Getahu Final P
Getahu Final P
Getahu Final P
A Thesis Submitted
In the Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements
For the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical
Engineering (Thermal Engineering Stream)
We hereby declare that the work which is presented in this thesis entitled “Design and Fabrication
of Multipurpose Parabolic Through Solar Water Heater Machine” is original work of our
own, has not been presented for a degree of any other university and that all sources of material
used for the thesis have been duly acknowledged.
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TIDARU DESSIE (0573/070) date
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This is to certify that the above declaration made by the candidates is correct to the best of my
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Mr. Yonas Tibebu date
We are very grateful to our advisor Mr. Yonas Tibebu for sharing his time and providing valuable
and continuous support, patience, help, suggestion, courage and comments during this thesis
project paper. Without his valuable comments and encouragements this paper would not have been
complete in time.
Secondly, we would like to pass our gratitude to Mr. Endalkachew Addis, Department Head of
Debre Tabor university Mechanical Engineering Department, for his support, suggestion and
courage he has given us for the successful completion of the project.
We are also grateful to our family and friends for their support and concern which fills us with
extra motivation and energy.
There was no water heating mechanism in student’s dormitory for shower and water is heated by
using fire as well as electricity to be utilized in the cafeteria and lunge of Debre Tabor university.
This project explores the design and fabrication of multipurpose parabolic through solar water
heater machine. In the project, solar water heating systems are studied with their application. On
the design an alternative energy system is introduced using solar energy by using parabolic through
collector and thermal storage system. The concept has the potential to provide efficient parabolic
solar water heater at a substantially lower cost than conventional methods. A solar hot water system
is also outlined in this project as an alternative way to meet the entire heating load for the domestic
hot water system in our community.
The project mainly consists of the analysis and design of different parts of the machine and its
accessory. The design starts from the identification of the problem, data collection, material
selection, general considerations and part specifications, part design, working principle of the
machine, finally part and assembly drawing fabrication and testing of the machine.
In this work stainless steel trough with aluminum foil is taken as the reflecting material for the
parabolic trough. copper is taken as the material for the receiver tubes with 20mm diameter and is
painted black in order to increase their absorptivity and reduce losses. Water ethyl glycol solution
is used as heat transfer liquid. The project mainly assumes to design water heater up 75°C
temperature from collector and maximum of 45°C for the shower purpose.
In order to analyze all of the proposed systems effectively, modelling software’s is used. This
modelling software is Solid work, and the designed model is analyzed using ANSYS software
simulation and by experimental setup. All of these tools will be essential in completing a thorough
evaluation and design of the proposed systems.
Table of Contents
Declaration ..................................................................................................................................................... i
Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................................ ii
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................ iii
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Theoretical Concept of The Project .................................................................................................... 2
1.1.1 The solar Energy resource ............................................................................................................ 2
1.2 Solar thermal water heater ................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Classification of solar thermal water heaters and collectors.............................................................. 5
1.4 Classification depending their geometric configuration..................................................................... 6
1.4.1 Parabolic trough solar collector ................................................................................................... 6
1.4.2 Parabolic dish-type collector........................................................................................................ 7
1.4.3 Solar receptor systems or Central tower .................................................................................. 8
1.4.4 Linear Fresnel collector systems (LFR) ......................................................................................... 9
1.5 Statement of the problems ............................................................................................................... 10
1.6 Design Objective and Requirement .................................................................................................. 10
1.6.1 General objective ..................................................................................................................... 10
1.6.2 Specific objective ....................................................................................................................... 10
1.7 Scope ................................................................................................................................................. 10
1.8 Significance of the project ................................................................................................................ 11
1.9 Benefits and beneficiaries of the machine ....................................................................................... 11
1.9.1 Benefits of the machine ............................................................................................................. 11
1.9.2 Beneficiaries of the machine ..................................................................................................... 11
1.10 System Description ......................................................................................................................... 12
1.10.1 Thermosiphon System ............................................................................................................. 12
1.11 Limitation ........................................................................................................................................ 13
1.12 Organization of the Study (Thesis structure) .................................................................................. 13
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................................ 14
2 Literature review ...................................................................................................................................... 14
2.1 Research Gaps from Literature Reviews ........................................................................................... 16
List of Figures
figure 1- 1 Direct normal, diffuse and global radiation [16] ......................................................................... 4
figure 1- 2 parabolic through type collector [6] ............................................................................................ 7
figure 1- 3 Parabolic dish type collector. [9] ................................................................................................ 8
figure 1- 4 Central tower system and heliostat. [8] ....................................................................................... 9
figure 1- 5 Linear Fresnel collector [8] ......................................................................................................... 9
List of tables
Table 1- 1 Classification of solar collectors according to the temperature obtained by the working fluid.
[6] .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Table 4- 1 Recommended Average Days for Months and Values of N by Months ................................... 34
my Pitching moment
ω Angle of incidence
δ Solar declination
θz Zenith angle
αs Solar altitude angle
γs Solar azimuth angle
Φ Latitude
λ Latitude
β Slope
θ Angle of incidence
γ Surface azimuth angle
H Monthly average daily radiation on horizontal surface.
Ho The monthly average daily extraterrestrial radiation
ωs sun rise hour angle
a, b empirical constant
n̅s Monthly average daily hours of bright sunshine, 11 per day
N Monthly average of the maximum possible daily hours of bright sunshine
Isc Solar constant
Lst The standard meridian for the local time zone
I Average total radiation on horizontal surface surface is
kT Clearance index
h1 heat transfer coefficient
Re Reynolds number
UL Overall Heat Loss Coefficient
Uo The overall heat transfer coefficient
Nu Nusselt number
ff Friction factor
Pr Prandetl number
The history of using the sun for energy goes way back to the Ancient Greeks and Romans as their
buildings were constructed such that the rays of the sun provided light and heat for indoor spaces.
Romans advanced this art by covering the openings to south facing building with glass, in order to
retain the heat of the winter sun. The sun has been a powerful presence and force throughout the
history of human existence on earth. It has been regarded by most people to be the ultimate source
of life on this planet. It has also been intentionally exploited by many clever means over the
centuries in order to better utilize this life-giving energy. As far as renewable energy sources go,
the sun represents the best and most stable we have. [1]
Solar Water Heating (SWH) is the process of converting sunlight into renewable energy to heat
water using a solar thermal collector. Solar water heating systems comprise of various technologies
that are increasingly used worldwide. [1]
Solar energy is diurnal and seasonal in nature. Solar energy can be used for heating water / air for
any process applications and generating electricity using photovoltaics. Solar Domestic Hot Water
System is not entirely new. In 19th century, black painted metal tanks filled with water were used
to absorb solar energy. It had the disadvantage of rapid loss of its heat because it had no insulation.
