Academic Assesment of Student Learning
Academic Assesment of Student Learning
Academic Assesment of Student Learning
Notice in your observation the ways students communicate through speaking and/or writing what
they have learned. Specifically, take notes that strengthen your understanding of student
participation, voice, motivation, and understanding. Use the following grid to help you collect
your thoughts as you observe throughout the lesson.
Communicate the Learning At the start of the lesson, the teacher asked students
Objectives: to record the content objectives in their notebooks.
In what ways do you observe She Also asked two students to read each of the two
students communicating or learning objectives out loud to the class. The closing
explaining in their own words of the lesson is where students were asked to make
the learning objectives and meaning of these objectives as they were asked to
why they are important to reflect on how they relate to the messages/themes in
them? the text.