Python Programming BSCIT

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B. Sc.

(Information Technology) Semester – III

Course Name: Python Programming Course Code: USIT301
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2½ 75
Internal -- 25

Unit Details Lectures

I Introduction: The Python Programming Language,History, features,
Installing Python, Running Python program, Debugging : Syntax
Errors, Runtime Errors, Semantic Errors,Experimental Debugging,
Formal and Natural Languages, The Difference Between Brackets,
Braces, and Parentheses,
Variables and ExpressionsValues and Types, Variables, Variable 12
Names and Keywords, Type conversion,Operators and Operands,
Expressions, Interactive Mode and Script Mode, Order of Operations.
Conditional Statements: if, if-else, nested if –else
Looping: for, while, nested loops
Control statements: Terminating loops, skipping specific conditions
II Functions: Function Calls, Type Conversion Functions, Math
Functions, Composition, Adding New Functions, Definitions and
Uses, Flow of Execution, Parameters and Arguments, Variables and
Parameters Are Local, Stack Diagrams, Fruitful Functions and Void
Functions, Why Functions?Importing with from, Return Values,
Incremental Development, Composition, Boolean Functions, More 12
Recursion, Leap of Faith, Checking Types
Strings: A String Is a Sequence, Traversal with a for Loop, String
Slices, Strings Are Immutable, Searching, Looping and Counting,
String Methods, The in Operator, String Comparison, String
III Lists: Values and Accessing Elements, Lists are mutable, traversing a
List, Deleting elements from List, Built-in List Operators,
Concatenation, Repetition, In Operator, Built-in List functions and
Tuples and Dictionaries: Tuples, Accessing values in Tuples, Tuple
Assignment, Tuples as return values, Variable-length argument tuples,
Basic tuples operations, Concatenation, Repetition, in Operator,
Iteration, Built-in Tuple Functions
Creating a Dictionary, Accessing Values in a dictionary, Updating
Dictionary, Deleting Elements from Dictionary, Properties of
Dictionary keys, Operations in Dictionary, Built-In Dictionary
Functions, Built-in Dictionary Methods
Files: Text Files, The File Object Attributes, Directories
Exceptions: Built-in Exceptions, Handling Exceptions, Exception

with Arguments, User-defined Exceptions
IV Regular Expressions – Concept of regular expression, various types
of regular expressions, using match function.
Classes and Objects: Overview of OOP (Object Oriented
Programming), Class Definition, Creating Objects, Instances as
Arguments, Instances as return values, Built-in Class Attributes,
Inheritance, Method Overriding, Data Encapsulation, Data Hiding
Multithreaded Programming: Thread Module, creating a thread,
synchronizing threads, multithreaded priority queue
Modules: Importing module, Creating and exploring modules, Math
module, Random module, Time module
V Creating the GUI Form and Adding Widgets:
Widgets: Button, Canvas,Checkbutton, Entry, Frame, Label, Listbox,
Menubutton, Menu, Message, Radiobutton, Scale, Scrollbar, text,
Toplevel, Spinbox, PanedWindow, LabelFrame, tkMessagebox.
Handling Standard attributes and Properties of Widgets.
Layout Management: Designing GUI applications with proper
Layout Management features.
Look and Feel Customization:Enhancing Look and Feel of GUI
using different appearances of widgets.
Storing Data in Our MySQL Database via Our GUI :Connecting
to a MySQL database from Python, Configuring the MySQL
connection, Designing the Python GUI database, Using the INSERT
command, Using the UPDATE command, Using the DELETE
command, Storing and retrieving data from MySQL database.

Books and References:

Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Think Python Allen Downey O’Reilly 1st 2012
2. An Introduction to JasonMontojo, Jennifer SPD 1st 2014
Computer Science using Campbell, Paul Gries
Python 3
3. Python GUI Burkhard A. Meier Packt 2015
Programming Cookbook
4. Introduction to Problem E. Balagurusamy TMH 1st 2016
Solving with Python
5. Murach’s Python Joel Murach, Michael SPD 1st 2017
programming Urban
6. Object-oriented Michael H. Pearson 1st 2008
Programming in Python Goldwasser, David Prentice
Letscher Hall
7. Exploring Python Budd TMH 1st 2016

B. Sc. (Information Technology) Semester – III


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