In 1891, Clarence Kemp patented by adding a metal panel to the tank in order to improve the
efficiency of the solar tank. In 1909, William Bailey started selling day and night solar water heater
with a coiled pipe collector inside a glass covered box and a separate insulated indoor water storage
tank mounted above the collector thereby allowing hot water circulation by natural convection. By
1960s, simple solar water heater with a basin and top glass cover were used in large numbers in
One of the biggest uses of electricity, gas and oil is the heating of water in the home, and in offices,
schools and hospitals etc. Solar water heating is a very simple and efficient way to grab energy
from the sun and use it. Solar water heaters concentrate diffused solar radiation into thermal
energy. A solar water heater system consists of a solar collector and a storage tank.
Usage of Solar Water Heaters increases globally to meet out the energy crisis, deficit and increase
in cost of fossil fuels. This attempt to utilize renewable solar energy also reduces the carbon
emission into the atmosphere. The technology of heating water using solar energy is used
successfully for large scale process heat applications in industries and small scale for domestic
needs in order to preserve fuel reserves and avoid using high grade electrical energy for heating.
A Conventional Solar water heater is provided with a solar collector and storage device separately.
A compact Solar Water Heater is provided with a storage device well below the collector as an
integrated unit thereby minimizing the material usage, space and consequently cost.
In this chapter basics and detailed literature review on Parabolic Trough Collector are presented.
The main objective of the literature review is to identify research gaps and methodology for the
present study.
Solar radiation, often called the solar resource, is a general term for the electromagnetic radiation
emitted by the sun. Solar radiation can be captured and turned into useful forms of energy, such as
heat and electricity, using a variety of technologies. However, the technical feasibility and
economical operation of these technologies at a specific location depends on the available solar
Every location on Earth receives sunlight at least part of the year. The amount of solar radiation
that reaches any one spot on the Earth's surface varies according to:
• Geographic location
• Time of day
• Season
• Local landscape
• Local weather
Because the Earth is round, the sun strikes the surface at different angles, ranging from 0° (just
above the horizon) to 90° (directly overhead). When the sun's rays are vertical, the Earth's surface
gets all the energy possible. The more slanted the sun's rays are, the longer they travel through the
atmosphere, becoming more scattered and diffuse. Because the Earth is round, the frigid Polar
Regions never get high energy from the sun, and because of the tilted axis of rotation, these areas
receive no sun at all during part of the year. [16]
From the rays of the sun, which pass through the earth’s atmosphere to the ground, a portion is
scattered by particles or clouds. The intensity of solar radiation outside the atmosphere is about
1.3 kW/m². Even though only a fraction of this actually hits the earth’s surface, the magnitude of
the energy from this source is enormous. For example, utilizing only 1% of the earth’s deserts and
applying a conversion efficiency of 15% to produce electric energy would develop more electricity
than is currently produced worldwide by fossil fuels. [17] This is not practical given the need to
distribute the electricity to users around the world, but it does highlight the magnitude of this
This is the array of mirrors or reflectors that actually collect the solar radiation and focuses it on
to the solar receiver. The field is usually quoted in square meters which represents the surface area
of the array, not the land use area.
The solar receiver is the part of the system that transforms the solar radiation into heat. Sometimes
this receiver is an integral part of the solar collector field. A heat transfer medium, usually water
or oil, is used in the solar receiver to transport the heat to the energy conversion system.
The final component in the system converts the heat into usable forms of energy, in the form of
electricity or heat depending on the application of the system.
Solar collectors can be classified depending on their geometric configuration or on the temperature
obtained by the working fluid after gaining heat. According to their geometric configuration they
can be flat solar collectors and concentrating solar collectors. According to the temperature, they
are classified according to the range of temperatures reached by the working fluid, which in turn
depends on the type of application for which the device is required.
Parabolic cylindrical shaped collectors permit capturing direct radiation from the sun along a semi-
cylindrical or parabolic structure placed horizontally, which has a sensor receptor tube located on
the focal line of the parable along the structure. [6]
Within this sensor tube circulates the fluid that absorbs the thermal energy obtained heating until
reaching the desired temperature. Temperature in the fluid increases as it goes through the pipes.
This technology is used in applications whose range of temperature is between 125 and 400 °C.
Usually, it is used in electric power generation facilities with large power capacity and even the
water heating technology in small areas as our case. The type of working fluid used in this type of
collector is usually demineralized water and ethylene glycol solution.
1-reflecrot 3-supporting
The parabolic dish-type collector has a hemispherical surface that reflects the radiation from the
sun onto a reduced area located on the system’s focal point, where it is located on the receptor.
Usually, it is used for temperatures between 130 and 600 °C; however, it depends on the device’s
concentration ratio, defined as the relationship between the collector’s surface area “Sc” and the
receptor area “Sr”. The higher the collector’s Sc/Sr ratio, the higher the temperature reached in the
receptor. It is used for electric power generation and for devices requiring high temperatures like
furnaces to incinerate hazardous wastes. The system is basically comprised of a collector, a heat
exchanger (receptor), and a solar tracking system that aims the collector directly at the sun during
the day. [7]
This comprises a group of heliostats (flat reflectors) aligned in circular manner. A tower is located
in the center of the circumference, which captures the radiation reflected by the heliostats. The
thermal energy captured is stored by using a salt-based fluid or with synthetic oils capable of
withstanding very high temperatures. The fluid can be stored in a thermal condenser for later use
or it can be brought directly to a heat exchanger where vapor is produced to propel a turbine and a
generator as done with parabolic cylindrical collectors. The thermal condenser is a storage device
where the fluid at high temperatures is deposited and which significantly reduces energy losses,
given that it minimizes heat exchange with the environment because of the thermal isolation with
which it was designed. [8]
This system is made up of a set of almost-flat reflectors, which concentrate solar radiation in high
inverted receptors. As with parabolic cylindrical systems, a fluid is used to capture thermal energy
reaching the system’s receptor.
The main objective of this design project to design and fabricate multipurpose solar water heater.
• To identify potential research area related to solar water heater technology and important
up on the completion of this project.
• To design the parts of the parabolic through solar water heater machine components
• To make material selection and detailed numerical design analysis of parabolic through
solar water heater machine components.
• To fabricate the machine.
• To test machine.
• To analyze the cost of the machine.
