SEA TECH June 2021
SEA TECH June 2021
SEA TECH June 2021
Instrumentation: Measurement, Processing & Analysis
h l g June 2021 | ST 3
4 ST | June 2021
Volume 62, No. 6
CTD Probes
Kyle Goodrich and Ross Smith (TCarta Marine) explain how machine learning and
MSS Probes
ICESat-2 enhance satellite-derived bathymetry.
Dr. Arjuna Balasuriya, Anya Wintner and Karen Pfautz (Charles River Analytics) introduce
a solution to object detection challenges for autonomous vehicles. Calibration
Dr. Ephraim Friedli (Axpo Power AG) and Francisco J. Gutiérrez (GeoAcoustics Ltd.) show
how a multibeam-like echosounder provides full coverage of rivers and reservoirs.
—Company Profile
Mikko Nikkanen (Vaisala) outlines how advanced weather sensing assists wind farm
development vessels.
6 Soundings 42 Ocean Research
7 Editorial 43 Meetings
33 International 45 Contracts/People
40 Marine Electronics
up to 11.000 m
Imagery of Little Belt, Denmark, using Teledyne RESON SeaBat T50-R dual-head sonar integrated
with Teledyne INS Type-30 and Teledyne PDS software, with Google Earth background. Data were
captured in July 2020 during Teledyne Marine’s semi-annual off-site R&D test campaign.
SeaRAY autonomous offshore power system … Enhanced safety measures for battery systems … conductivity turbidity
Boundary Pass Underwater Listening Station in Canada … Deck camera control via app … Confer-
ence Preview: OTC.
temperature pH, Redox
oxygen and much more
Copyright 2021 by Compass Publications, Inc. Sea Technology (ISSN 0093-3651) is published monthly by Com-
pass Publications, Inc., 4600 N. Fairfax Dr., Suite 304, Arlington, VA 22203; (703) 524-3136. All rights reserved.
Neither this publication nor any part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permis-
sion of Compass Publications Inc. Periodicals postage paid at Arlington, Virginia, and additional mailing offices. [email protected]
Due to the COVID pandemic, printed issues will not be available in 2021. Digital subscriptions may be pur-
chased for US 40 for one year. Printed back copies, where available, are US 6.00 each plus shipping and handling.
+49 4323 910 913
)) Funding to Industrialize Osmotic Energy Tech. Sweetch Energy, a European company that pioneers advanced
nanotechnology and eco-material science to harness osmotic energy, has secured €5.2 million to initiate its indus-
trialization phase and develop a first full-scale prototype. Osmotic energy represents a revolutionary addition to
existing renewable energy technologies. Naturally available from the difference in the salt concentration when river
freshwater meets seawater, osmotic power provides a nonintermittent and abundant source of clean energy. Unlike
wind or solar energies, and similar to hydropower, it can deliver electricity continuously and is easily dispatchable to
meet the grid baseload power requirements. Osmotic energy represents an estimated 27,000 TW-hr. liberated every
year in deltas and estuaries around the world, which is equivalent to today’s global electricity demand, according
to Sweetch Energy. Sweetch Energy’s system combines recent breakthroughs in nanofluidic sciences with low-cost
eco-friendly materials to create next-generation membranes, coupled with specifically engineered electrodes and
innovative cell designs. The technology can harness osmotic energy with an unprecedented level of cost-efficiency,
opening the door to large-scale deployment of osmotic energy as a competitive market solution.
)) Winners of NOIA Safety in Seas Awards. GATE Energy and TechnipFMC are the winners of the 2021 NOIA (Na-
tional Ocean Industries Association) Safety in Seas Awards competition. GATE Energy is the 2021 NOIA Safety in
Seas Culture of Safety Award winner, and TechnipFMC is recognized for the 2021 NOIA Safety in Seas Safety Practice
Award. The Culture of Safety Award honors overall organizational immersion in and commitment to safety, which
has resulted in remarkable, measurable and sustained safety performance over a prolonged period of time. The Safe-
ty Practice Award recognizes specific technologies, approaches, methods or projects with direct and demonstrable
impacts on improving safety. Compass Publications Inc., the publisher of Sea Technology magazine, established the
NOIA Safety in Seas Award in 1978. The catalyst was a submersible accident in 1972 that took the lives of two divers
from the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution. The tragedy illustrated the ever present threat to life and proper-
ty as the ocean is explored and its resources are developed. The awards acknowledge the significant contributions
made by modern-day pioneers in the ocean frontier.
