Clinical Study To Evaluate The Wear of Natural Enamel Antagonist To Zirconia and Metal Ceramic Crowns
Clinical Study To Evaluate The Wear of Natural Enamel Antagonist To Zirconia and Metal Ceramic Crowns
Clinical Study To Evaluate The Wear of Natural Enamel Antagonist To Zirconia and Metal Ceramic Crowns
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All content following this page was uploaded by Gunjan Pruthi on 20 January 2018.
Former Resident, Department of Prosthodontics, Centre for Dental Education and Research, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.
Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Centre for Dental Education and Research, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.
Senior Research Associate, Department of Prosthodontics, Centre for Dental Education and Research, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.
Professor, Department of Endodontics and Conservative Dentistry, Centre for Dental Education and Research, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.
Figure 1. A, Scanned 3-dimensional (3D) images of natural enamel of maxillary premolar and first molar opposing zirconia crown at baseline. B,
Scanned 3D images of natural enamel of maxillary premolar and first molar opposing zirconia crown after 1 year. C, Superimposed image of natural
enamel of maxillary premolar and first molar opposing zirconia crown. Red areas represent enamel wear on buccal and lingual cusps after 1 year of
A conventional laboratory technique was used for the and depth assessments of wear processes occurring on
fabrication of the metal ceramic crowns. the antagonistic teeth. A red color indicated the amount
Zirconia monolithic crown was fabricated with a of wear. The teeth scanned were maxillary second pre-
computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing molars and first molars opposing zirconia and metal
technique (LAVA; 3M ESPE). Once a definitive crown ceramic crowns, maxillary right and left first premolars,
was fabricated and evaluated intraorally, occlusal ad- and second molars opposing natural enamel. Figures 1A
justments were made. All adjusted surfaces were pol- and 1B show scanned 3D images for natural enamel of
ished for zirconia crowns and glazed for metal ceramic the maxillary premolar and first molar opposing zirconia
crowns before cementation. Definitive crowns were crown at baseline and after 1 year. Figure 1C is the
cemented simultaneously with glass ionomer luting superimposed image showing the wear of natural enamel
cement (Ketac Cem; 3M ESPE). Participants were against the zirconia crown. Figure 2 shows the same for
advised to use dental floss and/or an interdental brush metal ceramic crowns.
for proper maintenance of oral hygiene. Statistical analysis of the data was done with Stata
To evaluate the wear of antagonist enamel, polyvinyl software (Stata version 12; StataCorp LP; a=0.05). As the
siloxane impressions of the maxillary arch were made just parameters followed a normal distribution, 1-way
before treatment began and after 1 year of cementation. repeated measures ANOVA was used to determine
Impressions were poured in Type III gypsum (Kalstone; the overall significance of mean among the 3 groups.
Kalabhai, Karson Pvt Ltd), and the resulting casts were The Bonferroni correction was applied for pair-wise
scanned with a 3-dimensional (3D) white light scanner comparison.
with a precision of ±9 mm (SmartSCAN3D HE scanner;
Breukmann).33 The scanner had two 1.4-megapixel red-
green-blue cameras and a fringe pattern projector that
captured both geometry and texture. Acquisition was Results showing the wear of antagonist enamel at
made along a 360-degree arc at various angles. Align- occlusal areas against natural enamel (control group)
ment and merging were performed with proprietary and 2-crown systems are shown in Figure 3. One-way
software (Optocat; Breukmann). repeated measures ANOVA determined a significant
Baseline scanned images were superimposed over the difference in the degree of antagonist enamel loss be-
images made at 1 year with 3D software (Polyworks; tween the natural enamel and 2-crown systems (P<.001).
Innovmetric Software). The software had a color scale in The Bonferroni test showed that differences in enamel
micrometers. Data obtained were used to establish linear wear opposing 2 different ceramic systems were
Figure 2. A, Scanned 3-dimensional (3D) images of natural enamel of maxillary premolar and first molar opposing metal ceramic crown at baseline. B,
Scanned 3D images of natural enamel of maxillary premolar and first molar opposing metal ceramic crown at baseline at 1 year. C, Superimposed
images. Red areas represent enamel wear on buccal and lingual cusps after 1 year of function.
* tively less than molar wear for all the groups (P<.001).
Wear is defined as the progressive loss of material from
*# P<0.001
molar region after 1 year of follow-up. Similar findings that the occluding area, number of contacts, and masti-
were noted in different in vitro studies.27,34 cation force in the first molar region are greater than in
Our results were similar to those of Etman et al,5 who the premolar region.36
quantitatively measured tooth and ceramic wear by using The small sample size and short observational period
a novel superimposition technique. They reported that are limitations of the study. Therefore, a long-term study
the wear of an antagonist tooth against Procera coping with larger sample size is suggested. The wear of the
with All Ceram (feldspathic porcelain) layering was more crown material should also be assessed in future studies.
in the molar region (184.24 mm) than with another metal
ceramic crown with a metal occlusal surface (106.90 mm) CONCLUSIONS
and experimental glass ceramic crowns (149.70 mm) after
Within the limitations of this in vivo study, conclusions
1 year. Metzler et al5,20 showed that low-fusing ceramics
are as follows: (1) statistically significant wear of antag-
caused less wear of natural enamel because of their lower
onist natural enamel opposing natural teeth, metal
hardness, lower concentration of crystal phase, and small
ceramic crowns, and zirconia crowns was observed in the
crystal size.
premolar and molar regions after 1 year; (2) the wear of
Surface hardness and friction coefficient are commonly
natural enamel opposing metal ceramic and zirconia
used to estimate the degree of wear of restorative dental
crowns was significantly higher than the wear of natural
materials and natural enamel. Conventionally, greater
enamel opposing natural enamel; (3) the wear of natural
hardness has been believed to cause more wear.26 Enamel
enamel opposing zirconia crowns was significantly less
generally has a Vickers hardness of 320 to 380 kg/mm2,
than that of metal ceramic crowns in the premolar and
which is lower than that of feldspathic porcelain (500 kg/
molar regions after 1 year; and (4) the wear of natural
mm2) or zirconia (1346 to 1368 kg/mm2).30,35 Zirconia has
enamel opposing natural enamel, metal ceramic crowns,
high surface hardness in comparison with other low-
and zirconia crowns in the premolar region was signifi-
fusing feldspathic porcelains. Therefore, more wear
cantly less than in the molar region after 1 year.
might be expected from zirconia. However, as reported by
various investigators, the hardness of restorative materials
alone is not a reliable predictor of the wear of opposing
enamel.19,32,35 According to DeLong,22 the wear mecha- REFERENCES
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