CAAP Concession Manual 2017v2
CAAP Concession Manual 2017v2
CAAP Concession Manual 2017v2
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A. Purpose
The CAAP management reserves the right to deviate from this Concession
Policy on any concession matter, for any reason, subject to the necessary
approvals. In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions in any
concession contract and this Concession Policy Manual, the provisions of the
contract shall control.
B. Effective Date
C. MissionNision Statement
To be able to offer quality and value products and services that exemplifies
the Filipino culture and tradition at its best.
a. Uniformity in application;
b. Consistent and predictable governing guidelines;
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c. Provide value and exceptional customer service in response to
customer needs;
d. Maximize non-aeronautical revenue based on customer data and
e. Keep our policy up to date and dynamic by introducing new
concepts and services;
f. Innovate concession design to entice and energize customers
through design and concession branding;
g. Attract the best local, regional and national food and beverage and
retail concepts and tenants, and retain "best in class" concessions;
h. Create and maintain a vibrant first-class concession program offering
a range of quality food and beverage, retail and services in a branded
environment, with particular emphasis on local, regional, national and
global brands.
o. "Term" - the length of time, including any option years, during which
a concessionaire has the right to operate a concession as provided in
the concession contract;
The CORPLAN will be implementing the direct contracting methodology for its
concession program. The Business Dev will function as the overall manager
of the concession program. Under its direct contracting approach, Business
Dev forges concession agreements with individual concession operator rather
than selecting a master concessionaire or concession developer. To attain
CAAP's goals, CORPLAN will impose a performance management and
development standard with every concession agreement it enters into.
Business Dev will determine to whom the spaces shall be allocated, given,
based on a prepared 'Business Model' approved by CORPLAN Chief.
Likewise, spaces for concessions allocation (i.e. particular spaces for rent to
concession requiring technical assistance) shall be identified and prepared for
such use/purpose by ADMS. Business Dev shall determine parties as
concession operators within ADMS-identified spaces designed for
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administration of policies and contract enforcement in addition to functions
already performed for CAAP. The current Airport Concession Administrator
shall retain this post during the transition or until otherwise relieved of said
The Area Center Manager and Airport Manager will give guidelines to Airport
Concession Administrator regarding concession-airport administrative and
technical matters. Business Dev shall coordinate with the ACMs for their
comments and recommendation on concession applications. The ACMs
and AMs will report to the ODG through Business Dev, problems and issues
not manageable within their control.
The CAAP engineers will handle, provide and coordinate the technical
requirements and details of the Concession Layout Plan and assigned
concession spaces in all airports with Business Dev and approved
The Director General will execute the final approval of the Contract
Agreement between CAAP and the successful concession applicant.
As a frontline handler, the Area Center Manager through the ACA will provide
and coordinate with the concession operator the necessary assistance as
stipulated in the concession agreement. They will forward to Business Dev all
feedback reports and relevant concerns and issues that reach their airports or
areas for evaluation and resolution.
E. Local Business
G. Ownership Limitations
H. Space Determination
1. Letter of Intent
2. Business Plan is not required as a rule, but may be specifically required by
CAAP as it deems appropriate.
3. Detailed description of activities for applied space.
4. Space size.
5. List of office equipment to be used.
6. Number and names of personnel responsible to man the space.
7. Memorandum of Agreement between-CAAP and Agency -·--
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C. Checklist for Banks
1. Letter of Intent
2. Business Plan is not required as a rule, but may be specifically required
CAAP as it deems appropriate.
3. Detailed description of activities and services offered for applied space.
4. Space size.
5. List and details of Equipment to be used (with pictures).
6. Contact information of bank personnel responsible for the ATM machine.
1. Permits (Business/Mayor's).
2. Height Clearance (if construction needed).
3. Architectural Plan for new structures.
4. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance for space/location applied.
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A. Use of brands
CAAP believes that a mix of local brands provide the overall balance and
better service that appeals to a wide range of passengers.