)) Citizen Science Supports Coral Research via Video Game. Marine ecosystems are undergoing a conservation
crisis, with coral reefs in particular facing numerous challenges as a result of climate change. To better understand
these environments and the threats they face, researchers collect huge image libraries using 3D imagery collected
from divers and snorkelers, as well as 2D images collected from satellites. These approaches provide researchers
with huge amounts of data, but to extract value from these libraries requires a method to quickly analyze for pat-
terns or classifications. In a new study in Frontiers in Marine Science, researchers at NASA’s Ames Research Center’s
Laboratory for Advanced Sensing automated this process through the use of an artificial intelligence (AI) tool called
a convolutional neural network (CNN). CNNs, loosely based on biological neurons and brains, are used to analyze
images and look for features, such as different coral species on a reef or fish swimming through an underwater scene,
as well as where these features are in relation to everything else in the image. Vast amounts of 3D coral reef imagery
need to be classified to visualize how coral reef ecosystems are faring over time. CNNs require lots of training data
to function correctly, so it was vital to build a large database to train the CNN on how to classify these complex
3D images of reefs. Researchers used a video game called NeMO-Net ( to harness the power of
citizen scientists to generate training data sets. As players explore virtual underwater worlds, they can learn about
and classify coral species, and their classification labels are then used to train NeMO-Net’s CNN. To date, the game
has reached over 300 million people in less than a year since its release. ST
data and returning them to the surface for analysis. En- safely navigate deep below the surface turbulence to a
hanced autonomy and real-time detection mean that the new meetup point.
AUV’s navigation and control software can now make
more effective decisions on its own. An AUV with Auto- Latest Results
TRap Onboard can reroute from its original mission for a AutoTRap Onboard has run multiple tests with Tele-
closer look at an object it detected, increasing the accu- dyne Gavia, with exciting results. Version 1.0 was re-
racy of detection on a single deployment. leased last year and tested in Boston Harbor and off the
AutoTRap Onboard reduces mission cost and time be- coast of Iceland. Results included a 90 percent detec-
cause the AUV can accomplish more complex mission tion rate on truncated conical objects on a rocky volca-
goals in a single deployment. Mission resilience increas- nic seafloor, but with more false positives than the team
es, especially in unfavorable environmental conditions wanted to see.
such as rough seas, when deploying an AUV multiple To enhance performance, Version 1.1 starts with
times can be challenging. By reducing the number of the sonar data coming into the system, bypassing data
launch and recovery cycles, teams can save power and streams where the data are altered by third-party software
search a wider area, moving the surface ship out of a designed to optimize the data for other AUV functions.
storm’s path, for example, knowing that the AUV will Instead, it applies Charles River’s own processing algo-
The thrusters are verified against our world
leading test standard:
Endurance Dynamic
Test Stress Test
1000 hours at full Full Power Direction
power. shifts every second
in 24 hours.
In the first instance, the methodology consists of the GNSS-antennas is mounted, as well as metal rods
pre-survey checks (installation-noise debugging and RTK to stabilize the system and prevent pole oscillations in
accuracy checking) and the optimization of the PMBES the port-starboard axis of the boat. Two tensioned strops
parameters. This all aims to maximize quality and effi- lock the pole in place in the fore-aft axis and prevent
ciency before proceeding with the survey. vibrations. The remaining equipment is set up in water-
A key element in this methodology is the application proof boxes within the boat. The correction signal for the
of online filters to the raw bathymetry data during the RTK-GNSS solution can be obtained in two ways, either
survey, producing virtually clean data immediately after directly from a national geopositional service (e.g., SWI-
the survey. The subproduct at this stage is a set of clean POS in Switzerland) or by a mobile reference station set
point clouds that can be used to produce a digital terrain up on a known point. As receiving a correction signal
model (DTM) and acoustic imagery of the survey area. from a national service usually requires a GSM network,
which is not always available at remote locations, both
Setup, Deployment and Configuration correction methods are equally useful.
