Dholariya2021 Article NotableAndEmergingVariantsOfSA
Dholariya2021 Article NotableAndEmergingVariantsOfSA
Dholariya2021 Article NotableAndEmergingVariantsOfSA
Ind J Clin Biochem
pathogenesis manifests as mild viral pneumonia to severe genus betacoronavirus [4, 5]. SARS-CoV-2 consists of
acute respiratory distress syndrome [7, 8]. Initial cytokine positive-sense single-stranded RNA with distinctive 50 -cap
storm is responsible for occurrence of macrophage acti- and 30 -poly-A tail structure and a low GC content com-
vation syndrome and acute respiratory distress syndrome/ pared to other CoVs (38%) [5]. The six functional open
respiratory failure. Simultaneously, SARS-CoV-2 spreads reading frames (ORFs) are organized in order from 50 to 30
to the other organ(s) and infects cells which express ACE2 as: replicase (ORF1a/ORF1b), spike (S), membrane (M),
receptor, resulting in a in multi-organ damage [7]. Cyto- envelope (E), and nucleocapsid (N). ORF1a is the longest
kine storm is followed by phase of immune dysregulation ORF, covers two-third portion of the 50 genome and
which is considered as a core culprit in the development of encodes a polyprotein (pp1ab), which is autoproteolytically
sepsis related complications [9]. processed into 16 non-structural proteins [4, 5]. The
Communal symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection are downstream regions encode for four main structural pro-
pyrexia, tussis, dyspnea, pharyngitis, myalgia, headache, teins (S, M, E, and N proteins) sequences along with seven
olfactory and taste dysfunction (hyposmia/anosmia or accessory proteins encoding sequences, interspersed
ageusia). The widespread concern is the emergence of between the structural genes [4, 5].
SARS-CoV-2 variants with concerning phenotypes as a The SARS-CoV-2 genome also contains leader and
result of mutation(s). SARS-CoV-2, despite being endowed transcription-regulatory sequence (TRS) [5]. The leader
with proofreading activity (a function attributed to nsp14) sequence (* 70 bases) is present at 50 end, out of which
during viral replication [6], have a high mutation rate, and 7–10 bases are transcription-regulatory sequences referred
the absolute number of mutations increases with every as TRS-L. Similarly, adjacent to each ORF, TRS-B motifs
round of infection either through genetic drift or through are present; TRS-L and TRS-B are responsible for the
selection, and become fixed in different populations. discontinuous synthesis of intermediate negative strands of
Monitoring of these evolving mutations and genetic sgRNA [6]. Of the four structural genes, S gene is signif-
diversity of SARS-CoV-2 is decisive for understanding the icantly diverged from the corresponding sequence in SARS
viral variants and assuring the performance of new diag- CoV, while other shares more than 90% homology [4–6].
nostic tests and countermeasures (vaccines and therapies) The SARS-CoV-2 S is a trimeric glycoprotein, consists of
against COVID-19. Thus, this study aims to perform a 1273 amino acids. It contains two subunits viz S1 and S2
descriptive review of the basic virology of variants of [6]. S1 is responsible for the viral entry by attaching to host
SARS-CoV-2 i.e. we will highlight the current under- cell’s ACE2 receptor through the S1 receptor-binding
standing; provide an overview of the nomenclature and domain (RBD), while the S2 subunit allows virus-cell
genetic characteristics of viral variants in the context of fusion of viral and cellular membranes. This process
mutational changes of the circulating strains, transmissi- requires S protein priming by host proteases such as
bility potential, virulence and infectivity (Table 1). TMPRSS2 in cleavage sites S1/S2, a polybasic (furin)
cleavage motif, at the S1/S2 boundary, and the S20 site
[5, 6]. Additional distinctive genomic features of SARS-
Phylogeny and Genomics CoV-2 is, accessory gene orf8 and a presence of four amino
acid residues (PRRA) at the junction of subunits S1 and S2.
