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Multipurpose Probabilistic Software For Statistical, Sensitivity and Reliability Analysis

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Multipurpose Probabilistic Software

for Statistical, Sensitivity and Reliability Analysis

Revision 12/2004, FReET version 1.1

Part – 2
FReET M/A User Manual

Cervenka Consulting
Prof. Drahomı́r Novák, Ph.D.
Saumannova 10, 615 00 Brno
Czech Republic
phone: +420603172861
e-mail: [email protected]
University address: Institute of Structural Mechanics
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology
Veveri 95, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic

Distributor: Vladimı́r Červenka, Ph.D., Cervenka Consulting

Predvoje 22, 162 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic
phone/fax: +420220610018
e-mail: [email protected]

FReET Program Documentation

Part 2

User Manual

Written by:
Drahomı́r Novák, Miroslav Vořechovský,
Radoslav Rusina & David Lehký

Brno, December 2004

FREET – Program Documentation User Manual


2 FILE 3
2.1 Open a FReET data file (File/Open) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 Saving a file (File/Save/Save as) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3 Ending FReET (File/Exit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3


4.1 Random variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2 Statistical correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10


5.1 FReET M-version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
5.1.1 Equation interpreter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
5.1.2 DLL function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.2 FReET A-version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13


6.1 General data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6.2 Check samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6.3 Model analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16


7.1 Histograms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
7.2 Limit state function (LSF) definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
7.3 Sensitivity analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
7.4 Reliability analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21


The purpose of this manual is to provide a full description of the graphic user interface
of program FReET. This document is compatible with FReET version 1.1 released in
12.2004. The multipurpose probabilistic software FReET has been developed for sta-
tistical, sensitivity and reliability analysis of both simple and computationally intensive
user-defined engineering problems. An emphasize is on small-sample reliability techniques
which use very small number of simulations. The main aim of the software is to enable
a probabilistic treatment of complex engineering problems coded into deterministic soft-
ware where classical reliability approaches are not feasible. The software is designed in
the form suitable for relatively easy probabilistic assessment of any user-defined problem.
The name of the software reflects this strategy – FReET is the acronym for Feasible
REliability Engineering Tool.
FReET can be utilized in two versions – as “stand alone” multipurpose program for
any user-defined problem (M-version) and as module integrated with ATENA (A-version).
This manual provides the descriptions of general features of the software valid for both ver-
sions. Main differences between two versions are described in the chapter Response/Limit
state function definition. If necessary, the differences are mentioned as a remark related to
M or A-versions in other chapters of this manual. The main aim of this text is to describe
how to efficiently utilize software FReET with all details and possibilities provided by the
graphic user interface.
FReET A-version has been integrated with advanced nonlinear fracture mechanics
software for computational analysis of concrete structures – the finite element program
ATENA (Cervenka Consulting, Prague, Czech Republic), the integration is controlled by
SARA Studio software shell. Full understanding of the concept of this complex integration
is beyond the framework of this text. The user of A-version of FReET should get next
information support from ATENA and SARA documentations.
Although some examples are included in this manual to support the description of
some software functions, a systematic treatment of examples is not covered. It is a subject
of a separate document – FReET Part 3 – Benchmarks and Examples. The description of
theoretical methods implemented in FReET is provided in FReET Part 2 – Theory.

FREET – Program Documentation User Manual

2.1 Open a FReET data file (File/Open)
A FReET file can be opened by this command. A classical window shown in Fig. 1 will
appear after using this command. FReET files have extension *.fre and contain input data
and results.

Figure 1: Open existing FReET file

Input *.fre files with benchmarks can be found in subdirectory Examples of the program
FReET in case of the default setting is used during installation of the program. History
of recently opened files is saved during one activation of FReET under File menu for easy
Note: In case that FReET HASP (hardlock) is not found, the program is functioning
as a demo version with several restrictions, which is announced. One restriction is that
only rectangular distribution is allowed for basic random variables. In case *.fre file is
opened under running demo version all distributions are changed to rectangular ones.

2.2 Saving a file (File/Save/Save as)

A current FReET file can be saved using this commands. A dialog window appears if the
file has not yet been given name or if ”Save as” command was clicked, Fig. 2. A file name
should be written in this dialogue box and by clicking ”Save” button the file is saved.