• Customer comments
• Passenger surveys
• Performance monitoring by Business Dev
• "Secret Shopper" audits
• Internal benchmarking vs performance data (own and other airports)
• Annual program performance report of all of the above
C. Competitive Environment
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C. LAP!f\D
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This section describes the basic business terms which will be incorporated in
requests for proposals and the standard form of concession agreement. It is
also the aim of CAAP that business terms must be balanced to ensure
reasonable pricing, good investments, excellent customer service, and for the
concessionaire, the opportunity to create a successful business and generate
good returns on their investments.
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provide, within applicable national and local laws, rules and regulations,
the most holistically beneficial proposal to CAAP.
B. Term
Concession agreements maybe for a fixed term of one (1) year; one (1) to five
(5) years; or ten (1O) years or more, taking into consideration the airport's
safety, security and operational concerns, the comfort and convenience of the
general public as well as available data on cost, investment and other
economic factors.
CAAP through ADMS will establish in the RFP a minimum capital investment
requirement (based on value per square meter of floor space the value of
which is to be determined by the Area Center Manager I his authorized
representative relying on fair market value/available value of lease space in
the same vicinity/ commercial space in a similarly situated and/or
conditioned structure while also reflecting the cost of improvements. Said
improvements as mutually agreed prior to construction must take into
account the Airport's operational, safety, security, structural and aesthetical
interests while being in consonance with the concessionaire's/ tenant's design
standards and operational requirements. The actual cost to construct
improvements including assembly, disassembly costs as well as cost to
return the concession space's condition to its state prior to turnover to the
concessionaire will be solely the responsibility of the successful
concessionaire. Actual costs may exceed the minimum investment
D. Refurbishment Obligation
Concession agreements that have been awarded for a continuous period
beyond four (4} years, whether due to contract renewal or because the
concession term granted is beyond four (4) years, will require
refurbishment, The Refurbishment obligation could include, but is not limited
to, replacement of flooring, counters, seating and other surfaces, and
excludes ongoing, routine maintenance expenses required of all
concessionaires. The proposals are expected to have the Refurbishment costs
incorporated into its original business plan.
F. Utility Charges
The CUSA fee is charged monthly and is used to maintain the common areas
such as the restroom, lobby, and other shared spaces that can be used by all
the tenants of the building and its customers. It is computed based on the
tenant's proportionate share on the common areas, subject to the approved
CMP schedule of fees and charges.
l. Monthly Fee
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space is VACANT. An offer may be submitted one (1) month prior to the
expiration of the contracted leased space. In this case, the current
Concessionaire is given priority on the proposed space, following established
and updated strategies of the Business Development Division.
A two (2) months advance monthly rental fee, and two (2) months security
deposit will be charged and collected from the approved Concession
applicant prior to the release of the Lease Contract.
L. Insurance
M. Approval
1. Made by the Office of the Director General- Up to five (5) year contract;
2. Approval by the Board - more than five (5) year contract.
Contracts where the annual concession fee (inclusive of all other fees and
charges) amounting to ten (15) million shall be approved by the Board,
irrespective of the period/term of lease.
A. Minimum Qualifications
Following the RFP, Business Dev staff or has duly authorized Area
Center/Airport personnel will conduct a pre-proposa l conference and site visit.
The said pre-proposal conference will include the presentation to the
applicant of requirements of the RFP not otherwise made available on-line, or
posted by Business Dev on available mass-media platforms.
1. CAAP website;
2. Official CAAP social media sites;
3. Airport announcement boards; and
4. Email to interested parties in the concession program .
C. Proposal Rejection
Proposals may be rejected or disqualified for any, including, but not limited to
the following reasons:
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D. Evaluation Criteria
CAAP will evaluate the best tenant option for CAAP based on criteria
contained in Part V-A.
Evaluation criteria will also take into consideration the applicants' experience
and qualifications, the proposal's strategic objectives, uniqueness to the
Filipino culture concept, and drive to high levels of customer satisfaction.
