990), pp. I, 100II, 14-15. Nadezda Yemetz, a Rom delegate from
Latvia, insisted that she represented Latvian Gypsies and thus did not consider herself
part of the Soviet delegation. T. A. Acton, "After the Fourth World Romani Congress
Romani Encyclopaedists Set to Work," unpublished manuscript, n.d., pp. 1,3; Dr. T.
A. Acton, "Gyp~ies Heard in Europe," The Guardian, June 22, 1990, pp. 55-56;
though this was the first time that Soviet Gypsy delegates had been allowed to attend a
World Romani Congress, six Soviet Roma had taken part in a conference in Moscow
in 1965 that brought together "scholars of the languages of India, Pakistan, Ceylon,
and Nepal." Gitlits, "Gipsies in the USSR," p. 103.
I. Tatomir Vukanovic, Romi (Tsigani) u .Tugoslaviji (Gypsies in Yugoslavia) (Vranje: Nova
Jugoslavija, 1983), p. 22; Nebojsa Bato Tomasevic and Rajko Djuric, Gypsies of the
World (New York: Henry Holt, 1988), p. 155; George C. Soul is, "The Gypsies in the
Byzantine Empire and the Balkans in the Late Middle Ages," Dumharton Oaks Papers,
Vol. 15 (1961), p. 160; Angus Fraser, The Gypsies (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992), pp. 47--48;
Konrad Bercovici, Gypsies: Their Life, Lore, and Legends (New York: Greenwich
House, 1983), p. 36; Raymond Pearson, National Minorities in Eastern Europe,
1848-1945 (London: Macmillan, 1983), p. 37. Some Albanian Gypsy folk traditions also
trace the origins of the Gypsies to Egyptian slaves in Spain who displeased the king and
, were forced to flee to Albania. Margaret Hasluck, "The Gypsies of Albania," .Tournai oj
the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 17, No.2 (April 1938), pp. 49-50.
2. Tihomir Gjorgjevic, "Vrste Tsigana u Srbiji" (The Types of Gypsies in Serbia), in Nas
narodni Zhivot, Vol. 2 (Belgrade: Prosveta, 1984), pp. 297-298; Tihomir Gjorgjevic,
"Tsigani kao nosioci kulture" (Gypsies as Carriers of Culture) in Nas narodni Zhivot,
Vol. 3 (Belgrade: Prosveta, 1984), p. 13; Tihomir R. Gjorgjevic, "Von den Zigeunern
in Serbien," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, New Series, Vol. 1, No.3 (January
1908), p. 222.
3. Leo Weiner, "Isrnailites," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, New Series, Vol. 4, No.2
(October 1910), pp. 94-95; Andrew Arjeh Marchbin, "A Critical History of the Origin
and Migration of the Gypsies," Ph.D. diss., University of Pittsburgh, 1939, pp. 61-62;
Fraser, The Gypsies, p. 57; Soulis, "The Gypsies in the Byzantine Empire," p. 161.
4. Djurdjica Petrovic, "Tsigani u srednjovekovnom Dubrovniku," in Zbornikjilozofskoq
fakulteta, ed. Milutin Garashanin, Kniga XIII-1 (Belgrade: Naucno Delo, 1976),
pp. 124-125; Soulis, "The Gypsies in the Byzantine Empire," p. 161; Vukanovic,
Romi u Jugoslaviji, p. 23.
5. Vukanovic, Romi u Jugoslaviji, p. 23; Milenko Filipovic, "Visocki Cigani," Etnoloska
Biblioteka, Vol. 16 (Zagreb: Etnografski musej u Zagreb, 1932), p. 3; Soulis, "The
Gypsies in the Byzantine Empire," p. 161. In 1102, Croatia became part of the
medieval Hungarian empire through the joining of the two thrones. From the Croatian
perspective, a Croatian-Hungarian union now came into existence, which Hungarian
scholars view as "a close constitutional bond ... which survived for more than eight
hundred years." Others see the relationship as "often troubled." Willy A. Bachich,
"Maritime History of the Eastern Adriatic," in Croatia: Land. People. Culture, ed.
Francis H. Eterovich and Christopher Spalatin, Vol. 2 (Toronto: University of Toronto
Press, 1970), p. 127; Laszlo Makkai, "The Foundation of the Hungarian Christian
State, 950-1196," in A History of Hungary, ed. Peter F. Sugar, Peter Hanak, and Tibor
Frank (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1990), p. 19; Gyorgy Balazs and
Karoly Szelenyi, The Magyars: The Birth of a European Nation (Budapest: Corvina,
1989), p. 37; Fred Singleton, A Short History of the Yugoslav Peoples (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1989), p. 29; Fraser, The Gypsies. pp. 60-61.
6. Singleton, History of the Yugoslav Peoples, pp. 25-26, 46-47; Donald Kenrick and
Grattan Puxon, The Destiny of Europe's Gypsies (New York: Basic Books, Inc.,
1972), p. 29; H. C. Darby, "Serbia," in A Short History of Yugoslavia: From Early
Times to 1966, ed. Stephen Clissold (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1968),
p. 103; H. C. Darby, "Bosnia and Hercegovina," in Clissold, ed., Short History of
Yugoslavia, pp. 62-63; Peter F. Sugar, Southeastern Europe under Ottoman Rule,
1354-1804 (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1977), p. 21. The "Kosovo
Epic," long a stimulus for Serbian national pretensions, added to the myth of Kosovo
as the "Serbian Jerusalem," the "ancient heartland of the Serbian kingdom." Pedro
Ramet, "Kosovo and the Limits of Yugoslav Socialist Patriotism," Canadian Review
of Studies in Nationalism, Vol. 16, Nos. 1-2 (1989), p. 228; Soulis, "The Gypsies in
the Byzantine Empire," p. 161; Stanford Shaw, History of the Ottoman Empire and
Modern Turkey, Vol. 1; Empire of the Gazis: The Rise and Decline of the Ottoman
Empire, 1280-1808 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976), pp. 18-22; John
Kolsti, "Albanian Gypsies: The Silent Survivors," in The Gypsies of Eastern Europe,
ed. David M. Crowe and John Kolsti (Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 1991), p. 51.
7. Bachich, "Maritime History in the Eastern Adriatic," pp. 131-132; Petrovic, "Tsigani
u srednjovekovnom Dubrovniku," pp. 124-126, 128-132. 143-145, 156-158;
Vukanovic, Romi u .Iugoslaviji, pp. 24-25; T. P. Vukanovic, "Musical Culture among
the Gypsies of Yugoslavia," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society. Third Series, Vol. 41,
Nos. 1-2 (January-April 1962), p. 43.
8. Sugar, Southeastern Europe under Ottoman Rule, pp. 44-45, 74-75, 273; Milenko
S. Filipovic, Among the People: Native Yugoslav Ethnography (Selected Writing of
.Milenko S. Filipovic), ed. E. A. Hammel, Robert S. Ehrich, Radmila Fabrijanic-
Filipovic, Joel M. Halpern, and Albert B. Lord (Ann Arbor. MI: Michigan Slavic
Publications, 1982), p. 253; Robert Donia and William G. Lockwood, "The Bosnian
Muslims: Class, Ethnicity, and Political Behavior in a European State," in Muslim-
Christian Conflicts: Economic. Political. and Social Origins. ed. Suad Joseph and
Barbara L. K. Pillsbury (Boulder, co: Westview Press, 1978), p. 188.
9. Margaret Hasluck, "Firman of A. H. 1013-14 (A.D. 1604-05) Regarding Gypsies in
the Western Balkans," journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 27, Nos.
1-2 (January-April 1848), pp. 1-4,5 n. 12-16,6 n. 24, 9; Vukanovic, Romi u
jugoslaviji. pp. 50-51; Fraser, The Gypsies, pp. 175-176; Shaw, Empire of the Gazis,
pp. 120, 150; George C. Soulis, "A Note on the Taxation of the Balkan Gypsies in the
Seventeenth Century," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 38, Nos.
3-4 (July-October 1959), p. 156, n. I.
10. Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, pp. 50, 55; Fraser, The Gypsies, p. 177;
Rade Uhlik, "Gypsy Folk-Tales," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol.
37, Nos. 1-2 (January-April 1958), p. 5; Alexander Petrovic, "Contributions to the Study
of the Serbian Gypsies: Marriage," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol.
15, No.3 (1936), p. 91; Bernard 1. Gilliat-Smith, "The Dialect of the Gypsies of Serbo-
Croatia," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 27, Nos. 3-4
(July-October 1948), p. 142; Bernard J. Gilliat-Smith, "Review of Rade Uhlik, Iz
ciganske Onomastile," journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 36, Nos. 3-4
(July-October 1957), p. 137; Tihomir R. Gjorgjevic, "Rumanian Gypsies in Serbia,"
Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 8, No. 1(1929), p. 10. The Serbian
for spoonmaker is Kasikari; David M. Crowe, "The Gypsy Historical Experience in
Romania," in Crowe and Kolsti, eds., The Gypsies of Eastern Europe, pp. 62-63.