2.3 Ending FReET (File/Exit)

FReET program can be terminated by choosing this menu item. If data contents in FReET
were changed and not saved before, a dialog box will appear and makes possible a data
saving before exiting the program.


Main program tree is located in the left field of the program window. It represents main
features – key entries of the program guide the user when using the program:


Figure 2: Save FReET file

• Stochastic Model
Basic random variables of the problem are defined here by statistical moments or/and
statistical parameters including theirs statistical correlation.

• Latin Hypercube Sampling

Sampling is performed here: First, statistical correlation is imposed by simulated
annealing approach. Sampled realizations can be visually and numerically checked.
Second, model analysis is performed using prepared samples of random variables.

• Simulation Results Assessment

Statistical, sensitivity and reliability analysis is performed based on sampling. Ad-
ditional limit state function definitions can be defined also here.

Figure 3: Main program tree

FREET – Program Documentation User Manual

4.1 Random variables
The window “Random Variables”, Fig. 4, allows the user-friendly input of basic random
variables of analyzed user-defined problem. Uncertainties are modelled as random vari-
ables described by their probability density functions (PDF). Every random variable has
the name and is described by theoretical probability distribution and statistical character-
istics, statistical parameters or by combination of characteristics and parameters – button
”Descriptors”. The user can select from the set of selected theoretical models like normal,
lognormal, Weibull, rectangular, etc. The model is selected from the list of distributions
which will appear when clicking on ”Distribution”, Fig. 6. They are ordered approximately
according to the expected frequency of the use for practical problems. Both 2-parametric
and 3-parametric are included. Note, that also negative forms of some distributions are
included. 28 distributions are included:

• Deterministic

• Normal

• Lognormal (2par)

• Lognormal (3par)

• Weibull min (2par)

• Weibull min (3par)

• Weibull max (2par)

• Weibull max (3par)

• Raileigh

• Raileigh negative

• Gamma (2par)

• Gamma negative (2par)

• Gamma (3par)

• Gamma negative (3par)

• Exponential

• Exponential negative

• Gumbel min EV I

• Gumbel max EV I

4.1 Random variables 4 STOCHASTIC MODEL

• Rectangular

• Triangular

• Laplace

• Pareto

• Logistic

• Half-Normal

• Half-Normal negative

• Lognormal negative (2par)

• Beta

• Student t

Note, that some distributions can be defined by a certain setting of parameters of other
distributions. The simpler forms are included in the list to allow easy handling by user.
Details on probability distributions are in theory guide of FReET.
Random variable can be described also by raw data here – select ”Distribution support
calculation” and ”Raw Data”, Fig 7. In this case the name of input text file with statistical
set arranged in columns or rows in ASCII format is required or data can be directly written
into the edit box. Then selection ”Calculate parameters” will cause also curve fitting - the
selection of most suitable probability distribution is performed, distributions are ordered
according to the confidence levels SL of curve fitting. By clicking ”Apply” the result of
raw data assessment is transferred into variable definition window.
Random variables should be basically described by statistical characteristics (statistical
moments): Mean value, standard deviation (or coefficient of variation) and coefficient of
skewness, respectively. Exceptionally also 4th statistical moment, kurtosis, is used (Beta
distribution). Standard deviation or coefficient of variation is recalculated automatically
with respect to mean value when entering the value. Optionally, statistical characteris-
tics or statistical parameters or combination of characteristics and parameters are used to
describe distribution (menu ”Descriptors”). Parameters symbols are unique for each dis-
tribution and the meaning of parameters is explained fully in theory guide of FReET. The
shape of probability distribution of particular random variable is shown in main graphical
window, checkbox ”Drawing” serves for selection of probability distribution (PDF), Fig.
4, or cumulative probability distribution (CPDF), Fig. 5, windows.
Random variables can be divided into several categories (see bottom of the window).
User can select a new category and within a selected category a new variable. This option
is included in order to make handling of large number of random variables easier and more
transparent. The result of this step is the set of defined input parameters for computational
model – random variables.
The category “Comparative values” is always included in window and can be used in
the limit state function definition (”Simulation Results Assessment”, ”LSF definition”).

