Power Quality Issue With Grid Connected Wind Energy System by Using Statcom
Power Quality Issue With Grid Connected Wind Energy System by Using Statcom
Power Quality Issue With Grid Connected Wind Energy System by Using Statcom
Even a few years back, the main concern of consumers of electricity was the
reliability of supply. Here we define reliability as the continuity of electric supply.
Even through the power generation in most advanced countries is fairly reliable,
the distribution is not always so. The various power quality problems are voltage
sag, swell, interruption, voltage unbalance,flicker, and harmonics etc which are
discussed briefly.
2.1 Voltage Variation
The voltage variation issue results from the wind velocity and generator torque.
The voltage variation is directly related to real and reactive power variations. The
voltage variation is commonly classified as under:
• Voltage Sag/Voltage Dips.
• Voltage Swells.
• Short Interruptions.
• Long duration voltage variation.
The voltage flicker issue describes dynamic variations in the network caused by
wind turbine or by varying loads. Thus the power fluctuation from wind turbine
occurs during continuous operation. The amplitude of voltage fluctuation depends
on grid strength, network impedance, and phase-angle and power factor of the
wind turbines. It is defined as a fluctuation of voltage in a frequency 10–35 Hz.
The Is pacifies a flicker meter that can be used to measure flicker directly.
Voltage interruption is nothing but the supply voltage goes close to zero that means
lower than 10% of its nominal voltage. Interruptions can results the power system
faults, equipment failure, control system malfunction. Power Quality Improvement
In Grid Connected Wind Energy System 49
Flicker comes due to frequent on-off or switching regularly of large loads
connected to grid. It results in rapid variation in voltage and changing brightness of
incandescent and fluorescent lamps at consumer end.
It is a sinusoidal component of a periodic wave having a frequency that is an
integral multiple of the fundamental frequency. A non-Linear element in power
systems such as power electronic devices, static power converters, arc discharge
devices etc creates harmonics in system. Harmonics cause communication
interference, heating, and malfunction of equipments.
In1999 the first SVC with Voltage Source Converter called STATCOM
(static compensator) went into operation. The STATCOM has a characteristic
similar to the synchronous condenser, but as an electronic device it has no inertia
and is superior to the synchronous condenser in several ways, such as better
dynamics, a lower investment cost and lower operating and maintenance costs. A
STATCOM is build with Thyristors with turn-off capability like GTO or today
IGCT or with more and more IGBTs. The static line between the current
limitations has a certain steepness determining the control characteristic for the
voltage. The advantage of a STATCOM is that the reactive power provision is
independent from the actual voltage on the connection point. This can be seen in
the diagram for the maximum currents being independent of the voltage in
comparison to the SVC. This means, that even during most severe contingencies,
the STATCOM keeps its full capability.
In the distributed energy sector the usage of Voltage Source Converters
for grid interconnection is common practice today. The next step in STATCOM
development is the combination with energy storages on the DC-side. The
performance for power quality and balanced network operation can be improved
much more with the combination of active and reactive power.
2) Exchange of real power: - As the switching devices are not loss less there is a
need for the DC capacitor to provide the required real power to the switches. For
long duration of real power requirement even after the primary supply failed back
up energy storage system (BESS) is used. Hence there is a need for real power
exchange with an AC system to make the capacitor voltage constant in case of
direct voltage control. There is also a real power exchange with the AC system if
STATCOM is provided with an external DC source to regulate the voltage in case
of very low voltage in the distribution system or in case of faults.
The STATCOM based current control voltage source inverter injects the current
into the grid in such a way that the source current are harmonic free and their
phase-angle with respect to source voltage has a desired value. The injected current
will cancel out the reactive part and harmonic part of the load and induction
generator current, thus it improves the power factor and the power quality. To
accomplish these goals, the grid voltages are sensed and are synchronized in
generating the current command for the inverter. The proposed grid connected
system is implemented for power quality improvement at point of common
The applications of the BESS-STATCOM are
As following,
● Power quality improvement
● Load shifting
● Peak power shaving
● Uninterrupted power supply
● Intermittency mitigation
● Frequency regulation
The battery energy storage system (BESS) is used as an energy storage element for
the purpose of voltage regulation. The BESS will naturally maintain dc capacitor
voltage constant and is best suited in STATCOM since it rapidly injects or
absorbed reactive power to stabilize the grid system. It also controls the
distribution and transmission system in a very fast rate.
When power fluctuation occurs in the system, the BESS can be used to level the
power fluctuation by charging and discharging operation. The battery is connected
in parallel to the dc capacitor of STATCOM .The STATCOM is a three-phase
voltage source inverter having the capacitance on its DC link and connected at the
point of common coupling
Fig.4. System operation
The shunt connected STATCOM with battery energy storage is connected with the
interface of the induction generator and non-linear load at the PCC in the grid
system. The STATCOM compensator output is varied according to the controlled
strategy, so as to maintain the power quality norms in the grid system. The current
control strategy is included in the control scheme that defines the functional
operation of the STATCOM compensator in the power system. A single
STATCOM using insulated gate bipolar transistor is proposed to have a reactive
power support, to the induction generator and to the nonlinear load in the grid
The control scheme approach is based on injecting the currents into the grid using
―bang-bang controller. The controller uses a hysteresis current controlled
technique. Using such technique, the controller keeps the control system variable
between boundaries of hysteresis area and gives correct switching signals for
STATCOM operation. The control system scheme for generating this witching
signal to the STATCOM is shown in Figure.5The control algorithm needs the
measurements of several variables such as three phase source current, DC voltage,
inverter current with the help of sensor. The current control block, receives an
input of reference current and actual current are subtracted so as to activate the
operation of STATCOM in current control mode.
A. Grid Synchronization:
In three-phase balance system, the RMS voltage source amplitude is calculated at
the sampling frequency from the source phase voltage (Vsa,Vsb,Vsc) and is
expressed, as sample template Vsm, sampled peak voltage, as in (4)
Vsm={2/3[Vsa2+ Vsb2+ Vsc2]}1/2 --------(4)
The in-phase unit vectors are obtained from AC source—phase voltage and the
RMS value of unit vector usa,usb,usc as shown in (5)
usa== Vsa/ Vsm
usb= Vsb/ Vsm
usc= Vsc/ Vsm
The in-phase generated reference currents are derived using in-phase unit voltage
template as, in (6)
usa*=I. usa
usb*=I. usb
usc*=I. usc
Where I is proportional to magnitude of filtered source voltage for respective
phases. This ensures that the source current is controlled to be Sinusoidal. The unit
vectors implement the important function in the grid connection for the
synchronization for STATCOM. This method is simple, robust and favorable as
compared with other methods.
Fig.7. (a) Source Current. (b) Load Current. (c) Inverter Injected Current. (d)Wind
generator (Induction generator) current
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