II. "Gypsies of Eastern Europe, 1673," journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, New Series,
Vol. I, No.2 (October 1907), pp. 186-187; T. P. Vukanovic, "The Position of Women
among Gypsies in the Kosovo-Metohija Region," journal of the Gypsy Lore Society,
Third Series, Vol. 40, Nos. 3-4 (July-October 1961), p. 82; Kenrick and Puxon,
Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, p. 19.
12. Hasluck, "Firman of A. H. 1013-14," Appendix, pp. 10-12; Soulis, "A Note on the
Taxation of the Balkan Gypsies," pp. 154-156.
13. Filipovic, "Visocki Cigani," pp. 3-4.
14. Gjorgjevic, "Rumanian Gypsies in Serbia," p. 17; Darby, "Serbia," p. 109; Sugar,
Southeastern Europe under Ottoman Rule, pp. 199-200,222; the new Greek Phanariot
rulers of Wallachia and Moldavia saw 77 changes in rulers from 1714 to 1821. R. W.
Seton-Watson, A History of the Roumanians (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1934), p. 127; Crowe, "The Gypsy Historical Experience in Romania," p. 64.
15. Victor S. Mamatey, Rise of the Hahshurg Empire, 1526-1815 (New York: Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, 1971), pp. 82-85, 100; Darby, "Serbia," pp. 109-110; H. C.
Darby, "Croatia," in Clissold, ed., Short History of Yugoslavia, p. 35; C. A. Macartney,
The Hapshurg Empire, 1789-1918 (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1968), p. 9;
Robert A. Kann and Zdenek V. David, The Peoples of the Eastern Hahshurg Lands,
1526-1918 (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1984), pp. 181-182,280.
16. Vukanovic, Romi u Jugoslaviji, pp. 63-64; Stanko Guldescu, "Croatian Political
History, 1526-1918," in Eterovich and Spalatin, ed. Croatia, pp. 30-31; David M.
Crowe, "The Gypsies in Hungary," in Crowe and Kolsti, eds., Gypsies of Eastern
Europe, p. 117; Mamatey, Rise of the Hahshurg Empire, pp. 129-131, 133-134.
Though Joseph II's efforts to integrate Hungary totally into the Austrian Empire
robbed Croatia of its "autonomy," his Serfdom Patent of 1781 and his new penal code
of 1787 affected the status of Roma throughout his imperial domains.
17. Vukanovic, Romi u Jugoslaviji, p. 63; T. P. Vukanovic, "The Gypsy Population in
Yugoslavia," journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series. Vol. 42. Nos. 1-2
(January-April 1963), p. 12; Crowe. "The Gypsies in Hungary," p. 117; Mamatey,
Rise of the Hahshurg Empire, pp. 137-138.
18. Crowe, "The Gypsies in Hungary," p. 117; Fraser. The Gypsies, p. 183. mistranslates
Schwicker's reference to "Croatia-Slavonia" as Slovenia. See J. H. Schwicker, Die
Zigeuner in Ungarn und Siebenbiirgen (Wien und Teschen: Verlag von Karl Brochaster,
1883), pp. 62-67; Miklos Tomka, "Die Zigeuner in der Ungarischen Gesellschaft,"
East European Quarterly, Vol. 4, No. I (March 1970), p. 4; Macartney, The Habsburg
Empire, p. 81; Mamatey, Rise of the Habsburg Empire, pp. 95-96, n. 24.
19. Mamatey, Rise of the Habsburg Empire, pp. 137-139. Leopold II, faced with the
threat of Prussian-Turkish and Polish-Russian alliances, as well as the prospect of
insurrection in Hungary, made peace with Istanbul as part of his effort "to defuse the
20. Shaw, Empire of the Gazis, pp. 266-268; Singleton, History of the Yugoslav Peoples,
21. Alexander Petrovic, "Contribution to the Study of the Serbian Gypsies: 'Bijeli' or
White Gypsies," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 19, No.3 (July
1940), pp. 89-90, 92. The Gypsies settled in the villages of Sabac, Loznica, Krupanj,
and Ljubovija, among others.
22. Singleton, History of the Yugoslav Peoples, pp. 75-79; as many as 150 Serbian leaders
were killed by the lanissaries. Barbara lelavich, History of the Balkans; Vol. I,
Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
23. lelavich, History of the Balkans, I. pp. 199-202; the Treaty of Bucharest was con-
cluded on May 12, 1812, and ended the Russo-Turkish War of 1806-1812. A. D.
Fadeev, "Bucharest, Treaty of 1812," in The Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and
Soviet History, ed. loseph L. Wieczynski, Vol. 5 (Gulf Breeze, FL: Academic
International Press, 1977), pp. 214-215.
24. Kann and David, Peoples of the Eastern Habsburg Lands, pp. 282-283; T. P.
Vukanovic, "Part Taken by Gypsies in the Peasant Rebellion in Srem (Synnium) in
1807," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 48, Nos 1-2
(January-April 1969), pp. 77-78; Tican is possibly derived from the Serbian for
"Gypsy," Ciganin.
25. Singleton, History of the Yugoslav Peoples, p. 82.
26. Ibid., pp. 82-84; Stanford l. Shaw and Ezel Kural Shaw, History of the Ottoman
Empire and Modern Turkey, Vol. 2, Reform, Revolution, and Republic: The Rise
of Modern Turkey, 1808-1975 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977),
pp. 14-15; lelavich, History of the Balkans, I, pp. 202-203; Darby, "Serbia,"
pp. 116-118.
27. Kolsti, "Albanian Gypsies," p. 51; Petrovic, '''BijeJi' or White Gypsies," p. 90;
Alexander Petrovic, "Contributions to the Study of the Serbian Gypsies: Feast Days,"
Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 16, No.3 (1937), p. 111.
28. Vukanovic, "The Gypsy Population in Yugoslavia," p. 13.
29. Ibid.; Vukanovic, "Musical Culture among the Gypsies of Yugoslavia," p. 43;
Gjorgjevic, "Rumanian Gypsies in Serbia," pp. 18-19.
30. Gjorgjevic, "Rumanian Gypsies in Serbia," pp. 17-18; Andrew McFarlane,
"Conjectural Ancestry of the Rudari," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series,
Vol. 30, Nos. 3-4 (luly-October 1951), pp. 153-154.
31. Vukanovic, "The Gypsy Population in Yugoslavia," pp. 12-13. In this article,
Vukanovic said there were only 79 Rom living in Belgrade in 1854; Vukanovic, Romi
u Jugoslaviji, pp. 71, 75; Vanek Siftar, Cigdni: Minulost v Sedanjosti (Murska Sobota:
Pomurska Zalozba, 1970), p. 18.
32. Tihomir R. Gjorgjevic, "Two Bible Stories in the Tradition of Serbian Gypsies,"
Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 13, No.1 (1934), p. 33; Kann
and David, Peoples of the Eastern Habsburg Lands, pp. 425-427.
33. Erasmus Sanneus, "Serbian Gypsy Bear-Leaders about 1851," Journal of the Gypsy
Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 14, No.3 (1935), pp. 203-204.
34. Ibid., pp. 204-205; Tomasevic and Djuric, Gypsies of the World, p. 156.
35. E. O. Winstedt, "Rudari in Germany," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third
Series, Vol. 34, Nos. 1-2 (January-April 1955), p. 76; Fraser, The Gypsies, pp. 223,
226, 228, 236; Tihomir P. Vukanovic, "Gypsy Bear-Leaders in the Balkan
Peninsular," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, Vol. 38, Nos. 3-4
(July-October 1959), p. III; Tomasevic and Djuric, Gypsies of the World, p. 156.
36. Ian Hancock, The Pariah Syndrome (Ann Arbor, MI: Karoma Publishers, 1987), p. 118.
37. Vukanovic, "Gypsy Population in Yugoslavia," p. 12; Singleton, History of the
Yugoslav Peoples, pp. 94-95; Jelavich, History of the Balkans, I, pp. 244-246. The
concept of a Greater Serbia, based upon a Serbian document, the Nacertanije of 1844,
was to consist of the pashalik of Belgrade and surrounding areas, plus "Bosnia,
Hercegovina... the Kosovo region, Montenegro, the Vojvodina, and northern Albania";
Gjorgjevic, Nas Narodni Zhivot, Vol. 2, p. 42.