FREET – Program Documentation User Manual

Figure 4: Probability distribution window – PDF

Figure 5: Cumulative probability distribution window – CPDF

But this category is not always utilized: in case we analyze only a response function or
all variables of limit state function are defined directly only using equation interpreter
or DLL function (section 5.1). Note, that in case we achieved results through FReET
usage, analysis is performed and ”Simulation results assessment” we can still decide to
go back to ”Comparative values” definition in ”Stochastic model”. In such case of new
comparative definition, it is not necessary to perform a time-consuming simulation again.
Button ”Comparative values only” should by selected in ”General Data” window. Then

4.1 Random variables 4 STOCHASTIC MODEL

comparative values will be only sampled and the user can skip ”Model analysis” and to
go quickly to ”Simulation Results Assessment”.

Figure 6: Combo box for selection of probability distribution

Figure 7: User-defined distribution

Figure 8: Distribution support calculation

FREET – Program Documentation User Manual

Figure 9: Database support of statistical parameters for random variables

Figure 10: Database internal structure in ASCII text file

There is additional option for calculation at the level of selected PDF model: ”Dis-
tribution support calculation” and ”Details” buttons allow recalculation of characteristics
and parameters, probabilities, percentiles, etc., Fig. 8. This probability distribution cal-
culator enables to have overall numerical information on selected distribution.

M-version: Basic random variables related to response/limit state function should

be defined in increasing order – Category 1 – Variable 1, 2, ..., etc., Category 2 – Variable
1, 2, ..., etc., Category 3 ..., etc. This order should correspond with a vector of random

4.2 Statistical correlation 4 STOCHASTIC MODEL

variables defined in special DLL unit written in C++, FORTRAN or other programming
languages. The structure of a special DLL unit of M-version is described in chapter 5.1.
In case that only a simple function is treated using equation interpreter (chapter 5.1), the
list of variables names and related categories will appear in equation interpreter window.
A-version: Input parameters of ATENA deterministic computational model are trans-
ferred into FReET (name and deterministic value). Groups in FReET are equivalent to
numbers of materials defined in ATENA. Number of transferred random variables of the
model (both material and geometrical) can be initially filtered (decreased) at the level
of SARA Studio. Additional random variables can be defined by “New variable” button
to form limit state function in the category ”Comparative values”. This is necessary if
reliability analysis is planned – ATENA provides response function (maximum capacity
corresponding to peak load, deflection or crack width) and these quantities should be
”compared” (with load, maximum allowable deflection or maximum crack width) in order
to form limit state function.
In order to support the input of statistical characteristics for basic random variables
the possibility to work with user-defined database was worked out. The user can click on
”Database” button of ”Distribution support calculation” and the hierarchical structure
according to the database file will appear, Fig. 9. The user can go throw the structure
to search for characteristics. If they are found, the user can transfer them automatically
into random variable description table. The structure of database file is self-explanatory,
the number of hierarchical levels is not limited. The text file of the database named
DATABASE.txt should be in the same directory as FReET program. It can be updated,
modified or replaced according to the need of particular application. The flexible structure
of database file is shown in Fig. 10.

4.2 Statistical correlation

The window “Statistical Correlation” serves for the input of statistical correlation among
random variables described by correlation matrix, Fig. 11. The user can work at the level
of subset of correlation matrix (one group of random variables) or at the global level (all
random variables forming a large global correlation matrix – ”All variables”). Statistical
correlation among the variables is imposed using simulated annealing in subsequent step.
The type of correlation coefficient can be selected (Pearson or Spearman). The level of
correlation during interactive input is highlighted in an upper window (Fig. 11), the basic
feature of correlation matrix is checked: if matrix is positive definite or not. Note, that
the simulated annealing applied consequently does not require this strong requirement
(the feature is theoretically described in FReET Part 2 – Theory). Program FReET
will prepare the sampling plan with correlation matrix as close as possible to the target
correlation matrix - but positive definite. As the knowledge of correlation is always pure
and the user can have problems to input a correlation matrix which is positive definite,
this feature can be considered to be an advantage from practical point of view.

FREET – Program Documentation User Manual

Figure 11: Window Statistical Correlation


In spite of the fact that response/limit state function selection or/and definition is realized
in the part ”Latin Hypercube Sampling”, ”Model analysis”, the description of possibilities
is described here. The reason is that it is a fundamental step more or less related to
stochastic model definition.

