A Formal Model of Procrastination
A Formal Model of Procrastination
A Formal Model of Procrastination
Utrecht University, Janskerkhof 13A, 3512 BL Utrecht
VU University Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam
Utrecht University, Princetonplein 5, De Uithof, 3584 CC Utrecht
Procrastination is widespread self-undermining behaviour that negatively impacts individual performance
and well-being. Psychological research has identified a variety of factors that influence this complex
behaviour. However, how these factors interact and influence procrastination is poorly understood; there
is no uniform theory that integrates all these factors. This paper presents an initial conceptual model of
procrastination built from factors that are found in the psychological literature. In addition, it presents a
formalization of the model that will serve as the basis for a computational model. The aim of the project
is to develop model-based e-coaching software that can offer personalized support to individuals in their
struggle with procrastination.
1 Introduction
Procrastination is voluntarily delaying what one intended to do despite expecting negative consequences.
This self-undermining behaviour is widely spread among students [13], but also chronically affects 15% –
20% of the general population [8]. Research shows that procrastination has a negative influence on an indi-
vidual’s performance [17] and well-being [18]. The majority of the procrastinators (95%) see this behaviour
as problematic and want to reduce it [17].
There are many definitions of procrastination but most include the existence of an irrational and unnec-
essary delay and negative consequences. The definition by Klingsieck combines all these features, stating
that procrastination is “the voluntary delay of an intended and necessary and/or [personally] important
activity, despite expecting potential negative consequences that outweigh the positive consequences of the
delay” [9, p. 26]. Notice that not performing an intended action is not necessarily procrastination. Someone
may justifiably shift his or her priorities if something more important comes along.
Procrastination is complex behaviour influenced by many factors such as low conscientiousness [17],
task aversiveness [4] and self-efficacy [17]. However, how these factors interact and influence procrastina-
tion is poorly understood. There is no uniform theory that integrates all these factors. This paper presents an
initial conceptual model of procrastination built from factors that were found in the psychological literature.
Using this conceptual model, a formalization is made that captures the different factors and defines an agent
that can choose to perform activities that are either task-related or not. The goal of the formal model is
to gain a better understanding of the factors influencing procrastination and the connections between them.
In future work, the formal model will be used to make a computational model to run simulations, train
the model on empirical data and test it. It will simulate what decisions an agent will make when it has to
choose between different tasks and indicate whether the selected activity classifies as procrastination or not.
The aim is that in future work the trained model will serve as the basis for e-coaching software to support
individuals in decreasing procrastination.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses other approaches to modeling procrastination.
Section 3 presents a conceptual model of procrastination that is built from factors prominently featured in
psychological literature. A formalization of the model is presented in Section 4. Section 5 outlines an
evaluation plan and, lastly, Section 6 discusses conclusions and ideas for future work.
2 Related Work
There are only a few other models on procrastination and the majority of them are economic models. The
idea of the economic models on procrastination (e.g. [11], [19]) is that an agent can choose between some
tasks. Each task is associated with costs that are incurred when the task is executed, and benefits that are
received when the task is completed. Traditional economic models assume time-consistency: an agent’s
preference for a task remains the same over time. Most people are however time-inconsistent: they prefer
well-being at an earlier date over a later date [6]. Economic models on procrastination differ from traditional
economic models in that time-inconsistency is taken into account.
In such models agents can have a self-control problem and are either fully aware of this (‘sophisticated’)
or unaware (‘naive’). A sophisticated agent will estimate the utility of a task the same for every day, so it
will perform the task immediately. A naive agent believes that it is better off to perform the task later instead
of now, so it will do the task the next day. However, when this continues, the agent may end up spending
too little time on a task. The main determinants of utility are time preference, costs, and benefits.
These economic models give some insight into the dynamics of procrastination. However, it is often
not clear how these models relate to relevant psychological concepts. To get a better understanding of
procrastination with the use of a model, it is important to specify how the model components are mapped to
concepts in psychological literature.