E. Evaluation Team
Proposals will be evaluated and scored by the team composed by the staff of
the Business Dev. The Corplan Chief will serve as the chair of team. All
recommendations and evaluation will be submitted to the chair for the final
selection of concessionaire.
CAAP reserves the right, when circumstances merit, to invite the highest
ranked applicants for interviews.
The interview will be an opportunity for the team to ask questions or seek
clarification of proposals. Questions will be provided in advance prior to
the interview. On scheduled date, interviewees may not:
Any team member may revise its initial scoring after the interview. There will
be no separate scoring of interviews and written proposals. Final scoring will
be based only from the evaluation criteria listed in the RFP.
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A. Pricing Approvals
All Concessions must meet minimum customer service standards that are
outlined in the concession agreement and Airport Rules and Regulations.
The Business Dev staff will monitor compliance with these standards and take
appropriate action when these standards are not met.
C. Liquidated Damages
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Operational Guidelines
Office Hours
The official office hours of CAAP are from 8:00AM until 5:00PM, Mondays to Fridays except
Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays.
Operational hours for concessionaires are the same with the operation of respective airports.
General Guidelines
1. All concession areas, including all equipment, should be cleaned, pleasing and in good
structural and operation condition. Concessionaires shall provide their own trolleys for
deliveries. The cleanliness and usability· of tables and chairs provided by the
concessionaires (including clearing of plates and leftovers) will be the responsibility of
the concessionaire. If this is undertaken by CAAP personnel/service providers, cost for
such undertaking will be charged to the concessionaire.
3. All products, materials and manpower related to the operation of the concession must be
contained within its interior walls or within its assigned area at all times.
4. No person or persons shall solicit money; distribute free samples and flyers, place
signage to promote business in aisles, walkways or midways without prior written
approval from CAAP.
5. CAAP is not responsible for any damage or loss of the Concessionaire's merchandise or
equipment. It is the individual Concessionaire's responsibility to provide insurance on all
merchandise and equipment. CAAP shall be relieved from any liability arising from
loss, damage or destruction of property.
6. A person of authority must always be available to make decisions to any problem that
may occur. If such person is not available, CAAP will make a decision in the best
interest of the public safety, security and/or airport operations.
7. Fees and charges except Air Navigation Charges must be paid directly at the Area
Center or airport where the operation takes place to avoid delay in the recording of
payment transactions and to prevent penalty for late payment of your Area Center
account, in consonance with applicable Administration and Finance Service rules,
regulations, standards and procedures.
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8. Concessionaire shall exercise all measures to stay within their leased area and avoid
loitering particularly in airport security restricted areas. Littering shall also be avoided
to maintain cleanliness of the concession area.
9. Concession personnel are prohibited from engaging in other activities or services aside
from their official duties and responsibilities in furtherance of their concession
10. Concessionaire must maintain cleanliness of the leased area and its immediate
surroundings and adjacent common areas to provide the free and safe flow of foot traffic.
11. No other business shall be allowed in the concession area other than the granted
12. Concessionaire shall report immediately to CAAP any observed foreign object debris
(FOO), stray animals, unauthorized person/s or anything unusual within restricted
areas especially when it may post a potential hazard to safety, security and general
airport operations.
Airline Services
1. Concessionaire shall avoid littering of trash, grease, oil, lubricants or anything that may
damage airport equipment or otherwise endanger the life of airport workers and the
2. Concessionaire shall not use, step, sleep, sit, play and stand on any airport equipment
such as conveyor, weighing scale and other sophisticated airport equipment. Damage to
CAAP facilities and equipment shall be reported to CAAP immediately. Airline personnel
must exercise utmost care on the use of same. If concessionaire is unable to repair
damages, CAAP will repair it and the cost will be charged to the concessionaire.
3. Airline equipment shall be parked and secured at the designated parking areas when not
in use.
4. Concessionaires and its employees are prohibited from engaging in activities like
gambling, sleeping, smoking within restricted area.
