Ebook: Root Canal Obturation
Ebook: Root Canal Obturation
Ebook: Root Canal Obturation
OCTOBER 2020 • V7 N168
Continuing Dental Education
SUPPORTED BY AN UNRESTRICTED GRANT FROM JS DENTAL • Published by Dental Learning Systems, LLC © 2020
CE eBook
Continuing Dental Education
Dental Learning Systems, LLC
C. Justin Romano
Cindy Spielvogel
Root Canal
June Portnoy
Jennifer Barlow
Hilary Noden
An Update
are published by Dental Learning Systems, LLC.
Daniel W. Perkins
Anthony A. Angelini
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Karen A. Auiler
Root Canal Obturation:
An Update
Gregg Helvey, DDS, MAGD, CDT
ABSTRACT ntil technology can regenerate infected pulpal tissues,
they must be replaced with restorative material through
The goal of endodontic therapy is
endodontic therapy. The goal of endodontic therapy is the
the long-term functional retention of
long-term functional retention of teeth with a history of pulpal or
teeth with a history of pulpal or peri-
periapical pathology. Treatment includes total debridement of the
apical pathology. Treatment includes
pulpal tissues and shaping of the root canals to develop a fluid-tight
total debridement of the pulpal tis-
seal at the apical foramen. One of the most important steps after
sues and shaping of the root canals
canal preparation and disinfection in endodontic therapy is obtura-
to develop a fluid-tight seal at the
tion of the root canal system.1 The entire root canal system must be
apical foramen. One of the most
3-dimensionally filled as close to the cementodentinal junction as
important steps after canal prepara-
possible. To ensure an appropriate and acceptable seal, root canal
tion and disinfection in endodontic
sealers are used in conjunction with the core filling material.1 This
therapy is obturation of the root ca-
article will expand on different materials used in root canal obtura-
nal system. To ensure an appropri-
tion systems that have been part of the history of endodontics.
ate and acceptable seal, root canal
sealers are used in conjunction with
the core filling material. This article
The history of endodontics can be traced to the 2nd or 3rd century
will review the history of obturation
BC. A skull found in the desert in Israel had a tooth with a bronze
materials used in endodontic therapy
wire in one of the root canals.2 In 1,200 to 1,300 BC, ancient
and expand on the different materi-
Egyptian papyrus suggested the “worm theory” as the source of
als that have been used in root canal
dental pain, in which worms burrowed into the tooth and caused
obturation systems.
disease, resulting in pain. This theory of the origin of dental pain
remained until Pierre Fauchard (1678-1761), considered the founder
of modern dentistry, debunked the worm theory in his 1728 treatise
• Review the history of obturation “Le Chirurgien Dentiste,” or “The Dental Surgeon.”3
materials used in endodontic Over the following century, numerous contributions were made
therapy. in the field of endodontics, including pulp capping and the use of
• Describe the requirements different chemical agents, such as phenol, arsenic trioxide, and
of successful endodontic formalin. Other contributions were infection control, which oc-
treatment. curred in culturing and obturation of the root canal system.4 Even
• Describe types of root canal though endodontic therapy was gaining in popularity, clinicians
sealers. rendering endodontic treatment had no way of knowing what was
taking place inside the root canal system. That changed in 1895
• Discuss biocompatibility of root with the invention of x-rays by Röntgen. Commercial dental x-ray
canal sealers. units were made available in 1919.5
sealer alone (cement/paste/resin), using a sealer beta phase, depending on the temperature. At
with a single cone of a stiff or flexible core mate- room temperature, gutta-percha is considered in
rial, using a sealer coating combined with cold beta phase. In this phase, gutta-percha is solid,
compaction of the core material or with warm is compactible, and can be elongated. Most com-
compaction, or using a sealer coating with a mercial gutta-percha exists in the beta phase.
carrier-based core material. If beta-phase gutta-percha is heated between
Research has shown that preparation and 107° and 120° F, it will change to the alpha
disinfection of the root canal are the most im- phase (how it exists in the tree naturally).21 In
portant factors in the successful treatment of this phase, gutta-percha is sticky, runny, and
endodontic pathosis.15 Although the sealing of noncompactible, and it cannot be elongated. As
the root canal system is an essential step in the it cools, it returns to the beta phase, but with
development of an apical seal, any single seal- greater shrinkage than the degree of expansion
ing technique cannot claim to be superior in the seen during heating.1
healing success.16,17 When a solid material is heated, there is
The primary functions of the root canal fill- usually a linear increase in volume, resulting
ing material are sealing against the ingrowth from the thermal excitation of individual atoms
of bacteria, the entombment of any remaining and molecules. After cooling, the dimensional
microorganisms, and the complete obturation of change is reversible, so the volume of most sub-
the root canal, preventing the accumulation of stances is the same at any given temperature.
stagnant fluids that serve as nutrients for bac- However, this volume constancy does not ap-
teria from any source.18,19 ply to materials with crystalline phase changes.