5.1 FReET M-version

5.1.1 Equation interpreter
For analysis of a simple response/limit state functions an equation interpreter has been
created. The activation of the interpreter window, Fig. 12, is done in ”Model analy-
sis” using ”a+b” button. The list of all basic random variables which were included in
”Stochastic model” will be listed on the right. The function itself is created using vari-
ables ID (x1 , x2 , ...., etc.) selected by double-click and pads ”Functions” and ”Numeric”.
For function debugging and checking purposes, button ”Test” will provide the result of
function evaluation with mean values.


Figure 12: Window Edit response/limit state function

5.1.2 DLL function

The analyzed response/limit state function is defined completely outside as subroutine

written in C++, FORTRAN or other programming languages. This subroutine has to
be compiled to DLL function. FReET response/limit state function is then implemented
into FReET as DLL unit. The structure of an DLL program unit should follow prescribed
convention. We provide here self-explanatory example for simple function:

G(X) = A − (1)

Program units in C++ and Fortran are shown in Fig. 13 and Fig. 14. Note that:
A = input(0), B = input(1), C = input(2) in C++ and A = input(1), B = input(2),
C = input(3) in Fortran. Note, that the number of random variables in DLL function
should correspond with number of random variables defined in ”Stochastic model”. This
is fully the responsibility of an user, FReET cannot check this fundamental requirement.

Figure 13: The structure of external program unit in C++

FREET – Program Documentation User Manual

Figure 14: The structure of external program unit in Fortran

5.2 FReET A-version

ATENA computational model of nonlinear fracture mechanics for concrete is integrated
fully using specially developed software environment called SARA Studio. It enables
communication between FReET and ATENA software. SARA Studio is described fully in
different documentation, here only basic concept is outlined.
Response variable is selected at the level of ATENA deterministic model. It is asso-
ciated with definition of monitoring points and assigned quantities. Response function
represents ATENA computational modeling – response is a quantity at monitoring point.
Typically it is a peak load of load deflection diagram or maximum deflection or maximum
crack width. Variables at monitoring points represent responses and they are transferred
into FReET software.
Response variables from ATENA can be evaluated statistically in part ”Simulation
results assessment” including sensitivity analysis. For reliability analysis, these response
variables have to be combined with additionally defined comparative values defined as
additional variables in ”Stochastic model”. Number of values associated with monitoring
points can be combined with number of comparative values. It enables definition of limit
state functions representing ultimate and serviceability limit states. This combination is
described in details in section 7.


6.1 General data
Latin hypercube samples are prepared first, samples are reordered by simulated anneal-
ing approach in order to match required correlation matrix as close as possible, Fig. 15.
Basic parameter – number of simulations is on input here. Random input parameters
are generated according to their PDF using Monte Carlo type simulation and generated
realizations of random parameters are then used as inputs for analyzed function (com-
putational model). The solution is performed repeatedly in following ”Model analysis”
and results (structural responses) are saved. Four alternatives of sampling scheme can
be selected (sampling type): LHS – probabilistic means (preferable alternative), LHS –
probabilistic median, LHS - random and pure Monte Carlo (details are provided in Theory
guide of FReET).


Simulated annealing is used as most powerful technique to impose statistical corre-

lation. A heuristic time prediction is included, the estimation is rough, in special cases
the real time could be very different. Parameters of simulated annealing are estimated
as suitable defaults (a recommended robust setting), but the user can change them. The
process of the samples generation is initiated by button ”Run”. Imposing of statistical
correlations could be stopped by the button “Stop Sampling”. The window with informa-
tion about achieved accuracy (deviations of elements in correlation matrix is controlled –
desired and obtained) is displayed after simulated annealing process, Fig. 16.
The result of this step is the table of random realization of random variables which
exhibits statistical correlation as close as possible to prescribed correlation matrix. Note,
that in case of very small number of simulations (e.g. tens), imposition of prescribed
correlation is difficult and maximum deviation in ”Reached correlation” window can be
The window contain also the possibility to select seed setting for pseudo-random gen-
erator used. ”Random” means random setting based on internal clock of computer - the
generated series will differ if used second time. ”Fixed” means that the same seed is se-
lected - it enables to generate same series. ”Fixed” setting can be efficiently used during
debugging of analyzed task.

