Prana in Biological System

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Exploration of Prana: The Future of Yoga Research

Science developed in the western part of the globe dimensions of human systems, superhuman beings until
has grown to a great height in fathoming reality of the they found the Reality in its purest form going beyond
physical world. Starting from the classical Newtonian Space‑Time and Causation having infinite power,
mechanics featured by determinacy to the Quantum freedom, bliss, and knowledge. We discuss here in our
mechanics characterized by probabilistic features editorials, the key features of those dimensions as found
attempts to explain various dimensions of the universe. and written in ancient books of Yoga  (Patanjali Yoga
The famous equation E  =  mc2, which portrays the Sutras) and Philosophy  (Upanishads) which fathom the
underlying unity between matter and energy, is nothing dimensions of Parapsychology and beyond too.
less than a great awe for humanity. In a sense, we have Just as we have found energy as the basic fabric
fathomed the complete knowledge about the physical of everything in the physical world, Yoga texts call
universe, and hence, we have had great success in all Prana as the basic fabric of all biological systems
challenges related to the physical world. This has made as mentioned in Prashnopanishad.[3] Then, what is
science and technology acceptable to one and all. the difference between energy and Prana? Prana,
However, is that all we had to fathom or anything else in contrast to energy, can change by itself by the
still remains enigmatic for us, which calls our attention? processes of expansion and contraction  (svayameva
The modern multidimensional challenges of stress, prasarati svayam sankocameti) as postulated in Yoga
noncommunicable diseases, etc., which are unresolved, Vasishtha.[4] While the electromagnetic field spreads all
have necessitated deeper understanding of our universe. over the physical world, Pranic field spreads over all
It is in this context that the ancient texts of the Indian biological entities  (Pranamaya Kosha) as mentioned
philosophy  (Upanishads) and Yoga are attracting in Taittiriya upanishad.[3] We may call it a bioplasmic
the attention of the top contemporary scientists and field. This field forms the basis of all the physiological
researchers. As Capra wrote, a time has come to go processes that happen inside the body, and it can also
beyond to understand the deeper and subtler dimensions be modulated by the mind. Hence, this bioplasmic field
of our universe.[1] Hence, we are in a transition phase forms a crucial link between mind and body. However,
to go beyond the physical world, grounded on the how such a fundamental factor escaped the attention
matter‑based paradigm by turning our tables toward of modern scientists and still this is not a subject of
consciousness‑based paradigm as mentioned by Prof. exploration in mainstream science, is really surprising.
Goswami.[2] Is it for the want of knowledge or suitable means of
Science has moved slowly and steadily over centuries
to unfold the deeper and deeper secrets of our physical Science always progresses with technological tools that
world and trying to understand more and more about help in measurement and quantification. It is important
other physical worlds such as planets, stars, and to have suitable tool to empirically elucidate Prana. Is
galaxies through various powerful instruments such as it possible to measure Prana as we measure energy?
ultramodern telescopes and space satellites. Science is How do we photograph Prana as we do with the
also trying to understand the functioning of microscopic physical systems using modern gadgets? Prana being
particles through sophisticated microscopes. Using these very subtle and intangible in nature, its measurement is
instruments, biological systems starting with a single cell indeed a great challenge. However, its manifestations
at physical and near‑physical levels may be measured
are being studied, trying to understand how they have
and quantified. The earlier works of the Kirlians is
the capacity to move and replicate by themselves without
considered a seminal work in this area, where they
any external interventions, marking the beginning of life
demonstrated coronal discharge due to the application
processes. While probabilistic mechanics brought to light
of high‑frequency and high‑voltage electric pulse around
the fact that the laws of subtle world of molecules and
various objects.[5] Later, more sophisticated equipment
atoms do not follow the laws of classical mechanics, we
such as Gas Discharge Visualization[6] was developed to
need to find out the laws and the structure that govern
photograph these coronal discharges of various animate
the life entities which do not appear to follow all the
and inanimate objects, and they were also extensively
physical laws.
correlated with health status of human systems.[7] Some
In India, having a tradition of thousands of years, the works have also attempted to replicate one of the strongly
ancient seers and sages were not only able to track critiqued phantom leaf effects.[8] Continuous development
the structure and laws of biological systems but also the of such equipment is going on to discover more and