1.7 Scope
The range of this design project is from designing of each part of the parabolic trough solar water
heater machine fabrication and testing of the machine and experimental investigation.
Benefits of using parabolic through solar water heater in our community and university include;
• A reduction in electrical power cost for boiling water for cooking, shower, washing utensils
and foods like rice and soon.
• Providing hot water at night when solar power is not available by introducing thermal storage
• To decrease the problems associated with electric water heating.
• To overcome the problem of electric power fluctuation and discontinuity in our university for
cooking and other purposes.
• Cafeterias, lounges and coffee makers of our university for obtaining boiled water at
possible minimum power and at any time for their task.
• Hotels
• Any community at household where solar energy available.
Solar energy collectors work in a similar manner to heat exchangers in that they transform one
form of energy, solar radiation to another form of energy, heat energy, to produce hot water. The
component that allows this exchange of energy is parabolic trough solar collector.
The solar collector absorbs radiation and converts it into heat. This heat is then transferred to a
fluid which is usually water or a glycol mixture, flowing through the collector. The energy that is
collected from the process just described is then transferred from the fluid to a solar water heating
storage tank from which it can be used when necessary.
Thermosiphon which are the method of passive heat exchange, based on density difference, which
circulates a fluid without the necessity of a mechanical pump are used in the solar heating systems
to heat water.
Thermosiphon systems are the most frequently installed solar systems worldwide. The collector is
placed below the storage tank. When the sun is shining the pipe of the parabolic trough collector,
HTF is heated up in the pipe, which leads to a reduction of density. If the temperature is so high
that the weight of fluid in the line of collector bottom–collector top–tank inlet is less than the
weight of the fluid from tank inlet–tank outlet–collector inlet, the fluid starts moving.
The heat transfer fluid(HTF) is heated passively by solar energy and relies on heat energy being
transferred from the sun to parabolic trough collector. The heat from the collector can be
transferred to HTF solution and carries the heat from the parabolic through collector and transfers
it to the thermal storage tank. Convection allows for the movement of the heated HTF out of
the solar collector to be replaced by colder HTF which is in turn heated. Due to this principle, it is
necessary for the thermal storage to be placed above the collector.
1.11 Limitation
The limitation of this thesis work is that the test is conducted only in Debre tabor, and does not
cover the whole Country. Materials employed for the investigation are those available in the
market. Better results would have been obtained if selected materials for improved performance
were available in the market. In other way the manual tacking mechanism is employed for this
machine and only boil up to 70°c and can not get 100 °c and these are as a limitation for the project.
2 Literature review
The different literatures reviewed on Parabolic Trough Collector and solar water heater are
presented below.
(Soteris A. Kalogirou, 2004) [1] has presented a survey of the various types of solar thermal
collectors and applications. All the solar systems which utilize the solar energy and its application
depends upon the solar collector such as flat-plate, compound parabolic, evacuated tube, parabolic
trough, Fresnel lens, parabolic dish and heliostat field collectors which are used in these systems.
The solar collectors are used for domestic, commercial and industrial purposes. These include solar
water heating, which comprise thermosyphon, integrated collector storage, direct and indirect
systems and air systems, space heating and cooling, which comprise, space heating and service hot
water, air and water systems and heat pumps, refrigeration, industrial process heat, which comprise
air and water systems and steam generation systems, desalination, thermal power systems,
which comprise the parabolic trough, power tower and dish systems, solar furnaces, and
chemistry applications.
(K. Sivakumar) [1]has presented the design of Elliptical heat pipe flat plat solar collector and
tested with a collector tilt angle of 11° to the horizontal. Experimental analysis of the effect of
condenser length/evaporator length (Lc/Le) ratio of the heat pipe, different cooling water mass
flow rates and different inlet cooling water temperature were analyses.
(B Sivaraman and N Krishna Mohan, 2005) [2] have presented experiments on the effect of L/d
ratio of heat pipe on heat pipe solar collector. Two solar collectors with different L/di have been
designed and fabricated. A heat pipe with stainless steel wick replaces the transport tubes of the
solar collector. Copper and stainless steel were used as container and wick material and methanol
was used as working fluid of heat pipe.
(Dharamvir Mangal, Devander Kumar Lamba, Tarun Gupta, Kiran Jhamb, 2010) [1] have
presented acknowledgement to one of the latest solar water heaters which is evacuated solar water
heater based on a thermo siphon principle used for heating water for domestic purposes in
household by utilizing solar radiations.
Pradeep Kumar K, Srinath et al [3]have proposed ideas in order to improve the performance of
solar concentrator, different geometries and different types of reflectors were evaluated with
respect to their optical and energy conversion efficiency, which clears that parabolic trough is a
type of solar thermal energy collector. It can be constructed as a long parabolic mirror with a
Dewar tube running its length at the focal point. Sunlight is reflected by the mirror and
concentrated on the Dewar tube. The trough is usually aligned on a north-south axis, and rotated
to track the sun as it moves across the sky each day. The energy efficiency of system increases,
avoiding the need for tracking motors solar tracking mechanism.
Donald Jeremy Gaita et al [4] gave one important factor in the analysis of solar
concentrators that is the concentration ratio in their studies. The concentration ratio is defined
as the ratio of the area of the aperture of the concentrator to the area of the receiver that is reflected
upon by the concentrator. This is in essence the heart of a solar concentrator. Solar tracking is also
necessary for efficient use of concentrating collectors. Without tracking the collector becomes
almost useless except for a very short time period once a day. Large scale concentrators
today use automated tracking systems that can track the sun on a biaxial path. Due to
cost restrictions and complexity, and the small scale of this project, manual turning of the
concentrator was chosen as the preferred method of solar tracking.
Ricardo Vasquez Padilla et al [5] has presented the performance of parabolic trough based solar
power plants over the last 25 years has proven that this technology is an excellent alternative for
the commercial power industry. Compared to conventional power plants, parabolic trough solar
power plants produce significantly lower levels of carbon dioxide, although additional research
is required to bring the cost of concentrator solar plants to a competitive level. The cost reduction
is focused on three areas: thermodynamic efficiency improvements by research and development,
scaling up of the unit size, and mass production of the equipment. The optimum design,
performance simulation and cost analysis of the parabolic trough solar plants are essential for
the successful implementation of this technology.
Duffie, J. and Beckman, W., Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes [14] presents the general
over view on the solar energy technology and the comparison on the different types of solar
collectors for power generation, water heating technology and other applications.