Although comprising the same instrumentation, the
setup is flexible, as it must be adapted to a wide range of Pre- and Post-Survey Accuracy Checks
opportunity survey vessels, which sometimes have to be Before the survey starts, the accuracy of the record-
airlifted to the survey site. ed RTK-GNSS height is validated by comparing it to
The setup inside the boat consists of a flat, rigid, wood- the height of the water level measured with an external
en platform, on which the pole that holds the PMBES and geodetic GNSS receiver. In addition to this, a second in-
Evolution they sued and won. Massa Products Corp. bought back
The Massa story encompasses science, adventure, Massa Corp. in 1978 and returned to the 280 Lincoln
romance, loss, gain, failure, learning, reciprocity, family Street location, where the company remains.
and, of course, success. In the 2010s, Massa found itself in a similar crisis. This
My grandparents fell in love over science and met at time, my father and I faced management that was mis-
work at Victor Talking Machine. My grandmother typed aligned with the founding corporate culture. As a family
the manuscript for “Applied Acoustics” and all my grand- company, we do not take firings lightly—our philosophy
father’s patents. In 1945, they founded Massa Labs to- is to train people and give them the opportunity to correct
gether, where Frank was the engineer and businessman, their ways before they are let go. But despite multiple ef-
and Georgiana was the administrative facilitator. They forts, it became painfully clear we had to restructure the
started something remarkable, and they inspired friends, company in 2018. The founder’s mentality is important at
colleagues and family to join them. This is what it means Massa, and management at the time did not agree, which
to be entrepreneurial. They founded a business out of was harming the business internally and externally, so we
pure love: love of what it stood for, love of their work, restructured. I became COO and chief innovation officer,
and love for their family. and my father remained the president and CTO. We also
Despite the business being rooted in love, twice in brought back Dick Carpenter, a Massa lifer, from semi-re-
Massa’s history the business was nearly ruined because tirement to resume his former role as vice president to
of poor management by nonfamily members. help correct residual issues. Massa bounced back in a
In 1976, my father, Don Massa, and his father, Frank, matter of weeks as the culture was realigned with the
became frustrated with how management was running company’s business and innovation strategy.
Massa Corp. The quality was going down, and manage- Steve Woodaman, director of operations and acoustic
ment was not aligned with the Massa family. After several innovation engineer, stepped up in capability between
fruitless board meetings, the father-and-son duo went out 2018 and now, and has proven to be a rising talent at
on their own to form Massa Products Corp., with Don as Massa. Much of the day-to-day at the company is now
president. From 1976 to 1978, Massa Products Corp. and run by him and me. Our team assesses new opportunities
Massa Corp. were both operating, but Massa Corp. was from both technical and business perspectives and is able
heading toward bankruptcy, while Massa Products Corp. to provide innovative solutions for customers.
was thriving with breakthrough inventions and products;
one notable example was the automatic bowling scoring Latest Developments
system that Don designed and sold to AMF. When Massa As the company faced its 75th anniversary in 2020, it
Corp. illegally used patents owned by the Massa family, also had to contend with the COVID-19 global pandem-
ic. In addition to the pandemic, Massa faced the largest managed with heightened care and urgency to provide
backlog in its history. Even though the world nearly came personal protective equipment, sanitizers, and a safe and
to a halt, Massa remained open at its facility in Hingham, clean environment to work. Fears were eased because
Massachusetts, as an “essential business” under both the the company acted quickly and conquered the challeng-
government’s “manufacturing” and “defense industrial es presented. Employees were grateful to have a job,
base” categories. Staying safely open was imperative relieved to be able to come into work, and proud that
for the existing business and government contracts. Al- their work was essential to the U.S. Navy. Massa, oper-
though it is a small business, Massa is able to work on a ating with over 95 percent of employees reporting to the
large amount of government programs at different levels facility since September 2020, has maintained a record
(prime and sub) while simultaneously working on indus- of zero on-site COVID-19 transmissions. Massa employs
trial/commercial programs. Massa’s fight was not just to more than 70 people.
remain open for itself; it was fighting to stay open to keep
our country safe during lockdown. Massa supplies most Passion Drives Innovation
of the sonar transducers used on the bow of Virginia-class Today, Massa is soaring to new heights and diving to
and other submarines. new depths with new technology, business and stories
To successfully remain open during times of nation- that are sure to resonate. In so doing, it has not aban-
al and international crisis, it takes a lot of extra effort, doned its history, knowledge or intellectual property;
planning and quick implementation of policy. Leader- rather, it has grown by continuing to learn and remain
ship goes into hyperdrive to make decisions in the best passionate about its work.
