8 Calculator Basics: 8.1 Equation Solving
8 Calculator Basics: 8.1 Equation Solving
8 Calculator Basics: 8.1 Equation Solving
Over the years, engineers have changed their problem solving tools from
slide rules to modern scientific calculators. There are a number of excellent
calculators available, but I am going to restrict my discussion to the TI-89.
Both of these calculators have symbolic and numerical equation solving
functions. This chapter is not intended to be a sales pitch for either calculator
and I realize that many mathematics departments restrict their use, but there
are few problems that you will encounter in undergraduate engineering
classes that can not be solved using either of these two calculators. In this
chapter we will concentrate on four basic functions of the calculator that
are extremely useful. It is assumed that you know how to perform basic
operations on your calculator.
8. Calculator Basics
2x2 + 5x + 1 = 0
solve(2 ∗ x2 + 5 ∗ x + 1 = 0, x)
If you enter a decimal point with any of the numbers in the equation,
the computer will produce the answer in decimal form. The solver will also
solve the problem in symbolic form if the equation is entered with symbolic
ax2 + bx + c = 0
solve(a ∗ x2 + b ∗ x + c = 0, x)
The x-axis value at the point of intersection of two lines provides a more
complex example.
Equation Solving
Example 8.3. Data has been collected on two different processes that
share a common x-axis range and the two different data sets intersect
at some point. One of the data sets is adequately described by the
y = ax+b
and the other by
y = c0 + c1 x + c2 x2
The coefficients are
a = 2.0 b = 0.5
c0 = 15 c1 = 0.1 c2 = −0.05
0 2 4 6 8 10
3. Press )
x = −44.51 x = 6.51
8. Calculator Basics
constraint, all that needs to be done is add a | x > 0 to the line after the
closing parenthesis (the > is obtained by pushing 2nd and then the decimal
point key).
solve(2 × x + 0.5 = 15 + 0.1 × x − 0.05 × x2 , x)|x > 0
Pressing the ENTER key now produces only one answer, x = 6.51.
The same example could have been done using symbols in place of the
numeric coefficients. This might be useful if the process needed to be done
many times with different numeric values for the coefficients. After we
discuss integration, we will see how these two functions can be combined
to solve some difficult problems.
8.2 Derivatives
One of the first topics covered in calculus is derivatives. You learn the steps
necessary to take the derivative of a function and get plenty of practice.
Fortunately, there is an easier way. Symbolic processing of equations is
available on the TI-89 calculator. The system as implemented will take the
derivative of most equations that you will encounter during your undergrad-
uate career. To take the derivative of an equation first press F3 1 and then
enter the equation. After the equation, add a comma and the differential
variable followed by a right parenthesis. Pressing ENTER will display the
derivative of the equation on the screen.
1. F3 1
2. d( f(x) ,x )
• ax3 =⇒ 3 · a · x2
• 7x4 − 2x3 + 8x + 5 =⇒ 28 · x3 − 6 · x2 + 8
=⇒ 2 · (x −8(x·2x−4+3· x+1)
· x2 −4 · x+8)
4 3
2x3 +4
• x2 −4x+1 2
As you can see, the calculator will take the derivatives of a number of
different types of functions. Numerical differentiation is more difficult
than numerical integration since it relies on a data set.
8.3 Integration
One of the problems that many mathematics departments have with these
types of calculators is the ability to integrate equations both numerically
and symbolically. Some mathematics departments will allow the use of a
TI-83 calculator but not the TI-89 calculator because the TI-83 is limited
to numeric integration.
Symbolic Integration
The integration function is just as easy to use as the solve function. Getting
the integration function on the command line is the first step. This can be
accomplished by pressing F3 and then 2 or by pressing 2nd and then the
7 key. In either case, a small integral sign and a left parenthesis appears
on the command line.Next type in the equation to be integrated and then a
comma followed by the integration variable.
(2 x, x)
8. Calculator Basics
which, except for the subscripts, is identical to the result given in Equation
The main difference is the initial command to get nint( and replacing
the symbolic limits with numeric limits. When you integrate an equation,
you obtain the area under the curve between the limits (Figure 8.1.
This results in a function that looks like this on the calculator screen
fra(z) =
Integration and Solve
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
where z is a dummy variable that holds values sent to the function. If you
enter f ra(0.5), the calculator returns 0.3333. It is good practice to give the
functions unique names. I suggest starting them with an f or g to set them
apart from named constants.
8. Calculator Basics
1. F2 8 =⇒ nSolve(
Building Tables
The TI-89 calculator has a table function that allows the entry of lists of
numbers. On the APPS screen the table function is called the Data/Matrix
Editor. Invoking the editor brings us a window that asks
Data/Matrix Editor
If you have an active table, selecting the first option will open the table.
Saved tables can be opened with the second option and a new table can
be created using the third option. The basic table looks like that shown in
Table 8.2.
c1 c2 c3
Using the right arrow key, you can scroll to the right to see cells c4, c5, c6
…. This table has the same form as a spreadsheet, but you cannot perform
calculations in the cells. You can, however, place calculated values in the
cells. For instance, if you want to enter the ln of a series of numbers into
the table all you have to do is select a cell, press the 2nd x, enter the number,
place a closing parenthesis and then press ENTER . The natural log of the
8. Calculator Basics
number that you entered will be placed in the cell. Example 8.6
Example 8.6. Find the mean, median, and standard deviation of the
list of temperatures shown below.
8.6 Regression
The Stats/List (a free download from www.ti.com) workspace provides a con-
venient place for performing regression analysis. For large data sets, Excel
or some other computer program is better suited for regression analysis,
but the calculator works well for small data sets. If you went through the
steps for Example 8.6, clear the variable t by pressing F1 8. You now have
a empty workspace. Name the first column x and the second column y. We
will start out using a linear data set and performing linear regression. Table
8.3 has a set of (x,y) data that can be used to test linear regression on the
TI-89 calculator. After naming the columns x and y, enter the data as shown
and push the F4 3 2 buttons in order. A window will appear that asks for the
X List and Y List. Enter x ENTER and y ENTER and select the y1 variable in
which to store the best fit equation. Once this is done, press ENTER twice to
return to the Stats/Listworkspace. A window that has the best fit parameters
with goodness-of-fit measure will appear. Press ENTER and then press F2
1 and then press F5. A plot will appear with the best fit line added to the
x y
0 0.1
0.5 0.25
1.0 0.4
1.5 0.55
2 0.7
Table 8.3: Data for linear regression
There are other built-in functions that can be used to fit data. The
choices are
• LinReg (a + bx)
• LinReg (ax + b)
• QuadReg (c0 + c1 x + c2 x2 )
• CubicReg (c0 + c1 x + c2 x2 + c3 x3 )
• QuartReg (c0 + c1 x + c2 x2 + c3 x3 + c4 x4 )
• LnReg (a + b ln x)
• ExpReg (a + bx )
• PowerReg (axb )
• SinReg (a sin bx + c + d)
• MultReg
8. Calculator Basics
8.7 Summary
Learning to use your calculator is important. The TI-89 calculator is a
powerful tool that can be a great help in your undergraduate career. We
have only covered a few of the capabilities of the calculator, but they are
probably the most important ones that you will need besides the standard