38. Jelavich, History of the Balkans, I, pp. 350--360. The population of Bosnia and
Hercegovina was "about 43 percent Orthodox or Serb and 22 percent Catholic or Croat";
Darby, "Bosnia and Hercegovina," pp. 67-69; H. C. Darby, "Montenegro," in Clissold,
ed., Short History of Yugoslavia, pp. 82-83. Montenegro's population, estimated to be
about 120,000 in 1840, was about half Muslim; Shaw, Reform, Revolution, and
Republic, pp. 165-166, 178-184, 187-192. The humiliating Serbian defeat in the sum-
mer of 1876 prompted the Serb ruler, Prince Milos Obrenovic, desperately to offer the
sultan a desperate pledge of loyalty and a promise to allow Turkey to "occupy four main
forts in the country," among other things. The Pan-Slavist Russian head of the Serb
army, General Mikhail G. Cherniaev, convinced Prince Milos to reject these terms after
they had been reworked by the Western powers. Chemiaev then unwisely reinitiated his
offensive against the sultan; David Mackenzie, "Chemiaev, Mikhail Grigor'evich," in
Wieczynski, ed., The Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet History (1978), Vol.
6, p. 239; Mihailo D. Stojanovic, The Great Powers and the Balkans, 1875-1878
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1968), pp. 275-276, 278-280.
39. E. O. Winstedt, "Gypsy Civilization," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, New Series,
Vol. 2, No.1 (July 1908), p. 92; Gjorgjevic, Nas narodni Zhivot, Vol. 2, p. 344, Vol. 3,
pp. 43, 122-123; Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, p. 50; Petrovic,
"Feast Days," p. Ill.
40. Vukanovic, "Gypsy Population in Yugoslavia," pp. 12-15.
41. Gjorgjevic, "Von den Zigeunern in Serbien," pp. 219-221; Gjorgjevic, "Rumanian
Gypsies in Serbia," p. 8.
42. Siftar, Cigani, pp. 63-64; Pavia Strukelj, Romi na Slovenskem (Gypsies in Slovenia)
(Ljubljana: Cankarjeva Zaloiba v Ljubljani, 1980), p. 57; Schwicker, Die Zigeuner in
Ungarn und Siebenbiirgen, pp. 75, 80; H. C. Darby, "Slovenia," in Clissold, ed., Short
History of Yugoslavia, pp. 21-22.
43. Tihomir R. Gjorgjevic, "Die Zigeuner in Vlaseniciier Bezirke in Bosnien," Journal of
the Gypsy Lore Society, New Series, Vol. 1, No.2 (October 1907), pp. 146-147;
Macedonius, Stalin and the Macedonian Question (SI. Louis, MO: Pearlstone, 1948),
p. 69; H. C. Darby, "Macedonia," in Clissold, ed., Short History of Yugoslavia, p. 135.
44. Darby, "Serbia," pp. 130--133; Barbara Jelavich, History of the Balkans, Vol. 2,
Twentieth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983), pp. 97-100;
Singleton, History of the Yugoslav Peoples, pp. 112-114. Serbia's population
increased from 2.9 million to 4.4 million as a result of acquisitions made after the
Second Balkan War.
45. Ivo Banac, The National Question in Yugoslavia: Origins, History, Politics (Ithaca,
NY: Cornell University Press, 1988), pp. 295-296.
46. David M. Crowe, World War I and Europe in Crisis: 1914-1935 (Piscataway, NJ:
Research and Education Association, 1990), pp. 3-6.
47. Singleton, History of the Yugoslav Peoples, pp. 119-124; Crowe, World War I and
Europe in Crisis, pp. 9-10.
63. West, Black Lamb and Grey Falcon, pp. 308,657,659-660,823-824; Seton-Watson
and Laffan, "Yugoslavia Between the Wars," p. 198; the 1921 and 1931 censuses
showed that 31.2 percent of the population in Macedonia was Muslim, most of them
listed as Turks and Albanians. These percentages also held true for the 1940 census,
which showed a total Yugoslav Macedonian population of 1,071,426. George B.
Zotiades, The Macedonian Controversy (Thessaloniki: Society for Macedonian
Studies, 1954), p. 21; Grattan Puxon called the gunpowder Gypsies Top-hane in his
"Rom in Macedonia." (The Turkish word referred to Gypsy "gun- and powder-makers
serving the Ottoman garrison" before 1912.) "Working in conditions of servitude,"
they got a '''payment' in the form of small allowances of beans and flour for the dirty
and dangerous labour of making gunpowder." They lived in Topana, the "old Gypsy
quarter of Skopje," which in 1951 Puxon said "was a ramshackle collection of blue-
washed cottages and shacks housing some 16,000 Roma." Most of Topana's Rom
were Arlija Gypsies, subdivided into Barucia (gunpowder makers), Topanca (Topana-
born), Oristivaca (from Pristina) and several others. The community also had
"Dzambasa (dealers, especially horse-dealers) ... and the Kovaca (blacksmiths)."
Gratton Puxon, "Roma in Macedonia," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Fourth
Series, Vol. I, No.2 (1976), p. 128.
64. Singleton, History of the Yugoslav Peoples, pp. 172-175; Stephen Clissold,
"Occupation and Resistance," in Clissold, ed., Short History of Yugoslavia, pp. 200-
211; Jelavich, History of the Balkans, Vol. 2, p. 201; Rothschild, East Central Europe,
65. Dennis Reinhartz, "Damnation of the Outsider: The Gypsies of Croatia and Serbia in
the Balkan Holocaust, 1941-1945," in Crowe and Kolsti, eds., Gypsies of Eastern
Europe, pp. 84-88; Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, pp. 109-112,
183; Edmund Paris, Genocide in Satellite Croatia, 1941-1945, translated by Lois
Perkins (Chicago: The American Institute for Balkan Affairs, 1961), pp. 62, 211;
Clissold, "Occupation and Resistance," pp. 209-210; at the same time that the Ustasa
sought to eliminate Croatia's Roma, it also adopted a three-pronged assault on the
NDH's 2 million Serbs, who made up almost one-third of Croatia's 6.5 million people.
One-third were to be murdcred, one-third deported, and one-third converted to Roman
Catholicism. Though figures vary widely, conservative estimates indicate that 350,000
Serbs died at Croatian hands between 1941 and 1944, while the Serbs claim that
750,000 were butchered. About 80 percent of Croatia's 18,000 Jews died during this
period. The NDH's 700,000-750,000 Muslims, primarily in Bosnia and Hercegovina,
were dealt with in mixed fashion. Singleton, Twentieth Century Yugoslavia, pp. 86-
88; Paris, Genocide in Satellite Croatia, p. 217; Toussaint Hocevar and David Crowe,
"National Minorities in Yugoslavia, 1919-1980," in Eastern European National
Minorities, 1919-1980: A Handbook, ed. Stephan M. Horak (Littleton, CO: Libraries
Unlimited, Inc., 1985), p. 239; Raul Hilberg, The Destruction of the European Jews,
Vol. 2 (New York: Holmes & Meier, 1985), p. 718; Jelavich, History of the Balkans,
Vol. 2, pp. 263-264.
66. Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, pp. 111-119; Reinhartz,
"Damnation of the Outsider," pp. 88-89; Hilberg, Destruction of the European Jews,
Vol. 2, pp. 683, 692. The regulations on the Gypsies were included in a much broader
decree on the Jews; Christopher R. Browning, Fateful Months: Essays on the
Emergence of the Final Solution, revised edition (New York: Holmes & Meier, 1991),
pp. 7,69-71,80-81. Commandants at Semlin were members of the SS; Vukanovic,
Romi uJugoslaviji; p. 121.
67. Strukelj, Romi na Slovenskem, pp. 61, 97-98; Crowe, "The Gypsies in Hungary," p. 119;
Robert L. Koehl, RKFDV: German Resettlement and Population Policy, 1939-1945
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1957), p. 129; Singleton, History of the
Yugoslav Peoples, pp. 175-176; Clissold, "Occupation and Resistance," pp. 209-210.
68. Kolsti, "Albanian Gypsies," pp. 53-57; Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's
Gypsies, pp. 119--123; Jelavich, History of the Balkans, Vol. 2, pp. 273-275.
69. Singleton, Twentieth Century Yugoslavia, p. 86.
70. Jan F. Triska, ed., Constitutions of the Communist Party-States (Stanford, CA: The
Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, 1968), pp. 456--458; Frits W.
Hondius, Yugoslav Community of Nations (The Hague: Mouton, 1968), pp. 182-183;
Alan J. Whitehorn, "Yugoslav Constitutional Developments: An Expression of
Growing Nationality Rights and Powers (1945-1972)," East European Quarterly,
Vol. 9, No.3 (Fall 1975), pp. 346--347.