5. Posting of slgnage(s) or any information material must be within their concession area,
or as otherwise permitted by CAAP.
6. Airline personnel shall extend necessary assistance to passengers with disability/ senior
citizen/ pregnant women in the use of escalator, elevator or stairs.
7. All coverings and skirting must be of good quality and in good condition. All concession
trailer carts must have professionally designed and illuminated marquees. All stored
stock and equipment must be out of public view or fenced. It is the responsibility of the
concessionaire to provide all such fencing.
Porterage Services
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1. Porters shall comply with the wearing of proper uniform and ID and other airport policies
as required by CAAP and as stated on the contract of lease agreement.
1. All sewerage disposal system shall lead to the Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP). If an
airport does not have an STP the following shall be observed:
NOTE: Cooking grease must be dumped in the sewerage designated barrels only
located around concessionaires' area.
2. All food stands must abide to the governing law on Ecological Solid Waste Management
Act of 2000. (RA No. 9003)
4. Food concessionaires must observe proper hygiene and sanitation standards in the
handling, storage and preparation of food items and in the maintenance of cleanliness
within their premises.
Transport Services
2. All vehicles entering the airport premises shall park only in areas designated for their
particular service, in accordance with prescribed fees and charges.
3. Request for allocation of parking space for big events such as convention, summit,
anniversary celebration, festival or the like shall be coordinated to the airport
management through written communication at least five (5) days prior to the event to
ensure smooth facilitation of the guest and visitors.
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4. Paid parking concessionaire shall assist the CAAP in the eradication of illegal transport
service. Upon observation of its existence, the concessionaire should immediately report
to CAAP through its Civil Security and Intelligence Traffic Personnel.
5. To regulate vehicle conducting business at the Airport, stickers, markings, permits or the
likes shall be imposed by the CAAP. These materials if issued shall bear, but not limited
to, the area of operations and period covered.
6. Transport operators shall see to it that all drivers are properly screened and have
preferably undergone training at the Department of Tourism and have been issued a
certificate of completion in the form of ID by said Department and countersigned by
7. Transport operators shall see to it that their transport vehicles are clean, comfortable,
bearing proper marking, required by LTFRB and roadworthy. Unsightly, dilapidated
and/or apparently ill-maintained transport vehicles will not be allowed to fall in line nor
queue at CAAP-designated parking and loading lanes.
8. Transport operators shall provide each vehicle the medicine kit for first aid purposes.
Vehicle Passes/Stickers
Vehicles may apply for vehicle passes for authorized entry to the airport upon payment of
applicable fees and subject to submission and evaluation of the following requirements:
1. Certificate of Registration (CR) and current LTO Official Receipt (OR) bearing the name
of the operator, and Proof of Ownership like; Deed of Sale; Official Receipt for the
purchase of the vehicle.
2. Copy of the vehicle LTFRB Franchise;
3. Certification from the Department of Tourism with the corresponding list of vehicles
registered with DOT;
4. Accreditation from the Department of Tourism (DOT)
5. SEC/DTI Registration
6. Business Permit
Vehicle/Driver Requirements
3. The year when the model is released be based on the date the vehicle is manufactured
as reflected in the body and chassis number; without such date the unit will not be
4. Original documents must be presented for authentication purposes.
5. Only metered taxi/van/bus/tricycles/jeep drivers with valid driver's license and wearing
prescribed uniform with company ID, issued by LTO and LTFRB shall be allowed to
enter the airport premises to pick up and convey passengers to their destination.
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6. Aircraft Movement Areas (AMA) Drivers & Operators- Must have valid driver's and AMA
licenses, and wear prescribed safety gear while operating within the AMA.
Driver Conduct
1. Taxi drivers while waiting for the passengers are not allowed to sit on the sidewalks
especially fronting the terminal building. Instead, they should wait at their respective
units and wait for the turnover of passengers by their respective transport counter
representative or dispatchers.
