Ductility of Asphalt Materials: Standard Test Method For
Ductility of Asphalt Materials: Standard Test Method For
Ductility of Asphalt Materials: Standard Test Method For
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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D113 − 17
E77 Test Method for Inspection and Verification of Ther- means of evaluating and controlling some of those factors.
E220 Test Method for Calibration of Thermocouples By 4. Apparatus
Comparison Techniques 4.1 Mold—The mold shall be similar in design to that shown
E644 Test Methods for Testing Industrial Resistance Ther- in Fig. 1. The mold shall be made of brass, 10.0 6 0.1 mm
mometers thick, the ends b and b' being known as clips, and the parts a
E1137/E1137M Specification for Industrial Platinum Resis- and a' as sides of the mold, with a brass base plate that is larger
tance Thermometers than the assembled mold. The dimensions of the assembled
E2251 Specification for Liquid-in-Glass ASTM Thermom- mold shall be as shown in Fig. 1 with the permissible variations
eters with Low-Hazard Precision Liquids indicated.
3. Significance and Use 4.2 Water Bath for Conditioning Specimens—A water bath
3.1 This test method provides one measure of tensile prop- capable of maintaining the specified test temperature, varying
erties of asphalt materials and may be used to measure ductility not more than 0.5 °C [0.9 °F] from this temperature. The
for specification requirements. specimen shall be immersed to a depth of not less than 2.5 cm.
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D113 − 17
[60.9 °F] of the test temperature. The testing machine shall 5.3 Aged Sample—If the sample is a conditioned residue
incorporate a means by which the elongation at the time of obtained from Test Method D1754/D1754M or D2872, com-
rupture can be measured in centimeters. bine the residue into a single container, cover, and heat in an
4.4 Thermometer—A calibrated liquid-in-glass thermometer oven set at 135 6 5 °C [275 6 10 °F]. (See Note 3.)
of suitable range with subdivisions and maximum scale error of 5.4 Cut-Back Asphalt Residue—If the sample is a residual
0.1 °C [0.2 °F] or any thermometric device of equal accuracy, product recovered from cut-back distillation by means of Test
precision, and sensitivity shall be used. Thermometers shall Method D402/D402M, stir the heated residue and immediately
conform to the requirements of Specification E1 or E2251. pour portions of the residue into suitable molds for making the
Other thermometric devices shall conform to the requirements required tests.
of Specification E1137/E1137M. The thermometer used for the
NOTE 3—In those cases where the samples are not sufficiently fluid to
water bath shall be calibrated periodically in accordance with pour at 135 6 5 °C [275 6 10 °F], higher temperatures may be used.
Test Method E77. An alternate thermometric device shall be
calibrated periodically in accordance with Specification E1137/ 6. Procedure
E1137M and Test Method E220 or E644. 6.1 Assemble three molds on a brass plate. Thoroughly coat
4.5 Release Agent—A mixture such as glycerin with the surface of the plate and interior surfaces of the sides a and
Dextrin, talc, or Kaolin (china clay), used to coat the bottom a', Fig. 1, of the mold with a thin layer of release agent to
and sides of mold to prevent the specimen from sticking to the prevent the test material from sticking. The plate upon which
mold. Other materials may be used for this purpose if they have the mold is placed shall be flat and level so that the bottom
been shown not to affect the physical properties of the test surface of the mold will be in contact throughout. After sample
specimen. preparation as described in Section 5, thoroughly stir the
4.6 Oven—An oven capable of maintaining within 65 °C sample and pour into the mold. In filling the mold, take care not
[610 °F] of the temperature required to heat the sample so it is to disarrange the pieces of the mold, thus distorting the
just fluid enough to pour. specimen shape. Pour the material in a thin stream back and
forth from end to end of the mold until the mold is more than
4.7 Trimming Tool—A straight-edged putty knife or spatula level full. Allow the filled mold to cool to room temperature for
wider than the specimen for trimming. 35 6 5 min. Then place it in the water bath at test temperature
4.8 Specific Gravity Additive—A substance such as methyl for 35 6 5 min. Remove the test specimens from the water
alcohol, sodium chloride, or ethylene glycol used to adjust the bath, lightly dry top of mold with paper towel or cotton rag,
specific gravity of the water bath to prevent specimen from then immediately trim the excess material with a hot trimming
coming to the surface of the water or touching the bottom of tool to make the molds just level full. (See Note 4.)