71. Pearson, National Minorities in Eastern Europe, p. 202.
72. Puxon, Rom: Europe's Gypsies (London: Minority Rights Group, 1973), p. 18;
Martine Tassy, "La poesie des Roms de Macedoine," Etudes Tsiganes, No.4 (1991),
73. Shoup, East European and Soviet Data Handbook, p. 144, note b; Siftar, Cigani, p. 71;
Enciklopedija Jugoslavije, Vol. 2 (Zagreb: Izdanje i naklada leksikografskog zavoda
FNJR, 1955-1971), p. 376; Vukanovic, "Gypsy Population in Yugoslavia," pp. 16--22;
Vukanovic says the total Rom population in 1948 was 72,693, Vukanovic, Romi u
Jugoslaviji, pp. 123-129; other authors also give slightly different demographic fig-
ures. Paul Shoup, for example, says there were 72,736 Roma in Yugoslavia in 1948 in
Communism and the Yugoslav National Question (New York: Columbia University
Press, 1968), p. 266, while Werner Markert indicates a Gypsy population of 72,671 in
Jugoslawien (Ktiln: Btihlau-Verlag, 1954), p. 16.
74. Vukanovic, "Gypsy Population in Yugoslavia," pp. 23-26; Vukanovic, Romi u
Jugoslaviji, pp. 129-132; Strukelj, Romi na Slovenskem, pp. 61,97-98,318. The
Prekmurje region of Slovenia had a Gypsy population of 1,187 in 1953, and the
Dolenjsken region 422; Shoup, East European and Soviet Data Handbook, pp. 143-
144, 156--157; Shoup, Communism and the Yugoslav National Question, p. 267;
Hondius, Yugoslav Community of Nations, p. 23.
75. M. George Zaninovich, The Development of Socialist Yugoslavia (Baltimore, MD:
The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1968), pp. 44, 73-78,82,88, 100--101; Jelavich,
History of the Balkans, Vol. 2, pp. 388, 392; the 1958 program of the 8th congress of
the renamed Communist Party, the League of Communists of Yugoslavia, emphasized
the rights of minorities with the context of Yugoslav national unity. Yugoslavia's Way:
The Program of the League of the Communists of Yugoslavia, translated by Stopyan
Pribechevich (New York: All Nations Press, 1958), pp. 194--195.
76. Zaninovich, Development of Socialist Yugoslavia, pp. 110-112; Puxon, "Rom a in
Macedonia," p. 128; Grattan Puxon, Rom: Europe's Gypsies (London: Minority
Rights Group, 1975), p. 15; Vukanovic, "Musical Culture among the Gypsies of
Yugoslavia," p. 49; "Hanka: A Gypsy Film in Yugoslavia," Journal of the Gypsy Lore
Society, Third Series, Vol. 35, Nos. 3-4 (July-October 1956), pp. 180-181.
77. Vukanovic, Romi u Jugoslaviji, pp. 131-132; Petricevic, Nacionalnost Stanovnistva
Jugoslavije, pp. 51-52; Georgeoff and Crowe, "National Minorities in Yugoslavia,"
pp. 227-229; Shoup, East European and Soviet Data Handbook, p. 143; Kenrick and
Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, p. 208; Peter R. Prifti, Socialist Albania since
1644: Domestic and Foreign Developments (Cam~ridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1978),
pp. 2, 240-241; Ramadan Marmullarku, Albania and the Albanians, translated by
Margot and Bosko Miloslavjevic (New York: Archon Books, 1975), p. 159.
78. Seventy-eight nations provided relief aid to Macedonia. The Russians built a factory "for
prefabricating homes," and the British sent prefab housing. Bart Macdowell, Gypsies:
Wanderers of the World (Washington, DC: National Geographic Society, 1970), p. 120;
Elsie Ivancich Dunin, "Dance Change in the Context of the Gypsy St. George's Day,
Skopje, Yugoslavia, 1967-1977," Papers from the Fourth and Fifth Annual Meetings,
Gypsy Lore Society, North American Chapter, ed. Joanne Grumet (New York: Gypsy
Lore Society, North American Chapter, 1985), pp. lIO, lI2; Tomasevic and Djuric,
Gypsies of the World, p. 156; Puxon, "Roma in Macedonia," pp. 128-129; Puxon, Roma
(1987), p. 12; Tassy, "La poesie des Roms de Macedoine," p. 21.
79. Sabrina P. Ramet, Nationalism and Federalism in Yugoslavia, 1962-1991, 2nd ed.
(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1992), pp. 84, 86-93; Singelton, History of
the Yugoslav Peoples, pp. 244-250; Whitehorn, "Yugoslav Constitutional
Developments," pp. 349-352; Fraser, The Gypsies, pp. 272-273; the majority of
Skopje's Rom call themselves "'Turski Cigani,' a synonym for Moslem rather than as
being Turkish." Dunin, "Dance Change in the Context of the Gypsy St. George's
Day," p. 110; William G. Lockwood, "East European Gypsies in Western Europe: The
Social and Cultural Adaptation of the Xoraxane," Nomadic Peoples, Nos. 21-22
(December 1986), pp. 63-64; some Xoraxane maintained a "two-fold environments"
lifestyle divided between Yugoslavia and Italy. Leonardo Piasere, "In Search of New
Niches: The Productive Organization of the Peripatetic Xoraxane in Italy," in The
Other Nomads: Peripatetic Minorities in Cross-Cultural Perspective, ed. Arpana Rao
(KOIn: Biihlau Verlag, 1987), pp. 111-113; there were "8,000 foreign-born Gypsies"
in Germany in 1970, "including many migrant workers from Yugoslavia." Kenrick
and Puxon, Destiny of Europe' s Gypsies, p. 192.
80. Singleton, History of the Yugoslav Peoples, pp. 259-264; Ramet, Nationalism and
Federalism in Yugoslavia, pp. 66, 73-74; David Mackenzie, "The Background:
Yugoslavia since 1964," in Nationalism in the USSR and Eastern Europe in the Era of
Brezhnev and Kosygin, ed. George W. Simmonds (Detroit, MI: The University of
Detroit Press, 1977), p. 454; during this period, the government rigidly applied
"republican and ethnic keys" in giving out jobs "in all federal departments," which
enhanced opportunities in the "smaller republics and nationalities." Dennis Rusinow,
"Nationalities Policy and the 'National Question,'" in Yugoslavia in the 1980s, ed.
Pedro Ramet (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1985), pp. 136-137; though the Serbs
only made up 39.7 percent of the population in 1971, they made up 60.5 percent of the
army's officer corps and 46 percent of its generals. Bogdan Denis Denitch, The
Legitimation of a Revolution: The Yugoslav Case (New Haven, CT: Yale University
Press, 1976), p. 114.
81. Prifti, Socialist Alhania since 1944, pp. 240-241; Tirvo Indjic, Affirmative Action: The
Yugoslav Case (New York: The Rockefeller Foundation, 1984), p. 211; Grattan
Puxon, Rom (1973), p. 23; "Probleme mit Jugoslawiens Zigeunern," Osteuropa Heft 4
(April 1978), p. A249; "Zigeuner zwischen Albanern und Serbien," Osteuropa, Heft 6
(June 1972), p. A197.
82. "Probleme mit Jugoslawiens Zigeunern," p. A251; Puxon, "Roma in Macedonia," p. 130;
Puxon, Rom (1973), p. 19.
83. Puxon, Rom (1973), p. 18; Dunin, "Dance Change in the Context of the Gypsy St.
George's Day," p. 114; Grattan Puxon, Roma: Europe's Gypsies (London: Minority
Rights Group, 1980), p. 18; Hugh Poulton, The Balkans: Minorities and States in Conflict
(London: Minority Rights Group, 1991), p. 89; Indjic, Affirmative Action, p. 215; Tassy,
"La poesie des Roms de Macedoine," p. 25; Tetovo had been the center of ethnic unrest in
the late 1960s. Stephen E. Palmer, Jr. and Robert R. King, Yugoslav Communism and the
Macedonian Question (New York: Archon Books, 1971), pp. 181- 182; officially, there
were 6 Romany "cultural-artistic societies" out of 1,743 in Yugoslavia in 1975-1976.
Milutin Dedic, "Cultural-Artistic Amateurism," Yugoslav Survey, Vol. 22, No.2 (May
1981), p. 136; Kenrick and Puxon, Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, pp. 211-212.
84. Indjic, Affirmative. Action, p. 212; Puxon, Roma (1987), p. 12.
85. Indjic, Affirmative Action, pp. 214-215; Balic served as head of the World Romani
Congress from 1981-1990. Jackie Nesbitt, Fourth World Romani Congress: Serock,
Warsaw, Poland, 8th-12th April 1990 (Essex County: Essex County Council
Education Department, 1990), p. I.
1992 to 2.75 million; David Dyker and Vesna Bojicic, "The Impact of Sanctions on
the Serbian Economy," RFEIRL Research Report, Vol. 2, No. 21 (May 21,1993),
99. Hugh Poulton, "The Roma in Macedonia: A Balkan Success Story," RFEIRL
Research Report, Vol. 2, No. 19 (May 7, 1993), pp. 42-45. In the April 1991
Macedonian census, there were officially 55,575 Gypsies in the country, far below
Roma estimates of 200,000; Hugh Poulton, "The Republic of Macedonia after UN
Recognition," RFEIRL Research Report, Vol. 2, No. 23 (June 4, 1993), pp. 22-23;
Duncan M. Perry, "Politics in the Republic of Macedonia: Issues and Parties,"
RFEIRL Research Report, Vol. 2, No. 23 (June 4, 1993), pp. 31,37.
