Greater First United Baptist Church: A Word Just For You From Pastor Johnson
Greater First United Baptist Church: A Word Just For You From Pastor Johnson
Greater First United Baptist Church: A Word Just For You From Pastor Johnson
9:30 Sunday School 11:00 Worship
12:00 -1:00 PM Noonday Bible Study 6:30 PM Fellowship Meal 7:00 PM Bible Study
Greater First United is a fellowship of Christian Believers who are Building the Kingdom of God through Excellence in Kingdom Love and Kingdom Living. We do our best to: FREELY worship God from the heart SINCERELY welcome everyone we meet as a child of God POSITIVELY improve our lives by learning and practicing Kingdom principles FAITHFULLY serve our community through works of compassion and empowerment GENUINELY love and support each other as friends in the family of God Matthew 6:33
Call to Worship Illumination of Gods Presence Morning Hymn He Lives #102 Morning Prayer
Hear My Prayer
Gods Scholarship Offering (passing the basket) Gods Tithes & General Offering (processional to front)
What a Fellowship
Kingdom Kids Reading in Preparation of the Word GFUBC Sanctuary Choir
The Lord Bless You and Keep You (with Sevenfold Amen)
The GFUBC Missionaries are asking for your participation in helping us honor or memorialize our mothers. A list of mothers' names will be included in our order of worship on Mother's Day. We are asking for a $5.00 donation for each name. These gifts will be used to help the Missionaries in our Outreach Mission for this year. The deadline for submitting names is May 4, KINGDOM MARRIAGE RETREAT The retreat will be July 17th 19th in Wil- 2014. Please see any missionary member to provide your name(s) and donation(s). mington, NC. There is a signup sheet and Thank you in advance for your support and registration information sheet located in the foyer. There will be workshops, excur- participation.
sions, and plenty of free time to hang out on your own. New members, this is a great way to spend time with Pastor & Lady Johnson, and meet other couples at the church. If you have additional questions please see Deacon Kevin Grier or Sis. Yolanda Grier.
For Transportation
Please call the church at 336-882-6211 and leave a message by Saturday @ 7pm if you need church bus service for Sunday, or see Deacon Dan Reynolds.
Come out to join our new study and to learn how you can embrace GREATER in your life.