An example of a model that also integrates psychological concepts is the temporal motivation theory
(TMT). It is based on the economic models, but it also incorporates expectancy and need theory, and aims
to integrate different theories on motivation. The model is applied to procrastination, using the following
formula [17]:
U tility =
with expectancy E, value V (the costs and benefits received from performing a task), sensitivity to delay Γ
(representing to what extent delay influences utility) and the time to the deadline D. Each element consists
of different task-related and personality-related factors. This theory integrates a number of psychological
notions connected to procrastination. However, it is not specified how the theory should be implemented;
only some small, non-formal examples are given. Implementation into a formal model can validate the
theory and provide new insights into the underlying mechanisms of procrastination instead of only listing
the factors that influence it.
3 Conceptual model
In this section, prominent factors influencing procrastination found in the literature will be discussed. The
factors can be divided into different groups: task-related, personality-related and other factors like ego
depletion, mood, temptations and coping strategies. All these factors and their influence on procrastination
can be found in Figure 1. The + and − of the arrows represent respectively the positive and negative
influence from that factor on procrastination or another factor. This conceptual model was reviewed at an
early stage by a self-regulation expert.
The nature of the task and how the agent perceives it influence how likely someone is to procrastinate:
Boredom When a person finds a task really boring, it is hard to sustain it as an intentional activity when
there are less boring alternatives present [3]. The more boring a task, the more procrastination [4].
Frustration Being frustrated makes it harder to focus on a task. This lack of focus makes someone more
likely to procrastinate by engaging in other activities [4].
Personal Meaning The extent to which individuals feel their projects are worthwhile pursuits [10]. This
includes factors such as fun, pleasure, passion and other’s benefit. The lower this is, the less desirable
it is to do a task, which leads to more procrastination [4].
Autonomous Motivation A combination of intrinsic motivation, where there is an inner drive to reach
a certain goal, and extrinsic motivation, where people have identified with an activity’s value [5].
Autonomous motivation for a task leads to less procrastination [20].
Task Delay Events that are further away in time have less impact on people’s decisions. So when the
deadline or the consequences are far away, there is more procrastination [14].
Self-efficacy A person’s belief in his/her own competence. When someone’s self-efficacy for a certain task
is high, one is more likely to put effort in the task and set appropriate goals for oneself [1]. Self-
efficacy varies across different domains and tasks and is thus grouped with the task-related causes.
When self-efficacy is high and someone believes that a certain goal is attainable, he/she is less likely
to procrastinate [17].
Task Structure When a task is less structured and more difficult to coordinate, there is more procrastina-
tion. The reason for this is that when the task is less structured, there are many points in time at which
a decision has to be made about what to do next, and this gives more opportunities for procrastination
Personal meaning Autonomous motivation
Boredom Task aversiveness + Frustration Mood
Task delay
Task Structure − −
Self-efficacy −
+/− Procrastination +
Ego depletion
+/− + +
Sensation Seeking +
Task related +
Personality related
Other factors −
Self esteem Trait procrastination Impulsiveness
−→ Influence on another factor +
a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6
4.1 Definitions
The agent p, goal g, task τ and activity a are defined as tuples:
where I is an ordered set containing all intended tasks ordered by their priority, Gp the set of personal
goals of the agent, CurrentActivity the activity the agent is performing and O the set of all possible activities
an agent can choose from (i.e. the agent’s options): O = AE ∪ AT (where AE is the set of all activities
that belong to any event and AT the set of all activities that belong to any task). The other elements are the
personality traits found in the literature (see Section 3).
where Tg is the set of tasks belonging to a goal. This set can be empty when the agent hasn’t imple-
mented the goal yet with some tasks. It is assumed that each goal has a known importance value for the
agent. EstimatedTime and Deadline can be 0 when the agent doesn’t know these values.
Concept Formal notation Definition
Agent p An individual agent in the model.
Goals gp ∈ Gp The personal projects of the agent. Given as an input in the model. Gp
is the set of goals of an agent p.
Task τ ∈ Tg Implementation of the goal g. A task consists of subtasks or an activity.
Activity a ∈ AE ∪ AT Description of what an agent can do. An activity belongs either to an
event (ae ) or a task (aτ ), and is thus either part of the set of all activities
belonging to an event (AE ) or to a task (AT ).
Intended tasks List I Every task is on this list, but ordered by priority. The priority is a func-
tion of the importance of the goal and other task characteristics. I is a
list containing all elements in TG .
Options o∈O Options are all possible activities an agent can do. O = AE ∪ AT .
Event e∈E Something that triggers the agent to reconsider his current activity.
Adds an activity to O.