The U.S. Department of Energy the National Renewable Energy Laboratory [2] have
presented that Parabolic-trough solar water heating is a well-proven technology that directly
substitutes renewable energy for conventional energy in water heating. Parabolic-trough collectors
can also drive absorption cooling systems or other equipment that runs off a thermal load.
A.Z. Hafez et al [ 5] This paper presents a review of the design parameters, mathematical
techniques and simulations used in the design of parabolic trough solar systems, along with a
review on their applications. Recent studies that analyze the deployment of solar parabolic trough
collectors (SPTC) in different countries and the operational SPTC plants are also presented and
A detailed heat transfer analysis and modeling of a parabolic trough solar receiver was carried out
by Forristall [6]. One- and two-dimensional energy balances were used for short and long
receivers respectively. This model was used to determine the thermal performance of parabolic
trough collectors under different operating conditions.
The parabolic trough solar technology was modeled using the methodology developed by Stine
and Harrigan [12]. The model is capable of modeling a Rankine-cycle parabolic trough plant,
with or without thermal storage, and with or without fossil-fuel backup. A simplified conceptual
and numerical methodology for designing of parabolic trough solar energy systems was proposed.
A more recent methodology for the economic optimization of the solar area in either parabolic
trough or complex solar plants was carried out by Montes et al. [15]. Thermal performance for
different solar power plants was analyzed at nominal and load conditions.
An analytic model for a solar thermal electric generating system with parabolic trough collectors
was done by Rolim et al. [17]. Three fields of different collectors were considered, the first field
with evacuated absorbers, the second with non-evacuated absorbers and the third with bare
them worked on the improvement of efficiency of parabolic though collector by modifying and
using new designs of receivers.
parabolic trough based solar water heater is an excellent alternative for the domestic water heating
application. All the solar systems which utilize the solar energy and its application depends upon
the types of solar collector which are used in these systems. parabolic trough solar power plants
as well as domestic water heaters produce significantly lower levels of carbon emission,
although additional research is required to bring the cost of concentrator and/or collector of solar
plants to a competitive level.
Standing from the papers and ideas presented, it is proposed and designed solar water heater
system better than the current systems, which saves more energy and cost effective than the designs
given above. It is understood that to produce hot water using solar energy, first, it is needed to
analyze Types of reflective surfaces such as Lens, mirror, polished metal, foil tape, Types of light-
concentrating shapes such as Parabolic, concentrated, flat plate. To design and operate such things,
it is required to design a machine in efficient and précised manner based on the availability and
efficiency and have come up with decision to design water heater machine.
Based on the motivation of this dissertation, the chapters follow the following outline. In Chapter
1, solar water heater of the PTC solar receiver is introduced. Chapter 2 presents the different
literatures that is assessed to the work. Chapter 3 presents the methods and materials used in the
design process. Chapter 4 presents the design of typical parabolic trough solar water based on the
demand and available material. Chapter 5 shows the fabrication process of the machine.
The most common use of solar collectors is water heating for domestic needs. The basic unit in
this system is solar collector. Solar energy can be trapped more efficiently dependent upon the
type of solar collectors used. Each type of solar collector is designed to absorb the shorter
wavelengths of light which are received from the sun. most solar collector can comprise of the
following components, such as absorber, absorber coatings, fluid passageways, transparent cover,
insulation, frame and sealant.
Copper tubes is the most common material used for the fluid passageways, while mild steel or
stainless steel and mild steel tubes are also in use.
Low cost, optically efficient, selective coatings are required for the collectors tube envisioned for
solar heating and cooling applications. Plated coatings and paint coatings are two attractive types
of coatings for this application. Black nickel (NiS and ZnS), black chrome (CrOx) and black iron
(FeOx) were found to be attractive plated coatings from the standpoint of optical efficiency,
durability and cost.
Paint coatings are potentially the lowest cost selective coating. However, paints lack the optical
efficiency of the plated coatings. The best optical performance achieved with a paint coating was
α = 0.90 and ε = 0.30. it is chosen paint coating due to availability and lowest cost.
In addition to having a wide liquid temperature range, a suitable fluid will require
combination of the following properties, depending on heat-transfer and storage media:
1) low cost 3) compatible with piping and tank wall materials, and
Preferred properties that will make any new HTF(ethyl glycol water solution) more
attractive for particular systems are
4) high fluid density 8) low vapor pressure over the operating range.
Reflector materials should be low cost and have the following traits
good outdoor durability
high solar reflectivity (> 92%) for wave lengths within the range of 300 nm to 2,500 nm
good mechanical resistance to withstand periodical washing
The supporting structure should fulfil the following requisites:
1) lower weight 3) more accurate tracking
2) higher stiffness 4) simplified assembly
Beside the collectors, the storage tank is the second essential component of solar thermal systems,
since solar energy is a time-dependent energy resource. Energy needs for the most applications are
also time dependent but usually in a different fashion than the solar energy supply. Consequently,
the storage of energy is necessary if solar energy is to meet substantial shares of the energy needs.
The right choice and the correct dimensioning contribute decisively to the solar fraction achieved.
Energy storage may be in form of sensible heat of a liquid or solid medium, as heat of fusion in
chemical systems, or as chemical energy of products in a reversible chemical reaction. The choice
of storage media depends on the nature of the process. For the most solar thermal systems, sensible
heat of stored water and storage salts are used.
For our design machine we used potassium chloride salt as a storage material because potassium
chloride salt has high heat storage capacity for an extended period of time. low costs, Low melting
point, low viscosity, low vapor pressure(unpressurized storage), with high heat capacity and
thermal stability are the most important characteristics to be considered in a salt system
for thermal energy storage and heat transfer applications.
Materials for storing salt is required to have high corrosion resistance and lower cost , availability
and it is chosen carbon steel.
Chloride salts are selected due to their high heat of fusion, suitable melting temperature and the
low cost of chlorides compare to nitrite and other salts.
− low cost
Material for Connection pipes are selected based on the availability of the material, cost, and
corrosion resistance of the material. From this basis we selected plain carbon steel pipe.
3.2 Methodology
To make a detailed literature reviews regarding multipurpose parabolic through solar water
heater machine technology being used in our locality, and to study the advantages and
disadvantages of the machine;
To make detailed plan and fabricate a solar water heater machine to boil water and to
produce hot water at low cost, less time and with minimum power consumption;
And also to design and drawing of the machine, fabrication of the machine, and
performance test and reporting; we assess the following points.
▪ Brain storm to solve the proposed problem.
