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Cpo-Pc-6a Plant Controller

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ComfortPoint Open


• BACnet 2010 certified
• 24 Vac/dc power supply (from external transformer).
O I 2 3

• Three separate RS485 interfaces consisting of screw-

type terminals.
• One additional RS485 interface consisting of push-in
Rx1 Tx1

• Three pairs of LEDs indicating the transmission and
ComfortPoint Open

reception (respectively) of data via the three screw-

Rx2 Tx2 Rx3 Tx3
type RS485 interfaces.
• Quick and convenient connection to neighboring
modules using the XS816 Bridge Connector (regular
cabling also possible).
• Alarm LED, power LED.
• Three DIP switches for manually switching internal
biasing resistors to the three screw-type RS485
GENERAL • Two Ethernet connectors and corresponding status
The ComfortPointTM Open Plant Controller CPO-PC-6A is an LEDs.
Ethernet-based, freely programmable native BACnet® • Watchdog for connection to optical or acoustical
building Controller (B-BC), which is designed for a wide signaling devices.
variety of complex applications. • Communication using the Panel Bus communication
The CPO-PC-6A features a large complement of different protocol (all four RS485 interfaces), the BACnet MS/TP
analog inputs, analog outputs, binary inputs, binary outputs, protocol (RS485 interfaces 1, 2, and 3), the Field Bus
and relays. protocol (RS485 interfaces 1, 2, and 3), the Modbus
The CPO-PC-6A also features numerous communication protocol (RS485 interfaces 1, 2, and 3), and the CP-IO
interfaces, chief among them four different RS485 interfaces protocol (RS485 interface 4, only).
(three of which are screw-type terminals located in the • Built-in advanced diagnostics software facilitating
terminal block at the upper left-hand corner; the fourth con- troubleshooting.
sists of push-in terminals at the upper right-hand corner). It • RAM (incl. online data and real-time clock time) are
also possesses two standard Ethernet interfaces. buffered by a super capacitor for 72 hours.
The CPO-PC-6A is thus compatible with a wide range of • UTF-8 and UCS-2 character encoding formats are
other electronic devices (see also Fig. 1. ComfortPointTM supported.
Open System architecture on pg. 3). • Maximum number of Trend objects permitted: 100
Clearly visible LED control lamps convey important status and • Maximum number of samples per Trend: 200
alarm information. NOTE: Trend samples are based on COV.
The CPO-PC-6A has a durable, anthracite-colored plastic • Supports Peer-to-Peer communication.
housing conforming with DIN 43880, with a max. slot height of
45 mm. It is thus suitable for mounting in fuse boxes, but can
also be mounted on 35 mm standard panel rails (both vertical
and horizontal mounting possible).

® U.S. Registered Trademark

Copyright © 2016 Honeywell Inc. • All Rights Reserved EN0B-0656GE51 R1016
ComfortPointTM Open CPO-PC-6A Plant Controller – Data Sheet

IO scan time
Expansion IO:
Points No. of Extn IO IO Cycle Time
present in Boards (Including Cycle
IO board Connected Time Delay) ms
Input points 1 198
16 884
n ((n+1)*49) + 100ms
Output 1 158
16 564
n ((n+1)*29) + 100
Input+Output 1 256
16 1348
n ((n+1)*78)
n: number of points

Field bus scan time:

Number of IO Cycle Time

modules ms
32 505.6

Panelbus scan time:

Points No. of Extn IO IO Cycle Time

present in Boards (Including Cycle
IO board Connected Time Delay) ms
Input points 1 26
16 116ms
n (n * 6) + 20
Output 1 15 + 250 + 20
16 240 + 250 + 20
n (n * 15) + 250 + 20
n: number of connected boards

EN0B-0656GE51 R1016 2
ComfortPointTM Open CPO-PC-6A Plant Controller – Data Sheet

The ComfortPointTM Open System consists of the CPO-PC-6A Plant Controller and other field-level devices as well as
management-level systems connected via the controller’s various interfaces and bus connections. See also Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. ComfortPointTM Open System architecture

3 EN0B-0656GE51 R1016
ComfortPointTM Open CPO-PC-6A Plant Controller – Data Sheet


Table 1. Description of CPO-PC-6A terminals
11 12
Type Term. Signal Comment
I 2 3

1 power supply (24 Vac/dc) from
1 24 V~ transformer (internal connection to
terminal 77)
Rx1 Tx1

