Dire Dawa University Institute of Technology School of Computing Department of Computer Science
Dire Dawa University Institute of Technology School of Computing Department of Computer Science
Dire Dawa University Institute of Technology School of Computing Department of Computer Science
Assignment for training
Id: 1001184
Ph. no 0914966051
1, what do you understand about emotional intelligence?.........................................................................1
2, what are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader?.......................................................1
1. Commitment........................................................................................................................................1
2. Empathy..............................................................................................................................................1
3. Honesty................................................................................................................................................2
4. Transparency.......................................................................................................................................2
6. Service.................................................................................................................................................3
7. Humility..............................................................................................................................................4
8. Respect................................................................................................................................................4
9. Resilience............................................................................................................................................4
10. Adaptability.......................................................................................................................................5
11. Wisdom.............................................................................................................................................5
12. Accountability...................................................................................................................................6
13. Authenticity.......................................................................................................................................6
14. Integrity.............................................................................................................................................6
3, what is self-leadership and its importance?............................................................................................7
1, what is self-leadership?........................................................................................................................7
2, Why is self-leadership important?.......................................................................................................7
4, what is the importance of internet (social Media) for job application and how to use it?......................8
Social Media Can Indicate Cultural Fit....................................................................................................8
Social Media Helps Job Seekers Learn About Companies......................................................................8
Social Media Enhances the Recruitment Process....................................................................................9
5, what are the tricks of job interview and how to win?.............................................................................9
1. Identify your skills and expertise.........................................................................................................9
2. Know the company...........................................................................................................................10
3. Know your value and share what you can bring to the table..............................................................10
4. Ignore superlatives.............................................................................................................................10
5. Ask questions (before the end of the interview).................................................................................10
1, what do you understand about emotional intelligence?
Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. Some
researchers suggest that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while others
claim it's an inborn characteristic.
The ability to express and control emotion as essential, but so is the ability to understand,
interpret, and respond to the emotions of others. Imagine a world in which you could not
understand when a friend was feeling sad or when a co-worker was angry. Psychologists refer to
this ability as emotional intelligence, and some experts even suggest that it can be more
important than than IQ in your overall success in life.
1. Commitment
Starting out or pushing for advancement requires dedication and commitment. Successful leaders
stay committed as it shows that they care for the people, project and the company. Commitment
also shows the willingness to get involved and therefore serves as one of core values of
As leaders, we can show this commitment in a few different ways. I am a firm believer in an
open-door policy. What I believe in even more is that the leaders should be present. Spend time
with people you work with and listen to them. Help them understand that you are in it for the
long haul.
This also means that you need to make time for your people. Use that time to mentor, coach, and
teach them so that when the time comes, they can lead too.
2. Empathy
Feel what others feel. Appreciate, understand, and be willing to appreciate what your people
might go through. Empathy should not be mistaken for sympathy. It doesn’t mean that you agree
or can relate to the other person. What it really means is that you can understand others and that
you’re aware of how their feelings impact them. Do you feel that empathy belongs to core values
of a leader?
If you take time to help people and provide them with support to push forward, they will be
better able to deal with challenges that are standing between them and their goals.
As you’re helping people, you can start building trust and stronger relations with them. That will
lead the entire team and organization towards better collaboration and enhanced productivity.
3. Honesty
A person that is not honest and true to self can never be honest with anybody. I heard someone
say this once and it resonated with me ever since. Leaders are often looked upon as role models.
If we are to model behavior to our people, honesty is where we can show the first step.
Sometimes, people are afraid of being honest as they are worried about the feelings of others.
Sure, I understand the sentiment. Unfortunately, covering up the truth by saying something
people want to hear never ends up well in the long run.
Honesty also helps tackle ambiguity, which is a common obstacle that individuals and teams face
in today’s society. Displaying and practicing honesty sets you up as a leader that people would
want to follow and trust.
If you take time to help people and provide them with support to push forward, they will be
better able to deal with challenges that are standing between them and their goals.
As you’re helping people, you can start building trust and stronger relations with them. That will
lead the entire team and organization towards better collaboration and enhanced productivity.
4. Transparency
I got nothing to hide. While this may seem like a mission impossible for many people, I realized
that being transparent helped many people understand how true leaders are made. It should be a
common practice and one of the important values of a leader to be as open as possible to their
You might ask yourself why. The truth will out. Shakespeare had a point when he wrote this in
Merchant of Venice. No matter how hard you try to hide the truth from your team, it will
eventually surface. I always urge people that add transparency to the top core values of a leader.
Transparency is a great foundation for further developing relations with your people. It will set you
apart from others by ways of promoting positive and open communication with your people,
teams, and company.
