Control of Boiler Operation Using Plc-Scada
Control of Boiler Operation Using Plc-Scada
Control of Boiler Operation Using Plc-Scada
Abstract: The boiler is a fundamental part of almost all to the involvement of humans in the data collection and
industries. It varies in application from low pressure to processing using complicated mathematical expressions.
Thus what we require is a system that collects raw data,
high pressure. The paper outlines the various stages of
processes it and presents it in values which can be verified
operation involved in the conversion of a manually
and compared with the standard values.
operated boiler towards a fully operated boiler. The initial
phase of the paper focuses on passing the inputs to the In the coding process of this implementation with micro-
boiler at a required temperature, so as to maintain a controller, it requires a fast and efficient processing which
particular temperature in the boiler, and shows the on the other part depends on the length and sub-routines of
temperature/pressure relationship. To achieve desired the coding process. Thus it provides a real challenge with
systems involving
steam pressure (2Bar) at certain temperature, the
Properties of Steam Table analysis is done. A proper
boiler design and modelling and safety precautions are III. TYPE OF BOILER
taken into consideration. Focussing on level, pressure,
temperature parameters are constantly monitored using Electric boilers are noted for being clean, quiet, and easy
SCADA screen which is connected to the PLC. to install, and compact. Because there are no combustion
considerations, an electric boiler has minimal complexity
Keywords: Automation, PLC-SCADA, Boiler. (no fuels or fuel handling equipment) with easily
replaceable heating elements.
I. INTRODUCTION An electric boiler may be the perfect alternative to
supply low or high pressure steam or hot water where the
Over the years the demand for high quality, greater customer is restricted by emission regulations. In areas
efficiency and automated machines has increased in the where the cost of electric power is minimal, the electric
industrial sector of power plants. Power plants require boiler could be the best choice. Electric Boiler shows some
continuous monitoring and inspection at frequent intervals. good signs such as-High efficiency, low maintenance, space
There are possibilities of errors at measuring and various factor, fuel limitations.
stages involved with human workers and also the lack of
few features of microcontrollers. Thus this paper takes a IV. CRITICAL CONTROL PARAMETERS IN
sincere attempt to explain the advantages the companies will BOILER
face by implement-ing automation into them.
The boiler control which is the most important part of Level Control:
any power plant, and its automation is the precise effort of Steam Drum level, High and Low
this paper. Level Pressure Control:
In order to automate a power plant and minimize human Steam drum pressure, Inner drum pressure
intervention, there is a need to develop a SCADA Flow Control:
(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system that Steam flow, Water flow
monitors the plant and helps reduce the errors caused by Temperature Control:
humans. While the SCADA is used to monitor the system, Steam drum temperature, under bed
PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) is also used for boiler temperature.
the internal storage of instruction for the implementing
function such as logic, sequencing, timing, counting and V. ALLEN BRADLEY PLC
arithmetic to control through digital or analog input/output
modules various types of machines processes. Systems are Programmable Logic Controller or PLC is an intelligent
used to monitor and control a plant or equipment in system of modules, which was introduced in the control, &
industries such as telecommunications, water and waste instrumentation industry for replacing relay based logic.
control, energy, oil and gas refining and transportation. Over a period of time, better I/O handling capabilities and
more programming elements have been added along with
II. DRAWBACK OF CONVENTIONAL SYSTEM improvement in communication.
signals are fed into PLC, and controlling action is taken as on varied objectives like superior quality, increased
per desired objective. When desired temperature and efficiency, high profit and other such points depending upon
pressure gets achieved the steam outlet valve is made on and the purpose of the company that implies it. With the prime
flow of steam is regulated through that same valve and
objective of catering to these necessities and the needs of
simultaneously heaters is made off. If in case pressure
exceeds the specified value then safety valve gets open to the industrial sector, significance has been given here to
remove excess pressure generated. While heating water, automation.
level of water is continuously monitored because low water
level can burst heater coils. X. RESULT
When water is heated at atmospheric pressure, its
Temperature Pressure(psia) Pressure(Bar)
110 14.696 1.012
130 29.427 2
I am grateful to Prof. Dr. A. D. Rahulkar and I
acknowledge with gratitude to my supervisor Prof Dr. A. D.
Rahulkar, Department of Instrumentation Engineering, and
all staff members for his innovative thinking, continuous
guidance, genius role and encouragement throughout the
whole project period.
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The most important aspect of any power plant is the boiler
control. Several techniques can be implemented to control the
boiler in power plant. The method that has to be used relies