1. John Kolsti, "Albanian Gypsies: The Silent Survivors," in David Crowe and John Kolsti,
eds., The Gypsies ofEastern Europe (Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1991), p. 51.
2. Margaret Hasluck, "The Gypsies of Albania," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Vol. 17,
No.2 (April 1938), pp. 49-50.
3. Marcel Courthiades, "Social and Historical Profile of the Rromanis in Albania,"
Unpublished Manuscript (1998), p. 1.
4. Margaret Hasluck, "Firman of A.H. 1013-14 (A.D. 1604--05) regarding Gypsies in the
Western Balkans," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Vol. 27, Nos. 1-2 (January-April
1848), pp. 1-4, 5 nI2-16, 6 n24, 9; Tatomir Vukanovic, Romi (Tsigani) u Jugoslaviji
(Vranje: Nova Jugoslavija, 1983), pp. 50-51; Angus Fraser, The Gypsies (Oxford:
Blackwell, 1992), pp. 175-176; Stanford Shaw, Histmy of the Ottoman Empire and
Modern Turkey, Volume I: Empire of the Gazis: The Rise and Decline of the Ottoman
Empire, 1280-1808 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976), pp. 120, 150;
George C. Soulis, "A Note on the Taxation of the Balkan Gypsies in the Seventeenth
Century," Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Vol. 38, Nos. 3-4 (July-October 1959),
p. 156, n1.
5. Courthiades, "Social and Historical Profile of the Rromanis in Albania," p. 1.
6. Hasluk, "Firman of A. H. 1013-14," pp. 10-11.
7. Kolsti, "Albanian Gypsies," p. 52.
8. Ibid., p. 53.
9. Joseph Swire, King Zogs Albania (New York: Liveright Publishing Company, 1937),
p. 196.
10. Hasluck, "Gypsies of Albania," I, p. 50.
11. Ibid., pp. 50-51; Courthiades, "Social and Historical Profile of the Rromanis in
Albania," p. 2.
12. Courthiades, "Social and Historical Profile of the Rromanis in Albania," pp. 5-6.
13. European Roma Rights Center, No Record of the Case: Roma in Albania (Budapest:
European Roma Rights Center, 1997), p. 12.
14. Courthiades, "Social and Historical Profile of the Rromanis in Albania," p. 13.
15. Hasluck, "Gypsies of Albania," pp. 108-112.
16. Miranda Vickers and James Pettifer, Albania: From Anarchy to a Balkan Identity
(New York: New York University Press, 1997), pp. 4, 216-230; 40 percent of the work
force was unemployed in 1991.
17. Fabian Schmidt, "From Anarchy to an Uncertain Stability," in Peter Rutland, The
Challenge of Integration: Annual Survey of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet
Union, 1997 (Armonk, NJ: M. E. Sharpe, 1998), pp. 237-239.
18. Central Intelligence Agency, The World Factbook (2006), https:llwww.cia.gov/cia/
publications/factbooklgeos/al.html, p. 3 [accessed July 31, 2006].
19. "Albania," The World Factbook (2006), p. 8; Janusz Bugajski, Ethnic Politics in Eastern
Europe: A Guide to Nationality Policies, Organizations, and Parties (Armonk, NY:
M. E. Sharpe, 1995), p. 268; Vickers and Pettifer, Albania, p. 186; Courthiades, "Social
and Historical Profile of the Rromanis in Albania," p. 1; Albania's 1997 population was
3.25 million. Schmidt, "From Anarchy to an Uncertain Stability," p. 236; Alphia
Abdikeeva, Roma Poverty and the Roma National Strategies: The Cases of Albania,
Greece and Serbia (London: Minority Rights Group International, 2005), p. 3.
20. Open Society Foundation, "Monitoring the National Roma Strategy," p. 2, http://www.
soros.aI/English/news/roma2.htm, [accessed August 1,2006].
21. Abdikeeva, "Roma Poverty," p. 4; "Albania," The World Fact Book (2006), pp. 1-2,8; p. 3.
22. "Monitoring the National Roma Strategy,: p. 2; The World Fact Book, p. 5.
23. Maria Koinova, "Roma of Albania;' Minorities in Southeast Europe (Budapest: Center for
Documentation and Information on Minorities in Europe-Southeast Europe, 2000), p. 16.
24. Ibid., pp. 2-3.
25. Minority Rights Group International, Gender and Minority Issues in Albania (London:
Minority Rights Group International, 2003), p. 5; Amaro Drom, "Innocent Smiles ":
Trafficking in Persons Report in the Albanian Roma Community (Tirane: Amaro Drom
and Minority Rights Group International, 2005), pp. 9-10.
26. "Innocent Smiles," p. 12.
27. Abdikeeva, "Roma Poverty," p. 5.
28. Ibid., p. 5.
29. Open Society Foundation Soros, "Monitoring the National Roma Strategy," pp. 1-3,
http://www.soros.al/English/news/roma2.htm. [accessed August 1,2006].
30. Ibid., pp. 3-4.
31. Ibid., pp. 4-5.
32. Robert M. Hayden, "The Partition of Bosnia-Hercegovina, 1990-1993," RFE/RL
Research Report, Vol. 2, No. 22 (May 28, 1993), pp. 2, 6-14; American Committee to
Save Bosnia, "Convoy Bosnia-A Summary of the Crisis in Bosnia," (1993), p. 1;
Jeremy Druker, "Present but Unaccounted for," Transitions, Vol. 4, No.4 (September
1997), p. 23; Judith Latham, "Roma in the Former Yugoslavia," Nationalities Papers,
Vol. 27, No.2 (June 1999), p. 213; European Roma Rights Center, The Non-constituents:
Rights Deprivation of Roma in Post-genocide Bosnia and Herzegovina (Budapest:
European Roma Rights Center, 2004), pp. II, 20; Roger Thurow, "Another Country,"
The Wall Street Journal (August 24, 1999), p. AI.
33. European Roma Rights Center, The Non-constituents, p. 20.
34. Latham, "Roma in the Former Yugoslavia," p. 215.
35. Ibid., pp. 216-217; Thurow, "Another Country," pp. AI, A6.
36. Committee of Ministers, Council of Europe, "Fact-finding Mission to Bosnia and
Herzxegovina on the Situation of the Roma/Gypsies (May 16-21, 1996)," p. 2,
[accessed August 16, 2006].
37. Human Rights Watch, Hopes Betrayed: Trafficking of Women and Girls to Post-conflict
Bosnia and Herzegovina for Forced Prostitution (New York: Human Rights Watch,
2002), pp. 15-20.
38. Central Intelligence Agency, "Bosnia and Herzegovina," The World Factbook (2006),
p. 9, https:llwww.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbooklgeos/bk.html, [accessed August 8,
2006); Department for International Development, "Bosnia-Herzegovina," p. 1, http://
www.dfid.gov.uklcountries/europelbosniaherzegovina.asp, [accessed August 8, 2006].
Open Society Institute, "Roma in Bosnia and Herzegovina," Joint Women s Roma
Initiative, p. 1, http:www.romawomensinitiatives.org, [accessed August 8, 2006];
UNICEF, "Bosnia and Herzegovina," p. 5, http://www.unicef.orglinfobycountry/ bosni-
aherzegovina_statistics.html, [accessed August 8, 2006].
39. European Roma Rights Center, The Non-constituents, p. 204.
59. Central Intelligence Agency, "Bulgaria," The World Factbook (2006), p. 5, https:llwww.
cia.gov/cia/publications/factbooIJgeos/bu.html, [accessed August 24, 2006]; Ilona
Tomova, The Gypsies in the Transition Period (Sofia: International Center for Minority
Studies and Intercultural Relations, 1995), p. 60; Jennifer Tanaka, "Parallel worlds:
Romani and non-Romani schools in Bulgaria," Notebook (2003), p. I, http://www.
errc.org/cikk.php?cikk' 1045&archiv' 1 [accessed August 21, 2006].
60. Tomova, The Gypsies in the Transition Period, p. 58.
61. Khristo Kyuchukov, "Projects in Romani Education: Bulgaria," Meet the ERRC (2003),
pp. 1-2, http://www.errc.org/cikk.php?cikk' 57 &archiv' I [accessed August 21, 2006].
62. Deyan Kolev, "Roma Folklore Classes in Bulgarian Schools: Preparing the Gronnd for
the Desegregation of Romani Education," Research and Policy (2003), pp. 1-3, 5,
http:ww.errc.org/cikk.php?cikk'1854&archiv' 1 [accessed August 21, 2006].