▪ Collect data primarily by asking the authorized individuals and secondarily by surveying
The methodology for the proposed project work is as shown in flow chart below
Study and search alternate compact size SWH, forced circulation system
F = 4𝑦; or
F = 4𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜙/2) ……………………………………………….………………………………..(4.1)
F = = 4𝑡𝑎𝑛90/2) = 200mm
C= ……………………………………………………………………………………...(4.2)
𝜋𝐷𝑖 2 𝜋0.0202
Inner cross-sectional area (Ai) = == = 3.1416× 10-4 m2.
4 4
𝜋𝐷𝑜2 𝜋0.0222
Outer cross-sectional area (Ao) = = = 3.8013 × 10-4 m2.
4 4
Aap, c = L × W
Aap, r = ΠDL
And the Area of receiver exposed to rays is = 2
Aap,r = = 0.06912 m2
Then; c = 0.06912 = 23.1482
Rim Angle;
The rim angle is the angle from the rim of the collector to the line normal to the collector surface
passing through the focus. For the same aperture, various rim angles are possible. For different rim
angles, the focus-to-aperture ratio, which defines the curvature of the parabola is variable. It can
be demonstrated that, with a 90° rim angle, the main focus to reflector distance and hence the
reflected beam spread is minimized, so that the slope and tracking errors are less pronounced.
The reflector support structure is the primary member of a PTC which provides the correct
optical shape of the reflector surface, maintains the same to within acceptable tolerances
during operation and offers protection during operating and non -operating periods from extreme
weather conditions.
by rotating about a one-dimensional axis throughout the day. Because of this, wind loads exerted
on the drive mechanism vary depending on the tilt angle of the collector, herein called the pitch
Vertical force 𝑓𝑍 𝑐𝑓𝑧 = ……………………………………..…………(4.3b)
Pitching moment, 𝑚𝑦 𝐶𝑚𝑦 = ………………………………..……………(4.3c)
𝑞𝐿𝑤 2
Where; fx, fz, and my are the aerodynamic loads, Lis the span-wise length, and W is the aperture
width of the collector. The quantity, q, is the mean reference dynamic pressure measured at the
pivot height of the solar collector.
q = 2 𝜌𝑣 2 …………………………………………………………………………….(4.3d)
Here v is the mean wind speed at the pivot height, and ρ is the density of air
at the aphelion (July 5). The variation of the extraterrestrial radiation measured on the plane normal
to the radiation on the nth day of the year is given by the equation below. [12]
The geometric relationships between a plane of any particular orientation relative to the earth at
any time (whether that plane is fixed or moving relative to the earth) and the incoming beam solar
radiation, that is, the position of the sun relative to that plane, can be described in terms of several
angles. [14]
✓ Solar declination (δ): Is the angular position of the sun at solar noon with respect to the
plane of the equator, north positive; -23.45˚ ≤ δ ≤ 23.45˚.
δ = 23.45sin(360 ) where N is the day number starting at January 1.
✓ Zenith angle (θz): Is the angle between the vertical and the line to the sun, that is, the angle
of incidence of beam radiation on a horizontal surface.
ϴz = 90 – δ
✓ Solar altitude angle (αs): Is the angle between the horizontal and the line to the sun, that
is, the complement of the zenith angle.
✓ Solar azimuth angle (γs): Is the angular displacement from the south of the projection of
beam radiation on the horizontal plane. Displacements east of south are negative and west
of south are positive.
Hour angle (ω): Is the angular displacement of the sun east or west of the local meridian due to
rotation of the earth on its axis at 15˚ per hour; morning negative, afternoon positive.
Latitude (Φ): Is the angular location north or south of the equator, north positive; -90˚ ≤ Φ ≤ 90˚.
Longitude (λ): It is the distance of the arc between the Greenwich meridian and the meridian
passing through the point; 0˚ ≤ λ ≤ 180˚.
Slope (β): Is the angle between the plane of the surface in the parabolic trough and the
horizontal; 0˚ ≤ β ≤ 180˚. Based on these considerations and considering for removal of dust particles
the specified tilt angle and azimuth are;
Surface azimuth angle (γ): Is the deviation of the projection on a horizontal plane of the normal
to the surface from the local meridian, with zero due south, east negative, and west positive; -
180˚ ≤ γ ≤ 180˚. The azimuth is the angle the collector faces relative to south. The maximum heating
performance is occurred at azimuth of 0º or true south.
Angle of incidence (θ): Is the angle between the beam radiation on a surface and the normal to
that surface.
Figure 4- 6 .(a) Zenith angle, slope, surface azimuth angle, and solar azimuth angle for a tilted
surface. (b) Plan view showing solar azimuth angle [14]
The tilt of a collector is the angle between the collector and the local horizontal. In most solar
water heating applications, a tilt of approximately latitude plus 10º to 15º is near optimum because
it is necessary to favor the summer season, when the collector operates under adverse conditions
(due to lower ambient temperature) and load is greatest.
A. Mounting at an angle equal to the latitude works best for year-round energy use.
In analyzing the solar parabolic collector, it is important to identify each and every part of the
collector and the terms used on the solar collector.
Number of simplifying assumptions can be made to lay the foundations without obscuring the
basic physical situation. These assumptions are as follows:
The PTC is assumed to be in steady-state conditions.
• There are no contact thermal losses.
• The receiver is an evacuated tube and the heat convection losses between absorber and
cover are neglected.
• There is uniform heat flux over the absorber
• The receiver temperature does not have great variation along the tube because the
collector has a reasonable length (<10 m).
• There is no great difference between cover and ambient temperature level.
• There is no great difference between the receiver and fluid temperature level
• The headers cover a small area of collector and can be neglected
• There is no absorption of solar energy by a cover insofar as it affects losses . from the
• Heat flow through a cover is one dimensional
• The sky can be considered as a blackbody for long-wavelength radiation at an equivalent
sky temperature
• Dust and dirt on the collector are negligible.
The first empirical correlation using the idea of employing sunshine hours for the estimation of
global solar radiation was proposed by Angstrom. The simplest model used to estimate monthly
average daily solar radiation on horizontal surface is the well-known Angstrom equation.
𝑯 𝒏
= 𝒂 + 𝒃 𝑵̅𝒔 …………………………………………………………………..(4.4)
𝑯𝒐 𝒔
Where:𝐻 ̅ - Monthly average daily radiation on horizontal surface.