Figure 15: Imposing of statistical correlation

6.2 Check samples

The aim of this entry is to have the possibility to check the results of sampling scheme
applied to random variables before running repetitive (very often time demanding) cal-
culation. Achieved correlation matrix, after simulated annealing is visualized in lower
triangular part of correlation matrix, upper triangle contains desired (target) correlation.

FREET – Program Documentation User Manual

Figure 16: Information about achieved accuracy

If user clicks on diagonal, upper part window will show associated sampled variable, Fig.
17. If the click is targeted to correlation coefficient out of diagonal, the image of sampled
values is shown where correlation is clearly visible, Fig. 18. Cartesian or parallel coordi-
nates can be selected. Before model analysis is performed, the option ”g(X) <= 0” is not
active (”Not drawn” is shown). After performing model analysis a particular limit state
function can be selected here. Then generated points located in safe region are shown by
green dots, in failure region by red dots (Cartesian coordinates plot).

Figure 17: Check samples window – sampled variable


Figure 18: Check samples window – sampled correlation

6.3 Model analysis

Repetitive calculation of response/limit state functions is started when the user activates
this button. Repetitive calculation is performed and results are collected.
M-version: Analyzed user-defined function defined by equation interpreter or using
the DLL function unit is repeatedly solved here. First, the user has to use double-click on
”New Model Function” definition, a new line will appear. Then there are two possibilities
to define response/limit state functions. The button ”a+b” will activate the equation
interpreter window, Fig. 12. This option can be used for simpler functions only. For more
complicated functions the concept of DLL function has to be used as described in section
5.1. By clicking on ”...” button, FReET will require to input name of DLL function which
contains response/limit state function. The names of internal functions programmed inside
of DLL function are indicated on the screen (Exported functions), Fig. 19. ”Run Model
Analysis” will finally start real simulation.
Note, that not only one function can be defined here. FReET allows to define several
functions here and in consequent step – simulation – to treat them simultaneously. Every
function will use the same set of randomly generated realizations of random variables, they
are common for all functions. The user should take into account overall time of whole
simulation in case of computationally demanding response/limit state functions.
A-version: All random solutions of nonlinear fracture mechanics analysis are per-
formed via SARA Studio environment and output files of ATENA numerical outputs are
saved. Responses associated with monitoring points are transferred into FReET after
simulation process is finished.

FREET – Program Documentation User Manual

Figure 19: Input of model functions window


7.1 Histograms
After simulation process successfully finishes, the resulting set of values of response/limite
state functions (e.g. structural responses) can be statistically evaluated. The results are:
histogram, emirical cumulative distribution function, mean value, variance, coefficient of
skewness, min. and max. values, range. response. This basic statistical assessment is
visualized through the window Histograms, Fig. 20.

7.2 Limit state function (LSF) definition

The window is designed for definition of a limit state function by combination of a response
variable obtained via simulation and a comparative value. Usual type of combination is
in the form

Z =R−E (2)

where R is a resistance and E action of loading (carrying capacity limit state).

For serviceability limit state the form is just opposite (comparative value − response,
e.g. allowable maximum deflection − real deflection).
The concept of all possibilities of combinations of response monitor variables and com-
parative values uses basic algebraic operations (+,-,/) to define any basic form of limit
state function. Standard classical picture comparing histograms of R and E is illustratively
shown including safety margin Z, Fig. 21.

7.3 Sensitivity analysis 7 SIMULATION RESULTS ASSESSMENT

Figure 20: Basic statistical assessment – histogram and statistical characteristics

Figure 21: Response R, action of loading E, safety margin Z = R − E

7.3 Sensitivity analysis

The window ”Sensitivity analysis” shows the importance of random variables. Nonpara-
metric rank-order correlation coefficients are calculated between all random input variables
and response variables. A high positive correlation coefficient, e.g. 0.8, indicates that the
response or limit state function is very sensitive to that particular variable (bigger vari-
able bigger response). A high negative correlation coefficient, e.g. -0.8, indicates opposite