© 2019 International Journal of Yoga - Philosophy, Psychology and Parapsychology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 27
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Nagendra: Prana and yoga

more features of biological systems. The rationale behind Conflicts of interest

assuming that these Kirlian‑based images can possibly There are no conflicts of interest.
measure manifested effects of Prana is that these images
HR Nagendra
are formed due to the electronic excitation of surface and
near‑inner surface of the study objects. Since electrons Chancellor, Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana
Samsthana, 19, Eknath Bhavan, Gavipuram Circle, K.G. Nagar,
and photons form the most fundamental aspect of Bengaluru ‑ 560 019, Karnataka, India.
physical measurement, we can assume that these images E‑mail: [email protected]
obtained during this process of electronic excitation can
give the best estimate of pranic activities as well. Some References
efforts to catch such aura round the physical and living 1. Capra F. The Tao of Physics. Shambhala: Boulder; 1975.
entities are pursued using infrared camera. Here, it is 2. Goswami A. The Self-Aware Universe: How Consciousness
assumed that the change in temperature gradient around Creates the Material World. Penguin: New York; 1995.
3. Swami  G. Eight Upanisads with the Commentary of
a body is a function of the pranic activity.
Sankaracharya, (Isa, Kena, Katha and Taittiriya). 2nd ed. Calcutta:
In this context, it is worth mentioning that the ancient Advaita Ashrama; 1989‑90.
Yoga masters were able to feel the aura around a body 4. Shastri  DN. Yoga Vasishtha. Vol.  6. 4th  ed. Bengaluru: Hemanta
Sahitya; 2010. p. 4284.
by their refined mind and sharpened sense of touch.
5. Mills A. Kirlian photography. Hist Photogr; 2009;33:278‑87.
Some were able to see the aura around the leaf and 6. Korotkov  K. Sсienсe of Measuring Energy Fields:
even human bodies by sensitizing their eyes beyond A  revolutionary teсhnique to visualize energy fields of humans
the normal range of vision. However, they all are and nature. In: Rosh  P. editor. Bioeleсtromagnetiс and Subtle
considered as subjective experiences and strongly Energy Mediсine. London, New York: СRС Press; 2015.
critiqued by scientists, on the one side, and admired by 7. Korotkov  K. Review of EPI papers on medicine and
psychophysiology published in 2008‑2018. Int J Complement Alt
supporters of such phenomena, on the other side. This Med 2018;11:311‑5.
mixed emotion around this unconventional and gray 8. Hubacher  J. The phantom leaf effect: A  replication, part  1.
area of research will remain in the future too. Need of J Altern Complement Med 2015;21:83‑90.
the hour is an amalgamation of insights from intuitive
experiences of subtle phenomenon and empirical
investigation of such phenomena using the best available This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the
tools with strict control over confounding factors. This Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows
others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as
calls for tremendous grit, skill, and intuitive insights in appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
researchers working in this area of pranic research. This
is an area which has tremendous scope to answer some Access this article online
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of the unresolved mysteries of modern science. More
research is needed to understand several dimensions
of Prana in biological systems starting from plants,
animal world, human beings, and the possible unknown
DOI: 10.4103/2347-5633.269479
superhuman systems. We invite all such experiments and
theoretical dimensions as articles in this journal.
Financial support and sponsorship How to cite this article: Nagendra HR. Exploration of Prana: The future
Nil. of yoga research. Int J Yoga - Philosop Psychol Parapsychol 2019;7:27-8.

28 International Journal of Yoga ‑ Philosophy, Psychology and Parapsychology  ¦  Volume 7  ¦  Issue 2  ¦  July‑December 2019

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