Honeywell 3 power supply (24 Vac/dc) from

ComfortPoint Open
5 2 24 V~0 transformer (internal connection to
Rx2 Tx2 Rx3 Tx3 6
terminal 78)
7 3 (+) for RS485 interface 1
4 (-) for RS485 interface 1

13 14 15 16 17 5 (GND) for RS485 interface 1
6 (GND) for RS485 interface 4
7 not used.
8 not used.
9 watchdog relay
Fig. 2. Interfaces and terminals 10 watchdog relay
11 (+) for RS485 interface 2
1 Power supply for I/O modules 12 (-) for RS485 interface 2
2 Panel Bus communication terminals 13 (GND) for RS485 interface 2
3 Tx 1 LED (yellow)
4 Rx 1 LED (yellow) 14 (+) for RS485 interface 3
5 Alarm LED (red) 15 (-) for RS485 interface 3
6 Power LED (green)
16 (GND) for RS485 interface 3
7 Tx 3 LED (yellow)
8 Rx 3 LED (yellow) 75 COM a (+) for RS485 interface 4
9 Tx 2 LED (yellow)

76 COM b (-) for RS485 interface 4


10 Rx 2 LED (yellow)
power supply for connected
11 two terminal blocks, incl. terminals 1-16 77 24 V~
12 DIP switches for individually setting RS485 buses
13 RS232 interface power supply for connected
78 24 V~0
14 Ethernet 1 connector
15 Ethernet 2 connector
16 USB-B connector (not used)
17 USB-A connector (not used)

Equipment damage!
► Make sure that the CPO-PC-6A is not connected to earth
► If nonetheless earth grounding is required, make sure that
only terminal 2 is connected to earth ground. Terminal 1
must not be connected to earth ground.

EN0B-0656GE51 R1016 4
ComfortPointTM Open CPO-PC-6A Plant Controller – Data Sheet

Tx LED and Rx LED Power LED (Green)

The CPO-PC-6A is equipped with three Tx LEDs (status: The CPO-PC-6A is equipped with a power LED.
yellow/OFF) and three corresponding Rx LEDs (status:
yellow/OFF). Table 3. Power LED
These LEDs indicate (by flickering) the transmission /
reception of data by the CPO-PC-6A via its three RS485 behavior meaning
interfaces. ON Normal operation. CPO-PC-6A is in Boot
Specifically: loader mode. Either Boot loader 1 or Boot
 Tx1 and Rx1 indicate the transmission/reception loader 2 is running.
(respectively) of data by the CPO-PC-6A via its RS485 OFF No power to processor, LED damaged, low
interfaces 1 (Bus 1: terminals 3, 4, and 5). voltage to board, first second of power up,
 Tx2 and Rx2 indicate the transmission/reception or boot loader damaged or NAND flash
(respectively) of data by the CPO-PC-6A via its RS485 formatting is in process.
interfaces 2 (Bus 2: terminals 11, 12, and 13).
very slow CPO-PC-6A is operating normally and the
 Tx3 and Rx3 indicate the transmission/reception blink firmware is executing the application.
(respectively) of data by the CPO-PC-6A via its RS485
interfaces 3 (Bus 3: terminals 14, 15, and 16). slow blink Firmware is not executing application.

Table 2. Behavior and meaning of RS485 LEDs

Alarm LED (red) and Watchdog
LED behavior meaning The alarm LED indicates the status of the watchdog relay
OFF No communication over the given (terminals 9 and 10). The watchdog relay is for connection to
RS485 interface. optical or acoustical signals, and allows 24 V, 500 mA dry
contacts. These contacts are closed when the power is OFF,
ON steadily Fault. when no application is loaded, or when the firmware or appli-
ON/OFF randomly Communication occurring over the cation is not working properly. The watchdog resets the CPO-
given RS485 interface. PC-6A if the delay since the previous trigger exceeds 20 sec.
Further, the watchdog locks the CPO-PC-6A if the trigger
between two restarts is not set.
RS232 Interface NOTE: In the event of software problems, the CPO-PC-6A
The CPO-PC-6A is equipped with an RS232 Interface for the should be restarted by switching the power OFF
connection of a terminal via a standard XW885 cable. and then back ON.
Table 4. Alarm LED