Ho -the monthly average daily extraterrestrial radiation
𝐻𝑜 - Can be obtained by the Klein relationship
24∗3600 360𝑁 𝜋
𝐻𝑜̇ = [ 𝜋 𝐼𝑠𝑐 ] [1.0 + 0.033 cos ( 365 )][cos ∅ cos 𝛿 sin 𝜔𝑠 + 180 𝜔𝑠 sin 𝛿 sin ∅]
𝑛̅ 𝑛̅
a = -0.110+0.235cos∅+0.323(𝑁̅𝑠 ), b = 1.449-0.533cos ∅-0.694(𝑁̅𝑠 )
𝑠 𝑠
a = -0.110+0.235cos11.850+0.323(11.317) = 0.434
, b = 1.449-0.533cos 11.850-0.694(11.317) = 0.253
24∗3600 360𝑁 𝜋
𝐻𝑜̇ = [ 𝜋 𝐼𝑠𝑐 ] [1.0 + 0.033 cos ( 365 )][cos ∅ cos 𝛿 sin 𝜔𝑠 + 180 𝜔𝑠 sin 𝛿 sin ∅]
24∗3600 360××344
=[ × 1361] [1.0 + 0.033 cos ( )][cos 11.850 cos(−23.05) sin 84.878 +
𝜋 365
× 84.878 sin(−23.05) sin 11.850] = 30.016MJ/𝑚2
Therefore, now we can find Monthly average daily radiation on horizontal surface
𝑯 𝟏𝟏
= 𝟎. 𝟒𝟑𝟒 + 𝟎. 𝟐𝟓𝟑 × 𝟏𝟏.𝟑𝟏𝟕 = 0.6797
The monthly average daily diffuse radiation on a horizontal surface can be determined from the
monthly average daily global radiation on a horizontal surface and the number of bright sunshine
𝐻𝑑 𝑛̅
= 0.931-0.814*(𝑁̅𝑠 ) …………………………..…………………………………….(4.5)
𝐻 𝑠
= 0.931-0.814× 0.972 = 0.1398
The monthly average hourly global radiation on a horizontal surface can be calculated from the
knowledge of the monthly average daily global radiation on a horizontal surface
𝐼̅ 𝜋 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜔−𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜔𝑠
= 24(a+b𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜔) 𝜋 ………………………………………………………….(4.6)
𝐻 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜔𝑠 − 𝜔 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜔𝑠
180 𝑠
𝜔 = (Lst-12)15°
Where: Lst- the standard meridian for the local time zone. take Lst=12 at noon mid-day.
Where: a = 0.409+0.5016sin( 𝜔𝑠 − 60)
b = 0.6609-0.4767sin( 𝜔𝑠 − 60)
𝜔 = (12.5-12)×15° = 7.5
: a = 0.409+0.5016sin( 84.878 − 60) = 0.6198
b = 0.6609-0.4767sin( 84.878 − 60) = 0.4604
𝐼̅ 𝜋 𝑐𝑜𝑠 7.5−𝑐𝑜𝑠 84.878
then, ̅
= 24(0.6198+0.4604𝑐𝑜𝑠 7.5) 𝜋 = 0.14715
𝐻 𝑠𝑖𝑛 84.878− (84.878) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 84.878
𝐼 ̅ = 0.14715𝐻
̅ = 0.14715× 20.402MJ/𝑚2 = 3.0022MJ/𝑚2
I= = 13267.508𝑊/𝑚2
❑ After then we are going to find solar isolation Considering the time at stronger solar
radiation between 8:00 to 9:00 local time which have highest solar intensity using the
12×3600 360𝑁 𝜋
𝐼𝑂̇ = [ 𝐼𝑆𝐶 ] [1.0 + 0.033𝑐𝑜𝑠 ( 365 )] [𝑐𝑜𝑠∅𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛿𝑠𝑖𝑛∆𝜔 + 180 ∆𝜔 × 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛿𝑠𝑖𝑛∅] ………(4.7)
12×3600 360×344 𝜋
= [ × 1361] [1.0 + 0.033𝑐𝑜𝑠 ( )] [𝑐𝑜𝑠11.850 cos(−23.05) 𝑠𝑖𝑛7.5 + 180 7.5 ×
𝜋 365
𝐼 13267.508𝑊/𝑚2
𝐾𝑇 = = = 0.1542
𝐼𝑂 86033.33W/𝑚2
= 1.0 − 0.249𝐾𝑇 = 1 − 0.249 × 0.1542 = 0.96
𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 𝑐𝑜𝑠65.824
𝑅𝑏 = = 𝑐𝑜𝑠66.95 = 1.046
For short receivers (< 100 m) a one-dimensional energy balance gives reasonable results; for
longer receivers a two-dimensional energy balance becomes necessary. All the equations and
relationships used in one-dimensional HCE performance models are described in the following
sections. [9]
h1 =
The heat transfer from the receiver tube to the fluid (HTF) must be characterized by turbulent or
laminar flow conditions accordingly, to evaluates the Reynolds number, Ref of the fluid.
Ref = 𝐷 …………………………………………………………….………………….(4.9)
1 𝜇𝑓
= 0.020∗8.498×10−4 = 770.4
Nusselt number of the fluid Nuf for laminar flow is given by below equation and for turbulent
flow by
If Ref <2200; Nuf = 3.7 , this value is taken for our case.
⁄ )𝑅𝑒𝑓×𝑃𝑟𝑓
If Ref> 2200; Nuf = 𝑓𝑓
1.07+12.7√( )[𝑃𝑟𝑓13 ]
ff = (0.79ln(Ref - 1.64))-2
pr = 𝛿1
𝜇 𝐾1
where; 𝑣1 = = ….. and 𝛿1 =
𝜌 𝜌1 𝐶1
h1 = = 83.25W/𝑚2 𝑘.
𝐴𝑟 1
UL = [𝐴𝑔(ℎ𝑐, +ℎ ] ………………………………………………….(4.10)
𝑔− 𝑎𝑚𝑏+ℎ𝑟,𝑔− 𝑎𝑚𝑏 𝑟,𝑟−𝑔
UL = [𝐴𝑐(ℎ𝑐, ] ………………………………………………………………(4.11)
𝑡− 𝑎𝑚𝑏+ℎ𝑟,𝑡− 𝑎𝑚𝑏
where, Ar is area of the receiver (absorber) tube, Ag is glass cover area and hc,t-amb= convection
heat transfer coefficient between copper tube and ambient air which is due to wind, and
given by.
hc,g-amb = …………………………………………………………….…………..(4.12)
Rea = 𝜇𝑎
ka, ρa, υa, and μa are thermal conductivity, density, velocity and viscosity of air
Rea =
= = 3923.255
Rea = 𝜇𝑎
= = 1961.627
hc,g-amb = = 25.6𝑊/𝑚2 𝐾
ℎc,t−amb = 𝐷𝑟
= = 33.8256𝑊/𝑚2 𝐾
The Nusselt number depends on whether the convection heat transfer is natural (no wind) or
forced (with wind).
