Drug Study

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Dosage & Route

Drug Classification Action Indication of Contraindication Adverse Effect

Generic Name: Corticosteroids; Reduces For severe PO, IM, IV Contraindicated CNS: headache, - Determine whether
Dexamethasone Anti- inflammation by inflammation and 0.08-0.3 in: malaise, psychiatric the patient is
Inflammatory suppressing adjunctive mg/kg/day or disturbances, sensitive to
- Patients who
Brand Name: Agents polymorphonuclear management of 2.5-10 increased corticosteroids
DexPak, leukocyte nausea and mg/m2/day intracranial
hypersensitive - Monitor patient
Dexasone, migration, vomiting from divided q 6-12 pressure, seizures
to drug weight, blood
Decadron reversing increased chemotherapy hr. bisulfites, EDTA, CV: hypotension pressure, and
capillary creatinine, electrolyte levels
permeability, and EENT: cataracts,
stabilizing elevated - Monitor patient for
leukocyte - Systemic fungal intraocular cushingoid effects,
lysosomal infections pressure (IOP) including moon face,
membranes. Also buffalo hump,
- Active or GI: nausea,
suppresses immune thinning of hair
suspected ocular vomiting,
response (by or periocular abdominal - Assess excessive
reducing lymphatic infections distention, dry nervousness or
activity), stimulates
- Live attenuated mouth, anorexia, vision changes,
bone marrow, and bowel perforation difficulty breathing
promotes protein, vaccines
fat, and Metabolic: - Assess muscle
carbohydrate deceased weakness, persistent
metabolism carbohydrate abdominal pain, or
tolerance, change in stool color
hyperglycemia, - Instruct parents of
decreased growth the patient to
MS: muscle administer oral drug
wasting, muscle with or after meals
pain - Advise parents to
Derm: diaphoresis, avoid their child in
erythema, rashes, crowds and
pruritus, decreased exposure to
wound healing, infections (such as
bruising, petechiae measles and
chickenpox) and to
notify physician if
such exposure
- Instruct the parents
to don’t stop the
medication abruptly
or without
physician’s consent

Drug Classification Action Indication Dosage & Contraindication Adverse Effect Nursing
Route of Responsibilities

Generic Name: Therapeutic Inhibits several Alone or with IT (Children): Contraindicated CNS: arachnoiditis - Monitor vital signs
Methotrexate Class: enzymes responsible other treatment in: (IT use only), periodically during
>3 years: 12 mg
Antineoplastic, for nucleotide modalities in the dizziness, administration.
- Patients with
Brand Name: Antipsoriatic, synthesis. This treatment of 2 years: 10 mg drowsiness, Notify the physician
Amethoptertin, Antirheumatic, inhibition leads to Leukemias headaches, malaise for significant
1 year: 8 mg - Products
Folex, Trexall Immunosupress suppression of changes.
EENT: blurred
-ant inflammation as well <1 year: 6 mg containing
vision, dysarthria - Assess for bleeding
as prevention of cell benzyl alcohol
transient blindness (bruising or bleeding
Pharmacologic division. Also should not be
Class: responsible for used in neonates Resp: Pulmonary
Antimetabolite death of rapidly Fibrosis, interstitial - Instruct the
replicating cells, pneumonitis patient’s parents to
particularly use sunscreen and
GI: anorexia,
malignant ones, and protective clothing
for to prevent
nausea, vomiting,
immunosuppression photosensitivity
Derm: alopecia,
- Discuss to the
parents of the
pruritus, rashes,
patient the
skin ulceration,
possibility of hair
Hemat: aplastic
- Instruct the
parents to notify
health care
professional if
Metab: abdominal pain,
hyperuricemia severe nausea and
MS: osteonecrosis, vomiting, jaundice,
stress fracture fever, chills, sore
throat, bleeding or
Misc: neuropathy
bruising, excess
thirst or urination,
mouth sores occur

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