Phylogenetic analysis reveals SARS-CoV-2 genome shares This insertion creates a polybasic cleavage site (RRAR),
high homology with other CoVs (79% with SARS-CoV; which allows effective cleavage by furin and other pro-
50% with MERS-CoV; 88% with bat-derived CoVs) and teases [6].
accordingly is placed in the subgenus Sarbecovirus of the
Ind J Clin Biochem
Mutation: Variants and Strain named by the year they are estimated to have emerged
Mutation is a definite natural change that occurs in the
• 19A and 19B: Identified in early outbreak
genomic sequence of SARS-CoV-2 virus during process of
at Wuhan.
viral replication [10, 11]. Natural selection processes will
• 20A: Identified in outbreak of Europe in
decide the fate of newly arising mutation. Mutations that
March 2020.
are deleterious to the virus will be purged from the popu-
• 20C and 20D: They are genetically dif-
lation, and few are essentially maintained in the popula-
ferent sub-clades of 20A
tion; they facilitate viral replication, transmissibility or
• 20D to 20I: They emerged in early
immune escape i.e. if mutation favors the viral fitness, then
summer of 2020
it increases in frequency and evolute as a new variant [12].
However, frequency of mutation also depends on chance 3. According to Guan Q, et al., 2020: They identified five
events. Hence, interplay between natural selection and main clades like, D392, I378, G614, S84, and V251
chance events decide the evolution of new variants in host based on mutations profiles [20].
cells, populations and across the world [13]. If a genome 4. According to Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza
differs from the reference sequence by one or more than Data (GISAID): Gisaid.org identified main nine clades
one mutation then it is refereed as variant [14]. Specific such as GH, GRY, G, S, O, GV, L and V. [21].
variant which has different phenotypic characteristics like,
virulence or transmissibility is called as a strain [15].
Notable Variants of SARS-CoV-2
Nomenclature of SARS-CoV-2 Variants 1. Spike D614G variant: Substitution of aspartic acid to
glycine at 614 amino acid position in spike protein of
Nomenclature helps to understand genomic epidemiology,
SARS-CoV-2 virus has been found in January and
surveillance and control of the infections [16]. Genetic
February 2020 and this mutation governs a vital con-
diverseness of virus is primarily classified into specific
formational alteration in the spike protein between the
large group called ‘clades’. On a phylogent tree, each
S1 and S2 domains, that favors the binding to the
specific ‘clade’ refers to a monophyletic group which is
ACE2 receptor and thus increases the probability of
having a common ancestor. Thus, ‘clades’ classify genetic
infection. Over a few months after the perception of
diverseness and pathogen phylogeny into mutually exclu-
ancestral strain, spike D614G variant became globally
sive and equally divergent set of groups [17]. Wuhan/
dominant, presumably because of enhanced ability to
hCoV-19/ /WIV04/2019 sequence is considered as refer-
bind with human ACE2 receptor. D614G mutation also
ence or zero sequence and it belongs to the A lineage of
exhibit enhanced replication activity in both human
PANGO / 19B clade of Nextstrain/S clade of GISAID. No
(nasal and bronchial airway epithelial cell) and in
consistent nomenclature has been established for SARS-
animal models with a rapid transmissibility. Patients
CoV-2, but colloquially four nomenclatures have been
infected with the G variant shows a higher nasopha-
proposed for clades:
ryngeal viral load than the wild-type strain, but there
1. According to Rambaut A, et al., 2020: It is also known seems to be no difference in disease severity. Loss of
as PANGO (Phylogenetic Assignment of Named smell is found to be the predominant symptom with G
Global Outbreak) Lineages. They recognized total variant infectivity as this variant has boosted ability to
81 lineages of SARS-CoV-2 virus. These lineages bind with ACE2 receptor in olfactory epithelium. Sera
were primary pertains to A, B, and B.1. Further six of animal which were infected with this strain contains
lineages, A.1 to A.6 were recognized from lineage A higher neutralizing antibody compared to original
and two descendant sublineages, A.1.1 and A.3 were strain, suggestive of no additional effect of this variant
recognized from A.1. They also recognized 16 lineages on the efficacy of vaccine or of diagnostic and thera-
directly originated from lineage B. So far, lineage B.1 peutic measures [22–25].