interest of the business and its employees. Massa, as a Any business that has been around for over 75 years
family company, considers employees members of the has its ups and downs, and people come and go, but
“extended Massa family,” therefore, the situation was Massa is unique as a third-generation family business;
conditions are not unique to the sites analyzed in the communicate with one another in order to deliver robust
study, which is why it is crucial that decision makers are and accurate weather data to improve operational and
equipped with the localized meteorological and forecast safety decisions.
information they need to minimize these threats. With reliable, easy-to-deploy wind LiDAR, companies
Fortunately, precautions to minimize damage and can create a holistic view of how winds are developing
downtime can be taken by utilizing the latest innovations on top of the WTIV—up to 200 m into the atmosphere.
in advanced weather sensing technologies. A highly refined and mature technology, vertical-profil-
ing wind LiDAR provides unmatched wind measurement
Optimizing Operations with capabilities for simplifying offshore operations and max-
Offshore Weather Awareness imizing operational continuity while maintaining overall
Advanced weather sensing technologies can help safety. Such instruments can be positioned almost any-
ameliorate many of the challenges currently being faced where on the vessel and cover the rotor sweep of even
by WTIVs during the construction of an offshore wind the largest offshore turbines. Commonly used during
farm. These solutions include wind LiDAR technologies craning and mounting operations, LiDAR helps ensure
that enable wind measurements to detect hazardous the accurate placement and installation of turbines on
wind gusts that can impact offshore operations, helideck an offshore site because the wind direction can vary at
monitoring systems (HMSs) that provide accurate infor- different altitudes. In addition, future forecasting of oper-
mation on the prevailing weather and helideck motion to ation lengths becomes easier as wind data are collected
ensure effective flight planning and safe landings on the during the construction phase and can later be evaluat-
WTIVs during offshore installations, and sensor networks ed.
that detect thunderstorms to deliver reliable storm and By vertically measuring wind speed and direction,
lightning information to optimize and secure offshore modern LiDAR can ensure safety and situational aware-
operations. It’s crucial for project owners to tie these ness, as well as the right timing for cranes to lift the tur-
modern weather sensing technologies together into a bine components. With near-real-time data, a wind Li-
comprehensive solution by leveraging software platforms DAR can be used to inform transportation movements,
that allow the myriad meteorological technologies to for example, helicopter lifts and craning around site.
NEW class of
ROV Propulsion
Miss The
at UC Santa Barbara, has published a study in Nature
offering a combined solution to several of humanity’s
most pressing challenges. It is the most comprehensive
assessment to date of where strict ocean protection can
contribute to a more abundant supply of healthy seafood
and provide a cheap, natural solution to address climate
change, and to protecting embattled species and habi-
The researchers identified specific areas of the ocean
that could provide multiple benefits if protected. Safe-
guarding these regions would protect nearly 80 percent
of marine species, increase fishing catches by more than
8 million metric tons and prevent the release of more
than 1 billion tons of carbon dioxide by protecting the
Didn’t get your company listed in the seafloor from bottom trawling, a widespread yet destruc-
Sea Technology Buyers Guide/Directory? tive fishing practice.
The study does not provide a single map for ocean
Good news - you’re not dead in the water. conservation, but it offers a first-in-kind framework for
Act now and your company listing can still be countries to decide which areas to protect depending on
part of the current electronic version of the their national priorities.
The analysis supports the claim that 30 percent is the
Buyers Guide in our Newcomers section. minimum amount of ocean that the world must protect
in order to provide multiple benefits to humanity.
Enjoy 24/7 exposure online with direct URL
and email linking directly to your website. Testing Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Yanmar Holdings Co. Ltd. and its subsidiary Yan-
mar Power Technology Co. Ltd. have conducted a field
demonstration test for the maritime fuel cell system in
Oita, Japan.
The International Maritime Organization has an-
ere to
nounced a strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
view th gy
With marine environmental regulations tightening
worldwide, in December 2020, the Japanese Ministry
Sea Tec /Directory
of Economy, Trade and Industry formulated its “Green
Growth Strategy towards 2050 Carbon Neutrality,” which
Buyers edition
highlights the development of energy and power sources
that reduce impact on the environment, including those
2021 for vessels powered by carbon-free fuels such as hydro-
gen and ammonia.