63. "Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science Issues Landmark 'Instruction for the
Integration of Minority Children and Pupils,' " Snapshots from Around Europe (2003),
p. I, http://www.errc.org/cikk.php?cikk' 1627 &archiv' I [accessed August 21, 2006].
64. Donka Panayotova, "Successful Romani School Desegregation; The Vidin Case,"
Notebook (2003), pp. 1-5, http://www.errc.org/cikk.php?cikk'1630&archiv'l [accessed
August 21, 2006].
65. European Roma Rights Center, "Desegregation Court Victory," February 28, 2006,
pp. 1-2, http://www.errc.org/ciklcphp?cikk'24ll&archiv'1 [accessed August 21, 2006].
66. Council of Europe, "European Social Charter (revised), 3. V1996, p. 12, http://conventions.
coe.int/treaty/enlTreaties/HtmlI163.htm [accessed August 30, 2006]; "Bulgarian
Authorities Urged to Halt Forced Evictions of Roma," p. I, http://www.errc.org/
cikk.php?cikk'2606&archiv' 1 [accessed August 21, 2006].
67. Andrei lliev, "Participation of Bulgarian Roma in the 2001 General Elections and
Prospects for Political Representation," Notebook (2003), pp. 1-3, http://www.errc.org/
cikk.php?cikk'1232&archiv'l [accessed August 21,2006].
68. "Increased Romani Participation Fuels Anti-Romani Racism in Bulgarian Local
Elections," Snapshots Ji'om Around Europe (2003), p. I, http://www.errc.org/cikk.php?
cikk' 1231 &archiv' 1 [accessed August 21, 2006]; Rumyan Russinov, "Romani Politics
as a Profession," Meet the Errc (2003), pp. 1-2, http:www.errc.org/cikk.php?cikk'1992
&archiv'l [accessed August 21, 2006].
69. National Programme for Roma (Zagreb: National Program for Roma, 2004), pp. 1-2.
70. Ana BogdanoviC, "The Croatian National Programme for the Roma: An Example of
Gender Inequality?" (August 2005), Eumap.org, pp. 1-3.
71. European Roma Rights Center, Shadow Report of the European Roma Rights Center on
the Republic of Croatia s Combined Second and Third Periodic Reports to the
Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women (Budapest: European
Roma Rights Center, 2005), pp. 1-2.
72. United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, Concluding Observations oj
the Committee on the Rights of the Child: CROATIA (Geneva: United Nations, 2004),
73. lasminka Dedic, "The Erasure: Administrative Ethnic Cleansing in Slovenia," Notebook
(2003), p. 1, http://www.errc.org/cikk.php?cikk'1l09 [accessed October 19, 2006];
Tatjana Perit, "Insufficient: Government Programmes for Roma in Slovenia," Roma
Rights (2001), pp. 1-2; Conncil of Europe, Second Report on Slovenia (Geneva:
Council of Europe, 2003), p. 10.
74. Council of Europe, Comments on the Follow-up Report on Slovenia (2003-2005) by the
Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights (Brussels: Council of Europe,
2006), pp. 4-5; "Roma in Slovenia Threatened with Segregation at School," Snapshots
Ji'om around Europe (2005), p. I, http://www.errc.org/cikk.php?cikk'2342&archiv'l
[accessed October 19, 2006].
75. Jiri Pehe, "'Law on Romanies Causes Uproar in Czech Republic," RFEIRL Research
Report, Vol. 2, No.7 (February 12, 1993), pp. 18-22; Henry Kamm, "In Slovak Gypsy
Ghetto, Hovels and Plea for Jobs," New York Times (November 28, 1993), p. A4; Monica
Nemcokov, "Don't Blame Slovakia for Gypsy Problem," New York Times, (December
15, 1993), p. A14; Central Intelligence Agency, The World Factbook (2006), p. 3.
https:llwww.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbooklgeos/ez.html [accessed September 12,
76. Rom News Network, "The Association of Czechoslovak Roma in Canada (1998)," p. 1,
in [accessed September 12, 2006]; "The Long, Hot Czech Summer," Notebook (2007),
pp. 1-5. http://www.errc.org/cikk.php?cikk'1538&archiv' I [accessed September I,
77. Rom News Network, "The Association of Czechoslovak Roma in Canada," p. I; "The
Long, Hot Czech Summer," pp. 1-5.
78. Stanislav Penc and Jan Urban, "Czech Republic: Extremist Acts Galvanize Roma
Population," Transitions, Vol. 5, No.7 (July 1998), p. 39.
79. "Police Abuse of Roma in Pisek, Czech Republic," Snapshots Ji'om Around Europe
(1997), p. 1, http://www.errc.org/ciklcphp?cikk'26&archiv'l [accessed September 1,
80. "Abuse of Roma by Officials in the Czech Republic," Snapshots from Around Europe
(1999), p. I, http://www.errc.orglcikk.php?cikk'568&archiv'l [accessed September I,
81. European Roma Rights Center, A Special Remedy: Roma and Schools for the
Mentally Handicapped in the Czech Republic (Budapest: European Roma Rights Center,
1999), p. 10.
82. David M. Crowe, "Roma in Eastern Europe: The Wall in the Czech Republic," in ed.,
Meghan Appel, O'Meara History behind the Headlines: The Origins of Conflicts
Worldwide, (New York: The Gale Group, 2000), pp. 214-224.
83. Ibid., pp. 214, 221; Arie Farnam, "White Residents Nostalgic about Usti Wall," The
Prague Post (May 3, 2000), p. 1 http://www.praguepost.cz/news050300d.html.
84. Roma Rights, No.2, 2004, p. 49.
85. "Challenging Coercive Sterilisations of Romani Women in the Czech Republic
(2005)," p. 2, http://www.errc.org/cikk.php?cikk'2228&archiv'l, [accessed September
86. "UN Committee against Torture Urges the Czech Republic to Investigate
Alleged Coercive Sterilisation of Romani Women," Advocacy (2004), pp. 1-2,
http://www.errc.org/cikk.php?cikk'1988&archiv'l [accessed September I, 2006];
"Response of the Czech Government Commissioner for Human rights to ERRC Action
on Coercive Sterlilisations of Romani Women in the Czech Republic," Advocacy (2004),
pp. 1-3, http://www.errc.org/ciklcphp?cikk'2072&archiv'l [accessed September 1,
2006]; "Coercive Sterilisations in the Czech Republic" (September 16,2004), pp. 1-3,
http://www.errc.org/ciklcphp?cikk'2014&archiv'l [accessed September 1, 2006];
Claude Cahn, "Breakthrough: Challenging Coercive Sterilisations of Romani Women in
the Czech Republic," Advocacy (2004), pp. 1-6, http://www.errc.org/ciklc
php?cikk'2071&archiv'l [accessed September I, 2006]; "Challenging Coercive
Sterilisations of Romani Women in the Czech Republic, pp. 1-8; "Czech Public
Defender of Rights," pp. 1-4, http://www.ochrance.cz/en/ombudsman/obecne.php
[accessed September 12, 2006].
87. "First Civil Complaint Filed regarding Coercive Sterilisations of Romani Women,"
Snapshots from Around Europe (2005), p. 1, http://www.errc.org/ciklcphp?cikk'
2309&archiv'l [accessed September I, 2006]; "First Court Victory in Central Europe
on Coercive Sterilisation of Romani Women," News Roundup: Snapshots from Around
the World (2006), pp. 1-2, http://www.errc.orglcikk.php?cikk'2475&archiv'l [accessed
106. Project on Ethnic Relations, The Roma in Hungary: Government Policies, Minority
Expectations, and the International Community (Princeton: Project on Ethnic
Relations, 2000), p. 9; Eva Ors6s, "My Central European family," Meet the ERRC,
pp. 1-3, http://www.errc.org/ciklcphp?cikk'1010&archiv'l [accessed September 6, 2006].
107. Eva Sobotka, "Hungary: Council of Europe Delegation Alarmed by Treatment of Roma
in Hungary," Central European Review, Vol. 3, No.4 (January 29, 2001), pp. 3-4,
http://www.ce-review.org/01l4/romanews4.html[accessed September 21,2006].
108. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, "Concluding Observations
of the Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: Hungary. 0111112002,"
pp 1-3. http://www.unhchr.chltbs/doc/nsf/(Symbol)/A.57.18.paras.367-390.En?
Open document [accessed September 23, 2006]; "ERRC Action as Hungary Goes
before the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination,
Advocacy (2002), pp. 1-3, http://www.errc.orglcikk.php?cikk'161&archiv'l [accessed
September 6,2006].
109. "Reports on Public Attitudes about Roma in Hungary," Snapshots Fmn Around Europe,
p. 1, http://www.errc.org/cikkiphp?cikk'1803&archiv'l [accessed September 6, 2006].
110. "Hate Speech by Mayor in Hungary," Snapshots from Around Hungary, p. I,
http://www/errc.org/ciklcphp?cikk'864&archiv'l [accessed September 6, 2006];
"Racist Lessons in Hungary," Snapshots Fom Around Europe," p. I, http://www.