Ethernet 1 Interface behavior meaning

RJ45 female interface for permanent connection to the OFF Watchdog alarm relay contacts are open =
ETHERNET network. normal operation (or unpowered).
ON Watchdog alarm relay contacts are closed =
Ethernet 2 Interface failure (alarm) status.
• CPO-PC-6A has encountered a hardware
For connection of a laptop or PC (onto which ComfortPoint problem.
Open Studio has been installed) via a standard Ethernet • The application has a fault.
cross-over cable for application download/upload, or
• CPO-PC-6A powered up without
application de-bugging, or Internet Browser access, while the
application or operator has manually
CPO-PC-6A can remain connected in the Ethernet network
stopped application, e.g., using the
without interruption. This allows parallel access, e.g., without
ComfortPoint Open Online Tool. The LED
creating alarm showers at the front-end.
will then light up 13 min. after power-up
without application.
USB Interfaces
USB-A and USB-B interfaces are currently not supported. Table 5. Permissible load of terminals 9, 10
max. load
per normally 19…29 Vac 10 mA
closed current at cos φ ≥ 0.6: 0.5A
contact 19…29 Vdc
(terminals 9, 0.5 A resistive or inductive

5 EN0B-0656GE51 R1016
ComfortPointTM Open CPO-PC-6A Plant Controller – Data Sheet


The CPO-PC-6A features three DIP switches (equipped with Table 6. CPO-PC-6A
510 Ω bias resistors) located to the right of the two blocks of
non-removable screw-type terminals. Each DIP switch can be Feature Description
used to switch the 510 Ω bias resistors of the corresponding
RS485 interface ON and OFF. SRAM 512 KB
 The bias resistors of RS485 interface 1 (terminals 3, 4, NOR-Flash 4 MB
and 5) is switched ON/OFF using DIP switch 1.
 The bias resistors of RS485 interface 2 (terminals 11, 12, NAND-Flash 512 MB
and 13) is switched ON/OFF using DIP switch 2.
CPU Freescale Coldfire MCF5485, 200
 The bias resistors of RS485 interface 3 (terminals 14, 15, MHz, 32-bit
and 16) is switched ON/OFF using DIP switch 3.
The resultant communication rate over RS485 interfaces 1, 2, Operating System MQX (Message Queue eXecutive)
and 3 depends upon the given communication protocol
selected during engineering using ComfortPoint Open Studio.
NOTE: The CPO-PC-6A does not contain a battery. The
contents of RAM (incl. online data [out-of-service
flag and runtime datapoint properties] and real-
time clock time) are buffered by a super capacitor
for (typically) 72 hours.
Serial number, date code, part number, and manufacturing
location are stored in the CPO-PC-6A non-volatile memory
and are thus protected against deleting or overwriting.

EN0B-0656GE51 R1016 6
ComfortPointTM Open CPO-PC-6A Plant Controller – Data Sheet


► When performing any work (installation, mounting, start-
up), all manufacturer instructions and in particular the
Safety Information as per EN60730-1
Installation and Commissioning Instructions (EN1B- The ComfortPoint Open System is intended for home
0462GE51) are to be observed. (residential, commercial, and light-industrial) environments.
► The ComfortPointTM Open System (including the CPO-PC- The ComfortPoint Open System is an independently mounted
6A Plant Controller, Panel Bus I/O modules, manual electronic control system with fixed wiring.
disconnect modules, and the auxiliary terminal packages) The CPO-PC-6A is suitable for mounting in fuse boxes
may be installed and mounted only by authorized and conforming with standard DIN43880, and having a slot height
trained personnel. of max. 45 mm.
► Rules regarding electrostatic discharge should be followed. It is suitable for panel rail mounting on 35 mm standard panel
► If the ComfortPointTM Open System is modified in any way, rail (both horizontal and vertical rail mounting possible).
except by the manufacturer, all warranties concerning The CPO-PC-6A is used for the purpose of building HVAC
operation and safety are invalidated. control and is suitable for use only in non-safety controls for
► FCC-CERTIFIED: This device complies with Part 15 of the installation on or in appliances.
FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two Table 7. Safety information as per EN60730-1
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful inter-
ference, and (2) this device must accept any interference Shock protection 24 V-powered controls: Class III
received, including interference that may cause undesired mains-powered controls: Class II
Pollution degree Pollution Degree 2,
► Make sure that the local standards and regulations are suitable for use in home and industrial
observed at all times. Examples of such regulations are environments.
VDE 0800 and VDE 0100 or EN 60204-1 for earth
grounding. Installation Class 3
► Use only accessory equipment which comes from or has
been approved by Honeywell. Overvoltage 24 V-powered controls: Category I
category mains-powered controls: Category II
► It is recommended that devices be kept at room tem-
perature for at least 24 hours before applying power. This Rated impulse 330 Vac for Category I
is to allow any condensation resulting from low voltage 2500 Vac for Category II
shipping/storage temperatures to evaporate.
► The ComfortPoint Open System must be installed in a Automatic action Type 1.C
manner (e.g., in a lockable cabinet) ensuring that (micro-interruption for the relay
uncertified persons have no access to the terminals. outputs)
► Investigated according to United States Standard UL-
60730 and UL-916. Software class Class A
► Investigated according to Canadian National Standard(s) Enclosure IP20 according to EN-60529
C22.2, No. 205-M1983 (CNL-listed).
► Do not open the CPO-PC-6A, as it contains no user- Ball-pressure test 75 °C for all housing and plastic parts
serviceable parts inside! temperature 125 °C in the case of devices applied
► CE declarations according to LVD Directive 2006/95/EC with voltage-carrying parts and
and EMC Directive 2004/108/EC. connectors
► Product standards are EN 60730-1 and EN 60730-2-9. Electromagnetic Tested at 230 Vac, with the modules
interference in normal condition.
System Europe: safety isolating transformers
transformer according to IEC61558-2-6
U.S.A. and Canada: NEC Class-2