FREET – Program Documentation User Manual

strong sensitivity (bigger variable smaller response). Positive and negative sensitivity is
shown in separate columns. There are two ways of graphical representation – cartesian
and parallel coordinates representations. Parallel coordinate representation provides an
insight into analyzed problem. Random variables are ordered with respect of the sensitiv-
ity expressed by nonparametric rank-order correlation coefficient. Positive and negative
sensitivity is shown in Fig. 22 and Fig. 23 (parallel coordinates) and in Fig. 24 and Fig.
25 (cartesian coordinates).
Note 1: When the user assess this relative measure of sensitivity it is necessary to take into
account the signs of input random variables considered in Stochastic model. Therefore an
option to change the sign of variable (x−1 ) is included here. This option is recommended
to use in case the negative signs are considered for some basic input random variables in
”Stochastic model” for correct understanding of sensitivity results.
Note 2: ”What–if–study” known as deterministic sensitivity analysis can be done easily
by FReET. To study absolute influence of a specific input variable, we can consider it as
random variable with rectangular distribution and to keep other variables as determin-
istic. Only this one variable is then sampled - consequent model analysis will provide a
clear influence of this variable. Sensitivity window in cartesian coordinates will provide
just functional relationship between variable, varying between upper and lower limits of
rectangular distribution, and response variable, Fig. 26indicates a linear influence of a

Figure 22: Window Sensitivity Analysis – positive sensitivity (parallel coordinates)

7.3 Sensitivity analysis 7 SIMULATION RESULTS ASSESSMENT

Figure 23: Window Sensitivity Analysis – negative sensitivity (parallel coordinates)

Figure 24: Window Sensitivity Analysis – positive sensitivity (cartesian coordinates)

FREET – Program Documentation User Manual

Figure 25: Window Sensitivity Analysis – negative sensitivity (cartesian coordinates)

Figure 26: ”What–if–study” using sensitivity analysis window

7.4 Reliability analysis

Histogram of response and/or safety margin as specified in limit state function definition
is visualized. The aim of this window is to provide an estimation of theoretical failure
probability (and reliability index respectively). Theoretical models of PDF in order to


describe the most suitable models are treated using a standard Kolmogorov-Smirnov test,
curve fitting (CF) procedure. The most suitable model is listed in CF - Distribution at
the top according to the significance level (CF - SL). ”Distribution details” button enables
the same features as in case of basic random variables input in ”Stochastic model”. For
example, confidence intervals for results can be easily determined utilizing the possibility.
Following alternatives are implemented:

• Cornell’s reliability index (Cornell - β) and corresponding failure probability (Cornell

- pf ) based on estimation of statistics of safety margin on the assumption of normal
probability distribution for safety margin, β = M ean/Std;

• Failure probability estimation (CF - pf ) based on the selection of the most suitable
theoretical model for PDF of safety margin (curve fitting approach);

• Calculation of failure probability based on classical frequency definition of probabil-

ity, Nf /Ntot , where Nf is number of realizations resulting in a failure (negative limit
state function) and Ntot is total number of simulations. Note, that this alternative
can be used only for very large number of simulations. Accuracy of this estimation is
expressed by coefficient of variation of this frequency estimate (COV pf ). Software
FReET is generally designed for small numbers of simulations, this classical Monte
Carlo based estimation of failure probability is included here mainly for reference
studies. An utilization is related to the usage of crude Monte Carlo simulation using
large numbers of simulations.

[1] Červenka, V. & Pukl, R. (2003). ”ATENA Program Documentation – Theory.” Cer-
venka Consulting, Prague, Czech Republic.

[2] Červenka, V. & Pukl, R. (2003). ”ATENA Program Documentation – User’s guide.”
Cervenka Consulting, Prague, Czech Republic.

[3] Novák, D., Vořechovský, M., Teplý, B., Keršner, Z. & Lehký, D. (2004). ”FReET
Program Documentation – Part 1 – Theory.” Brno/Cervenka Consulting, Prague, Czech

[4] Novák, D. & Lehký, D. (2004). ”FReET Program Documentation – Part 3 – Bench-
marks.” Brno/Cervenka Consulting, Prague, Czech Republic.

[5] Červenka, V. & Pukl, R. (2004). ”SARA Program Documentation – User’s guide.”
Cervenka Consulting, Prague, Czech Republic.


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