PSCP Tables (MDRRMO Accomplished Table)

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Assess likelihood in terms

of FREQUENCY and Assess the impact as: Assess the risk as: Assess effectiveness of current controls:
Risks can be categorized as
affecting the following:
5 - Frequent/Almost Indicate current control measures in 5 - With controls in place which are
5 - Extreme Very High place working and controls in place are
industry leading practice.

4 - With highly effective controls in

1. People 4 - Likely 4 - Major High
place, with little room for improvement.
Natural, Human-Induced,
Action plan to further reduce or mitigate risks if
Technological, Biological,
current controls are not sufficient
External, Internal
3 - With fairly effective controls in place
2. Facility 3 - Possible 3 - Moderate Moderate
but needs improvement

2 - With Controls in place but are

3. Public 2 - Unlikely 2 - Minor Low (consider both infra and non-infra ineffective
4. Process 1 - Rare 1 - Incidental Very Low 1 - No Controls in Place
5. Supply Chain

6. ICT

Ensuring the safety of all MDRRMO Purchase enough gasoline/diesel for the
personnel, Emergency Medical operation, Procurement of additional generator
Responders, CDVs, emergency set,Purchase of Emergency rescue
transport vehicles, emeregncy/equipment (flashlights, raincoat and
3-With fairly effective controls in place
TYPHOON People, Facility, ICT 4 - Likely 3 - Moderate 12- Moderate Radio Base the likes) Conduct Training for High Risk
but need improvement
Anthenna and other emregency Rescue Operation, Stabilizing existing
equipments, communication structure/equipment/gadgets,
Securing of Office premises, Construction of Additional
documents/data, Evacuation Centers
Activation of ICS/IMT
Construction of additional Isolation/Quarantine
Facility, Purchase of PPEs, Test
Kits, Disenfectan Solutions, Alcohol, PPEs,
Health Protocol, Ambulance for Hygience kits for the LSI and other
transferring LSI to their respective supplies/materials, Procurement of
quarantine Facility, Isolation Facility additional Emergency Rescue
and other Quarantine facilities Vehicles/Ambulnce, Vaccination Program
EPIDEMIC/Contagious 3 - With fairly effective controls in place
People, Facility, ICT 4 - Likely 4 - Major 16-High Identified by LGUin their respective
Diseases but needs improvement
barangay in the municipality, PPEs
suit for responders and drivers,
Disifectant Solutions,

Coordination with the BFP, Training for Fire

Fire extinguisher,
Safety/Evacaution PLan and other related
Fire alarm,
3-With fairly effective controls in place trainings Creation of Fire emergency Protocol,
FIRE People, Facility, ICT 3 - Possible 3 - Moderate 9-low Fire Hydrants,
but need improvement Conduct an Orientation
Conducted Fire Inspection on LGU
and Training on Fire Emergency Evacaution and
respective offices
Fire Suppression

Construction of new building whick are

earthquake proof, Create/Activation of
Qaurterly Earthquake Drill 2-With controls in place but are
EARTHQUAKE People, Facility, ICT 3 - Possible 4 - Major 12- Moderate Earthquake Emergency Protocol, Evacaution
conducted, ineffective
Plan incorporated in the Earthquake Emeregncy
Protocol, Retrofitting of office/building

Create/Activation of Earthquake Emergency

Qaurterly Earthquake Drill 2-With controls in place but are
LINEAMENT People, Facility, ICT 3 - Possible 4 - Major 12- Moderate Protocol, Evacaution Plan incorporated in the
conducted, ineffective
Earthquake Emeregncy Protocol

Exit of Non-permanent 3-With fairly effective controls in place Creation and Filling-up of mandated
People, Process 3 - Possible 4 - Major 12- Moderate Creation of Plantilla Position
trained manpower but need improvement plantilla position
Organizational Function(s) Functional Requirement(s) Mission or Non-Mission Essential or Non-Essential Function Category
Identify important functions the organization Identify Mission versus Non-mission Identify Essential versus Non-essential
Identify the requirements to perform each functions. Overall Category of Organizational Function
performs. criteria. criteria (during a disruption).
Activation of 24/7 Emergency Operation
EO/Memorandum Mission Essential Mission Essential
Center (EOC)

Conduct Risk Assessment Hazard Maps, DRRM PLAn Mission Non-Essential Mission Non-Essential
Maintenance and Inventory of Risk Hazard, Vulnerabilites, Risk profile/ risk assessment
Mission Non-Essential Mission Non-Essential
Maps reports

