A Brief History of Acupuncture: Rheumatology June 2004
A Brief History of Acupuncture: Rheumatology June 2004
A Brief History of Acupuncture: Rheumatology June 2004
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Complementary Medicine, Peninsula Medical School, Universities of Exeter and Plymouth, 25 Victoria Park Road, Exeter EX2 4NT UK.
Rheumatology Vol. 43 No. 5 ß British Society for Rheumatology 2004; all rights reserved
A brief history of acupuncture 663
practical means of providing even basic levels of health to the the sites of traditional acupuncture points with their associated
massive population. Chairman Mao is quoted as saying, in relation meridians [22]. There is a plethora of suggested mechanisms of
to traditional medicine, ‘Let a thousand flowers flourish’ although action of acupuncture, but little valid data on which, if any,
he himself rejected acupuncture treatment when he was ill [3]. mechanisms are relevant to clinical practice. Evidence of clinical
The divergent strands of acupuncture theory and practice were effectiveness is also still elusive for many conditions such as chronic
brought together in a consensus known as traditional Chinese pain [23], but in the last decade of the twentieth century systematic
medicine (TCM) [8], which also included herbal medicine. reviews have provided more reliable evidence of acupuncture’s
Acupuncture research institutes were established in the 1950s value in treating nausea (from various causes), dental pain, back
throughout China and treatment became available in separate pain and headache [24].
acupuncture departments within Western-style hospitals. Over the
same period, a more scientific explanation of acupuncture was
sought by Prof. Han in Beijing who undertook ground-breaking
research on acupuncture’s release of neurotransmitters, particu-
larly opioid peptides [10]. 1. Huang KC. Acupuncture: the past and the present. New York:
The spread of acupuncture to other countries occurred at Vantage, 1996.
various times and by different routes. In the sixth century, Korea 2. Ma KW. The roots and development of Chinese acupuncture: from
and Japan assimilated Chinese acupuncture and herbs into their prehistory to early 20th century. Acupunct Med 1992;10(Suppl):
medical systems [6]. Both countries still retain these therapies, 92–9.
mostly in parallel with Western medicine. Acupuncture arrived in 3. Basser S. Acupuncture: a history. Sci Rev Altern Med 1999;3:34–41.