is the major recognized lineage and it additionally 2. Lineage B.1.1.7: It is also called Variant of Concern
subclassified into more than 70 sublineages [18]. 202,012/01 or 20B/501Y.V1 or UK COVID-19 variant
2. According to Nextstrain.org/ncov: Total 11 major and is characterized by 23 mutations (4 deletion, 6
clades were distinguished on the basis of analysis of synonymous mutation and 13 non-synonymous muta-
clades.nextstrain.org. As per this system, clades are tions) with 17 amino acid changes [26–28]. This
variant was first announced in the South East of
Ind J Clin Biochem
England on December 14th 2020 and it unfurled permitting the accumulation of further mutations in
rapidly during late-December. Epidemiological studies other regions.
and mathematical modeling revealed that transmission E. E484K mutation: Lineage B.1.1.7 with E484K
of this lineage is 56% faster than other lineage, as mutation was identified in England in February
around 28% cases were infected with this strain by the 2021, which was also detected in Brazil and South
end of December 2020. Rapid and widespread trans- Africa Variants. This mutation plays a pivotal role
mission of this variant is suggestive of natural selection in immune evasion and in the binding affinity of
of virus at a population level, though it does not have the virus to the receptor by bringing a conforma-
any significant effect on efficacy of vaccine or of tional alteration in the flexible loop region of S
diagnostic and therapeutic measures. Variants from this RBD. E484K mutation is also deemed to be
lineage are associated with multiple amino acid responsible for the reduced efficacy of both
changes in the spike protein, including a deletion at vaccine and convalescent sera [33].
69/70, mutation in ORF8, P681H, N501Y and E484K
3. Lineage B.1.351 or 501.2 variant: It is also known as
20C/501Y.V2 or South African Covid Variant and was
A. N501Y: The N501Y (substitution of Asparagine to first detected in South Africa during mid-December
Tyrosine at 501 amino acid position) mutation is of 2020. This variant has multiple mutations (12 non-
major concern of B.1.1.7 lineage, as it is present in synonymous mutations and one deletion) equated to
Receptor Binding Motif of Receptor Binding index Wuhan strain and about three-fourth of these
Domain (RBD) in Spike glycoprotein. Analysis mutations are in the spike glycoprotein viz: A701V,
through modelling methods reveled that N501Y D80A, D215G, E484K, L18F, AL 242–244 del, R246I,
mutation would allow a potential aromatic ring- K417N, D614G and N501Y, while the other are sited
ring interaction and an additional hydrogen bond in ORF1a [K1655N], envelope [P71L], and N [T205I]
between RBD and ACE2 and, hence, confers an viral proteins. This variant is found to be more
increased binding affinity of S RBD for the ACE2 prevalent in young individuals (without any comorbid-
receptor, raising the viral transmission rate. This ity), confers increased binding to ACE2 receptor and is
mutation confers an increased infectivity and deemed responsible for the second wave. In view of
virulence as it alters the antibody identification multiple spike mutation(s), it spreads rapidly compared
and ACE2 receptor binding specificity of spike to other variants and vaccine might have reduced
glycoprotein [29]. efficacy against this variant, presumably because of
B. P681H: This mutation occurs spontaneously and is K417N and E484K mutations in the RBD domain [34].
located adjacent to the amino acids 682–685, the 4. A701B variant: This variant was identified in Decem-
furin cleavage site (FCS) identified at the S1/S2 in ber 2020 at Malaysia and is characterized by substi-
the spike protein. The function of the P681H tution of alanine by aspartic acid at the 701 amino acid
mutation is not yet clear, but SARS-CoV-2 FCS position in spike protein. Rate of transmission and
promotes the promotes the entry of the virus into infectivity of this strain is uncertain [35].
respiratory epithelial cells and enhances transmem- 5. Spike N453Y variant: It is also known as cluster 5
brane serine protease (TMPRSS) induced cleavage variant or DFVI-spike and was discovered in mid-
ability. It is one the three mutations (along with August to early part of September 2020 at North
H69-V70del, N501Y) of B.1.1.7 with the utmost Jutland of Denmark and spreads from mink to humans
potential to affect the biological behavior of the through mink farms. Infection with this variant may
SARS-CoV-2 [30]. cause decrease sensitivity for neutralization of virus,
C. 69/70 deletion: It refers to 6 bp deletion at 69 and which may result in decrease in duration of immune
70 amino acid positions in spike protein which protection by vaccination and natural course of infec-
causes a conformational modification in the spike tion. Adaptation of this variant in mink is an important
protein. In immunocompromised patients, this concern in future because evolution of virus in mink
deletion has been associated with immune escape reservoirs results in recurrent chance of infection to
mechanism and also deemed plausible a determi- human from mink. Hence, some countries imple-
nant for drop out in detection of S gene in some mented extensive slaughtering of mink to reduce the
diagnostic method [31]. further spread of infection [36].