Yanmar was among the first companies to comply
with environmental regulations with its development of
dual-fuel marine engines. Looking to the future of power-
train technology, Yanmar has developed a maritime fuel
cell system that incorporates hydrogen fuel cell modules
from Toyota’s MIRAI automobile. The system was in-
stalled into Yanmar’s EX38A FC pleasure boat for field
magazine testing.
The boat is the first to officially comply with the safety
guidelines for hydrogen fuel cell vessels formulated by
the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tour-
ism in Japan.
Yanmar has plans to scale the maritime fuel cell sys-
tem by connecting multiple units. The system is planned
to be deployed to larger vessels by 2025.
15-17 December
Rostock, Germany
tal communication links to vessels
navigating across busy shipping
lanes and operating in remote off-
shore fields, as well as delivering
connectivity for broadcasting and
land-based services in remote loca- &
tions. The prospect of preserving the LINEAR
operation of these links made it an
obvious choice for this pioneering For more than 30 years we have been
technology, and the companies are
the first commercial satellite oper- building amplifiers to drive reactive loads.
ators to perform on-orbit servicing
of an active satellite in geosynchro-
nous orbit.
The MEV-2 satellite docked di-
rectly onto the communications
satellite, effectively providing the
space equivalent of a jetpack and
thus extending the operational life
of THOR 10-02/IS-10-02. The MEV-
2 has now taken control of both the
orbit and pointing of the satellite
and will continue do so until the
satellite is eventually retired in ap-
proximately five years.
August 31-September 2—MAST September 21-23—Sea Asia, Singa- November 16-18—CLEAN GULF,
Europe, Toulon, France. https:// pore. San Antonio, Texas. cdavie@ac or www.cleangulf.
September 26-October 1—SEG21, org.
August 31-September 2—Subsea Denver, Colorado.
Tieback, Galveston, Texas. Off November 24-25—Marine Re-
[email protected] or September 29-October 1— newables Canada, Halifax, Lakebed 2030 Conference, Virtual. Canada.
231-995-2500 or marinecenter@
SEPTEMBER da-2021-annual-conference-novem
September 7-10—SPE Offshore ber-24-25-2021.
Europe, Aberdeen, Scotland. +44 OCTOBER
(0) 1224 253807, October 5-7—Deepwater Op- or erations and Topsides, Platforms For more industry meetings, visit & Hulls Conference and Exhibi- ST
world leader in electric underwater robotics
Sea Forrest Power Solutions Pte Ltd.
Damen Shipyards Group, Gorinchem, Netherlands, has ROSEN (UK) has promoted senior
announced a partnership, named “DP Lease,” for the fi- corrosion engineer, and chair of the
nancing of green shipping projects. DP Lease will pro- Young Pipeline Professional Europe,
vide flexible, long-term lease financing solutions to solve Marguerite Forde to integrity solu-
the finance gap created by additional capital expenditure tions specialist and sales manager,
requirements associated with the purchase of environ- focusing on the U.K. and Ireland.
mentally advanced vessels. DP Lease aims to support The role will play an integral part in
decarbonization of the maritime industry. Purus Marine. growing the business’s integrity ser-
vice offering both on and offshore.
Next Geosolutions, London, U.K., with the support of Forde has a decade of corrosion engineering experience
CoNISMa (National Inter-University Consortium for Ma- and has worked for ROSEN (previously MACAW Engi-
rine Sciences), which will perform environmental survey neering) since 2011.
tasks, has been awarded the survey works for the west
section of power cables of the Tyrrhenian Link project Sea Machines Robotics has hired Moran David as chief
(the Italian national transmission grid for high and ex- commercial officer, reporting to the company’s CEO, Mi-
tra-high voltage power). Terna. chael G. Johnson. He is responsible for global sales and
marketing of Sea Machines’ advanced technology to the
Norsepower Oy Ltd., Helsinki, Finland, has signed a builders and operators of the world’s commercial and de-
framework agreement to deliver project management, fense fleets.
delivery and installation supervision to support installa-
tion, servicing and warranty of Rotor Sails. Offshore Tech- MacArtney UK has appointed Kevin Murray as head of
nology Development (OTD), Keppel Offshore & Marine. sales. He will work closely with Managing Director Phil
Middleton in the strategic leadership of sales activity
DEME’s French subsidiary SDI, Lambersart, France, has within the business and will contribute toward ambitious
received an EPCI contract for the export cable that will plans for growth.
connect the Leucate floating offshore wind farm to the
power grid, in a consortium with JDR Cables. Réseau de Tanner A. Johnson, a former legislative director for Sen.