Serve as the Secretariat to the DRRM Notice of Meetings, Agenda, Attendacne, Documentation
Mission Essential Mission Essential
council and foods
Mobilize Partners to utilize facilities and
MAO/MAU, Documentation Non-Mission Essential Non-Mission Essential
Disseminate information and raise public Final Reports, IEC Materials, Megaphone/sound system,
Mission Essential Mission Essential
awareness transport vehicle

Develop Plans (MDRRMP, LCCAP,

DRRM Plans, DRRM Data, Programs design, Mission Non-Essential Mission Non-Essential
CP) and Implement Programs

Review and evaluate BDRRM Plan in

BDRRM Plans Mission Non-Essential Mission Non-Essential
repective barangay in the municipality

Organize and conduct of

Training Design/Project Proposal, Facililator Request
trainings/capability programs for
letter, Allocated fund (Venue, Food and materials Mission Non-Essential Mission Non-Essential
MDRRM Councils and Barangay
needed), attendacne, adocumentation
Officials, EMRs and CDVs

Facilitate the procurement of stockpiling

Project Proposal, PPMP Mission Essential Mission Essential
of goods, and non-goods items

Respond to and manage the adverse

Incident Reports/Situational Reports Mission Essential Mission Essential
effects of emergencies/calamities

logbook for monitoring, documentation, mobile phones

EWS Monitoring Mission Essential Non-Mission Essential
and handheld radio

Conducted Quarterly NSED and Fire Memorandum, Notice of Meetings, Attendance,

Mission Non-Essential Mission Non-Essential
Drill Documention, foods, Minutes/Reports, Project Porposal

Facilitate the distribution of relief good Relief Goods (rice,sardines, etc.), Distribution Sheet
to the respective barangays/evacaution officially sign my PBs and Beneficiaries, Documentation, Mission Essential Mission Essential
centers Project Proposal, PPMP,
Approved MDRRMFIP, Appoved MDRRMC Resolution,
Assist the utilization of MDRRMF Non-Mission Essential Non-Mission Essential
SB Resolution, Project Proposal, PPMP

Approved MDRRMFIP-PPAs, Monitoring and evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation MIssion Essential Mission Non-Essential
Procurement of SRR/WASAR Project Proposal, PPMP, List of SRR/WASAR
Mission Non-Essential Mission Non-Essential
equipment/gadgets/uniforms equipment/gadgets/ uniform needed,

Compliance for Memorandum

Agreement between suplier fro Memorandum Agreement, List of supplier Supplier Mission Non-Essential Mission Non-Essential
emergency supplies

MDRRMO Staff Team Building Project proposal, PPMP, MDRRMO Staff members Non-Mission Non-Essential Non-Mission None-Essential
Activation of 24/7 Emergency Operation Center (EOC) Conduct Risk Assessment

Serve as the Secretariat to the DRRM council Maintenance and Inventory of Risk Maps

Disseminate information and rasie public awareness Develop Plans (MDRRMP, LCCAP, CP) and Implement Programs

Procurement of stockpiling goods, and non-goods items Review and evaluate BDRRM Plan in repective barangays in the municipality
Organize and conduct of trainings/capability programs for MDRRM Councils and Baranga
Respond to and manage the adverse effects of emergencies
Officials, EMRs and CDVs
EWS Monitoring Conducted Quarterly NSED and Fire Drill

Distribution of relief good to the respective barangays/evacaution centers Procurement of SRR/WASAR equiment/Gadgets/uniforms

Monitoring and Evaluation Compliance for memorandum Aggreement between supplier for emergency supplies

Mobilize Partners to utilize facilities and resources MDRRMO Staff Team Building
Assist the utilization of MDRRMF


*What are the consequences if MEF is Tier 1: Must be performed within 0 - 12

*No. of people required to perform the MEF
not delivered due to disruptions? hours
*Impact or consequences can be
operational (affecting processes),
reputational (affecting organization's Tier 2: Must be performed from 12 - 24
Determine whether the MEF *Facility and equipment needed to perform the MEF
reputation or public image) or hours
requires information (e.g. regulatory (non-compliance to
Products or services that are
reports from LGUs, other regulatory requirements)
delivered by a particular MEF Tier 3: Must be performed from 24 - 48 *Communications and IT requirements needed to perform
*refer to MEF list based on agencies), services or
(e.g. vital reports produced and hours the MEF
Functions Categorization authorization from other offices
information released through the
(e.g. internal units, other
operations services)
government agencies) in
performing MEFs. Tier 4: Must be performed from 48 - 72
*Other resources required (Budget, Partners, etc.)