D. Mutation in ORF8: It refers to mutation in stop 6. Lineage B.1.1.207: This variant was identified in
codon (Q27stop) in ORF8 [32] and is responsible Nigeria in late August 2020 with mutation of P681H,
to truncates the ORF8 protein or makes it inactive,
Ind J Clin Biochem
which is also found in Lineage B.1.1.7. Transmission variant contains four mutations viz, I4205V in ORF1a;
and virulence of this variant is unclear [37]. D1183Y in ORF1b; S13I, and W152C in spike protein.
7. Lineage B.1.258D: It has been identified within Functional effect of this variant on infectivity, anti-
B.1.258 clade in Czech Republic and Slovakia during genicity and disease severity of SARS-CoV-2 is
September-December 2020. It contains following ambiguous.
imperative mutations: 11. Lineage B.1.525: This lineage was first identified in
United Kingdom during December 2020 and contains
A. N439K mutation: It occurs in the receptor binding
four mutations viz Q677H, F888L, E484K, and Q52R
domain of spike protein and has been associated
in spike protein [44]
with high viral load as it increases the binding
12. Lineage B.1.617: This lineage was first identified at
affinity of virus to ACE2 receptor. It has been
Maharashtra state of India in October 2020 during
reported that it escapes immune response devel-
second wave surge. It possesses common novel muta-
oped by previous infection and from neutralizing
tions viz E484Q, L452R, P681R, D111D, D614G, and
monoclonal antibodies [38].
G142D in receptor binding domain of spike protein;
B. DH69/DV70 deletion: It occurs in amino terminal
amongst these E484Q, L452R, and P681R mutations
domain of spike protein and has been associated
are major circulatory variants and area of concern Each
with high infectivity substantiated by a two-fold
of the three mutations are in furin cleavage site and
increase in S protein-mediated infectivity in vitro
might accelerate S1-S2 cleavage, binding affinity of
along with the flair to escape from the immune
virus to ACE2 receptor, that leads to superior trans-
response. This deletion has not been identified by
missibility [45]. Effect of this lineage is found to be
RT-PCR of TaqPath and often get misdiagnosed as
neutralized with currently available vaccine and con-
B.1.1.7 [39, 40]; H69/V70 deletion is considered as
valescent plasma of previously infected with SARS-
a permissive mutation i.e. it amends the immun-
CoV-2 infection. Hence, this lineage hasn’t any effect
odominant epitopes sited at amino terminal domain
on immune escape and vaccine efficacy [46].
(variable loops), providing resistance to neutral-
13. Lineage B.1.168: This lineage was first acknowledged
ization by both convalescent sera and vaccine.
in October 2020 at West Bengal state of India and is
8. P.1 Variant: It is also known as a 20 J/501Y.V3 and found to be significantly increased lately. This lineage
was identified in Brazil as dominating circulating virus. contains E484K, D618G and deletion of two amino
This variant belongs to B.1.1.28 lineage and contains acid (Y145 and H146) in region of spike protein.
17 non-synonymous mutations, 11 in S protein viz E484K variant has been considered as main immune
L18F, T20N, P26S, D138Y, R190S, K417T, E484K, escape variant as it escapes from convalescent plasma
N501Y, D614G, H655Y, T1027I, and V1176F; 3 in and multiple monoclonal antibodies. [47]
ORF1ab viz S1188L, K1795Q, and E5665D; one in
ORF8 namely E92K, and one P80K in N protein; 1
deletion namely SGF 3675-3677del in ORF1ab; and 4
Consequences of Emerging Variants of SARS-
synonymous mutations. This SARS-CoV-2 variant
contains the highest number of mutations in spike
protein and all these mutations collectively has impor-
1. Escaping from specific diagnostic investigation:
tant implications for transmissibility, reinfection rates
Mutation(s) in the spike glycoprotein affects the
and evasion of antibody-mediated immunity [41].
detection of spike protein by RT-PCR. However, most
9. Midwest variant or S Q677H: This variant contains
of the commercially available PCR protocols are using
Q677H mutation in spike protein and was reported to
multiple targets and presumably no significant impact
be highly prevalent in Ohio and Midwest states from
on diagnosis [48].