the bath. Other additives may be used if they have been shown 6.2 Keeping Specimen at Standard Temperature—Place the
not to affect the physical properties of the specimen. trimmed specimen and mold in the water bath at the specified
4.9 Sieves—300-µm (No. 50) sieve, 3 in. in diameter, in temperature for 90 6 5 min prior to testing. Remove the
accordance with Specification E11. specimen from the plate by a shearing action between speci-
NOTE 2—In those cases where the ductility specimens are conditioned
men and plate, avoiding any bending of the specimen.
in the standard penetration bath at 25 °C [77 °F], the thermometer or 6.3 Testing—Attach the rings at each end of the clips to the
equivalent thermometric device as prescribed for Test Method D5/D5M pins or hooks in the testing machine and ensure that side pieces
may be used.
a and a' have been removed. Pull the two clips apart at a
5. Sample Preparation uniform speed as specified until the specimen ruptures or
5.1 Emulsified Asphalt Residue—If the sample is a residual reaches the length limitations of the testing machine. Measure
product recovered from emulsified asphalt by means of Test the distance in centimetres through which the clips have been
Methods D6934, D6997, D7403, or Practice D7497, stir the pulled to produce rupture or final length.
contents and immediately pour portions of the residue into 6.3.1 A normal test is one in which the material ruptures
suitable molds for making the required tests. Residue obtained near the center of the specimen or reaches the length limita-
from lower-temperature emulsion recovery procedures shall be tions of the testing machine. A rupture occurring at either clip
brought to a temperature of at least 135 °C prior to pouring. If shall not be considered normal.
an emulsified asphalt residue does not meet the ductility 6.3.2 If the sample comes in contact with the surface of the
requirements, this may be indicative of the presence of foreign water or the bottom of the bath, the test shall not be considered
matter. If it is suspected that there is foreign matter in the normal. Adjust the specific gravity of the bath by using a
residue, the residue may be strained through a 300-µm (No. 50) specific gravity additive as described in 4.8 so that the test
sieve that has been preheated at 135 6 5 °C [275 6 10 °F] specimen neither comes to the surface of the water, nor touches
prior to pouring into the test molds. the bottom of the bath at any time during the test. (See Note 5.)
5.2 Unaged Sample—If the sample is an asphalt binder, NOTE 4—A critical dimension of the ductility mold is the width at the
carefully heat the sample in a covered container to prevent cross section of the mold. Measure and record the cross section distance
and compare to the specifications listed in Fig. 1. In addition, best practice
local overheating until it has become sufficiently fluid to pour. recommends etching a uniform identification of letters or numbers on the
Use an oven set at 135 6 5 °C [275 6 10 °F] for sample mold set clips and side pieces so that the mold pieces are used as a set.
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D113 − 17
NOTE 5—Some additives used to adjust the specific gravity of the water 8. Precision and Bias
bath are toxic and can cause corrosion of the testing machine. If specific
gravity adjustments have been made, it is recommended to wear gloves 8.1 Criteria for judging the acceptability of ductility test
when placing hands in the bath fluid. Frequent bath fluid changes are results at 25 °C [77 °F] obtained by this test method are shown
recommended to prevent damage to the testing machine.
in Fig. 2. (See Notes 6-8.)
7. Report
NOTE 6—The precision statement for ductility, as presented in Fig. 2, is
7.1 Report the average of three normal tests as the ductility based on tests performed on asphalt binders. The precision of tests on
of the sample. If a normal test is not obtainable, report the residues, such as those obtained by Test Methods D1754/D1754M and
ductility as being unobtainable under the conditions of the test. D2872, have not been established.
If rupture does not occur due to length limitations of the testing
machine, report ductility as the length limitation in cm+ (for NOTE 7—The numbers plotted in Fig. 2 represent the (1S) and (D2S)
limits for single-operator precision and multi-laboratory precision as
example, 150 cm+). If this testing is performed on less than
described in Practice C670.
three replicates of the same sample due to insufficient material,
include the number of replicates used in the test report. NOTE 8—Insufficient data are available to properly define precision at
7.2 In the event of a discrepancy, the referee method shall be 15.6 °C [60 °F]. However, analysis of data resulting from tests by 13
to perform the test using three replicates. If the discrepancy laboratories on one asphalt for which the average ductility test result was
45 cm shows a multi-laboratory precision (D2S) of 23 cm.
involves a distillation residue, pour the material through a
300-µm (No. 50) sieve that has been preheated at 135 6 5 °C
[275 6 10 °F] prior to pouring into test molds. Report the 9. Keywords
average of three normal tests as the ductility of the sample. 9.1 ductility; ductility mold; ductilometer
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