7 EN0B-0656GE51 R1016
ComfortPointTM Open CPO-PC-6A Plant Controller – Data Sheet

System Data Interfaces and Bus Connections
Table 8. System data Via its various interfaces and bus connections, the CPO-PC-
6A can be connected to a variety of devices and systems.
operating voltage 24 Vac, ± 20% (50/60 Hz),
21 … 30 Vdc
Hardware Interfaces
power 7 VA
Table 11. Hardware interfaces
overvoltage Protected against overvoltages of
protection max. 28 Vac or 40 Vdc, Ethernet 10/100 Mbit/s, RJ45
terminals protected against short- MSTP Port Supports 9.6, 38.4, and 76.8 Kbps
Modbus 0.6 to 115.2 Kbps

Standards Panel bus 115.2 Kbps

Table 9. Standards
protection class IP20 Supported Communication Protocols
product standards EN 60730-1, EN 60730-2-9, UL6730- The following communication protocols are supported. (There
1, CAN/CSA-E60730-1:02 are no limitations pertaining to the parallel / concurrent use of
communication protocols.) See Table 12.
testing electrical IEC68
Table 12. Protocols supported by communication
certification CE, cUL60730, UL916, BACnet 2010 interfaces
system The system transformer(s) must be supported
communication interface
transformer safety isolating transformers protocol(s)
according to IEC 61558-2-6.
Panel Bus (terminals 75, 76) Panel Bus; CP-IO
In the U.S.A. and Canada, NEC Class
2 transformers must be used. RS485 interface 1 (term. 3, 4, 5)
Panel Bus, BACnet
RS485 interface 2 (term. 11, 12, 13) MS/TP, Mod-Bus,
Field Bus
Operational Environment RS485 interface 3 (term. 14, 15, 16)
Table 10. Operational environment watchdog (terminals 9, 10) --
ambient operating 0 … 50 °C (32 … 122 °F) RS232 interface --
temperature Ethernet 1 interface BACnet/IP, Telnet
ambient operating 5 … 95% relative humidity Ethernet 2 interface BACnet/IP, Telnet
humidity (non-condensing)
USB-A, USB-B interfaces not used
vibration under 0.024” double amplitude (2 … 30 Hz),
operation 0.6 g (30 … 300 Hz) The communication rate across each communication
dust, vibration interface is dependent upon the given communication
According to EN60730-1
RFI, EMI home (residential, commercial, and
light-industrial) environments

MTBF (Mean Time 11.7 years

Between Failure)

EN0B-0656GE51 R1016 8
ComfortPointTM Open CPO-PC-6A Plant Controller – Data Sheet


57 180

O I 2 3

Rx1 Tx1

45 110 ComfortPoint Open

Rx2 Tx2 Rx3 Tx3



Fig. 3. CPO-PC-6A dimensions (mm)

9 EN0B-0656GE51 R1016
ComfortPointTM Open CPO-PC-6A Plant Controller – Data Sheet

Manufactured for and on behalf of the Environmental and Combustion Controls Division of Honeywell Technologies Sàrl, Rolle, Z.A. La Pièce 16, Switzerland by its Authorized Representative:

Automation and Control Solutions

Honeywell GmbH
Böblinger Strasse 17
71101 Schönaich / Germany
Phone: (49) 7031 63701
Fax: (49) 7031 637493

Subject to change without notice. Printed in Germany

EN0B-0656GE51 R1016

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