2. All drivers while inside the airport premises shall obey its traffic rules and regulations
and maintain cleanliness and order in the airport compound.
3. All drivers shall strictly observe the "NO SMOKING" signs and other directional
signage(s) installed in specific areas of the airport.
4. Driver/s who will be violating the rules, regulations and policies of CAAP shall be dealt
with accordingly by the airport management.
1. Multi-cabs or jeeps being the common means of transportation shall be allowed at any
time during the operations to provide uninterrupted means of transportation to the public.
It should however drop and pick up passengers at designated loading and unloading
areas but not park anywhere in the airport compound.
2. Private Vehicle shall load, unload passengers and park at the designated government
parking area. Vehicle without valid pass or sticker issued by CAAP shall not be
allowed to park therein.
3. VIP vehicles shall park at the designated VIP parking area. It shall afways be closed and
be opened only for parking upon proper coordination with CAAP at lease a day prior to
the intended use.
5. Cargo and Delivery trucks shall be allowed entry at the cargo area at the time the airport
operation/specified time opens. In cases that same arrive ahead of the airport
specified time, it shall not be allowed to enter the airport premises and instead, park
and wait outside.
1. Prior to processing of applications for space at the airport, a copy of the AgreemenU
Accreditation between airlines and ground handling services shall be submitted to
3. All Ground Handling Vehicles without beacon and two-way radio communication is
prohibited to enter into the AMA.
1. Posting of signage(s) or any information materials must be within their concession area,
unless otherwise permitted by the CAAP.
2. For communication lines, prior to issuance of work permit and installation, evaluation by
the Engineering Unit of the Area Center shall be required. All communci ation
line installation shall be concurred by the CAAP for recording and appropriate charges .
No work permit to install shall be issued to communication Companies unless
concessionaire's application is concurred by CAAP.
4. Any repair work done on the damaged CAAP structure caused by the installation of the
ads is at the expense of the concessionaire.
6. Location either at the wall or floor space (with stand) must be in coordination with CAAP
regulations and compliant to engineering requirements.
7. For LCD/LED monitors, concessionaires shall agree to broadcast on its channels, free
of charge, special broadcast request by the CAAP like public advisory, notice, airport
policies or tourism- related views.
8. The marks, symbols, contents and wordings of the ads must be checked by CAAP
before posting.
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9. Signage which contains sin products, embarrassing or humiliating words and
provocative pose is strictly not allowed to be posted within the airport premises.
Column Advertisements
1. Only stickers with sintra board must be used. Its height must be no more than 1.20
meters high and its width must not exceed the width of the column.
Wall Advertisements
1. Poster box on aluminum built -up frame with fiberglass/acrylic front cover must be used.
Its dimension must be 1.20 meters high x 0.80 meter wide.
2. Acrylic plastic signs must also be used. Its dimension must be 1.20 meters high x 0.80
meter wide.
3. Tarpaulin/ cloth banner on ¼" thick plywood backing on 1" x 1" wood fixer can also be
used. Its dimension must be 0.60 meter high x 1.20 meters wide (minimum) and 1.20
meters high x 2.40 meters wide (maximum).
Overhead Advertisements
1. Nlighted Panaflex signs on metal sheet assembly with hook and chain must be used.
Its dimension must be 0.40 meter high x 1.20 meters wide.
2. Acrylic plastic signs must also be used. Its dimension must be 0.30 meter high x 0.60
meter wide (minimum) and 0.30 meter high x 1.20 meters wide (maximum).
2. Fuel depot concessionaire shall have at least the following: One (1) firefighting/
emergency cabinet measuring four (4) feet x six (6) feet x two (2) feet, containing fire
preventive equipment, such as:
2. Should these offices subsequently occupy additional spaces or areas, they shall pay the
appropriate charges based on the applicable rental fee. Passenger processing area like
the Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) counters shall be considered as
government working areas and shall be exemptedfrom any monetary charges.