Errc.org/ciklcphp?cikk'684&archiv'l [accessed September 6, 2006]; "Racist
Hungarian Textbook Removed from Curriculum," Snapshots from Around Europe, p. I,
http://www.errc.org/cikk.php?cikk'1009&archiv' 1 [accessed September 6,2006].
III. Knudsen, "Online Gypsy-Killing Game Controversy," RomNews Network Community,
p. 1, http://www.romnews.comlcommunity/modules.php?op.modload&name'News&
file'arctic [accessed September 24, 2006]; "Prominent Roma Raise Voices against
Hostility against Roma in Hungary," Budapest Week (July 27, 2005), p. 1, http://www.
budapestweek.com/newsites/headlines/headlines04.html [accessed September 24,
112. "Prominent Roma Raise Voices against Hostility against Roma in Hungary," p. I.
113. European Roma Rights Center Shadow Report to the United Nations Committee on the
Rights of the Child (Budapest: European Roma Rights Centre, 2005), pp. 2-3, 21.
114. "Prominent Roma Raise Voices against Hostility against Roma in Hungary," p. 1.
liS. Robert E. Koulish, "Attitudes towards Roma Minority Rights in Hungary: A Case of
Ethnic Doxa, and the Contested Legitimization of Roma Inferiority," Nationalities
Papers, Vo. 31, No.3 (September 2003), p. 328; this source estimates the Roma popu-
lation in Hungary to be between 500,000 and 800,000.
116. Noel Malcolm, Kosovo: A Short Histmy (New York: HarperCollins, 1999), p. 209;
European Roma Rights Center, Roma Rights, No.2 (1999), p. 1;. Shani Rafati,
"Invisible Roma in Kosovo," Unpublished Manuscript (1999), p. I; Kosovo's Ministry
of Public Services Says the Roma Make Up 1.7 percent of the Population. Insttitucionet
e Perkohshme Veteqeverisese, Kosovo and Its Population: A Brief Description
(Prishtina: Ministry of Public Services, 2003), p. 4.
117. Malcolm, Kosovo, p. 206.
118. Ibid., pp. 207-208.
119. Ibid., p. 208; Crowe, Histmy of the Gypsies, p. 222.
120. UNHCR, "Background Paper on Refugees and Asylum Seekers from Kosovo"
(February 1996), p. 4.
121. Malcolm, Kosovo, pp. 334-337.
122. UNHCR, "Background Paper," p. 5.
123. Tim Judah, The Serbs: History, Myth & the Destruction of Yugoslavia (New Haven:
Yale University Press, 1997), p. 29.
124. Crowe, History of the Gypsies of Eastern Europe, pp. 230-231; Malcolm, Kosovo,
pp. 344-346.
125. Carlotta Gall, "Kosovo War over, Gypsies Find Themselves Alone." The New York Times
(July 11, 1999), p. 6; there is also some evidence that the Serbs made a similar alliance
with ethnic Turks in Kosovo. Steven Erlanger, "As NATO Pours In, Fearful Serbs Pour
Out," The New York Times (June 14, 1999), p. All.
126. Claude Cahn and Tatjana Peric, "Roma and the Kosovo Conflict," Roma Rights, No.2,
1999, p. 1.
127. Gall, "Kosovo War Over," p. 6.
128. Ibid., p. 6.
129. Ibid., p. 6; a number of press accounts support Makolli's claim that the Serb's forced the
Roma to work as grave diggers. Peter Finn, "Pollashka's List," The Washington Post
(June 20, 1999), p. A22; David 1. Lynch, "Hidden Children Return to Find Slain
Families, Friends," USA Today (June 16, 1999), p. 7A; Ian fisher with David Rohde,
"Return to Many Villages Is Visit to 'Crime Scenes.'" The New York Times (June 17,
1999), p. A19; some Albanian Kosovars thought the Roma were paid by the Serbs for
their work. Ellen Knickmeyer, "Villagers Describe More Massacres; Serb Withdrawal
Allows Verification," The Charlotte Observer (June 16, 1999), p. 15A.
130. Rromani Baxt, "The Situation of the Rroma in Cossivia," August 1998, pp. 3-4.
131. Ibid., pp. 3-4.
132. Cahn and Peric, "Roma and the Kosovo Conflict," pp. 2-3.
133. Ibid., p. 3; Carlotta Gall, "Kosovo Rebels Said to Allow Violence against Serbs," The
New York Times (August 3, 1999), p. AS.
134. Ian Fisher, "Germans Plan Curfew as Crime Rises in a City," The New York Times (June 28,
1999), p. A8; David Rohde, "Kosovar Attack on Gypsies Reveals Desire for Revenge," The
New York Times (June 7, 1999), p. A12; Carlotta Gall, "Albanians Loot and Burn, Aiming
Wrath at Gypsies," The New York Times (June 24,1999), p. A14; Tamara Jones, "Relief
Convoy: A Cynical Humanitarian and the Kosovo Refugees," The Tfashington Post
Magazine (July 4, 1999), pp. 21, 24; Human Rights Watch, Failure to Protect: Anti-minor-
ity Violence in Kosovo (New York: Human Rights Watch, 2004), pp. 26-30.
135. "Declaration of the Rromani Union concerning the Recent Events in Kosovo" (April
18, 1999), p. 2.
136. Press Statement, European Roma Rights Center, Budapest, "Human Rights Project
Sofia" (June 23, 1999), pp. 3-6; letter of Commission on Security and Cooperation in
Europe to Secretary of State Madeline Albright, July IS, 1999, pp. 1-2; Erika Schlager
to David Crowe, September 13, 1999.
137. Steven Erlanger, "After Slow Start, U. N. Asserts Role in Running Kosovo," The New York
Times (August 11, 1999), pp. AI, AIO; by the end of August 1999, the United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees estimated that there were 173,000 Kosovar Roma and
Serbs in Serbia, though only 133,737 were officially registered as such. Steven Erlanger,
"Serbs Driven from Kosovo Live Crowded and in Want," The New York Times (September
2, 1999), p. A3; Dr. Bernard Kouchner, the UN's administrator for Kosovo, told the UN
Security Council on September II, 1999, that Kosovo had a population of 1.4 million
Albanians, 97,000 Serbs, and 73,000 individuals from other ethnic groups, including
Roma. RFEIRL Newsline, Vol. 3, No. 178, Part II, September 13, 1999.
138. Roma Rights, no. 1,2002, p. 104.
139. Roma Rights, no. 2, 2002, p. 52.
140. Roma Rights, no. 1,2004, pp. 83-88.
141. Roma Rights, no. 2, 2004, p. 57.
142. "Members of European Parliament Hear Testimonies of Rights Abuse of Roma in
Kosova," (2005), pp. 1-2. http://www.errc.org/cikk.php?cikk'2272&archiv'l [accessed
September 4, 2006].
143. "Romani Families Remain in Toxic Camps in Kosovo," Snapshots/rom Around Europe
(2005), p. I, http://www.erroc.org/cikk.php?cikk'2330&archiv'l [accessed September
4,2006]; Olivia Ward, "Poisoned Children," Toronto Star (November 13, 2005), p. A 12.
(Paris: International Federation for Human Rights, 2004), p. 30; European Roma Rights
Center, Violations of Roma Rights in the Russian Federation (Budapest: European
Roma Rights Center, 2004), p. 2.
179. European Roma Rights Centre, In Search of Happy Gypsies: Persecution of Pariah
Minorities in Russia (Budapest: European Roma Rights Centre, 2005), p. 3.
180. The Roma ofRussia, pp. 6-7.
181. The Romani Minority in Russia, pp. 22-23, 54-60.
182. The Roma of Russia, p. 8; Third Report on the Russian Federation, p. 15; The Romani
Minority in Russia, pp. 19-20, 22.
183. In Search ofHappy Gypsies, pp. 160-161.
184. Ibid., p. 161.
185. Third Report on the Russian Federation, p. 15; In Search ofHappy Gypsies, p. 203.
186. Aleksandra Mitrovic and Gradimir Zajic, "Social Position of the Roma in Serbia," in
Centre for Anti-war Action, The Roma in Serbia, trans. Srdan Vujica, Ljiljana Bajic, and
Pavle Perencevic (Belgrade: Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research,
1998), p. 19; "European Roma Rights Center Press Release to European Council"
(September 23, 2002), p. 3n I, http://www.errc.orglcikk.php?cikk'271&archiv'l
[accessed September 11, 2006].