Transport d’Électricité. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), has joined Van Ness Feldman
LLP’s Washington, D.C., office as a policy adviser. John-
VIKING Life-Saving Equipment, Esbjerg, Denmark, will son brings decades of experience in the areas of coastal
deploy HydroPen container firefighting innovation on 85 restoration and resiliency, federal energy policy, environ-
vessels. CMA CGM Group. mental restoration and climate change, as well as federal
and NGO grant processes to the firm.
TechnipFMC, London, U.K., has received a notice to
proceed for a subsea production system contract for the Swathe Services has appointed Kerry Beckwith as busi-
Barossa project, located 300 km north of Darwin, Austra- ness development manager. She will also provide consul-
lia, at 130-m water depth. The contract covers the supply tancy to sister company Unmanned Survey Solutions. ST
Mark your underwater equipment for later
recovery in case of loss. With close to 50 years
of experience in the manufacture of sonic
pingers, hydrophones, and receivers,
SONOTRONICS can provide equipment
for your underwater tracking needs.
Electronic Reprints
Digital versions of ST articles in high-resolution PDF format can
be posted directly on your company’s website.
Fabrication – Certification – Engineering – Repair
Replacement – Hydrostatic Testing – Custom Design For additional information, please contact:
Dr. Francisco de The challenge that we currently vessels’ idle and waiting times can
los Santos serves face is that there are numerous leg- be dramatically reduced.
as the chief infor- acy processes to look at anew and One of our key objectives at Al-
mation and inno- many actors from whom we need to geciras Port is to eliminate waste in
vation officer for seek consensus in order to coordi- operations. Our intention is that idle
the Algeciras Port
nate the whole ecosystem of ports. and waiting time on arrival and de-
Authority, where
he works to help
The first step in achieving that parture should tend to zero. To that
bring to reality the aim was to develop a common end, we envisage that the collab-
Algeciras Logistics Innovation Cluster. language, with the standardization oration with PortXchange and the
He holds an M.S. in civil engineering, of data and a common view of the implementation of the tech platform
an executive master in telecom manage- business process, agreed upon by in our port community—offering a
ment and IT, a Ph.D. in port engineer- all stakeholders. That was essential real democratization of data—can
ing, and an executive M.B.A. from the before we could then begin to ap- not only help to lower waiting and
IESE Business School at the University ply technology to the standardized idle time but also support better uti-
of Navarra. process. lization of port assets and minimize
*For more information, consult the digital 2021 Sea Technology Buyers Guide/Directory:
Available free of charge to qualified individuals (those involved in the marine industry) – in digital format.
Also available, at no charge: our bi-weekly e-newsletter, Sea Tech e-News. Sign up here:
If you prefer a more personal touch, please contact us at +703 524 3136 or [email protected].
Sea Technology is the worldwide information leader for marine business, science & engineering. Our goal is to provide our global audience with current information on the various segments of the worldwide marine/ocean
industry through state-of-the-art and application articles, news columns, and staff reports; and to provide our advertisers with a cost-effective, valuable, and useful vehicle by which to promote their products and services.
For permission to photocopy portions of Sea Technology, please contact the Copyright Clearance Center • 222 Rosewood Dr. • Danvers, MA 01923 • Phone (978) 750-8400 • FAX (978) 750-4470
Sea Technology news magazine, including Underwater Engineering, UnderSea Technology, Oceanology International Offshore Technology, and its website,
is edited for executives, scientists, engineering and technical personnel in industry, government, and education engaged in the field of undersea defense, oceanography, anti-submarine warfare, marine sciences,
underwater exploration, diving and construction, drilling, and mining. While effort is made to verify material published, opinions of authors are not necessarily those of the publisher, and the publication accepts
no responsibility in connection with any liability that might occur as a result of published material.
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50 ST | June 2021