5G School at IITK

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IITK Nextgen Training and Research School (NTRS) on

PYTHON + R Projects for 5G Wireless Technologies

MU Massive MIMO and mmWave MIMO 15th to 26th February 2021
NOMA, Cooperative and Cognitive Radio 8th to 19th March 2021
Organized by Prof. Aditya K. Jagannatham, EE Department, IIT Kanpur
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Topics and 5G PYTHON Projects

1. Introduction and Key Specs of 5G Technologies
2. Overview of Sub 6GHz Multiple Antenna, MIMO and MU-MIMO Technologies
3. Signal Processing for MIMO Systems
4. Optimal Power Allocation and Precoding for MIMO
5. Introduction to 5G Massive MIMO Systems
6. Key Features of Massive MIMO and Advantages over Point-to-Point and MU-
7. Signal Processing Operations for Massive MIMO in UL and DL
8. Massive MIMO Channel Model– Large/ Small Scale Fading
9. Properties of Random Vectors and Massive MIMO Analysis
10. Analysis of Spectral Efficiency in Massive MIMO Systems and Power Scaling
11. Pilot Design and Channel Estimation in Massive MIMO Systems
12. Trasmitter and Receiver Schemes with Imperfect CSI
13. Spectral Efficiency Analysis of Massive MIMO with Imperfect CSI
14. Power Scaling in Massive MIMO with Imperfect CSI and Comparison with
Perfect CSI
15. Introduction to mmWave MIMO Communication
16. Channel Models for mmWave MIMO Systems
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
17. Hybrid Signal Processing for mmWave MIMO Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
18. Digital and Analog Beamforming India - 208016
19. Hybrid RF/ BB Precoder and Combiner Design for mmWave MIMO
20. Hybrid Transceiver Architectures for mmWave MIMO
21. Sparse Signal Processing and Channel Estimation for mmWave MIMO
22. Optimal Design of Beams and Sensing Matrix for Channel Estimation
23. New Modulation Schemes for 5G- Spatial Modulation (SM), Space Shift
Keying (SSK) and Optimal Receiver
24. Generalized Spatial Modulation (GSM)
25. Spectral Efficiency Comparison of GSM with Conventional V-BLAST
26. Introduction to Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) Technology
27. Efficiency of NOMA wrt Conventional Orthogonal Multiple Access (OMA)
28. Fixed NOMA Protocol for UL/ DL – Performance Analysis
29. Ordered NOMA Protocol and Performance Analysis, Comparison with Fixed
30. Optimal Power Allocation for NOMA Systems
31. Cooperative Communication, Optimal Combining
32. BER Analysis and Diversity of Cooperative Communication
33. Optimal Power Allocation with Cooperation
34. Cooperative MIMO communication, Multi-Node Cooperation
35. Introduction to Cognitive Radio Technology
36. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) for CR
37. Spectrum Sensing in Fading Wireless Channels, MIMO systems, OFDM
38. Cooperative Spectrum Sensing
39. Multi-User Transmission in Interweave CR Systems
40. MIMO for Underlay CR Systems
41. Project 1A: Introduction to Scientific Programming in PYTHON and packages
such as NUMPY, MAATPLOTLIB and other packages and introduction to
Fading channel simulation
42. Project 2A: Introduction to Scientific Programming in R and introduction to
Fading channel simulation
43. Project 3A: PYTHON-based case study for simulation and performance of
AWGN and Wireless Fading Channels
44. Project 4A: R-based case study for simulation and performance of AWGN
and Wireless Fading Channels
45. Project 5A: PYTHON-based case study for MIMO system performance
46. Project 6A: R-based case study for MIMO system performance
47. Project 7A: PYTHON-based case study for Massive MIMO simulation,
performance and power scaling
48. Project 8A: R-based case study for Massive MIMO simulation, performance
and power scaling
49. Project 9A: PYTHON-based case study for channel estimation and
performance of Massive MIMO
50. Project 10A: R-based case study for channel estimation and performance of
Massive MIMO
51. Project 11A: PYTHON-based case study for SM, SSK for 5G MIMO Systems
52. Project 12A: R-based case study for SM, SSK for 5G MIMO Systems
53. Project 13A: PYTHON-based case study for mmWave MIMO channel
54. Project 14A: R-based case study for mmWave MIMO channel estimation
55. Project 15A: PYTHON-based case study for Hybrid Transceiver Design for
mmWave MIMO systems
56. Project 16A: R-based case study for Hybrid Transceiver Design for mmWave
MIMO systems
57. Project 17A: PYTHON-based case study of Analog Beamforming in mmWave
MIMO systems
58. Project 18A: R-based case study of Analog Beamforming in mmWave MIMO
59. Project 1B: Introduction to Scientific Programming in PYTHON and packages
such as NUMPY, MAATPLOTLIB and other packages and introduction to
Fading channel simulation
60. Project 2B: Introduction to Scientific Programming in R and introduction to
Fading channel simulation
61. Project 3B: PYTHON-based case study of BER performance in AWGN and
Fading channels
62. Project 4B: R-based case study of BER performance in AWGN and Fading
63. Project 5B: PYTHON-based case study for beamforming techniques and
performance of Multiple antenna wireless channels
64. Project 6B: R-based case study for beamforming techniques and
performance of Multiple antenna wireless channels
65. Project 7B: PYTHON-based case study for simulation and analysis of Fixed
NOMA Systems
66. Project 8B: R-based case study for simulation and analysis of Fixed NOMA
67. Project 9B: PYTHON-based case study of Ordered NOMA systems and
Optimal Power Allocation
68. Project 10B: R-based case study of Ordered NOMA systems and Optimal
Power Allocation
69. Project 11B: PYTHON-based study on simulation and analysis of Cooperative
Communication systems
70. Project 12B: R-based study on simulation and analysis of Cooperative
Communication systems
71. Project 13B: PYTHON-based case study on simulation and performance of
Multi-relay communication systems
72. Project 14B: R-based case study on simulation and performance of Multi-
relay communication systems
73. Project 15B: PYTHON-based case study of spectrum Sensing for CR
74. Project 16B: R-based case study of spectrum Sensing for CR systems
75. Project 17B: Python-based case study of transceiver design and optimization
for MIMO CR systems
76. Project 18B: R-based case study of transceiver design and optimization for
MIMO CR systems
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