Tier 5: Can be performed from 72 hours and


1. IMT Briefing
2. Attendance 1. Delay to response to any emergency
3. Documentation situation,
4. Incident/Situational 2. Failed to submit reports and People : At least (6) Responders (4) Drivers (2) Communicator (3)
1. Approved IMT Structure
Reports, 5. Organized information to ther concerned agencies, MDRRMO Staff (5)
2. Signed and official
CDVs schedule of duties, 3. Failed to collect data and Facility/Euqipment : EOC Facility, Generator Set (with Diesel
Activation of 24/7 Emergency Situational Report from
6. information from the barangays/community, Tier 1: Must be performed within 0 - 12 hours intended for the operations) Communication
Operation Center (EOC) IMT/Barangays 3.
Accomplished and Signed ICS 4. No specific plans incase of and Technology : Computers/ Laptop, Printer with scanner, TV
Reports transmitted thru handheld
forms/Situations Report to be incident/emergencies, Monitoring, Projector, Radio Base with Anthena/Repeater, Portable
radios and mobile phones
submitted to the EDMERO for daily 5. casualty may be present which may radio/s, Mobile phone/hotline. internet connection/data, Vehicle
reporting reflect the public trust and confidence to the
7. Immediate response to any MDRRMO/LGU
emergency in the locality

People : 27 members of DRRM Council, (2) Sectariat

Facility/Euqipment : Conference
Room, Generator Set (with Diesel intended for the operations)
1. Attendance 1. Notice of Meeting 1. Failed to comply with the minutes,
Serve as the Secretariat to the
2. Minutes 2. Meeting Procedings thru minutes resolution and other reports needed by the Tier 1: Must be performed within 0 - 12 hours
DRRM council Communication and Technology : Computers/ Laptop, Printer
3. DRRM council Resolutions and doucmention council
with scanner, TV Monitoring, Projector and screen, Radio Base
with Anthena/Repeater, Portable radio/s, Mobile phone/hotline.
internet connection/data, attendance, Minutes and Notice of
People : (1) Driver (1)staff
1. Weather/Health reports
Facility/Euqipment : Vehicle with allocated diesel, Sound system
2. Campaign Materials 1.The community are not aware of they
Disseminate information and raise 1. Documentation with Mic Communication and
3. Communication would be calamity, Disaster Risk Reduction Tier 2: Must be performed from 12 - 24 hours
public awareness 2. After Activity Report Technology : Computers/ Laptop, Printer with scanner, TV
Equipments (Megaphone, Vehicle will not be effective
Monitoring, Projector and screen, Radio Base with
and etcs.)
Anthena/Repeater, Portable radio/s, Mobile phone/hotline. internet
connection/data, attendance, Minutes and Notice of Meeting/letter

People : (1) Driver (1) staff

Facilitate the Procurement of 1. Approved Project Proposal 1. Preparation of Project Proposal Facility/Euqipment : Vehicle with allocated diesel, Storage
1. Failed to meet the basic subsistence needs
stockpiling goods, and non-goods 2. Approved PPMP, and Vouchers Tier 2: Must be performed from 12 - 24 hours room/facility
of the people affected
items Documentation, 2. Inventory Stock Card Communication and Technology : Computers/ Laptop, Printer
with scanner, Radio Base with Anthena/Repeater, Portable radio/s,
Mobile phone/hotline. internet connection/data,

People : At least (6) Responders (4) Drivers (2) Communicator

(Shifting Schedule)
Facility/Euqipment : EOC Facility, Generator Set (with
1. Signed and official Situational
1. Delayed to emergency response Diesel intended for the operations) , PPEs, Disinfectant Solutions,
Respond to and manage the 1. Officially signed Report from IMT/Barangays
2. Possible increase the number of casualty, Tier 1: Must be performed within 0 - 12 hours And other emeregncy equipments
adverse effects of emergencies Incident/Situational Report, 2. Reports transmitted thru
Loss of lives, property and public trust Communication and Technology : Computers/ Laptop, Printer
radios and phones
with scanner, TV Monitoring, Projector, Radio Base with
Anthena/Repeater, Portable radio/s, Mobile phone/hotline. internet
connection/data, Vehicle

People : (1-2) staff (Shifting Schedule)

1. Tactical operation of the EOC will be
Facility/Euqipment : MDRRM OFfice, OpCen FAcility
1. Officially signed affected
EWS Monitoring 1. EWS Devices/Equipments Tier 1: Must be performed within 0 - 12 hours Communication and
Incident/Situational Report, 2. Delayed early warning to the
Technology : Computers/ Laptop, Printer with scanner, TV
Monitoring, Projector, Radio Base with Anthena/Repeater, Portable
radio/s, Mobile phone/hotline. internet connection/data, Vehicle