December 2020 to January 2021. Functional effect of
2. Faster transmissibility in the population: D614G
this variant regarding antigenicity and transmissibility
[49], B.1.1.7 [31], and B.1.617 [45] variant of SARS-
of SARS-CoV-2 is uncertain [42].
CoV-2 has been associated with faster transmissibility
10. CAL.20C: It arises from lineage B.1.429 and was first
compared to 614D variant (wild type). These variants
identified in Europe and Los Angeles of United states
propagate more quickly in human respiratory epithelial
in the year 2020, then it rapidly escalated in California
during January 2021. This variant contains L452R
3. Severity of infection: Mainly Lineage B.1.1.7 variant
mutation in receptor binding domain of spike protein,
has been associated with increased severity of infection
which has been found to resistant against therapeutic
monoclonal antibodies [43]. Besides L452R, CAL.20C
Ind J Clin Biochem
4. Impact on vaccine effectiveness: Spike glycoprotein reported in Delhi and clade B4 in West Bengal and Odisha
of SARS-CoV-2 attaches to ACE2 receptor in respi- [51]. Lineage B.1.617 and Lineage B.1.168 are responsible
ratory tract and it is a central target for neutralizing for recent quick surge of SARS-CoV-2 cases in India.
antibody, thus a potential target for vaccine efficacy.
All these notable variants still have not spread at
population level and are not unequivocally proficient to Role of Genome Sequencing in Surveillance
escape from host antibody response; hence should not
have any substantial significant influence on the Genomics evaluate the particular virology in real time.
vaccine efficacy [50]. However, additional muta- First library of consistently sized fragments is generated by
tion(s) in the spike glycoprotein could lead to immune cleaving multiple genomes at randomly. Then unordered
escape from neutralizing antibody and replacing other sequenced segments are generated by automated compu-
circulating variants by increasing transmissibility at a tation. Finally segments of overlapping sequence are con-
large populace level, then it could be impending cause structed to know genome consensus [52]. Figure 1 depicts
of diminish effectiveness of the vaccine. mRNA the steps involved in the genomic sequencing of SRAS-
vaccines stimulate virus specific cytotoxic and helper CoV-2 [53]. Genome sequencing helps to, identify the
T cells and generate efficient neutralizing antibody origin of infection; comprehend the evolution of pathogen,
response which is quiet enough to fight against newer
variants. However, inactivated vaccines might be less
Covid-19 Symptoms
effective against newer variants as they produce weak Fever, Cough, Breathlessness
neutralizing antibody response. Genomic sequencing
RT-PCR: Positive
of virus should be done from fully vaccinated individ- CT Lung: Pneumonia
uals admitted to hospital with SARS-CoV-2 infection
Hospital Admission in moderate/severe cases
to identify the new variants [50]. Genomic surveillance
of these entire notable variant should be continued at
large scale to know their impact on host immune
response and on vaccine efficacy and to prevent global
Not Vaccinated Fully Vaccinated with
spread of new variants. vaccine
There was progressive decrease in cases of SARS-CoV-2 Next generation sequencing for
infection from 15th September 2020 to 9th of February genomic surveillance
2021 in India. But there was abrupt spike in statistics of
new cases from 10th February 2021, signifying evidence of
second wave of SARS-CoV-2 infection. A2a, A3, AI/A3i - Evaluation of Ct value in PCR and CT severity score to assess severity
- Detailed clinical follow-up and contact tracing to evaluate virulence
and B4 are major clades found in India. Primarily, A/A3i
clade emerged in March 2020 and was subsequently
replaced by A2a clade. Clade AI/A3i was significantly Fig. 2 Proposed flow of work to identify and genomic counseling of
new SARS-CoV-2 variant
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