187. Mitrovic and Zajic, "Social Position of the Roma in Serbia," p. 45; Dragoljub Ackovic,
Roma in Serbia: Introducing Romany Language and Culture into Primary Schools
(London: Minority Rights Group, n.d.), pp. 1-3; Central Intelligence Agency, "Serbia,"
The World Factbook (2006), p. 4, http:www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbookl
geos/rb.html [accessed September 7, 2006]; UN Office of the High commissioner for
Human Rights and European Roma Rights Center, Memorandum: The Protection of
Roma Rights in Serbia and Montenegro (Geneva: The United Nations, 2003), p. 27;
"Romani Pupils Face Verbal and Physical Assault at School in Serbia and Montenegro,"
Snapshots Ji'om Around Europe (2003), pp. 1-2, http://www.errc.org/cikk.php?
cikk'1122&archiv'l [accessed September 11, 2006].
188. Refika Mustafic, "Opre Roma!" pp. 1-2, http://www.errc.org/cikk.php?cikk'
1242&archiv'l [accessed September 11, 2006].
189. Ibid., p. 2.
190. United Nations Committee against Torture, "Yugoslavia Violated Treaty in 1995
Danilograd (Montenegro)," pp. 1-14, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/balkanhr/
message/4952, [accessed October 10, 2006]; "ERRC/HLC Letter to Montenegrin
Prime Minister" (May 8, 2003), http://www.errc.orglcikk.php?cikk'311&archiv'l
[accessed September 11, 2006]; "Montenegrin Government Agrees to Pay 985,000
Euros in Compensation to Pogrom Victims (July 4, 2003), p. I, http://www.errc.
org/cikk.php?cikk'330&archiv'1 [accessed September 11, 2006]; "985,000 Euro
Compensation for Romani Victims of 1995 Pogrom in Serbia and Montenegro,"
Snapshots from Around Europe (2003), p. 1, http://www.errc.org/cikk.php?cikk'
1121&archiv'l [accessed September 11,2006].
191. Serguei Chabanov, "Skinhead Violence Targeting Roma in Yugoslavia," Notebook, pp. 1-9,
http://www.errc.orglcikk.php?cikk' 1816&archiv' I [accessed September 11,2006]; "Book
Published in Memory of Romani Victim of Racially-Motivated Killing in Yugoslavia,"
Snapshots from Around Europe, p. I; http://www.errc.orglcikk.php? cikk' 506&archiv' I
[accessed September 11, 2006]; "UN Torture Committee Again Rules against Police Abuse
of Roma in Serbia and Montenegro" (December 12, 2005), pp. 1-2,
http://www.errc.org/cikk. php?cikk'2578&archiv'l; "UN Torture Committee Instructs
Government to Investigate Police Abuse of Roma," Snapshots Ji'om Around Europe (2005),
p. 1, http://www.errc.orglcikk.php?cikk'2578&archiv'l [accessed September 11, 2006].
192. World Organization against Torture, State Violence in Serbia and Montenegro: An
Alternative Report to the United Nations Human Rights Committee (Geneva: World
Organisation against Torture, 2004), pp. 11-12.
193. European Roma Rights Center, The Misery of Law: The Rights of Roma in the
Transcarpathian Region of Ukraine (Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 1997), p. 10.
194. Matt Hagengruber, "Roma Realities and Possibilities," The Christian Science Monitor
(August 2, 2005), p. 2, http://www.csmonitor.com12005/0802/p09s01-woeu.htm
[accessed October 24,2006].
195. Roma Women's Initiatives, "Roma Women Conference in Kiev, Ukraine"
(June 19, 2003), p. 1, http://www.romawomensinitiatives.orglresources l.asp?ID' 49&
kategorija' 4&podkategor [accessed October 24, 2006].
196. European Roma Rights Center, Written Comments of the European Roma Rights
Centre concerning Ukrainefor Consideration by the Untied Nations Committee on the
Elimination of Racial Discrimination (Budapest: European Roma Rights Center,
2006), p. 40.
197. Ibid., pp. 40-41.
198. Ibid., p. 5.
199. Dzeno Association, "Roma Situation in Ukraine" (September 25, 2006), pp. 1-7,
http://www.dzeno.cz/?id·11533 [accessed October 24,2006].
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Russia. Roma xiii-xiv, xvi, 126, 151, Slovakia. See also Czechoslovakia,
284-287 Hungary, and Ruthenia 31-32,
choirs xiii, 154-155, 169, 177 39,41,43,48,71,264-264
crime 158 Slovakia. Roma. See also Czechoslovakia
culture 174,176-177,192-193 and Hungary xi-xv, 32-46, 48,
education 176, 179, 190 51,53-55,57,62,65-67,69,
lifestyle l70-17l, 286 260-264
military service 160-161, sterilization 261
163-164 women 260-261,263-264
music xiii, 15, 151, 164-165, 173, Slovenia 210,223,226,229,231-232,
I 77-l78 254-256
nomads 157-158,174-175,188 Sokolov, T1ya 162-163
occupations 153-154, 188, 189 Southern Slavic lands. See Yugoslavia
population 154, l70-l71, 175-176, Soviet Union. See Russia
180,186,189-193,272-273 Spissky (Zips) Castle 32-33
public opinion 193-194 SS. See Schutzstaffeln
registration 158, 161 SS Security Serivce. See
schools 176-177 Sicherheitsdienst
taxes 154-155, 157, 159-160 Stalin, Joseph xv, 20-22, 91, 135-136,
Russian Soviet Federated Socialist 179,187-188,223-224
Republic 189-191,193 Stamboliiski, A1exandur 11-12, 16
Russo-Turkish Wars. See also Crimean Stirbei, Barbu 114, 116, 118-119
War 4,9,112,154,158 Stoica, Octavia 145
Ruthenia. See also Slovakia 46, 88 Sus, Jaroslav 58-59
Suto Orizari. See also Skopje 224-226
Schutzstaffe1n 181, 183 Szalasi, Ferenc 88,91
Serbia. See also Montenegro 10, 14, Szt6jay, Lt. General Dome 90-91
211,218,220,225-226,231-232, Tatars. See also Crimean Tatars 107,
287-290 161
Serbia. Roma 195, 199,203-214,220, Teleki, Pal 88-89
287-290 Theatre Romen of Sofia 20, 22
Shishman, Ivan 2 ThirdReich xiv, 17, 132,219
Siberia 153, 155, 158, 180, 187 Thirty Years War xii, 35-36, 7l
Sigismund, king 33,69-70 Thrace 11,14-15,18
Silesia 31,35,37 Tito, Marshal 222-225, 228
Simek, Mr. 46-47 Tolstoi, Lev xiii, 166-167,237,296
Sinti Roma 185-186 Transcarpathia. See Ukraine
Skene, Mr. 206-207 Transnistria 133-134, 184
Skinheads. See individual countries Transylvania 33-34,35,39, 70-72,
Slaves. Roma. See robi 75-78,82-84,88-89,107,
Slavonia. See also Croatia 200, 203 116-117,126-127,132,135,
Sliven 11,28-29 139, 162
Turkey. See also Ottoman Empire 293 Wallenberg, Raoul 91, 106
Turkish Party for Rights and Freedom West, Rebecca 218-219
28-29 Wiener Anzeigen 75-76
Tziganes. See Roma. Wilkinson, William 112-113,115
Women's Rights. Roma 24, 60, 111,
Ukraine. See also Russia and Soviet 124,258-259,260-261,263-264,
Union xiii, 133-134, 151, 154, 281-284,288-291
170,175,180-182,184,189-191, World Health Organization 273
193,290-292 World Romani Congress 62, 145, 192,
Union of Gypsy-Romanies 58-59 228
United Nations 100, 233, 263, 265, World War 1. See also individual
272,275,285 countries 14-16,42,85-86, 125,
Committee against Torture 258, 289 131,153,173,211,213-214
Committee on the Rights of the Child World War IT. See also individual
267 countries xv, 17, 19,89,122,
High Commissioner for Human Rights 134-136, 180, 187-188,218-221,
287-288 223,270
High Commissioner on Refugees
273 Yevtushenko, Yevgeny 183-184
United States 264,272,284 Yugoslavia 195-233
Ursari Roma 121,123,160,206-207 Yugoslavia. Roma 195, 200, 216, 220
USSR. See Russia culture xv, 217, 226-227
Ustasa. See also Porajmos and education 227,229-230
Yugoslavia xv, 219, 223 lifestyle 217, 227
Uzbekistan 189-190, 193 migrations 225
Muslims 216
Vienna Awards 17,48,88-89, 132 nationality status 227-228
Violence. See discrimination, individual occupations 214,230
countries population 213,216,222-224,226,
Vlach Roma 3,96, 104, 199 228-229,232-233
Vojvodina 89-90, 199-200, 202, prejudice towards 218, 228, 230
Zapo1sky, Jan. See Janos Zapo1yai
Wallachia and Moldavia. Roma. See also Zapo1yai, Janos 33-34,70-71
Romania xi, xii, 82, 107-114, Zhikov, Todor 24-25,29-30
116, 118-119, 126, 152, 162,200, Zhirinovsky, Vladimir Vo1fvovich 194
236,294 Znamierowski, Jakub 153, 157