ℎr−amb = radiation heat transfer coefficient between glass cover and the ambient air by assuming
5° temperature allowance.
= 0.00428𝑊/𝑚2 𝐾
ℎr,t−amb = radiation heat transfer coefficient between copper tube and the ambient air for no
glass cover and assuming that entire absorber surface is at the mean fluid temperature.
= 0.04 𝑊/𝑚2 𝐾
εr and εg are emittance of receiver tube and glass and δ is Stefan Boltzmann constant
which is 5.67x10-8W/m2k4.
hr,r-g = radiation heat transfer coefficient between receiver tube and glass tube and given by;
𝛿(𝑇𝑟+𝑇𝑔)(𝑇𝑟2 +𝑇𝑔2 )
hr,r-g = 1 𝐴𝑟 1 ……………………..……………………….………(4.15)
+ ( −1)
𝜀𝑟 𝐴𝑔 𝜀𝑟
5.67x10−8(80+30)(802 +302 )
hr,r-g = 1 0.06912 1 = 0.04285 𝑊/𝑚2 𝐾
+ ( −1)
0.96 0.13823 0.9
0.06912 1
UL = [ + ] =23.357 𝑊/𝑚2 𝐾
0.13823(25.6+0.00428) 0.04285
The overall heat transfer coefficient (Uo) is the coefficient for heat transfer from the surroundings to the
fluid, based on the outer diameter of the receiver tube Dr,o, this is given by following equation;
𝐷𝑟,𝑜 −1
𝐷𝑟,𝑜 ln( )
1 𝐷𝑟,𝑜 𝐷𝑟,𝑖
UO= [𝑈 + ℎ + ] ………………….………………………………………..(4.16)
𝐿 1×𝐷𝑟,𝑖 2𝑘
0.022 −1
1 0.022 0.022 ln( )
UO= [23.357 + 83.25×0.020 + 0.020
] = 17.85 𝑊/𝑚2 𝐾
F’ = , …………………………………….…………………………….……………….(4.17)
F’ = 23.357 = 0.764
This value of the collector efficiency factor mainly implies that the overall loss coefficient (UL)
that combines the thermal losses into one coefficient is much less than the overall heat transfer
coefficient (Uo) and is in the best range of value.
energy is transferred to the working fluid. Its value is governed by the working fluid flow rate and
its properties as well as the thermal properties of the receiver material.
𝑚′𝑓 ×𝐶𝑃 𝐴 𝑈𝐿 𝐹′
FR = [1 − exp (− 𝑚𝑟′ )] …………………...…………………..………………….(4.18)
𝐴𝑟 𝑈𝐿 𝑓 ×𝐶𝑃
0.0032735×3581.5 0.06912×23.357×0.764
= [1 − exp (− ) = 0.725
0.06912×23.357 0.0032735×3581.5
The useful heat gain, Qu, delivered by the receiver can be written in terms of optical
and thermal losses, where optical losses are represented by the optical efficiency, ɳo.
𝑈𝐿 (𝑇𝑓,𝑖 −𝑇𝑎𝑚𝑏 )
𝑄𝑢= 𝐴𝑎 𝐹𝑅 [S− ]
23.357 (30−25)
𝑄𝑢= 𝐴𝑎 × 0.725[124.57− ]=9660.2 W/m2
𝐴𝑎 = 111.48𝑚2
This is the total area based on our demand to produce that amount of heat. The area of the trough
for testing is taken as 1.6 𝑚2 .
1. Optical Efficiency of the PTSC; The optical efficiency, ɳo is the fraction of solar radiation
incident on the aperture of the collector which is absorbed at the surface of the receiver
ηo = ; …………………………………………………………………………………(4.19)
S = 𝐼𝑏 (𝜌𝑎 𝜏𝑔 𝛼𝑟 𝛾)𝐾(𝜃)𝑋𝐸𝑁𝐷
𝑓 200
𝑋𝐸𝑁𝐷 = 1 − 𝐿 tan 𝜃 = 1 − 2000 tan 65.82 = 0.7773
ηo = = 0.2407; this is mainly for the test model of the project that works with natural
For an incident intensity of 29.986 W/m2 and mass flow rate of 0.0032735 kg /s, the
temperature rise for a single pass can be found out as follows;
Assume the speed for natural circulation is 0.01m/s and density 1042kg/m3 and mass flow rate
is given by;
𝑚∙ = ρ× 𝐴 × 𝑉 ………………………………..…………………(4.20)
ΔT = ………………………………………………………………………………..(4.21)
m. c p
ΔT = ≈ 3°C
The exit fluid temperature, Tf,o the temperature rise, (Tf,o-Tf,i) and the efficiency can be
calculated using the following equation;
Where, Tin is the inlet water temperature and is taken as 30°C based on the local atmospheric
And out let temperature from the collector is, Tout = 74.02°C and is calculated based on the useful
heat gain.
the ratio of useful heat Qu, delivered per Aa, and the insolation, Ib, which is incident on
the aperture.
ηth = A …………………………………………………………………………………….(4.23)
a Ib
The exit fluid temperature, Tf,o the temperature rise, (Tf,o-Tf,i) and the efficiency can be
calculated using the following equation;
= = 44.8%
The thermal efficiency of the collector based on the calculation result is much dependent on the
inlet temperature and it increases with the increased inlet temperature. The thermal efficiency of
the collector is also depending on the operating conditions of the collector.
Energy collected in the receiver unit is transferred to a thermal storage tank by circulating heat
transfer fluid in a closed loop.
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒
The volume flow rate of the circulation, 𝑄 . = 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒
= 0.00005𝑚3 /𝑠𝑒𝑐
24 × 3600 × 1000
𝑚. = 𝜌 × 𝑄 . = 1000× 0.00005 = 0.05 𝑠𝑒𝑐
𝑄𝑈 = 9200.18𝑊
Where, f is the friction factor and for the laminar flow it is given by;
64 64
F= = = 0.0831
𝑅𝑒 770.4
Therefore, ∆𝑃𝐿 = 0.0831 × 2×0.02
= 1.0823pa
∆𝑝𝐿2 = + 𝜌𝑔𝐿𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃
32 × 8.498 × 10−4 × 2.2 × 0.01
∆𝑝𝐿2 = + 1042 × 9.81 × 2.2𝑠𝑖𝑛26.85 = 10153𝑝𝑎
4.15.2 Pressure drop across the storage coils
The friction factor for the laminar flow inside helical coiled tube
−0.6 0.375
fc= 5.22(𝑁𝑅𝑒√𝐷/𝑑 ) = 5.22(770.4√ ) = 0.04
Total Pressure drop including the loss that occur in piping components such as fittings, valves,
bends, elbows, tees, inlets, exits, enlargements, and contractions which are called minor losses can
be expressed as
𝑗 𝑉2
= ∆𝑃𝐿 + ∆𝑝𝐿2 + ∆𝑝𝑐 + (∑𝑖=1 𝑘𝐿 ) 2𝑔
1.83 + 10.15𝐸3 + 0.2615 + (6 × 0.9) × = 10152𝑝𝑎
2 × 9.81
The pumping power to overcome the pressure loss is given by;
P = 𝑄 . × ∆𝑃 ,where ∆𝑃 is the total pressure loss.