Utility U (a, p) Representation of the desirability of an activity a for a person p.
where Components = aτ | Subtasks. Subtasks is a set of tasks (which can have subtasks as well). So a
task either has an activity, other tasks or nothing as its component. Preconditions are the tasks that have to
be performed before τ can be performed. Initially, we assume there are no preconditions to any tasks. The
priority determines the order in the list of intended tasks. It can be calculated with the following formula:
Eτ,p · Vτ,p
P riority(τ, p) = · Importance(gτ )
where Eτ,p is the expectancy of agent p succeeding in the task, Vτ,p the value, which are the costs and
benefits of performing τ , Γ the sensitivity to delay, D the delay and gτ is the goal associated with task τ .
EstimatedTime is a summation over all subtasks
X or the underlying activity:
EstimatedTimeτ = EstimatedTimeaτ + EstimatedTimeSubtasks .
τ and a (described next) both include task-related factors found in literature (see Section 3).
In this model, an event is a trigger for the agent to reconsider the current activity. The reason for this is
that when an agent is performing an activity, it is most likely that the agent continues with this activity. An
agent will consider switching to another activity only when a) the current activity is finished, b) the deadline
of the current activity passed or c) an event occurs.
Finally, an event e is defined as:
where Kind can be internal or external, Activity is an activity that will be added to the options of the
agent (and, when applicable, connected with a task) and Saliency is how difficult it is to resist the activity
associated with the event. Temptations can be modeled with events. An example of this is a friend who calls
to have a drink. This is an external event, with the activity ‘Go out for a drink’ and the strength depends
on how difficult it is to resist this temptation. Internal events are governed by rules like ‘when a value (e.g.,
EgoResource) gets below a certain threshold, a specific event will happen’. External events can also be
governed by rules, but will initially be added manually to model a given situation.
The definitions of procrastination and structured procrastination are as follows:
First, the priority of all the tasks in the model is calculated to determine the order in the list of intended
tasks. Next, for each activity the utility is calculated with one of the following formulas (depending on
whether it’s a task-related activity or event-related activity):
Eaτ ,p · Vaτ ,p Eae ,p · Vae ,p
U tility(aτ , p) = · Bτ U tility(ae , p) =
Γp · Daτ t − EstimatedTimeae
where Eaτ ,p is the expectancy, Vaτ ,p the value, Γp the sensitivity to delay, Dτ the delay, Bτ a small bonus
when an activity is associated with a task in the list of intended tasks and t the current time step. The for-
mulas to calculate these variables are given below. The weights w determine how strong a factor influences
procrastination. The formulas include all factors discussed in the conceptual model. Some factors have a
positive effect, others a negative, and this is dependent on the influence of this factor on procrastination.
In each time step, EgoResource is updated. Next, it is checked whether activities are finished, and if so,
they are removed from the options. Tasks with deadlines that are passed are also removed. After this, the
utility of all activities is calculated again. When an event occurs, it is checked whether they belong to a task
that doesn’t have an activity yet. If this is the case, the activity is connected to this task and added to the
task-related activities Aτ . Otherwise, the activity is added to the set of event-related activities Ae . Because it
requires ego resources to resist the event, this value is also updated (depending on the saliency of the event).
After this, the utility of all activities is calculated again. If none of the previously described conditions
are the case, the activity with the highest utility is performed. When this activity is in Ae , the agent is
procrastinating because the agent is performing an activity that does not belong to a task therefore is not part
of the agent’s goals. When an agent is performing an activity that does not belong to the task on top of the
list of intended tasks, it is structured procrastination.
5 Evaluation plan
The proposed model described in the previous sections should provide insights into the mechanisms of
procrastination. We will evaluate the model in three stages. First, we will implement the model in Matlab
and run some initial simulations. The weights will be determined in consultation with a procrastination
expert and will be the same for all scenarios. A few different scenarios with different kinds of agents (e.g.,
with high or low conscientiousness scores) will be tested to see if the expected behaviour will follow from the
model. Second, we will use an existing data set from a previous psychological experiment on procrastination
as training data to determine the appropriate weights for the model. Supervised learning can be used to train
the model. The trained model will be evaluated by using another data set as a test set. Third, the trained
model will be used to make predictions about behaviour under certain conditions. These predictions will be
tested empirically in collaboration with psychologists.
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