5. Personnel of the concerned government agency shall comply with the wearing of proper
uniform and ID and other airport policies as required by CAAP.
6. Government agencies operating within the Airport shall pay the Authority rentals due,
including electric, water and telephone bills, for the use of office space and working area
which they are occupying or may hereinafter occupy. However, government agencies
whose services are essential to the operation of the airport shall be exempted from the
payment of rentals, electric and water bills due from the area occupied and/or facility
used directly in airport related operations subject to approval by the CAAP Board upon
the recommendat ion of the Director General.
Construction Guidelines
1. No concession can move to any location without prior clearance from the CAAP office.
All concession-owners / managers must secure clearance from the CAAP for such
activities during office hours.
2. Work will be done after flight operations or during lull time of the airport . Work permit
application is done three (3) days before the actual work. "NO PERMIT NO WORK".
1. All construction drawings of the proposed structures must be evaluated and concurred
by the CAAP Area Centers/Airport Engineering Unit.
2. All proposed structures shall be required to secure Height Clearance Permit from the
CAAP and Building Permit from the City/ Municipal Engineers Office.
4. Concessionaire must also submit a detailed construction schedule in order not to disrupt
airport operations during construction.
6. All samples of materials must be first submitted to CAAP Area Centers/Airport for
approval prior to installation. Non-submission or submission of substandard materials
will be grounds for CAAP to stop construction works until the concessionaire/contractor
can provide the materials that will conform to the standards of the CAAP.
8. After completion, the proposed structures must be inspected by the CAAP Area
Centers/Airport Engineering Unit prior to turn-over for occupancy.
9. All concession must only operate upon issuance of Sanitary and Business Permits by
the Local Government Unit (LGU).
10. Any works that needs to be repaired must be immediately acted upon within twenty four
(24) hours. If concessionaire is unable to repair, the CAAP will undertake the repair
works and all the cost will be charged to the concessionaire.
11. Renovations or repair on the concession area must be evaluated and concurred by
CAAP Area Centers/Airport Engineering Unit prior to approval by Area Center
12. Any issues, contract or claims arising from the interpretation and implementation of this
Manual shall be resolved by the ODG. Appeal maybe had with the Board on final order
or resolution of the Office of the Director General.
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The primary goal of each Concessionaire_is to provide well-managed, clean and efficient
facilities, services and products to the public at the Airport. To obtain these
goals, all concessions:
1. Shall keep concession areas neat, sanitary, orderly, and free from debris and
trash at all times. Each concession is responsible for the cleanliness and
orderliness within 2 meters of the rented concession space.
2. Shall limit the merchandise display to avoid cluttering. Chillers, display racks,
and other items and materials must be kept inside the rented space.
Passenger thoroughfare must be free from any concession items at all times.
3. Shall provide good, prompt, friendly, courteous and efficient service adequate
to meet all reasonable demands of customers at the Airport.
4. Shall ensure that all food, beverages and offered at the Airport are fresh, clean,
appealing, and of good quality. Offerings for specialized dietary needs
including but not limited to vegetarian, trans-fat free foods and Halal
compliant foods are encouraged.
5. Shall provide fully trained, articulate, polite and qualified staff/personnel
necessary to provide the highest standards of service to the travelling public
and to conduct business in a professional manner at all times. Shall keep
their staff presentable and without excessive jewellery, cologne or perfume.
All staff shall wear name tags and be neatly dressed and/or appropriately
unifonned if necessary.
6. Sba11 maintain friendly, professional and cooperative relationships with all
other concessionaires and businesses at the Airport, and refrain from
engaging in open or public disputes, arguments, disagreements, conflicts or
actions tending to be incompatible to the best interest of the public or the
7. Shall submit fully to CAAP authorized personnel for inspections and visits
to ensure adherence to the duly signed agreement between the concession and
the authority.
Old MIA Road corner Nlnoy Aquino Avenue, Pasay Cit;y, Metro Man ila,
Philippine s, 1300 Tel: (+632) 9 44-2016 /