I can’t stop emphasizing patience when I talk about leadership. I wrote an entire article about the
importance of patience in leadership, and yet I can’t leave it out of the leadership values list.
Patience can lead us to a place of calmness and understanding. Patient leaders don’t just sit and
wait for things to happen. Quite the contrary. They know when to jump into and push, and when
to pull the brakes and take time to overcome certain obstacles. This is another one of crucial core
values of leadership.
Impatience can lead to anxiety, which can severely affect your health and the health of people
around you. Role modeling patience can help your team take their game to the next level. It can
further promote collaboration among teams and team members through active listening and
6. Service
Many people still believe to this day that once you get into a position, people should serve you. I
couldn’t disagree more.
Ever since I discovered the philosophy behind the great Robert Greenleaf and his servant leadership style,
I never stopped believing that leaders should be in service of others. Service always belongs to the top list
of leadership values.
When you put the needs of others first, you set the tone of service culture within your
organization. As you serve people, you help them grow and develop as individuals and as teams.
It also encourages people to take action as servant leaders prepare for the long -term. To top it all
off, it develops a sense of humility.
7. Humility
For me, being humble means setting aside your pride and ego. Humility is sometimes mistaken
for acquiescence or consent without objection, compliance. Humility shows true values of
leaders if displayed properly.
As humble leaders, we are not shy to ask for help from others as the ego stands aside. We can
show to others we care by getting them involved in decision making too.
Humility also promotes an environment where people can learn and develop. You do that by
allowing them to take responsibilities that ordinary leaders might keep for themselves.
One thing that I attribute to the success in humility is the fact that I steered away from
micromanagement with it. I took a step back, asked people for feedback and encouraged them to
take action. Do your best to add humility as one of the most important values of a leader.
8. Respect
Respect needs to be earned. Just because you have a title in your workplace, it doesn’t mean that
people must or will respect you. In today’s industry, gen Y and gen Z are influencing the
workforce and they look for proof. We can show this proof through the performance of the
Show respect to receive respect. This is a simple rule of reciprocity. Leaders can’t expect their
people to give respect if they are treating them with disrespect. Considering having respect on
your list of leadership values.
9. Resilience
The ability to recover quickly from setbacks, obstacles and challenges encountered. I firmly
believe that this is one of the leadership core values. Why?
Because the struggle is real. Leaders of today’s workforce are exposed to more pressure than
before due to the increased demand for productiveness and delivery of results.
If we don’t pay enough attention to it, we will be facing burnouts, physical and mental fatigue.
This can result in an imbalanced system that can cause negative long-term consequences.
Self-awareness is the key to prospering with resilience. Make sure to allocate time to recover,
recuperate and pause, every once in a while. Talk to people close to you and address the
pressure, seek feedback and overcome the challenges with support and encouragement.
10. Adaptability
Being an adaptable leader means that you are ready for change. It is crucial to recognize the need
to adapt to the ever-changing workplace environment and people. This will allow you to quickly
respond to the requirements or demands in certain situations.
Sometimes, this may seem either too easy or too challenging, depending on who is observing.
Leaders can develop adaptability by thinking out-of-the-box, stepping out of their comfort zone
and plan ahead.
Another way to develop adaptability is to continue learning, regardless of the position or statute.
We can achieve this with learning agility, or knowing what to do when you don’t know what to
do. This will help you adapt your plans in case of changing circumstances or creating
contingencies. Would you agree that adaptability should be on the list of values of leaders?
11. Wisdom
After several surveys, I noticed that people mention the importance of wisdom in their respective
careers. I realized that wisdom plays a more important role in the big picture and the long-term,
but it also impacts the short-term goals.
Wisdom comes out of experience or applying knowledge which results in having a better
judgment when making decisions. It helps you understand complex problems and break them
down into ‘consumable bites’ which can help your team and individuals within prosper.
Wisdom also leads to self-mastery. With that, you will be able to inspire others and model
effective leadership, which results in courage and confidence. It is essential to cultivate wisdom
within the organization as it will fuel the wisdom in others.
12. Accountability
The ability and willingness to take responsibility for your actions, choices, and behaviors are
called accountability. Leaders who hold themselves accountable will not blame others and play
the ‘blame game’. On the contrary, they will do their best to make things right and fix the
Sometimes, taking responsibility is putting fear into the eyes of new leaders. Unfortunately,
worrying about what might happen can sometimes damage the team rather than act upon things
without fear.
Accountability can build trust, respect, and fairness among people in your organization. This, in
turn, leads to an engaged workplace. Ultimately, it promotes healthy communication and
13. Authenticity
Are you a sincere leader? Do you allow people to speak their minds and appreciate their input?