Therefore, the volume changes occurring from
OBTURATION MATERIALS thermal manipulation must be considered and
Materials used for root canal obturation can be di- countered by a condensation procedure.1,21
vided into 3 categories: plastics (gutta-percha and Gutta-percha is available in different forms
Resilon™), solids or metal cores (silver points, and sizes and with different coatings. Sizes and
gutta-percha–coated cones, gold, stainless steel, shapes are similar to International Organization
and titanium), and cements (mineral trioxide ag- for Standardization (ISO) standards, which have
gregate [MTA] and calcium phosphate). a 2% taper from sizes 15 to 140, although tapers
Today, the most common root canal obtura- of 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10% are available. There
tion material is gutta-percha. The name gutta- are also variable tapers used in conjunction with
percha is derived from two words in the Malay specific file systems.
language: getah, meaning gum, and pertja, the Gutta-percha is used as a coating on either a
name of a tree. Gutta-percha is extracted from metallic or plastic carrier that delivers the ma-
trees of the genus Palaquium in the family terial into the canal. The gutta-percha–coated
Sapotaceae, which naturally inhabit Southeast carriers are heated in an oven designed by the
Asia.7 The substance, derived from the sap of manufacturer to provide a constant heat source.
these trees, is a biologically inert, resilient, and Other versions of gutta-percha can be found in
electrically nonconductive thermoplastic latex. a powder form that can be incorporated into a
The material has minimal toxicity and minimal resin-based sealer as well as pellets or bars that
tissue irritability, and it is the least allergenic are heated and injected into the canal. Gutta-
when contained in the root canal system.20 It is percha can also be medicated with calcium
a polymer of isoprene, which forms a rubber- hydroxide, iodoform, or chlorhexidine.1
like elastomer. It has an approximately 60% Although gutta-percha has a proven track
crystalline form, which may occur in alpha or record and is considered the “gold standard”
for obturation, it does not bond to the dentinal CLASSIFICATION OF ROOT CANAL SEALERS
canal wall and shrinks after cooling.22,23 In 2004, Commonly used sealers can be classified by their
Resilon was introduced as an alternative to gut- composition.29,30,33 Variations of sealer classifica-
ta-percha. It was described as a thermoplastic tions can be found in peer-reviewed literature.
synthetic polymer that contained methacrylate Group 1: Zinc oxide eugenol (ZOE)-based seal-
resin, bioactive glass, barium sulphate, and ers. These sealers are commonly used and have
bismuth oxychloride. It had an accompanying a successful track record.33 There are two forms
dual-cure resin-based root canal sealer.24 Resilon of these sealers: a mix of a powder and liquid or
contained fillers of calcium hydroxide, bismuth a two-paste preparation. ZOE sealers are anti-
oxychloride, barium glass, and silica. The total microbial and work well with heat carriers. They
filler content was 70%.25 When compared with shrink slightly when set34 and are marginally
previous resin filling materials, Resilon was soluble.35 If extruded into the periapical tissues,
considered a viable option. In cases of retreat- ZOE will resorb.36
ment, Resilon could be softened and dissolved Group 2: Salicylate-based, or calcium hydroxide-
with solvents.26 In 2014, Resilon was removed based sealers. These sealers are usually referred
from the market because the follow-up studies to by their marketed therapeutic additives instead
contradicted the in-vitro studies.27 of by their composition.32 They have antibacte-
rial properties that are dependent on dissolution
ROOT CANAL SEALERS of the material, calcium hydroxide, which then
The function of the sealer is to fill the spaces or slightly reduces their efficacy.37 The solvation of
voids left between the root canal obturation core calcium hydroxide is necessary to achieve the
(ie, gutta-percha cone) and the dentinal wall. Gutta- desired therapeutic effects.38 Calcium hydroxide
percha alone cannot seal the canal space because it sealers have been shown to have less antibacterial
has no adherence to dentin.28 Irregularities in the activity than ZOE, but they are also less toxic.39
fill and voids between the canal walls, accessory Group 3: Epoxy resin-based sealers. These seal-
canals, and minor foramina should be filled by ers have strong sealing ability; they adhere to
the sealer.29 Chemically, root canal sealers should dentin. They are antimicrobial and work well
contain antimicrobial agents that are effective im- with resin-coated gutta-percha.33 AH Plus™
mediately after placement.30 Other necessary char- (Dentsply Sirona) is considered the industry
acteristics of sealers is that they be radiopaque, are standard by which competitive manufacturing
biocompatible with periapical tissue, do not shrink will test against. Unlike its predecessor, it does
on setting, and are insoluble in host tissue fluids not release formaldehyde.40
but soluble in a solvent that allows for removal if Group 4: Silicone-based sealers. In 1972, Davis
needed.31 ISO 6876 and ADA specification No. 57 et al used an injectable polyvinyl silicone im-
require less than 3% solubility, no more than 3% pression material in prepared root canals to study
weight loss in distilled water.32 the internal anatomy of the canal. They found
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endodontic tooth preparation, thoroughness of Clin Dent Res. 2017;4(1):56-58.