People : (1-2) staff

1. Accomplished and Signed Relief 1. Relief Goods(Rice, Sardines) 1. Ineffective Governance Facility/Euqipment : MDRRM OFfice, OpCen FAcility
Facilitate the Distribution of relief
Distribution Sheet (RDS) 2. Official Report 2. Governement failed to
good to the respective Tier 1: Must be performed within 0 - 12 hours
2.Documentation from Barangays and evacuation provide basic subsitence needs of the people Communication and Technology : Computers/ Laptop, Printer
barangays/evacaution centers
3. Inventory report center affected with scanner, TV Monitoring, Projector, Radio Base with
Anthena/Repeater, Portable radio/s, Mobile phone/hotline. internet
connection/data, Vehicle
TABLE 4: Determining Recovery Strategies


Personnel, stakeholders that has a great role for Place, amenity or structural services and necessary items,
Essential documents utilized by the office/agency Equipment and programs that are used to process and
ensuring operations of the office/agency’s essential gears, apparatus where services or support to services are
relative to critical processes. communicate information.
functions. provided.

1. EO estbalishing the 24/7 Operation

1. Computers/ Laptop,
2. Situation/Incident Reports
2. Printer with scanner,
3. Attendance/Logbook 1. IME Members 2.
3. TV Monitoring,
4. Approved Schedule of shifting duty EMRs 3.
1. OpCen Facility 2. 4. Projector and Screen,
5. ICS Forms, CDVs 4.
Generator Set with allocated Diesel for the whole operations 5. Radio Base with
6. Memorandums, 7. Drivers 5.
3. Alternate "Hot Site" Anthena/Repeater, 6. Portable
Augmentation Request 8. Communicator 6. Staff
for emergency Operation radio/s, 7.
Logbook to record any message transmitted thru 7.
Mobile phone/hotline
radio/phone calls (details/information) Barangay Officials and other stakeholders
8. internet connection/data,
9. IMT Structure/Directives and other
9. Vehicle

Activation of 24/7 Emergency Operation

Center (EOC) Documents/ Logbook/Attendance shall be kept/file IMT Members/staff/and other personnel should have Generator operator shall maintain and check that the generator Ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of all
respectively and save the files need for future place/site for operation and area to rest is working efficiently and ensure the availability of gasoline at communication and technology for the whole operation
references. all times

Sites/facility that have been used during the disaster should be

There should have an approved and signed official check and restored
schedules of Alternate duties specially for
EMRs/EMT/CDVs for proper and effective

Alternate "Hot Site" shall be identified incase of emeregncy

Ensure the safety of all Emergency medical meeting/briefing and emergency operation coducted
responders at all times and the provision of foods and
mobilization to all EMR/community disaster

1. Notice of Meeting,
2. Computers/ Laptop,
1. Notice of Meeting 3. Printer with scanner,
2. Attendance 1. Conference room 2. 4. TV Monitoring,
3. Minutes 1. DRRM Council Member and Secretriat Sound system 3. 5. Projector,
4. Documentation Projector and Screen, 6.
5. Agenda Portable radio/s, Mobile phone/hotline
7. internet connection/data,
8. Vehicle

Serve as the Secretariat to the DRRM council

Minutes distributed advance before the Meeting was Alternate "Hot Site" shall be identified incase of emeregncy Ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of all
Members of MDRRMC emanates from RA 10121
conducted meeting coducted communication and technology for the whole operation
Agenda, and other documents need to ensure the Person incharge should always make sure that technology
correctness and be accurate. are effectively working before and after the activity

1. Computers/ Laptop,
2. Printer with scanner,
3. TV Monitoring,
4. Projector,
5. Radio Base
1. Weather/Health reports 1. MDRRMO staff 2. 1. Vehicle with allocated diesel 2. with Anthena/Repeater, 6.
2. IEC Materials Driver Sound system with Microphones Portable radio/s,
7. Mobile phone/hotline.
8. internet connection/data
Disseminate information and raise public 9. Vehicle,
awareness 10. Sound

Staff in charge shall ensure that the

Data/doucments used should be updated, approved, Sound System, mic and the Vehicle shound be check and Ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of all
service/information will delivered correctly to the
correct and accurate for the public ensure the safety during the trip communication and technology for the whole operation