As an authentic leader, you are expected to do those things. Not because it is written in the
standard operating procedure, but because it encourages team members to provide their thoughts
and share feedback that is appreciated.
When you live, breathe, and speak according to your personal values, you start leading
authentically. This, in turn, allows you to share unique experiences and portray the embodiment of
inspiration for others.
If you are an authentic leader, I admire you already. If you are planning or you’re in the process
of becoming one, it is not an easy task. It will take you a significant amount of time to get to
know yourself and the courage to do what’s right.
14. Integrity
One of the ‘must-haves’ in my leadership dictionary and represents one of the most values of a
good leader. Integrity is by far the most challenging value of them all. Whenever I talk about
core leadership values and ethics, integrity is the highlighted topic.
If we discuss the importance of integrity in leadership, I always remember the saying ‘walk the
talk’ and ‘practice what you preach’. As a leader, if you are in any shape or form trying to inspire
others, you should live and breathe integrity.
There are some debates where integrity is seen as consistency in doing what you say, which
prompts the wrong definition and interpretation with budding leaders. If we are to look below the
surface, we can see the crossover that will make the integrity complete.
I am talking about morality. With it, integrity becomes more than just value. It is the
encompassing piece that completes the values puzzle and gives meaning to who we are as
1, what is self-leadership?
Self-leadership is the ability to lead yourself to achieve your personal and professional goals and
objectives, while also helping the company or organization you work for to be successful. It
involves having a good understanding of who you are, where you want to go and what you can
accomplish, and having the ability to control your emotions and behavior in a way that guides
you toward success.
In addition to helping you achieve your own personal goals for your life and career, benefits of
self-leadership include:
4, what is the importance of internet (social Media) for job application and how to use it?
Hiring personnel and recruiters utilize various types of social media for job seekers throughout
the hiring process in order to gain valuable insight on potential employees. Companies are looking
for the best of the best in today’s competitive job market. Just a bit of social media research can uncover a
great deal about an applicant’s personality, as well as their character. Hiring managers aren’t simply
looking at professional sites like LinkedIn. They also look at available personal accounts on the more
social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter
As you can see, social media for job seekers is vitally important and is truly changing the
career development landscape. That means there are new rules and etiquette to learn;
however, it also opens many new doors for those on the hunt for their dream career.
It can be challenging figuring out on the spot how to answer questions thrown at you during a
job interview — especially if they are not ones you were expecting. If you want to impress, it
is not enough to merely respond to the question. Tough questions give you the opportunity to
highlight your value and show that you understand the company. Want to shine in the
interview? Use these five tricks to nail the tough questions:
Having a solid grasp of your skills and expertise will make it easier for you to answer questions.
Before you engage with a potential employer, know your top three talents.
To figure out your skills and areas of expertise, consider what energizes you at work and if there
is a particular thing with which people repeatedly ask your help. When people ask you for
advice, where do you feel most knowledgeable? Look at what is highlighted in your resume and
past performance reviews. You can also ask someone. Your colleagues, friends and family can
offer great insight into your talents.
To understand the company, research online and try to speak with individuals you know who
work or have worked there. Then choose three things about the company that stand out to you. It
could be its noble mission, an innovative product or an exciting conversation you had with an
employee about her international assignment.
This information can help you effortlessly relay your strengths and the reasons you are interested
in working with the company. More importantly, this information primes you to nail even harder
questions. To answer almost any question, you can use what you know about yourself and the
company as the underpinning.
3. Know your value and share what you can bring to the table.
Knowing your skills and expertise is different from knowing your value. To understand your
value, you need to know how your talents align with the organization.
4. Ignore superlatives.
Questions that use superlatives like the “proudest professional moment” question can be
challenging. Under stressful conditions like an interview, it can be difficult to come up with an
answer let alone the best answer. Do not focus on the “proud-Est” moment. Do not wrack your
brain searching for the “best” one. Instead, focus on a moment in which you were proud. That
way you won't start thinking only about yourself, instead of how you can add value to the
Another way to demonstrate your value and what you know about your potential employer is to
ask questions. Take the opportunity to ask a quick question to get a little more information so
that your answer can be targeted to the organization. Asking questions shows that you are
listening, care and want to understand their organization. For this reason, asking questions can
make you more likeable as a candidate.
For instance, the interviewer asks you to tell her about yourself. After you tell her about yourself
(remember to focus on your value, which lies at the intersection of your talents and
understanding of the organization), ask her how she sees the role fitting in with the company. A
question like this helps you to gather information, such as the management style and the role’s
expectations, which you can use later in the interview.