∆𝑃 = 10152 + 𝜌𝑔ℎ = 1042× 9.81 × 0.82 +10152 = 18534.06pa
Power = × 18534.06pa = 0.06watt. therefore, it works on the thermo siphon principle.
After Design calculation of closed type PTC, fabrication of closed type PTC in mechanical
workshop was done. Firstly supporting structure was made in which rectangular cross section
of RHS pipe was done. The design of supporting structure was, according to the SOLIDWORKS
software. The dimensions used in the supporting structure are as follows: -
Once the cutting of pipes was completed, connecting the pipes according to the drawing was the
next step. A hole was made in parabola holder pipe 25mm diameter. This hole was made in the
middle of the pipe for rib or nut..
The collector material should be fabricated properly in order to get the desired amount of hot
water from the system, for this sake the reflective material should be prepared properly
Figure 5- 2 collector
• Parabolic trough is manufactured using different operations. first the required sheet metal is
changed in to the desired dimension with desired operation In the workshop with the available
tools and equipment’s.
• Cutting sheet metals based on the dimension and proper utilization of sheet metal., then after
we need to cut the RHS and angle section metal based on dimensions for frame.
• Then bend the sheet metal by bending machine in the work shop.
• The aluminum foil is ready to adhere on the trough
• Copper pipe was used as a receiver (20mm diameter, thickness 2mm and length
2000mm). This copper pipe was inserted at focal axis of the parabolic trough.
• The absorber coper tube is painted black.
• Then it is installed on the trough frame.
• The tracking mechanism have to be prepared with the desired dimensions.
• The tracking mechanism have been installed with frame and the absorber tube.
The storage materials also should prepare properly for the efficient heat storage in the system. The
heat storage barrels should be cut for the proper dimensions and the heat transfer coils, stand
should be prepared in the required dimension.
❖ Two barrels of different dimeter (500mm and 400mm) with height of 500 and 450mm have
been prepared.
❖ Two copper coiled tubes of different wire dimeter and a coil diameter of 20mm with the
above dimension have been prepared.
❖ Four holes of dimeter 20mm have been drilled on the barrel.
❖ Then after the stand have been welded with the drawing dimension.
❖ Ash is prepared for thermal insulation mechanism
After we finish all this, we prepared the connecting pipes and different flow control valves for the
next assembly process.
After we weld, bolted and riveted we need assemble the heat transfer fluid pipe to both side of the
collector and bolt with nut then, we need to assemble, the frame for the collector.
▪ The support and the collector are assembled together by inserting the copper pipe through
the holes provided on the support.
▪ The fluid transfer connecting pipes are assembled to the copper pipe with 90 degree and
180 degree pipe connections.
▪ The storage is assembled and the coiled copper coils and heat storage salt is put under the
▪ The heat transfer and water lines are connected as the design specifications
By using those equipment’s, hand tools, and operations, we have done fabricating of the
machine exactly based on their dimension.
total 8080
• Overall heat loss coefficient from the absorber (UO) = 17.85 𝑊/𝑚2 𝐾
In this section, the thermal performance of parabolic trough solar collector is discussed using the
calculated and measured data of the inlet and outlet temperature of the working fluid, ambient
temperature, wind speed and global radiation around Debre tabor area. The final outlet
temperature of 74.02° is obtained.
Generally, in the test setup, HTF is circulated through the absorber tube, then to the heat exchanger,
finally to the HTF reservoir tank and again back to the absorber tube by thermosyphon principle.
A flow regulating mechanism which is a flow control valve is used to start and stop the flow of
the HTF in the system. The efficiency of the machine is slightly less than expected as it works with
natural circulation principle.
A mild steel absorber tube copper winding to increase the heat transfer is tested in this project; The
test results are listed below based on the pipe type. The test is conducted 14 Jun, 2011. Among
different tests, the inlet water temperature the outlet water temperature with the available absorber
This paper has attempted to highlight the following issues:
• Based on the current status of the Country a new method of a solar energy application has
been evaluated and new technical and technological opportunities of a solar energy
application in water heating system has been established.
• stainless sheet material bends easily into the required parabolic trough shape. Black
painted aluminum pipe is used as absorber tube. Daily data were collected from each
material used as the absorber. HTF temperature does increase in the absorber.
• On the average, the efficiency of the copper-absorber parabolic trough is about 44.8%
while for the galvanized steel pipe the efficiency is about 30% from different results.
• From the result, it can be observed that the parabolic trough is very efficient generating
high temperature water for about five and a half working hours, from 10:00 to 15:30.
• The environmental factor plays a major role in the performance analysis of the solar
collector. Environmental or weather conditions such as wind and scattered clouds
conditions are factors that bring down the efficiency of the solar collector.
• The result of this study gives guidance for the possible use of parabolic trough application
for energy generation.
5.10 Recommendation
• The parabolic trough is tested using water and ethyl glycol solution as heat transfer fluid.
For future work, it is recommended that oil be used as heat transfer fluid, if oil pump is
available. Covering the absorber tube with glass tube would result in better performance.
This increases the efficiency of the parabolic trough by reducing convection heat loss from
the absorber tube and prevent the reflector from dust particle.
• Mechanical or electrical solar tracking system should be used to reduce the error that is
created by manual tracking system.
• The utilization of renewable energy in Ethiopia should be increased, as there is a global
concern that the developing nations could be faced with energy crisis and global warming.
It is expected that more damage and pollution of the environment will continue. Parabolic
trough solar collector is one of the options for renewable energy and this technology should
be adopted in industries that utilize fossil fuel for water heating and steam generation.
• The government as well as the university has to support further research works in this area
financially and allocating large area to test large grids of the parabolic trough system for
steam generation and power production.
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