1. Approved Project Proposal 1. Computers/ Laptop,

2. Approved PPMP 2. Printer with scanner,
1. MDRRMO staff 2. 1. Vehicle with allocated diesel 2.
3. Documentation 3. Radio Base with Anthena/Repeater,
Driver Storage room/facility
4. Voucher 4. Portable radio/s,
Facilitate Procurement of stockpiling goods, 5. Inventory/Stock card 5. Mobile phone/hotline
and non-goods items

Before the operation, Vehicles should be check and with

allocated enough diesel for the whole operation,
Documents needed shall be completed before the staff ensure that the good are completed and be stored Ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of all
procuremrnt process, safer communication and technology for the whole operation

1. Signed and official Situational Report from 1. Radio Base with Anthena/Repeater,
1. EOC Facility 2.
IMT/Barangays 1. Responders 2. 2. Portable radio/s
Generator Set (with Diesel intended for the operations)
2. Reports transmitted thru radios and phones Drivers 3. 3. Mobile phone/hotline.
3. PPEs, Disinfectant
3. PCR (Patient Communicator 4. Vehicle (with diesel)
Solutions and other emeregncy equipments
Care Report)
Respond to and manage the adverse effects of

Information/data should be recorded or transmitted to Responders should always ware their PPE suit in
Ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of all
the Operation Officer/ Comuunicator in charge. responding and make sure all the necessary equiment Alternate "Hot Site" shall be identified incase of emeregncy
communication and technology for the whole operation
(Type of incident, no. of casualty and etcs.) andgadgets should be in place
1. Computers/ Laptop
2. Printer with scanner

1. Officially signed Incident/Situational Report 3. Projector

2. 4. Radio Base with Anthena/Repeater
1. DRRM staff 1. EWS Devices/Equipments
Attendance/logbook 5. Portable radio/s
3. After Activity Report 6. Mobile phone/hotline
7. internet
EWS Monitoring connection/data, 8.

Document/data should be stored/saved and file for the

Ensure that all the EWS device/equipment are effectively Ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of all
future referecne and if needed the documents will be Ensure the safety of the staff at all times
working and be check regularly communication and technology for the whole operation
submitted to the higher agency and offices

1. Project Proposal
2. PPMP 1. Radio Base with Anthena/Repeater
1. LCE 2.
3. Accomplished and Signed Relief 2. Portable radio/s,
MDRRMO staff
Distribution Sheet (RDS) 1. Vehicle with allocated diesel 2. 3. Mobile phone/hotline.
Facilitate Distribution of relief good to the 3. Driver
4. Documentation Storage room/facility 4. Internet connection/data,
respective barangays/evacaution centers 4. Responders
5. Inventory report 5. Vehicle (with
5. Communicators
6. MSWDO Report, Barangay allocated diesel for the operations)
Reports, IMT/ School DRR Coordinator

Data/Reports should be validated and accounted Ensure the safety of the staff at all times Before the operation, Vehicles should be check and with Ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of all
correctly for the emmediate distribution of the relief allocated enough diesel for the whole operation, communication and technology for the whole operation
1. Computers/Laptop
Validated/Consolidated reports for submission MEO, MSWDO,MAO,SDRRMOs-DepEd and 1. MDRRMO 2. Printer with scanner
Monitoring and Evaluation
to Higher agency Other concerned agencies 2. Vehicles 3. Base Radio and Handheld Radios
4. Mobile Phones


Indicate specific type of

Identify target population Specify exercise objective or goal
exercise method to conduct Indicate target date to conduct
category of audience for for conducting the exercise. Note:
(e.g. Workshop to develop the exercise.
each exercise method. Objectives must be S.M.A.R.T.
Continuity Strategies)

1.      To orient all

department heads
regarding the PSC
2.      Convey to the
Orientation/Training and staff the established 2-Days Orientation/Training and
Workshop on Public Service chain of command in Workshop to be conducted on the
Department Heads
Continuity Planning (PSCP) time of emergency
3.      To be familiar 3rd Quarter of 2021
with their function and
regarding the PSC
4.      To create an
effective and
comprehensive PSCP
1.      To assess the
effectiveness of the
established LGU Call
tree Protocol in the
Communication Drill: implementation of
Implementation of the LGU Call 2.      To create Quarterly
tree alternative hierarchy of
3.      Evaluate and
enhance the flow of
the communication
1.      To enhance the
LGU’s PSC Plan thru
exercise the
LGU PSC Plan Table Top LCE, MDRRMC and LGU respective Office’s 2-Day activity to be conducted on
Exercise Department Heads PSC Plan for design the 4th quarter of the 2021
evaluation and
2.      To implement

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