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Obturation of a root canal consists of three steps: Data. St. Louis, MO: CV Mosby Company; 1948.
shaping, cleansing, and sealing to create a fluid- 12. Callahan JR. Rosin solution for the sealing of the dentinal
tight seal. Although it has been said that shap- tubuli and as an adjuvant in the filling of root-canals. Dent
ing and cleansing are the most important steps Cosmos. 1914;56(12):1376.
in providing successful endodontic therapy, 13. Schilder H. Filling root canals in three dimensions. Dent
optimal success is based on the creation of an Clin North Am. 1967;11:723-744.
apical seal at the cementodentinal junction. If 14. Tabassum S, Khan FR. Failure of endodontic treatment:
the first two steps are done correctly but there is the usual suspects. Eur J Dent. 2016;10(1):144-147.
no permanent apical seal in the final step of the 15. Paqué F, Barbakow F, Peters OA. Root canal preparation
process, the outcome may be negatively affected. with Endo-Eze AET: changes in root canal shape assessed by
However, that is only half of what is required for micro-computed tomography. Int Endod J. 2005;38(7):456-
success. The coronal seal must not be overlooked 464.
after completion of root canal therapy. A per- 16. Colleagues for Excellence. Canal Preparation and Obtu-
manent restoration should be placed as soon as ration: An Updated View of the Two Pillars of Nonsurgical
possible to achieve long-term success no matter Endodontics. Chicago, IL: American Association of Endo-
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17. Ng YL, Mann V, Gulabivala K. A prospective study of
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Root Canal Obturation: An Update
Gregg Helvey, DDS, MAGD, CDT
1. The goal of endodontic therapy is the: 6. In most cases, what is in contact with the dentin?
A. reduction of pain. A. core material
B. long-term functional retention of teeth with a history of B. gutta-percha
pulpal or periapical pathology. C. sealer
C. preservation of alveolar bone. D. a thin layer of pulpal exudate
D. reduction of pulpal bacteria by 50%.
7. Which single sealing technique can claim to be
2. In the 2nd or 3rd century BC, a skull found in the superior in the healing success?
desert in Israel had a tooth with what in one of the A. ZOE based
root canals? B. calcium hydroxide based
A. gutta-percha C. epoxy resin based
B. bronze wire D. no single one can claim to be superior
C. gold
D. a mysterious clay-like substance 8. Gutta-percha alone cannot seal the canal space
because it:
3. “Hill’s stopping” filling material consisted of: A. has no adherence to dentin.
A. 100% pure gutta-percha. B. is incompatible with dentin.
B. phenol and copper. C. shrinks 30% over time.
C. oxychloride of zinc and paraffin paste. D. shrinks 41% over time.
D. bleached gutta-percha and carbonate of lime.
9. Recontamination of the root canal system can
4. When did Yee et al present a thermo-plasticized arise from:
injectable gutta-percha? A. only apical leakage.
A. 1907 B. only coronal leakage.
B. 1921 C. either apical or coronal leakage.
C. 1939 D. recontamination is always the result of operator error
D. 1977
10. Obturation of a root canal consists of which steps?
5. The primary objective of a root canal filling material is A. shaping
to achieve a complete obturation of the root canal B. cleansing
system that forms a fluid-tight seal at which sections? C. sealing
A. apical D. all of the above
B. lateral
C. coronal
D. all of the above
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